Me: I will leave my phone in the other room so I don’t get distracted from reading
*cracks open the book*
*the first 2 pages contain a bunch of words I don’t recognize*
Guess I need my phone after all -_-
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johnnyprimecc · 2 years
Corneius is a new French and American style joint in Grand Central. My wife and I came in to give it a try, as the menu looked pretty incredible. We started with some cocktails, all of which were killer. My favorites were the Sazerac (not pictured) and the caviar martini. If you have some time before you start to eat, grab the espresso old fashioned. That also works well with dessert too…
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frimleyblogger · 2 years
The Mardi Gras Murders
Three murders mar the Mardis Gras in #NewOrleans in this 1932 #CrimeFiction story reissued by @DeanStPress #amreading
A review of The Mardi Gras Murders by Gwen Bristow and Bruce Manning Originally published in November 1932 and now reissued by Dean Street Press, The Mardi Gras Murders is the fourth and last crime novel that the journalist pairing of Gwen Bristow and Bruce Manning produced. For the taxonomically inclined, it can be viewed as the second of their New Orleans stories, following on from The…
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
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By any chance do you know what type of beetle this is? Never seen a red and green one before. Was incredibly small.
found in Minnesota.
iNat says Collops, which I think is a good match! seems like they're tricky to ID to species
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syrupwrit · 10 days
happy friday!! for the Architect... from "CHILDE ROLAND TO THE DARK TOWER CAME"
Alive? he might be dead for aught I know,     With that red gaunt and colloped neck a-strain,     And shut eyes underneath the rusty mane; Seldom went such grotesqueness with such woe; I never saw a brute I hated so;     He must be wicked to deserve such pain.
Hi Rosella! Thank you for the prompt! I have a casual WIP that this most fittingly inspired a scene for.
Under the cut are ~930 words of the Architect and my Neria for @dadrunkwriting.
The others exit, and Neria is left in the dimness of the tunnel, still and quiet but for the Architect’s faint wheezing. The misalignment of its nose, she has gathered, at times makes it struggle to speak or breathe. She’s seen the twisted bridge, and the one nostril drooping, elongated, fused strangely to its face. Under its golden mask, the eye sealed shut. 
Darkspawn look like they’re always in pain. Even their corpses have no peace about them. Whether dead or alive, they’re always restless, tormented, and they seem to delight in their own pain. Of the darkspawn she’s encountered, the Architect and its awakened ones alone bear uncertainty and guilt along with their misery.
She waits for the Architect to collect itself.
“Commander,” it says. A rattling hiss follows its words, not unlike the vocalizations of some of the mindless darkspawn. “Thank you for coming.”
“My curiosity could hardly forbid it. I trust you won’t disappoint.”
The Architect sucks in a hissing breath that could be a laugh. Extending one withered, claw-nailed hand, it shows her a signet ring.
Neria recognizes it. “That’s Bann Esmerelle’s seal.” The Bann of Amaranthine city, grudgingly brought to heel since Neria imprisoned her nephew at the Vigil three years ago. His name is Martin, and he is useless, with expensive tastes; she’s had more than one conversation with Garevel about the excessive amounts of imported wine he consumes. “How did you get this?”
“My disciples found an expedition in the Deep Roads near Vigil’s Keep. At the time, they were attempting to breach your defenses. One of the expedition members was carrying this ring.”
“But that can’t be.” Neria holds out her hand for the signet ring, and the Architect deposits it into her palm for examination. “No one enters the Deep Roads under the Vigil without my knowing.”
“These men didn’t come from Vigil’s Keep. I believe they came from Kal’Hirol.”
“What.” Neria feels her hand close around the ring, squeezing until the seal’s design digs into her flesh. “If what you’re saying is true, that means… The Helmis… I’m going to need some more evidence.”
“Of course.” It produces more items for her inspection. 
A bloodstained scrap of fine Fereldan wool, almost certainly obtained in Amaranthine. There’s plenty of that around here; nothing odd about it. 
A dagger, the hilt and sheath inscribed with the seal of House Helmi. This could be incriminating, but not definitively so. 
A battered case filled with vials of magebane. Expensive to procure, and a curious thing to be carrying—but what does it mean? 
Finally, damningly, there is a set of papers issued by Adal Helmi, extending the protection of Kal’Hirol to eight human travelers from the city of Amaranthine and four dwarven guides, for a journey begun on the first of Solace, 9:34 Dragon.
“This doesn’t prove anything,” she says, frowning.
“What could it prove, if it did?”
“That the Bann of Amaranthine and House Helmi are dealing with each other behind my back. That they have some kind of plot against the Wardens, against me.” She huffs out a disbelieving laugh.
“I was the one who introduced Adal and Esmerelle, you know. Not even them, but their representatives. We held a party for all the banns in Kal’Hirol when the Helmis first took it, and they were the only ones who didn’t come in person.
“Adal not deigning to attend, I could understand; I’ve seen how the noble caste behaves in Orzammar. But I thought it was unspeakably rude of Esmerelle to send her cousin in her place. Now I wonder if it sparked an affinity between them.”
While Adal had supported Lord Harrowmont with her sisters, she’d been the fastest in her family, with the exception of Denek, to switch her endorsement to King Bhelen. Neria had thought her practical. Had thought she knew her measure. Had thought the glory of reclaiming an abandoned thaig would slake her ambition. She was wrong.
Emissaries are scarce in the Deep Roads across Ferelden, certainly not expected in Amaranthine. Neria and Velanna are the only mages at the Vigil these days. The magebane could only be meant for them.
“You can trust me,” says the Architect. “If no one else, Commander. I will not lead you astray.”
She opens her palm. In the meat of it, half-impressions of Bann Esmerelle’s seal. The metal of the ring is warm from her anger.
“I’ll check our basement defenses and the Deep Roads near the entrance,” she says. “See if we can find anything to back up your story. You know I haven’t forgotten—”
The Architect cuts her off swiftly. “The Seeker acted without my knowledge or approval.”
“And you were fast enough to reap the benefits of its actions.”
“Years have passed; the trust between us has deepened. I would not choose the same path today.” It inclines its ponderous head. “But I respect your wariness.”
Neria looks at the papers again. Reads them a couple more times. Imagines Esmerelle and Adal taking tea together, the haughty Bann and the proud but decorous dwarven warrior, blowing hot air at each other like a pair of bellows. Planning Neria’s death.
She looks up and sees that the Architect has been watching her with a somber expression. That any emotion can fit on such a grim, tormented face—a ruined statue, a weeping icon of a face, changed because of her—she hardly understands it.
“Can I count on your help if I need it?” she says.
The Architect nods. “Anything within my power, I will give.” 
Merciful Andraste, she believes it.
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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Shrove Monday/Güdismontag
This year, Shrove Monday will be observed on February 20. The day, also known as “Collop Monday”, “Rose Monday”, “Merry Monday”, or “Hall Monday,” is an annual Christian holiday that is observed on the Monday before Ash Wednesday. The day is celebrated with carnival parades and floats that often satirize a culture’s habits or people, national and international public figures, recent events, and taboo subjects. Marching bands and local associations are also a part of these parades. The parades are visited by spectators and some may even receive media coverage. Spectators at the parade also dress as mythical or political figures, thus adding to the merriment of the day.
History of Shrove Monday
The origins of Shrove Monday are not entirely clear. However, the traditions around the carnival and parades may have begun over two thousand years ago by the Romans. In these carnivals, it wasn’t uncommon to see the servants and slaves playing the role of masters and dressing up like them. Fast forward to today, the tradition continues with people dressing up as local and international public figures while satirizing them.
Shrove Monday also signals the end of the period before ‘Lent’ for many Christians. Until Easter, Christians observe a period called Lent. Some might even choose to fast or spend more time praying during the Shrovetide week. Several Christians give up meat, sugar, eggs, and alcohol during this period. The fast or abstinence is broken by consuming these food products during the carnivals.
The day is sometimes called “Collopy Monday” in the U.K. owing to a traditional meal eaten for breakfast on the day — collops of bacon eaten with an egg. Whereas in east Cornwall, Shrove Monday is known as “Paisen Monday” or “Peasen Monday”, in honor of the pea soup that is eaten on this day. Shrove Monday is a popular holiday in numerous countries. It is part of the Carnival calendar in Greece, and in many Caribbean countries, it is known as “Carnival Monday” — thus starting the Carnival season. In the Americas, Shrove Monday is more popular as “Luni Gras” or “Fat Monday”. In Lucerne it's called "Güdismontag". Güdis is an old word for stomach and Montag is Monday. It's the last Monday to fill your stomach with all the good eats before the Lent starts on Wednesday.
It appears that almost every culture has its version of Shrove Monday!
Shrove Monday timeline
12th Century The Royal Shrovetide Football Match
Henry II starts the trend of an annual traditional football match that is different from modern-day football.
19th Century The Celebrations in the Caribbean
Trinidad and Tobago Carnivals first celebrate Shrove Monday in the Caribbean.
19th Century The Mississippi Gulf Coast Mardi Gras
Carnival celebrations to mark Shrove Monday begins in Mississippi, U.S.
20th Century The New Name
Mississippi Gulf Coast Mardi Gras is renamed Lundi Gras or Fat Monday.
Shrove Monday FAQs
What does Shrove Monday celebrate?
Shrove Monday is celebrated before Ash Wednesday and signals people to start preparing for the season of Lent.
Is Shrove Monday a holiday in Germany?
Shrove Monday is not a public holiday in Germany.
Where is Shrove Monday celebrated?
Shrove Monday is celebrated in Europe, the Americas, and even the Caribbeans.
How to Observe Shrove Monday
Feast on collop and eggs
Attend a carnival
Start preparing for Lent
Start Shrove Monday by feasting on the traditional meal of collop and eggs. A collop of bacon may be eaten with beans and vegetables to add more flavor to the dish. This is the best way to start the celebrations!
Find out if there are any carnivals on Shrove Monday located close to your area. You may even dress up in costumes or participate in the festivities as a spectator. Shrove Monday carnivals are a stunning sight.
After you are done celebrating Shrove Monday, you could start preparing for Lent. Devout Christians prepare for Lent by confessing, fasting, giving up certain food items, and praying more.
5 Intriguing Facts About Shrove Monday
It’s always on a Monday
The name comes from the word ‘shriving’
Carnivals and Shrove Mondays are synonymous
‘Collop’ doesn’t always mean bacon
It also marks the start of spring
More precisely, Shrove Monday is always celebrated 48 days before Easter.
The old word ‘Shriving’ means to listen to someone’s sins and forgive them.
Some of the world’s largest and most famous carnival celebrations take place in New Orleans, Rio de Janeiro, and Venice.
Any fatty piece of meat may be referred to as ‘collop’ and consumed on Shrove Monday.
Shrove Monday marks the beginning of Spring in the Greek Orthodox calendar.
Why Shrove Monday is Important
Celebration of age-old traditions
A time of merry-making
A celebration of rare foods
Shrove Monday is celebrated with The Royal Shrovetide Football Match dating back to the 12th Century. Ancient traditions like these make Shrove Monday an important historical observation while keeping old traditions alive.
Shrove Monday is celebrated with carnivals, parades, and floats. People dress up, indulge in satire, and drink and eat to celebrate. Shrove Monday is a perfect holiday to spend some fun times with your loved ones.
Shrove Monday, in a way, also celebrates foods that are increasingly becoming rare. Also known as Collop Monday and Peasen Monday, this is a good opportunity to celebrate collop bacon and eggs, and pea soup.
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neathbound · 3 months
Maiserel Patch Notes 23/6/99
Removed the Moonlit Mariner (naval battle; Mortal Mariner, Admiralty)
Debuffed the Janus (sunk)
Removed the Mortal Mariner [1/3] (naval battle; Moonlit Mariner)
Removed the Umbral Urbanite [human] (harpooned; Sun-Scarred Stalker)
Removed the Inauspicious Guest (Cantigaster venom; Foresworn Rumourmonger)
Removed the Radiant Architect [1/8] (knocked off slow boat; Rumourmonger)
Removed the Radiant Architect [2/8] (arson; Rumourmonger)
Removed the Radiant Architect [3/8] (Cardinal's Honey; Radiant Architect [4/8])
Removed the Radiant Architect [5/8] (proper collops; Radiant Architect [6/8])
Removed the Radiant Architect [6/8] (unknown; Unaccountable Double)
Removed the Radiant Architect [7/8] (Nadir; Umbral Urbanite)
United the Umbral Urbanite [snuffer] and the Unaccountable Double (no bugs foreseen)
Attempted to remove the Unaccountable Double (unsuccessful; dev tools now require patching)
Added debuffs to the Inauspicious Guest (various, sundry; incl. death)
See devlog here.
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The Mermaid in the Hospital - Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill - Ireland
Translator: Paul Muldoon (Irish)
She awoke   
to find her fishtail   
clean gone   
but in the bed with her   
were two long, cold thingammies.   
You'd have thought they were tangles of kelp   
or collops of ham.
"They're no doubt   
taking the piss,   
it being New Year's Eve.   
Half the staff legless   
with drink   
and the other half   
playing pranks.   
Still, this is taking it   
a bit far."
And with that she hurled
the two thingammies out of the room.
But here's the thing   
she still doesn't get—
why she tumbled out after them   
How she was connected   
to those two thingammies   
and how they were connected   
to her.
It was the sister who gave her the wink
and let her know what was what.
"You have one leg attached to you there   
and another one underneath that.   
One leg, two legs...
A-one and a-two...
Now you have to learn   
what they can do."
In the long months   
that followed,   
I wonder if her heart fell
the way her arches fell,
her instep arches.
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narniansagafamily · 9 months
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Narnian Saga Family's first event
Harps of Gold
December 0001 AC (Aslan's Country) / December 2555: It came upon the midnight clear, That glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth To touch their harps of gold: “Peace on the earth, good will to men From heav’n’s all-gracious King.” The world in solemn stillness lay To hear the angels sing.
With the arrival of the first celebrated Yuletide in Aslan's Country, all those who gained entrance to the celebrated country gather at Saltwood Court Palace - now magically increased in size to accommodate the entire civilization of Aslan's Country. It's citizens travel far and wide, traveling by ships on the Great Eastern Ocean, traveling by carriage, or by barge up the Great River, to Saltwood Court Palace, which sits just North of Aslan's Camp and South of Owlwood. Here, the citizens will sit out the harsh winds of winter and take pleasure in exciting hunts, glorious balls, feasts, caroling, poems, and more. Mistletoe and evergreens will be hung is mischievous places, and ivy and holly will adorn every wall, and hot ale and cider available at every beck and whim. Gifts of fruit will be given out to fair maidens in the hopes of receiving a cheeky kiss in return. The Kings and Queens of old will all gather together and oversee this magnificent time as they celebrate Yuletide and Aslan, celebrating both old and new traditions, and magnificent gifts will be dolled out to everyone. Each day will bring new events, and each night will deliver a new feast - but remember, the court will be both merry and solemn as the court reflects on the history of their worlds, lives, and of Aslan.
The Lord of Misrule: a commoner would be chosen as the “Lord of Misrule” and would be in charge of organizing the entertainment and revelry for the Twelve Days of Christmas
Yuletide Feast: the main feast, celebrated on Christmas Day. The day starts with gifts being handed out in the morning in a great celebration in the main hall as a public event. Everyone has what's left of the afternoon to do as they please, before gathering together once more in the main hall for a grand feast to celebrate Christmas and honor Aslan.
Mummer's Play's with music and dancing
Carols being sung throughout the Palace
Wassailing: The enjoying of a communal cup of spiced ale.
Bean Queen: a contest for the castle servants whose winner gets to be treated like a queen for a day.
Frost Fair: a winter carnival for the children.
Ice Festival: a celebration of winter where mock duels are held, small plays are put on by children, dancing takes place, music is played, and a feast is served afterward.
Christmas Guide:
Main meal: consists of wild boar, goose, turkey, peacock
Christmas pudding: made of meat, spices, and oatmeal
Lambswool: made from hot cider, sherry or ale, spices and apples, which when hot exploded, to create a white 'woolly' top
Leech: a milk-based sweet made with sugar and rosewater, which was cut into cubes and served plain or gilded, arranged as a chequerboard
Collops of bacon: made from ground almonds and sugar
Marchpane: a round piece of almond paste that's iced and elaborately decorated, sometimes with figures made of sugar. Crystallized fruits added color
Gilded fruit: Fruit gilded in gold used to decorate tables
Sugar-plate: made from sugar, egg-white and gelatin, crafted to look like walnuts, eggs and other food like marzipan is today
The Marchpane: an arrangement made from almond past which was iced or gilded and then decorated with sugar figures and crystallised fruit, was the centrepiece of this court
Mulled wine: wine heated and infused with sugar and spices
Gingerbread: made from bread, ginger, spices, sugar and wine into a stiff paste which was then molded
Syllabub: a hot milk drink flavored with rum or wine and spices
OOC Information
Feel free to play with any character you like, to what extent you like. Please try and tag all threads with the tag nsfevent001
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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15 November 2022 HRH The Princess Royal joined Maisemore Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) volunteers, invited guests and Hartpury University and Hartpury College staff on Tuesday to celebrate their 50th anniversary and mark 15 years based at Hartpury Equine. The Princess Royal was received by His Majesty’s Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Gloucestershire Phil Vickery, alongside Patricia Kucharski (Group Coach and Trustee at Maisemore RDA), Professor Andy Collop (Vice-Chancellor, Principal and CEO of Hartpury University and Hartpury College) and Edward Keene (Chair of Governors at Hartpury University and Hartpury College). The Princess Royal presented Long Service Awards to Maisemore volunteers who between them have provided over 100 years of service to the group. Her Royal Highness also presented The President’s Award, given to individuals who have served for 30 years or more, nominated by their respective RDA groups. The state-of-the-art Margaret Giffen Rider Performance Centre was the final stop of the afternoon for The Princess Royal, offering up an opportunity to check out the horse simulators (Margaret - Racewood Eventing Simulator, Archie - Mark 10 Racing Simulator and Hercules - Racewood Riding Simulator). Finally, HRH The Princess Royal unveiled a commemorative plaque before being presented with a posy by Emily Blakey from the Milestone School. Read more: Hartpury News
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esta-elavaris · 2 years
Flufftober 2022 - Day 13 - Secret family recipe
James/Theodora -- [James Norrington/Modern!OC]
Main fic for this pairing -- AO3 // FF.net
When Theo woke up sometime during their first week back in Port Royal to a bed that was woefully empty, she found herself blinking in surprise. Even since they'd been reunited in Tortuga, this was not a normal turn of events. Had his shiny new Admiral duties called already? God, she hoped not. It seemed a bit early for it, but it was a very twenty-four hour job - she remembered that even from her previous, and first, stint in Port Royal. But surely he'd have woken her if so?
Stretching like a cat, she yawned and kicked the covers away from herself, slipping from the bed and grabbing her nightdress from the floor. Having yet to find a cook, nor a maid, they were the only ones who were ever home - but while that meant she could comfortably forgo a housecoat, wandering around naked still seemed a bit too far. At least until they finally got new curtains put in downstairs. Unfortunately by that time they'd probably have employees, so her dreams of bringing nudism to the Caribbean would have to wait.
Trailing down the stairs once she was somewhat dressed, she combed her fingers through her hair and listened for signs of life. The living room was empty, as was the dining room, but by that point she was certain that she could smell bacon - so she followed her nose down the stone steps and into the basement kitchen. That was where she found her husband, clad in a nightshirt and his breeches, standing before the eighteenth century equivalent of a "stove", a frying pan perched atop a stand that had a fire burning steadily beneath it.
"You're supposed to be in bed," he greeted.
"Yes, Admiral," she said with a lazy salute "Is that an order?"
"I would never be so foolish as to try doling out orders to you."
"Mm, I wish you would. Might be fun every now and then."
It was the sort of joke that would once have had him spluttering and fighting to summon words with which to string together a retort. Now? Well, there was still a flush that threatened to spread across his cheeks, but it was paired with a smirk and an amused look that suggested she should probably behave herself. Descending the steps, she approached and looked over the set up.
"Indeed," he nodded, prodding at the thickly sliced bacon.
"For us?"
"No, I'm afraid our house is quite the thoroughfare for all those who live in Port Royal - the eggs are for the butcher, the collops for the blacksmith, and the bread for whomever else might appear. I often make a habit of cooking breakfast for vague acquaintances, it's how I ensure loyalty from my men. Through well-cooked eggs."
Theo grinned as he needled her - she couldn't help it. She loved it when he was like this.
"But what will I eat?"
He rolled his eyes at her, but it was paired with a chuckle "You have cooked dinner for us here endlessly while we still search for a cook. While much of it was strange, all of it was good - even if I remain amazed by how many of your go-to foods consist of bread and cheese in some manner or another. I thought I might return the favour."
Her attempt to recreate pizza had been a surprising hit. The only slight hiccup being when she resolutely refused to let him eat it with a knife and fork, insisting instead that he used his hands. They got through it, though, with their marriage firmly intact and were stronger for their trials by the end. And it turned out that James Norrington was a fan of pizza. Who knew?
"It looks good," she commented, surveying the pan and then backing up so she was out of the way of any errant sparks "Damn good."
"You must postpone judgement until you actually eat it, lest your praise prove premature."
The nonchalant nature of his response was ruined a bit by the pleased smile on his face in response to the praise, but she wouldn't fault him for that because it was adorable. Although she also wouldn't tell him that, either.
"I didn't know you could cook," she said.
Normally she wasn't a fan of weaponised incompetence in a lad. Whenever she drummed up the strength to date, it was always a red flag if she met a guy her age who could barely microwave some noodles and she didn't have much time for it, but cooking was a whole different kettle of fish here, and she struggled to find much fault with those who could not. The only reason she could manage it was because of all of the camping she'd done, and her knack for improvisation.
"A man who must permanently rely on others for something so vital as eating well is a man who isn't up to much," he said.
There was something about his tone that suggested he was repeating words another had told him.
"Your father?" She ventured.
"Yes," he nodded "I could hardly provide for a dinner party, but this? This I can manage."
"It's still a common breakfast in my time - a staple. It's weirdly comforting to see it here. Things are different, but people are the same, you know? At heart."
He hummed his understanding "And here I thought I was sharing a secret family recipe with you."
"I'm sorry to disappoint."
He gave her a warm look "You never disappoint."
Theo's cheeks blazed at that and she ducked her head until she could trust herself not to giggle like a schoolgirl.
"You had this often back in your former home?" He asked.
"Mm. Versions of it. We call 'em fry-ups - we add all sorts. Or slap it all between two slices of bread with an ungodly amount of tomato sauce, which is heavenly hangover food."
"Almost as good as your watermelon trick, if you're up to forcing it down," she nodded "I'll make you one sometime. I put cheese in mine."
James laughed "Of course you do. I struggle to believe I've married an overgrown mouse."
"Hey, if you'd've learned it sooner you could have used it to your advantage - distracted me and kept me out of trouble."
"What, by filling the house to the brim with cheddar?"
"I'd have settled for mozzarella."
"I'll keep that in mind for the future."
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mariacallous · 2 years
“I’m starting the meal with some skink, before moving on to beef collops with sippets and forcemeat balls, mandrang salad, salmagundy, bubble and squeak, clapshot, and then spotted dick and flummery to finish”
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manwalksintobar · 2 years
Nevada City, California, Aria  // Sharon Olds
When I sit up from sleep and swing my legs over the side of the flat
then push down with my palms to heave my weight up,
the bed makes a cry, not like an animal, not like a person,
but metal taken from its underground home,
the spiral torque of an iron spring.
It isn’t true I was ever anything like an eland.
My young (I use you again here easily, my dearest ones,
as if I have no respect for human rights)
did not nurse standing up on four legs, did not tup
from a soft leather gourd between ungulate hind legs,
though I had been a leaper, back when my body took
shapes like drigs of mist above a pond fed by a
narrow long waterfall.
I can hardly believe that dancer’s willow ripple was my torso,
and I felt at home in it, I could bear its beauty,
and I knew I was born to lie down in it in a woods with another
Now the heavy flesh of the years of misdirected love is beginning to
come off,
I am lopping it—rich queen rinds and collops of fat.
I am desperate to love myself, to tolerate myself,
vanity mixed in with it is fine, pride is fine, all avails.
Others who hate injustice and exterimination and murder
are willing to go into those intimate places,
a stadium of blood and excrement
to hate it directly, up close, inches from it, touching it.
When I am at my lowest, do I hate myself?
I suspect her and have contempt for her.
And except for my friends—when I’m low, do I hate everyone?
I hate the sun, which I can feel broiling my exposed surfaces.
I hate the wind, which tickles me with my own hair-tips to arouse
            and madden me.
But I do not hate these old curtains in this old hotel room.
I love that they cannot move toward me on their own and hurt me.
I love that they are made of cotton lace,
I love the background scrim like thousands of tiny bee sexagons,
and the images of pelmets and swags on one curtain,
and on another, roses bulging to open,
and pineapple in succulent conifer armor,
and another with a delicate crosshatch backfround,
and flattened lace bows with wrinkled loops and corckscrew ties,
and small shields stippled with seed-pods like a lady’s escutcheon.
And I love my parea, translucent, black with white flowers,
which I draped over the dark mirror of the television screen,
moving one scree swallowtail volute at the edge
to cover the red light which means:  always on;
the light which means:  because we hate ourselves
we are igniting the earth.
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brookston · 6 months
Holidays 3.18
Anniversary of the Oil Expropriation (Mexico)
Austria Asteroid Day
Awkward Moments Day
Bindus Diena (The Day the Bears Wake from Hibernation; Ancient Latvia)
Carnival of Body Music
Casey Jones Day
Cheikh Al Maarouf Day (Comoros)
Colonel Day (Battlestar Galactica)
Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence (Australia)
Day of Internal Troops (Belarus)
De Molay Day
Electric Razor Day
Flag Day (Aruba)
Forgive Mom and Dad Day
Gallipoli Memorial Day (Turkey)
Global Recycling Day
Grandparents' & Grandchildren's Day (Michigan)
International Day of Revolutionary Political Prisoners
Maidenhead Fern Day (French Republic)
Make Peace with Your Parents Day
Marien Ngouabi Day (Republic of the Congo)
Men’s and Soldiers Day (Mongolia)
My Whole Self Day (UK)
National Anthem and Flag Day (Aruba)
National Biodiesel Day
National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day
National Day of Remembrance for COVID-19 Victims (Italy)
National Farm Rescuer Day
National Natural Gas Utility Workers’ Day
National Public Defender Day
National Supreme Sacrifice Day
Oil Expropriation Day (Mexico)
Ordnance Factory Day (India)
Paris Commune Anniversary Day
Phoebe, Moon of Saturn Day
Saint Throw-Up Day
Stab e-Barat (Night of Records; Bangladesh)
Sheelah's Day (a.k.a. Sheela Na Gig; Australia, Canada, Ireland)
Sheikh Al Maalouf Day (Comoros)
Sheep and Goats Separation Day
South Carolina Day (South Carolina)
Space Walk Day
Sparky the Fire Dog Day
Supreme Sacrifice Day (Congo)
Take Down Tobacco Day
Teacher’s Day (Syria)
Transit Driver Appreciation Day
Trisomy 18 Awareness Day
World Eagle Day
World Juvenile Arthritis Day
World Young Rheumatic Diseases Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Jambon Day (Ireland)
National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day
National Sloppy Joe Day
Oatmeal Cookie Day
St. Broccoli Day
3rd Monday in March
Act Happy Day [3rd Monday]
Benito Juarez Fiestas Patrias (Mexico) [3rd Monday]
Dangerous Dan's Annual Coffee Cup Washing Day [3rd Monday]
Dribble to Work Day [3rd Monday]
Labor Day (Christmas Island) [3rd or 4th Monday]
Wellderly Day [3rd Monday]
World Folk Tale and Fable Day [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning March 18 (3rd Week)
Act Happy Week (thru 3.24) [begins 3rd Monday]
Global Money Week [thru 3.24]
International Teach Music Week (thru 3.24) [begins 3rd Monday]
Independence & Related Days
Aruba (from Netherlands; 1976)
Panay Liberation Day (Philippines)
Festivals Beginning March 18, 2024
AKFCF Convention (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 3.22]
American Meat Conference (Nashville, Tennessee) [thru 3.20]
Bar & Restaurant Expo (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 3.20]
Culpepper Downtown Restaurant Week (Culpepper, Virginia) [thru 3.24]
IDFA Women’s Summit (Washington, DC) [thru 3.20]
World Tea Expo (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 3.20]
Feast Days
Adam Elsheimer (Artology)
Alexander of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Anselm of Lucca (Christian; Saint)
Asklepieia (Ancient Greece)
Barney Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Breasil of Hy-Breasal (Celtic Book of Days)
Cyril of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Edward of the West Saxons (Anglican Church)
Edward the Martyr (a.k.a. Edward, King of England; Christian; Saint)
Exorcist Day (Make the Spirits Disappear; Pastafarian)
Fridianus (a.k.a. Fridian; Christian; Saint)
Goddess of Fertility Day
Hrethmonath (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
John Updike (Writerism; Humanism; Saint)
Oide Matsuri (Departure Festival; Shinto; Japan)
Philo Zilfinger (Muppetism)
Salvator of Horta (Christian; Saint)
Sheela-na-gig (Irish Pagan Fertility Goddess)
Sheep and Goats (Separation) Day (Shamanism)
Socrates (Positivist; Saint)
Usajingu Reitaisai (Shinto; Japan)
Vodka Day (Pastafarian)
Waqf al Arafa (Islam)
Orthodox Christian Liturgical Calendar Holidays
Great Lent begins [1st Monday in Lent; Orthodox Christian] (a.k.a. …
Ash Monday
Blue Monday
Clean Monday (Greece)
Collop Monday
Green Monday (Cyprus)
Hall Monday
Kathara Deftera
Merry Monday
Monday of Lent
Pure Monday
Rose Monday
Shrove Monday
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unlucky 18th (Philippines) [1 of 3]
Alexander’s Ragtime Band published (Song; 1911)
Allegiant (Film; 2016)
The Bronze (Film; 2016)
Cedar Rapids (Film; 2011)
The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown (Novel; 2003)
D.O.A. (Film; 1988)
Dominick and Eugene (Film; 1988)
Flora (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1948)
Getz/Gilberto, by Stan Getz and João Gilberto (Album; 1964)
Happy and Lucky (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
The House Builder-Upper (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
Ice Princess (Film; 2005)
The Lincoln Lawyer (Film; 2011)
The Lost Dream (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1949)
The Man Who Fell To Earth (Film; 1976)
Mickey’s Mellerdrammer (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
The Milagro Beanfield War (Film; 1988)
Naked Gun 33-1/3: The Final Insult (Film; 1994)
Paul (Film; 2011)
Pee Wee’s Big Holiday (Film; 2016)
Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Minor, by Sergei Rachmaninoff (Piano Concerto; 1927)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Disneyland Ride; 1967)
The Poet and Peasant (Andy Panda Cartoon; 1946)
Rio Bravo (Film; 1960)
Sanditon, by Jane Austen (Unfinished Novel; 1817) [Last Day She Wrote It]
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty James Thurber (Short Stories; 1939)
The Spine of Night (Animated Film; 2021)
Steamboy (Anime Film; 2005)
Strangled Eggs (WB MM Cartoon; 1961)
The Suicide Sheik (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit; 1929)
Wanted: No Master, featuring Count Screwloose and J.R. the Wonder Dog (MGM Cartoon; 1938)
The Well of Loneliness, by Radclyffe Hall (Novel; 1928)
Whatever and Ever Amen, by Ben Folds Five (Album; 1997)
White Riot, by The Clash (Song; 1977)
Today’s Name Days
Cyrill, Edward, Sibylle (Austria)
Ćiril, Edo, Eduard, Spasoje (Croatia)
Eduard (Czech Republic)
Alexander (Denmark)
Edi, Eduard, Eedi, Eedo, Eedu (Estonia)
Edvard, Eetu (Finland)
Cyrille (France)
Edward, Cyrill, Sibylle (Germany)
Edward (Greece)
Ede, Sándor (Hungary)
Cirillo, Salvatore (Italy)
Adelīna, Ilona, Razna, Sartite (Latvia)
Anzelmas, Eimutė, Eimutis, Sibilė (Lithuania)
Aleksander, Edvard, Sander (Norway)
Aleksander, Anzelm, Boguchwał, Cyryl, Edward, Narcyz, Narcyza, Salwator (Poland)
Chiril (Romania)
Eduard (Slovakia)
Cirilo, Eduardo (Spain)
Edmund, Edvard (Sweden)
Cyril, Cyrilla, Grover, Salvador, Salvatore, Sibyl, Sybil, Sybilla (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 78 of 2024; 288 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 12 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 9 (Xin-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 8 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 8 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 18 Green; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 5 March 2024
Moon: 65%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Xenocrates]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 89 of 89)
Week: 3rd Week of March
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 29 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 3.18
Anniversary of the Oil Expropriation (Mexico)
Austria Asteroid Day
Awkward Moments Day
Bindus Diena (The Day the Bears Wake from Hibernation; Ancient Latvia)
Carnival of Body Music
Casey Jones Day
Cheikh Al Maarouf Day (Comoros)
Colonel Day (Battlestar Galactica)
Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence (Australia)
Day of Internal Troops (Belarus)
De Molay Day
Electric Razor Day
Flag Day (Aruba)
Forgive Mom and Dad Day
Gallipoli Memorial Day (Turkey)
Global Recycling Day
Grandparents' & Grandchildren's Day (Michigan)
International Day of Revolutionary Political Prisoners
Maidenhead Fern Day (French Republic)
Make Peace with Your Parents Day
Marien Ngouabi Day (Republic of the Congo)
Men’s and Soldiers Day (Mongolia)
My Whole Self Day (UK)
National Anthem and Flag Day (Aruba)
National Biodiesel Day
National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day
National Day of Remembrance for COVID-19 Victims (Italy)
National Farm Rescuer Day
National Natural Gas Utility Workers’ Day
National Public Defender Day
National Supreme Sacrifice Day
Oil Expropriation Day (Mexico)
Ordnance Factory Day (India)
Paris Commune Anniversary Day
Phoebe, Moon of Saturn Day
Saint Throw-Up Day
Stab e-Barat (Night of Records; Bangladesh)
Sheelah's Day (a.k.a. Sheela Na Gig; Australia, Canada, Ireland)
Sheikh Al Maalouf Day (Comoros)
Sheep and Goats Separation Day
South Carolina Day (South Carolina)
Space Walk Day
Sparky the Fire Dog Day
Supreme Sacrifice Day (Congo)
Take Down Tobacco Day
Teacher’s Day (Syria)
Transit Driver Appreciation Day
Trisomy 18 Awareness Day
World Eagle Day
World Juvenile Arthritis Day
World Young Rheumatic Diseases Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Jambon Day (Ireland)
National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day
National Sloppy Joe Day
Oatmeal Cookie Day
St. Broccoli Day
3rd Monday in March
Act Happy Day [3rd Monday]
Benito Juarez Fiestas Patrias (Mexico) [3rd Monday]
Dangerous Dan's Annual Coffee Cup Washing Day [3rd Monday]
Dribble to Work Day [3rd Monday]
Labor Day (Christmas Island) [3rd or 4th Monday]
Wellderly Day [3rd Monday]
World Folk Tale and Fable Day [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning March 18 (3rd Week)
Act Happy Week (thru 3.24) [begins 3rd Monday]
Global Money Week [thru 3.24]
International Teach Music Week (thru 3.24) [begins 3rd Monday]
Independence & Related Days
Aruba (from Netherlands; 1976)
Panay Liberation Day (Philippines)
Festivals Beginning March 18, 2024
AKFCF Convention (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 3.22]
American Meat Conference (Nashville, Tennessee) [thru 3.20]
Bar & Restaurant Expo (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 3.20]
Culpepper Downtown Restaurant Week (Culpepper, Virginia) [thru 3.24]
IDFA Women’s Summit (Washington, DC) [thru 3.20]
World Tea Expo (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 3.20]
Feast Days
Adam Elsheimer (Artology)
Alexander of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Anselm of Lucca (Christian; Saint)
Asklepieia (Ancient Greece)
Barney Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Breasil of Hy-Breasal (Celtic Book of Days)
Cyril of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Edward of the West Saxons (Anglican Church)
Edward the Martyr (a.k.a. Edward, King of England; Christian; Saint)
Exorcist Day (Make the Spirits Disappear; Pastafarian)
Fridianus (a.k.a. Fridian; Christian; Saint)
Goddess of Fertility Day
Hrethmonath (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
John Updike (Writerism; Humanism; Saint)
Oide Matsuri (Departure Festival; Shinto; Japan)
Philo Zilfinger (Muppetism)
Salvator of Horta (Christian; Saint)
Sheela-na-gig (Irish Pagan Fertility Goddess)
Sheep and Goats (Separation) Day (Shamanism)
Socrates (Positivist; Saint)
Usajingu Reitaisai (Shinto; Japan)
Vodka Day (Pastafarian)
Waqf al Arafa (Islam)
Orthodox Christian Liturgical Calendar Holidays
Great Lent begins [1st Monday in Lent; Orthodox Christian] (a.k.a. …
Ash Monday
Blue Monday
Clean Monday (Greece)
Collop Monday
Green Monday (Cyprus)
Hall Monday
Kathara Deftera
Merry Monday
Monday of Lent
Pure Monday
Rose Monday
Shrove Monday
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unlucky 18th (Philippines) [1 of 3]
Alexander’s Ragtime Band published (Song; 1911)
Allegiant (Film; 2016)
The Bronze (Film; 2016)
Cedar Rapids (Film; 2011)
The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown (Novel; 2003)
D.O.A. (Film; 1988)
Dominick and Eugene (Film; 1988)
Flora (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1948)
Getz/Gilberto, by Stan Getz and João Gilberto (Album; 1964)
Happy and Lucky (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
The House Builder-Upper (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
Ice Princess (Film; 2005)
The Lincoln Lawyer (Film; 2011)
The Lost Dream (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1949)
The Man Who Fell To Earth (Film; 1976)
Mickey’s Mellerdrammer (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
The Milagro Beanfield War (Film; 1988)
Naked Gun 33-1/3: The Final Insult (Film; 1994)
Paul (Film; 2011)
Pee Wee’s Big Holiday (Film; 2016)
Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Minor, by Sergei Rachmaninoff (Piano Concerto; 1927)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Disneyland Ride; 1967)
The Poet and Peasant (Andy Panda Cartoon; 1946)
Rio Bravo (Film; 1960)
Sanditon, by Jane Austen (Unfinished Novel; 1817) [Last Day She Wrote It]
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty James Thurber (Short Stories; 1939)
The Spine of Night (Animated Film; 2021)
Steamboy (Anime Film; 2005)
Strangled Eggs (WB MM Cartoon; 1961)
The Suicide Sheik (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit; 1929)
Wanted: No Master, featuring Count Screwloose and J.R. the Wonder Dog (MGM Cartoon; 1938)
The Well of Loneliness, by Radclyffe Hall (Novel; 1928)
Whatever and Ever Amen, by Ben Folds Five (Album; 1997)
White Riot, by The Clash (Song; 1977)
Today’s Name Days
Cyrill, Edward, Sibylle (Austria)
Ćiril, Edo, Eduard, Spasoje (Croatia)
Eduard (Czech Republic)
Alexander (Denmark)
Edi, Eduard, Eedi, Eedo, Eedu (Estonia)
Edvard, Eetu (Finland)
Cyrille (France)
Edward, Cyrill, Sibylle (Germany)
Edward (Greece)
Ede, Sándor (Hungary)
Cirillo, Salvatore (Italy)
Adelīna, Ilona, Razna, Sartite (Latvia)
Anzelmas, Eimutė, Eimutis, Sibilė (Lithuania)
Aleksander, Edvard, Sander (Norway)
Aleksander, Anzelm, Boguchwał, Cyryl, Edward, Narcyz, Narcyza, Salwator (Poland)
Chiril (Romania)
Eduard (Slovakia)
Cirilo, Eduardo (Spain)
Edmund, Edvard (Sweden)
Cyril, Cyrilla, Grover, Salvador, Salvatore, Sibyl, Sybil, Sybilla (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 78 of 2024; 288 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 12 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 9 (Xin-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 8 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 8 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 18 Green; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 5 March 2024
Moon: 65%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Xenocrates]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 89 of 89)
Week: 3rd Week of March
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 29 of 30)
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scarletunit6 · 7 months
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British cuisine
The Saxons were excellent farmers and cultivated a wide variety of herbs. These were not used just for flavour as they are today but were used as bulk to pad out stews.
The Vikings and Danes brought us the techniques for smoking and drying fish – even today the North East coasts of England and Scotland are the places to find the best kippers – Arbroath Smokies, for example. “Collops” is an old Scandinavian word for pieces or slices of meat, and a dish of Collops is traditionally served on Burns Night (25th January) in Scotland. York Ham is a great favourite with the British housewife. The first York Ham is said to have been smoked with the sawdust of oak trees used in the building of York Minster.
The Normans invaded not only our country but also our eating habits! They encouraged the drinking of wine and even gave us words for common foods – mutton (mouton) and beef (boeuf) for example. In the 12th century the Crusaders were the first Britons to taste oranges and lemons whilst in Jaffa in 1191-2.
Johnson, B. (2019). The History of British Food. [online] Historic UK. Available at: https://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/History-of-British-Food/. ‌
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