its-ninico · 3 years
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Colombia is being massacred, and all of us, absolutely all of us have to know what is happening. It's something that, as a Venezuelan, I've lived. That many people with me have witnessed, even other countries, other people, they know what happens, and why it happens. Colombia is on alert, not because of covid, but because of a much worse plague. Colombia, like many other countries, is a victim of corruption and the abuse of power by those who have the capacity to answer for an entire population that is being murdered, tortured and silenced. And why am I talking about this if I don't live there? because we as a neighboring country, we as humans, as habitants of this earth, we have to make conscience of what is happening. people who lose loved ones, friends and confidants to an unscrupulous murderer in command.
don't ignore this, this IS happening right now. the creator of wynter, the couple of my character lucas (we both role-play the story of both), is Colombian, she's living this situation. It hurts me a lot, because during these months knowing her, soon a year, she has earned my affection both as a person and as a character. She, like so many Colombians, is suffering from being the victim of a murderous and corrupt government, just as I and many other Venezuelans were. this is for her and for all Colombians who are suffering. you have to make everyone know. Colombia is being KILLED. If you want to know what is happening, ask a Colombian who is living this horrible situation, DON'T let yourself be guided by the yellow press. to support and inform about this you can use the hashtags: #Colombia #humanrightsdefenders #comisioninteramericanadederechoshumanos #globalrights #physiciansforhumanrights #soscolombia #ParoNacional #Colombiaalertaroja #DuqueRenuncie #duqueparelamasacre #SOS #civilrightsdefenders #amnistiainternacional #EuropeanCourtofHumanRights
strength, colombia.
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