Ya seas de México, de El Salvador, de Perú, de Guatemala, seas de donde seas, juntos difundamos la actual pesadilla que nuestros hermanos colombianos están viviendo.
¡No puede pasarse de largo!
Hoy es cuando todos los países tenemos que ser uno solo. #SOSColombia
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sos-colombia · 3 years
Actualmente Calle 40 con séptima, Bogotá.
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camisulsul · 3 years
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~ ✊🏻
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caoticcmari · 3 years
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yesicabohorquez · 3 years
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la-chica-del-cosmos · 3 years
Todos sabemos quién dio la orden
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madebysattan · 3 years
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its-ninico · 3 years
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Colombia is being massacred, and all of us, absolutely all of us have to know what is happening. It's something that, as a Venezuelan, I've lived. That many people with me have witnessed, even other countries, other people, they know what happens, and why it happens. Colombia is on alert, not because of covid, but because of a much worse plague. Colombia, like many other countries, is a victim of corruption and the abuse of power by those who have the capacity to answer for an entire population that is being murdered, tortured and silenced. And why am I talking about this if I don't live there? because we as a neighboring country, we as humans, as habitants of this earth, we have to make conscience of what is happening. people who lose loved ones, friends and confidants to an unscrupulous murderer in command.
don't ignore this, this IS happening right now. the creator of wynter, the couple of my character lucas (we both role-play the story of both), is Colombian, she's living this situation. It hurts me a lot, because during these months knowing her, soon a year, she has earned my affection both as a person and as a character. She, like so many Colombians, is suffering from being the victim of a murderous and corrupt government, just as I and many other Venezuelans were. this is for her and for all Colombians who are suffering. you have to make everyone know. Colombia is being KILLED. If you want to know what is happening, ask a Colombian who is living this horrible situation, DON'T let yourself be guided by the yellow press. to support and inform about this you can use the hashtags: #Colombia #humanrightsdefenders #comisioninteramericanadederechoshumanos #globalrights #physiciansforhumanrights #soscolombia #ParoNacional #Colombiaalertaroja #DuqueRenuncie #duqueparelamasacre #SOS #civilrightsdefenders #amnistiainternacional #EuropeanCourtofHumanRights
strength, colombia.
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watchwhatyounodto · 3 years
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#Repost @polititexts ・・・ ¡SOLIDARIDAD CON COLOMBIA! Please this is an emergency. A comrade anonymously asked me to spread the word about what is happening in Colombia. Help me diffuse this information. #NoALaReformaTributaria #ColombiaUnida #ColombiaResiste #FueraDuque #DuqueRenuncie #ParoNacional #28A #28Abril #28deAbrilParoNacional [ID: 9 slides on various colors (salmon, black, yellow) with contextual information about Colombia Slide 1: Do you know what is happening in Colombia? (Picture of Colombia in a map) Content Warning: abuses of power, police brutality, state repression, massacre & sexual assault Slide 2: Colombians nationwide took to the streets on Wednesday, April 28th, 2021 to strike against a tax reform bill. The tax reform was proposed by Centro Democrático - the party of the current president, Iván Duque. There's been strong opposition to the tax reform bill from all sides of the political spectrum. Even Álvaro Uribe the widely hated, right-wing, ex-president who founded the Centro Democrático & mentored Duque voiced criticism towards the proposed reform. Slide 3: Workers, trade unionists, activists, teachers, students, retirees, low income people, creatives, various Indigenous groups, and even influencers, business owners & middle-class people came together to demonstrate against Duque's tax reform. The pandemic has led to high rates of unemployment, poverty, and overall economic devastation. The tax reform bill was received as yet another slap in the face by the Colombian government during a crisis. The reform would increase taxes on individuals & businesses, eliminate many exemptions, expand the kind of items subject to value added tax (VAT), including basic food items, utilities & essentials. Slide 4: Many Colombians had issues with the government long before the pandemic & for that reason, the protests never ceased. Not even when the Colombian government attempted to discourage people from demonstrating on the grounds that they'd be breaking social distancing orders. Colombians feel completely abandoned especially during this devastating health crisis & have no other choice but to continue struggling against the state... (at Cali, Colombia) https://www.instagram.com/p/COZoqdxgwHQ/?igshid=1jtuuqc2riqh5
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#physiciansforhumanrights #globalrights
#humanrights #SOS #Colombia #soscolombia #ColombiaAlertaRoja #ParoNacional #UribeDioLaOrden #duqueparelamasacre #DuqueRenuncie #NosEstánMatando
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sos-colombia · 3 years
Martes 4 de Mayo 2021, 14:10 PM.
Av. Caracas con calle 76 sur.
Av. Caracas con calle 53 sur.
Av. Boyacá con calle 71 Sur.
Manifestaciones actuales en Bogotá.
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lad00sblog · 3 years
Nos están matando
S. O. S Colombia🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴
Necesitamos que todos estén al tanto de la situación, que nos ayuden a difundir, que llegue a todos los rincones del mundo, que nos ayuden!!!. Nos quieren callar, nos van a cortar las redes sociales, están matando a nuestra patria! Los que decían cuidarnos, ahora son los que atentan en contra de nuestro pueblo!!!!!!
#physiciansforhumanrights #globalrights
#humanrights #SOS #Colombia #soscolombia #ColombiaAlertaRoja #ParoNacional #UribeDioLaOrden #duqueparelamasacre #DuqueRenuncie #NosEstánMatando
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caoticcmari · 3 years
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cucarashark · 3 years
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Last weeks have been tough, full of blood, fear, injustice, corruption, we thought Pablo Escobar was our worst cancer, saddly his legacy is nothing compared to someone much worse, Alvaro Uribe Vélez. Remember this name everyone outside, this drug lord and genocidal is behind the chaos in Colombia, at his order police is killing kids and young people just like that! I can't sleep! I'm freaking scared! Uribe's dictatorship is killing us!
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aalbertorl · 3 years
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#paronacional #vivaelparonacional #duquerenuncie #fotografia #fotomobile #motorola #motog #motog8plus #motog8plusphotography #fotografias #fotografoscolombia #fotografos #fotosconcelular (en Planeta Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/COlCsCohNFZ/?igshid=30dod7u84itk
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leah-9 · 5 years
Ayer en la jornada de la noche, el gobierno colombiano implantó el terror en la capital con un toque de queda, en el cual, la policía se dizfrazó de vándalos para aterrorisarnos, hoy el pueblo Colombiano se vuelve a levantar y ya en el tercer día de paro decimos NO NOS VAN A CALLAR, SEGUIREMOS LUCHANDO HASTA QUE NOS ESCUCHEN. ¡NOS ESTÁN MATANDO PORQUE DESPERTAMOS!
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