crying-workshop · 9 months
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Banescale Female
Fire Cinder / Umber Paisley / Marigold Flameforger
Fire Primal
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Bloody Moon (Kaname Kuran x (Human) Pureblood Y/n)
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Yuki-Chan does not exist in this, she was killed by Reno-Tama before the fight. You are not related to Kaname-Senpai, your dad died during the fight when helping his best friend Haruka-Sama fight Reno for revenge for killing Yuki, your mom and Juri-Sama sacrificed their lives to save yours, but you don't remember anything.
This is a reader-insert type story so i will write the reader-insert parts like so:
(y/n):your name(l/n):last name(e/c):eye color(h/c):hair color(h/l):hair length(b/s):bust size(chest size)(c/s):clothes size(n/l):nail length(n/c):nail color(l/c):lip color(b/t):blood type(f/s):favorite smell(f/t):favorite taste(sweet/salty/sour/etc.)(f/c):favorite color(s/f/c):second favorite color(s/c):skin color(e/p): elemental power(e/p/c):element power color:Fire=Ruby red, Ice=Light blue, Water=Dark blue, Air=White, Lightning=Bright yellow, Light=Vibrant orange, Dark=Royal purple, Metal=Tin gray, Earth=Grassy green.)(f/j):favorite jewel(f/a):favorite animal(f/f):favorite flower(f/w):favorite weather
Yes, I know it's a long list. But I wanted to give as much freedom to the reader as possible while keeping it similar to my version of the vampire knight story.
Chapter 1: A Winter Storm
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"It’s cold." I say while shivering.
'White snow.'
"What is white?" I ask while looking around, "What is snow?" I ask as small cold balls fall on my glove and in my very long h/c hair.
'It is something that is not red.'
"So then, what is red?" I question, A man walks forward from the snow, "Are you lost, little girl?" He asks with a creepy smirk, the aura surrounding him being a dark purple.
"Want your blood." He states with blood lust in his eyes, and his hostile aura bursts out at me.
'Beasts in human form that drink the blood of living humans.'
I stumble backwards, falling into the snow. The man lunges at me, "Ahh, NO DON’T!" I shout and stumble backwards, landing on the snow.
'They are…'
A boy appears from the blizzard and kills the man before he reaches me, "A disgrace to all vampires." the boy states, licking the blood off his hand he used.
'You must never get close to a vampire.'
The boy walks forward and extends his hand, "Are you alright?" he asked sweetly.
'If you do…'
I reach for his hand and he pulls me to my feet and embraces me.
.-.-.-Ten years later-.-.-.
'This is Cross Academy, a famous private school where all the students live on campus in the dorms.'
There's a crowd of girls gathered in front of the gate to the moon dorms, so I run through to the front, "All right everyone step back, it's way past curfew for all you day class students just turn around and go back to your dorms.", I state with a bored expression.
"We can see what you're trying to do Cross-Senpai, it's so obvious, you just want to keep the night class students all to yourself!" a fan girl says, "Yeah you're just taking advantage of the fact that you're the headmaster's daughter!" another pitches in.
"That's not true, I'm a night class student and member of the disciplinary committee!" I show them my armband, they all start fangirling again, ignoring me in the process, "No!" I glare at them, causing them to back up a bit, the doors to the moon dorms start to open,"Damn it." I sigh, I turn to see all the girls lined up with a path made for the night class.
I step out the way to the right, the night class starts to gracefully walk through, "Good morning girls! I could hear you all loud and clear from the dorm, you're all looking quite cute today!" My classmate Aido-San yells to all his fans, "Oh look, it's Idol-Senpai, I mean Aido-Senpai!" A girl next to me says, "Hi!" He says as he continues waving to his fangirls.
"Hanabusa..." The boy behind him says in a warning, "Oh relax your so stiff Akatsuki" Aido-San responds, "Over here!" one of the fangirls yells, "Hello Kain-Senpai!" another girl shouts to gain Kain-San's attention.
Aido turned toward one of the girls and shot her with a finger gun "Bang~", the girl faints dramatically causing me to roll my eyes, "Oh I want to be shot too!" the girl behind me yells and knocks me down, almost knocking off my gold lip ring with a f/j set in it, which I never take off, to join the gathering of girls around Aido-San, "Shoot me too!" one of the girls amongst the crowd of girls that swarmed him says, as I readjust it, "Bang, bang, bang bang" says as he points in the swarm at different girls.
"Y/n-Chan, are you alright?" The boy who saved me ten years ago says while extending his hand to me once more.
'My first memory...'
'Is of that snowy day.'
"I'm fine, Kaname-Senpai" I state as I look at his hand in front of me, still in a half-daze from my flashback, "Thank you for all your help" he says sweetly as he retracts his hand after realizing that I'm not going to take it, I quickly stood up feeling the glares from his fangirls and my classmate Souen-San burning holes in me, "Just doing my job." I state plainly while dusting myself off.
"When you act reserved like this I feel lonely." he states with a little sadness in his voice, "It’s because you saved my life, there's no reason you should keep being nice to me when I haven't even repaid you." I state, "Don’t worry about it, that was so long ago." he says as he cups my cheek.
Suddenly Zero snatches Kaname-Senpai's wrist, pulling it from my face, "Zero!" I say in a bit of a warning, "Your class is starting soon Kuran-Tama, you should go now." He says not even paying attention to me and using the Tama honorific as a show of disrespect to Kaname-Senpai, "You're so scary, Mister disciplinary committee." he responds a little sarcastically, and Zero scoffs at him as Kaname-Senpai turns and starts to walk to the main building.
"Kuran-Senpai!" two of his fans come over to him before he even makes it a meter away from his spot, "Um, would you accept this?" They each hold out a gift to him, he barely glances at the gifts as he immediately accepts them, "Thank you."
"All of you get back to your dorms right now!" Zero shouts at the girls gawking at the night class, all the girls scream and run away to their dorms, "Everyday they’re out here causing a racket." Zero grumbles in a salty tone.
"You're late." I state sternly and glare at him, "You know about the other night class students right?" he asks to sidestep my comment, "Don’t try to change the topic, of course I know," I retort.
'They're completely different from us, and I'm aware of that.'
I watch Kaname-Senpai walk away as he continues heading to class.
"This blood tablet developed by the night class is very effective and accepted worldwide, you’re all not just the pride of this school but also of the new vampire generation." The sensai states to the class, "It’s not a big deal," Souen-San comments, "It was just a group project," Takuma-Senpai agrees.
"Who does Kiryu Zero think he is, grabbing dorm president Kuran-Senpai like that!?" Aido-san says, scribbling over a picture he drew of Zero, "What's this?" Souen-San asks, picking up Aido-San's notebook, "This looks like someone in love," she said, looking at it.
"As if, I'd destroy the disciplinary committee if I got a chance!" Aido shouts at her, "But that girl looks tasty."Shiki-San states behind me as he keeps his head on the table while looking in my direction and licks his lips, Kaname-Senpai hears this and closes his book.
"Shiki-San..." Takuma-Senpai looks up from his book, "Hmm?" Shiki raised his head to look at him, "Time to feed." Toya-San says, tossing two blood tablets in the air towards Shiki-San, he chomps the air, catching them in his mouth.
Takuma-Senpai closed his book and Kaname-Senpai stands from his seat to sit next to me, "You seem awfully interested in her, Kuran-Sama. She's just a human." Souen-San states, like I'm not in the room.
"I guess you could say that. She is very accident prone." Kaname states simply, Souen-San places the corner of Aido-San's notebook on his hand and leans on it, "Ow, ow, ow, Souen-San do you wish to die!" He pulls his hand out from under the book and slams it on the table, Souen-San ignores him.
"The clouds will cover the moon soon," Kaname-Senpai announced calmly, "Yes, it will be our time." Takuma-Senpai agrees, the lights go out and everyone's eyes glow red except mine, "The night is made for vampires." Kaname-Senpai comments as his eyes shine a brilliant bloody red.
'Creatures who hide in the darkness and are the source of legends…'
'Their existence is the secret we must protect.'
"I can't accept this, we are the disciplinary committee not bodyguards for celebrities!" Zero shouts at the headmaster after his patrol which ends at the same time my lunch starts, "I know it's hard doing this every night-" Headmaster Cross states but is cut off mid-sentence, "If you know that then maybe you should add more people to the disciplinary committee." Zero grumbles.
"I have Y/n, but she’s barely any help!" He states with a thumb pointing in my direction, "At least I'm not late all the time." I say, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms, "I'm not going too." the headmaster says in a serious tone.
"It's our job to keep their secret, that's why the academy is divided into two!" He states as his voice goes cheerful, "We can't let the day class students know that they're vampires that's why your job is so important, I can only trust you two." he continues, back in a serious tone.
"I know it's tiring and people hate you for it but…" he paused partway to change his voice again, "By giving this job to my dear son and strong daughter I relieve any guilt I have!"
Zero slams his fist in the center of the table causing the table to break in half, "I admit I owe you a lot for taking me in, but I don't remember agreeing to be your son!"
"Kiryu-Kun, you're such a stickler for details." Headmaster states in a pout, "Y/n, you're actually his daughter. Try to talk some sense into him." Zero states after he stands upright.
"Eh? I like being in the night class, and everyone from both the night classes and the day classes get along fine. I'm just fine being on the disciplinary committee, it's quite fun and it lets me get out of my dorm, and I get exercise plus some fresh air. If not for my role then I would be hauled away in my dorm eating snacks and playing video games all night except for during class, and I already sleep from dawn till the end of class for the day students." I state with a neutral expression, "Oh Y/n, you're such a big help! You make me so happy!" The headmaster says while crying tears of joy and reaches over the table to try and hug me, I step back out of his reach and he flops over the table like a sad puppy.
"You know I don't like physical contact, Headmaster." I state to him, "Call me dad." He states sadly and starts to cry again, "Headmas-, uh, Dad-" I start and he accidentally cuts me off, "The only one who truly understands my ideology is you, Y/n! I want the dark days where vampires and humans fight to end, I want the youth of both sides to open their hearts and minds, to build a bridge that closes the gap between the two races to bring eternal harmony and happiness!" He yells cheerfully.
"That's why I built this academy, and invited the students of the night class!" He continues while jumping back and forth, "I can't take this anymore." Zero states and leaves, causing the headmaster to stop mid-jump, "Zero!" I yell after him right as the door closes, "He left again, this is getting ridiculous." I state and turn back to the headmaster.
"Well, I understand how Kiryu-Kun feels. There's no denying that there are vampires that only wish to harm, but the same goes for humans." He states bitterly, "Well, Kaname-Senpai is different!" I state as I slam my hands on either side of the table, "There are vampires like Kaname-Senpai who believe in what's right, so Zero has no right assuming every vampire is bad!" I continue as the headmaster inspects his now fixed table, "Your idea will work, I'm sure of it!" I finish, "Y/n!" The headmaster says and goes to hug me again but I stock off without realizing he was.
"Again!" He says as he flops over the table once again, I open the window and stop with one foot on the sill, "Just leave it up to me, Headmaster! I state and start going out the window, "Itte Kamasu!" I announce as I jump off the outside ledge, "It's Dad!" He says while crying.
'I have no memories of anything before I was five years old.'
I land on my feet on the grass below, I start running towards the main building for my second quarter patrol.
'On that snowy night, Kaname-Senpai brought me to the house of his acquaintance, Headmaster Cross.'
'And without knowing anything about me, he took me in.'
'I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Kaname-Senpai.'
'All that happened during that incident ten years ago, and marked the start of my life.'
I stop at the main building to catch my breath, leaning my back against a pillar holding up an outside ledge of a walkway outside the building.
'Yes…, Kaname-Senpai is my beginning.'
I touch my throat at the memory of the vampire he killed. I hear footsteps and raise my guard only to relax after I realize that they belong to Kaname-Senpai and Takuma-Senpai.
"Ah, Konichi. Thanks for patrolling the area." Takuma-Senpai says when he notices me, I grow flustered at the sight of Kaname-Senpai but I make sure not to show it.
I bow and quickly stock off to continue patrolling, "Y/n-Chan is interesting, isn't she?" Takuma-Senpai asks Kaname-Senpai, "There aren't any other girls like her type in the night class." He states.
"Ah…" Kaname-Senpai agrees and his eyes start to glow, "To someone used to the dark… She's a blinding sight." He states and starts walking again.
Takuma-Senpai continues to stand in place as he looks to the ground then back up to Kaname-Senpai's back, "Everyone likes living here, but don't forget…" he states and Kaname-Senpai pauses his steps, "Because of orders from you, a Pureblood, we are abiding by the rules of the humans... But just barely.", "I know that, Ichigo." Kaname-Senpai states then continues walking, "Hmm." Takuma-Senpai hums in acknowledgment.
During my patrol I feel myself getting more flustered by the second so I make a small detour to the water fountain, I arrive and stick my head in the stream flowing from the swan's mouth.
"He's different from me. The world he lives in, the things he sees…" I remind myself then pull my head out of the water. I sigh and return to my patrol, not noticing Zero sitting on the grass by a bush a couple yards away from the fountain. His breath is uneven and he slowly looks up and puts a hand on his face, covering one of his eyes in the process. A rush of blood lust races through his veins, he places a hand on his throat at the feeling then reaches into his uniform to retrieve his box of blood tablets. He drops them by accident as his breath becomes more labored, causing it to open and two fall out onto the grass next to the box.
I always visit my day class friend Yori-Chan after her class. I always get there a little early and see Zero napping at his desk in the back of the room.
"Kiryu-San, Kiryu-San!" The Sensei shouts to wake him up, he slowly lifts his head to look down at the teacher in the front of the classroom, "You're always sleeping in class, the disciplinary committee must be taxing…" He states, "But you still aren't allowed to sleep in class. Detention!" He yells as the bell rings.
I walk over to Zero as everyone starts to clear out, "That's rough Zero." I state as I hit his back causing him to glare up at me. I chuckle and make my way down to the third row and slide into my normal spot next to Yori, "You and Zero must have a hard time keeping up in class. You guys are always working during the night and sleeping during the day, you're like vampires." She comments, "Yori-Chan, you don't seriously think vampires are real." I asked her while hiding my panic behind a blank expression.
"Of course not." She says calmly while packing up her stuff and starts walking to the door, I stand up and start to follow her to the door noticing Zero is already gone, "Of course Zero is skipping out on detention again, I would too if I got detention." I say as I put my arms behind my head and catch up with Yori-Chan.
"I expected you to stay with him for detention, to get both your grades up." Yori-Chan states as we walk through the double doors, "Why would I stay with him? My grades are perfectly fine." I asked her as we continue walking, "You guys are friends." She states.
In the stables Zero is sleeping peacefully in the hay next to Lily-Chan, she bends down and nibbles his hair to wake him.
He stirs a little and opens his eyes, "What is it, Lily?" He asks the white horse,"Oh…" He says unhappily as he sees me standing in the stable doorway.
"Damn, do you know how hard it is to find you Zero?" I grumble at him with my hands on my hips, Zero starts to sit up from the hay, "As a member of the disciplinary committee, you're not supposed to skip out on detention!" I say with a raised voice, "But I honestly don't care about that, I care about you skipping out on duties! We're supposed to be at the gate already to hold back the fan girls, you're always late!" I state raising my voice further.
Lily-Chan gets angry and starts neighing at me and huffing, I glare at her not startled at all.
He turns to her and starts patting her leg, "Calm down, Lily. She's a very simple-minded girl, as you can see. She does not mean you any harm, she doesn't hurt animals, but she doesn't care about hurting humans." He states to calm her down, "Damn right I don't care about hurting humans, they can all suck this dick!" I state with my hands on my hips.
He stares at me wide-eyed for a few moments then starts cracking up laughing,"You came just to get me for detention, didn't you?" He asked after coming down from his laughing fit.
"Detention is over, but like I said I don't care about that." I state as he stands from the hay and makes his way over to me, "I came to get you for duties, just so I know you're not you're not skipping again. It's time for the switchover, remember?" I state while holding out his armband to him, "I know." He says as he snatches it from me while passing by.
'There are places in Zero's mind which are totally off limits.'
"Friends, huh?" I say to myself as I remember Yori-Chan's words, "When Zero is with you, he sleeps like a little child." I say to Lily-Chan as I slowly start walking towards her, she gets mad at me approaching and Huffs at me and starts screaming at me, "Okay okay, I get it Lily-Chan, I'll go now." I say to her as she starts brushing the hay with her back hoove, covering up Zero's pill box.
'Ever since that day.'
'I've come to wish for one thing.'
"Is Kuran-Tama doing well tonight?" Zero asks, snapping me out of my daze, "Eh?" I question him, not hearing what he said, "That hero of yours." He states to refer to what he said.
"I'm not only watching Kaname-Senpai, I'm making sure no one's on the roof." I lie to him to keep my cool, he rolls his eyes not believing a word I'm saying, "Everyone seems to be behaving before class, and so far I haven't seen any day class students. So it's a pretty peaceful night here at the Academy." I state as I look off the edge of the building.
"Do you really believe that?" Zero asks with a scoff, "Eh?" I question as I look back at him, "That things are going well between the day class and the night class." He finishes, "Of course I do, one hundred percent! It's my wish that vampires and humans can get along." I respond to him.
"The Headmaster believes that the ones in the night class agree with his pacifist views and that they are good vampires. But I don't believe it. Not a second." He says after he turns away from me, "Zero…" I say as I turn my body to fully look at him, "There is only one reason why I'm a guardian… And that is to find the most effective way to bring down those beasts in human form. I'm going to patrol elsewhere around the campus." He States as he walks to the edge and jumps onto the grass, "Well class is starting soon for me, so I'll go inside!" I shout out to him as he walks away.
'It's the same as that time…'
I have another flashback, and the Headmaster brings in Zero through the front door.
"This boy is Kiryu Zero-Kun, I'll be taking care of him from today. Y/n. This boy's family was killed by a bad vampire." Headmaster Cross says and Zero opens his eyes, hatred flows in of his aura at the word "vampire" causing his aura to turn purple, and I raise my guard as the hostel aura flows from him.
'I saw such hatred in his eyes and in his aura.'
'After four years together, he's opened up to me enough to joke with me, and I feel closer with him.'
'And yet…'
'I know…'
I look up in the window to see Souen-San walking by heading to class, her character heeding an example in my next thought.
'They're not all gentle vampires like Kaname-Senpai.'
'Even my parents, of whom I have no memory, could have easily been attacked by vampires.'
'And still…'
I'm broke out of my thoughts, and my walk to the nearest entrance, when I see two day class girls sitting on the grass in a clearing next to the main building, "Damn day class students, always prowling around…" I state to myself and put my hand on the side of the edge to push myself over it and land on a tree branch and jump up then fall down and grab it to land on the ground on both feet in front of the two girls, "You there! Tell me your names in class! It's against the rules to be wandering around at night!" I state as I show them my armband, "It's dangerous, go back to your dorms!"
"We came to take pictures of the night class students before their class starts." One girl says, "Can't we take a few?" The other girl says and tries to stand, "Itai…" She says when it hurts to stand, "Are you okay? Can you walk?" The first girl asks.
"Great, you're hurt. Are you bleeding?" I asked her quickly, she shows me her leg and I see blood on it, "Shit, hurry and go back to the dorm! " I shout urgently.
"...Eh?" The first girl questions, "What?!" The hurt girl says, "...Just hurry…!" I quickly say and start pushing them towards the dorms, I sense a presence so I quickly put my hand on my thigh and grab Artemis, "Who's there!" I shout as I extend my rod.
A hand grabs the end of Artemis to stop it from hitting him, "Oh scary… The Headmaster trains you well." Kain-San states as I look at him, "N-night class Akatsuki Kain-Senpai…! Hanabusa Aido-Senpai…!" The hurt girl fangirls,"No way…!" The other girl says as I put their hands together in fangirl harmony.
"Geez… We just came because we smelled blood." Aido-san states as he takes one finger and pushes Artemis away from Kain-San, Kain-San looks at his hand to inspect the damage from my rod then likes the wound, "You're so mean, Y/n-San… Really, we just came to see…" He says and his eyes flash red before he closes his eyes and sniffs the air, "Ah… You smell so nice." He states as he opens his eyes.
"Oh, what'll we do?!" The hurt girl says, "He said we smell nice!" Other girl fangirls, "Aido-san… If you lay a finger on the girls, you'll pay dearly…" I state and trail off at the end as he grabs the end of the Artemis rod and goes closer to me to touch my top hand, "...Did you fall, Y/n-San?" He asks, catching me off guard, "...Eh?" I question.
"What smells nice… Is your blood, Y/n-San." He states as he slowly slides his hand up mine to my wrist and puts pressure on my pressure point causing me to let go of Artemis rod with that hand and he brings the hand up for me to look at it, there's a scratch on the center.
'Damn it! When I jumped from that tree branch…'
I try to pull my hand away from him, "Aido-San!" I grumble when he doesn't let go, "Really…" He says as he pulls it closer to his face and his eyes gleam red, "It's very… tempting." He states as he reveals his fangs and draws a drop of blood from my hand with his left fang, "F-fangs?!" The girl who isn't hurt frets, "A vampire?!" The hurt girl joins her worries.
'Damn it!'
I dropped Artemis and try to get him to let go of my hand as he sinks his fangs into my hand, "Aido-san, don't! Damn it Aido-san!" I complain and he starts to raise his face from my hand and licks the blood off his lip, "I want more…" He States and the girls behind me faint, his other hand sneaks around my shoulders and moves the cuff of my shirt, "Can I take some from your neck?" He asks, "No, you can't!" I shout at him.
"Hanabusa…" Kain-San says to get his attention, "What is it, Akatsuki?" He asks him, "Kiryu-Kun is rapidly approaching, he's about twelve kilometers away." Kain-San warns him, "Damn Kiryu-Tama." Aido-san huff and places a hand over my mouth to keep be quiet and jumps into the top of a tree to hide, and Kain-San jumps into a different tree to hide.
'The ring…'
I start to feel different, my senses sharpen, my aerial awareness increases and I sense Zero running through the forest about seven kilometers away, I look down at the ground and notice my lip ring from the right side of my bottom lip got knocked out when Aido-San put his hand on my mouth.
'It's been a long time since I've been awakened fully…'
'Finally you're free to use your powers that are your birthright…'
Zero arrives under us and notices the unconscious girls, he quickly looks around noticing that they're alone and picks them up to take them to the Headmasters office.
He leaves with the girls, and I feel my teeth starting to get sharper, and I feel jolts of energy flowing through my veins, My eyes turn e/p/c as I activate my e/p causing Aido-San to shoot out the tree and his back hits the tree in front of us, he slides down the trunk the rest of the way and lands on his butt, "Itai…" He says as he makes it to the ground.
"Hanabusa!" Kain-San shouts as he jumps down from the tree Aido-San hit, "What happened?" He asks him, "I-I don't know, Akatsuki." Aido-San responds with a shocked expression.
I hop down from the tall tree, like it's nothing, and land on both feet, "'Drinking blood on school grounds is strictly forbidden.'" I grumble as my eyes go back to e/c then turn blood red a few moments later, both vampire's eyes widen and they start to shake at the sound of my Pureblood voice.
They're both stuck there like they're frozen to the ground, I gracefully walk over to them and put a hand on both of their heads, '"I would punish you both, but you're not going to remember this anyways."' I state and erase their memories of the past minute, starting with when I jumped down from the tree, they fall asleep a moment after the process is completed and I take my hands off their heads as Kain-San hits the ground.
I turn around and walk over to my spot I was in when I found the girls, and I reached down to pick up my lip ring, and bring it up to my face and refasting it through my lip, my eyes turn back e/c and my senses dull. The energy that was coursing through my veins ceases, and my teeth go back to normal, I close my eyes and reopen them, I look around and see Aido-San and Kain-San sitting in front of a tree, asleep. I huff and chalk it up to, I beat them up, I noticed the girls are gone and remember that Zero took them to the Headmaster's office, "One less thing I have to worry about." I state to myself and head to class to retrieve Kaname-Senpai.
When I reach the class I apologize to the Sensei for being late and immediately go straight to Kaname-Senpai and tell him everything I remember, and take him to the perpetrators, when we arrive at where I left them they start to wake up.
"Thank you for your hard work, Y/n-Chan. I'll take these fools and we'll wait for the Headmaster's punishment." He states as he turns his head to me,"Kuran-Dojo…" Aido-San says as he realizes Kaname-Senpai is standing in front of him, "...Kain…" Kaname-Senpai says as he turns to Kain-San, "Huh?" He questions still in a bit of a daze, "Why didn't you stop Aido? You're just as guilty.", "Oh…" Kain-San says wearily.
"Now then. These two who fainted… They're already at the Headmaster's office, correct?" Kaname-Senpai asks me, "Yes, Zero took them there early when Aido-San was holding me captive in a tree." I respond, "Okay then. When I arrive at the Headmaster's office, I'll erase their memory of tonight." He tells me, "Understood. Thanks, Kaname-Senpai." I say, "I'm sorry he scared you… Y/n-Chan." He states as his eyes soften, "Actually the both didn't even startle me, let alone scare me. They were just bothersome." I state in response, "Still…" Kaname-Senpai says, "You should probably take them to the Headmaster's office as soon as possible, cuz I need to patch up my hand before I go to class." I state and he nods, he then grabs Aido-San by the back of his shirt and drags him to the Headmaster's office with Kain-San following closely behind them.
I make it to the Headmaster's building and take a quick shower to get the smell of blood off of me, while I'm drying my hair Zero walks in signaling the end of his patrol, meaning that it's lunch time for me.
"Hey! Can't you see that it's occupied?!" I shout at him, "If you have any complaints, blame the bath in the dorm which is closed at dusk." He states after turning to me then turning back forward, "The Headmaster's bath is the only one I can use." He states as he starts to take his shirt off.
"Don't undress in front of a girl." I grumble as I throw a tube of lotion at the back of his head, he stops as it makes contact with his neck, "You just thought, "Well, I don't consider you a girl," didn't you?" I question then turn back to the mirror as he drops his shirt, "Fine, then continue." I finish as I continue blow drying my hair.
"I heard that you were bleeding earlier, the smell of blood is gone." He says after sniffing the air around me and I look at him, "Oh, shut up. My hand has finally stopped bleeding." I state and turn back to look at my hand, "But… If it's according to the legends, I may've turned into a vampire." I say and don't see the look on Zero's face.
"I was attacked by a stray vampire ten years ago too… I guess my blood must be very tasty." I comment and don't hear Zero gasp as a wave of bloodlust rushes to him after looking at my neck, "I'll try to be more careful from now on, but you know how accident prone I am. I am a guardian who protects Cross Academy Day and Night, but I am clumsy as hell." I state and continue talking, "Although, it would be disgraceful if I kept letting them bite me." I finish and look at Zero right as he shuts the shower door.
I shrug and go back to drying my hair, unknowing of the mild panic attack he's having in the shower as he leans up against the wall, "Don't…" he whispers and bites his lip, causing his fang to pierce it and a drop of blood runs down his lip that he licks up before it reaches his chin, "...come any closer." He finishes his comment, with blood red eyes.
Aido-San drops a blood tablet into a wine glass full over water and watches it dissolve in it, "Suspended for ten days… But, Y/n-San's blood… was worth it." He states as it finishes dissolving, "Kuran-Dojo will get upset if he hears you saying that." Kain-San states to him, "Fine with me! Surviving on the blood tablets alone isn't good enough for me." Aido-San responds, "Her blood was irresistible… so I…" He starts and is cut off.
"Oi!" Kain-San tries to warn him at the last second, Kaname-Senpai walks in, "So you…?" He questions after he slaps him, "S-sorry." He states as Kaname-Senpai goes to walk up the stairs, "Weren't you asking for that?" Kain-San asks Aido-San after, "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!" He responds embarrassed.
'Fierce Beast that suck the blood of living humans.'
'I must never get close to a vampire.'
'If I do…'
I think while I make my way to the night class dorms to go to my room, I don't see Kaname-Senpai looking at me through the window as I approach and he licks the blood of Aido-San off his finger, "Y/n."
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