joryjoseph · 6 months
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Assignment: 25°45'10.0"N 80°22'56.5"W & Framing the Space :
Since I missed out on the first assignment I decided to mix the two together. With the passing of my father recently I decided to make the assignment about him and to give the audience a sense of who he was and what he meant to me. I utilized pieces of fabric that had some form of emotional or memorable attachment to make it feel more personal. I also made sure every little detail within the instillation was something of his or something that he loved to give the audience a sense of who he was. I also wanted to see how all of these connected pieces would react within the space and color, which I think exemplified the mood/feeling I was trying to invoke. My choice of color initially was blue but I thought that purple would be a better choice after doing some research that in African culture they utilize the color purple to symbolize strength and royalty.
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raul3d2023 · 10 months
25°45'10.0"N 80°22'56.5"W 
For this assignment I wanted to use light and shadow in order to make the mannequin grander than it actually is. I decided to give the mannequin a sword in order for it to look like it is going into battle. I chose the color red because it is a color associated with violence as well as adventure. The music in the background is the Pirates of The Caribbean theme song. This song signified both elements I was trying to portray with my color choice. Although if I could change one thing about my final project I would have liked to add multiple backgrounds in order for the mannequin to look like it is marching through different landscapes.  
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meganartaud · 6 months
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#1 Assignment: 25°45'10.0"N 80°22'56.5"W
Title: Glowing Stick Figure
Medium/materials used: Tape, LED lights, Fabric Strip
For this assignment, I am attempting to become a stick figure. I taped strips of fabric on me to represent a stick figure. I play around with the lights, but on purpose. The red lights blends the strips of fabric, while the blue light makes them stand out. This process allowed the stick figure to look invisible and then quickly stand out. This phenomenon allows for the stick figure to become one with me. Instead of it just on top of my clothes, it would make me the actual figure. I used a mystical type of music to give off the vibe of “magic” or relaxation. This would allow the audience to focus on the presentation.
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migueld789 · 6 months
For the first project the idea that i came up with to utilize the space was put on myself a creepy yellow smiley mask i had bought from Party City years ago and then go into the room with res intense lighting and then once inside i sit inside the room with my face pressed aganist the glass to creepily stare at outside the glass. I wanted to go with the red lighting to fit with the uncomfortable horror vibe i was going for.
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kimlorenn · 6 months
#1 Assignment: 25°45'10.0"N 80°22'56.5"W 
Color assignment tags: #color2D #colorandspace
#2 Assignment: Framing the Space
Frame assignment tags: #framespace #2Dframespace
#3 Assignment: Iconic Places
Gestalt assignment tags: #iconiclocation #2Diconicmiami
#4 Assignment: Flag race challenge 
Hierarchy assignment: #hierarchyflag #flagrace #2Dflagrace
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michael-viciedo · 6 months
25°45’10.0”N 80°22’56.5”W: FINAL:
Student Name: Michael Viciedo
Title: Just Smile
Dimensions: Variable (Performance)
Materials Used: LED mask, two class chairs, iPad device, Human skull model, wire cutters, LED lights.
Description: When I heard that our next project could be performance art, I was excited. I have practically 0 experience with performance and saw this as an opportunity to explore a new medium all together. As stated in my process post, I wanted to create a horror-based scene with the color red to symbolize danger, and heart beat. An LED mask I own was used as the focal point of the work as it was colored blue making it stand out from the red environment, moving all eyes to look towards the mask. A skull was placed atop my iPad which illuminated it in red light, making it stand out from the basic objects in the box, but not from the mask. From there, I performed and moved in an unsettling way to fully create that feeling of unease and fear in the viewer.
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brianablondet · 6 months
25°45'10.0"N 80°22'56.5"W
For this presentation, my goal was to create an atmosphere that best reflects me as a person. Contrary to Reds association with negativity and anger, the color has also represented intensity and passion. Due to that symbolism, I felt like it perfectly captured my temperament. I find the color itself to be calming, so the scene I created of me cutting the flowers while holding my baby basket, another form of myself, to create an almost calm yet tense setting that displays how I may come off. The flowers serve as delicate addition to the characterization to create contrast.
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amanduh-nicolee · 7 months
25°45'10.0"N 80°22'56.5"W
PRESENCE. Wooden hand model, LED lights, smartphone flashlight, pedestal. No dimensions avaialable. My initial intent with this project was to illustrate a complex and abstract emotional experience. The experience I chose was a very personal one to me as a Christian, which is that of being in God's presence in prayer. I chose a soft orange color and projected a shadow of a wooden hand onto the wall. If given more time to prepare, I would have brought a flashlight or lamp besides that of my phone that would be better able to focus the light and create a sharper silhouette of the hand. Overall, I was satisfied with the effect produced by this project.
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zahrahin3d · 7 months
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25°45'10.0"N 80°22'56.5"W
Mediums: Plastic water bottles, carboard, led lights, yarn, glass beads.
Ring: approx 8" diameter
Jellyfish approx 10" tall
Koi fish: approx 5 inches wide
For this assignment I wanted to play with shadows, lights and reflections to create an underwater universe. I was fascinated by the use of light and how it reflected through plastic. I also wanted to shadow puppets and so I combined both ideas together into a fish and jellyfish mobile. In the center I made a jellyfish out of a plastic water bottle using a flame to shape the plastic. To the inside of the jellyfish I installed a led light from a lantern. Then out of cardboard I created 4 koi fish and a circular rim to attach everything together. I then attached everything together with yarn so I could rotate the mobile .I glued additional clear beads to the jellyfish to enhance the effects of the light. When I turned on the light of the plastic jellyfish it created an interesting reflection that almost looked like water. However the light was not strong enough to cast a shadow onto the fish so I brought a lamp to enhance the shadows for my presentation. This light went straight through the plastic and created an interesting contrast between the see through shadow versus the more defined ones. For the LED lights I had a friend gradually shift the colors from purple to teal and back because I felt they corresponded to the underwater theme. Overall i’m very happy with how my project turned out and I think the warmth of the lights lamp made it even more visually appealing.
#color2D #colorandspace
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kiittycc4t · 7 months
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25°45'10.0"N 80°22'56.5"W
For this project, I used items from my room. I created a altar of sorts to highlight my cat. The materials I used were a sheer cloth with a pattern, preserved flowers in a vase, a picture of my cat, and three candles. All of these materials from my bedroom were place on two blocks that made it about two and a half feet in width, but about 3.5 feet in height.
My intent was to honor my cat. I have had my cat since I was less that a year old, and I am nineteen now. Although alters are often used for the dead, I wanted to honor my cat because he holds such a special place on my heart because I always have him around me and continue to every day. I like to think that the color red has significance to him because I believe red and black (he is a black cat) go really nice together. And i believe that using items from my room was important because its his favorite place in my house.
Ode to Jack
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nicolec06 · 7 months
25°45'10.0"N 80°22'56.5"W
In this given space I decided to make a painting in blue and red to test the technique of the change of revelation according to the light. I really liked trying this since it was my first time presenting a drawing and having control of the lights at the same time. The two different colors conveyed a different sensation, the blue light showed the red painting which was just a girl with a door and stairs being more mysterious, and on the other side the red light showed the fairy world. In the end I decided to add music to it which was a fundamental tool to project this fantasy world.
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sharonnassimos · 7 months
25°45'10.0"N 80°22'56.5"W
For this assignment, I decided to incorporate my freelancing job to creating a relationship with the given space. When I was brainstorming what to do, I instantly had an idea as to photographing something or someone. Then, I thought about my friend who had his own clothing brand and decided why not maybe photograph him wearing his merch and he can be my model! So during class I told him my idea and asked him if he wanted to be down to shoot and he said yes! During presentations, my turn was next and the “shoot” was a total success. I used a sound on YouTube in which helped everyone visualize we were having a photoshoot in the given space.
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stephonline · 10 months
Assignment 1
The between of living and the restlessness of the search for original comfort.
Unfortunately, this piece wasn’t filmed for its full 11 minutes, but in snippets the sensory aesthetics are visible.
This piece used my body and fabric to create an experience based on the idea of putting on and shedding layers of identity through life. These layers being born from the search for the feeling of at home-ness and unconditional love.
The figure, being born into the world of impressions and identifications, is born and dies with only one layer of fabric on, it’s identification as a body being in this world.
During the mid-point, there is the search, the suffering from dissatisfaction of the veil that they were originally given. They try putting on many many different ones, but remain lost in false identity, which makes them lose sight of their selves. (Their own bodily figure gets lost in the shapelessness of the fabric).
Towards the end, there is a shift, and the layers begin coming off. A light lights in their heart, and they search for the source. The shedding of all the layers that came from the feeling of lacking of love, towards the naked yearning of the love of the true self.
That being (the self), free from any need to amend itself with world comforts, is seen more clearly, as death comes, and the layers between the essence of the self subtly exposed.
At least for now, that is my interpretation of this piece. Over time I know the meaning will change for me, as the meaning is reliant on the individual.
Loved making this, but it was really intense!
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rinm-art · 10 months
Color and space
For this project, I wanted to use lights that reacted to sound to depict the scene of femininity being imposed on trans Masculine and butch identifying people. The piece speaks about how fear drives others to impose identities that don’t belong to us onto us. It is a direct response to fear to lack of conformity into an absence of comfort. This piece is inspired by my gender queer identity and how the woman in my life particularly in my family have handled that identity. This piece can be seen as an interaction between a mother and child or siblings. Either way it is that fear and imposition of femininity that is depicted within this. The raw screams that come from the argument stand for the frustration and complexity that comes with handling situations like this as a Butch identifying person. Performing this piece, felt very visceral and almost brought me back to those times when they were actively happening. But I feel like it is a very important piece to perform in front of others, because it allows us all to recollect those experiences that happen to us. Regardless of them being the ugly and painful things within our lives, it reminds us of what we have gone through and what we have persevered through as queer people.
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myaneptune · 10 months
#1 Assignment: 25°45'10.0"N 80°22'56.5"W
Title: Untitled
Materials: A light LED lit room, 2 candles, speakers, and pillows. 
This five minute performative piece shows me meditating in a relaxed environment that I set up. I wanted to set the mood of a relaxing environment by turning on the humidifier, setting up blankets and pillows, playing sounds of the ocean with soft tunes, casting a white in the presenting room, and lighting two candles in front of me. I started off by setting up my blankets and pillows across the room and then  placing the two candles in front of me and lighting them up. After I started playing the soft relaxing music and got into my criss-cross leg position and began a five minute meditation session. I sat in silence and stillness as my mind began to calm. I wanted to convey peace and show that even amidst the chaos, one can find calmness in the storm.  
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christy-montero · 10 months
Assignment 25°45'10.0"N80°22'56.5"W
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Title: Final Care
Materials: LED lights, a volunteer, covers, Bandages, Several jars, a hat and a plague doctor mask.
For this piece I wanted to do something that gave the impression of a medieval setting, the volunteer sits while I "clean" his wounds while in costume. I wanted the LED lights to be a tone similar to yellow to create a more cozy atmosphere, reminiscent to candlelight. Covers and pillows are present so the volunteer looks as in their deathbed, at the end of the presentation the volunteer is wrapped and covered . A common thing for plague doctors is that they weren't actual doctors, they just went to pick up the bodies, sometimes arriving before the person died. I wanted to tell a story of a collector offering comfort through someone's final moments.
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