harleysite · 2 years
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Die Fähre ist erreicht, werde heute noch in Norwegen ankommen 💪👍 #harleydavidson #harleysite #harleysitenorwegen #norwegen #colorline #harleytour #lofoten (hier: Colorline Hirtshals Superspeed 2) https://www.instagram.com/p/CftNNyoIE_b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mart-singer · 8 months
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CL3S-23, acrylic, paper and wood on frame, 15.4 x 11.3 x 1.2 inches. CL3S-23, acrylique, papier et bois sur cadre, 39,2 x 28,8 x 3 cm.
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monriatitans · 1 year
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BLACK HISTORY MONTH QUOTE 13 OF 15 Tuesday, February 28, 2023
"Herein lie the many things which if read with patience may show the strange meaning of being black here in the dawning of the Twentieth Century. This meaning is not without interest to you, Gentle Reader; for the problem of the Twentieth Century is the problem of the color-line." - W.E.B. Du Bois
Check out Yocum African American History Association for educational resources! The image was made with and shared via the Quotes Creator App to Instagram; check it out here!
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schoenbergerstrand · 2 years
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15.05.2022 Schönberg Brasilien (c) www.schoenbergerstrand.com #schönbergerstrand #schönberg #ostsee #ostseeurlaub #meer #brasilienostsee #colorline #meerblick #schoenberg #schoenbergerstrand (at Brasilien Strand, Schönberg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdlVgnboI7m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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silverchinqian · 2 years
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聽聽雨努力與泥土融合 與湖水拍手 滑過羽毛 總有一些小雨點 捨不得葉子的質感 #drawing #色鉛筆 #変形 #観察する #artinlife #colorline #raining https://www.instagram.com/p/CddfXEWvSwb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stylesoverdosecom · 2 years
30 Colored Eyeliner Looks: Bomb Ideas
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padawan-historian · 9 months
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Local histories are essential to rediscovering our ancestral idenities and cultural landscapes, re-examing how communities navigated the gendered, racial, and class systems and structures of our world, and reclaiming our futurepasts | today we're taking a trip to Worcester Massachusetts' historic neighborhood of Beaver Brook where indigenous, diaspora, and immigrant folks across colorlines and countries lived and labored together.
(1) Thomas A. Dillon, a Virginia-born coachman, and his wife Margaret Dillon, a domestic servant and native of Newton, Massachusetts, sit in their home located at 4 Dewey Street with their children Thomas, Margaret, and Mary (1904)
(2) James J. Johnson an afroindigenous Nipmuc, hailing from Narragansett, Rhode Island, and his partner Jennie Bradley Johnson, a Black migrant from Charleston, South Carolina, pose with their young daughters Jennie and May. James worked as a coachman while Jennie worked as a laundress. Mr. Johnson passed away shortly after this photograph was taken (1900)
(3) Little Susie Idella and Harry Clinton Morris were the children of Sandy Morris, a New Orleans native, and Susie Arkless Morris, a Nipmuc community member. These two were the great-great-grandchildren of Sampson Hazard, a Revolutionary War veteran (1901)
(4) An elderly relative of Mrs. Louden posed among flowers (1901)
(5) Betty and Willis Coles were Virginia migrants who arrived in Massachusetts in the 1890s. Willis, worked as a day laborer and later became a pastor in Springfield, Massachusetts (1902)
(6) This group may have been entertainers at an Old Home Days celebration, a popular event at the turn of the century held to commemorate the area’s rural past (1906)
Sources: "Beaver Brook Neighbors" (Alex Q. Arbuckle, 2018) | Clark University and Worcester Art Museum
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blindlyadored · 5 days
just realized the skin tone pallet thing I use for psd testing is kinda glitched
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why do the skin tones have these random colorlines 😭😭
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megtudommagyarazni · 11 months
Navigare necesse est
Szerettem hajózni. Rengeteget hajóztam, néha többet is, mint szerettem volna. 8 évet Skandináviában húztam le (ez már a kétezres évek eleje),
ugrálok itt összevissza az időben, majd szorulok ezért
ott pedig sokat kell tengeren menni. Az összes északi hajót, kompot megismertem, akkor olyan cégnél voltam, amely fő csapásiránya Franciao. volt, Bretagne, Normandia, néha Párizs, Lyon, Nantes.
Jókat lehetett kajálni, a nagy részüknél a cargo-jegyben benne volt az ingyenes kabin+étkezés. Volt, ahol külön kamionos étkezde volt, máshol a turistákkal együtt, csak 8-10 asztalra kitették a táblát: Reserved/Cargo. Többnyire svédasztalos rendszer, egy-két társaságnál a cargo-jegyre is fizetni kellett, de csak jelképes összeget, mittudomén 2 €, vagy a Stena Line-on Calais-Dover közt 2 £, ott például délelőtt full english breakfast volt, déltől steak, meg cottage pie.
A leghoszabb Kielből (D) Bergenbe (N) volt, majdnem 2 nap. Dögunalom, ettem, a kabinban tévéztem, ettem, tévéztem, aztán ettem. Még szauna sem volt, azt hiszem ColorLine volt. A legtöbbet Scandlines-al mentem, Travemünde-Malmö, este indult, reggel érkezett, vacsora-reggeli, meg a Superspeed ferry-vel, Hirtshals-Larvik közt. Náluk volt olyan svédasztal, mint egy ötcsillagos hotel éttermében, cargo-jeggyel ingyen. A legrövidebb Villa San Giovanni-Messina Szicíliába (tudod, Scylla és Charybdis közt), ott látni lehetett a túloldalt.
Na de ne maradjunk sztori, kaland nélkül ma sem.
A Fehmarn-félsziget (D) csücskéről, Puttgardenből ment a kis komp Rødbyhavnba (DK), a legdélibb dán szigetre. Scandlines, Schleswig-Holstein a hajó neve. Most látom, hogy azóta alagút lett. Rohadt viharos téli idő volt, a kikötő felé vezető úton volt még egy magas híd (Fehmarnsundbrücke), azt a polizei le is zárta a 10 t alatti rakományú kamionok előtt, nekik kiépített parkolók voltak. Nekem volt 23 tonnám, engedtek. Azért meleg volt, 15-tel sunnyogtam át, egyszer még így is megemelte a hármas tengely baloldalát egy szélroham tíz centire. A kb 40 nm-es oldalponyva fogta a szelet becsülettel. A kikötőben becsekkoltam, ahogy beálltam a megadott sávba, már jött is a hajó. Félóra múlva fent voltam az alsó cargo decken. Az egész út 40-50 perc volt, az időjárás, szél, tenger függvényében. Mozgott, dülöngélt a komp, ilyenkor a büfé is néptelen, minek együnk, ha mindjárt kijön?
Kikötés előtt pár perccel indultunk le az alsó deckre. Beülök, indítok. Az önindító azt mondta, hogy: krrrr, krrrr, nyehehe, nyehehe. Közben mindenki kiállt, jöttek a beszállók, a zsilip csukódik. Hé, még itt vagyok!
A komp indult vissza Puttgardenba. Nem húzom, mindent megpróbáltam, bekúsztam hanyatt a kocsi alá a fülkeemelő vassal, próbáltam szépen, majd csúnyán hatni a starterre, mindhiába. Közben még egyet fordultunk. A harmadik kanyarnál felhívott a kapitány a hídra, telefonáljak valakinek. Kinek, baszod?
A traktor ZH rendszámú volt, Ziar nad Hronom, leánykori nevén Garamszentkereszt, észak-Szlovákiában, ahová dedikálva voltam, az meg a svéd Jönköping, és már este volt. A kapitän a tettek hímes mezejére lépett, és felhívta egy ismerősét, aki a Lellandon volt földművelő, csupa végtelen szántóföldek, farmok, gazdaságok.
A következő kikötésnél ott is állt egy akkora Fendt traktor, mint két dieselmozdony. Rámtolatott, drótkötél, én már tudtam, hogy ebből semmi jó nem sül ki. A levegőm mind elment, hat tengelyen, 12 keréken tövig volt a légfék, 23 tonna motyó meg nyomta le. Ha meg is bír mozdítani a hajó acélpadlóján, mi lesz, ha kiérünk a betonra? Azért az első drótkötél elpattanásáig próbálkozott. Mikor a hetedik kikötésnél megláttam a Falck 600-as kamionmentő Scaniáját, már nem lehetett túl egészséges színem. A kétméteres, 140 kilós békés viking rámtolt, csatlakoztatta a levegőtöltőt, vonórudat vett elő, addig a hajó állt, se ki, se be senki. Mikor bekapcsolta a kék! lámpákat, és megmozdult a szerelvény, üdvrivalgásba törtek ki a nézők, matrózok, sofőrök.
Hét menet, bazmeg, hét, azon a viharos, háborgó északi-balti tengeren!!4
A Falck, miután a pótot letalpaltam a vám előtt, elhúzott 30-40 km-re egy műhelyhez. Ott aludtam, reggel nekiálltak, délután mehettem vissza a póthoz. Gyönyörű, enyhe, csendes napsütéses idő volt.
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Do you know if any new color morphs or mutations have developed in chickens comparatively recently? Like horses are constantly inventing new versions of the splash white gene every few years so I'm wondering if anything is happening similar in chickens?
There are a few things that come to mind, the problem with chickens is some color things are not very well studied and isolated yet so we cant really know for certain about some things intill more research is done but ill talk about the the things that are relatively new in the chicken sphere.
Dominant white is a pretty well studied color compared to other chicken colors likely because white leghorns are some of the most common lab chickens. In 2004 scientists discovered a new color on the dominant white locus called Dun!
It works exactly the same as the Blue gene meaning that heterozygous birds with one dose express the dun coloration but homozygous birds are much lighter and have more pigment striped which is called Khaki-just like how blue is blue with one dose and splash with two.
There is quite a few dun birds these days so it isnt like super new but 2004 is still very recent for it getting identified.
Another color was discovered on the dominant white locus called Smokey and was discovered in a non-inbred laboratory breeding line. This mutation was not caused by any retroviruses or the like and seems to have been spontaneous. This line of white leghorns was gathered from several different breeders so they also had leghorns who were not standard colors (such as blue and mottled) in the gene pool which is interesting to me.
Anyway Smokey produced a smokey color extremely similar to heterozygous Blue birds. Smokey only effects black pigment due to it being on the dominant white locus and it breeds true, birds need two copies of the gene to express it. This means you dont need to worry about splash colored birds when breeding blue. This also means that with smokey you could achieve perfect blue red colorlines who breed true, no need to have black and splash pens (so less culling) since smokeys can just produce more smokeys if you breed them together.
It is thought that Smokey exists out there in the chicken hobby but people likely mistake it for blue or a weird dun but who knows as the average chicken hobbist doesnt have lab to do molecular testing on their birds.
Dr. R. Okimoto one of the people who discovered the gene says it could take decades for the gene to be distribed throughout the chicken hobby to be a competitor to Blue and as far as i know right now this gene is only found in America. It will take a long time for this gene to establish a foot hold but im interested to see how it goes.
Another gene that has been identified by hobbyists is Dull Black, it has no symbol and is not found in scientific literature (yet). Its also known as Recessive Black. Basically it acts as an autosomal recessive and darkens and dulls the feather. Birds who are Dull Black typically do not show iridescence on any part of their feathers even the tail and hackles. Having seen some very dark but incredibly matte looking chickens before i do believe this gene exists and can be readily found. In theory this color would be the perfect color base for Dun and Khaki to act on and might produce some more even toned birds but who knows. Dull black only seems to appear on birds on the Extended Black, Birchen, and Brown bases. Some people argue that this color might actually be misidentified Smokey and others might think its a spontaneously very dark blue bird that popped on in their line one day. Unfortunately we will never really know intill it is replicated and isolated but its likely that Dull Black is some kind of melanizing gene or ever a group of genes that have a slightly different expression then what we typically see in black chickens.
Also whatever the hell Rob's super iridescent chickens got going on (The purple poultry project) i hope he is able to get his birds some testing in the future to see whats allowing the feathers to have such beautiful shine and color.
Hope you enjoyed my infodump
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harleysite · 2 years
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Wie soll es auch anders sein, ich war richtig pünktlich um 11:00 Uhr am Hafen, wo die Fähre mit Ann-Kathrin von Island angelegt hat. Nur leider dauert das entladen etwas länger und unsere Color Line GmbH Superspeedfähre legt um 12:15 Uhr in Richtung Kristiansand in Norwegen 🇳🇴 ab. Das war vielleicht ein Krimi, sie war fast die letzte, die von Bord kam und bei der ColorLine Superspeed Fähre waren wir die letzten Fahrgäste, die noch an Bord wollten. Hinett uns ging direkt die Bugklappe runter 😅. Aber geil, nun geht das Abenteuer richtig los, wir haben bestes Wetter in Norwegen und nun geht es in Richtung Stavanger 💪👌🇳🇴🤘 #harleydavidson #colorline #superspeedfähre #kristiansand #norwegen #harleysite #nightster #harleynigtster #panamerica #panamerica1250 #harleysiteontour (hier: Kristiansand, Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci5Hz8Xog-e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dfivezstore · 5 months
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datastate · 2 years
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→ hello, hello! ( ´ ∀ `)ノ i draw on occasion + currently creating my own rpg!
→ hollow knight is very dear to me. i’ve spoken about it before at length, and i am always down to discuss it with other people! i really love both its lore & gameplay—i genuinely cannot recommend it enough!!!
→ currently hyperfixating on your turn to die! alongside it, lately i’ve been into the apothecary diaries alongside the yakuza series! i’m also really fond of witch’s heart & zero escape: 999, and have (slowly) been reading a bit of nabari no ou & the locked tomb. additionally: please keep in mind that this blog does not tag spoilers.
→  FAVE CHARACTERS // ( far too many to list, but here’s the gist... )
hk: the dreamers & their companions (esp. hornet, lurien, and monomon); the hollow knight (spirit); the five knights; unn & the mosskin; the moth tribe; mask maker; cloth
yttd: satous & chidouins; michiru namida; nao egokoro; yabusames
yakuza: tetsu tachibana & xiao qiao; saki nakahara; haruka sawamura & kazuma kiryu; daigo dojima; goro majima; masumi arakawa
knh: maomao; aduo & fengming; gaoshun
nintendo: tribe of darkness & ancients (spm); nastasia (spm); mimi (spm); pixl queen (spm); vivian (ttyd); doopliss (ttyd)
utdr: susie; queen; seam & jevil
misc: amaterasu (ōkami); clover & snake (999); sirius gibson & claire elford (witch's heart); feys & godot (ace attorney)
→ feel free to talk with me about or send me posts with any of the above, or posts involving: jesters (& coulro-content in general), pandas, dragons, or really anything involving my interests!
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- BASIC DNI // ( tl;dr: if you’re a creep, i’ll block you lol )
— no condoning pedo/assault/incest (+ no-map/pro-ship/etc.) — no racists/colorism/colonizer deniers — no transphobes/transmeds or transmisogynists — believe reverse oppression exists — support whitewashing — claim fiction doesn't affect reality — yandere enthusiasts — ao3 donors
pb resources
movement for black lives
race forward (& news site colorlines)
freedom cities (& freedom to thrive)
color of change
the okra project
trans women of color collective
icc palestenian reports
resistance for palestine
decolonize palestine
doctors without borders
world central kitchen
misc. compiled palestenian resources
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i’m on discord as towobias#8488 & i have a yttd server! [promo post]
▸ last updated: apr 25, 2024 ◂
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uptodatenews · 4 months
Lizard Schoolbag Doll Bag Multi-functional Backpack
Product information:Pattern: solid colorLining texture: PolyesterColor: black, orange, light greenProcessing Method: soft surfaceOuter bag type: Three-dimensional pocketAccessory type: BuckleMaterial: Oxford clothPopular elements: splicingNumber of shoulder straps: double connectorApplicable scenario: Daily configurationLifting parts: loading and unloading handleApplicable gender: neutral/both men and womenFunction: breathable, waterproof, wear-resistant, anti-theft, anti-seismic, burden reduction, anti-cutting
Shop Now
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xxxjarchiexxx · 5 months
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Angel Davis for Colorlines
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star-realities · 5 months
Can confirm nap kid was Tim now also never let him know you’re a sentient robot of any kind he will want answers to questions I don’t even know the answers to ❤️⚡️
PS One of you make sure he’s not putting cables in just anyone because I could see everything that wasn’t encrypted which wasn’t a lot compared to what was on the entire computer but still a lot of stuff
Also you should probably ask him why he wrote a 126 page analysis of Coroline that goes on a tangent about how Colorline’s parents do suck because they don’t care about her or pay attention to her enough to notice being kidnapped by a spider lady because I didn’t think he was okay before but I definitely don’t now-
Never tell Tim ANYTHING interesting istg-
Average Timmy behavior tbh. And don’t tell anyone I said this but that’s also average BATMAN behavior. Some shit he’d pull.
And yeah he’s not okay, but don’t worry about it. He’s… coping lmao. If you try and bother him about it there’s a 70% chance you’ll either get stabbed, your mainframe hacked (since you’re a robot), or poisoned!
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