sumpix · 8 years
30 English Words Borrowed from Dutch
  By Mark Nichol
During much of the 1600s, the Netherlands was a world power, especially at sea, and this influence contributed to the English language in the form of borrowings from Dutch into English of various nautically and aquatically themed words. Here’s a list of many of these terms (a few of which were adopted from, or may derive from cognates in, other languages) and their definitions and their Dutch origins.
1. avast (“stop”): from hou vast, meaning “hold fast”
2. bow (“front of a ship”): from boeg (or from Old German or Old Norse)
3. brackish (“salty”): from brac (or a Low German cognate), meaning “salty”
4. buoy (“marker” or, as a verb, “mark with a buoy” or “keep afloat”): from buoy, ultimately from the Latin word boia, meaning “shackle”
5. caboose (“the last car on a freight train, used for the accommodation for the train’s crew”): from kabuis or kombuis, meaning “galley,” or “ship’s kitchen”
6. commodore (“senior captain” or “naval officer above a captain in rank”): probably from kommandeur, ultimately from the Old French word comandeor, meaning “commander”
7. cruiser (“warship larger than a destroyer but smaller than a battleship,” or “pleasure motorboat”): from kruisen (related to kruis, meaning “cross”), meaning “sail across or go through”
8. deck (“any of various floors of a ship”): from dek, meaning “covering”
9. dock (“mooring structure for vessels” or, as a verb “tie up at a dock”): from docke, meaning “pier”
10. dredge (“riverbed or seabed scoop” or, as a verb, “drag” or “scoop”): perhaps based on dregghe, meaning “dragnet”
11. freebooter (“pirate”): from vrijbuiter, meaning “robber”; the second half of the word is related to booty, also derived from Dutch
12. freight (“shipped goods” or, as a verb, “ship goods”): from a word variously spelled fraght, vracht, and vrecht and meaning “water transport”; the Dutch word is also the source of fraught, meaning “heavy” or “weighed down”
13. filibuster (“obstructive act” or, as a verb, “obstruct”): from vrijbuiter by way of the Spanish word filibuster (see freebooter above), which in turn comes from the French word flibustier
14. hoist (“lift” as a noun or a verb): from hijsen
15. jib (“spar”): from gijben, meaning “boom”
16. keel (“spine or structure projecting from a hull”): from kiel
17. keelhaul (“punish by dragging over the keel”): from kielhalen, meaning “keel hauling”
18. kill (“riverbed”): from kil
19. maelstrom (“whirlpool” or, by extension, “confused situation”): from maalstroom, meaning “grinding current” or “strong current” (the second element of the word is cognate with stream); possibly based on an Old Norse word
20. morass (“boggy or muddy ground” or, by extension, “complicated or confused situation”): from marasch, meaning “swamp,” partly based on the Old French word marais, meaning “marsh”
21. plug (“stopper” or, as a verb, “stop (a hole)”): from plugge, meaning “stopper”
22. school (“large group of fish,” unrelated to the term for an educational institution): from schole
23. scow (“small, wide sailboat” or “flat-bottomed boat”): from schouw
24. shoal (“large group of fish”; unrelated to the same word meaning “area of shallow water”): cognate with schole
25. skipper (“captain of a ship”): from schipper, meaning “someone who ships”
26. sloop (“sailboat,” either a small modern boat or a specific type of warship): from sloep, either ultimately from slupen, meaning “to glide,” or from the Old French term chalupe
27. smack (“small sailboat”): possibly from smak, meaning “sailboat,” perhaps from the sound made by flapping sails
28. smuggler (“illegal trader”): smokkelen or the Low German word smukkelen, meaning “transport (goods) illegally”)
29. stockfish (“cod or similar fish prepared by drying”): from stokvis, meaning “stick fish”
30. yacht (“small, light pirate-hunting naval vessel” or “pleasure motorboat or sailboat”): from jacht, meaning “hunt” and short for jachtschip
(via 30 English Words Borrowed from Dutch)
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bern33chaser · 8 years
30 English Words Borrowed from Dutch
During much of the 1600s, the Netherlands was a world power, especially at sea, and this influence contributed to the English language in the form of borrowings from Dutch into English of various nautically and aquatically themed words. Here’s a list of many of these terms (a few of which were adopted from, or may derive from cognates in, other languages) and their definitions and their Dutch origins.
1. avast (“stop”): from hou vast, meaning “hold fast”
2. bow (“front of a ship”): from boeg (or from Old German or Old Norse)
3. brackish (“salty”): from brac (or a Low German cognate), meaning “salty”
4. buoy (“marker” or, as a verb, “mark with a buoy” or “keep afloat”): from buoy, ultimately from the Latin word boia, meaning “shackle”
5. caboose (“the last car on a freight train, used for the accommodation for the train’s crew”): from kabuis or kombuis, meaning “galley,” or “ship’s kitchen”
6. commodore (“senior captain” or “naval officer above a captain in rank”): probably from kommandeur, ultimately from the Old French word comandeor, meaning “commander”
7. cruiser (“warship larger than a destroyer but smaller than a battleship,” or “pleasure motorboat”): from kruisen (related to kruis, meaning “cross”), meaning “sail across or go through”
8. deck (“any of various floors of a ship”): from dek, meaning “covering”
9. dock (“mooring structure for vessels” or, as a verb “tie up at a dock”): from docke, meaning “pier”
10. dredge (“riverbed or seabed scoop” or, as a verb, “drag” or “scoop”): perhaps based on dregghe, meaning “dragnet”
11. freebooter (“pirate”): from vrijbuiter, meaning “robber”; the second half of the word is related to booty, also derived from Dutch
12. freight (“shipped goods” or, as a verb, “ship goods”): from a word variously spelled fraght, vracht, and vrecht and meaning “water transport”; the Dutch word is also the source of fraught, meaning “heavy” or “weighed down”
13. filibuster (“obstructive act” or, as a verb, “obstruct”): from vrijbuiter by way of the Spanish word filibuster (see freebooter above), which in turn comes from the French word flibustier
14. hoist (“lift” as a noun or a verb): from hijsen
15. jib (“spar”): from gijben, meaning “boom”
16. keel (“spine or structure projecting from a hull”): from kiel
17. keelhaul (“punish by dragging over the keel”): from kielhalen, meaning “keel hauling”
18. kill (“riverbed”): from kil
19. maelstrom (“whirlpool” or, by extension, “confused situation”): from maalstroom, meaning “grinding current” or “strong current��� (the second element of the word is cognate with stream); possibly based on an Old Norse word
20. morass (“boggy or muddy ground” or, by extension, “complicated or confused situation”): from marasch, meaning “swamp,” partly based on the Old French word marais, meaning “marsh”
21. plug (“stopper” or, as a verb, “stop (a hole)”): from plugge, meaning “stopper”
22. school (“large group of fish,” unrelated to the term for an educational institution): from schole
23. scow (“small, wide sailboat” or “flat-bottomed boat”): from schouw
24. shoal (“large group of fish”; unrelated to the same word meaning “area of shallow water”): cognate with schole
25. skipper (“captain of a ship”): from schipper, meaning “someone who ships”
26. sloop (“sailboat,” either a small modern boat or a specific type of warship): from sloep, either ultimately from slupen, meaning “to glide,” or from the Old French term chalupe
27. smack (“small sailboat”): possibly from smak, meaning “sailboat,” perhaps from the sound made by flapping sails
28. smuggler (“illegal trader”): smokkelen or the Low German word smukkelen, meaning “transport (goods) illegally”)
29. stockfish (“cod or similar fish prepared by drying”): from stokvis, meaning “stick fish”
30. yacht (“small, light pirate-hunting naval vessel” or “pleasure motorboat or sailboat”): from jacht, meaning “hunt” and short for jachtschip
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Original post: 30 English Words Borrowed from Dutch from Daily Writing Tips http://www.dailywritingtips.com/30-english-words-borrowed-from-dutch/
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istrxtegist · 10 years
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; ⟨⟪ 𝓚 ⟫⟩ ❞ ▌     an AU based on physicist Louis Slotin ; where Kowalski is experimenting with a radiation core with the team and North Wind goes wrong and he begins a fission reaction, receiving radiation sickness after reacting quickly and preventing his friends from getting killed but placing his own life in danger.
As the days progress his feathers start to fall out and his skin becomes nothing but flaky, and he starts disintegrating from the sickness. The others can't make contact or else they might risk being infected and knowing that he'll lose another friend, the situation devastates Skipper to where he stays by Kowalski's side until the scientist passes away.
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araiignee-blog · 10 years
; ♧
♧ : Is fate something your muse believes in ??
     Jim doesn’t believe in fate, nor does he believe in coincidence. Jim does,      in fact, tend to think that most things happen for a reason — but it’s not a     belief in fate that spurs that, it’s a belief in ulterior motives. Things happen     for a reason, and that reason is people. People who want something, people      who want to know something, people & their motivations & desires. The      reason for everything can be found easily by looking at a person, observing      the way they appear, dress, speak, behave, & making a deduction about their      motivations. He doesn’t believe in fate. He believes everything happens for      people’s reasons — and people’s reasons can easily be figured out &      tinkered with. 
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hallowednesday-blog · 10 years
thefemalepyramidhead, blxe-sky, pxrverse, ringtxiled, comandeor
   ⊰ ♛ ⊱  ❝What are you supposed to be -- ?❞
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astronomiics · 10 years
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        ❝you know, there's one thing i've a  l w a y s          wanted to ask a penguin.      how does it feel          to be perpetually dressed to the nines ?❞
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demoliition · 10 years
+ comandeor​.
░▒▐ « ☢ »
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[ -  & suddenly there's a flipper reaching out to   tap Skipper on the shoulder. He's got to remind   Skipper that, instead of breaking into the panda   habitat to fashion bamboo sticks into makeshift   poles for pole-vaulting the zoo walls, he could   just cough something up to do the job instead.   He surely has something in storage that will   work just as well, and it would cut down on   complications as well as time taken. ] 
                                          " -- KREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH !!" 
     [ Well, no one can ever        say Rico isn't trying. ] 
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strategizst-blog · 10 years
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    A salute.         "Permission to slap you, sir !"
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istrxtegist · 10 years
; ⟨⟪ 𝓚 ⟫⟩ ❞ ▌    the truth is, you're not okay.    i can see  what others cannot    perceive  ;  fences and wires    built so high  that if broken    or cut old scars become wounds    again, and you have no choice    but to BLEED .
   don't try to be STRONG because    you were never weak. sometimes    you need to break to let others    heal the pain ; to wash all the    blood away.
   you may lash me with barb wire,    and cut me with your fear but i    will never stop trying to cross    the trench of shadows, the dirt    and rubble of your fallen walls.
   and your words penetrate through    like bullets, unspoken words you    don't mean. lay down the machine    gun, please,    step forward and    come clean.
   i'm not asking you to surrender,    i'm only asking    you to trust.    i ask this of you, please TRUST     in me you must.
   you've saved  so  many already.    so let me  save you  ;  let me    heal your   wounds   before I
                start BLEEDING too.
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istrxtegist · 10 years
# [ ooc: skipper can now eat cheese dibbles obnoxiously at u ]  
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istrxtegist · 10 years
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⟨⟪ 𝓚 ⟫⟩ ❞ ; "I hope you're certainly aware that one                       of the two penguins you're looking at                       through that camera     is yourself, sir."
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istrxtegist · 10 years
; shatter.
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shatter. [ meme ] ; stay.
⟨⟪ 𝓚 ⟫⟩ ❞ ; it felt as if a flash grenade had exploded in front of his                    cerulean eyes and blinded   him for approximately five                    seconds before he hit   the   ground with ringing ears,                     disoriented and incapacitated, the fatal strike to the                    back of his neck rendering him disabled.
                              His head throbbed, his ears rung and one shoulder                              had become cold and numb upon dislocation, but                              he lay unyielding, moving to crawl next even if —-                              proving his concern meant he would have to drag                              his battered body across concrete.         But talons                               tenderly graze against the plumage of uneven                               feathers on his head before he’s forced down, the                               weight applied is not enough or intended to cause                              pain, but he is aware that it is a warning. “Skipper,                              let me come with you, please.                                                     You don’t understand.”
"I do, and I don’t need you.You’re staying, Kowalski.”
                  No. Those words were untrue, and he knew Skipper hadn’t                  meant them but they were   enough   to put a hole through                   his chest           rival to any    piercing    bullets that maimed                  someone permanently and  d e a d .      No, because words                  stayed, and words hurt. Those words ; I don’t need you is                  enough to make Kowalski surrender to the depression and                  heartbreak that had so patiently waited their moment.
    “Your babcia was right.       You should’ve never             followed after me.”
                  Kowalski shut his eyes, resisting to remember. Resisting                  any urge to break down in front of his commanding officer                  for the reason that Skipper was right.    His grandmother                  had warned him about            following foreign penguins,                   especially loud and obnoxious ones at that.    They were                  nothing but trouble; only bringing death and sorrow to                   those who followed in their footsteps.
                                                             The Americans they are.
                  But it was never about race, it was never about patriotism,                  or being loyal and serving one’s country.     It was about a                  friendship, a brotherhood             a family. Kowalski dared                  to follow because he felt appreciated,      he felt respected                  and he felt that he had a purpose.
          Perhaps he was stupid. Stupid for leaving his biological family,     stupid for following after an American, stupid for trying to prevent     his commanding officer from            going to another adventurous         endeavour of solitude, but Kowalski knew he wasn’t stupid for     following his heart, even if it now lay shattered beneath him, just     as broken as his body was.
                  He heard movement as the other bird departed again,                  but he was too broken to force his body to stand. He                  managed to move his head,      however, catching the                  silhouette of the other penguin staring back,    before                  leaping over the     red bricked fence     of the zoo and                   disappearing under the shadows below while he lay,                  a blanket of moonlight draping over him as he moved                  his flipper out, reaching for the figure that had already                  moved and gone.
                        His babcia was wrong.                        Skipper   was   wrong.
           This is what he was good at; following.           Following because he chose to follow.            Following; because if he didn’t he would           never forgive himself if Skipper didn’t           come back alive.               "Please, stay.”
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istrxtegist · 10 years
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istrxtegist · 10 years
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⟨⟪ 𝓚 ⟫⟩ ❞ ; this was the tipping point, his unease towards                     Skipper's private affairs  has  led him to do the                     deplorable            P R E T E N D I N G .   Like a                     spy would,       or a great actor in which he has                     become      very good at the    art of pretending.                     [          before his intent    was for the sole         ]                     purpose of { science } ; slipping out of his bunk                     to continue  tinkering  with his new discoveries                     but tonight it was to                pursue and scout.
                            If luck was on his side,                             then to          hopefully                             convince without                                            v i o l e n c e .                             He hated violence.
                                           But if he were to be found out,                                            and knowing Skipper, he may                                            have to resort to such means.
                   Kowalski felt ill at the thought, but he waited.                    He waited for     the first sign     of movement,                    a subtle sound he       knew will only resonate                    from the very bottom   bunk should anything                    begin.    He already saw the signs during late                    afternoon that day; too much silence and not                    enough talking;  d e m a n d i n g , which only                    meant that Skipper    must've been scheming.                    Planning to leave on     a solo mission    again                    when the team would be    least    expecting it,                    and what better time but at night.
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chaxtique · 10 years
; ▲
▲:my muse's happiest memory
     There would always be a hesitance within her      in regards to visiting that small cafe. There      was nothing particularly special about it, it’s     food and drink were average. But, the memory     behind it left a sour taste in her mouth. And yet,     all the same, it also was a fond memory. The      happiest one —— though, you would never hear      her admit to that very fact. No, she would never     say that out loud. Not to herself or to anyone.     ❝Fiore —— !❞     Back then, that name was still valid. And it was      h i s voice that uttered it that day to get her      eyes to go from her mobile up towards his being.      There, standing tall and proud with a waving hand,     was her beloved older brother, Philippe.      ❝It feels a lot like forever since we’ve last been     able to see each other, huh?❞ He laughed,      wrapping his arms around her in an engulfing      embrace. He was so much larger than herself.      She had even thought he was stronger at that time     as well. 
     ❝What are you doing here? I thought you were—❞     She was happy to see him, yes, though there was      something in his eyes that told her not to ask      questions. Just enjoy the moment, Fiore. Don’t go     and spoil it.      If she had been wiser —— she wouldn’t have      listened to what his eyes said.      ❝Come on, I haven’t been able to share time      with my little sister in a while. You’re going to      join me —— here.❞ A sudden choice. He could      plan many things —— but never situations like      this.      A small cafe with no one inside but it’s employees.      All she could do was smile and follow him inside.      And that time seemed to last forever. Hearing      Philippe talk about the scenery he had seen and      her telling him of her own experiences. (But, neither     said anything of what was meant to be h i d d e n.)      It wasn’t until it became dark, that Philippe looked     at his watch and let out a disappointed sigh.      ❝You travel to all of these places and meet all sorts     of people, Philippe, when are you going to find a      woman, hm?❞ She teased him lightly, trying to take     his attention off of the time for just a moment more.      ❝I’ll find someone the minute you find yourself a      decent man that won’t be too intimidated to let me      interrogate them.❞ Philippe offered a playful wink,     and it felt as though they both were merely kidding     themselves. At least, she was the one that actually      believed that fact.      But, back in the past, she was so much more open     to the possibility of there being someone she could     love.      ❝We shouldn’t wait four years to see each other      again, you know.❞ Her hand gave his arm a nudge,      and he nodded to offer yet another hug. This time,      more soft and affectionate.      ❝No, no more waiting years. I’ll be sure to see you     again soon, yeah? Maybe we’ll both have a special     someone for us to meet.❞     His smile was warm. He was so loving —— so very     caring toward her.      But —— that falsehood set up for their next meeting     was so very far from the reality. Meeting eye-to-eye     with a man that she could barely recognize. His mouth     spat words and names she would never imagine coming     from his lips. And yet, they did.      Before the memory could play out to it’s darkest end,      Épine made sure to cross the street and ignore that small     cafe.      No good ever came of nostalgia.      
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istrxtegist · 10 years
i think our penguin brethren grew stronger because I didn't realize it was Maddy who made a Rico and I know Maddy and just I don't even know let's just blow shit up.
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