#⟨⟪ canon ⟫⟩
incognitopolls · 2 days
For example, writing fanfiction in which a canonically lesbian character has a relationship with a man; writing about a canonically asexual character having sex; etc.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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audreycritter · 1 day
let me simplify batfam things a little.
the answer to "is this fanon or canon?" is yes.
every time.
hope this helps.
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Hate when sometimes people are like "Fuck canon" on a great thing. Like, let's not do that, I quite like this canon. There's a bunch of other canon you can tell to go fuck itself. This isn't one of them. This is a very nice canon. Leave it alone. <3
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frownyalfred · 4 hours
“actually you have a fundamental misunderstanding of canon—” good. I want to misunderstand it.
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aziulpre · 3 days
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😂 Rook Blonko
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dam-pi · 20 hours
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Aaah, a new a draw of the boy!!!!
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When I read this I remembered a fairly old drawing I made and decided to re-do it digitally!!! (with bright colors... Why... I don't know, I honestly experimented with the brushes, the layers and the colors of this drawing jsksjsjs)
Even so, it seems pretty cute to me, maybe because of the colors. I'll try to draw it creepier for next time. 🫂
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hubbabubbalizard · 3 days
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megalommi · 15 hours
My friend brought up a question I thought I'd repeat; If General Papyrus reaches a fallen human first, and since he's generally reluctant to hand them over to Baggs, how would Baggs get the human then? 'Would he just swipe her up back to his lab, a-la shortcut? or do you think there’d be a different approach?'
Baggs is very indirect in his dealings, he's extremely careful. He avoids rash actions, He can't risk scenarios where something goes wrong, and he is caught red handed. He also values his brother's opinion of him very much, so he would airily concede to General's wishes.
He avoids getting his hands dirty, no obvious culpability from an outsider's perspective.
And so, he makes his victims come to him 'willingly', plants the idea in their mind that it's their own wish. Everything in the Underground just so happens to line up in his favour and to his liking. It frustrates Undyne to know end that she can't prove anything.
And so again, if General is keeping his human close, how does he achieve this?
Well, they've all gotta sleep some time. He doesn't.
And they live in the same house.
Brainwashing someone while they're already vulnerable in their sleep is dreadfully easy
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tofreezetime · 2 days
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mystical places
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lory78blog · 2 days
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Buona serata/notte.
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AU credit @mangotangerinepastry @the-amazing-digital-time-capsule
WARNING: alcohol, swearing, verbal harassment (the guests of the time capsule are terrible people), some suggestive dialogue
Caine adjusted the metals on his dress uniform and made sure his tie was straight. The floor length mirror reflected an image of foux military prestige. He was ready to host the grandest party the Time Capsule threw, The Anniversary Ball. At least, he looked ready, but in truth, he never was. The annual event was attended by the wealthiest of the wealthy clients the Capsule served. They constantly bragged to him how they could afford the tickets to the impossibly expensive party.
Caine sighed and smoothed his jacket. “Alright soldier, chin high. Back straight. Presentation is what matters. Don't let them intimate you. Don't let them get under your skin. Don't back down. Be all that you can be.” He stared hard at himself, putting himself into the mindset to face his worst enemy: socialits.
The longer he looked, the less he recognized the reflection staring back. The teeth around his mix matched eyes became pale skin. Light, well-kept hair sat atop his head. The visage of a handsome young man with tired eyes blinked with him. Caine lifted his hand to his face, half expecting to feel real flesh, when a holographic screen popped up next to him.
“Our guests will be arriving shortly.” BUBLE informed.
Glancing away from himself was all it took to break the haunting vision from the mirror. Caine checked his pocket watch, less than an hour. “Are all preparations complete?”
“Yes. The botanical gardens are prepared to welcome our guests. Are you? I do not wish to have a repeat of last year.”
“If I recall, I wasn't the problem in that situation. You had to eject the guest.” Caine held his hands behind his back, standing tall.
For the briefest of seconds, BUBLE’s screen glitched. “You recall incorrectly. It is your job to keep our guests happy. Any guest ejected is a failure on your part. A failure that will be corrected. Follow your directive, Ringmaster Caine, or there will be-”
“Consequences.” Caine struggled already not to roll his eyes. “Uh-huh, for a robot, you are awfully dramatic.”
The botanical gardens was a large outdoor venue laiden with a multitude of exotic plants from around the world. No matter what natural environment they were from, they grew believably in the false world within the capsule. The AI generated smell of the mixed flora was pleasant at the very least.
In the center of the gardens, a stone courtyard contained a small stage for performances. For this special occasion, white clothed round tables were added for the Anniversary dinner. An open bar was added to the side for Kinger to mix drinks. Lights were strung across the courtyard for ambiance and the capsule's day cycle was halted at twilight to preserve the rich post sunset lighting.
Caine met with Kinger and Zooble at the gardens first, as they were working with faceless NPCs to set up. He checked his watch again. Guests would be arriving in less than twenty minutes so his performers should be arriving any second. He took a deep breath of heavy floral air.
“You can do this, soldier. You're one of our best.” Kinger assured from his place behind the bar and served a shot of whiskey.
Caine took it without a word and downed it easily. He exhaled the bitter burn of the alcohol and tapped the bar with the glass. “One more. I'm going to need it.”
Kinger poured. “Don't get ahead of yourself. It's going to be a long night.”
“Don't I know it.” Caine catches a glimpse of the performers entering the gardens mid shot and chokes. Pomni was dressed to the nines in a way he'd never seen before.
Kinger shakes his head, wipes down his whiskey sprayed bar and tops of Caine's glass. His six hands make easy work. Kinger watched Caine stare wide eyed at Pomni walking in with Ragatha, Jax, and Gangle. He huffed a small laugh.
Caine hardly had the wherewithal to wipe the dribbled drink off his chin. Pomni was wearing a midnight blue dress with golden accents that made her outshine the beauty of the night sky itself. He had to hold on to the bar before her aura knocked him down. None were worthy to stand in her presence.
Pomni adjusted her evening gloves, they were holding much too tight to her upper arms and were going to annoy her all night. At least she got to wear low heel boots instead of heels, so her feet wouldn't be killing her by the end of the event. Small mercies. “So we have to socialize with all the guests?”
“Unfortunately.” Gangle answered flatly. “Eat, perform, mingle. BUBLE has never given us a set end time. The guests come and go as they please, but don't think any event has gone longer than…six hours?”
Pomni wanted to throw herself down the nearest sewer drain, but anything she had to say left her mind when she saw Caine. The vague military officer's uniform fit him very nicely. She went right to him.
Caine's breath caught in his throat. Oh lord, she was walking towards him. He slid the shot away from him and stood pretty. “Evening, Pomni.” He greeted her formally.
Caine's stiffer than usual demeanor surprised her. “Uh, evening, Caine. You look nice.” She nervously complimented him, noticing Kinger sliding away to give their conversation privacy.
Caine's neck felt hot, but he remained at attention. He was afraid if he let himself relax, he would fall apart right in front of her. “And you look…” Every synonym for beautiful he knew, even in other languages, flew through his head. “Presentable.” Was what came out of his mouth.
Pomni blinked. “Thanks..?”
Before Caine could correct himself, BUBLE’s screen appeared amongst them. “Attention cast members, our guests will arrive in one minute. Places.”
Pomni walked away, leaving Caine mentally kicking himself. He snatched the abandoned shot and downed it before taking his place at the entrance to the gardens to greet the guests.
Caine stood in the middle of the entrance, Pomni and Gangle stood to his right along the edge. Jax and Ragatha to his left. At the end of BUBLE’s countdown, a glowing red vertical line appeared mid air. It split and opened a wide digital doorway. Guests poured in by the dozens.
Caine steeled himself. Showtime. “Welcome to the Time Capsule Anniversary Ball!” He boldly announced.
The gardens filled with elegance that reeked with wealth. The white tie event brought out the most elaborate gowns and tailor made suits. The guests mingled lightly before dinner. Some went straight to the bar and Kinger was put to work, showing off his best tricks as he poured drinks.
Pomni could feel her stomach twisting more and more as the venue filled with some of the most pompous, old money rich types she's ever seen in her life. Even the porcelain masks they wore couldn't hide the entitlement.
The guests were seated for dinner and Caine took to the central circular stage. He held up a champagne glass and tapped in with a small fork to quiet the crowd. “Welcome, esteemed guests, to the most wonderful night of the year! Tonight, we celebrate the day the Capsule was sent back through time to start this wonderful show! You all have the exclusive privilege to dine, drink and dance with the cast of this world famous Time Capsule! Enjoy, my friends, and cheers to another year of time travel entertainment!” Caine raised his glass and the crowd toasted with him.
Pomni sat at the cast table with the others, painfully aware of wandering eyes from the guests. This felt way more invasive than just mingling. Snobby guests were going to be in her space all night. She's never wanted to be on stage and out of arm's reach more.
Cast meals were short compared to the guests' five course dinners, they needed to be on stage. Caine didn't eat at all. He wandered the courtyard to speak with guests that would flag him down. One guest asked him when the sexy bitch with the violin would be performing and Caine couldn't suppress an eye twitch. “She's the first act, actually. Enjoy.” Caine forced a smile and kept walking. Before mingling with the next guest, he took a shot of vodka.
Pomni played her heart out on stage, moving with the music as lights danced around her. It was truly a spectacle that had the guests actually cheering. Pomni played so hard, her violin bow smoked by the end. As much as she hated playing, it was a good way to get rid of nervous energy.
Caine was enthralled. He has to force himself to look away from the stage so as to not stare. That's not what was expected of him. Everyone else got to ogle Pomni all they wanted. He hoped if he kept moving he'd miss the comments made about her. He still caught a few. Everything was being judged, from her dress to her body and he wanted to shoot every last one of them. But the only shot he took was another vodka.
Pomni dabbed her brow with a napkin as Gangle took to the stage for her performance. Caine power walked to her with a glass of water but another guest still got to her before him. He internally cursed but kept his cool as he slowed his gait. It was the guest that asked about Pomni before. He needed to stay close.
The sleazy guest sidled up to Pomni. “Hey, beautiful. That was quite the performance. When the dance floor opens, you and I should be the first ones out there.”
Pomni saw Caine approaching and thought fast. “I'm afraid you're out of luck for the first dance.” She skirted around the guest and stood next to Caine. She took his arm. “I'm supposed to dance with the Ringmaster when the floor opens.”
“What?” Caine slipped out quietly.
“What?? That hasn't been a thing before!” The guest bristled.
“This is my first year.” Pomni rationalized. “And events change. Surely you understand.”
“The only thing I understand is that you're making excuses, slut.” The guest balled his fists.
The glass in Caine's hand shattered loudly. Bits of glass cut his hand, but he didn't flinch as blood dripped from his fingertips. “She's right, I'm afraid.” Caine slid his arm out of Pomni's hold and pulled her close to him by her waist. “Sorry, Ringmaster privilege. You'll have your chance after.” He walked away with Pomni to the bar, ignoring the warning pulls from BUBLE.
Pomni jumped when Caine grabbed her. She'd blush if she wasn't so confused and a bit disgusted by Caine's behavior. Stale alcohol wafted off of his breath. “What are you doing?” She hissed under her breath.
“Getting a napkin for my hand. When Jax and Ragatha are done, the band will take to the stage and the dance floor will be available. Wouldn't want to disappoint the guests by making me hunt you down.” He smirked.
Pomni's eyes narrowed with anger. “What is with you? I just wanted that a-hole to leave me alone. You seriously want to go through with the dance?”
“It's him or me, doll.” Caine nodded to a guest at the bar next to him as he wiped his hand clean. He stole a shot of tequila from another guest that wasn't looking. “And I think we both know the answer.” He gave her a cocky grin, but his eyes watched the guests watching him.
Pomni's heart hurt. He was just like them. Arrogant. Entitled to her space and time. She had no alternative. It was bad either way. She sadly leaned against the bar. “Fine.”
Jax and Ragatha did a wonderfully unique performance of break dancing and roller skate tricks. It got relatively good reception from the guests. Now, it was time for everyone's favorite part of the night. The NPC band took to the stage and the open area around it was lit to invite people to dance.
Caine straightened his jacket and held his hand out to Pomni. “Let's give them the show they've been waiting for.”
Pomni swallowed what she could of her pride and took Caine's hand. She let him lead her out onto the empty dance floor and did her best to look sophisticated. She stiffened as Caine out his hands on her. She thought she would looked forward to this, but instead she wanted him to get away from her.
Caine swayed a bit heavily for the waltz but kept in time with the music from muscle memory. A minute into the song, more couples joined and he could lose himself in her a little. He could drop his mask behind the curtain of dancing guests. With his nerves numbed by the multitude of drinks, he could finally say what he meant earlier. “You are the most gorgeous woman in any timeline.”
Pomni’s heart swooned but she kept a straight face. “You don't have to tell me that. The guests can't hear you.” Her voice dripped with venom.
“I know. That's why I said it.” He cleared his throat, lowering his voice. “Let me try again. These jagoffs are the worst humanity has to offer and I hate dealing with them, but the only way to is be…like them. Blend in. Especially as Ringmaster. I'm sorry I didn't properly warn you, but there really isn't anything that will prepare you for this.”
Pomni’s expression softened. That sounded much more like the Caine she knew. “Heh, jagoffs. That's a funny word.”
“I'm a funny man.” Caine winked. “Now, allow me to correct myself from earlier. You are far more than presentable. You are the star of the show. The bee's knees. The ragtime gal no one can hold down.” His dancing became more energetic as the band played music throughout history, blending from classical to early 1900’s jazz and swing.
Pomni snorted, trying to hold in her laughter. Her body moved on it's own, the AI installed dance moves being completely foreign to her, but she kept up with Caine going ham on the dancefloor.
The guests were just as into the music but Caine and Pomni had the most amount of space, drawing attention to themselves with their performance. They swung each other around and moved in sync like the choreography was planned.
Caine’s officer sword was annoyingly in the way as the dances became more lively and complex. He slid off his belt in one motion and tossed it to Zooble. “Hold that for me, would ya?”
Zooble had been doing their best to be unnoticed all night. Their appearance made dealing with guests even more of a hassle. They caught Caine's ceremonial sword with one hand. “Like I have a choice?”
Caine lifted Pomni in the air and twirled her around, the trail of her dress flowing in the wind. By now, they had the whole room's attention, but Pomni allowed herself to be taken by the music and Caine. The world around them was blurred. It was just the two of them, as the music progressed through the decades. They were allowed to dance closer, hold each other in ways that they normally couldn't in front of the guests. They're heavy breaths were hot on each other’s necks.
Kinger wiped a glass as he watched the performance. “I knew you had it in you.” He said to himself. He almost missed the woman looking at him, but slid over to her and put on his best customer service voice. “What can I get ya?”
“You.” She slurred heavily.
Kinger furrowed with confusion. “Pardon?”
“You. You tall, handsome silly.” She laughed way too loud. “When are YOU gonna dance?”
“Sorry miss, I'm not a performer, but I'd be happy to serve you a drink. Water, perhaps?”
“Aw, come on. I need to get some wood tonight and you look like you have plenty to spare.” She almost face planted on the bar trying to give him her best unfocused bedroom eyes.
Kinger blinked. He didn't get the innuendo but he could tell she was coming on to him. He poured her a glass of water. “My sincerest apologies, but I'm needed here. Please, take this. On the house.”
“Ugh, you're no fun.” She took her water and staggered away.
Kinger sighed. The night wouldn't last forever, but it sure felt like it.
Ragatha smiled dreamily watching Pomni and Caine tearing up the dancefloor. Jax leaned against the bar next to her, lazily glancing at her. “You wish that was you, huh?”
Ragatha snapped out of her daydream and fiddled with her hands. “Maybe.”
Jax pushes up his shades. His tease didn't work the way he hoped. “Well, then…we’ll have to steal the next show then won't we?”
Ragatha gasped and grabbed his jacket. “Oh, Jax! Really!?”
Jax tried to be annoyed but her excitement was actually adorable. “Sure, why not?”
“Yay!!” Ragatha cheered, jumping up and down.
The music through the decades came to an end with Caine holding Pomni to his chest, her arms over his shoulders, her forehead to his top teeth. Both panting from the intense dancing. The crowd erupted with cheers and whistles. Pomni and Caine smiled more than they had all night, gazing into each other's eyes. They stayed close for as long as they dared before having to separate to take a bow.
As Caine and Pomni went for water, Ragatha and Jax rushed the dance floor. “You were great out there!” Ragatha congratulated as she went by Pomni.
Caine hated having to wear his Ringmaster mask again. While Kinger was busy with other guests, Caine helped himself to a bottle from behind the bar and poured his tallest drink of the night. At least it was clear so he could convince himself it was just spicy water.
Pomni got some actual water, but Caine still drank faster than her. “How in the-”
Caine groaned after finishing his chug of lighter fluid liquor. “Too much practice, I'm afraid. I'm having fun Pomni, I want to stop caring about appearances.”
“But, BUBLE-”
“BUBLE can get stuffed.” Caine couldn't feel the tugs on his fingers anymore. “Let's say you and I take a walk.” The guests around them were all either watching Jax and Ragatha or too intoxicated to focus on anything.
Pomni gripped Caine’s forearm. “Take me away.” Her voice low and inviting.
Caine’s stomach danced with butterflies. Though, that could have been the alcohol hitting him hard. He offered her his arm and walked with her as dignified as he could manage in his woozy state, and they snuck away down one of the dimly lit paths going into the exotic garden.
The path was surrounded by tall plants that muffle the sounds of the celebration in the courtyard, it was calming. They could both breathe a bit easier. They went around corners carefully, finding more than a few guests that had beaten them to the quiet area with a friend or two. Deeper into the garden, they finally find solitude.
“That was a wonderful dance, Caine. How did we even do all that?”
“It's part of the performer programming. The avatars know what to do. You just go along for the ride. Which has made this the best night I've ever had in the capsule.” Caine stopped walking and held Pomni's hands. “I got to dance with the most stunning woman at the ball. I got to touch her…hold her.”
Pomni's heart raced. “Maybe you should do that more often.” She moved his hands to her waist so he could hold her like they were dancing again. Her hands slid up his chest as she closed the gap between them.
Chills went up Caine's spine. His long fingers gripped lightly as he held her close. “I'd like to, but she's trouble.”
Pomni raised a brow. “Oh?”
Caine starts to laugh, a dark blush creeping up his neck. “Mhm, she's- she's the reason- I have to-” His drunken giggle fit keeps him from finishing his sentence.
“I- what?” Pomni laughed with him.
“Nevermind, I’ve forgotten what I was going to say. Probably something stupid. Let me try a different line.”
“Hit me with your best shot.” She played with the medals on his chest.
Caine had to loosen his tie, he was feeling way too hot for the uniform. “Then you better brace yourself, because I'm quite the rifleman.” His eyes smoldered. “I ne'er on your form for a moment have gazed, but a thousand temptations beset me.” His hands squeezed the supple flesh of her hips.
Pomni's cheeks flushed, her breath caught. “Oh my…”
“Your coral lips were made to kiss.” Caine's eyes drifted to her gasping lips. Long had he wondered what they would feel like against him. “Would you like to practice on mine?”
Pomni couldn't help herself and muffled a giggle. “I would say yes, but…”
Oh. Right. She was laughing, so he switched gears to goofy. “All right, you wanna play hardball? Try this one! I'm a ragtime millionaire, soul owner and agent of Up-To-Date Canoodling. Hand Holding is a specialty.” He takes one of her hands and spins around with her like he was trying to dance again but he was much less coordinated without music.
He tripped over the trail of her dress and fell into the bush next to the path, taking Pomni with him. Pomni fell back first into the mulch between the plants. Caine went into the bush itself and rolled over on top of her. He braced himself up by his hands and took a moment to focus, the whole world was starting to spin in the wrong direction for him.
Pomni froze, bracing her hands on Caine's shoulders to keep him from collapsing on top of her. He blinked the haze away and made eye contact with her. Pomni wetted her lips nervously as neither of them moved. “Are we-...are you…going to get up?” She asked with no real urgency.
“Do you really want me to?” Caine's voice dropped an octave, his eyes half lidded with unmasked desire.
Pomni hooked her fingers in his tie and gently pulled him down. “No.”
Caine lowered himself onto his elbows and closed his eyes to press his teeth to her. He was close enough to feel the very warmth of her inviting lips.
Caine shot up so fast, his hat went flying. He quickly got out of the bushes and helped Pomni back up. Gangle came around the corner as they were wiping off mulch and picking leaves out of hair.
“Gangle! What are you doing back here?” Caine asked harshly as he fixed his uniform.
Gangle raised a brow. “I could ask you two the same thing. Did you forget about doing your closing speech or something? We're waiting for you to thank the guests so they'll leave.”
“Right. Right. Please excuse me.” Caine left quickly.
Pomni picked up the uniform hat Caine left behind. She brushed it off and tried to walk past Gangle but a ribbon stopped her. She gulped.
“What were you doing in the bushes?” Gangle gave Pomni a suggestive look.
Pomni refused to look Gangle in the eye. “Nothing.”
“You really expect me to believe that?”
“Yes. Because that's the only answer you're getting.” Pomni pushed onward back to the party.
“He was buttering your biscuit, wasn't he?” Gangle grinned, enjoying Pomni's embarrassment a bit too much.
Pomni scoffed. “Maybe he would've if we hadn't been interrupted.”
“Sorry, but everyone is getting restless and he has to do the speeches. A Ringmaster’s job is never finished. You can bag him after the guests leave. I'm hanging out with Zooble tonight, so the room is all yours.”
Pomni dragged her hand down her face. “Sure. Thanks.”
It took another hour, but all the guests finally left. The courtyard was a wreck. For such a formal event, the guests were still sloppy as pigs. NPCs wandered about with brooms and rags. Zooble thankfully didn't have to touch any of it. Everyone tiredly went back to their dressing rooms.
Pomni and Caine stood in front of her door. “You're…welcome to come inside.”
Caine's heart skipped a beat. He really wanted to, but he considered himself a gentleman and he pushed his moral code far enough tonight. Plus, the alcohol was leaving his system and he was starting to not feeling well. “My dear, tonight has been wonderful, but I'm afraid I must leave you here.” He took her hand and kissed the back of it. “I'm sorry.”
Disappointed, Pomni took her hand back slowly, their hands staying connected to the last possible moment. “I understand, but…just one thing.” She stood on her tip toes and kissed the side of his lower jaw. Quickly, she turned into her room and shut the door.
Caine felt where she kissed him. It may not have been exactly where he wanted it, but it was as wonderful as he imagined. Her lips were so soft against the hard false enamel of his strange teeth. It was so fast yet so sweet. He stood staring at her door for a long while, at war with himself over going inside. Gangle said she wouldn't be back this evening.
Against his greater desire, he walked away. Caine went off in a daze to the piano in the back of the main stage. He took off his dress jacket and flopped face first into the piano bench. Sleep was calling to him, but so was BUBLE.
“Caine. Your evaluation has been submitted.”
Caine didn't respond.
“Guest approval for the night was overall above satisfactory. One event in particular boosted morale significantly. Your unexpected dual performance with our violinist. This must be repeated.”
Caine started snoring.
“I know you're still awake.”
Caine lifted his head. “Dance with Pomni more. Got it. Buzz off.” He plopped his head back down.
The next day was business as usual. Pomni found Caine before the first performances. “Hey.” She smiled softly.
Caine smiled back. “Good morning, Pomni.”
“So, about last night-”
“I had quite a bit to drink and I hardly remember any of it. It's really the only way I can get through the anniversary ball. If I said something or touched you in a way that was inappropriate, I sincerely apologize.”
“Oh, you don't need to worry about that. You touched me just fine.”
Caine gaped. “I what?”
“I mean- it wasn't anything- we didn't- you know what, nevermind. Have a good day, Caine.” Pomni rushed off, bright red.
Caine sighed as he watched her walk away. Truth is, he didn't have anywhere near enough to get him blackout drunk. He remembered every look, touch, and dance. He remembered every word, every feeling. But this was for the best.
Things would only get harder to hide from BUBLE, they would run out of excuses and warnings. The AI would do something to Pomni and he couldn't let that happen. No matter how much his heart longs for her, it was best for him to keep his distance. The liquor made him reckless last night. If they had been caught by a guest, who knows what kind of punishment BUBLE would have made him do.
He's required to dance with her at events now, that's enough for him…most days. The very thought of her gets him through the rest.
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i just want to point out that amid all the arguing of 'jegulus isn't canon' 'jegulus would never happen' that two really important things are being forgotten.
assuming a character is automatically straight, when their sexuality isn't addressed in cannon, is assuming their sexuality. heterosexual isn't a default setting - regardless of the author, background info, etc. 'jkr would never make x character gay' isn't enough to yuck someone else's yum.
assuming a character is straight or gay based on canon relationships when their sexuality isn't directly addressed is also erasure. there are more options than gay or straight. characters can be bi, aro, ace, pan, trans, especially if there is a gap in canon. the great thing about fanon is anything can be anything.
canon is a fantastic thing - it's what given us the basis for these characters that we all love and, most importantly, characterise differently. canon is not bible and people are allowed to interpret and manipulate that however they wish to an extent.
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Today’s Queer DC Character of the Day is Leslie Willis AKA Livewire from My Adventures with Superman, who is canonically a lesbian!
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Bruce (answering his phone): Hello?
Jason: I'm going to be late.
Bruce: Why?
Jason: I'm - I told you I'm not giving you my backpack- I'm on the subway and I'm the middle of a robbery. Geez, so rude.
Bruce: ... Are you joking?
Jason: No- Man put that baby pistol away. I ain't giving you my phone either!
Mugger in background: I am at my breaking point with you. Give me all your money and your fucking phone!
Jason: I'm not the fucking one!
Mugger: I will shoot you!
Jason: You fired a shot by mistake that hit no one, you have no extra bullets meaning you have 5 left. This subway has 9 people on it, including myself. You shoot anyone here and you're going to fucking prison! You shoot me and I will murder you back!
Mugger: I- Shut your stupid ass up!
Foot steps are heard as the mugger stomps off.
Jason: Anywho, I'm going to be late.
Bruce: ...
Jason: You there?
Dick (in the office with Bruce): He's folded his hands together and is holding his head down. Do you know when you'll be able to get out of the... Robbery?
Jason: I've been here for 3 hours, not sure-
A young girl's screaming voice is heard on the background.
Jason (irate): Oh, you are not fucking touching her!
Jason drops his phone. A scuffle is heard in the background and screams the a gun is shot. Then cheers.
The young girl on the phone: Hey, um, whoever this is, the guy with white hair took down the mugger when he tried to attack me. He should be home soon.
Dick: Is he okay?
Girl: Oh yeah, he shot the guy in the thigh.
Jason: Stop crying!
Mugger: You shot me with my own gun!
Jason: That's what you fucking get! Who robs a teenage girl! You aimed the fucking gun at her chest!
Mugger: I needed-
Jason beats up the guy in the background.
Girl: He punched him! This guy is awesome!
Dick: That's him, tell him we'll be waiting for him.
Girl: Hey, sir, they said they'll be waiting for you.
Jason: Aww that's so sweet of them.
Dick ends the call. He turns to Bruce.
Dick: He didn't kill anybody.
Bruce groans.
Dick: I know silver lining.
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malioli · 17 hours
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Karlovac, streets
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cileklipalet · 20 hours
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