be-compromised · 1 year
Secret Santa 2023 SIGN UPS
Hi All and welcome to Secret Santa 2023! 
This is a Clint Barton and/or Natasha Romanoff end of year fic exchange where matching is based on prompts and everything is anonymous until the author reveals at the end. You don't need to be a member of the be_compromised community to take part, however this year almost all of the exchange will be taking place on AO3, so you will need an AO3 account; if you don't have one and would like an invite code please contact a mod. For fans of our usual format, don't worry, we're still keeping Prompt Choices which is the one element that will be done on dreamwidth.
Whilst this is labelled a 'Secret Santa' as it takes place in the run up to Christmas, fics do NOT have to be related to Christmas, New Year, winter etc. We welcome celebrations of other holidays and no theme at all. However we understand if you would rather not take part due to the labelling. We wish you all a happy holiday season <3
SIGN UP: from now until 15:00 GMT Monday 16 October.
CHOICES POST: will go up as soon as possible and be available until 18:00 GMT Sunday 22nd October.
ASSIGNMENTS SENT OUT: we aim to have these to you within the following few days. (If all participants make their choices earlier, then we'll aim to get assignments out earlier!)
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 15:00 GMT Monday 11 December. (This is to allow time for pinch hitting if/where needed.)
GIFT POSTING/REVEALS: Dependent on if participants submit on time / any pinch hit requirements, we aim to reveal gifts somewhere between 15 to 19 December.
AUTHOR REVEALS: We aim to reveal authors 22 to 24 December, giving readers some time to read gifts before we do this.
Read on for information on how to take part, or go to AO3.
In the REQUEST section in 'Details/Description' you must include: at least 4 prompts and no more than 6. These can be anything! From a one word prompt like 'kisses' to a specific AU idea. Past Secret Santa prompts (such as 2022 here) or promptathon prompts (2023 here) may be helpful if you get stuck. If you really don't mind what gift you receive then please feel free to say so, but you MUST leave at least 4 prompts for your giftee to have something to work with.
You are also welcome to include in the 'Details/Description' section: - a Yes Please note: a brief list of things you like that aren't as specific as a prompt, such as a preference for the comics or film, sexy times, female friendships, hurt/comfort etc. Your gift giver isn’t obliged to use them, but it can help give them some ideas. - a No Thank You note: anything that you really do not want, such as character death, angst, fluff, anything that might be triggering for you etc. Feel free to specify if some things are just a rather not and some are no-way, not-ever.
Matching will be based on the information from the 'Details/Description' section ONLY. Optional: you can use 'Ratings', 'Archive Warnings' and 'Categories' to list all those that you would be comfortable receiving. You can use 'Characters', 'Relationships', and 'Tags' to select things that you like (from all canonical AO3 tags). As above, your gift giver is not obliged to consider or use these, but it may help them with ideas.
In the OFFER section the only thing you need to complete is the 'Details/Description' with: - I'd Rather Not: things that you don’t really like to create or feel uncomfortable with, anything you don’t feel confident in writing or a genre that isn’t your strength. - Absolutely Not: Things that are an absolute no for you, such as anything triggering, character death, things that you will not do.
2) The prompts and any additional notes you included in the 'Details/Description' section for your REQUEST will be anonymised and posted to the community dreamwidth. You MUST reply in a comment to that Choices Post (which will only be visible to the mods) with your top three picks of which requests you’d like to create for. You don't need a dreamwidth account to do this; you can comment using OpenID or anonymously, however please remember to include your AO3 handle in your comment so we know who you are! (More information will be available in the Choices Post.) This will be available as soon as possible following the closing of sign ups until 18:00 GMT Sunday 22 October. (If all participants comment earlier we will try to get matching and assignments out faster.)
3) Your prompt choices will be used by the mods to do manually match participants in the exchange. We can't guarantee that you’ll get your choices, but we’ll do our best keep to your choices as much as possible! Where there are any issues with matching or where participants have not commented to the prompt choices post as in (2) we will use your OFFER notes to help with matching and avoid your 'Absolutely Nots'. (In rare cases you may get a request that has something it in from your ‘rather not’ section that you can ignore, because the request has other prompts in it or because it’s not a deal breaker for the requester, but these are things that we will make sure you don’t get in your assignment if we can absolutely help it.)
4) Assignments will be sent out and you'll have until 15:00 GMT Monday 11 December to submit your gifts (which aims to cover our usual 'midnight on the Sunday whatever your timezone).
5) We will reveal gifts in the week leading up to Christmas (aiming for 15 to 19 December; exact dates to be confirmed depending on any pinch hit requirements) and authors will be revealed the weekend before Christmas (aiming for 22 to 24 December).
You can also sign up as a pinch hitter for this event as well as or instead of taking part in the main exchange on dreamwidth here.
And/or you can volunteer to be a beta reader in the community discord Writing Help channel, create clintasha graphics and art to inspire and keep us going, and cheerlead - what would fandom be without cheerleaders?! We LOVE comments and encouragement and all the great stuff that makes this comm the place it is <3
1) We're a community for fans of Clint Barton aka Hawkeye and Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow, individually as well as paired together as friends, partners, lovers, spouses, or any combination. We welcome all things Marvel, including other characters and pairings (and threesomes or moresomes). For this exchange, at least ONE of your prompts MUST focus on Clint/Natasha or Clint & Natasha, OR be a generic prompt to enable everyone who takes part to have a prompt they know that they can fill. All gifts should include Clint and/or Natasha in some capacity.
2) Fics must be a MINIMUM of 1,000 words and should be no more than 10,000 words.
3) Please treat everyone with respect. This includes no character bashing or ship wars. (Saying what you like: yes. Disparaging what other people like: no.) Our community is a positive fandom space.
4) No plagarism. For the purposes of this exchange, we also ask that you do not use AI or chatbots to create fics.
5) As we're a community primarily focussed on fictional characters, we ask you please not to post any Real Person Fanfiction.
6) All fics must include a rating and either appropriate AO3 warnings OR choose not to warn if/as applicable.
7) This is an anonymous exchange, so don’t reveal who your giftee is until after the reveals! Please feel free to let people know that you're taking part, however please don't link to a gift letter, share your prompts, post your gift elsewhere, identify yourself in an authors note, or otherwise reveal yourself until the author reveals at the end of the exchange. For people who have taken part in our annual exchange before, a reminder to please make sure your request/prompts are different to in previous years to keep things anonymous!
We will maintain an FAQ on AO3 for this exchange. If you would like to ask any questions we've not already thought of or to contact a mod you have a few options:
You can comment on the main dreamwidth post which has options for anonymous and public comments/queries.
You can message this be_compromised tumblr account.
You can @ a mod on the community discord. (Or message one of us on any platform that you spot us, although that may take a little longer for us to see.) Your mods are @inkvoices, @cloud--atlas (aka franstastisch on DW) and @quidnunc-life (aka gsparkle on DW and discord).
Happy writing!
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novembermorgon · 14 days
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aemon & jocelyn warmups
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eggoatt · 1 year
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some finished commstuffs!
(please look at edward cullen's horse cheekbones)
chars belong to grandma_cowboy (ig), koopaofbloopers (twt), straw (th), and prophetpaws (twt)
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be-compromised · 2 years
Some sad news about one of our own. TW death. 
From @cassiesinsanity:
This evening, I found out that a dear member of our community @crazy4orcas passed away earlier this month after a two year battle with cancer.
I was lucky that I got to meet her in person a few years back and we got to hang out, and see a play, and just generally be goofy together. She was always thinking about others and the little things they would enjoy and her fics and collages were lovely little love letters to her friends.
She is going to be so very missed by this community.
Please hug your loved ones and your friends a little closer and tell them you love them when you can.
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be-compromised · 3 years
Valentine’s Promptathon Masterlist 2022
Another Valentine's Mini Promptathon over, another masterlist of goodies. Thank you to everyone who took part!
ETA: It was pointed out to me that all the links were broken for some reason, so this list is now the updated version. All links should now work correctly.
An Unexpected Party (T, no warning) by inkvoices / @inkvoices
Prompt: “we’re quite literally fugitives of the state.” - “so no pizza?”
Chance Encounters (G, no warnings) by franztastisch / @cloud--atlas
Prompt: They meet in the vet's waiting room (or: they keep meeting at the vets.)
Concentration (G, no warnings) by AuroraShard / @aurorashard
Prompt: "You're making it so hard to concentrate right now." "Good, pay attention to me."
Highest Bidder (G, no warnings) by alphaflyer / @alphaflyer
Prompt: (SHIELD) charity auction
I couldn't find quiet, I went out in the rain (G, mid-Endgame angst) by sorcer3sssupreme / @closetedboggart 
Prompt: What Natasha doesn't know is that Clint's been keeping a ledger of his own.
In the morning, you'll be dancing with us (T, Clint/Nat/Bucky) by sorcer3sssupreme / @closetedboggart
Prompt: One time at a party I kissed someone's girlfriend and to make sure he wasn't mad about it, I kissed him too. I passed out and woke up to a groupchat with both of them that said "Did you make it home safe, baby?"
Lead to Gold (G, no warnings) by sorcer3sssupreme / @closetedboggart
Prompt: The Roman God Cupid has his roots in Greek mythology as the Greek god of love, Eros. Eros was a handsome immortal played with the emotions of Gods and men, using golden arrows to incite love and leaden ones to sow aversion(absence of feeling). source: History Channel
She's Not Her (M, Hawkeye tv spoilers) by iriel3000
Prompt: When his phone rings and the caller ID says "Grills", Clint picks up because debts are debts. Plus, it's nice to have (relatively) normal friends. Grills gets straight to the point. "There's someone in Central Park, LARPing as the Black Widow. Thought you should know."
Try Loving You (T, no warnings) by AuroraShard / @aurorashard
Prompt: “Love is never kind; love is confusion and pain and abandonment. It’s every single nightmare your mind has been plagued by. And, yes, it can unmake you in ways you never thought were possible, but love - it will remind you what it’s like to be human.”
Untitled (T, no warnings, pre-Clint/Nat/Bucky) by franztastisch / @cloud--atlas
Prompt: “If I ask you to kiss me in front of all these people, will you do it?”
untitled (PG, Hawkeye tv spoilers) by kiss_me_cassie / @cassiesinsanity​
Prompt: When his phone rings and the caller ID says "Grills", Clint picks up because debts are debts. Plus, it's nice to have (relatively) normal friends. Grills gets straight to the point. "There's someone in Central Park, LARPing as the Black Widow. Thought you should know."
untitled (G, no warnings) by sorcer3sssupreme / @closetedboggart
Prompt: Winter Olympics AU
Ventral (G, warnings: spiders) by sorcer3sssupreme / @closetedboggart
Prompt: Clint adds something to represent Natasha to his sleeve. Her reaction is not what he expects.
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be-compromised · 3 years
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(art by the wonderful @harishe-art​)
Welcome to the be_compromised Remix Exchange 2022!
A remix is, essentially, fanfiction of fanfiction - you create a fic using a fic written by the person you have matched with as a starting point. Examples of remixes include writing the story from another character’s perspective, an interlude between scenes, taking the fic in another direction after a certain point (what if this character did X instead of Y?), setting the fic in an alternate universe, etc. In exchange, a person who matches with you will remix one of your fics. WHERE IS THIS HAPPENING? This entire exchange will be done through AO3. As such, you will need an AO3 account to take part, even if you don't have a DW account. A separate post will go out on the day signups open, on both DW and tumblr, with a link to the signups page, and your assignment will be emailed to you using the email address linked to your AO3 account. As such, please make sure that this is an email you check regularly, or at least make sure you check it around the time assignments are due to be sent out.
Monday 28th February: Signups open
Saturday 5th March: Signups close
Sunday 6th March: Assignments sent out
Sunday 17th April: Fanworks due
Sunday 24th April: Fanworks revealed (this may be earlier if all words are submitted on time)
To take part in this exchange you must have written minimum three Marvel stories, two of which must contain either Clint or Natasha as main characters.
Though we are primarily a Clint/Nat community, we accept stories with either characters in other relationships as long as both Clint and Natasha feature heavily. Similarly, we accept OT3s that include both Clint and Natasha.
Wordcount: minimum 1000 words, maximum 10,000 words.
Fics written for previous be_compromised Remixes are automatically exempt from this remix. You cannot remix these stories.
You must adhere to any Do Not Wants (DNWs) your match provides when writing your remix. These can be found in the Additional Information box of your assignment.
Fics must be complete when posting.
There is no penalisation for needing to drop out, but please give us as much warning as you can. There are no formal pinch hitters for this exchange, so we'll need time to organise cover.
This is not an anonymous exchange.
You don't have to be a member of the be_compromised community or have a DreamWidth account to take part, but we do however ask that you follow the be_compromised community rules if you take part in this exchange (tl;dr - no character/ship bashing, RPF, or plagiarism.)
If you have any questions, please leave a comment HERE on our DreamWidth. Anonymous commenting is enabled.
Have fun!
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be-compromised · 2 years
Deadline Approaching!
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Quick reminder that the deadline for the 2022 Remix Exchange is Sunday 17th April. Fics will be revealed on Sunday 24th at the latest, or earlier if all fics are posted in good time. If you don't think you'll be able to complete your fic by the deadline, please contact a mod (franztastisch or inkvoices) as soon as possible so we can assign a pinch hitter. You can contact us by commenting on this post, by DM on Dreamwidth, through the be_compromised Discord Server (CloudAtlas#1940 or inkvoices#4209) or via tumblr (@cloud--atlas​ or @inkvoices​). Good luck!!
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be-compromised · 3 years
Promptathon Masterlists
Eagerly awaiting the be_compromised epic summer promptathon 2021? Run out of Clint, Natasha, and Clintasha fanfics to read in the meantime? Are you aware that we have masterlists of fanfic from every. single. year. we’ve done a promptathon so far? Because we do. Enjoy!
2012 Part One
2012 Part Two
(In fact, we have a masterlist tag on dreamwidth for all be_compromised events, mwahaha)
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be-compromised · 3 years
FYI there’s a Tag search function on AO3, and the Community: be_compromised tag has 11 pages of works and 12 of bookmarks. Happy weekend reading!
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be-compromised · 3 years
Slightly late but the Choices Post for the @be-compromised Secret Santa 2021 is up! Please follow the link above, read the instructions carefully, and then make your choices by MIDDAY GMT Saturday 23rd October.
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be-compromised · 3 years
Hi All, this weekend is our community's annibirthday - we're 9 years old! That's nearly a decade of familiar faces and new faces and sometimes even familiar faces returning again; of all you lovely people making this corner of fandom what it is. Whether you've been around since we first set up shop on livejournal back in the day or this is the first be_compromised post you've read: hello you wonderful person and a very happy annibirthday to you <3 We've spread out a bit over the years, so if you're looking for a place to party here's a reminder that you can: - post fic, creations, recs, events, and anything relevant to our interests to the dreamwidth comm - join us for a chat on Discord - browse and submit things to our tumblr - plus check who's going by what handle where on our username database - and add yourself if you like! And bringing back an old favourite All The Things Friday event to celebrate, let's start the weekend early with a 3 Sentence Fics Challenge! How to play: 1) Head over to the dreamwidth post - you don’t need a DW account to join in.
2) Leave a (short) prompt in a comment. You can leave as many prompts as you like, but please put each prompt in a seperate comment. 3) Reply to prompts with three sentence fics. Grammar can be suspect, but fills must be ONLY THREE sentences long! You can reply to as many prompts as you like and prompts can have multiple fills. You can even reply to your own prompts. Or reply to other people's fills. The more writing the better! Prompts and fills can include any Marvel characters. And there's no deadline, just whenever we run out of steam. 3) Have fun!
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be-compromised · 3 years
Head over to the comm to take part in @be-compromised‘s first ever Round Robin, hosted by @alphaflyer!!
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be-compromised · 4 years
Secret Santa 2020 Masterlist
Thank you to everyone who’s taken in this year’s holiday exchange, from gift creators to beta readers and volunteers and cheerleaders! All gift creators have now been revealed on the individual posts and in the masterlist below, so you’re now free to post, share, and link to your gifts wherever you like. If you could in some way link back to this exchange or the comm to direct people to all the other wonderful fics as well that would be great :) For AO3 users, there's an AO3 collection HERE for @be-compromised Secret Santa 2020 and ‘Community: be_compromised’ is available as an AO3 tag. Secret Santa 2020 Masterlist All I Want For Christmas (Gen) by @huntress79 for @quietlyimplode Summary/Prompt: 1. Whump leading to a happy christmas of being all together and happy. She finally was back home, at least physically. But her mind is still in that old factory building, trapping her in a dark place she can’t seem to escape. Good thing she has two very determined boyfriends, who would move Heaven and Earth for her. Add a pinch of the Magic of Christmas, and the Avengers might get their very own Christmas Miracle. Clint Barton, Disaster Bi (Teen & Up) by @inkvoices for @cassiesinsanity Summary/Prompt: Clint’s done worse things than let Natasha know that she's hot and turns him on via emojis. Like agreeing to the rule 'no romantic feelings' when they started sleeping together, which is the dumbest thing Clint has ever done in his life. Except he sends the message to Bucky by mistake. Falling into Focus (Teen) by @cassiesinsanity for @paperairplanesopenwindows Summary/Prompt: "OT3 person of your choice is a travel writer/blogger who keeps running into Nat and Clint at various exotic destinations.” Five Times Clint "Proposed" to Natasha at Christmas (and One Time She Proposed to Him) by @paperairplanesopenwindows for @huntress79 Summary/Prompt: Christmas proposal (with or without the other Avengers around; and I also leave it up to the gifter who's popping the question ;) Go nuts! listen, there's a hell of a good universe next door (M) by @quidnunc-life for @cloud--atlas Summary/Prompt: "Listen: there’s a hell of a good universe next door; let’s go." – e. e. cummings, plus a bit of "this friends with benefits situation was not supposed to develop feelings" and "(774): i just walked into a room at this party and someone yelled "dibs!"" Oh my god, they were roommates (in 2012)! (M) by @hawksandspiders for @alphaflyer Summary/Prompt: SHIELD believes in being economical with its funds when it comes to on-base accommodations. Clint Barton believes in fucking with the system at any given opportunity. Natasha Romanoff believes - actually Nat's just done with everybody's shit. (Prompts: "Respect the classics: go for the tropiest tropes" and "Write like it's 2012!") Oh, What A Shame That You Came Here With Someone by @lostemotion for @closetedboggart Summary/Prompt: Die Young by Kesha (aka Clubbing but make it OT3) Outrun the Night (NC17) by @quietlyimplode for @lostemotion Summary/Prompt: All except the 1920s Pins and Needles (Teen) by @alphaflyer for @hawksandspiders Summary/Prompt: “Thwarted timely acquisition of seasonal gifts or failing to even pick one.” ‘Barton!!!’ booms Tony Stark’s voice, triggered by a mechanism buried in the spine of the card. ‘Pepper says I should invite you to my party. Against my better judgment, I am. Bring a date, if you can find someone willing - or subdue someone who’s not. And wear a clean t-shirt. Be there or be square!’ There's only one issue with that invitation: Natasha might be there. Safe Harbour (Teen) by @cloud--atlas for @quidnunc-life Summary/Prompt: Lighthouse AU Some things you will remember (T) by @closetedboggart for @inkvoices Summary/Prompt: Natasha Romanoff is Steve Rogers' best friend. Natalia Romanova is the Winter Soldier, fist of HYDRA and mentor to the Black Widow, James Barnes. But when the Black Widow defects to join SHIELD, it sets these two personas-- and two men from her past-- on a collision course. (for the prompt: "AU: James Barnes is the Russian assassin Clint Barton brings in from the cold and into SHIELD. Natasha Romanoff is the Winter Soldier. (This could be gen, any pairing, or threesome!)" and also "Everyone lives in the Tower fic or team!family fic." because I couldn't help myself) You’re also more than welcome to use your Secret Santa banner elsewhere (credit to @inkvoices). The html code to add an image is: <img src="IMAGE LINK HERE" height="100%" width="100%" /> Image links: All I Want For Christmas: https://i.imgur.com/H77XCRF.png Clint Barton, Disaster Bi: https://i.imgur.com/lhfw0c2.png Falling into Focus: https://i.imgur.com/aYDjUor.png Five Times: https://i.imgur.com/fx93IcK.png listen, there's a hell of a good universe next door: https://i.imgur.com/Sa2wg81.png Oh my god, they were roommates (in 2012)!: https://i.imgur.com/zLWXa6u.png Oh, what a shame that you came here with someone: https://i.imgur.com/7ZXkZOI.png Outrun the Night: https://i.imgur.com/AFaqdD1.png Pins and Needles: https://i.imgur.com/mJJ0bR6.png Safe Harbour: https://i.imgur.com/WeiUCDw.png Some things you will remember: https://i.imgur.com/rpJ8h5P.png And a little note from your mods: It’s been a hell of a year and, for us, being part of this corner of fandom has been a big part of getting through it. It’s been a delight spending time with all of you lovely lot. Your creativity, enthusiasm, and kindness is what makes this community what it is and we can’t thank you enough for that <3 We hope we’ve managed to brighten up your year, even if just a little, with comm events. While there’s light at the end of the tunnel, we’re not quite there yet, so we plan to keep the pace up if we can. At the moment ideas include something in the new year (maybe a Zoom or discord gathering?) and a Valentine’s Mini Promptathon. Please do comment or message us with any ideas and thoughts on what you’d like to do! For now, we hope you have a happy, healthy holiday season and wish you all the best for New Year 2021. @inkvoices & @cloud--atlas
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be-compromised · 4 years
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Title: "Oh my god, they were roommates (in 2012)!" A Gift For: @alphaflyer Rating: M Warnings/Choose Not To Warn: No warnings apply Summary/Prompt Used: SHIELD believes in being economical with its funds when it comes to on-base accommodations. Clint Barton believes in fucking with the system at any given opportunity. Natasha Romanoff believes - actually Nat's just done with everybody's shit. (Prompts: "Respect the classics: go for the tropiest tropes" and "Write like it's 2012!") Author's Note: Dear AlphaFlyer, your prompts were so much fun, it was hard to limit myself to just one. So I didn't. ;) Please enjoy a little something as authentically 2012 as it can possibly be, nearly 10 years after the fact. You'll meet some familiar faces, abundantly tropey plot twists and classic filthy Clintasha - but not to worry: this is 2012, nobody has ever heard of threesomes, nobody takes their clothes off and nobody stops to get their shit betaed.
Link: "Oh my god, they were roommates (in 2012)!"
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be-compromised · 4 years
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Title: Clint Barton, Disaster Bi A Gift For: @cassiesinsanity Rating: Teen & Up Warnings/Choose Not To Warn: No warnings Summary/Prompt Used: Clint’s done worse things than let Natasha know that she's hot and turns him on via emojis. Like agreeing to the rule 'no romantic feelings' when they started sleeping together, which is the dumbest thing Clint has ever done in his life. Except he sends the message to Bucky by mistake. Author's Note: With thanks to @cloud--atlas for beta reading. Happy Holidays Cassie! I tried to use a bunch of your prompts and tied them up in a ballet dancers/violinist AU. Hope you enjoy :)
LINK: Clint Barton, Disaster Bi
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be-compromised · 4 years
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Title: Pins and Needles 
A Gift For: @hawksandspiders​
Rating: Teen 
Warnings/Choose Not To Warn: None 
Summary/Prompt Used: “Thwarted timely acquisition of seasonal gifts or failing to even pick one.” ‘Barton!!!’ booms Tony Stark’s voice, triggered by a mechanism buried in the spine of the card. ‘Pepper says I should invite you to my party. Against my better judgment, I am. Bring a date, if you can find someone willing - or subdue someone who’s not. And wear a clean t-shirt. Be there or be square!’ There’s only one issue with that invitation: Natasha might be there. 
Author’s Note: Written for @hawksandspiders, for the @be-compromised Secret Santa, and her prompt on the “Thwarted timely acquisition of seasonal gifts or failing to even pick one.” This story veered far off its original course, thanks to a discussion in our comm on the value of Hallmark movies, in the process turning into a much sappier thing than I had intended. Whoops? But as Bob Cratchit said, “It’s only once a year…” This is pretty much comics based, a blend of Fraction!Hawkeye and Avengers Assemble vol. 5 (2012). Also, farm? What farm? Unbeta’d, because I’m terrible with deadlines.
LINK: Pins and Needles
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