kirisakin · 3 years
It's really funny when people agree that the original TF cartoon was entrenched in Cold War propaganda but then vehemently defend Megatron as this brave leftist icon that's oppressed by the (American-flavored) right wingers. Nine times outta ten it's some tankie with some weird OOC M/Op angst AU.
You really think this was the higher-ups consciously making a decision to "make lefties look bad" and not just some guys in the boardroom seeing that Megatron's pistol was a Walther P-38 and going "Hmmm... well, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact existed! So let's make the bad guys communazis!"
(And if you think for a second that these guys were gonna take a step back and truly consider the sociopolitical effects this had on the USSR at the time and the current European political sphere, you're just plain nuts.)
People looooooove to bring up TFA and IDW as "proof" of this Decepticon-hating conspiracy because both have the Autboots being douchebags, but... let's take a look-see. TFA Megatron calls humans animals, sees all other life as collateral damage for his glory, genuinely talks about and encourages the outright genocide of Autobots (given Lugnut's ranting), and brands his followers like cows after demanding their unwavering obedience.
None of that seems particularly leftist to me? Maybe I missed that day at SJW University.
Okay, okay. Let's move onto IDW. Megatron Origin is a comic book that makes Megatron a gladiator that was oppressed by the rich and forced to cagefight for their sick amusement before standing up to their tyranny and forming the Decepticons. Fine and dandy, but this came out in 2008, long after Megatron was shown to be a totally vile villain that cared only for conquest. Effectively all this did was retcon everything he did as either a vengeance crazed power trip or horseshoe theory on speed.
Thankfully, everyone's favorite guy who really hates Star Saber for some reason called James Roberts came along to add even more retcons after Hasbro asked for a quick redemption arc! No violence here! Megatron was just an innocent miner who wanted to participate in peaceful protests and... operated a labor camp. A labor camp... that burns scores of people alive in giant ovens... in a comic that came out in 2013.
England does teach about World War 2 in it's school curriculum, right? How the hell did they think this was remotely okay to make an allegory for?
And like, they're STILL doing the communazi stuff! In 2020 and 2021, they did a crossover with World of Warships and Megatron specifically uses a Nazi warship and Rumble uses a Soviet warship.
TL;DR Megatron is not "a leftist that's being unfairly demonized". He's a broad caricature of a vague, nebulous, watered down threat using overt fascism as a bludgeon to make his point. You're all making idiots of yourselves claiming that he means well or his heart is in the right place; there's nothing there.
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youthkenworld · 3 years
jtf.orgIllegal Aliens Have More Rights Than IRS Taxpayers | JTF
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zwischenstadt · 4 years
The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact in Chicago
“When the Soviet Union and Germany entered into a nonaggression treaty in 1939, the wheels of the Popular Front screeched to a grinding halt.  Antifascism had become such an integral part of the party’s program that its members and leaders could not imagine the Soviet Union moving away from its no-nonsense antifascist stand, but it did.  Communists all over the United States were shocked by the news and photos of Joachim von Ribbentrop, the German foreign minister, and Stalin shaking hands.  British and French appeasement was one thing, but Soviet appeasement was quite another. The term “Communazi,” coined by a reporter in September 1939, filled mainstream newspapers, taunting the party faithful.  Whereas before the signing of the nonaggression pact, Communists could argue that they acted on behalf of America’s workers and in the interest of society as a whole, their about-face on alliances against Nazi Germany raised ethical and political questions in intellectual and progressive communities.  Communists lost their moral authority and found themselves having to explain that in fact “Communism” and “fascism” were different systems and political forces. The nonaggression pact betrayal, moreover, confirmed more conservative activists’ suspicions that Communists would betray America’s workers at any cost for the Soviet Union...
 Like the counterparts on the national scene, Chicago’s party leaders were eager to follow Soviet policies. They simply did not know how to interpret them, exactly.  They did, however, know that they needed to defend the Soviet Union.  When the staff of the Socialist Jewish Daily Forward organized an anti-Soviet meeting, Communists showed up to ‘expose speakers.’  At their own open-air meeting on ST. Louis and Roosevelt Road, in the heart of a Jewish community, a Jewish Communist newspaper editor reportedly spoke to two thousand people who applauded as the speaker explained ‘how the Soviet German Pact was an aid to peace.’  At least publicly, the party minimized the hypocrisy of the new Soviet policy, and for a short time they sought comfort in their Popular Front-type campaign to ‘Save Poland.’  In their grand style, Chicago’s party organized a rally in defense of Polish independence which included Catholic priests, Jewish rabbis, and Chicago’s civic and trade-union Polish leaders.  
On September 11, however, word reached national party leaders that Moscow was critical of the Polish government, insisted that the war was imperialist, and prohibited the American party from taking a side.  American leaders quickly made an embarrassing about-face on the whole situation. Chicago leaders followed suit.  On September 15, two days before the Soviets invaded Poland, Chicago’s party paper announced a talk by Gebert, billed for ‘Chicago Poles who want to get the lowdown on the Nazi invasion of Poland.’ The party seemed unwilling to let go of its antifacist appeal, yet there were new developments in need of clarification: the role of Britain, France, and the Polish Government in the situation.  One can only imagine the response Bill Gebert faced in his September 15 talk at Koscuisko Hall.  Speaking in Polish to former party supporters, Gebert must have seemed like quite a traitor. Certainly Polish and South Slav workers in the city’s stockyards and steel mills thought so… One Communist organizer reported on his difficulties holding Ukrainian and South Slav steel workers in line, ‘notwithstanding the fact that they were CP members of sympathizers of long standing.’  Members of the Packinghouse Workers Organizing Committee’s Polish American Committee had been raising money for Polish people and were understandably reeling from the recent turn of events.”
-Randi Storch, Red Chicago: American Communism at Its Grassroots 1928-35
How the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact ruined the trajectory of the U.S. Communist party, even before the red scare.  After this episode, the CPUSA would never succeed in recruiting members as it once had.
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fatpinocchio · 4 years
This is the beginning of the end for the Communazi establishment.
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communnazipigeon · 5 years
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да здравствуют коммуназы
Es lebe die Communazis
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danguy96 · 6 years
Me, half of the time: Yeah, America is a pretty broken country.
Me, when some filthy Tankie gremlin or NEETSoc gremlin sneaks in and tries to derail everything by popping in and saying that America would be better if it were run by someone like Herr Schicklgruber or Joe "the Manlet" Stalin (Especially if said Tankie/NEETSoc tries to start this shit on the 4th of July): *morphs into the Soldier from Team Fortress 2* WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY, YOU LITTLE COMMUNAZI MAGGOTS?!
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frostlocke · 6 years
now that everyone was banned, nobody will know that i was the communazi that stole those unicef pennies
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catsnuggler · 3 years
"Brigand! Bamboozler! Wyrm! Craven! Witch! Communazi! How dare you imply a people should not be firebombed and invaded? It is the basis of Freedom and Civilization! I suppose you also wouldn't bomb, rob, and assault your own grandmother, too? But don't you love her? Don't you want her to know the blessings of democracy, too? You bastard cutthroat! How dare you not support bombings and invasions...?"
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wyrmguardsecrets · 7 years
I'm not who you think I am. Even if I were, what gives you the right to be so rude to me? Maybe you and your communazi elitists should all go fuck yourselves to hell if that's how you treat people.
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testifttt · 4 years
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Double up and be a communazi via /r/dankmemes https://ift.tt/34a8Y4j
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schooltrashers · 2 years
The Party Switch Debunked - An Extensive Look At The History Of Democrats
So recently a woke activist brought up "the parties switch" in a comment on my Tumblr page. Acting as if I don't know about their claim of the parties switching. I have known for years and I've debunked them at every turn. But now something new has been brought to my attention that would destroy the Democrats narrative of the parties switching.
During World War 2, both FDR and Harry S Truman were President at the time and both were Democrats. The USSR helped the U.S. end World War 2. However Stalin, who was in power at the time was mass murderer and a dictator. He also helped formed the Communazi pact in 1939. Why is this important? Because Democrats are defensive of totalitarian ideologies, one of which is communism.
So getting help from Stalin, proves they have no issues with a mass murderous dictator because he's a commie. Paying attention so far? Alright, well here's another fun fact. Harry S Truman was also a KKK member. So hold on a second, you mean to tell me that a KKK member helped defeat the Nazis? Are we suppose to believe that Harry S Truman is a Republican now, since he was a part of the KKK, despite being a Democrat and never leaving the party?
Other Democrats who were still KKK members and didn't leave the party after JFK's presidency includes Hugo Black and Robert Byrd. These are interesting facts we're looking at. I'm not done yet, this is just the tip of the iceberg!
Okay, so Democrats claim that the "parties switched" and that Republicans are now the racist KKK members and Nazis. One problem with that, you would have to give credit to the Republicans for defeating the Nazis since Harry S Truman was President at the time, a Democrat and a KKK member.
So Republicans can't also be Nazis if they helped defeat Nazis before JFK's presidency that enabled the so-called "party switch", right? But wait, there's more! Adolf Hitler was defensive of socialism, he claims that communism wasn't socialism since communism is anti-property while true socialism is not. Democrats to this day defend socialism in the same way Hitler did. Leftists often conflate socialism with communism. Either way they make the bogus claim of Hitler being a "conservative", but there's no way Hitler can be a conservative if he's defending socialism! It would make no sense at all!
If Conservatives were pro-KKK, then why expose Democrats in power of being actual KKK members? If Conservatives were Nazis, then why would they speak against socialists and claim Hitler is a socialist?
The Democrats don't live in a world called "Reality". Instead they live in the world of make-believe. They make-believe that conservatives are racist white Nazi KKK members, all while ignoring the Democrats who are active members of the KKK, ignores the white racists within the Democrat Party such as Joe Biden and Robert Byrd, ignores the anti-semitism coming from Leftist groups who hate on the country of Israel. Illhan Omar is also anti-semitic. You know who else are anti-semitic? Nazis! They absolutely hate Israel because it is a JEWISH state.
So let me ask you, who do you trust more? The Democrats who are obviously deceiving you, or someone like me who points out the truth? The Parties obviously never switched. Hence why a commie(Lee Harvey Oswald) assassinated JFK, the same way a Democrat assassinated Abraham Lincoln. Or another example, the KKK's actions resemble that of Antifa & BLM's actions in 2020. Let's not forget that a lot of Democrats policies by Joe Biden are similar to that of fascist policies made by the likes of Hitler, Mao and Stalin. They love to censor their critics, they love to take away guns from freedom fighters, they love to control the narrative on social media and the mainstream media.
So until you figure that out for yourself or comprehend a word I am saying, you'll never be able to fully understand how deceptive Democrats have always been.
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youthkenworld · 3 years
jtf.orgIllegal Aliens Have More Rights Than IRS Taxpayers | JTF
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hoanvu-2016-us · 5 years
I have a dream. Sau hơn nửa thế kỷ
RFA, 09/01/2019 - 13:30 — tuankhanh
(truy cập từ https://www.rfavietnam.com/node/5621)
Hơn 50 năm trước, vào những ngày này, nước Mỹ và thế giới sục sôi vì bài diễn văn của Martin Luther King với tiêu đề "Tôi có một giấc mơ".
Bài diễn văn được đọc trước hơn 200.000 con người, đại diện cho một xã hội người da đen đang khát khao quyền bình đẳng và tình thương, đại diện cho một xã hội đang chực chờ bùng nổ thành cơn giận dữ và một cuộc đại hỗn loạn. Nhưng bằng sự bao dung và vĩ đại, Martin Luther King đã biến mọi thứ thành bàn tay chìa ra, hóa giải sự thấp hèn, định kiến và ca ngợi tự do, biến mọi thứ thành khát vọng của một quốc gia.
Bài diễn văn có đoạn: "Hôm nay, chúng ta tập hợp ở nơi đây để đòi một món nợ… chúng ta từ chối tin rằng ngân hàng công lý đã phá sản. Chúng ta từ chối tin rằng không đủ ngân quỹ bên trong những kho tàng cơ hội của đất nước. Vì vậy chúng ta đã tới để rút khoản nợ này – khoản nợ sẽ trao cho chúng ta sự giàu có của tự do và sự an toàn của công lý, như chúng ta mong đợi…".
Hơn 50 năm sau, hơn 2 triệu người Hồng Kông cũng tập hợp xuống đường để đòi một món nợ như vậy, họ kêu gọi sự đổi thay, kêu gọi lột bỏ những âm mưu và giới thiệu khát vọng dân chủ của một thế hệ Trung Hoa mới: rất no đủ nhưng khát khao tự do hơn bao giờ hết.
Hơn bao giờ hết, thế hệ mới người Trung Hoa muốn đòi món nợ lớn mà chế độ cộng sản đã vay, đã giật từ tay đất nước vĩ đại này: tự do và dân chủ.
Đổi lại, nhà cầm quyền cộng sản phát-xít đã dùng bạo lực, biến ôn hòa thành khói đạn, máu và sự căm giận của nhân dân. Biến yêu thương thành thù ghét.
Martin Luther King đã cùng thế hệ người Mỹ da đen hy sinh một cuộc nội chiến tiềm ẩn, và tạo cơ hội cho Hoa Kỳ trở thành một quốc gia của nhiều giấc mơ, thậm chí là giấc mơ của cả thế giới, nhiều hơn những gì mà Martin Luther King đã mơ.
Hôm nay, người Hồng Kông cũng đã hy sinh cả cuộc sống bình an và ổn định thịnh vượng của mình để đánh thức cả thế giới, để khơi dậy lương tâm của nhân loại đang bị che lấp bởi quyền lợi và toan tính.
Người Hồng Kông nhắc rằng, chỉ nửa thế kỷ thôi. Nhân ái bị xô ngã, sự cao đẹp bị vùi dập. Loài người chỉ là một đám đông bị lừa gạt và lợi dụng bởi các lề lối trí xảo ngoại giao, của những âm mưu thỏa hiệp tầm thế giới.
Chỉ nửa thế kỷ thôi, chủ nghĩa cộng sản trong cơn dãy chết của mình, đã kịp lai sinh thành loài quái vật ghê sợ nhất của nhân loại: cộng sản phát-xít – communazi.
Câu chuyện Hồng Kông hôm nay, đã vạch bức màn tương lai cho chúng ta thấy – rằng phần nhân loại vẫn luôn cả tin vào những điều cao đẹp sẽ đến – không còn cơ hội để chờ và nuôi một giấc mơ như của Martin Luther King nữa.
Thế giới đã biến dạng, và con người đang bị buộc phải chấp nhận loại giấc mơ nô lệ an toàn.
Bài học lớn từ Hồng Kông là hoặc hôm nay, chúng ta chọn lên đường, và cần thì đánh đổi cả mạng sống để đòi hiện thực, và thực hiện từ giấc mơ cho chúng ta, cho thế hệ mai sau của chúng ta. Chứ không chỉ là yên lặng nuôi một giấc mơ.
Mọi thứ đã thay đổi trong thế giới này, và vì vậy chính chúng ta cũng phải thay đổi.
Cám ơn những người bạn Hồng Kông đã thức tỉnh phần ngủ mê của nhân loại. Thức tỉnh tôi.
(Bài diễn văn “I have a dream” diễn ra tại đài tưởng niệm TT A. Lincoln, thủ đô Hoa Kỳ, ngày 28-8-1963)
tuankhanh's blog
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fatpinocchio · 6 years
Archipelago is second-best. Global libertarianism is the ideal, but a lot of people are very resistant to that, so we have to say that if you like your communazi hellhole, you can keep it, as long as you let us have our paradise. But that’s only a necessary compromise and not good in itself. Most other ideologies would probably say the same.
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schooltrashers · 2 years
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In the above photo is a picture of Communist Dictator Joseph Stalin shaking hands with Joachim von Ribbentrop after signing of Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact (aka "Communazi Pact") on 23 August 1939
"Communazi" is an American political neologism, "coined by a reporter" and made popular by Time (first September 11, 1939) days after the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact (a neutrality pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by foreign ministers Joachim von Ribbentrop and Vyacheslav Molotov). It implied that both Communism and Nazism are one and the same because they were essentially totalitarian. It continues to receive mention, largely in its historial context, to the present.
The reason I brought this up is because I was debating a Communist. He doesn't think that Nazis & Commies are the same. He also doesn't like the term "Communazis" because he doesn't like the idea of Commies being compared to Nazis. But history shows that Communazis did exist, both Nazis & Commies were allies.
Hence why I condemn both Nazis & Commies because both ideologies did lead to mass murder, totalitarianism, & dictatorship. Nazis are socialists, so it makes sense that Commies would get along with Nazis in 1939.
Conservatives have consistently been against communism & socialism. Make no mistake, the Nazi symbol represents socialism the same way the Commie symbol represents communism.
China is a communist country, the CCP has a commie symbol on their flag, the CCP censors their citizens, the Chinese government is extremely racist against black people & the Chinese government punishes those who disagree with their totalitarianism.
Hence why you see Hong Kong protesters waving the American flag because they know that flag stands for Freedom. Communists are against freedom & free thinkers. Communists ideas are too weak against conservative ideas, hence their refusal to debate, talk, reason with or listen to those with opposing views.
Real fascism is totalitarianism, censorship, gun control, mass murder, dictatorship, opposing both freedom & free speech.
Nazis & Commies often lies & make bad stereotypes about groups of people. For example, Nazis only hated the Jews, lies about them & blame them for everything. Hitler & the Nazis would make up lies & bad stereotypes about all Jews.
Commies does the exact same thing to straight white Christian Conservative men, falsely accusing them of being fascists, racists, homophobic or transphobic.
I'm Latino, but I also have white in me. I'm also straight, Conservative & Christian. I have never been racist, since my parents were an interracial couple, plus I love my half-brother who is half black & half Mexican since my father had an affair with a black woman.
Just because I'm straight doesn't mean I hate homosexuals or trans people. I have friends who are gay, lesbian & bisexual. I have never met a trans, they're rare to come by, but I am a fan of Blaire White. I would never date her because she has a penis, but I do love her for who she is.
It's not transphobic to have genital preferences or not date transwomen. If I were pansexual or transexual, then dating transwomen would be a non-issue. But I'm straight, so I don't date anyone who is trans. I only exclusively date biological women.
Main point being that lies & stereotyping is something both Nazis & Commies share in common. So don't fall for the trap of adapting either ideology.
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schooltrashers · 2 years
Read the latest story I wrote on my DeviantArt page. Also you might need to register since this story was written for mature audiences.
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