antiwaradvocates · 1 year
Some academic chuckle fuck got half a million in funding to rage about tankies and how they’re all ebil left wing extremists.
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It’s got everything. beautiful graphs
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A breakdown of their foul parlance. o7, thank you, inshallah
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And finally, a list of their dastardly webbed sites. Totally disgusting lefty sources like Foreign Policy ?
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gaaaaaaaayypr · 2 months
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Facts lol
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tsp-k · 3 months
★ price list ★
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• The work period will take a week - a month, depending on the workload.
✓ I draw: animals, people (children and old people), various creatures, etc.
[important!] I don't draw anything that could cause a serious trigger or disgust.
For all questions, welcome to private messages (only on the condition that you are going to order something)
You can write to me either in English or in русском.
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brantheblessed · 3 months
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silverfox66 · 2 years
Tankies are not “anti-war”, no matter how hard they try to push that narrative. They are pro-war, pro-genocide, as long as it is russia doing it. They are only anti-west. Their anti-war ‘stance’ is only a façade. In reality, they don’t care about human lives or peace.
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lady-nightmare · 2 years
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ablogofcourage · 28 days
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smbhax · 8 days
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From "The Fantastic Four!" in Fantastic Four #1, November 1961. Stan Lee script, Jack Kirby pencils, George Klein inks—with alterations probably by Sol Brodsky, Stan Goldberg colors, Artie Simek letters. Photoshop color reduction.
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This is hilarious
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Not including the name of the person that messaged me.
But I have to share this.
This person sent a message to ME. They contacted ME. I thought we were going to have a conversation?
Why even try to talk to me if you are going to block me as soon as I reply???
These people are delusional.
I would have understood if I DMed them first, maybe you just don't want to argue and that's fair. But I didn't?
I also answered in the most inoffensive way possible. "I realise it's not perfect, but I believe it's the best system we have". Wtf more do you want from a libertarian? To agree with you on your first whine? "You're right, now that you said the basic-est thing you could have said I changed my mind! Let me lick the boot! Omg FUCKING STEP ON ME, STATE!!!"
As I said in the message I sent, I'm always open to civil conversations. I've grown up in a commie city, so I doubt anything you have to say will be news to me and something that hasn't already been spewed my way, but I'll never refuse to hear the other side out.
It's just that the other side isn't willing to do that 99% of the time.
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schooltrashers · 6 months
The Reason Why Poland Opposes Both Nazis And Commies:
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The citizens of Poland have historical reasons for their opposition to both Nazis and Communists. During World War II, Poland was invaded and occupied by Nazi Germany, which led to immense suffering and loss of life. The Nazis committed numerous atrocities, including the establishment of concentration camps and the systematic extermination of Jews and other groups in what is now known as the Holocaust¹.
After the war, Poland fell under Soviet influence and became a communist state. The communist regime was often oppressive, limiting freedoms and controlling various aspects of life through authoritarian measures. Many Poles resisted and opposed the communist rule, which they saw as another form of totalitarian control².
The shared experience of occupation and oppression by both Nazi and Communist forces has left a lasting impact on the Polish national consciousness. This history has fostered a strong resistance to any form of totalitarian ideology and a commitment to independence and democracy³⁴.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/27/2024
(1) Nazis and communists divvy up Poland | September 29, 1939 | HISTORY. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/nazis-and-communists-divvy-up-poland.
(2) Poles apart: the bitter conflict over a nation’s communist history. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/jul/13/poles-apart-the-bitter-conflict-over-a-nations-history-poland-monuments-communism-soviet-union.
(3) Poland Opposed Nazis and Soviet Union: Defense Minister. https://www.newsweek.com/poland-opposed-nazis-soviet-union-collaborate-wwii-defense-minister-606103.
(4) Poland - Communism, Solidarity, Warsaw Pact | Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/place/Poland/Communist-Poland.
My Thoughts:
The idea of opposing both Nazis and Commies only comes from citizens of Poland and Patriots (Christian Conservative Americans). While The Left (woke white leftist/liberal/DemoKKKrat commies) "opposes" only Nazism. Despite the fact DemoKKKrat policies, censorship of political opponents/ideas, gun control and socialism are exactly what Nazism is all about.
Nazis is short for National Socialists. Hitler is a socialist and defended the idea. Socialism is all about giving more power to the government than it's citizens. Commies act exactly like Nazis. Their symbols may as well combine into something like this...
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On the podium you can see the combined Nazi and Commie symbol. That is the official symbol of Totalitarianism or Communazism.
And no, this wasn't on the actual podium itself, this is just meme that was created to make Biden look like Hitler. The point of the meme was to paint Biden as a totalitarian dictator, which he is.
So why are The Left so uneducated and brainwashed into beLIEving that Communism is good? Do they just ignore Communist Dictators like Stalin and Mao? Do they not know the history of what Poland went through? Do they not see that both Nazis and Commies are totalitarian?
There's no good reason to support Nazism or Communism. They both have a bad history. To condone one totalitarian ideology over the other, is just plain stupid. It's smarter to condemn both but you can't expect The Left to do such a thing, they're close minded and brainwashed.
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brantheblessed · 3 months
I triggered the entirety of commie Tik Tok today.
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diasporangael · 7 months
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the-outer-topic · 2 years
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1962 08 True Adventures cover - Where Sin is the Only Law - Victor Prezio
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tob1488 · 10 days
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Important information. I AM OPENING COMMISSIONS. You can order them...Please .
Full-length art: 800 Russian rubles
Art on the hips: 500 Russian rubles
Shoulder length art: from 250 to 300 (depending on the character)
Sketches from 150 Russian rubles to 400 Russian rubles (depending on the character)
I draw:
Femboys and femgirls
Naked and half naked
Fan arts
I DO NOT draw:
Violence and pedophilia
Backgrounds (for example, a city or cafe background)
All other information in PM.I only use the Russian app Сбербанк so there may be some complications.
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