takinginair · 7 years
Pennies For Your Thoughts
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Money dropped from the sky today. No, I’m serious, it totally dropped from thin air. I was filling up my water bottle this evening, as one of my nightly chores. I was pouring my 5 gallon bottle into smaller water bottles so I can keep them in the fridge and drink them later. I was squatting and pouring the water when one single bhat(3 cents USD) fell right next to me. 
It made a loud noise and circled around in one spot, as change does when it’s thrown down. I watched it perplexed as to from where it came. Did I have it in my hand when I grabbed the bottle? Did it fly out of my pocket when I knelt down? Could it have dropped from something hanging around my house? Although, I had no pockets, I had nothing in my hands and there was nothing but the blank egg shell colored walls of my home. 
Dorothy, my step-dad’s late mother, used to say that angels leave coins to show they love you. She said a coin with the heads up are left by our loved ones beyond the veil. I walked over to the coin with my eyes shut. I wanted it to be heads up, I wanted it to be from Diogo. 
I felt bad if it was any angel other than Diogo, as I give him credit for everything right now. In some ways I didn’t want it to open my eyes as it would break my heart to see a worthless tails sided coin. I really wanted it to be communication from him. 
I opened my eyes, “You could have dropped a larger coin, even in heaven you’re cheap!” I said to the empty room as I picked up the coin with the heads up. 
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