#compare bc that's not fair to urself
jrueships · 1 year
if i ever made giannis mad i would cry
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thatdeadaquarius · 11 months
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So you know how french people's insult are always outta pocket (from a person who's first language is french I can tell you that no other language compares in insult -apart for African languages)
Like,, some "bad" insult here would be : bitch, fuck off, whore,..
Which we can all agree is boring...
We be getting creative with it
"mange tes mort" wich translates to "eat your dead (relatives)"
"vas te fair enculer" means "go get yourself pegged in the ass"
(yes, we have a specific word for being fucked in the ass 💀)
English could never compare ✨
how would the characters react if reader was from france/ belgium/ canada(or any other french speaking country) and started cursing people out like they eould do in their home countrie !?!?
The eay their face would drop
We would make a couple of people cry
Trying to un-teach them would be hell *cries*
Your thoughts?
Love yaaaa~
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Nobody has any idea how much I HATE ENGLISH both for its rules/pronounciation BS/etc. But also, most importantly, THERES LIKE NO GOOD CUSS WORDS- OR LIKE CUSS PHRASES??
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like idk we got "eat shit and die / fuck off / go fuck yourself" ???? Like- thats pathetic 😟.
I love hearing someone just cuss smbody out their native language/non-english, it’s so badass and cool to see
Anyway u already know i love non-native english speakers from the bottom of my heart✨️
and i researched french cusswords/phrases,,,
“bête comme ses pieds!” IM ROLLING ON THE FLOOR-
(trans: you’re as stupid AS YOUR FEEEEEETT)
idk what’s funnier, you translating urself in real time and saying all these phrases to ppl,
OR just scaring the ever-loving shit out of every teyvat citizen within a mile radius bc oh wow- you look pissed, so yeah somebody’s about to lose all their self-esteem for the rest of their life bc ur insults are known to be extra cutting bc ur so blunt-
OH CREATOR ABOVE (…oh creator, present??)- you changed to your holy language FOR THIS???
everybody just giving the npc the most bombastic side-eye for pushing you to do this,
or even just you stubbing ur toe/ate food when it was too hot
or my favorite, getting onto ppl like Wanderer when they do smth silly lmao
STOP I HAD A FOUL THOUGHT OF GETTING ONTO Ei AND WANDERER (like ei for not keeping him/at least giving him to someone else to raise, then all the shit he did as Scaramouche lol)
“Putain de salope…” (whore of whore, I LIED IT MEANS FUCKING BITCH LMAO😭)
STOPPP wanderer using it against other ppl ever since u used it lol
oh no stop dont bring the kids into thisss 😭😭
Klee would deffo be the first one to pick up ur words and use them, omg she just uses them as catchphrases like when throwing her bombs 💀
Venti would definitely make sure the winds “pass along phrases of the sacred All-God language!”
i hope u guys are having a great summer! its basically too hot to go outside where I am, not unless ur going straight into the water or smth
which hey, ill be doing that this weekend, floating down the river about an hour away from my house with friends! :]
which,,, if anyone sees this, U GOTTA HELP ME THINK OF A 1000 FOLLOWERS MILESTONE THING TO DO IDK WHAT TO DO BUT I WANNA CELEBRATE IT BC I NEVER THOUGHT THATD HAPPEN!! lmk what u think in the comments if u read this!
Safe Travels 0rah,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi
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luvxiem · 2 years
the stars aligned for us
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word count ! 【idk】idk【idk】 pairing ! luxiem x gn!reader (separately) genre ! fluff, mild angst on luca's part summary ! different soulmate au tropes w our faves bc i'm weak and love self indulgence 🤭 soulmate aus my beloved cw ! non-explicit violence/injuries on luca's part notes ! this was written on my phone so sorry for the uggy formatting and any typos 😭💔 btw tysm for 100 followers 🥺🫶 i appreciate y'all lots for enjoying my shit LMFAOOO it's just me projecting on here but i'm glad u guys enjoy it anyways when u wanna read a fanfic so bad but it doesn't exist yet so u gotta write it urself also kindred plz don't kill me for calling vox an asshole i meant it endearingly (insert "'i hate him' while putting up his picture" meme here)
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.。.:*☆ IKE EVELAND !
ike's world has been black and white for as long as he could remember
his friends have always told him how beautiful everything be came after they made eye contact with their soulmate for the first time
despite them trying their best to describe colors (what does a "warm" color even look like anyway?) it was hard for ike to really care
after all, how can you miss something you never experienced?
but more than seeing colors, the novelist just wanted to meet his soulmate
it wasn't that he was lonely; ike had his fair share of relationships in the past with others like him (those who haven't had the chance to meet their soulmate just yet, but wanted to date anyways)
however being a writer comes with a certain sense of romanticism and a lust for life, and ike was no exception
he's always loved the thought of meeting someone who was perfect for him in every way; a person who he could be his honest self around and love with all his heart
this is why when he suddenly started seeing colors he never could've imagined on a busy sidewalk, he immediately started scanning the crowd for you
he spotted you under the canopy of a nearby cafe. you were looking around with clear awe on your face, mouth slightly agape as you took in the new world around you, not even noticing the grumbles of passerby who narrowly avoided you.
you looked almost ethereal in your (now known as blue) button up, the sunshine leaving your skin in a warm glow. the gentle breeze ruffled your hair just right, and the novelist couldn't tear his gaze away.
as much as ike wanted to admire his new view too, he was more focused on making sure he didn't lose you. he's thought about it countless of times—dreamt of it, even—of somehow meeting his soulmate and losing them right away, never to be seen again. ike's lost enough sleep over it and he was determined to not make his nightmares a reality.
pushing past shoulders with rushed "sorry's" and "excuse me's," ike rushed to get to you as quick as possible; and soon enough, he was now standing face to face with you—the person who would become the love of his life.
your gaze fell onto him and an unspoken realization was met. you could feel it to; the ecstasy blooming in your very core at finally meeting your other half.
"hi," he breathed, a broad smile adorning his face. "i think i'm your soulmate."
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woe is the soulmate of a certain blonde haired mafia boss
injuries came with the job, unfortunately, but the soft-hearted man couldn't help but feel sorry for his soulmate
luca knew some most of his injuries weren't normal. civilians don't get bullet wounds in their arm or knife slashes to the chest
did his soulmate worry for him? or were they wishing they weren't fated at all? as much as it hurt, luca couldn't find it in himself to blame them if they did
the small pricks he felt on his fingertips from presumably paper cuts can't compare to literally getting stabbed in the back
eventually it came to a point where luca tried to stop going outside altogether
he can't obtain any further injuries if he's always at the base, right?
but that fantasy couldn't last forever.
the one day he had to be escorted to a different location, him and his guards got ambushed
luca was the only one who got away, but not without sustaining a bullet wound to his shoulder
it wasn't as bad as it could've been but it still hurt like a bitch
stumbling into an alleyway, the blonde collapsed next to a dumpster, creating a loud thud that echoed into the night
luca was ready to rip off a piece of his shirt to wrap his shoulder when suddenly a bright light momentarily blinded him
standing a little bit away was you, pointing your phone flashlight on him while gripping your shoulder in your other hand
"so you're a med student?" luca asks, gritting his teeth when you dab at his bullet wound with rubbing alcohol. tossing the cotton ball, you reach into your first aid kit for gauze.
"yeah," you say quietly, starting to wrap his shoulder. the blonde frowns noticing how you refuse to meet his eyes. he opened his mouth to say something but you beat him to it.
"i chose this path because of you." at your words luca's eyebrow raises in question. you finished wrapping him up and now rest your hands in your lap, fiddling with your fingers. "you got so many injuries growing up and i didn't know what to do. i was worried you didn't have anyone to help you so i wanted to learn how," you explain quietly. at this the mafia boss's gaze softens.
"how'd you know? that i'm your soulmate, i mean," he asks. reaching up, you gently grazed the large scar on his abdomen with your fingers.
"i recognized your injuries," you said. luca shivered at your touch, raising his non-injured arm to cover your hand with his.
"i'm glad i ran into you then, soulmate."
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.。.:*☆ MYSTA RIAS !
mysta's known since he was five that he had a soulmate, just like every other five-year-old in his class
but there was one teeny little problem
ok actually it was a major problem
his timer seemed to be broken
instead of the few years or days or months like his friends had, his timer was set to decades
because of how long his timer was set for, mysta was teased mercilessly for "having a soulmate who doesn't even want to meet him"
this followed him for most of his youth until eventually he covered up his wrist and tried to forget about it alltogether
if he wasn't going to meet his soulmate until he was old and gray, why should he even care
that was until he fell through that damned portal and landed in 2022
he noticed it after he got out of the shower, spotting his wrist in the mirror while brushing back his hair
mysta's mouth dropped open in shock, dropping his arm to gently run his fingers over the numbers
the timer that was the bane of his younger self's existence was down to the hours
the detective was antsy, understandably.
a lifetime of thinking he wouldn't ever meet his soulmate suddenly turned into meeting his soulmate in twenty minutes. mysta wasn't sure what to do, how he should act. should he go outside? he should, right? how else would he meet you?
filled with a newfound sense of determination, mysta grabbed his keys and darted into the london night.
there was hardly anyone out this late; maybe his timer really was broken? what were you doing out at one in the morning, don't you know that's dangerous? who knows what kind of dangerous people were prowling outside right now.
mysta started walking briskly toward a more crowded area of the city. if he had to meet you, it would be somewhere safe.
settling on standing in front of a pub he's been to a few times with friends, the detective started counting down the minutes till he would meet you. he kept glancing at his wrist, watching the numbers go down one by one until there was only a minute left on the clock.
mysta tapped his foot impatiently as he glanced left and right down the street until suddenly, he felt the lightest tap on his shoulder. he spun on his heel and low and behold, there you were.
grinning, you spoke.
"nice to finally meet you, soulmate."
and mysta couldn't be happier.
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.。.:*☆ SHU YAMINO !
in all honesty, shu couldn't care less about having a soulmate
the idea of the universe choosing who he would fall in love with didn't sit right with him
not to mention how frustrating it would be sometimes when the two of you switched bodies at inconvenient times
like in the middle of one of his experiments
or when he's talking to one of his fellow sorcerers
or how about that time he was meditating in a lovely, perfectly quiet room for the first time in ages as a way to destress only to suddenly wake up in your body in the middle of a bustling city
yeah, shu wasn't all too happy about it, but what can he do?
so while all his friends were out actively searching for ways to meet their soulmate in person, shu was directing his energy toward mastering his powers instead
but the thing about having a soulmate is that you can't exactly reject them altogether
they're your soulmate for a reason, after all
so despite his resistance, the purple sorcerer found himself falling for you all the same
he grew antsy at particularly long periods without switching and eventually started leaving notes behind for you for when you would eventually switch
including a bright purple post-it with an address and a time and date
shu sat inside the cafe anxiously, bouncing his leg under the table while sipping his drink. he hoped that his note was obvious enough that you saw it the last time you guys swapped bodies, but how could he know for sure? you didn't leave a reply on his note, and the swap period was rather short that time too.
minutes passed the written time and the pounding in shu's chest grew louder and louder in his ears. he looked up at every tinkle of the bell above the door, hoping that it was you only to be disappointed when it wasn't. he kept glancing out the window rather obsessively, and soon enough his cup was empty too.
after 40 minutes had gone by, the sorcerer had just about given up. letting out a disappointed sigh, he rose from his chair to leave his tray and finished drink on the counter only to pause when the bell jingled one last time. shu looked up on instinct and his breath got caught in his throat.
in the doorway was you, slightly sweaty and definitely out of breath, looking frantically around the cafe before your eyes landed on him. shu was still holding the tray in his hands when you ran up to him, still in shock at seeing you in the flesh for the first time and not just through a mirror.
"h...hi..." you stutter, gripping the strap of your tote bag tightly in your fists. "i'm sorry i'm late. but i'm so glad i found you." shu broke out of his trance and smiled, setting the tray back down on the table.
"i'm glad you found me too."
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.。.:*☆ VOX AKUMA !
fitting for a voice demon that the first words his soulmate says to him is permanently printed onto his skin
"you're gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna impress me, pretty boy" decorated his ribs under his right pectoral
now vox knows he's hot
he's well aware of the power he holds fucking asshole and uses his charm and good looks to his advantage
the demon spent most of his early years dropping one liners and introducing himself with various pickup lines in an attempt to find his elusive soulmate
and many have tried to pretend they were his fated one but they never succeeded
after the death of his clan and being transported to the future, it took vox a long time to feel ready to find his soulmate again
slowly he started visiting pubs and parties in an attempt to socialize
it was at one of these parties that he met you
beer in hand, vox pushed past a group laughing with each other in the hallway to slip out onto the balcony. he was hoping to get a chance to breathe and get away from all the sweaty partygoers, but there was already another person out here with him. figuring it wouldn't hurt to say something, the demon let a familiar smirk slip onto his face as he approached you.
sensing his presence, you turned your head to look at him in curiosity, fiddling with the many rings on your fingers.
"why hello there; what's a gorgeous person like you doing out here all alone?" he drawls, sliding up next to you. a breathy laugh escaped your lips, dropping your head to your chest for a moment before you looked back up and meeting his gaze dead on.
"you're gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna impress me, pretty boy."
at your words vox faltered, the smirk falling from his face as his lips parted in surprise. the skin where his soulmate mark was seemed to tingle.
it seems like you figured it out too; your eyes widened and suddenly you were tugging your shirt up to show a matching tattoo on your ribs. you let the fabric fall back down and looked back up at him, a softer smile now gracing your features as vox reached over to intertwine his fingers with yours.
"would you look at that," you laughed happily. "guess you really did impress me, pretty boy."
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WRITTEN ! 080222
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lifesver · 5 months
wasted so much time assigning the tcsm friend group/my friends' muses as ffxiv classes:
leland - paladin boy i shan't lie. just some guy with a sword and shield that is very devoted. he's your offtank that stands beside u and puts cover on the main tank or the healer or dps to take the hit and is like [coughing up blood with 8 vuln stacks] im good (: also bc standing in front of the squad w paladin protective light wings goes crazy. paladins aren't always the best main tanks but they are great support offtanks and have a ton of healing/shielding abilities like intervention. can take the heat off you by redirecting damage that u would have taken straight onto himself. tank stance called iron will (: he could also be a gunbreaker bc thancred sexy dumbass gnb energies but i just dont think we should let him have a gun.
connie - machinist or summoner - i just think that connie should get to have a gun that she built herself and also automaton queen to defend her who she also built herself. machinists are specialist dps that are not very tanky bc they're phys ranged but they do big numbers. they're versatile and mobile and also she gets a flamethrower and poison? also ability called wildfire teehees. mch whole thing is just rebelling against the lame people who dont want u to invent new shit but u do it anyway. i think she could also be a summoner bc she gets a lil carbuncle bestie. and yeah the weapon is a book but she can summon the primals like a big phoenix nbd. also a lot of party utility in that she can buff the team's attack and healing, resurrect people, and heal.
danny - dark knight - danny (renee's danny TO BE CLEAR) is a tank be so for real. the whole dark knight thing is no matter what i will always be with you protecting you. not to call him out but you have to be Inherently Going Through it to even be a dark knight. it's also like, the rebel tank class compared to the more royal guard types... their tank stance is also called 'grit'. their visual theming is all shadowy but in the most 'i love u i am ur tank' way. u can summon fray who is like shadow u to fight with u. u can put the blackest night on ur teammates to protect them. also ur invuln ability? it's called living dead and you straight up have to die to activate it and if the timer runs out without u getting healed u fuckin Die for real. but if you do enough dps to heal urself/ur healers care u you come back to life with even more dps
maria - white mage - white mage is a nature magic healer, who can channel elements and light, and is the strongest pure healer in the game. earliest whm quests are about going around healing dark places in nature and being in tune w the natural world. also got some holy energies bc ur abilities turn to bright light at a later level. uses light magic angel wings to protect their team and can summon a big flower that heals everyone. uses lilies to heal teammates, which powers up the b l o o d l i l y bar so u can cast afflatus misery and nuke an enemy after you do a certain amount of healing. whm rly like The Most Healer but also every whm i know including me goes a bit sadistic sometimes bc we do super big dps for a healer- anyway
donnie - gunbreaker - wait the truth is donnie is the sexy foolish thancred energy required to be a gunbreaker. ur weapon? a gun that's also a sword that shoots magic rounds that come from ur own aether/life force bro. gnbs have a lot of utility and are more dps-y thank some other tanks are. all the gnb mains i know are chaotic tbh. idk their abilities also go sicko mode w the names. demon edge? demon slaughter? no mercy? brutal shell? heart of light/heart of stone/heart of corundum? also superbolide is their invulnerability and u know what u do? u shoot urself with ur own gun go down to 1hp and are invincible for a time. gunbreakers are like bodyguards for hire in their story they are kind of doing their own thing and sticking to loyalty to their homies which feels donnie. to be fair i can also see bard bc musician moment but i also see dragoon bc chaotic melee player vibes. dragoons are called floor tanks for a reason bc they are tanking the floor dead-
johnny - warrior bc warriors pull up with their giant battle axe are feral and unkillable and then they hit that rage mode (inner release/infuriate etc) where their eyes go red and their dps skyrockets. they have literally so many mitigations that heal both themselves and their teammates that usually scale in healing by how much damage they do to an enemy. like mmm blood. delicious. im so for real tho when im healing a warrior in a dungeon they pull wall to wall enemies and i barely have to heal them if they're good. their abilities are called shit like shake it off, bloodwhetting, onslaught, berserk, primal rend, decimate, thrill of battle, overpower, u see what im getting at bro. also their tank stance is called defiance. ur just going sicko mode but also ur protecting ur homies.
ana - monk or warrior - i know that ana is A Tank but i don't know if any of them are truly The Vision. but melee dps are basically tanks and have the highest aggro so like. if the tanks die the boss immediately turns around to beat ur ass-- no but monks are very versatile. they are tanky martial artists who also provide team utility and have a lot of ways of healing/protecting themselves. all the monk players i know will be surviving shit they never should have survived i will tell u that. anyway i think she could also be a warrior bc warriors never die they have 50435345245 mitigations and they can also protect their their team. pain is nothing bitch-
sonny - scholar - sonny is giving 'tired but dedicated shield healer' energy so sincerely. scholars weapon is a book, their intellect, and a fairy summon that heals the team. scholar is a technical class with a lot of versatility and utility, can buff the team, can make em run super fast to escape boss mechs, can put down giga shields, can clutch save ur dumbass tanks life. can cover a lot of areas, do a bit of everything. i also think it's so cute to think of sonny w his little fairy eos/selene.
julie - dancer - julie is fr sure dancer bc everyone wants to be dance-partnered by her bc being dance partner means she gives you special buffs. and also she's hot. dancer is also super team utility focused, they do less damage overall in exchange for buffing her teammates, being able to heal and shield as well. very mobile, uses funky chakrams for weapons. playing dancer is hilarious sometimes im like [dancing and crying while my teammates are dying around me]
if danny gaines was here he would probably be machinist tbh as you can see i put effort in here-
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eleven was my first ever doctor and I watched him just before my judging tastes really developed so he feels alright to me but I see many people disliking him or having problems with him and compare him to ten or nine. that's completely fair although I haven't watched them. it makes me feel a little dumb for liking him but I'm free to have had those experiences with him. eleven will always be special to me as a really good time I had and my introduction to doctor who.
Yeah don't ever feel dumb for liking him. As someone who enjoys talking about all the things I hate in 11 era and what I wish was done differently there was so much potential and so much good in those seasons, and Matt Smith is a fucking phenomenal actor who can turn nothing into everything and he deserves so much love for that. 11 means a lot to me, 10 was my first doctor but I was 10yo when Matt started and I felt dumb for liking him too and it's dumb to feel dumb about that! This show exists to make children feel like someone's watching out for them and if it did that for you it's done it's job ur so right
I also want u to know the reason his era is a thing some older fans criticise so much is bc it was the first season of nu who to push all the character building and the interesting ideas the older seasons laid out for it aside. Without that context a lot of the problems are no longer problems and it's still a good show and it's fun to watch. But as someone who goes hard for 2005-10 I think it made total sense for 11 to be acting the way he acted most of the time and there wouldve been so many interesting callbacks there if it was just done with different intentions. Theres a lot I don't agree with when it comes to criticism of 11 cus most of this stuff genuinely does work with the show's past, people act like his personality doesn't track but it really does
I love 11 and I love Matt Smith and I could talk about that forever. It hurts to love something and have everyone around u say there's nothing good about it. Theres nothing wrong with ur tastes. Love the things u love and never explain urself to anyone
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limeade-l3sbian · 2 years
i’m gonna sound evil but i don’t think transphobia is a real issue. do i think people are hurt or worse bc of it? yes. but trans-ness is a choice imo. a lot of trans people deal with underlying issues through mutilating their bodies and all. but that’s a choice they make. they were never forced to live like that. they could have seemed good therapy and support networks. transphobia not being a real issue in my eyes is bc they can opt out. they could have ever done it in the first place. u cannot be wrong in the wrong body. so transitioning is just an insane choice. then there’s also the fact that most things keyed as transphobia nowadays is just “oh i don’t think they are valid, oh i don’t gaf about ur identity, oh i think u need help”. it’s very asinine. gender dysphoria is very real and the suffering it can cause bc of societal standards but u can get help. u can recover. learn to embrace urself as u are. embrace that u are different from ur majority peers perhaps but can be in the group nonetheless
Prior to actually listening to and speaking with a lot of women here, I would call myself pretty ignorant about gender dysphoria. In that I somehow simultaneously knew nothing about it but also didn't think it existed. But I have a very heavy heart for the women who are burdened by the weight of questioning one's very being and going to the lengths many people go through to appease that pain.
There certainly is choice involved in it in many instances, but it might be a stretch to insinuate that all that's needed is therapy and a good support system. I think this goes a little deeper than that so even with full support, ppl can really struggle to call their own skin home.
I carry more sadness for the women who go through with surgeries and take testosterone than I do some sort of loathing. I have had body image issues in the past, but could never presume to understand what it feels like to go through such lengths to escape yourself. But on a base level, I understand your anger.
I detest the comparison of racism and transphobia for the reasons you talk about. while there will be discomfort not dressing how you want, my skin defines the rest of my life, whether that's fair or not. I have no way of hiding it compared to swapping clothes. But I think your ask leans a little too much blame on the women and less on the structure of our societies that make them start to doubt themselves in the first place. I don't think you meant it like that, to be clear, but I do get that vibe from this that you feel transmasc women somehow only have themselves to blame for their situation.
I see detrans women that I follow and who are reblogged who struggle with it everyday (they post about it), but if they were to ever fall back into thinking they were trans, I wouldn't be angry with them. Just sad, and hope they find their way back home to themselves.
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