#compared to my bajillion cat characters
marblerose-rue · 11 months
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i dont draw my own characters unless its for a special occasion so drawing noah and cedric is a bit of a treat :]
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dragonofeternal · 2 years
Alright, the blorbo meme list for P5
Okay so I reblogged this meme like a bajillion years ago and meant to reply then when you sent this but a;lsdkjf here we are I'm the worst about timely askbox replies.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
Is this surprising at all? No, not in the slightest. But I really love Akechi. Give me a boy who wants to commit patricide. Gimme a boy with complex relationship with the self he presents and the self he feels he is. Akechi's got the crunchy, angsty, faux-deep goodness that I love from Persona.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
Sumire. She's so good! I honestly really enjoyed her arc, what can I say, I love an identity crisis. I also really enjoy the way her bubbliness bounces off of Akechi's grouchiness and that she seems to understand his tough love (maybe he reminds her of her coach?) Also like, I dunno, I feel like I extra have to love her to make up for the people who bitch about the fact that she wasn't a FeMC option :T
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
Morgana is Protagonist's best friend, and I will die on this hill. He's one of the smartest phantom thieves, he's adorable, he's the one who made sure they didn't accidentally do a murder... I think it's a shame that people some people try to call him annoying or try to act like he's like a "kid" compared to the other PT. I've seen people try to be like "it was weird that his human self in the 3rd semester was older!!!" and it's like dude he's a peer, just because he's stuck being an adorable cat doesn't mean that he doesn't yearn to be a strapping badass!
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):
If we're talking obscure in the sense of "actually exists in other games but doesn't get talked about as much," then me pointing exuberantly at the mention of Katsuya (and his sideburns!) on the TV at one point.
If we're talking obscure in the sense of just obscure for this game/literally who cares or knows/will absolutely never come up again... Then it's Grey Pigeon. Just. Grey Pigeon, you deserved better. Grey Pigeon, how dare you make me have so many feels about this minigame and your noble sacrifice? Now that's a real Glup Shitto lol
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
Uhhhhh probably Akechi again. People complain about the murder, or go "oooooh Royal fixed his character soooo much." Grow up. He was great in Vanilla and Royal just spells out all the shit that was there in the subtext and gave us more time with him. For every person who complains about the murder, I will give him an extra murder. As a treat.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
The problem is that me liking a character automatically enters them into the Horse Plinko Lottery. At any moment my gaze could fall upon them and go You. Come closer. But the Protagonist is so good for whump and torment. They were asking for me to want to watch him get the shit kicked out of him and having a bad time with that opening scene...
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lunarlapin · 7 years
Bajillion Questions Meme
Rules: Answer the questions, add your own, and then tag people.
I was tagged by @pikespendragon67! Thank you!
1. Coke or Pepsi: Coke probably
2. Disney or Dreamworks: I’ve always been more of a Disney fan.
3. Coffee or Tea: Both
4. Books or Movies: Also both. They’re different mediums and have their own strengths and weaknesses.
5. Windows or Mac: As many problems as Windows has, I find it more useful.
6. DC or Marvel: I don’t know much about either, but I know comparatively more about Marvel.
7. XBox or Playstation: Playstation. To be honest, I’ve never had much reason to get an Xbox.
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: I haven’t played either yet, but I have some of the Dragon Age games and can’t wait to play.
9. Night Owl or Early Rise: Night owl
10. Cards or Chess: I’m complete garbage at both, to be honest
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
12. Vans or Converse: I like the way Converse look better
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: ???
14. Fluff or Angst: I totally agree on fluff or angst followed by fluff
15. Dogs or Cats: Both, but large dogs (especially German Shepherds) are my favorites.
16. Clear skies or Rain: Clear skies. Nothing against rain, it’s very relaxing, but I’ve been in Scotland the past four years and seen a lot of it.
17. Cooking or Eating out: eating out. I’m a passable cook, but nothing fantastic.
18. Spicy or mild: Spicy, to the point where I should not be trusted to cook for people sensitive to spice because my idea of “not spicy” is so out of whack
19. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Halloween
20. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: Cold, because a little too hot makes you feel almost ill
21. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?: Teleporting is a good one. Psychokinesis is, too.
22. Animation or Live action: Animation. It’s such an intricate art
23. Paragon or Renegade: I don’t really know either
24. Baths or Showers: Showers
25. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Team Black Panther
26. Fantasy or Sci-fi: Fantasy
27. Do you have three or four favorite quotes? If so, what are they?: Alright, this time I’ll try for a serious answer. Let’s see. “A dragon never yields” is certainly a good one. (Dhurke, why?!) “Pick a god and pray” is a classic. And, let’s see… Actually, Makoto’s entire awakening is a good one.
28. Youtube or Netflix: Youtube
29. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter
30. When Do You Feel Accomplished: I feel it the most when I can see someone appreciating what I’ve done, whether they know it was me or not.
31. Star Wars or Star Trek: Both again, maybe slight preference for Wars
32. Paperback or Hardback books: Either, though I appreciate the resilience of hardback books
33. Handwriting or Typing: Typing. My handwriting is such a mess
34. Velvet or Satin: Both
35. Video games or movies: Video games
36. Would you rather be the dragon or fight the dragon: Is “befriend the dragon” a choice?
37. Sunrise or Sunset: Sunset is really my time of day
38. What’s your favorite song: I can never decide
39. Horror movies, yes or no: I like them, so long as they’re not the kind where gore is the appeal (e.g. Saw)
40. Long or Short hair: I definitely like long hair better on myself.
41. Opera or Theater: Both. I’ll always have a bit of a soft spot for opera thanks to my violin teacher playing operas all the time and teaching me about them.
42. Assuming the multiverse theory is true and that every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first: Priam here I come
43. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be: Sushi, because favorite food. Also I remembered that Iwai can buy you some
44. Older or younger guys: Older
45. If you could delete any show from TV history, what would it be: That one show where people compete for plastic surgery
46. Singing or dancing: Both, though I’m only trained in dancing. Though I really hate the sound of my speaking voice, I might have potential as a contralto.
47. Instagram or Twitter: I don’t use either
48. Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit: Lord of the Rings
49. If you could create either a sequel or bring back any tv show/movie, what would you choose: The World Ends With You 2? Please?
50. Who is your favorite movie/TV character you look up to and why? Oh that’s a hard one. Someone said I look like Agent Carter the other day, so I was thinking of her. She seems pretty great. Also I should mention Dr. Brennan, since my parents already compare me to her.
51. If you were convicted of a crime, what would it be? Made too many Putin jokes
52. Anime- subbed or dubbed? There’s an art to both, and there’s shining examples of both. The dub of Monster is considered a masterpiece and the definitive version, for example.
53. City or countryside: I’m more accustomed to city life
54. What book have you read over and over? EDIT: wow I apparently missed this one earlier, blame being exhausted. Anyway I used to reread Agatha Christie novels a lot. You'd be surprised as to how interesting it can be to reread a mystery you already know the answer to.
55. What is your personality type? ISTJ
56. Would you rather change a moment in the past or have a glimpse in the future: It’s probably better not to interfere with the past.
57. Would you rather have an ex that you hate start dating your best friend, or have an ex that you’re still attached to hook up with someone you revile? Nonono please no
58. Games you want ported for the Nintendo Switch: The ones you’ve already mentioned, but also No More Heroes 1 and 2, and Final Fantasy XV. Maybe the old Harvest Moon games too.
And my question…
59. Say you’ve been turned into a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon-style. What would you be? In the Mystery Dungeon games, I was Charmander. If not Charizard, then Altaria, Espeon, or Oricorio (probably the Sensu form).
I tag, hmm… @ofanimeandbooks, @yoroimikoto, @charlotteswife, @prophetparadox, @etotheoneeyeowl, and @azuremessenger. Good luck!
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pinkpeccary · 7 years
all the special interest emoji asks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or if that's too many, any five?
💖 Current special interest? / 🔥 How many special interests do you have at the moment?
i think just 3: sharks, math, and leverage. i’m in an off-stage for language stuff rn.
😇 If your special interest is a video game/movie/tv show/etc, who’s your fav character from it?
Parker 100%. Followed by Eliot and Hardison, then Sophie, then Nate. 
💎 When and how did you discover your special interest? / 🌟 Did someone introduce you to your special interest?
My dad is a computer scientist so he tried to entertain us with math when we were little, so I probably got that from him.
Leverage is one of my friends’ favorite tv show, so I started watching it over break bc i got super bored and vaguely remembered them recommending it to me. i’ve always liked caper-type things so i was into it from the beginning, then Parker immediately struck me as autistic and the further i went the more obvious it became, so i got hooked completely.
I don’t remember exactly how I got into sharks, just that i started thinking about it and looked up “shark facts” and it spiraled into this.
✖️️ Is there something you don’t like about your special interest?
I hate geometry, and basically any form of math that relies on visual thinking and/or memorizing a bajillion theorems. what appeals to me is the figuring-things-out aspect, and like making the numbers fit together the way they’re supposed to. I’m also not at all a visual thinker (like. At all.) so that always bothered me.
🐒 What’s your favorite line from your special interest if it’s a video game/movie/tv show/etc?
“Damn the con, I am a black man caught on an army base with a video camera, I am going to jail forever.“  -Hardison, in which the show highlights the fact that not only is there real, genuine danger to the things they’re doing, regardless of moral value, but also that it would disproportionately affect the members of the team and he, as a black man, risks a lot more doing the same thing.
💫 Favorite fact about your special interest?
Parker is autistic!! For real!!
💕 What’s your fav thing about your special interest?
okay so i wrote my college essay on how much i love math (this was before i was fully aware of being autistic) and one of the things i talked about was the concept of “Mathland” where like i get super into a problem and everything else fades into the background and nothing exists but the math (AKA, hyperfocus) and the magical catharsis of coming out of that with a solution and returning to the world refreshed and happy. i love that i can get so into things and that it’s so fulfilling to do so.
🍳 Do you have a stim related to your special interest?
sort of? i have a little rubber hammerhead shark that i like to squeeze and roll around in my hands.
🌠 What’s a past special interest?
Some SIs i’ve had in the past: backyardigans, powerpuff girls, warrior cats, next to normal, buffy/the whedonverse (fun fact: eliot from leverage is played by lindsey from angel and sterling from leverage is played by badger from firefly)
🏘️ What was your first special interest you can remember?
I’ve been super into math since forever, and language stuff (mostly spanish, more recently ASL) for a long time too. The first one I remember that I actually have a sense of when it started would be The Backyardigans, which I got into around 2006 (I was 7-8).
🍭 What’s a headcanon/theory you have about your special interest?
Nate has PTSD. Parker’s ace. Despite the running theme of Nate being the “honest man” while the others were always thieves, he is the most morally corrupt of the team. Eliot was abused as a child. The reason Sterling tries so hard to take the team down or at least gain prestige from their heists is because he needed to be in a position of high enough power before he could get his daughter back (physically get her back and also prove himself worthy) and was willing to use the team to do that. Also he holds some resentment for Nate for breaking down when Sam died, because even though Olivia wasn’t dead he also felt that he had lost a child and was comparing Nate’s reaction to losing Sam to his reaction to losing Olivia.
😂 Something funny about your special interest?
there’s a math joke i like that i can’t tell well but the gist of it is some guy’s trying to argue that 41/333 = ¾ and the reasoning is that 41/333 = 0.123123123… and any musician can tell you that a waltz is in ¾ time
(i combined some but this is all! it was fun, thank you!)
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