#compared to the rest of the cast who got their lil shops; he is def not nearly as popular; at all !
darabeatha · 9 months
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/ a.rtoria's borger shop, c.onstantine's glasses shop, arju's spice shop, k.arna's curry shop, i.shtar's jewelry & o.beron's fruit farm <3<;3<3<3
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eurydicees · 4 years
i adore this au have more theatre club hcs (first post is here) bc i don’t have the energy to write an actual fic (though i might do it later when i have more time and less emotional fatigue, ironically i’m exhausted because i’m doing a show rn):
tamaki loves musicals. like he LOVES them. he can sing for days— his only weakness is his dancing. they do “bye bye birdie” and he gets cast as conrad but hikaru nearly kills him because he just can’t get the steps and conrad’s “whole THING is the DANCING, tamaki!!!!” 
that being said, when he sings “honestly sincere” half of the audience nearly passes out. (“Oh, baby! Oh, honey! Hug me! Suffer!”) 
more on bye bye birdie: hikaru is albert, haruhi is rose, honey is the brother (sry i forget his name lmao), renge is the mom, kaoru is the dad (kaoru singing “kids these days” is the funniest fucking thing i’m sorry), mori is hugo idk who kim or everyone else is fuck i forgot how big this cast is 
hikaru and kaoru once propose that they do “cats,” but they couldn’t get the rights 
in addition to shows, they also do a coffee shop cabaret yearly
tamaki always comes out with a show stopping song (one time he sings “being alive,” and, though kyoya will never admit it, the rendition makes him cry)
kyoya and mori do a scene from a shakespeare show together (they’re both unsure of themselves when it comes to acting, so they choose each other to do the scene with bc they both think, though they can’t compare to haruhi or renge’s acting, that at the very least they can be better than the other) 
haruhi refuses to participate if they don’t have to, so kyoya ropes them into organizing and running all the tech shit (which is incredibly overwhelming, but they manage, somehow) 
i think i said this in the last post, but mori does the lighting design for the all the shows, and he’s absolutely brilliant at it, but his real specialty is stage fighting 
when they do “romeo and juliet” he gets cast as tybalt solely on the basis of his skill with a sword (kaoru is mercutio, because he’s both a dramatic homosexual and the only one who can keep up with mori) 
tamaki allows himself to explore his gender via theatre— it’s a safe way to dress up and wear makeup and fuck around with gender norms without making a big deal of it
he starts requesting female roles on the dl (since they still only have one woman and an afab nonbinary person)— it comes as a surprise to everyone except kyoya, who was directing the first show that tamaki got the lead female role in, and somehow knew exactly what tamaki needed (yet again we see the top notch director/sm pair working together without question or confusion) 
the show was “romeo and juliet” (like i talked about before) and tamaki played juliet to haruhi’s romeo (it came as a shock to the rest of the school when the cast list went up, and tamaki was super nervous about it, but the hosts were all really supportive even when the rest of the school was a lil apprehensive)
he absolutely killed it as juliet (pun intended) 
sorry this turned into tamaki gender exploration hcs back tO THEATRE
their show schedule is intense for high schoolers: a musical in the early fall and late spring, a one act in the winter just before break, and a full length play to celebrate the start of the spring semester
each show performs for a friday and a weekend, and then closes— tickets are hot commodities
they spend about two months rehearsing for each show; and kyoya holds them to a very strict rehearsal schedule— miss a rehearsal for anything less than literal death, and you’ll have to face his wrath 
most of them don’t really plan on going into theatre professionally, but they have a lot of fun while in high school 
kyoya likes being sm because it helps with his organizational skills, which he’ll def be using as ceo for whatever business he ends up running into new heights 
honey just has fun with it— chika thinks it’s a waste of time, but honey likes to make the argument that he practices martial arts via stage fighting (unfortunately, the haninozuka method is strictly banned from the stage— they use non-lethal methods only, thank you very much) 
haruhi ends up actually really liking theatre, and they spend their free time finding new plays to read, and end up proposing a few of them for their one act show in the winter
kaoru secretly starts writing his own plays, just for fun (when the other hosts find out, they want to produce the shows, but he refuses)
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