#completely forgot he was suppoused to have a nick after an ear tag <3
autisticsonic · 2 years
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Agartha!Sonic ref!!! this took way longer than it should’ve!! + some doods
Feral little boy! Well, kinda. He still behaves like a typical Sonic; cocky and arrogant, loving and kind; but now his confidence often falters, he’s less sure of himself overall, and it far easier for his temper to get out of control. He still knows how to be civil, but tends to forget to be on occassion. While before it was natural of him, now it’s more like walking in high heels. Due to the events that transpired, he sadly forgets he’s even a person sometimes. Thankfully he’s in a safe place now, and his friends are helping him overcome this.
You can change the gloves and shoes I don’t like em that much...
The first post in the Agartha AU tag talks about the circumstances of his childhood, but this story continues. Agartha Labs has made a comeback, kidnapped him, and activated some of the mods they left in him long ago, hence why his fur darkened and his energy levels went out of wack. He’s handling those, well, okay, but it’s his mind that suffered the most. Not only did he have to even remember his childhood, but live through it again. Being an adult didn’t help at all. He was still treated like an animal, abused and hurt. Just hurt so much, because all resistence was met with pain.
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