#completely spelt my surname wrong even though he had my license in front of him
delulu-4-lewlew · 1 year
So on Friday, I’m semi sure one of the workers at my train station was flirting with me.
Here’s the story, there’s a tldr at the bottom and in the tags, however I’m probably making a mountain out of a molehill.
My monthly train ticket ran out today, so after work, I go to by my ticket before I go home for the month. Now, I already saw him serving someone else and was hoping he’d serve me, because he cute anyways and he’s served me before, and he does.
I say my lil say in order to get my ticket. This is the interaction:
Him: “Do you want it to start tomorrow?”
Me: “Sure, why not.”
Him: “Well, are you going in tomorrow?”
Me: “No?”
Him turning screen, “Well on you going in on the 7th?” (Sunday)
Me: “No.” Me doing that ‘I know what you’re getting at smile’
Him: “Are you going in then?” (Pointing to 8th)
Me: “No. It’s a bank holiday.” (My small brain forgetting that people still work on bank holidays)
Him: “So your ticket can start there.” (Pointing to the 9th)
Me: “It doesn’t really matter to me, it’s neither here nor there.”
Him: “I’m just trying to save you money.” Please bare this in mind, he has that cheeky chap smile going on.
Me: “How though? It’s still the same price, just starting later”
Him: “Ok. Looks like you got too much money.” Now, this slightly triggered me because my parents also say this whenever I buy anything and the fact that he thought that I pay for a £600 train ticket out of my own pockets?! Insulting
Me: “ Well, my company comps it so it doesn’t matter when I buy it really.”
Him: “Ahhh.” Bit of a pause. “What company do you work for?”
Me: Dumbly tells him the actual company I work for and the industry because I can’t make up lies on the spot when I’m kiki-ing it up with a cutie.
Him: “I’m gonna call them up. Let them know of what you’re doing.”
Me: “Go ahead. I’m not stopping you.”
Then he goes into the professionalism, “would you a receipt” blah di blah di blah. Gives me my smart card, tells me to have a good weekend and sends me on my way.
TLDR: I’m now engaged. The ceremony is next month and you’re all invited
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