#he’s actually kinda useless
delulu-4-lewlew · 1 year
So on Friday, I’m semi sure one of the workers at my train station was flirting with me.
Here’s the story, there’s a tldr at the bottom and in the tags, however I’m probably making a mountain out of a molehill.
My monthly train ticket ran out today, so after work, I go to by my ticket before I go home for the month. Now, I already saw him serving someone else and was hoping he’d serve me, because he cute anyways and he’s served me before, and he does.
I say my lil say in order to get my ticket. This is the interaction:
Him: “Do you want it to start tomorrow?”
Me: “Sure, why not.”
Him: “Well, are you going in tomorrow?”
Me: “No?”
Him turning screen, “Well on you going in on the 7th?” (Sunday)
Me: “No.” Me doing that ‘I know what you’re getting at smile’
Him: “Are you going in then?” (Pointing to 8th)
Me: “No. It’s a bank holiday.” (My small brain forgetting that people still work on bank holidays)
Him: “So your ticket can start there.” (Pointing to the 9th)
Me: “It doesn’t really matter to me, it’s neither here nor there.”
Him: “I’m just trying to save you money.” Please bare this in mind, he has that cheeky chap smile going on.
Me: “How though? It’s still the same price, just starting later”
Him: “Ok. Looks like you got too much money.” Now, this slightly triggered me because my parents also say this whenever I buy anything and the fact that he thought that I pay for a £600 train ticket out of my own pockets?! Insulting
Me: “ Well, my company comps it so it doesn’t matter when I buy it really.”
Him: “Ahhh.” Bit of a pause. “What company do you work for?”
Me: Dumbly tells him the actual company I work for and the industry because I can’t make up lies on the spot when I’m kiki-ing it up with a cutie.
Him: “I’m gonna call them up. Let them know of what you’re doing.”
Me: “Go ahead. I’m not stopping you.”
Then he goes into the professionalism, “would you a receipt” blah di blah di blah. Gives me my smart card, tells me to have a good weekend and sends me on my way.
TLDR: I’m now engaged. The ceremony is next month and you’re all invited
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greensaplinggrace · 4 months
honestly as much as i dont like angel for a whole laundry list of reasons, i do actually find his character hella amusing sometimes. like the guy's a sopping wet paper bag with absolutely zero self-control or basic sense, even after two hundred years of living. he couldn't even kiss a sixteen-year-old girl for a few seconds without vamping out and throwing himself out the window like a common criminal. every other second of the show he's going 'but we can't!' and then he will immediately do the thing he just said he couldn't do. most of his screentime is taken up by him standing in one place looking awkward as hell - and somehow he is even standing badly. he tries so desperately hard to pull the whole romeo and juliet thing with his only two prevailing expressions because it's his only way to hook a superpowered teenager into being his 'redemption'. like alskjfdlksd. is he okay in the head. this man should not be around children. he is the most pathetic boyfailure of all time, and not even in an attractive way. but ragging on him is fun as hell it has to be said. so he's not the worst i suppose.
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wasabikitcat · 7 months
I had this realization a few days ago when reviewing what we know about Gaster while theorizing about the mysterious Valentine from the newsletter and idk if other people have pointed this out yet, but I haven't seen anyone else talk about it:
I don't think Gaster's disappearance has anything to do with Core.
The Core is only mentioned in relation to Gaster once, in this dialogue from one of the Gaster followers:
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This dialogue is why most theories and fanon built around the idea that Gaster fell into the Core, which for reasons unknown to us erased him from existence. But I'm now pretty convinced that this is a red herring, because it doesn't actually say Gaster fell into the Core. It says he made the Core, and that he fell into his creation.
It does not say that this creation is the Core.
The dialogue is written in a way that leads you to assume the creation he fell into was the Core, but that doesn't really make much sense considering the rest of the dialogue.
The dialogue says "they say he created the Core," which implies this is second hand knowledge, but then says with certainty "One day, he fell into his creation." Why do they know for sure he fell into "his creation," but only knows he created the core from what others say?
If you talk to the follower again, they say "Will Alphys end up the same way?" Why would Alphys also fall into the Core? As far as we know, Alphys doesn't maintain the Core; if I remember correctly, a few monsters at Mettaton's hotel are stated to work in the Core, so wouldn't this follower be more concerned that those monsters will end up like Gaster and not Alphys?
And another question that I think fanon has just ignored due to the assumption it was something we don't yet know about, but I am now wondering about: Why would falling into the Core erase Gaster from time? When traveling through Hotland and viewing the Core in the distance, Alphys says this:
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And while this dialogue may at first seem indicative that the Core is more mysterious than a normal geothermal power generator (and it is in some ways), remember: Alphys didn't build the Core. Alphys doesn't understand how the Core works, not because it has some unnatural property that could erase people from space time, but because she didn't build it. Not only does this mean that the Core is likely just a power generator that utilizes the lava in Hotland to produce geothermal energy and convert it to electricity, it also means that Alphys doesn't work on the Core, because she doesn't know how it works. So why would the Gaster follower worry about Alphys ending up like Gaster if she doesn't have any involvement with the Core?
Additionally, that Gaster follower is the only one to mention the Core in relation to Gaster. In fact, one of the other followers says something that could be interpreted as actively contradicting his erasure being caused by the Core:
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This follower says "his experiments went wrong," and doesn't mention the Core. Why would Gaster be experimenting with the Core? And if he was, we don't know anything about it.
But you know what experiments we do know Gaster was working on, because it's literally one of the only pieces of dialogue we have from him?
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And do you know what other creation was presumably made by Gaster, as Alphys is unfamiliar with it's operation? That is also a creation that was actively being used in experiments, which Alphys is continuing to perform herself? Experiments that are directly involved with something we already know can alter time and space? A creation that is located in one of the most mysterious areas in the game with several oddities in it that are straight up never explained, multiple fourth wall breaking moments, and a couple explicit references to things we believe are associated with Gaster? A creation that suspiciously resembles in appearance the form of a character who canonically can alter time and space, not to mention resembling the thing that's literally called a GASTER BLASTER???
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#ignore the crusty spriters resource gaster blaster. google images is useless when it comes to finding actual gameplay screenshots.#anyways I may be completely out of the loop and everyone already knew this. but also the whole Core thing was basically accepted fanon#back in the day. and i only just realized it probably is a misinterpretation like less than a week ago#im not sure the determination extractor is the creation he fell into. but i think the creation he fell into is related to the extractor#also when looking up stuff for this i came upon the information that the tree man may be referenced in the true lab#when you enter the room filled with fog and try to inspect things it mentions a tree and a man.#not to mention the true lab being the debut of everyman of course.#and whatever the FUCK is up with the memory heads. who have a suspicious connection to phones btw.#actually Gaster has an incredibly suspicious connection to phones. like the spamton thing obviously but his presence seems to fuck up phone#the memory heads. the garbage noise in the dark world. hell GRANDPA SEMI is even directly related to phones.#considering one of the only two places he is mentioned is in a list of characters to have phone call events in the code of the demo.#also the art book mentions that the phone itself was originally a character. which kinda ties into the unused video game content theme.#this doesn't have much to do with this post im just rambling now.#anyways tl;dr i am now a 'gaster did not fall into the core' truther#undertale#deltarune#ut/dr#ut/dr theory
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qourmet · 11 months
horny posting on main but i can absolutely imagine the restrained little noises lwj makes fucking wwx. the quiet but There grunts, trying to be everything that he is without knowing how to exist unrestrained, like we know wwx is a screamer cos he's a fucked up lil shit and i Love that for him but lwj, right next to wwx's ear at a volume only wwx Could hear from this proximity, stomach tense and hands roving all over each other, moaning but only in the way that he can moan?
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widevibratobitch · 4 months
something about being told im 'the leading person at this whole academy when it comes to interpretation and stage intelligence' by the husband of the woman im trying (not really. but i mean. who knows) to seduce... ok boy you got me. lets make it a polycule.
#im playing it all cool and funny now but atm i legit burst into tears lol#like he said i have a 'good voice too of course' but i know realistically that is not my strongest asset#and even if i were technically perfect. which im NOT lol. the voice itself is just nothing special. it's there ig but that's about it#but its nice to know i may not be 100% useless after all#(just 90%)#also apparently the most feared and respected professor who came to the concert said. again. that he likes me the most.#which again. crying real actual tears about this all rn this means literally the world to me this is everything i have#and i have no one to share this with because im not gonna say it to my uni friend cause i dont want her to feel like im boasting or sth#(even tho she has no such qualms herself but probably because i know how. not great. it feels when someone keeps talking about themselves#and about how great they are and how easy everything is for them. i dont wanna do it back at her.#well there's also the fact that i dont think im great and this is not fucking easy to me at all lol#but idk i think the difference between us is that she actually admitted she sees no point in singing if she cant show off (thus she hates#the duet we're singing because she sings the lower part and cant show off her high notes or coloratura.#which is like. an insane take to me. i mean it i get it. kinda. if i had a voice like hers maybe id be like that too fuck knows.#but that just feels so. idk. sad to me. so self obsessed and empty. like you dont care about the music itself? about you being a part of it?#also immediately made singing with her not fun anymore. i thought we were creating something TOGETHER. but thanks for the confirmation#that you only really care about being 'better than'. yikes.#like idk this behaviour is funny and iconic in old school opera legends like yes go bite each others dicks off.#but it hits completely different when it's your own colleague let alone your friend. like damn girl. damn)#) anyway. the husband is kinda hot too now that i think of it. i really should seduce them both.#except its realistically not possible since they've both seen me cry now (she saw it like a hundred times lol)#so ive lost the hot and mysterious card alas. no uni professors romance for me
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lilcathsmith · 2 months
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Greg in every episode of CSI (111/328) • Room Service •
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neonsbian · 1 year
ok im gonna expand on my thoughts on kanghan
i get everyones complaints abt kanghan being too nice too quickly but i don't think kanghan actually changed as a person. like the last scene in ep 2 was an impactful moment for both of them but for kanghan, it didn't exactly make him aware of the plight of poor people (i mean it did) but it made him realize that he doesn't actually hate sailom, that he doesn't want to be the one to harm him, that he wants to be the one to protect him. so naturally...he would stop being an asshole to the guy he wants to protect.
but i really don't think kang cares abt poor people problems UNLESS it involves sailom. if he actually cared, he would've asked abt saifah and like idk, feel bad abt auto and guy's situations too but he doesn't. he feels bad when sailom can't pay off his debts because that means sailom is going to get hurt.
and i dont think kang's feelings for sailom are completely altruistic either. like it might be a bit early to say but kanghan is definitely possessive over sailom, ever since the beginning. he constantly wants sailom's attention, from the whole prostrating thing to the way he acts when sailom praises him during tutoring. so what's gonna happen when something forces sailom back into escorting? well...kanghan definitely won't be taking that well seeing how he was moments away from saying some definitely ignorant shit if pimfah didn't interrupt him
i dont rlly have a way to conclude this but basically kanghan is still a rich asshole underneath all that 😁
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I love Ceren Nightchant but the thing that confuses me about him is that whenever I say "Ceren Nightchant" I don't know WHICH one I'm talking about. Like of course there is no other Ceren, but after the tutorial update he was the only character that got a personality upgrade so major it's as if Ceren WAS two completely different people. Like if someone came up to me and said "Actually his name is Schmeren and he's Ceren's younger brother they just typed in his name wrong during the update" that would actually be believable because of how DIFFERENT the personality shift was
AND THIS ISN'T A BAD THING in fact I think I actually like New "Anti Skeleton Pirate" Ceren Nightchant better than the old one IN REGARDS TO HIS NEW PERSONALITY!!! Like I will always have a special love for Old "Greetings :)" Ceren Nightchant but that's only because of Nostalgia and completely untrue facts about him I made up in my head. Unfortunately pre-update Ceren Nightchant doesn't have that much going for him in terms of how interesting he is in comparison to the new one where they gave us like a whole heaping plate of characterization and nuance to his character
With Malorn it's different because he actually has a backstory. Like he's Important to the lore. He doesn't have like any screentime but just his story ALONE is enough to spin off completely into new exciting territory; we don't NEED anything else to hook us in because Malorn already has a hook, his relationships with his fellow teachers and students + his status as a powerful Necromancer + Malistaire's legacy affecting him.
Meanwhile Ceren Nightchant was a blank slate. We know he was in Unicorn Way for some reason despite not living there, not being a trained guard in handling the Twilight Zone situation, he was Just There and I think that's the only One Single Thing that was interesting about him.
And even though that still technically is the case with the new Ceren, LOOK AT HOW HE IS NOW. He's a CLOWN, a kind, happy, ridiculously powerful and intelligent clown who has a weird intolerance for undead pillagers and seems to get along great with our character!!! That's not like, groundbreaking lore like with Malorn or even Duncan, but idk there's just something so fresh and funny and exciting about this new bouncy iteration of a character we've known nothing about for like the past 20 years
So like in terms of nostalgia and personal headcanons, Greetings Nightchant will always be special to me but in terms of like being an actual character with more of a role in the story and a fresher dynamic with the characters around him, SkeLeTaL pIrAtEs Nightchant will be no. 1 for me
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felikatze · 4 days
choi han..... my guy choi han....
i'm experiencing emotions as i have reread ch326 so. i'm going to put them down <3 the feli special
i'm noticing way more as i reread the general theme across a lot of tcf's characters of like. Suffering Doesn't Make You Stronger. And if you only see a way out by hurting yourself, don't.
I'm thinking abt like. Okay so the scene i reread was Choi Han battling Adin and changing his attribute. This arc for Choi Han is Interesting because it correctly points out that Choi Han hasn't like. gotten stronger really. He's still strong! But the powerscaling is starting to catch up. (i.e. Raon directly saying that Mary is stronger than Choi Han how.)
Esp with like. Choi Han's strength is referred to as despair. That's his attribute. That's his thing. The loneliness and isolation and the harshness he experienced in the forest of darkness is what gave him strength.
But then you have moments like... Cale telling Raon that true strength is survival. In running away to fight another day. And so, instead of throwing himself into a hopeless clash with his future self, Raon passes his trial by being a coward and running. Beating himself up doesn't make him stronger.
And the other example I think of is Lock. And it's said that, the wolves gain power through loneliness. But that isn't right! Being alone didn't help Lock at all! Only once he's back with everyone... He gains new strength and conviction by having something to protect.
If Choi Han could only get stronger through despair... then of course he's stuck! He has so many people who stand by him! He finally has a home again! How would he ever feel such despair again?
it's like. wuh. Like all these characters needed to throw away the preconceived notion of "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." The despair of the past is always going to stay with him, but that's not all he is anymore! He has hope and happiness, too! That's something to fight for, too!
Thinks abt how Raon's attribute is just. The Present. because none of the characters are just their traumas. They get to Heal.
ok. man. can anybody hear me.
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nympippi · 1 year
Necromancer Finney AU: Adults in general aren’t sure how to feel about Vance. On one hand, he’s got that infamous short temper. On the other hand, he’s been through quite a bit, even before the Grabber incident. Ultimately, it’s generally agreed that Vance is a victim of terrible circumstances and is reacting accordingly to them
I’m actually unsure on this one because I do think maybe in a town like Denver they’d definitely sympathize with him, and feel for his pain but at the same time I think Vance would hate it. Because it’s only after Vance has to undergo massive amounts of trauma and pain for the adults around him to see him as a kid and not some criminal.
it’s showing him that the adults had potential to care but they never did. And instead of working with him, they work against him labeling him as a troubled child who would end up seriously hurting someone. …I don’t know, I’m not too sure on my stance or have any ideas on the adults in tbp but I do headcannon Vance to dislike adults to a serious degree and it only gets worse after his kidnapping.
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akkivee · 10 months
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read a tweet that kinda went along the lines of ‘oh!! so nb’s source of bonding is battling together and mcd’s is sitting around looking pretty together, i see!!’ and lmao
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nexus-nebulae · 14 days
another childhood bucket list item obtained: i finally have a snuggie
#and it's the real thing not even a knockoff#kinda surprised they still exist#but also not surprised bc Blanket. blanket is universal#i just remember a lot of those As Seen On Tv ads like. imploding within 5 years#they still do As Seen On Tv products like there are still boxes marked with that logo it almost feels wrong like an ancient relic#bc most like. ubiquitous 2000s brands from my childhood are just Gone or at least so fundamentally changed it's not the same thing#heard about like 50 more companies going bankrupt probably in the last year alone#anyway ive always wanted a snuggie it's one of those Always Wanted things that never go away#others include: staples easy button (obtained!); mini fridge (not); pillow pet (i had a knockoff once); power drill (not)#i spent a surprising amount of my childhood actually going out of my way to buy stuff i could use in my own apartment in the future#i grew up lower middle class and then just lower class#so like. i always Knew i couldn't just furnish the whole apartment at once i Knew I'd have to build stuff up over time#also bc when my sister got kicked out she had like. nothing. in her trailer. and i did not want to have nothing#i knew if dad was willing to just toss out my sister like that i would absolutely follow suit#and i did! two years younger than my sister when she was!#it just happened that my mom didn't want me homeless at FOURTEEN when i legally could not work for two more years#so she went with me and we lived with my grandma#so take that dad. turns out throwing family members out willy nilly makes the rest of your family not trust you or like you!#and now i get to rub it in his face that HE can't function in a house by himself and still needs to beg my mom to clean up after him#bc i spent so much of my childhood getting berated and called lazy for not doing chores#getting told stuff like 'you have to function by yourself your parents can't always pick up after you'#and then he's literally useless without his wife#he's not disabled and he's not neurodivergent he's never even had a serious health scare he just doesn't bother to learn how to clean#his excuse is that he doesn't know how to use the washer and dryer (it has been almost ten years fucker. learn)#or he doesn't know which cleaning products to use (you have google and a library card. LOOK IT UP)#he's the only person i get mad at for this behaviour bc he's a fucking hypocrite and a child abuser about it too#he is the exception to my rule of everyone needs to be given the space to get things done where they're able and deserve help when needed#and I'll bend over backwards to make excuses for other people so i DONT exclude them from my rule i will try to find every good reason first#he has no fucking excuse though he made two teenagers nearly homeless bc he thought we were too lazy and then he's even worse
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i'm kind of amazed how most of the stardew marriage candidates just want you to be their manic pixie dream whatever by agreeing with everything they like and plying them with compliments or praise or whatever (which is fine but a bit. Much) but for shane his romance is just you being there for him while he figures his own shit out... dunno why i never wanted to romance him before he's so good
#i'm usually a sebastian kinda guy but i do think it's silly you have to say you like scifi to gain friendship points w him like cmon man#i will say though that. my bestie's baby daddy being named shane kinda does make it hard to like him 😭 unfortunate but not his fault#ik a lot of ppl are weird abt his recovery and his messy ass room bc they play stardew to make things look pretty or whatever#but i'm actually kind of glad he's a realistic depiction of addiction... the problem is his dependence on indulging in alcohol when he's#depressed not the fact that he drinks period... i think that a lot of ppl are unrealistic abt alcoholism (including me abt my dad's)#but concernedape did really good w him imo. anyways all this to say that i'm really glad shane never expects someone to be a certain way#i know most of the candidates are like. archetypes or whatever and i think that's fine they are very sweet and cute regardless but#i think maybe i didnt romance him before bc i related to him so badly that it hurt seeing myself reflected LMAO dead end life and being#suicidal about it like. i've never had a drug dependence but i'm not really in a position where i can ever make my own decisions anyways#but regardless. there is smth to someone who slowly warms up to you when they can't ignore your kindness any longer and have no reason to#act like an abused dog anymore which. does make me sad just to say but that is how he acts beforehand#idkkkkk idk i think people are always too caught up with his addiction and his messy room to actually see him without realizing that#getting better is a lot harder than it appears and that having a dirty room doesn't mean you aren't trying to be better. sigh#besides it's not like. the end of the world that he has a beer sometimes. have you tried going thru life completely sober? it sucks#ok im done LMAO but yeah i've found myself gravitating towards him this time around when i've romanced sebastian literally every playthru#til now. hmm!#ACTUALLY ONE MORE THING. i like how he's basically a twist on the classic useless husband trope in media where they love sports and drinking#but he's not a bad person and the only reason he's mean to you at first is because he hates himself and his own life and he makes an effort#the more you get close to him instead of the opposite. i like that a lot. ok now i'm done
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the-clay-quarters · 1 month
note to self to figure out coherent thoughts about silversteins presumed lack of dream/parabola shenanigans contending with the coil being entirely dream/parabola/??? shenanigans
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vse-kar-vem · 8 months
which joker out members have a deep and unhealthily personal attachment to the noah kahan song the view between villages and which of them are normal
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aroace-poly-show · 4 months
possible true befriending guy from school
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