#compliance training hong kong
panchitacarmensita · 8 months
How Corporate Secretary Helps Compliance with Changing Laws
In the ever-evolving business world, the role of a Corporate Secretary is increasingly significant, especially when it comes to compliance with changing laws. This holds particularly true in dynamic business environments like Hong Kong, where legal and regulatory landscapes are in constant flux.
At the forefront of their responsibilities, Corporate Secretaries in Hong Kong ensure that companies adhere to current laws and regulations. Their expertise lies in interpreting legal mandates and translating them into actionable corporate policies. This role is crucial as non-compliance can lead to severe legal consequences and reputational damage.
Corporate Secretaries also play a vital role in monitoring and anticipating changes in legislation. Their ability to foresee potential legal shifts and prepare the company accordingly is invaluable. They keep a close eye on developments in corporate law, financial regulations, and other relevant legal areas, ensuring that the company is always a step ahead.
In addition to keeping the company compliant, Corporate Secretaries serve as the bridge between the company and regulatory authorities. They maintain open channels of communication, ensuring that any changes in laws are understood and implemented effectively. This role is particularly challenging in a diverse market like Hong Kong, where laws might be influenced by both local and international factors.
Corporate Secretaries also have the crucial task of educating and advising the company's board of directors and management. They provide insights on how legal changes impact the company's operations and strategic direction. This involves not only understanding the letter of the law but also grasping its practical implications for the business.
Moreover, Corporate Secretaries contribute to risk management strategies. By identifying areas where legal changes could pose risks, they help the company to mitigate potential legal and compliance risks. This foresight is essential in maintaining the integrity and reputation of the business.
Finally, Corporate Secretaries are instrumental in implementing and updating compliance programs. They ensure that all aspects of the company's operations align with the latest legal requirements. This includes revising internal policies, conducting training sessions, and ensuring that all employees understand their compliance obligations.
In conclusion, the Corporate Secretary's role in ensuring compliance with changing laws is multifaceted and indispensable, particularly in a complex and rapidly changing legal environment like Hong Kong's. Their expertise not only safeguards the company against legal pitfalls but also positions it to navigate the legal landscape proactively and strategically.
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notanannoyingfangirl · 8 months
Essential Elements of Effective Corporate Compliance Strategies in Hong Kong
With Hong Kong regulators across sectors ramping up enforcement from securities trading oversight to pay levels, having robust compliance management frameworks is no longer optional for corporations operating in the territory and mainland China. Fines as well as reputational damages from violations make strong compliance risk mitigation and culture cultivation vital. This piece summarizes key elements.
Clarifying Roles Between Legal, Compliance and Business Units
While legal teams establish validity of commercial contracts, compliance officers focus on alignment with regulatory and ethical standards – collaborating to enable business growth without exposure. Joint sign-off procedures on new partners, product claims, IP protections, data systems are crucial. Compliance takes the lead in tracking edicts from bodies like Hong Kong’s Equal Opportunities Commission, Privacy Commissioner’s Office and Anti-Corruption Agency that impact policies.
Dynamic Regulatory Monitoring
Given fast changing regulatory priorities around issues like sustainability disclosures, privacy, combating illicit flows between Hong Kong/Mainland China and global trade, reliance mechanisms should be instituted. Leverage AI and big data to dynamically scan new ordinances, enforcement precedent and traces in media/competitor incidents indicative of areas that require internal policy updates. Key is then disseminating insights across legal, HR, finance and operational units at speed.
Extensive Employee Training
Make compliance training mandatory periodic refreshers for all employees, rather than one-time tacked on modules for select groups alone. Programming should clarify grey areas aroundconflicts of interest, workplace ethics, handling insider information, safety incident escalation and more while underscoring the rationale behind policies via real-world case studies relevant across functions. Tie refreshers to promotion criteria.
Integrating with Risk Assessments and Controls
Take key risk indicators around incidents, complaints and regulatory infractions and feed into enterprise risk assessments to spotlight areas of policy or culture weakness requiring fortification. Sophisticated data analytics can help correlate leading indicators and metrics. Likewise, weave compliance metrics into internal audits to assess operational controls, and external audits to provide directors holistic organizational health insights.
The combination of clarified functional collaboration, dynamic regulatory understanding, extensive employee engagement and leveraging risk/audit integration forms the basis of robust sustainability compliant with Hong Kong’s complex oversight environment.
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darkautomaton · 8 months
Integrating Risk Management into Corporate Culture in Hong Kong
As regulatory complexity and economic uncertainty continues rising across Hong Kong and mainland China markets, establishing risk-aware cultures has become pivotal for corporations seeking to embed resilience against crises. Beyond building risk monitoring systems, companies today need to drive mindset shifts from the leadership down to infuse vigilance and responsibility towards hazard identification at all levels.
Cultivating Risk Intelligence Starts at the Top
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For most organizations, the cultural transformation necessary to view enterprise risk oversight as a shared culture rather than just a compliance activity starts with Asia regional leaders and Hong Kong senior executives. This means not only investment into formal governance through appointing Chief Risk Officers but also having CXOs like Chief Finance, Information and HR Officers spearhead training to their teams around prevailing risk landscapes and vigilance necessary in day-to-day decision making.
Incentivizing Risk Reporting from the Ground Up
Middle managers and frontline analysts will then carry this risk-aware DNA through the organizational bloodstream into daily processes. This demands establishing transparent reporting channels, securing anonymity and anti-retaliation policies to encourage surfacing of suspected risks through what-if questioning or flagging incidents that seemed“off” without fear. Especially around integrity hazards like fraud/bribery, safety hazards like harassment or mental health situations, or regulatory hazards like IP/data transfer violations, removing stigma is key.
Aligning Strategy and Operations with Risk Perspectives
Ultimately, for a risk-informed culture to stick, considerations around financial, reputational and regulatory exposures should drive strategy planning as well as operational enhancements across everything from supply chain design to cybersecurity to financial controls. Key risk indicators must be integrated into dashboards at multiple levels with drilling down to understand root causes. Frameworks like ISO 31000 or COSO provide blueprints here from setup to ongoing assessments into mitigation tracking.
With leadership setting the tone, transparency enabling ground up risk reporting without repercussions, and strategy/operations reflecting risk learnings - global companies can align around managing uncertainty as Hong Kong/China markets, regulations and technologies rapidly evolve. Risk management thereby transforms from restrictive compliance activity to enabler of sustainable advantage and resilience.
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shop-korea · 9 months
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vistaspr22 · 2 years
The State of Mexico v. HSBC Bank
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“It wasn’t just HSBC’s money laundering crimes over many years for the most notorious drug cartels. It was their admission of it and then their audacity to continue to commit those crimes.”
The United States Financial System is easily the largest in the world and in many aspects, the most advanced. It is also one of the most idiosyncratic systems, characterized by an unusually parochial set of laws and regulations that both constrain competition and shield inefficiencies. Banks doing business in the US routinely submit confidential reports to an intelligence office within the U.S Treasury Department known as the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation), is a banking and financial services organization, with multiple branches in several countries including the USA.
HSBC in the U.S took on clients whose massive wealth translated into huge profits, but who turned out to be criminals. Its compliance staff negligently monitored customer activity, filed reports lacking crucial customer information on 16 shell companies that processed nearly $1.5 billion in more than 6,800 transactions through the bank’s Hong Kong operations alone. More than $900 million of that was linked to criminal networks. Leaked records show HSBC processed at least $31 million for companies that were later revealed to have moved stolen government funds from Brazil. And more than $292 million for an organization, Vida Panama, branded by U.S authorities as a major money launderer for drug cartels. As the Mexican drug war spread in the mid-2000s, HSBC provided essential U.S. dollar-denominated accounts to narco-gangs needing to clear hundreds of millions of dollars in drug earnings (200,000+ people who died in Mexico because of the funds that passed through HSBC).
The cartels designed carefully shaped boxes that fit HSBC’s teller windows to deliver the massive amounts of illegal cash pouring in. HSBC didn’t report any unusual activity after Drug Enforcement Administration agents posing as drug dealers deposited millions of dollars in Paraguayan banks and then transferred the money to accounts in the U.S. through HSBC. All this information is based on dozens of leaked interviews and Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) with more than12 past HSBC anti-money-laundering employees. Former HSBC compliance officers said that the bank did not give them adequate time to meaningfully investigate suspicious transactions and that branches outside the U.S often ignored requests for crucial customer information. They stated that they were treated as a second-class workforce within the bank, with little to no authority to shut down problematic accounts. Instances where Bank employees misrepresented data sent to senior managers, and where management altered risk ratings on certain clients so that suspect transactions didn’t set off alarms were plenty. The bank understaffed its anti-money laundering compliance division and hired naive, incompetent, and poorly trained personnel.
Task at Hand:
As the legal representatives of HSBC Bank or The State of Mexico (as allotted), you are required to defend the stance and further the interests of your client in the court of law. You shall deliberate the case on the following grounds, and suggest strategies to overcome the same:
a) The Issue of Money Laundering and furthering the Activities of the Mexican Drug Cartel
b) The Question of Negligence and Non-Compliance to International Banking Laws
c) The Necessity for Increased Monitoring to ensure Banking Efficiency and a New Standard Operating Procedure for Cross-Border Transactions
This round shall be conducted as a moot court, and shall include the following components, in a to-and-fro format:
1) Opening Statements: Introduction to the Stance and Establishing Legal Precedence
2) Legal Argumentation: Providing an Interpretation of the Law to Support your Case by using the Existing Legislations, Previous Verdicts and Legal Principles, as well as Suggesting Remedies and Solutions
3) Closing Remarks: Concluding your Arguments and Suggesting Final Proposals.
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coinatory · 4 months
Hong Kong Central Bank Examines AI's Impact on Banking Workforce
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The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) is actively evaluating the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on the banking sector's workforce. As AI technology evolves, the central bank emphasizes the importance of preparing employees to "coexist with technology in the AI era," according to HKMA Deputy Chief Executive Arthur Yuen. On May 23, the HKMA encouraged financial institutions to develop workforce training and development strategies to address AI's growing presence in banking. Yuen noted that some banks have already re-skilled their staff for new roles, citing instances where 2% of bank employees transitioned into positions such as wealth management, risk management, and compliance after completing training programs. The HKMA updated its Supervisory Policy Manual to reflect the need for clear workforce development
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gqresearch24 · 6 months
Aircraft MRO Market Outlook Report 2024-2030: Trends, Strategic Insights, and Growth Opportunities | GQ Research
The Aircraft MRO market is set to witness remarkable growth, as indicated by recent market analysis conducted by GQ Research. In 2023, the global Aircraft MRO market showcased a significant presence, boasting a valuation of US 82.64 Billion. This underscores the substantial demand for Aircraft MRO technology and its widespread adoption across various industries.
Get Sample of this Report at: https://gqresearch.com/request-sample/global-aircraft-mro-market/
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 Projected Growth: Projections suggest that the Aircraft MRO market will continue its upward trajectory, with a projected value of US$ 122.40 Billion by 2030. This growth is expected to be driven by technological advancements, increasing consumer demand, and expanding application areas.
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR): The forecast period anticipates a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.15 %, reflecting a steady and robust growth rate for the Aircraft MRO market over the coming years.
Technology Adoption:
Adoption of advanced diagnostic tools and predictive maintenance technologies to minimize downtime.
Integration of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) for training and maintenance tasks.
Utilization of big data analytics and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors for real-time monitoring of aircraft components.
Application Diversity:
Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) services for commercial airlines, military aircraft, and private jets.
Services encompassing airframe maintenance, engine overhaul, component repair, and avionics upgrades.
Consumer Preferences:
Reliability and safety are paramount concerns for airlines and aircraft operators.
Cost-effective solutions that optimize operational efficiency and extend aircraft lifespan.
Quick turnaround times to minimize aircraft downtime and maintain flight schedules.
Compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards.
Technological Advancements:
Advancements in robotics and automation for labor-intensive maintenance tasks.
Implementation of blockchain technology for secure tracking of aircraft maintenance records.
Development of additive manufacturing (3D printing) for rapid prototyping and production of replacement parts.
Market Competition:
Intense competition among MRO service providers globally.
Differentiation through specialized expertise, geographic coverage, and customer service.
Strategic partnerships with OEMs and airlines to offer comprehensive MRO solutions.
Price competitiveness and value-added services to attract and retain customers.
Environmental Considerations:
Implementation of eco-friendly practices such as sustainable fuel usage and waste reduction.
Adoption of efficient maintenance procedures to minimize environmental impact.
Compliance with environmental regulations and emissions standards.
Investment in green technologies and renewable energy sources for MRO facilities.
Regional Dynamics: Different regions may exhibit varying growth rates and adoption patterns influenced by factors such as consumer preferences, technological infrastructure and regulatory frameworks.
Key players in the industry include:
AAR Corp.
Airbus SE
Delta Airlines
Inc. (Delta TechOps)
Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited
KLM U.K. Engineering Limited
Lufthansa Technik
MTU Aero Engines AG
Raytheon Technologies Corporation
Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd
TAP Maintenance & Engineering (TAP Air Portugal)
The research report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Aircraft MRO market, offering insights into current trends, market dynamics and future prospects. It explores key factors driving growth, challenges faced by the industry, and potential opportunities for market players.
For more information and to access a complimentary sample report, visit Link to Sample Report: https://gqresearch.com/request-sample/global-aircraft-mro-market/
 About GQ Research:
GQ Research is a company that is creating cutting edge, futuristic and informative reports in many different areas. Some of the most common areas where we generate reports are industry reports, country reports, company reports and everything in between.
Jessica Joyal
+1 (614) 602 2897 | +919284395731 Website - https://gqresearch.com/
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koiqiss · 6 months
Some Of The Most Vital Concepts About 菲傭
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Use Quality Source To Gain Information About Filipino Maids
Many Filipinos work as domestic helpers in the UK. They are known for their efficiency and reliability in completing household chores. It is important to show respect and interest in their culture and heritage. It is also important to respect their food preferences and dietary needs. This will ensure a harmonious working relationship.
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Almost every family needs the help of a domestic worker to assist them with household chores. A domestic worker can perform a variety of duties, including cleaning, cooking, washing clothes and looking after children or elderly family members. They can also help with running errands and driving. Get to know about this employment center  in the link.
The problem with these workers is that they often face exploitation and abuse. They can be subject to long working hours and lack of holiday leave, and may be underpaid. They can also be victims of physical and verbal abuse. A well-informed approach to hiring a maid can protect against these issues and ensure a respectful and mutually beneficial relationship with the employer. Moreover, it can ensure compliance with labour laws and reduce the risk of legal consequences for both parties. One can visit the site to get complete insights about 僱���中心.
Filipino maids are reliable
Filipino maids are a good choice for households that want someone who will keep their homes clean and tidy. They are also reliable and trustworthy, which is important for families with children. They usually charge less than nurses and caretakers, and they often form close bonds with their employers.
Most Filipino maids are experienced with caring for infants, including feeding, diapering, and bathing. They can also help with household chores, such as cleaning and organizing wardrobes. They are also capable of cooking healthy and nutritious meals for the entire family. They can even help with pet care, as they are generally compassionate and attentive to animals. They can also recognize signs of illness and distress in pets. They are committed to following their employer’s instructions and will go above and beyond to ensure that they meet your expectations.
Filipino maids are skilled
Filipino maids are skilled and capable of performing a range of household tasks. They are also trained to care for infants and children, allowing them to form deep bonds with families and treat them like their own. Their warm nature makes them a popular choice for households looking for caregiving assistance.
They are often skilled in culinary skills, which can help them prepare meals for their employers. However, it’s important to keep in mind that their dietary requirements may differ from your own. For example, they might be allergic to certain foods.
Indian maids are sociable
Indian maids are incredibly sociable and can easily adapt to different situations. They are also very good at forming bonds with their employers and are very loyal. They can be trusted to do a lot of work around the house and can be very helpful with children and elderly family members.
Indian maids  are friendly
Indian maids are known for their friendliness and caring nature. They often form strong bonds with their employers and families. This is partly because they come from close-knit communities and families where relationships are highly valued. This helps them to cope with feelings of homesickness and loneliness while away from their home countries.
They also have good English skills, making them easy to train. They can clearly communicate with you and follow your instructions for tasks like cleaning and care of babies and elderly people. In addition, they are generally willing to work long hours to meet your needs. They are also more affordable than nurses or caretakers. You can find a trustworthy Filipino maid by asking for recommendations from friends, family, and coworkers.
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marketsizereports · 10 months
InsurTech and Regulatory Challenges: Shaping the Future of Hong Kong Insurance Industry Government Regulation
The intersection of InsurTech (Insurance Technology) and government regulation in Hong Kong presents both opportunities and challenges for the insurance industry. InsurTech innovations, driven by technological advancements, data analytics, and artificial intelligence, can enhance operational efficiency, improve customer experiences, and introduce new insurance products. However, these innovations also pose regulatory challenges that require careful consideration.
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Here's a look at how InsurTech is shaping the future of government regulation in the Hong Kong insurance industry:
Data Privacy and Cybersecurity:
InsurTech relies heavily on data analytics, and the use of large volumes of personal and sensitive data raises concerns about data privacy. Regulatory frameworks need to address data protection laws and ensure that insurers and InsurTech companies comply with stringent privacy standards. Cybersecurity measures become critical to safeguard customer information from breaches.
Regulatory Adaptation:
The rapid pace of technological change in the insurance industry requires regulators to adapt swiftly. Traditional regulatory frameworks may need to be updated to accommodate new business models, technologies, and risk management practices associated with InsurTech.
Consumer Protection:
InsurTech innovations should not compromise consumer protection. Regulators need to ensure that consumers are adequately informed about the use of technology, understand the terms of digital insurance products, and are protected from unfair practices. This includes regulating the transparency of algorithms and automated decision-making processes.
Regulatory Sandboxes:
Regulatory sandboxes are mechanisms that allow companies to test innovative products, services, models, or delivery mechanisms in a controlled environment with relaxed regulatory requirements. Hong Kong has implemented regulatory sandboxes to facilitate the testing of InsurTech solutions while maintaining regulatory oversight.
Licensing and Compliance:
Traditional insurance companies and new InsurTech startups must navigate licensing and compliance requirements. Regulators need to establish clear guidelines for licensing digital insurers and ensure that they adhere to regulatory standards for financial stability, customer protection, and market conduct.
Cross-Border Collaboration:
As InsurTech is not limited by geographical boundaries, regulators must collaborate internationally to address challenges related to cross-border activities. This includes harmonizing regulatory standards, sharing best practices, and establishing frameworks for information exchange among regulatory authorities.
Ethical Use of Technology:
The ethical use of technology, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, is a key consideration. Regulators may need to establish guidelines to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability in the development and deployment of algorithms and automated decision-making processes.
Fraud Prevention:
InsurTech solutions can enhance fraud detection and prevention through advanced analytics. However, regulators must also address potential risks associated with algorithmic bias and false positives. Striking a balance between fraud prevention and fair treatment of policyholders is crucial.
Education and Training:
Regulators may need to invest in educating their teams to understand the complexities of emerging technologies in the insurance sector. This includes building expertise in data analytics, cybersecurity, and InsurTech developments to effectively regulate and supervise the industry.
Innovation-Friendly Environment:
Regulators should foster an innovation-friendly environment that encourages collaboration between traditional insurers and InsurTech startups. This can involve providing regulatory support for innovation labs, partnerships, and initiatives that drive technological advancements within the industry.
The future of government regulation in the Hong Kong insurance industry will likely involve a delicate balance between encouraging innovation and safeguarding consumer interests. As InsurTech continues to evolve, regulatory frameworks must remain agile, adaptable, and responsive to the dynamic landscape of technological advancements within the insurance sector. Ongoing dialogue between regulators, industry stakeholders, and technology innovators will be essential for shaping a regulatory environment that fosters innovation while maintaining robust risk management and consumer protection standards.
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diyadhesivevinyl · 1 year
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As a professional manufacturer, Guangdong HeYi Industry And Trade Development Co.,Ltd. is specialized in developing, producing and selling the self-adhesive products. With 5 years' development, we've been establishing a full range of high-quality self-adhesive products - adhesive vinyl, auto tint vinyl and wrap film, adhesive inkjet printable media, heat transfer material, adhesive specialty paper, adhesive transfer tapes, adhesive silicone sheets, adhesive washi sheets and tapes, double-sided adhesive sheets, stickers, adhesive cork, adhesive foam/EVA, adhesive felt, adhesive flock, adhesive fabric, adhesive faux leather, etc., which are widely used in the industries of home decor (esp. wall and furniture embellishing), car and window tint, indoor and outdoor advertising, crafts and DIY projects, scrapbooking,invitation & card-making,fabric and garment ornamenting, and stationery. With all the abundant adhesive materials, we're also much experienced in customizing, converting and packaging various adhesive products and embellishments at your demand.
Besides the high-quality products, qualified management and service is also our advantage - strict quality control, reasonable MOQ, specialized customization, flexible OEM service, timely shipment, one- stop solution, and considerate customer service. We can assist you with developing and managing your projects, and even turning your sparkling ideas into brilliant products and complete solutions. Since the establishment our company has been committing to the product and technique innovation and development and insisting on the concept of personalized service and environment-friendly development. Standard procedures are documented and executed throughout the project development raw material procurement, production, quality inspection and customer service. Specialization and professionalization makes our products and service qualified and guaranteed. We have achieved the ISO 9001:2015 Management Certification and ISO 14001:2015 Environment Certification, and BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) Certification.
The location convenience benefits your visit to our factory and your shipments all of the world. Our factory is located in Shishan Town, the core region of Foshan National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone as well as the core area of Gold Valley of Chinese Wisdom Manufacturing, which is well-known for the manufacturing, education and hi-tech industries. Our factory is surrounded by or neighbored to the fast train stations, airports and seaports. It is about 8 minutes ride from our factory to the Foshan West High-speed Railway Station, 15 minutes to the Foshan Airport, 25 minutes to Guangzhou South High-speed Railway Station, 50 minutes to the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, and 2 hours to Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Plentiful major seaports • 3 in Foshan, 2 in Guangzhou, and 2 in Shenzhen - as well as the cargo airports in Guangzhou , Shenzhen and Hong Kong makes the shipments unbelievably convenient.Through the high-quality products, reliable service, professional team, perfect facilities, convenient location, and advanced logistics, we are open to establish a long-term partnership with you, to benefit both parties, to create a win-win relationship, and more. Come on, please. Join in us, share our products, and enrich your world.
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ellinapark · 2 years
Corporate Secretarial Services Market Unidentified Segments - The Biggest Opportunity Of 2023
Latest edition released by AMA on Global Corporate Secretarial Services Market to regulate the balance of demand and supply. This intelligence report on Corporate Secretarial Services includes Investigation of past progress, ongoing market scenarios, and future prospects. Data True to market on the products, strategies and market share of leading companies of this particular market are mentioned. It’s a 360-degree overview of the global market’s competitive landscape. The report further predicts the size and valuation of the global market during the forecast period. Some of the key players profiled in the study are:
TMF Group (Netherlands)
PwC (United Kingdom)
Deloitte (United Kingdom)
Vistra (Switzerland)
Mazars Group (France)
KPMG (Netherlands)
ECOVIS (Germany)
MSP Secretaries (United Kingdom)
Elemental CoSec (United Kingdom)
Luther Corporate Services (Germany)
A.1 Business Pte Ltd. (Singapore)
Rodl & Partner (Germany)
Conpak CPA Limited (Hong Kong)
BDO International (Belgium)
J&T Bank and Trust (West Indies)
Eversheds Sutherland (United Kingdom)
Grant Thornton (United States)
Equiniti (United Kingdom)
French Duncan (Scotland)
PKF (United Kingdom)
Dillon Eustace (Ireland)
RSM International (United Kingdom) Corporate Secretarial Services assists clients to manage and mitigate risks of corporate non-compliance. Innovative techniques coupled with years of professional experience help ease administrative burdens across functional and geographical boundaries. Faced with rapidly changing legislation and regulatory requirements, every international business needs to ensure it is in good corporate order, ensuring full compliance through the use of local knowledge and expertise. Various companies do not have a dedicated company secretary and need professional guidance and support to cope with ever-changing rules, regulations and best practice. This is one of driving force of Corporate Secretarial Services market development.
Opportunities: the opportunity of gaining the knowledge and expertise of highly qualified personnel, without the need to hire and train in-house secretaries
Market Drivers: Business diversity is one of the major concerns hovering around the globalization of any organization
Increasing corporate companies in emerging economies
The corporate secretarial service firms also help in providing the feedbacks and expert insights on how to improvise on the efficiency of the business operations
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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ithisatanytime · 2 years
6SNOT - DAHMER (Official Music Video)
  the head of the FBI came out and “confirmed” that the origin of “novel” corona was a Wuhan lab leak. just a reminder this is total bullshit, its a complete fabrication, its just untrue. its false. its a red herring. every year we get some strain of viral upper respiratory illness, we monitor chinas flu season to try to make a prediction on which of the hundreds of viruses we classify as a cold or flu will go viral in the west for our flu season, this is the reason why flu shots are not one hundred percent effective, its a bit of a guessing game as to which strain of virus to mass vaccinate against. its sort of like being a record company and guessing which song of an almbum to make into a single. these viruses mutate constantly, otherwise they’d simply infect us all once wed gain immunity and that would be that, they constantly mutate. covid is one of these viruses, its common, it mutates all the time just like other common cold and flu viruses, and thats what happened in 2020 no bat soup or wuhan lab leak, corona just mutated as it does every single year, the only difference that year was an unprecedented media fear mongering campaign.
 china and russia comprise the two biggest threats to western jewish hegemony and they are neighbors and they are friends lol. the united states was running ops in china just prior to the covid outbreak, the cia was confirmed stirring anti ccp sentiment and trying to spark a civil war for hong kong independence i literally saw videos of what were clearly CIA operators giving lengthy and frankly bizarre speaches about hong kong independence on subway trains before being arrested and carted off. i believe that the early videos of people convulsing in the streets (sleepy chinese doctors, remember?) and the like were created by chinese actors (not in the professional sense, i mean like agent) loyal to the CIA contingent that was confirmed to be operating in china at the time, the CCP capitalized on this and used it as an opportunity to try and get rid of the revolutionary element and its foreign (See jewish) supporters, arresting them under the guise of lockdown compliance. i believe the covid scam was meant as a failsafe break glass in case of emergency sort of deal for powerful jews around the world, i believe the main goals of the scam were domestic in nature, and have to do with the need to change how jews exert dominance over nonjews after the proliferation of the internet basically destroyed their tried and true method of control, namely propaganda. the FBI and all the same people who told you that the same damn flu that comes around every couple of years is a plague are now telling you that this totally benign and weak flu season was actually a bioweapon designed in a lab by enemies of the jewish banking cartels, its all very convenient, especially when you consider that even by the governments own fucked up and inflated metrics covid is less dangerous than even a typical flu for young people. so their plan was to design a weapon that targets the elderly and improves are economy? lmao.
  the lableak theory that is being pushed is just a push for war with china. as it stands the only people fighting those who would trick you into chopping your dick and balls off are young russian men and young men from the muslim world. does that sit well with you? i dont even like the idea of another man pumping my gasoline.
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darkautomaton · 8 months
Best Practices in Corporate Risk Management in Hong Kong
With an increasingly complex legal, regulatory, economic, and technological environment, effectively managing organizational risks is critical for companies striving towards sustainable growth in Hong Kong. By taking a strategic approach to identifying key risk exposures and establishing governance policies to address vulnerabilities, both local and multinational corporations can enhance resilience.
Conduct Extensive Risk Assessments
The foundation for building robust risk oversight is to regularly conduct enterprise-wide assessments, tapping perspectives from leaders across functions on risks emerging within main business units, as well as at the corporate level. Special focus should be placed on emerging risks - from supply chain disruptions to fast-evolving cybersecurity threats. Risks posed by Hong Kong regulations and legal responsibilities around data, employment, IP, taxation and import/export controls should also be incorporated.
Appoint Centralized Risk Leadership
While business heads are accountable for risks within their domains, oversight at the core by a Chief Risk Officer and/or risk management committee provides critical independence and cross-functional coordination. Responsibilities span creating risk reporting procedures to keeping senior leadership and board directors appraised, to aligning mitigation plans with corporate strategy. Risk managers also liaise with insurance providers to secure proper coverage against financial hazards.
Implement Key Risk Policies
Findings from risk assessments should drive key policy changes, be it business continuity planning to address operational crises, instituting ethics training to reduce fraud and corruption, or enacting information handling protocols to avoid data leaks, hacking and illegal trading incidents that would undermine Hong Kong stock listings. Anti-money laundering and sanctions/export controls compliance also need special attention in Hong Kong as a gateway between China and global trade.
Monitor External Signals
In addition to internal risk monitoring, closely follow legislative or law enforcement policy shifts, as well as economic/political disruptions arising locally as well as in mainland China that stand to impact operations. Participate in trade groups and maintain contacts in agencies like InvestHK to receive critical market updates. Regular stress tests help evaluate Hong Kong megaprojects like the Greater Bay Area growth plan or One Belt One Road initiative - and gauge ensuing risk reprioritizations.
By approaching risk oversight as an integrated corporate capability monitoring both internal weaknesses and external threats, companies gain enhanced visibility into vulnerabilities which allows preemptively strengthening of operations against cascading Hong Kong/China hazards - thereby boostinglong-term performance and valuation for shareholders.
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usemmorg · 2 years
Hong kong tourism board los angeles
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#Hong kong tourism board los angeles upgrade
#Hong kong tourism board los angeles upgrade
Initiate IFP project for audio and video system, including specific upgrade proposal, budgeting, scheduling, staffing and working with facility services to prioritize those projects.Identify obsoleted AV products, i.e., projectors and propose upgrade plans, familiar with AV market.Monitor the Parkwide and Attraction Audio and Video show quality on daily basis, work proactively with working partners from different LOBs to address show issues.Work independently on technical show reviews, can identify show defect and propose practical solutions to address the issues.Ensure installation of AV design on electrical drawings compliance to overall design/ story. Perform primary interface with electrical engineering disciplines throughout various project phases.Lead design projects of medium complexity, ie, a fully story themed shop, communicate Show Audio and Video design concepts to contractors and park ops/maintenance team, support the project from feasibility, detailed design, field installation, programming, T&A, training, close-out and post turn over support.In additional to a high degree of AV technical skills, the Show Electronic Designer also has a creative sense for proper Disney theme environment, a strong knowledge of the Disney brand, and the capacity to work independently as well as in a team environment. The Show Electronic Designer is a member of the technical show quality team and works very closely with Parks & Resorts Facility Services Cast Members to maintain the highest quality of audio and video system throughout the resort. Keyword Category (select all that are applicable) Select The Walt Disney Company, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a leading diversified international family entertainment and media enterprise. View All Production & Entertainment Jobs.View All Innovation, Technology, & Science(s) Jobs.View All Finance, Data & Analytics Jobs.Select a career area to see all available jobs. The Walt Disney Company offers an array of opportunities. Select your country/region to personalize your site experience Filter:
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heli0s-writes · 4 years
I. Genesis
Summary: “You think I would ask you if I had any other choice?” Rogers is quieter now. “Eleven drops. Eleven kills. CNN is tapping us for another interview any fucking day now and my partner is on a hospital bed unconscious. Do you think being Orion’s pilot is a hobby?”
Pairing: Steve / Reader / Bucky
A/N: 3.4k words. A “short” introduction to the narrative with glimpses into Reader’s backstory. It helps if you’ve seen Pacific Rim, but I’ve weaved information throughout to integrate the mythos.
Warnings: Slow, slow burn. Canon-typical violence. References to character death. Language.
Trinity Epoch Masterpost
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They bring you in after James Barnes loses his arm.
It’s a startling and terrifying ordeal because Nick Fury personally lands in Red Cloud to collect you. Instinctively, you bristle with annoyance even though your heart feels like it could lurch right into the spinning helicopter blades on the rooftop pad.
The marshal doesn’t even cut off the aircraft. He only steps down in his impeccably black coat and summons you forward with two fingers.
Over the deafening sound of blades ripping through the air of Uijeongbu, army personnel watch mutely as he leans forward and speaks into your ear. Your eyes widen and your jaw ticks as a rush of uncontrollable thoughts invade your mind. You hem and haw and clench your fists, but in the end, Nicholas Fury gets what he wants, and he gets you.
It’s all metal and rust in the Shatterdome. Heavy vault doors, concrete flooring, iron pipes. The entire thing smells like copper and the slight lingering dampness of a shower nearly aired out.
The news of Barnes’ injury hasn’t hit yet. Not quite made its way through the enormous Hong Kong facility, and certainly not to the media. Only the doctors and technicians know, Fury informs you. No one speaks as if vocalizing it would make it true– not that they would attempt to, anyway, with the marshal’s mouth set so grimly.
You arrive and land smack dab in the middle of the most alert tension with eyes and ears zeroing in on your every step. Your heavy boots land softly, walking with careful deliberation behind the marshal, forest green jumpsuit rucked off your top half revealing an old white racerback and the corded muscles of your arms. You fix your hair and let it cover the side of your face and neck, staring only at the path ahead.
Some personnel recognize you. They pause, double-take, and come to their theories slow. Those who don’t are at least smart enough to discern something with the way you’re receiving a personal tour from Fury himself. You try to ignore it to focus on the task at hand: eating your nerves, stomaching the truth, digesting it, battling the urge to disappear completely, but the war inside your head rages on.
Maybe he’ll give the tour later and simply show you to your quarters now. Maybe you’ll be allowed a few hours to decompress, but the longer you walk, the more you’re suspicious that he’s got another agenda entirely.
He marches past the dining hall. Past the training rooms, past the hangar, laboratories, operation quarters and finally when he ignores your protests as the living area disappears behind your back, your entire throat feel like it’s collapsing.
“You lied to me,” you accuse roughly.
“I never lied.”
“You said I had choices. The omission of a lie doesn’t excuse the lie.”
“You still have choices—and watch your tone.” He’s entirely collected, fixing the cuffs of his sleeves.
A puff of angry, hot air escapes your mouth, boots stepping a bit harder now, simmering with a wound of betrayal and your own disappointment at yourself. Moron, you think. Should have known better. Should have turned and ran out of South Korea.
When Fury arrived at Red Cloud, the stipulation—the blackmail—for your compliance had nothing to do with this. Barnes’ injury was a side comment, a shock-value admission to keep you in place.
You’ve realized your mistake too late.
Nurses give the marshal filial nods when he steps by them. Doctors make way down the hall for him, their coats licking grey walls when they press themselves flat. The last room on the left hangs a crooked number 19 next to a metal holder. A nondescript manila file is slotted inside, the name BARNES, JAMES peeking out on its tab.
You know his partner is here too, not physically amputated, but shredded all the same.
Fury gives you precisely two seconds to quash your emotions before he shoves the door open and Steve Rogers is staring at you in the face.  
“Marshal,” he greets formally, jaw clamped tight. He looks back to his partner, immobile on the clinically white and blue bed, tucked in safely under paper thin sheets.
Barnes’ eyes are closed. He’s sedated and hooked up. The monitors beep dully, assuring his well-being, but the thick gauze bandage wrapped tightly around his severed limb displays early splotches of red seeping through. Although you’d been told, and although you saw Seigehook tear off Orion’s left arm to reach inside the crackling cavity where its pilots were exposed, it’s still a staggering truth to be facing now.
The wound is higher than you thought. Precisely amputated at the joint of his left shoulder and bicep and Rogers’ mirroring left side seems displaced, too.
That’s how it works.
The Handshake. The Drift. The Union.
You know that when Barnes’ body heals his shoulder, he’ll still feel its trace. And it won’t matter how much time will pass— Rogers will feel it too.
“Three days,” he announces hoarsely, leaning forward and placing his elbows on his knees. He looks over to your uneasy expression, his own a blank mask, “Singapore.”
You know; you saw the news.
Red Cloud doesn’t halt for anything, regardless of its tiny size nestled in South Korea, but the battle between Orion Bravo and Seigehook shuddered the base into brief pockets of immobility.
It was dinnertime when the Category III Kaiju broke water toward Malaysia where Orion was already waiting, air-lifted hours ago between the first few tremors.
Orion Bravo is a Mark-3 thing of beauty, navy-painted and melting into the deep sapphire of the Natuna Sea. Broad-shouldered and more heavyweight than other Jaegers of its kind, it loomed like a proud obelisk. Along with being equipped to the teeth with an arsenal of firepower, Orion’s right arm brandishes a pronounced plate of armor that handles both like a shield and a weapon. Defense one minute, offense the next. Around its sharp border is a burning hot plasma trim, fifty yards thick, Stark-made, used to slice and cauterize upon immediate contact.
Seigehook seemed overwhelmed. Its tough skin parried the punches but split open under the sizzling edge of Orion’s right arm, cracked through to the bone, immediately sealing shut and sparing the Natuna of toxic Kaiju Blue. 
Kaiju combat averages at two hours and most take much longer. Orion Bravo has always been efficient; one hour in and the fight looked finished.
The hall cheered, Barnes and Rogers chanted for as Orion lifted Seigehook’s thrashing body overhead. Its arms reeled back, feet planted into the ocean floor, but when the arc of Orion’s throw reached midway, Seigehook’s tail—which had been the same as the rest of its body, thick and smooth—protruded a viciously sharp barb that fastened itself inside the hinges of Orion’s left side.
Kaijus and Jaegers move slowly in the way that time pretends to. They’re all enormous, all colossal, all sized in a way that when you’re looking closely, their hands—long and short—barely seem to be going anywhere.
The camera was at least a mile away, safe and sound, and distant enough to perceive time and motion at a rate truer to reality.
It was a shock.
The hook, which Seigehook would soon be baptized after, ripped a line through Orion’s left arm from mid bicep to shoulder. Seigehook was still thrown, albeit lopsidedly, and landed with a tremendous crash, water jetting into the air in a wall of white spray, the criminal tail like a single blade protruding.
The change came after.
Grappling. Stabbing. Orion’s deployed rockets exploding up Kaiju flank. Red Cloud was silent like a grave as the battle lasted another sixty-five eternal minutes. Everyone stopped eating. No one breathed. It was an astonishment of the worst kind because a damaged left arm shouldn’t have set Orion so far back—not a Jaeger that was more myth than reality. Its name, its celebrity, its colossal reputation stood on its own very fucking capable shoulders.
A Mark-3 thing of beauty and immense prowess handled by the two most capable pilots in the entire world. Ten drops. Ten kills. Orion Bravo tore through its first drop in 2016 at the southern tip of the China Sea in a record-setting ninety-five minutes and then sped off to rack up Kaiju deaths again and again. Even when teamed up with other Jaegers, it was always obvious which pair was in command: Steven Grant Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes.
No other set of co-pilots dares entertains the idea of matching their ability. Among the top ten most influential people in the world according to TIME, Rogers and Barnes made the list higher than most world leaders. They were saviors. They were rockstars. Every decent magazine on a store shelf had at least one interview. GQ photoshoots and spreads. Their own action figures. Supermodel girlfriends.
Red carpet killers.
So when Rogers looks at you again, jaw set firmly, eyes cutting, your breath feels like it might shrivel and die.
His usual sunny All-American demeanor— Irish ancestry; Brooklyn childhood; Army background; his sharp aquiline nose; his striking cerulean eyes, handsome and bright— has been replaced by a man on the thin edge of bursting apart. He’s bludgeoned sore around his cheek, blue and sallow in the hollows of his eyes. His enormous frame is hunched over and startlingly small by the bedside.
“No,” you say. There’s a million and a half things you want to say next, but you settle for something abridged. “It’s not going to work.”
“It will.” There’s a resolute bark in his voice that makes you bristle. “It must.”
The marshal, having been silent, looks from you to him and takes a slow blink, no longer feeling the need to mediate. “I’ll leave it to you, then.” He tips his head, expression unreadable other than a pointed exasperation he doesn’t try to hide.
“When you’re done here, go to bed. Nurses’ll be in and out—and Rogers,” he pauses by the handle of the door, “I mean it. Go to bed.”
Fury leaves the entrance slightly ajar, as if to remind the both of you of his request. It’s a command, too, to keep your voices down unless you want the entire wing to hear this conversation.
“Why me?” You ask, bewildered, “There are hundreds of trainees. You can scout from every graduating class for another co-pilot.”
“I already know you’re compatible. I know you from the Academy.”
You scoff in disbelief because sure, he technically knows you—the years at Kodiak Island slightly overlapped, and he was present for a couple of months at the start of yours. You recalled that even back then, Rogers was already destined for greatness. He was a Ranger in charge of his own combat training classes as Fightmaster. A bruiser with the kind of agility all other fighters envied and a natural born leader only weeks away from slipping into that coveted Pilot role.
But you’ve never spoken to each other. And because he’s not allowed to equate you to those brief hallway glimpses— because that’s absolutely not enough to ascertain if someone is drift fucking compatible— you snap.
“So what?!”
He stands unflinchingly. He opens his mouth before closing it again, the tip of his tongue briefly pressing behind his front teeth, and the beginning of her nickname hovers over your throat like a sniper’s red dot.
“And I know Nat.”
Knew her, you think suddenly, bitterly, as your entire body stiffens. Your stomach twists, skin breaking out into a sheen layer of sweat. Effectively turned into a deer in the headlights, frozen in the glaring brights of his eyes.
“So,” he grits out, “I know you.”
That’s not how it works, you want to scream. Don’t call her that, you want to scream. Your head spins with a multitude of emotions: resentment, frustration, confusion, helplessness. Guilt. Fuck, the guilt.
Instead of screaming, you change course, bite down, and look at the softly breathing body, chest rising and falling beneath crinkled sheets. Rogers’ own Natasha- the closest person that a pilot can get to- he’s there, still alive.
Even if you agree, even if it could happen, like hell James Barnes is going to wake up and be copacetic with a stranger stepping into his Jaeger, locked in the rig next to his partner.
As if reading your thoughts, Rogers’ voice breaks the silence.
“Did Fury show you the war clock?”
“In the entrance bay. Enormous metal flaps keeping time down to the second. Resets after every Kaiju attack. Did he show you or not?”
He stands up and takes two paces until he’s towering over you, blocking the yellow light casting ochre along dirtied walls. Your bare arms prickle, hairs standing on edge, feeling overexposed. The corner he’s walking you into is more than physical.
“It’s been reset almost every eight weeks. All over the Rim, Kaiju are emerging more frequently. They’re hitting us anywhere they can reach, and you know the damage they put out, don’t you?”
Your eyes shoot toward the bed again, but Rogers catches your attention with a tilt of his head, pulling your sight back on him. He hasn’t blinked, and the deadened weight in his irises settles heavy over his features.
“Even if Buck gets a prosthetic, it’ll take more than eight weeks for him to return to form.”
“You can’t replace a pilot like a pair of shoes—” you hiss, “He’s not—"
“You think he’s a pair of shoes to me?”
Your back bumps the wall and you immediately regret your words. Steven Grant Rogers is 6 feet on a normal day and looks well over 8 when he’s pissed off.
All his impossibly white smiles on T.V., his natural grace and poise, his effortless perfection even after the carnage of a kill— gone. Here stands a man at the end of his rope; a man you’d never want to meet in a dark alley.
He engulfs the room with his mass before desperation flickers over his face like a spark.
“You think I would ask you if I had any other choice?” His voice drops low and harsh, but always controlled. “Eleven drops. Eleven kills. CNN is tapping us for another interview any fucking day now and my partner is on a hospital bed unconscious. Do you think being Orion’s pilot is a hobby?”
He doesn’t say that he’s just any Jaeger’s pilot. He’s Orion’s. You’ve always known recognition comes as a double-edged sword, and this one seems to be the sharpest.
“The world owes me,” Rogers admits, “and it owns me.”
Natasha used to prattle something similar, except the words and sentiment were jumbled up worse. She’d whisper it after a fight, one of those intense stare-downs the two of you would have with each other, only a handful of words exchanged because after years of sharing one fused brain, neither of you found it necessary to shout. It always ended the same—her breaking the silence with determination—a decisive pain: I owe it to them.
She always felt like she needed to earn redemption for one thing or another, even after the limelight found her and she bathed in it like it could save her from her demons— she always owed the world her entire life.  
Well, she got what she wanted in the end.
“So what?” You spit bitterly, masking her memory behind a snarl, “I don’t care what owns you. Duty, fame, guilt, not my fucking problem.”
“It’s precisely your fucking problem.” His mouth tilts sideways in a humorless smirk. “You think Fury hasn’t kept his eye on you for the last two years? It’s his only eye— he’s gotta make it count.”
You’re at a loss for words. Yes, you figured the Corps would keep tabs but how much could they care about one wayward pilot when the Apocalypse is looming?
Apparently more than you thought because Rogers starts listing off all your previous locations after California. He plows through the first three cities and dates like it’s his grocery list. More than enough to make his point.
Distant footsteps force him to halt, and he waits for them to pass, glancing toward the direction as if he could see through the cinderblock walls. When he turns back at you, his expression is severe.
“You drop off the face of the Earth then pop in and out of cities for two years. Fake identities. Fake credentials. But you can’t settle, can you? That’s guilt being your fucking problem.”
If you were some WASP-y interviewer from The New York Times behind a tape recorder you’d be counting your vacation days and planning a nice long trip because this is the exact kind of footage that would get you the promotion of a lifetime.
Earth’s Greatest Defender, a hero amongst heroes, squaring up and demolishing his own carefully crafted cult of personality with verbal terrorism. If your stomach didn’t feel like war zone, you’d probably take a second to applaud him because he’s doing a great job. The barrage doesn’t let up. He’s vicious.
“You’ve done worse than ruin her memory; you erased her. Nobody remembers Natasha Romanoff because you ran.”
“Fuck you.”
It’s a comment much too loud and irate to be next to an open door but neither of you care anymore.
“Fucking fuck you,” you say again, unbothered by the redundancy or immaturity. He wants to be in your head? You’ll give him a taste of it.
Rogers ignores your outburst, a new storm swirling behind his eyes.
“Fury gave you a few choices in Red Cloud because I asked him to. A ruse to lure you out, threaten you with exposing that fake degree, get you to go legit in Hong Kong.”
He’s still 8 feet tall. Brown leather jacket, torn and timeworn shirt with an old bloodstain, jeans haphazardly rolled above his boots. He steps until you can feel the heat roll of his body, searing your own.
“From where I’m standing, you got two choices: you can either stay in Hong Kong as another faceless Shatterdome personnel, wasting a life you could have— a significant life, a worthy life— because you’re afraid. Or you can stop being a coward, honor her memory, and get the hell on board.”
The monitors behind his broad back continue to beep languidly. The perfect audience keeping a measured rhythm in time to your shallow, panting breaths. Steven Grant Rogers, unyielding in his ability, his talent for saving the world time and time again, looks like he could tear you apart with his teeth.
Now in front of your very trembling eyes, you see exactly why Orion Bravo’s record stands so tall.
He’s a thing of inexorable force. A fighter to his bitter end.
“Six drops. Six kills. You have a good track record and I know you’re capable. You walked Decima Red into Anchorage on your own despite the neural load of solo piloting. That’s not something just anybody can do. Probably not even Nat.”
Your fists clench at the thought finally rising to the front of your mind. You’d made a habit of smothering the past for so long it became easy. And now here he is, invoking her ghost and all at once the rush of adrenaline squeezes your heart to near bursting.
The war in your head rises to the topmost peak of violence as all climatic battles do. Either you broker peace, or you die by his blade, become another corpse like every other pilot fading out of existence.
“She gave her life for the cause. The world needed her and she showed up every time. How about you?”
You shakily look from his penetrating gaze to the profile of his partner, restful and idyllic. Then, you look to the bandages turning wetter and wetter, redder and redder. Flaming bright like Natasha’s hair after the helmet burst apart and she dropped into a puddle of her own blood.
If you were anyone else, maybe you’d weep. Instead, you say for the third time, “Fuck you,” and Rogers only grins.
He straightens his shoulders and takes a small step back, returning to 6 feet of solid muscle going lax.
He crosses his arms and shifts his weight to one foot, staring at you down the tall bridge of his nose. His neck is a smooth marble column, lines running to meet at his collarbones. The strength in his shoulders and arms are determined, chest expanding with sure breaths.
You make your choice, treaty in hand, trembling all the while.
In the end, it’s not Nick Fury who gets what he wants. It’s Steve Rogers. And he gets you.
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