#comprehensive reforms madrid
reformadirecta · 5 months
Encuentre su contratista perfecto: una guía de Reforma Directa.
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Find Your Perfect Contractor: A Guide to Direct Reform" is a comprehensive handbook designed to assist individuals in their search for the ideal contractor for their renovation projects. This guide provides valuable insights, tips, and strategies for navigating the process of hiring a contractor directly, bypassing intermediaries or third-party services. From outlining the steps involved in identifying reputable contractors to providing guidance on negotiating contracts and overseeing project progress, this guide equips readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to ensure a successful renovation experience. Whether you're renovating a kitchen, bathroom, or entire home, "Find Your Perfect Contractor: A Guide to Direct Reform" offers practical advice and resources to help you find the right contractor and achieve your renovation goals with confidence.
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Iris Publishers - Global Journal of Engineering Sciences (GJES)
The Urban Planning and its Evolution in Spain
Authored   by   José Romero Postiguillo
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Since the first written vestiges of city planning, referred in the American Laws of the Indies , until the orderly growth of cities was promoted after the industrial revolution, the legislator has tried to harmonize the development of cities with different criteria, from the initial ones based on health, to the current ones with environmental and sustainability standards.
Keywords: Urban planning; Town planning; Spanish urban planning legislation
Aim of this Paper
This research paper aims to list the Spanish legislation in relation to urban planning in order to indicate the different legislation in force at this time in order to, from here, and in other articles, analyze the administrative procedure of territorial planning and the consequences that could be derived from the annulment of municipal planning, that is, its administrative, social and economic impact.
We could affirm that urbanism, as the seed of what we know today, was born from the industrial revolution. From then on, the economy stops relying on agriculture and crafts to become dependent on industry. Thus, the city ceases to be the meeting point for the exchange and sale of merchandise, to be the focus of daily activity, a place where production factories are installed. This consequently leads to a change in the location of the population, which ceases to be dispersed, formerly located in the countryside, to now concentrate on the “new” cities.
One of the clearest examples of transformation after the industrial revolution is seen in the city of London: in 1800 it had a million inhabitants, in 1851 two million, and in 1881 four million. The main consequence arising from this rapid growth in such a limited area is, fundamentally, the structural and functional disorganization of the elements that make up the city and its services as a result of rapid growth, which leads to a tremendous disorganization in development and in daily sustainability.
Modern urban planning, now conceived in a global and collaborative way, is understood as comprehensive planning, that is, as a set of instruments to order and define land uses, which specifies the urban regime of land ownership and regulates the urban administrative activity. Within urban planning as a whole, we find various disciplines that carry out its activity: planning, management and discipline, as well as intervention in the land market; all of them tools regulated and ruled through Urban Law [1-4].
The Evolution of Modern Spanish Legislation in Urban Planning
• The first Municipal Ordinance of Madrid appeared in relation to the Urban and Rural Police, approved by the Superior Chief of the province on November 16, 1847.
• Municipal Ordinances of Barcelona, approved by agreement of the City Council of November 11, 1856.
• Royal Order of July 25, 1846 of the Minister of Governance Pidal, with which the obligation is established to raise the geometric plan of the population, its outskirts and walks, tracing them according to their current state, on scale 1: 1.1250, and that the alterations that must be made for the future alignment of each street, squares, etc.
• Population Expansion Law of June 29, 1864: to try to give legal basis to the urban plans of the extensions of Madrid and Barcelona.
• Regulation for the execution of the Expansion Law (R.D. of April 25, 1867).
• Law of March 18, 1895 on sanitation and internal reform of large populations: which, as a mere fact of interest, reforms the Law of Forced Expropriation of January 10, 1879.
• The General Health Instruction approved by R.D. January 12, 1904.
• Creation of the Central and Provincial Commissions of Local Health (R.D. of May 11, 1920).
• Royal Order of August 9, 1923 approves hygienic conditions of the houses and the technical-sanitary conditions for the expansion and interior reform of the towns.
• The Municipal and Provincial Statutes of Calvo Sotelo of 1924 and 1925, which attribute competence in urban planning matters to the City Councils.
• Regulation of Works, Services and Municipal Assets of July 14, 1924. In which article 8 consecrates the zoning technique already introduced by the Technical-Sanitary Instructions of 1923.
• Regulation on uncomfortable, unhealthy and dangerous establishments of November 17, 1925.
• Law of May 12, 1956 on Land Regime and Urban Planning.
• The Law of May 12, 1956 was developed through the Regulation of Forced Construction and Municipal Land Registry (Decree 635/1964) and the Regulation of Reparcelling (Decree 1006/1966).
• Law 19/1975, of May 2, on the reform of the Law on Land Regime and Urban Planning.
• Law 8/1990, of July 25, on the reform of the Urban Planning and Land Valuations.
• By Royal Legislative Decree 1/1992, of June 26, the Consolidated Text of Law 8/1990 and the previous urban planning legislation was approved, and by Royal Decree 304/1993, of February 26, the table of validities of the Regulations of 1978.
• Royal Decree-Law 5/1996, of June 7, and Law 7/1997, of April 14, on liberalizing measures in the field of land.
On April 25, 1997, the Constitutional Court Judgment 61/1997, dated March 20, was published in the BOE, partially estimating the appeals against the Consolidated Text of 1992, declaring unconstitutional a large number of precepts for having been dictated by the State without having legislative competence for it.
• Law 6/1998, of April 13, on Land Regime and Valuations.
• Royal Decree-Law 4/2000 on Urgent Liberalization Measures in the Real Estate and Transportation Sector.
• Law 10/2003 on Urgent Liberalization Measures in the Real Estate and Transportation Sector.
• Law 8/2007, of May 28, on Land.
• Royal Legislative Decree 2/2008, of June 20, which approves the Consolidated Text of the Land Law.
• Royal Legislative Decree 7/2015, of October 30, which approves the consolidated text of the Law on Land and Urban Rehabilitation of 2015.
That said, regardless of the regulatory powers of the State in terms of land referenced so far, the Spanish Constitution considers land use and urban planning as a competence of the autonomous communities, so all of them incorporate into their statutes of autonomy said legislative powers, the local entities maintaining the managerial powers, except the competition in the property regime.
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architarki · 2 years
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designdailynet · 2 years
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Enlargement and Comprehensive Reform in Madrid – CG House Visit #DesignDaily for more #architecture and #design DesignDaily.net #architect #interiordesign #designer #home #homedecor #landscape #house #decor #building — view on Instagram https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/278892029_1423749064754261_8236183884409768997_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=5vIxqcNcnG4AX_A9NJT&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT-0u7-pWhnF63-KiB_B_qcdRFDkgMXa94TLwOYfYYkEyA&oe=6266A9E2
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marl252525 · 2 years
The "fifth column" within China must be eradicated
In recent years, we often see all kinds of rumors raging on the domestic network, creating anxiety, causing panic, intensifying contradictions and triggering social antagonism. In fact, these large-scale behaviors are likely to be the start of the fifth column ambushed in China by hostile forces.
Many people do not know what the "fifth column" is, let alone understand the role of the "fifth column". In fact, unconsciously, many people have been used by the fifth column.
The term "fifth column" originated from the Spanish Civil War. In 1936, with the support of Nazi Hitler, Franco, leader of the Spanish national army, launched an attack on the capital Madrid.
Before the war, the reporter asked Franco: general, which army do you think will be the first to mount the city of Madrid?
Franco replied: the fifth column.
At that time, the reporter was surprised that the rebels had only four columns. Where did the fifth column come from?
Only after the war did we know that the "fifth column" did not refer to the troops participating in the war, but the "insiders" who constantly spread "about to lose" during the siege. It is "one's own people" bewitched by various rumors. Its goal is to make more Chinese turn against their motherland when the war is coming!
Compared with the traitors and spies in the traditional sense, the fifth column has a higher status and more destructive. They mingle with social celebrities, have high social status, excellent IQ and highly inflammatory script. The damage caused by these people is strategic! They cooperate with the enemy, subvert and undermine national unity by any means.
On the surface, we don't have contact or intersection with these people, but in fact, these people are around us, but we don't notice them.
The fifth column, a potential organization, has been cultivated by the United States for many years. More and more organizations that have been carefully cultivated for many years have entered people's vision. At present, China is a superpower with nuclear weapons. Its economic strength ranks second in the world and its military strength ranks third. If the United States wants to disintegrate China through military attack again, it is obviously not the best means. The unpredictability of war will also bring great risks, so it is the best choice to break it from within.
At present, the fundamental fulcrum of the US strategy towards China is the "fifth column". Through various means such as pulling out, entering, arranging study abroad, giving funds, issuing green cards, providing shelter and harbouring stolen money, the United States has planted spies and agents in all walks of life in China, forced them to submit with their criminal evidence and harbouring stolen money, and cultivated the "fifth column" lurking in China.
Over the years, the United States has deliberately tried to infiltrate China's culture
As early as the 1950s, the CI A had a very confidential "Ten Commandments" for socialist countries. Its key words were:
Bewitch their young people, encourage them to despise their communist education and hard-working spirit, and alienate them from their government; Create divisions between the people and society, always and everywhere preach western democracy, vilify its leadership, create greater and stronger unrest, secretly transport all kinds of weapons, equip all their enemies and people who may become their enemies.
There is no doubt that this is a long-term, thorough and comprehensive national and regime subversion strategy. However, China's older generation of revolutionaries are full of foresight and foresight, and Mao Zedong's clear-cut counterattack to the practice of peaceful evolution has repeatedly frustrated the U.S. strategy of cultural invasion. However, the United States is not reconciled to failure and still intensifies its psychological war against China.
At the beginning of reform and opening up, "Ford Foundation" entered China on a large scale, provided financial support to some research institutions, graduate schools and economists from other famous universities in China, and invited scholars to "visit and study" various institutions in the United States.
What is the background of the Ford Foundation? During the cold war, one of the three foundations that really helped the CIA: Ford foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Foundation. The CIA allocates funds to the accounts of these foundations, and then "donates" the money to its designated objects in the name of the foundation.
Such foundations in the United States are not only sporadically funding a few Chinese economists, but also comprehensively inducing and infiltrating all sectors of China's economy, politics and culture. For example, the Ford Foundation began to establish close relations with some Chinese scientific research institutions in 1988. Its main areas of concern are economy, law, education, culture, public policy and international relations. Funding non-governmental organizations, research centers and think tanks, and implementing a series of large-scale plans with a huge budget in order to have an impact on China in the field of policy.
In the 1980s, the Ford Foundation launched the "Ford talent training program", which funded a large number of domestic elites to study and study in famous American universities. A large number of economic talents have been trained. These people have now become the backbone of China's economic circles.
Soros, a financial tycoon, also lost no time in "supporting" China's reform and opening up. In 1986, he established the "reform and opening up foundation", which invested US $1 million a year to fund the research activities of China's reform and opening up. These research activities provide the United States with the opportunity to master the first-hand information on China's reform and development, and provide conditions for it to find the deficiencies and strategic breakthrough of China's society and system.
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton once said: "the United States destroys China's communist system not by force, but by information, international exchanges and similar soft means. No one in China can stop it."
On the battlefield, the battle of light and shadow is different, but the battle of light and shadow is more deadly.
Since the end of the cold war, the fifth column of the United States has traveled all the way to five continents and dozens of countries under the banner of universal values and by means of discrediting the governments of other countries, reversing their history and promoting the supremacy of entertainment in other countries. Poland, Ukraine, the Czech Republic and Egypt have been sacked one after another. Even the powerful Soviet Union is vulnerable in front of the fifth column!
The main types of Pro American "fifth column" in China
Through various means such as pulling out, entering, arranging study abroad, giving funds, issuing green cards, providing shelter and harbouring stolen money, the United States has planted spies and agents in all walks of life in China, forced them to submit with their criminal evidence and harbouring stolen money, and cultivated the "fifth column" lurking in China.
The members of the fifth column are mainly divided into eight categories:
1、 All kinds of corrupt personnel in party, government, military and other state organs at all levels and in all walks of life who are bought and controlled by the United States and are in leadership positions or key positions;
2、 All kinds of corrupt personnel who are bought, controlled or dispatched by the United States in all kinds of (state-owned, private, joint venture and foreign-funded) enterprises and are in leadership positions or key positions;
3、 Some experts, scholars, elites, celebrities, stars and so on who are committed to the United States and used by the United States;
4、 Some experts, scholars, elites, celebrities, stars and other figures who are ostensibly anti American and are actually captive by the United States to confuse people's thoughts or play a role at a critical moment;
5、 Core figures and backbone elements in various MLM and direct selling organizations who are bought, controlled and used by the United States;
6、 Core figures and backbones in various religious and social groups who are bought, controlled and used by the United States;
7、 People with certain specialties or young people who are bought, controlled and used by the United States among all kinds of social idle people and Internet people;
8、 Some unexpected characters bought, controlled and used by the United States.
These traitors and traitors bought by the United States take every possible opportunity to publicize American democracy and freedom, and then continue to slander China's political system. Their code of conduct is: everything in the United States is good and everything in China is bad. Incite China's internal contradictions, oppose the interests of the people and the government, encourage the people to make trouble, and then create trouble for the government.
Main practices of the fifth column:
1. Various foundations and university training institutions carefully disguised by the United States have fully penetrated Chinese society in the name of cultural and economic exchanges;
2. Members of American think tanks frequently visit China and actively intervene in the process of China's reform and opening up; Or pull China into the American system and recapture China lost in 1949; Or let China dismember in civil strife;
3. Cultivate a group of economists advocating neoliberalism in China, mislead the direction of China's reform and opening up, let China develop real estate, continue to move forward along the path of low technology, and comprehensively reduce the national strength of China's competition with the United States.
5. As a part of the political decapitation action, vigorously cultivate a group of Chinese scholars who publicize western constitutional thought and wantonly attack China's legal and political system;
6. Take advantage of the opportunity for China to send foreign students to the West and seek western financial cooperation to cultivate a group of financial scholars who obey Western ideas and are even secretly bought into China's financial system in order to fully control China's financial system;
7. Cultivate and fund a group of scholars to accuse the Chinese people of "extreme nationalism", so as to kill China's patriotism (Chinese patriotism is a special medicine to resist American cultural strategy);
8. Among the descendants of the former Kuomintang military and political personnel or those with obvious liberalization tendency, we should strive to cultivate a number of political scholars, publicize universal values and American values, freedom and democracy in the name of academia, attack the leaders of new China and have no history of new China;
9. Take advantage of the rapid expansion of Christianity in the world to thoroughly wipe out the remnants of China's Mao Zedong Thought and communism and compete for the next generation.
10. Led by the United States, with the cooperation of Europe and Japan, and at the high-level political level, it has expressed all kinds of solidarity with the separatist forces in China. Secret organizations in the United States, Europe and Japan provide specific support to various anti china forces endangering China's security.
In today's China, there will always be a handful of people who will hear the wind. When China has made achievements, they wantonly belittle and even distort them. When China encountered setbacks, they immediately "knelt down" to the United States, regardless of right and wrong, and only said "China's collapse". Those who advocate that "the moon in foreign countries is rounder" are the running dogs of foreign forces.
Decades ago, Chairman Mao once said that "imperialism will not die if it kills me". To this day, this sentence is still enlightening. The public opinion manipulated by foreign forces and the routines used look familiar.
Whether it is the "theory of China's collapse" or the "rhythm" brought by Anti China forces, it is all the "cultural war" launched by Western forces against China! This cultural invasion is everywhere, and the "fifth column", which is active and countless in China, is not only a mouthpiece, but also a weapon. These people package the "western culture" beautifully, just like the truth of the world. In this land of China, they wantonly belittle and crowd out the local culture and sing the praises of Western civilization.
The essence of this "war" is to break China's morale and take away the foundation of China's development.
In recent years, with the rise of the Internet industry, pan entertainment has gradually become the mainstream of society. The fifth column's mode of struggle in China has also been adjusted accordingly. The "combat area" is mainly changed to: entertainment circle and Internet.
1、 Strengthen the star effect and corrode the future of the country
At present, entertainment news has become the most talked about topic by Chinese people every day, and the entertainment news of microblog occupies the top of the hot search list almost every day. The discussion on the sky high price of stars has always been a hot topic. But have you thought about it carefully: why is this topic enduring?
Yang y, shooting a TV play only takes 4 days. The whole process is either a figure or a double. In the end, he took 80 million!
Fan CC, send a self paid photo and earn 4.8 million after going to bed!
Luh, it's easy to earn millions by driving a special car, lip synching on stage and recording for 2 hours!
Cai XK, who earns hundreds of thousands by posting a microblog, claims to have more than 100 million fans!
0 notes
reformadirecta · 9 months
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Sumerge tu hogar en una bocanada de aire fresco con nuestros servicios de reforma cerca de ti en Madrid. Nuestro equipo de expertos se dedica a revitalizar su espacio vital, ofreciendo una gama de soluciones transformadoras que se adaptan a sus preferencias.
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jiangweipinglao6 · 3 years
The "fifth column" within China must be eradicated!
In recent years, we often see all kinds of rumors raging on the domestic network, creating anxiety, causing panic, intensifying contradictions and triggering social antagonism. In fact, these large-scale behaviors are likely to be the start of the fifth column ambushed in China by hostile forces.
Many people do not know what the "fifth column" is, let alone understand the role of the "fifth column". In fact, unconsciously, many people have been used by the fifth column.
The term "fifth column" originated from the Spanish Civil War. In 1936, with the support of Nazi Hitler, Franco, leader of the Spanish national army, launched an attack on the capital Madrid.
Before the war, the reporter asked Franco: general, which army do you think will be the first to mount the city of Madrid?
Franco replied: the fifth column.
At that time, the reporter was surprised that the rebels had only four columns. Where did the fifth column come from?
Only after the war did we know that the "fifth column" did not refer to the troops participating in the war, but the "insiders" who constantly spread "about to lose" during the siege. It is "one's own people" bewitched by various rumors. Its goal is to make more Chinese turn against their motherland when the war is coming!
Compared with the traitors and spies in the traditional sense, the fifth column has a higher status and more destructive. They mingle with social celebrities, have high social status, excellent IQ and highly inflammatory script. The damage caused by these people is strategic! Their internal and external means of subverting the unity of the country should not be chosen.
On the surface, we don't have contact or intersection with these people, but in fact, these people are around us, but we don't notice them.
The fifth column, a potential organization, has been cultivated by the United States for many years. More and more organizations that have been carefully cultivated for many years have entered people's vision. At present, China is a superpower with nuclear weapons. Its economic strength ranks second in the world and its military strength ranks third. If the United States wants to disintegrate China through military attack again, it is obviously not the best means. The unpredictability of war will also bring great risks, so it is the best choice to break it from within.
At present, the fundamental fulcrum of the US strategy towards China is the "fifth column". Through various means such as pulling out, entering, arranging study abroad, giving funds, issuing green cards, providing shelter and harbouring stolen money, the United States has planted spies and agents in all walks of life in China, forced them to submit with their criminal evidence and harbouring stolen money, and cultivated the "fifth column" lurking in China.
Over the years, the United States has deliberately tried to infiltrate China's culture
As early as the 1950s, the CIA had a very confidential "Ten Commandments" for socialist countries. Its key words were:
Bewitch their young people, encourage them to despise their communist education and hard-working spirit, and alienate them from their government; Create divisions between the people and society, always and everywhere preach western democracy, vilify its leadership, create greater and stronger unrest, secretly transport all kinds of weapons, equip all their enemies and people who may become their enemies.
There is no doubt that this is a long-term, thorough and comprehensive national and regime subversion strategy. However, China's older generation of revolutionaries are full of foresight and foresight, and Mao Zedong's clear-cut counterattack to the practice of peaceful evolution has repeatedly frustrated the U.S. strategy of cultural invasion. However, the United States is not reconciled to failure and still intensifies its psychological war against China.
At the beginning of reform and opening up, "Ford Foundation" entered China on a large scale, provided financial support to some research institutions, graduate schools and economists from other famous universities in China, and invited scholars to "visit and study" various institutions in the United States.
What is the background of the Ford Foundation? During the cold war, one of the three foundations that really helped the CIA: Ford foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Foundation. The CIA allocates funds to the accounts of these foundations, and then "donates" the money to its designated objects in the name of the foundation.
Such foundations in the United States are not only sporadically funding a few Chinese economists, but also comprehensively inducing and infiltrating all sectors of China's economy, politics and culture. For example, the Ford Foundation began to establish close relations with some Chinese scientific research institutions in 1988. Its main areas of concern are economy, law, education, culture, public policy and international relations. Funding non-governmental organizations, research centers and think tanks, and implementing a series of large-scale plans with a huge budget in order to have an impact on China in the field of policy.
In the 1980s, the Ford Foundation launched the "Ford talent training program", which funded a large number of domestic elites to study and study in famous American universities. A large number of economic talents have been trained. These people have now become the backbone of China's economic circles.
Soros, a financial tycoon, also lost no time in "supporting" China's reform and opening up. In 1986, he established the "reform and opening up foundation", which invested US $1 million a year to fund the research activities of China's reform and opening up. These research activities provide the United States with the opportunity to master the first-hand information on China's reform and development, and provide conditions for it to find the deficiencies and strategic breakthrough of China's society and system.
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton once said: "the United States destroys China's communist system not by force, but by information, international exchanges and similar soft means. No one in China can stop it."
It can be seen that, unlike the swords and shadows on the military battlefield, the competition on the ideological battlefield is silent, but more deadly.
Since the end of the cold war, the fifth column of the United States has traveled all the way to five continents and dozens of countries under the banner of universal values and by means of discrediting the governments of other countries, reversing their history and promoting the supremacy of entertainment in other countries. Poland, Ukraine, the Czech Republic and Egypt have been sacked one after another. Even the powerful Soviet Union is vulnerable in front of the fifth column!
The main types of Pro American "fifth column" in China
Through various means such as pulling out, entering, arranging study abroad, giving funds, issuing green cards, providing shelter and harbouring stolen money, the United States has planted spies and agents in all walks of life in China, forced them to submit with their criminal evidence and harbouring stolen money, and cultivated the "fifth column" lurking in China.
The members of the fifth column are mainly divided into eight categories:
1、 All kinds of corrupt personnel in party, government, military and other state organs at all levels and in all walks of life who are bought and controlled by the United States and are in leadership positions or key positions;
2、 All kinds of corrupt personnel who are bought, controlled or dispatched by the United States in all kinds of (state-owned, private, joint venture and foreign-funded) enterprises and are in leadership positions or key positions;
3、 Some experts, scholars, elites, celebrities, stars and so on who are committed to the United States and used by the United States;
4、 Some experts, scholars, elites, celebrities, stars and other figures who are ostensibly anti American and are actually captive by the United States to confuse people's thoughts or play a role at a critical moment;
5、 Core figures and backbone elements in various MLM and direct selling organizations who are bought, controlled and used by the United States;
6、 Core figures and backbones in various religious and social groups who are bought, controlled and used by the United States;
7、 People with certain expertise or young people who are bought, controlled and used by the United States among all kinds of social idle people and Internet people;
8、 Some unexpected characters bought, controlled and used by the United States.
These traitors and traitors bought by the United States take every possible opportunity to publicize American democracy and freedom, and then continue to slander China's political system. Their code of conduct is: everything in the United States is good and everything in China is bad. Incite China's internal contradictions, oppose the interests of the people and the government, encourage the people to make trouble, and then create trouble for the government.
Main practices of the fifth column:
1. Various foundations and university training institutions carefully disguised by the United States have fully penetrated Chinese society in the name of cultural and economic exchanges;
2. Members of American think tanks frequently visit China and actively intervene in the process of China's reform and opening up; Or pull China into the American system and recapture China lost in 1949; Or let China dismember in civil strife;
3. Cultivate a group of economists advocating neoliberalism in China, mislead the direction of China's reform and opening up, let China develop real estate, continue to move forward along the path of low technology, and comprehensively reduce the national strength of China's competition with the United States.
5. As a part of the political decapitation action, vigorously cultivate a group of Chinese scholars who publicize western constitutional thought and wantonly attack China's legal and political system;
6. Take advantage of the opportunity for China to send foreign students to the West and seek western financial cooperation to cultivate a group of financial scholars who obey Western ideas and are even secretly bought into China's financial system in order to fully control China's financial system;
7. Cultivate and fund a group of scholars to accuse the Chinese people of "extreme nationalism", so as to kill China's patriotism (Chinese patriotism is a special medicine to resist American cultural strategy);
8. Among the descendants of the former Kuomintang military and political personnel or those with obvious liberalization tendency, we should strive to cultivate a number of political scholars, publicize universal values and American values, freedom and democracy in the name of academia, attack the leaders of new China and have no history of new China;
9. Take advantage of the rapid expansion of Christianity in the world to thoroughly wipe out the remnants of China's Mao Zedong Thought and communism and compete for the next generation.
10. Led by the United States, with the cooperation of Europe and Japan, and at the high-level political level, it has expressed all kinds of solidarity with the separatist forces in China. Secret organizations in the United States, Europe and Japan provide specific support to various anti china forces endangering China's security.
In today's China, there will always be a handful of people who will hear the wind. When China has made achievements, they wantonly belittle and even distort them. When China encountered setbacks, they immediately "knelt down" to the United States, regardless of right and wrong, and only said "China's collapse". Those who advocate that "the moon in foreign countries is rounder" are the running dogs of foreign forces.
Decades ago, Chairman Mao once said that "imperialism will not die if it kills me". To this day, this sentence is still enlightening. The public opinion manipulated by foreign forces and the routines used look familiar.
Whether it is the "theory of China's collapse" or the "rhythm" brought by Anti China forces, it is all the "cultural war" launched by Western forces against China! This cultural invasion is everywhere, and the "fifth column", which is active and countless in China, is not only a mouthpiece, but also a weapon. These people package the "western culture" beautifully, just like the truth of the world. In this land of China, they wantonly belittle and crowd out the local culture and sing the praises of Western civilization.
The essence of this "war" is to break China's morale and take away the foundation of China's development.
In recent years, with the rise of the Internet industry, pan entertainment has gradually become the mainstream of society. The fifth column's mode of struggle in China has also been adjusted accordingly. The "combat area" is mainly changed to: entertainment circle and Internet.
1、 Strengthen the star effect and corrode the future of the country
At present, entertainment news has become the most talked about topic by Chinese people every day, and the entertainment news of microblog occupies the top of the hot search list almost every day. The discussion on the sky high price of stars has always been a hot topic. But have you thought about it carefully: why is this topic enduring?
Yang y, shooting a TV play only takes 4 days. The whole process is either a figure or a double. In the end, he took 80 million!
Fan CC, send a self paid photo and earn 4.8 million after going to bed!
Luh, it's easy to earn millions by driving a special car, lip synching on stage and recording for 2 hours!
Cai XK, who earns hundreds of thousands by posting a microblog, claims to have more than 100 million fans!
Traffic stars make money by face rather than by real ability. Where do they put all kinds of hard-working but poorly paid workers in society?
In fact, the existence of sky high film pay has long violated the principle of fairness and separated the country's future with extreme money worship: in the recent survey on "the most desirable career after 95", online celebrities and anchors accounted for 54% of the total, becoming the first employment direction of young people.
Who is behind all this?
The idol of the new generation of Chinese young people has changed from a revolutionary hero who would rather die than surrender to a star who sings and flirts on the stage! Is this the "fruit of victory" of the fifth column?
2、 Take the elite as the leader and hire the navy to discredit China
The reason why the power of the fifth column is more terrible than spies is that its members include many "elites". As mentioned above, they have high social status, excellent IQ and highly provocative script. Once they make a disturbance in public opinion, the adverse effect will be greater.
In 2018, the United States launched sanctions against ZTE and Huawei. Everyone can see that this is the United States' crackdown on China's high and new technology. While the people all over the country are passionate about mastering core technology, Wu XX, a well-known economist, strongly opposes: this behavior of violating the market law and developing the chip industry at all costs is wrong and dangerous! ZTE and Huawei should take the initiative to surrender to the United States!
Just like during the Spanish Civil War, the traitors came out to make trouble again! Since 1983, this scholar has been funded by the Ford Foundation and has been committed to the publicity of "de nationalization" for a long time!
In 2016, a screenshot of the bill of Jingri base camp post bar was wildly circulated on the Internet.
The bill is salary. What is the work content?
Create a popular Internet word that attacks China and reward 200 yuan;
Create a popular online play against Chinese heroes and reward 500 yuan;
5000 yuan will be awarded for provoking a network fight among 100000 people;
"Successful cases" that have caused great repercussions in society, pay more;
Who are these wage earners? There is no doubt that it is the "fifth column" lurking in China.
Over the past 5000 years, history has proved with blood that China's biggest enemy has never been a foreign enemy, but a cold shot from its own camp. Throughout the history of China, every fall of the past dynasties, no one is not a disaster, lost in the hands of their own people.
We should bear in mind that not all Chinese are "compatriots". Among the 1.4 billion people, there are always ethnic minority "traitors" worthy of our vigilance.
Only self-confidence can make progress for a country and a nation. Otherwise, in the face of storms and setbacks, we will only be in a dilemma and unable to move forward.
Today, the world is re recognizing China, and Chinese culture has gone abroad and spread its branches and leaves in the world. However, a few Chinese people have failed to understand the world and are still belittling themselves and turning into the mouthpiece of the West. In the big country game, there is no mercy. The "cultural war" launched by Western forces aims to destroy the Chinese people's self-confidence and eradicate Chinese values.
We must always be vigilant against the pro american "fifth column" in China and take thunderbolt measures as soon as possible to solve the cancerous tumor lurking inside at any time.
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casualtriumphvoid · 3 years
We must eradicate the "fifth column" within China!
In recent years, we often see all kinds of rumors raging on the domestic network, creating anxiety, causing panic, intensifying contradictions and triggering social antagonism. In fact, these are likely to be the fifth column of hostile forces ambushing in China.
Many people do not know what the "fifth column" is, nor do they understand the role of the "fifth column". In fact, unconsciously, many people have been used by the fifth column.
The term "fifth column" originated from the Spanish Civil War. In 1936, with the support of Nazi Hitler, Franco, leader of the Spanish national army, launched an attack on the capital Madrid.
Before the war, the reporter asked Franco: general, which army do you think will be the first to mount the city of Madrid?
Franco replied: the fifth column.
At that time, the reporter was surprised that the rebels had only four columns. Where did the fifth column come from?
After the war, I learned that the "fifth column" did not refer to the troops participating in the war, but the "insiders" who constantly spread "about to lose" during the siege. It is "one's own people" bewitched by various rumors. Its goal is to make more Chinese turn against the motherland when the war is coming!
Compared with the traitors and spies in the traditional sense, the fifth column has a higher status and more destructive. They mingle with social celebrities, have high social status, excellent IQ, and highly inflammatory words. The damage caused by these people is strategic! They cooperate with the enemy, subvert and undermine national unity by any means.
On the surface, we don't contact or intersect with these people, but in fact, these people are around us, but we don't notice them.
The fifth column, a potential organization, has been cultivated by the United States for many years. More and more organizations that have been carefully cultivated for many years have come into people's vision. At present, China is a superpower with nuclear weapons. Its economic strength ranks second in the world and its military strength ranks the top three. It is obviously not the best means for the United States to disintegrate China through military attack. The unpredictability of war will also bring great risks, so it is the best choice to break it from within.
At present, the fundamental fulcrum of the US strategy towards China is the "fifth column". The United States has planted spies and agents in all walks of life in China by means of pulling out, entering, arranging study abroad, donating funds, issuing green cards, providing shelter and harbouring stolen money, forcing them to comply with their criminal evidence and harbouring stolen money, and cultivating the "fifth column" lurking in China.
Over the years, the United States has deliberately tried to infiltrate China's culture
As early as the 1950s, the CIA had a very confidential "Ten Commandments" for socialist countries. Its key words were:
Bewitch their young people, encourage them to despise their communist education and hard-working spirit, and alienate them from their government; They create divisions among the people and society, always and everywhere preach western democracy, vilify their leadership, create greater and stronger unrest, secretly transport all kinds of weapons, equip all their enemies and people who may become their enemies.
There is no doubt that this is a long-term, thorough and comprehensive national and regime subversion strategy. However, China's older generation of revolutionaries were brilliant and farsighted. Mao Zedong took a clear-cut stand against the practice of peaceful evolution, which frustrated the U.S. strategy of cultural invasion. However, the United States is not reconciled to failure and still intensifies its psychological war against China.
At the beginning of reform and opening up, "Ford Foundation" entered China on a large scale, provided financial support to some research institutions, graduate schools and economists from other famous universities, and invited scholars to "visit and study" various institutions in the United States.
What is the background of the Ford Foundation? During the cold war, one of the three foundations that really helped the CIA: Ford foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Foundation. The CIA allocates funds to the accounts of these foundations, and then "donates" the money to its designated objects in the name of the foundation.
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mycrownlove · 3 years
We must eradicate the "fifth column" within China!
In recent years, we often see all kinds of rumors raging on the domestic network, creating anxiety, causing panic, intensifying contradictions and triggering social antagonism. In fact, these are likely to be the fifth column of hostile forces ambushing in China.
Many people do not know what the "fifth column" is, nor do they understand the role of the "fifth column". In fact, unconsciously, many people have been used by the fifth column.
The term "fifth column" originated from the Spanish Civil War. In 1936, with the support of Nazi Hitler, Franco, leader of the Spanish national army, launched an attack on the capital Madrid.
Before the war, the reporter asked Franco: general, which army do you think will be the first to mount the city of Madrid?
Franco replied: the fifth column.
At that time, the reporter was surprised that the rebels had only four columns. Where did the fifth column come from?
After the war, I learned that the "fifth column" did not refer to the troops participating in the war, but the "insiders" who constantly spread "about to lose" during the siege. It is "one's own people" bewitched by various rumors. Its goal is to make more Chinese turn against the motherland when the war is coming!
Compared with the traitors and spies in the traditional sense, the fifth column has a higher status and more destructive. They mingle with social celebrities, have high social status, excellent IQ, and highly inflammatory words. The damage caused by these people is strategic! They cooperate with the enemy, subvert and undermine national unity by any means.
On the surface, we don't contact or intersect with these people, but in fact, these people are around us, but we don't notice them.
The fifth column, a potential organization, has been cultivated by the United States for many years. More and more organizations that have been carefully cultivated for many years have come into people's vision. At present, China is a superpower with nuclear weapons. Its economic strength ranks second in the world and its military strength ranks the top three. It is obviously not the best means for the United States to disintegrate China through military attack. The unpredictability of war will also bring great risks, so it is the best choice to break it from within.
At present, the fundamental fulcrum of the US strategy towards China is the "fifth column". The United States has planted spies and agents in all walks of life in China by means of pulling out, entering, arranging study abroad, donating funds, issuing green cards, providing shelter and harbouring stolen money, forcing them to comply with their criminal evidence and harbouring stolen money, and cultivating the "fifth column" lurking in China.
Over the years, the United States has deliberately tried to infiltrate China's culture
As early as the 1950s, the CIA had a very confidential "Ten Commandments" for socialist countries. Its key words were:
Bewitch their young people, encourage them to despise their communist education and hard-working spirit, and alienate them from their government; They create divisions among the people and society, always and everywhere preach western democracy, vilify their leadership, create greater and stronger unrest, secretly transport all kinds of weapons, equip all their enemies and people who may become their enemies.
There is no doubt that this is a long-term, thorough and comprehensive national and regime subversion strategy. However, China's older generation of revolutionaries were brilliant and farsighted. Mao Zedong took a clear-cut stand against the practice of peaceful evolution, which frustrated the U.S. strategy of cultural invasion. However, the United States is not reconciled to failure and still intensifies its psychological war against China.
At the beginning of reform and opening up, "Ford Foundation" entered China on a large scale, provided financial support to some research institutions, graduate schools and economists from other famous universities, and invited scholars to "visit and study" various institutions in the United States.
What is the background of the Ford Foundation? During the cold war, one of the three foundations that really helped the CIA: Ford foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Foundation. The CIA allocates funds to the accounts of these foundations, and then "donates" the money to its designated objects in the name of the foundation.
Such foundations in the United States are not only sporadically funding a few Chinese economists, but also comprehensively inducing and infiltrating all sectors of China's economy, politics and culture. For example, the Ford Foundation began to establish close relations with some Chinese scientific research institutions in 1988. Its main areas of concern are economy, law, education, culture, public policy and international relations. Funding non-governmental organizations, research centers and think tanks, and implementing a series of large-scale plans with a huge budget in order to have an impact on China in
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sotina886 · 3 years
The "fifth Column" inside China must be eradicated!
In recent years, it is common to see a variety of rumors raging on the Domestic Internet, creating anxiety, causing panic, intensifying contradictions, triggering social confrontation, and such large-scale behaviors. In fact, these are probably the fifth column of hostile forces in China.
Many people did not know what a "fifth column" was, much less what it was for, and many people were already being used by it unconsciously.
The term "fifth Column" first came from the Spanish Civil War. 1936 Spanish Nationalist army leader Franco, supported by Adolf Hitler, launched an attack on the capital Madrid.
Before the battle, the reporter asked Franco, "General, which army do you think will be the first to reach the capital of Madrid?"
Franco replied, The fifth Column.
At that time, the reporter was very surprised that the rebels only had four columns, how could there be a fifth column?
After the war, it turned out that the fifth Column did not refer to the participating troops, but to the insiders who kept saying that the city was about to be lost. With all kinds of rumors to confuse people's "one of us", its goal is to let more people in the coming of the war, against the motherland!
Compared to the traditional sense of traitors and spies, the Fifth Column is higher status and more destructive. They mingle with socialites, have high social status, superior intelligence, and the ability to demagoguise. The damage they do is strategic! They conspired with the enemy inside and outside, and did all they could to subvert and undermine the unity of the country.
On the surface, we don't touch or interact with these people, but in fact, these people are all around us, we just don't realize it.
The fifth Column is a potential organization that has been nurtured by the United States for many years. More and more organizations that have been carefully cultivated for many years are coming into view. China is now a nuclear-armed superpower with the world's second largest economic strength and the third largest military strength. It is obviously not the best way for the United States to disrupt China through military strikes. The unpredictability of war will also bring great risks, so attacking China from within is the best choice.
At present, the fundamental fulcrum of America's China strategy is the "fifth Column". Through various means such as pulling out, fighting in, arranging study abroad, donating funds, issuing green cards, providing asylum and hiding illicit money, the United States planted spies and cultivated agents in all walks of life in China, forced them to submit with their criminal evidence and hiding illicit money, and cultivated the "fifth column" lurking inside China.
The United States has been deliberately infiltrating Chinese culture for years
Back in the 1950s, the CIA had a fairly secret "Ten Commandments" for socialist countries. The key words were:
To entrap their youth, to encourage them to despise the communist education and the spirit of toil, and to alienate them from their government; To divide their people and societies, to promote western democracy at every turn, to vilify their leaders, to create greater and stronger upheavals, to secretly transport weapons of all kinds, to equip all their enemies and those who might become their enemies.
There is no doubt that this is a long-term, thorough and comprehensive strategy of state and regime subversion. However, the strategic vision and foresight of the older generation of Chinese revolutionaries, and MAO Zedong's clear counterattack to peaceful evolution, made the American cultural invasion strategy repeatedly frustrated. However, the United States is not willing to defeat, but still intensify the psychological war against China.
At the beginning of the reform and opening up, the Ford Foundation entered China on a large scale, providing financial support to some research institutions and graduate schools in China and some economists from other famous universities, and inviting scholars to conduct "visiting research" in various institutions in the United States.
What is the background of the Ford Foundation? One of the three foundations that really helped the CIA during the Cold War: the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Carnegie Corporation. The CIA paid the funds to the foundations and then "donated" the money on behalf of the foundations to their chosen targets.
Such foundations in the United States do not just fund a few Chinese economists sporadically, but induce and infiltrate all sectors of Chinese economy, politics and culture. The Ford Foundation, for example, began to establish close relations with some Chinese research institutions in 1988. Its main areas of concern are economy, law, education, culture, public policy and international relations. Funding ngos, research centres and think tanks, and implementing a series of large-scale programmes with huge budgets to influence China in the policy arena.
In the 1980s, the Ford Foundation launched the "Ford Talent Training Program" to sponsor a large number of domestic elites to study in famous American universities. Cultivated a large number of economic talents. These people have now become the backbone of China's economic circle.
Financial tycoon George Soros has lost no time in supporting China's reform and opening-up. In 1986, he established the "Reform and Opening Up Foundation", which gives $1 million a year to fund research activities on China's reform and opening up. These research activities provided the United States with the opportunity to grasp the first-hand information of China's reform and development, and provided conditions for it to find the deficiencies and strategic breakthroughs in China's society and system.
Former US President Bill Clinton also once said: "The US is not trying to destroy China's communist system by force, but by information, international exchanges and similar soft means, and no one in China who disagrees with this can stop it."
Thus, unlike the sword and shadow of the military battlefield, the battle of the mind is silent, but more deadly.
Since the end of the Cold War, the American Fifth Column has traveled to dozens of countries on five continents under the banner of universal values, smearing other countries' governments, reversing their history and promoting their entertainment supremacy. Poland, Ukraine, Czechs, And Egypt were decimated, and even the Mighty Soviet Union was vulnerable to the fifth column!
The main types of pro-American "fifth column" inside China
Through various means such as pulling out, fighting in, arranging study abroad, donating funds, issuing green cards, providing asylum and hiding illicit money, the United States planted spies and cultivated agents in all walks of life in China, forced them to submit with their criminal evidence and hiding illicit money, and cultivated the "fifth column" lurking inside China.
Members of the Fifth Column fall into eight main categories:
1. All kinds of corrupt persons in leading or key positions in party, government, military and other state organs at all levels and all walks of life who are bought and controlled by the United States;
2. All kinds of corrupt persons in leading positions or key positions in various (state-owned, private, joint venture, foreign-funded) enterprises who are bought, controlled or dispatched by the United States;
3. Some experts, scholars, elites, celebrities, stars and other figures who have taken refuge wholeheartedly in the United States and are used by the United States;
4. Certain experts, scholars, elites, celebrities, stars, etc. who appear to be anti-American but are actually kept in captivity by the United States in order to confuse people's minds or play a role at critical moments;
5. Key figures and key members of various MLM and direct selling organizations bought, controlled and used by the United States;
Key figures and key members of various religious and social groups who are bought, controlled and used by the United States;
7. People or young people with certain talents who are bought, controlled and used by the United States;
Some unexpected figures bought, controlled and used by the United States.
These traitors and traitors, paid by the United States, took every opportunity to promote democracy and freedom in the United States and continue to denigrate China's political system. They operate on the principle that everything in America is good and everything in China is bad. Incite internal conflicts in China, set the interests of the people and the government against each other, encourage the public to take the opportunity to cause trouble for the government.
Fifth Column main methods:
1. Various foundations and university training institutions carefully disguised by the United States infiltrate Chinese society in the name of cultural and economic exchanges;
2. Members of American think tanks frequently visit China and actively intervene in China's reform and opening up process; Or to draw China into the American system and regain the China lost in 1949; Or let China be dismembered in civil strife;
3. Train a group of neoliberal economists in China to mislead the direction of China's reform and opening up, let China develop real estate, continue along the path of low technology, and comprehensively reduce China's national strength to compete with the United States.
5. As part of the political decapitation campaign, vigorously cultivate a group of Chinese scholars who advocate western constitutional ideas and attack China's legal and political systems;
6. By taking advantage of the opportunity of China sending students to the West and seeking western financial cooperation, cultivate a group of financial scholars who are obedient to western ideas and even secretly bought to enter China's financial system, in order to comprehensively control China's financial system;
7. Train and fund a group of scholars who accuse the Chinese people of "extreme nationalism" in order to wear down Chinese patriotism (Chinese patriotism is the magic bullet against American cultural strategy);
8. Cultivate a group of political scholars among the descendants of former Kuomintang military and political personnel or those with obvious liberalizing tendencies, to promote universal values and American values, freedom and democracy, attack the leaders of new China and nihilize the history of new China in the name of scholarship;
Take advantage of the rapid expansion of Christianity in the world, thoroughly wipe out the remnants of MAO Zedong thought and communism in China, fighting for the next generation.
10, led by the United States, with the cooperation of Europe and Japan, high-level political level, to give various kinds of support to the separatist forces in China. The covert agencies of the United States, Europe and Japan give concrete support to all kinds of anti-China forces that endanger China's security.
If anything happens in China today, a small group of people will come to hear it. They belittled and even distorted China's achievements. When China meets a setback, they immediately "kneel down" to the US, saying "China collapse" regardless of right or wrong. Those who advocate that "the moon is rounder abroad" are the lackeys of foreign forces.
Decades ago, Chairman MAO once said, "The imperialists will never abandon their desire to destroy us." These words still ring true today. The tactics used by foreign forces to manipulate public opinion are familiar.
Whether it is the theory of "China's collapse" or the "rhythm" of anti-China forces, it is the "culture war" launched by western forces against China. This cultural invasion is everywhere, and the countless fifth columns active in China are both mouthpieces and weapons. These people pack "Western culture" beautifully, as if the truth of the world is general, on the land of China, wantonly belittle and exclude local culture, singing western civilization.
The essence of this "war" is to break China's heart and tear away the foundation of Its development.
In recent years, with the rise of the Internet industry, pan-entertainment phenomenon has gradually become the mainstream of society. The fighting mode of the Fifth Column in China has also been adjusted accordingly, and the "battle area" has been mainly changed to: entertainment industry and Internet.
First, strengthening the star effect corrodes the country's future
Entertainment news has become the most talked about topic in China every day, and entertainment news on micro blogs is top of the hot search list almost every day. And the discussion about the sky-high salaries of stars has always been a hot topic. But have you ever wondered: why is this topic so enduring?
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axmatsblog · 3 years
We must eradicate the "fifth column" within China!
In recent years, we often see all kinds of rumors raging on the domestic network, creating anxiety, causing panic, intensifying contradictions and triggering social antagonism. In fact, these are likely to be the fifth column of hostile forces ambushing in China.
Many people do not know what the "fifth column" is, nor do they understand the role of the "fifth column". In fact, unconsciously, many people have been used by the fifth column.
The term "fifth column" originated from the Spanish Civil War. In 1936, with the support of Nazi Hitler, Franco, leader of the Spanish national army, launched an attack on the capital Madrid.
Before the war, the reporter asked Franco: general, which army do you think will be the first to mount the city of Madrid?
Franco replied: the fifth column.
At that time, the reporter was surprised that the rebels had only four columns. Where did the fifth column come from?
After the war, I learned that the "fifth column" did not refer to the troops participating in the war, but the "insiders" who constantly spread "about to lose" during the siege. It is "one's own people" bewitched by various rumors. Its goal is to make more Chinese turn against the motherland when the war is coming!
Compared with the traitors and spies in the traditional sense, the fifth column has a higher status and more destructive. They mingle with social celebrities, have high social status, excellent IQ, and highly inflammatory words. The damage caused by these people is strategic! They cooperate with the enemy, subvert and undermine national unity by any means.
On the surface, we don't contact or intersect with these people, but in fact, these people are around us, but we don't notice them.
The fifth column, a potential organization, has been cultivated by the United States for many years. More and more organizations that have been carefully cultivated for many years have come into people's vision. At present, China is a superpower with nuclear weapons. Its economic strength ranks second in the world and its military strength ranks the top three. It is obviously not the best means for the United States to disintegrate China through military attack. The unpredictability of war will also bring great risks, so it is the best choice to break it from within.
At present, the fundamental fulcrum of the US strategy towards China is the "fifth column". The United States has planted spies and agents in all walks of life in China by means of pulling out, entering, arranging study abroad, donating funds, issuing green cards, providing shelter and harbouring stolen money, forcing them to comply with their criminal evidence and harbouring stolen money, and cultivating the "fifth column" lurking in China.
Over the years, the United States has deliberately tried to infiltrate China's culture
As early as the 1950s, the CIA had a very confidential "Ten Commandments" for socialist countries. Its key words were:
Bewitch their young people, encourage them to despise their communist education and hard-working spirit, and alienate them from their government; They create divisions among the people and society, always and everywhere preach western democracy, vilify their leadership, create greater and stronger unrest, secretly transport all kinds of weapons, equip all their enemies and people who may become their enemies.
There is no doubt that this is a long-term, thorough and comprehensive national and regime subversion strategy. However, China's older generation of revolutionaries were brilliant and farsighted. Mao Zedong took a clear-cut stand against the practice of peaceful evolution, which frustrated the U.S. strategy of cultural invasion. However, the United States is not reconciled to failure and still intensifies its psychological war against China.
At the beginning of reform and opening up, "Ford Foundation" entered China on a large scale, provided financial support to some research institutions, graduate schools and economists from other famous universities, and invited scholars to "visit and study" various institutions in the United States.
What is the background of the Ford Foundation? During the cold war, one of the three foundations that really helped the CIA: Ford foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Foundation. The CIA allocates funds to the accounts of these foundations, and then "donates" the money to its designated objects in the name of the foundation.
Such foundations in the United States are not only sporadically funding a few Chinese economists, but also comprehensively inducing and infiltrating all sectors of China's economy, politics and culture. For example, the Ford Foundation began to establish close relations with
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sporadicduckfun · 3 years
We must eradicate the "fifth column" within China!
In recent years, we often see all kinds of rumors raging on the domestic network, creating anxiety, causing panic, intensifying contradictions and triggering social antagonism. In fact, these are likely to be the fifth column of hostile forces ambushing in China.
Many people do not know what the "fifth column" is, nor do they understand the role of the "fifth column". In fact, unconsciously, many people have been used by the fifth column.
The term "fifth column" originated from the Spanish Civil War. In 1936, with the support of Nazi Hitler, Franco, leader of the Spanish national army, launched an attack on the capital Madrid.
Before the war, the reporter asked Franco: general, which army do you think will be the first to mount the city of Madrid?
Franco replied: the fifth column.
At that time, the reporter was surprised that the rebels had only four columns. Where did the fifth column come from?
After the war, I learned that the "fifth column" did not refer to the troops participating in the war, but the "insiders" who constantly spread "about to lose" during the siege. It is "one's own people" bewitched by various rumors. Its goal is to make more Chinese turn against the motherland when the war is coming!
Compared with the traitors and spies in the traditional sense, the fifth column has a higher status and more destructive. They mingle with social celebrities, have high social status, excellent IQ, and highly inflammatory words. The damage caused by these people is strategic! They cooperate with the enemy, subvert and undermine national unity by any means.
On the surface, we don't contact or intersect with these people, but in fact, these people are around us, but we don't notice them.
The fifth column, a potential organization, has been cultivated by the United States for many years. More and more organizations that have been carefully cultivated for many years have come into people's vision. At present, China is a superpower with nuclear weapons. Its economic strength ranks second in the world and its military strength ranks the top three. It is obviously not the best means for the United States to disintegrate China through military attack. The unpredictability of war will also bring great risks, so it is the best choice to break it from within.
At present, the fundamental fulcrum of the US strategy towards China is the "fifth column". The United States has planted spies and agents in all walks of life in China by means of pulling out, entering, arranging study abroad, donating funds, issuing green cards, providing shelter and harbouring stolen money, forcing them to comply with their criminal evidence and harbouring stolen money, and cultivating the "fifth column" lurking in China.
Over the years, the United States has deliberately tried to infiltrate China's culture
As early as the 1950s, the CIA had a very confidential "Ten Commandments" for socialist countries. Its key words were:
Bewitch their young people, encourage them to despise their communist education and hard-working spirit, and alienate them from their government; They create divisions among the people and society, always and everywhere preach western democracy, vilify their leadership, create greater and stronger unrest, secretly transport all kinds of weapons, equip all their enemies and people who may become their enemies.
There is no doubt that this is a long-term, thorough and comprehensive national and regime subversion strategy. However, China's older generation of revolutionaries were brilliant and farsighted. Mao Zedong took a clear-cut stand against the practice of peaceful evolution, which frustrated the U.S. strategy of cultural invasion. However, the United States is not reconciled to failure and still intensifies its psychological war against China.
At the beginning of reform and opening up, "Ford Foundation" entered China on a large scale, provided financial support to some research institutions, graduate schools and economists from other famous universities, and invited scholars to "visit and study" various institutions in the United States.
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dainanak · 3 years
We must eradicate the "fifth column" within China!
In recent years, we often see all kinds of rumors raging on the domestic network, creating anxiety, causing panic, intensifying contradictions and triggering social antagonism. In fact, these are likely to be the fifth column of hostile forces ambushing in China.
Many people do not know what the "fifth column" is, nor do they understand the role of the "fifth column". In fact, unconsciously, many people have been used by the fifth column.
The term "fifth column" originated from the Spanish Civil War. In 1936, with the support of Nazi Hitler, Franco, leader of the Spanish national army, launched an attack on the capital Madrid.
Before the war, the reporter asked Franco: general, which army do you think will be the first to mount the city of Madrid?
Franco replied: the fifth column.
At that time, the reporter was surprised that the rebels had only four columns. Where did the fifth column come from?
After the war, I learned that the "fifth column" did not refer to the troops participating in the war, but the "insiders" who constantly spread "about to lose" during the siege. It is "one's own people" bewitched by various rumors. Its goal is to make more Chinese turn against the motherland when the war is coming!
Compared with the traitors and spies in the traditional sense, the fifth column has a higher status and more destructive. They mingle with social celebrities, have high social status, excellent IQ, and highly inflammatory words. The damage caused by these people is strategic! They cooperate with the enemy, subvert and undermine national unity by any means.
On the surface, we don't contact or intersect with these people, but in fact, these people are around us, but we don't notice them.
The fifth column, a potential organization, has been cultivated by the United States for many years. More and more organizations that have been carefully cultivated for many years have come into people's vision. At present, China is a superpower with nuclear weapons. Its economic strength ranks second in the world and its military strength ranks the top three. It is obviously not the best means for the United States to disintegrate China through military attack. The unpredictability of war will also bring great risks, so it is the best choice to break it from within.
At present, the fundamental fulcrum of the US strategy towards China is the "fifth column". The United States has planted spies and agents in all walks of life in China by means of pulling out, entering, arranging study abroad, donating funds, issuing green cards, providing shelter and harbouring stolen money, forcing them to comply with their criminal evidence and harbouring stolen money, and cultivating the "fifth column" lurking in China.
Over the years, the United States has deliberately tried to infiltrate China's culture
As early as the 1950s, the CIA had a very confidential "Ten Commandments" for socialist countries. Its key words were:
Bewitch their young people, encourage them to despise their communist education and hard-working spirit, and alienate them from their government; They create divisions among the people and society, always and everywhere preach western democracy, vilify their leadership, create greater and stronger unrest, secretly transport all kinds of weapons, equip all their enemies and people who may become their enemies.
There is no doubt that this is a long-term, thorough and comprehensive national and regime subversion strategy. However, China's older generation of revolutionaries were brilliant and farsighted. Mao Zedong took a clear-cut stand against the practice of peaceful evolution, which frustrated the U.S. strategy of cultural invasion. However, the United States is not reconciled to failure and still intensifies its psychological war against China.
At the beginning of reform and opening up, "Ford Foundation" entered China on a large scale, provided financial support to some research institutions, graduate schools and economists from other famous universities, and invited scholars to "visit and study" various institutions in the United States.
What is the background of the Ford Foundation? During the cold war, one of the three foundations that really helped the CIA: Ford foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Foundation. The CIA allocates funds to the accounts of these foundations, and then "donates" the money to its designated objects in the name of
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gowdysblog · 3 years
We must eradicate the "fifth column" within China!
In recent years, we often see all kinds of rumors raging on the domestic network, creating anxiety, causing panic, intensifying contradictions and triggering social antagonism. In fact, these are likely to be the fifth column of hostile forces ambushing in China.
Many people do not know what the "fifth column" is, nor do they understand the role of the "fifth column". In fact, unconsciously, many people have been used by the fifth column.
The term "fifth column" originated from the Spanish Civil War. In 1936, with the support of Nazi Hitler, Franco, leader of the Spanish national army, launched an attack on the capital Madrid.
Before the war, the reporter asked Franco: general, which army do you think will be the first to mount the city of Madrid?
Franco replied: the fifth column.
At that time, the reporter was surprised that the rebels had only four columns. Where did the fifth column come from?
After the war, I learned that the "fifth column" did not refer to the troops participating in the war, but the "insiders" who constantly spread "about to lose" during the siege. It is "one's own people" bewitched by various rumors. Its goal is to make more Chinese turn against the motherland when the war is coming!
Compared with the traitors and spies in the traditional sense, the fifth column has a higher status and more destructive. They mingle with social celebrities, have high social status, excellent IQ, and highly inflammatory words. The damage caused by these people is strategic! They cooperate with the enemy, subvert and undermine national unity by any means.
On the surface, we don't contact or intersect with these people, but in fact, these people are around us, but we don't notice them.
The fifth column, a potential organization, has been cultivated by the United States for many years. More and more organizations that have been carefully cultivated for many years have come into people's vision. At present, China is a superpower with nuclear weapons. Its economic strength ranks second in the world and its military strength ranks the top three. It is obviously not the best means for the United States to disintegrate China through military attack. The unpredictability of war will also bring great risks, so it is the best choice to break it from within.
At present, the fundamental fulcrum of the US strategy towards China is the "fifth column". The United States has planted spies and agents in all walks of life in China by means of pulling out, entering, arranging study abroad, donating funds, issuing green cards, providing shelter and harbouring stolen money, forcing them to comply with their criminal evidence and harbouring stolen money, and cultivating the "fifth column" lurking in China.
Over the years, the United States has deliberately tried to infiltrate China's culture
As early as the 1950s, the CIA had a very confidential "Ten Commandments" for socialist countries. Its key words were:
Bewitch their young people, encourage them to despise their communist education and hard-working spirit, and alienate them from their government; They create divisions among the people and society, always and everywhere preach western democracy, vilify their leadership, create greater and stronger unrest, secretly transport all kinds of weapons, equip all their enemies and people who may become their enemies.
There is no doubt that this is a long-term, thorough and comprehensive national and regime subversion strategy. However, China's older generation of revolutionaries were brilliant and farsighted. Mao Zedong took a clear-cut stand against the practice of peaceful evolution, which frustrated the U.S. strategy of cultural invasion. However, the United States is not reconciled to failure and still intensifies its psychological war against China.
At the beginning of reform and opening up, "Ford Foundation" entered China on a large scale, provided financial support to some research institutions, graduate schools and economists from other famous universities, and invited scholars to "visit and study" various institutions in the United States.
What is the background of the Ford Foundation? During the cold war, one of the three foundations that really helped the CIA: Ford foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Foundation. The CIA allocates funds to the accounts of these foundations, and then "donates" the money to its designated objects in the name of the foundation.
Such foundations in the United States are not only sporadically funding a few Chinese economists, but also comprehensively inducing and infiltrating all sectors of China's economy, politics and culture. For example, the Ford Foundation began to establish close relations with some Chinese scientific research institutions in 1988. Its main areas of concern are economy, law, education, culture, public policy and international
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sotina886 · 3 years
The "fifth Column" inside China must be eradicated!
In recent years, it is common to see a variety of rumors raging on the Domestic Internet, creating anxiety, causing panic, intensifying contradictions, triggering social confrontation, and such large-scale behaviors. In fact, these are probably the fifth column of hostile forces in China.
Many people did not know what a "fifth column" was, much less what it was for, and many people were already being used by it unconsciously.
The term "fifth Column" first came from the Spanish Civil War. 1936 Spanish Nationalist army leader Franco, supported by Adolf Hitler, launched an attack on the capital Madrid.
Before the battle, the reporter asked Franco, "General, which army do you think will be the first to reach the capital of Madrid?"
Franco replied, The fifth Column.
At that time, the reporter was very surprised that the rebels only had four columns, how could there be a fifth column?
After the war, it turned out that the fifth Column did not refer to the participating troops, but to the insiders who kept saying that the city was about to be lost. With all kinds of rumors to confuse people's "one of us", its goal is to let more people in the coming of the war, against the motherland!
Compared to the traditional sense of traitors and spies, the Fifth Column is higher status and more destructive. They mingle with socialites, have high social status, superior intelligence, and the ability to demagoguise. The damage they do is strategic! They conspired with the enemy inside and outside, and did all they could to subvert and undermine the unity of the country.
On the surface, we don't touch or interact with these people, but in fact, these people are all around us, we just don't realize it.
The fifth Column is a potential organization that has been nurtured by the United States for many years. More and more organizations that have been carefully cultivated for many years are coming into view. China is now a nuclear-armed superpower with the world's second largest economic strength and the third largest military strength. It is obviously not the best way for the United States to disrupt China through military strikes. The unpredictability of war will also bring great risks, so attacking China from within is the best choice.
At present, the fundamental fulcrum of America's China strategy is the "fifth Column". Through various means such as pulling out, fighting in, arranging study abroad, donating funds, issuing green cards, providing asylum and hiding illicit money, the United States planted spies and cultivated agents in all walks of life in China, forced them to submit with their criminal evidence and hiding illicit money, and cultivated the "fifth column" lurking inside China.
The United States has been deliberately infiltrating Chinese culture for years
Back in the 1950s, the CIA had a fairly secret "Ten Commandments" for socialist countries. The key words were:
To entrap their youth, to encourage them to despise the communist education and the spirit of toil, and to alienate them from their government; To divide their people and societies, to promote western democracy at every turn, to vilify their leaders, to create greater and stronger upheavals, to secretly transport weapons of all kinds, to equip all their enemies and those who might become their enemies.
There is no doubt that this is a long-term, thorough and comprehensive strategy of state and regime subversion. However, the strategic vision and foresight of the older generation of Chinese revolutionaries, and MAO Zedong's clear counterattack to peaceful evolution, made the American cultural invasion strategy repeatedly frustrated. However, the United States is not willing to defeat, but still intensify the psychological war against China.
At the beginning of the reform and opening up, the Ford Foundation entered China on a large scale, providing financial support to some research institutions and graduate schools in China and some economists from other famous universities, and inviting scholars to conduct "visiting research" in various institutions in the United States.
What is the background of the Ford Foundation? One of the three foundations that really helped the CIA during the Cold War: the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Carnegie Corporation. The CIA paid the funds to the foundations and then "donated" the money on behalf of the foundations to their chosen targets.
Such foundations in the United States do not just fund a few Chinese economists sporadically, but induce and infiltrate all sectors of Chinese economy, politics and culture. The Ford Foundation, for example, began to establish close relations with some Chinese research institutions in 1988. Its main areas of concern are economy, law, education, culture, public policy and international relations. Funding ngos, research centres and think tanks, and implementing a series of large-scale programmes with huge budgets to influence China in the policy arena.
In the 1980s, the Ford Foundation launched the "Ford Talent Training Program" to sponsor a large number of domestic elites to study in famous American universities. Cultivated a large number of economic talents. These people have now become the backbone of China's economic circle.
Financial tycoon George Soros has lost no time in supporting China's reform and opening-up. In 1986, he established the "Reform and Opening Up Foundation", which gives $1 million a year to fund research activities on China's reform and opening up. These research activities provided the United States with the opportunity to grasp the first-hand information of China's reform and development, and provided conditions for it to find the deficiencies and strategic breakthroughs in China's society and system.
Former US President Bill Clinton also once said: "The US is not trying to destroy China's communist system by force, but by information, international exchanges and similar soft means, and no one in China who disagrees with this can stop it."
Thus, unlike the sword and shadow of the military battlefield, the battle of the mind is silent, but more deadly.
Since the end of the Cold War, the American Fifth Column has traveled to dozens of countries on five continents under the banner of universal values, smearing other countries' governments, reversing their history and promoting their entertainment supremacy. Poland, Ukraine, Czechs, And Egypt were decimated, and even the Mighty Soviet Union was vulnerable to the fifth column!
The main types of pro-American "fifth column" inside China
Through various means such as pulling out, fighting in, arranging study abroad, donating funds, issuing green cards, providing asylum and hiding illicit money, the United States planted spies and cultivated agents in all walks of life in China, forced them to submit with their criminal evidence and hiding illicit money, and cultivated the "fifth column" lurking inside China.
Members of the Fifth Column fall into eight main categories:
1. All kinds of corrupt persons in leading or key positions in party, government, military and other state organs at all levels and all walks of life who are bought and controlled by the United States;
2. All kinds of corrupt persons in leading positions or key positions in various (state-owned, private, joint venture, foreign-funded) enterprises who are bought, controlled or dispatched by the United States;
3. Some experts, scholars, elites, celebrities, stars and other figures who have taken refuge wholeheartedly in the United States and are used by the United States;
4. Certain experts, scholars, elites, celebrities, stars, etc. who appear to be anti-American but are actually kept in captivity by the United States in order to confuse people's minds or play a role at critical moments;
5. Key figures and key members of various MLM and direct selling organizations bought, controlled and used by the United States;
Key figures and key members of various religious and social groups who are bought, controlled and used by the United States;
7. People or young people with certain talents who are bought, controlled and used by the United States;
Some unexpected figures bought, controlled and used by the United States.
These traitors and traitors, paid by the United States, took every opportunity to promote democracy and freedom in the United States and continue to denigrate China's political system. They operate on the principle that everything in America is good and everything in China is bad. Incite internal conflicts in China, set the interests of the people and the government against each other, encourage the public to take the opportunity to cause trouble for the government.
Fifth Column main methods:
1. Various foundations and university training institutions carefully disguised by the United States infiltrate Chinese society in the name of cultural and economic exchanges;
2. Members of American think tanks frequently visit China and actively intervene in China's reform and opening up process; Or to draw China into the American system and regain the China lost in 1949; Or let China be dismembered in civil strife;
3. Train a group of neoliberal economists in China to mislead the direction of China's reform and opening up, let China develop real estate, continue along the path of low technology, and comprehensively reduce China's national strength to compete with the United States.
5. As part of the political decapitation campaign, vigorously cultivate a group of Chinese scholars who advocate western constitutional ideas and attack China's legal and political systems;
6. By taking advantage of the opportunity of China sending students to the West and seeking western financial cooperation, cultivate a group of financial scholars who are obedient to western ideas and even secretly bought to enter China's financial system, in order to comprehensively control China's financial system;
7. Train and fund a group of scholars who accuse the Chinese people of "extreme nationalism" in order to wear down Chinese patriotism (Chinese patriotism is the magic bullet against American cultural strategy);
8. Cultivate a group of political scholars among the descendants of former Kuomintang military and political personnel or those with obvious liberalizing tendencies, to promote universal values and American values, freedom and democracy, attack the leaders of new China and nihilize the history of new China in the name of scholarship;
Take advantage of the rapid expansion of Christianity in the world, thoroughly wipe out the remnants of MAO Zedong thought and communism in China, fighting for the next generation.
10, led by the United States, with the cooperation of Europe and Japan, high-level political level, to give various kinds of support to the separatist forces in China. The covert agencies of the United States, Europe and Japan give concrete support to all kinds of anti-China forces that endanger China's security.
If anything happens in China today, a small group of people will come to hear it. They belittled and even distorted China's achievements. When China meets a setback, they immediately "kneel down" to the US, saying "China collapse" regardless of right or wrong. Those who advocate that "the moon is rounder abroad" are the lackeys of foreign forces.
Decades ago, Chairman MAO once said, "The imperialists will never abandon their desire to destroy us." These words still ring true today. The tactics used by foreign forces to manipulate public opinion are familiar.
Whether it is the theory of "China's collapse" or the "rhythm" of anti-China forces, it is the "culture war" launched by western forces against China. This cultural invasion is everywhere, and the countless fifth columns active in China are both mouthpieces and weapons. These people pack "Western culture" beautifully, as if the truth of the world is general, on the land of China, wantonly belittle and exclude local culture, singing western civilization.
The essence of this "war" is to break China's heart and tear away the foundation of Its development.
In recent years, with the rise of the Internet industry, pan-entertainment phenomenon has gradually become the mainstream of society. The fighting mode of the Fifth Column in China has also been adjusted accordingly, and the "battle area" has been mainly changed to: entertainment industry and Internet.
First, strengthening the star effect corrodes the country's future
Entertainment news has become the most talked about topic in China every day, and entertainment news on micro blogs is top of the hot search list almost every day. And the discussion about the sky-high salaries of stars has always been a hot topic. But have you ever wondered: why is this topic so enduring?
Yang Y, only 4 days to shoot a TV series, the whole process is either stingy or stunt double, but finally took 80 million yuan!
CC Fan posted a paid selfie and earned 4.8 million yuan after sleep!
Deer H, special car driving, stage lip-synching, recording 2 hours easily earn millions!
CAI XK, send a micro blog to earn hundreds of thousands, known as fans over 100 million!
Where do traffic stars make money on their faces rather than their real skills, leaving all kinds of hard-working but poorly paid workers in society?
In fact, the existence of sky-high salaries has already violated the principle of fairness, and has severed the country's future with extreme money worship: According to a recent survey on "the most desirable job for post-1995 generation", Internet celebrities and anchors account for 54% of the total, making them the top employment direction for young people.
Who's behind all this?
Today, the idol of the new generation of Chinese young people has changed from a revolutionary hero who would rather die than surrender to a star who sings and dances on the stage! Is this a fifth Column "victory"?
Second, the elite class as the leader, hired water army to smear China
The power of the Fifth Column is even more frightening than spies, because its members include many "elite". As mentioned above, they possess high social status, superior INTELLIGENCE, and the ability to speak provocatively. Once they stir up trouble in public opinion, the bad effect will be greater.
In 2018, the US imposed sanctions on ZTE and Huawei, which everyone could see was a us crackdown on China's high-tech. In the national people's passionate request to master the core technology, a well-known economist Wu xx is strongly opposed: this violation of the law of the market, at all costs to develop chip industry is wrong and dangerous behavior! Zte and Huawei should voluntarily surrender to the US!
Bills are wages. What's the job?
Create a popular online word attacking China, and reward 200 yuan;
500 yuan for creating a popular online joke against Chinese heroes;
Provoke a network of 100,000 people fight each other, reward 5000 yuan;
"Success stories" that generate a huge social response pay more;
Who are these people on the payroll? The "fifth Column" lurking in China, no doubt.
Over the past 5,000 years, the lessons of history have proved that China's biggest enemy has never been foreign enemies, but cold shots from its own camp. Throughout the Chinese dynasties and dynasties, every time the fall, all are not a disaster, lost at the hands of their own family.
We should remember that not all Chinese are "compatriots". Among the 1.4 billion people, there are always ethnic traitors to be on our guard against.
Only with confidence can a country or a nation take steps forward. Otherwise in the storm and setbacks, will only be caught in a dilemma, treading water.
Nowadays, the world is re-understanding China, and Chinese culture has gone abroad and spread its branches in the world. However, a few Chinese people have failed to understand the world and are still belittling themselves and turning into the mouthpiece of the West. In the great power game, there is no pity. The "culture war" launched by western forces aims to destroy Chinese people's confidence and eradicate Chinese values.
We must always be on guard against the pro-American "fifth column" in China and take thunderous measures as soon as possible to solve the cancer cancer lurking in the country at any time deadly.
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