#concidering i made my own changes to the canon
dapper-lil-arts · 2 months
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It's never too late to love, it's never too late to live.
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official-cisphobe · 4 years
i highly admire your worldbuilding skills. can you tell us more about your OCs and their universe?
this is probably gonna be a bit lengthy so strap in! (edit: it is very lengthy)
the basics of Voidverse, like I explained earlier, is that there is a group of people tethered to each other by fate and higher forces, the purpose of the Alts is that they are a sort of keeper of balance between worlds and each of them is a sort of savour or hero in their respective timeline/universe. They weren't always aware of each other but when a great danger threatens all multiverses and all life they have to come together to defeat it—they do this with the help of someone called Katalin Huerta who has an ability called The Bridge ie she can create 'bridges' to other timelines/universes from wherever she is.
Technically the main character of Voidverse is Classic the Demon aka Classic, who is sort of a butterfly effect to get both the Alts and the end of the world running. but more about that later, I'll explain the other characters first.
anyway this ended up being super long so added a Read More to not take oevr anyone’s dash akdhsfsfg
Jojo - already explained
Leoh Yu - Leoh aka Badger is probably the most normal Alt out of all of them concidering he's not a demon or any sort of supernatural or sci-fi creature. Leoh grew up in Dazhai, China in the late 1970's to late 1980's with his mother and grandmother where they owned a farm and a bakery. His life took a turn when his mother got very sick and his family couldn't afford good doctors or treatments. at some point in the way of making money Leoh at 18-years-old was approached by a group of hitmen to recruit him, which after some time and thinking he accepted. Leoh worked as a hitman for about 30 years before retiring at age 40 to get married to his now husband Nico Mahariel as well as adopting a babygirl named Qing-Qiu. Leoh's past, however, will not let him go that easy but that's a story for another time.
Tuyja - Tuyja was a prophet of the Goddess Ghalme in an ancient civilisation called the Weykha. the Weykha lived in a sandstone kingdom and it is rumoured that they are where the legends of mermaids and Atlantis came from. Tyuja however was not of the Weykha people, instead she was born from the stars with ocean blue skin and horns made from spacedust. She was regarded as a sort of next in command from the Royal family and was basically treated as an extention of the Royal family (if not even higher than them), which infuriated the jealous Weykha prince. Tuyja had also fallen in love with a servant girl called Muza, which the Prince had used as leverage against her and turned the Weykha people against her, telling them that Tuyja would steal all their gold and jewellery and give it to a servant girl, that he had heard her say she would strip the skies of moon and star so that Muza would shine the brightest, that he had seen her tame ocean waves so that the servant girl could pick sea shells from the sand below. Tuyja had become a threat to the people who had praised her and come to her for guidance, they had banished her into the sea for 5000 years.
Quiet - named after one of my friends because I really like teir name and I've had difficulties naming this character for years, Quiet was born and raised in a lab where they were subjected to varieties of cruel and inhumane experiments going as far as getting permanent damage to their ribs and lungs. in canon Quiet only got their name after joining the Alts, Jojo who became their closest friend nicknamed them Quiet because they're,,, well,,, really quiet. ngl their story and character arc is on the undeveloped side
Lotus Draqon - Lotus is a half-human half-dragon who grew up outside his pack of origin because his mother Jupiter wasn't sure how the Matriarchs would react to Lotus' half-human trait. The dragons are an ancient people of long ago with vast magical abilities and lived in harmony with mortals, sharing their magic with them—until an evil was awakening and the Gods began to tear down entire cities. Mortals expected and begged the dragons to help them survive but the Matriarchs decided to abandon them, priotising the dragon's survival. They lived in isolation and hiding, shielded in a deep forest by magic for thousands of years. until Lotus as a young adult decided it was time for him to leave the nest and see the world. Jupiter was reluctant but Lotus was determined to never again live in fear. In time Lotus would become a very important figure to both the dragon and the mortals inhabiting the lands as dark forces began to matirialise and the Matriarchs became restless, declaring war against mortals.
Voidkeeper - demons are very hard to kill creatures, no regular blade or bullet with damage them much beyond cuts and bruises. the most efficient way to kill a demon is for one to end their own life which by Satan's rule is forbidden. It has happened technically two times but the first one was by a demon now known only as the Voidkeeper. After ending their own life as punishment their horns and tail were cut off, their magic taken away, and they were banished to the Void forever. Slyly they managed to grab some of their depleted magic and put it into a magical stone for safekeeping, it is only a very limited amount but can do very wondrous and powerful things things. The Void grants the Voidkeeper clairvoyance as to what is going on in whichever timeline and universe, they are a sort of silent watcher and will never interfere with the goingonabouts of the mortals. the Voidkeeper has a very minor but very important part to play in regards to the Alts and the saving of all life in the multiverse but for now they are patiently waiting and watching.
and finally there's our boy Class whose story is undoubtedly the most developed out of all of these so let's go through it:
Classic is a minor demon and was born at a time when the Underworld and the Human world were not so separate. He was born in a tiny demon village of about 15-20 inhabitants. His father had left him and his mother when Classic was about three years old and has not been seen since, Classic doesn't know if his father is dead or alive and doesn't really care about it either. Classic was an only child and pretty much a mama's boy, although he had a few friends in his village. Unfortunately his life changed forever at 12 years old when human soldiers pillaged his home, killing everyone—Classic would have been dead as well but his mother used her dying breath to save him with magic.
Classic had been knocked out during the raid but when he awoke he witnessed the aftermath of a bloodbath. Scared and alone and unsure of what to do he ran away from the scene and travelled days across the country until he stumbled upon a town of humans. Wrath overcoming his senses he murdered the entire town, leaving no human alive, going as far as tearing down entire houses and setting the entire place on fire.
Classic was later found in the ruins of that town crying by a group of angels. He was taken by them to a city in the sky and adopted by a family of angels. He wasn't generally liked by his neighbours but the angel child he lived with became his best friend for years to come. They grew up together, learned to use their different magicks together, Classic learned he could even materialise wings and fly albeit badly at first.
But as history has shown, wherever Classic goes, terror follows.
Classic had been having nightmares for months, very terrible ones, of dark forces beyond his understanding. They felt familiar and cruel, almost mocking.
Before he realised what he had done, the angel he spent his childhood with was dead and there was blood on his hands. Just like before, as if on instinct he ran away from the city of angels and went into hiding. Multiple years had passed by now and the human world was very different from what he remembered. It was no longer that easy to stay out of the radar of humans, since they were pretty much everywhere with cameras and police.
To say he was causing issues in the human world would be an understatement. He would steal, break into houses, even kill to survive. Random fires would start and radiation with no apparent source would appear all over.
This is where Katalin Huerta comes in—see, she is a commander of a very special branch of task force, it was her own creation. Her people dealt with supernatural oddities and threats, it was govrrment funded but entirely indepentant from their meddling albeit they can be difficult to please. Katalin was born with special abilities, a sort of family tradition—at birth her soul was bonded with that of a powerful spirit that had once been one with the soul of Katalin's mother. The spirit gave her the ability to control and create fire but her own speciality was her Bridge ability.
anyway, Katalin had taken notice of the strange indicents around town and taken some of her people to go check it out, only to find a teenaged demon crawling in an abondoned factory. She could tell the demon was just afraid and lost and decided to help him. Which is how Classic joined her task force.
Which honestly was probably the best thing that had happened to Classic, Katalin taught him to fight and better utilise his demon magic as well as taught him to use a sword (Classic has never understood guns and will never attempt to). Learning spells with a human was a difficult task but eventually they figured it out. Classic's natural abilities worked very strongly as illusion based magic as well as materialisation, although the latter has been more tricky to master even after all these years so as we speak Classic's only materialisation spells are his wings as well as his sword and teleportation.
Eventually the darkness haunting Classic began to rear its head again, Katalin catches wind of this and fortunately can help him keep it out from his head yet it still lingers in the air and grows stronger.
until now Classic had never before talked about the darkness. but at this point he was cornered and Katalin wouldn't take no for an answer.
At that point in time all Classic knew about the darkness was that it was some sort of ancient entity, it wasn't a demon because its presence felt entirely different from at least the demons Classic was used to. He nicknamed it Ash, as all he could remember from the times it has appeared are the ashes left by roaring embers.
In reality the darkness is one of the five forgotten gods of an ancient people. It was cast aside by the Creator and exiled from the land of gods. The darkness hates mortal life because of the gods' love for them, so it seeks to destroy all that is living. in its weakened state it needs a vessel to succeed and has been corrupting Classic and molding him into that vessel since that day he turned 12-years-old.
Only the Alts can defeat the darkness, whether Ash stays defeated is only a matter of time.
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pontsalin · 5 years
Hi! Sorry if I’m bothering you but you made a post with the sides showing sign with “opinions” on it. I would really like you to explain patton’s one and the last one. I’m really interested in knowing what you meant by that. Thank you if you answer!
“Stop seeing cute characters as ‘precious perfect beans who did nothing wrong’“
What I mean by that is that really often, people tend to make the cute bubbly character into that flawless person, that can’t do anything wrong because they are ‘pure’, but at the same time really small and weak so they need to be protect by someone else (often for shipping purpose).
They will erase/ ignore blatant flaws of said character, and will get mad if you point them out (this concern both Patton and Virgil).
This problem is not limited to Patton (and the fandom btw). Virgill is the ‘dark emo precious child that needs to be protected’ when we all know Virgil is capable of defending himself (how often he mocks others or is sassy…).
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(this is more about the romantization, but the two overlap)
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(the last comment is mine): It shows a lack of critical thinking and one of the effects of stan culture…
(screenshots from the same post on my instagram)
“Stop writing flawed characters as evil”
This often concerns Logan, Roman, (sometimes Virgil but since he’s the fandom favorite it’s rarer) but mostly Deceit.
People in this fandom feel the need to have a villain in their stories to make it ‘interesting’ (which is dumb because they are many different ways to create conflicts in stories). I’m not saying you should not make villain aus or never have a villain in your aus, but when they make villain au for Virgil or Roman, they still keep a human part, they often have a good reason.
But when it’s Deceit, he’s always an abuser, a bully, a rapist.
I’ve seen people saying “Yeah Deceit is not evil, but we still need a villain and he’s the only good candidate”. No? That would mean (in canon, not aus) that Thomas need to suffer?? (+ Patton has been shown to hurt Thomas more than Deceit in previous videos…)
We also can clearly see the double standards:
Virgil: Is flawed, morally grey, wants Thomas’ good and isn’t scared to use less attractive/ “””morally wrong””” ways to get it
Fandom: Awww precious bean! I love him so much he’s so cute
Deceit: Is flawed, morally grey, wants Thomas’ good and isn’t scared to use less attractive/ “””morally wrong””” ways to get it
Fandom: Deceit is sooooo manipulative ://////////////////
Some people have seen Deceit has abusive in his first appearance, and now it’s basically concidered canon.
And yes, it is a problem when people interpret him as abusive, as lying to be bad, because that would mean all the people in the LGBTQ+ community are bad person since we often lie to protect ourselves.
No one said Deceit lies for his own good, Deceit lies for Thomas.
Ok I totally changed the subject to only be about Deceit, but my brain is blurry rn so I will only say this:
People project too much onto Virgil so he can’t be the bad guy, Patton is too cute to be a bad guy. So Logan, Roman and Deceit are the only left candidates to play the villain. They have less attractive personnalities.
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unlockthelore · 5 years
Circumstance Dictates
Title: Her Name is Love
Chapter 11: Circumstance Dictates
Fandom: 幽☆遊☆白書 | YuYu Hakusho: Ghost Files
Rating: Mature
Prompt #: 11
Relationship: Hiei/Kurama | Minamino Shuuichi
Character(s): Hiei (YuYu Hakusho), Kurama | Minamino Shuuichi
Additional Tags: Developing Relationship, Post-Canon, Japanese Mythology & Folklore, POV Alternating, Attempt at Humor, Feelings Realization, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Hurt and Comfort
Notes: Reposted from AO3.
Summary: Kurama’s been noticing something odd lately when it comes to his clothes and Hiei’s relationship with his mother.
Kurama knew that it would ease his mind to have an easier way to communicate with Hiei and having a cellphone would bring them closer. However, he didn’t anticipate for how close it would bring Hiei to others outside of their team. Namely, his mother. Shiori was a perceptive woman and more than once he wondered how she hadn’t found out his secret with how perceptive and observant she was. Always looking, considering, deducing and analyzing, she was accepting of so much and if Kurama believed in the human concept of angels, his mother would have been an example of one. She took to Hiei like a fish to water, the two often talking about one thing or another, and she couldn’t resist the temptation of doing what all mothers did best — embarrassing their child with stories of their past.
Admittedly, Kurama had been a rough child in the beginning. He was adjusting to his human form and the limitations that came along with it. And it didn’t help that he was treated as an actual child despite not being one mentally. Only after Shiori’s attempt to protect him from the shards of broken dishes that the world was put into perspective for him. Someone who was willing to put themselves through pain just to ensure his safety no matter his capabilities. And he was a capable chld as she’d insist. Always running from one thing to the next, getting himself into situations and at times too proud to ask for help out of them. She admitted to Hiei that she wondered if he needed her from the start. It was regretful all that he had put her through with constantly having to patch up his clothes, worrying over his injuries, and putting up  with his less than stellar attitude. 
Shiori insisted she’d do it all over again. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Back then, he knew that he could be finicky and even now, his pride still lingered. Yet, she was patient and loved him. 
As did Hiei.
Which made him wonder.
Hiei often spoke to Shiori when she came over to visit or they visited her. She’d call his phone  and he’d actually pick up, even responding to her messages. Somedays, he’d go so far as to pull on his cloak and assure Kurama that he’d be back later — going on an outing with her. While these things weren’t that unusual with how familiar Hiei was with the Ningenkai, the fact that he found Shiori’s company appealing was both interesting and confusing. Kurama wasn’t certain when this began but he deduced it was somewhere around the time that his clothes started disappearing after missions.
Even after Yusuke’s conclusion as a Spirit Detective, they were occasionally ( and at times frequently ) called in for cases. With the changes in their lives and their growing needs for stability, Koenma was persuaded to actually pay for their services which sweetened the deal as far as Kurama was concerned. He actually got to stretch his legs, remain in touch with his demon half, and explore with his friends. Though that didn’t mean there wasn't any danger and more than often, his clothes were ruined by the hits he took. Some unnecessary as Hiei would have put it as he helped him from the battlefield.
However, Kurama had a system. He always laid his clothes in the same place when they returned from a mission. But now and again, they were going missing . It wasn’t as if they’d be gone for long and when Hiei was asked, he explained that he was doing the laundry and leaving them sitting out was ill-advised. Kurama could agree with the logic but it was still curious. Not unusual for Hiei to help with household chores, and they did have a lot of laundry. Eventually, he shrugged it off as happenstance. He had plenty of clothes to sort through so it wasn’t a hindrance but that was the first curiosity.
The second came in the form of Shiori’s calls.  He was used to his mother calling his phone to talk, ask when he was coming over for dinner, see how Hiei was doing or the others, tell him what was going on with the family — not asking him about the holes in his sweaters. He was a grown man now, literally in the sense of his human vessel but also in general, and yet somehow his mother made him feel like a little boy asking about how he got that many bloodstains on his clothes.
“Why is it always in the stomach area?” Shiori asked. “Shuuichi, do you need to wear some sort of armor on your stomach?”
“No, mother. It’s just a concidence.” Kurama muttered, trying not to show as mortified as he felt with Hiei looking at him from the other side of the couch. “Why do you have my sweater?”
“That’s not the point, Shuuichi. Is your stomach alright? This many hits can’t be healthy.”
Kurama shot Hiei a glare as Hiei tried and failed to hide his laughter behind the book he was reading. 
“Mother, can we please talk about this later when we come over to see Shuichi?”
“Alright, but tell Hiei that I have what he asked me about earlier.”
What he asked her about? Kurama glanced aside at Hiei. Hiei flipping pages in his book as he continued to read, little chuckles making his shoulders shake.
“Of course, mother. Tell father that I said hello.”
Ending the call, Kurama laid his phone in his lap and simply stared at Hiei. 
“That many hits to the stomach can’t be healthy, Kurama,” Hiei glanced up at him then down to his book. “You should listen to your mother.”
Kurama’s eyes narrowed. He didn’t know what Hiei talked to his mother about but that cheeky response and laughing at him wouldn’t go unanswered. Although Kurama wanted to ask what they’d talked about, instigating a pillow fight with Hiei took precedence.
His third clue was likely the most telling one. Coming over to see his human family was a common thing. What wasn’t a common thing was finding Hiei sitting with his mother, needle and thread in hand, talking over tea. His younger brother, home from university, jogging past the living room then slowing and stepping back as he noticed Kurama standing with a vacant stare at the scene in front of him.
“Hey mom, Shuuichi’s home!” Shuichi called over his shoulder and Kurama could pinpoint the exact second Hiei tensed up.
Shiori turned to him and smiled sunnily. “Welcome home. How was work?”
“It was fine.” Kurama muttered, glancing from her to HIei who was pointedly looking away from him then back. “...What’s going on?”
On Hiei’s lap was a familiar pink sweater, the one that he knew Shiori called him about a few days ago. It looked good, better , and Kurama tried to get a better look at it from behind Hiei’s arm covering it from view. Shiori chuckled and patted Hiei’s shoulder, dusting off her pants as she got up.
“What’s going on is that you need to take better care of yourself and your clothes,” Shiori chided, wagging a finger at him. “Are you both staying for dinner?”
Kurama shrugged off his jacket, hanging it up. “I don’t know, Hiei. Are we?”
Hiei’s grumbling was answer enough and Shiori was fluent now in Hiei to understand what he meant. 
“Hey Hiei,” Shuichi began, bringing over one of his own sweaters. “Would you mind fixing this up for me?”
Kurama folded his arms, eyebrow raised as Hiei took the sweater from him and looked it over.
“You were biting at the sleeve again, weren’t you?” 
“Not.. exactly?” At the withering glance Hiei gave, Shuichi bowed his head. “Yeah.”
“I’ll fix it, you owe me,” Hiei said and Shuichi grinned, heading off to the kitchen with a light wave to Kurama as he passed him by.
Kurama waited until they were alone, the sound of pots and pans telling of his mother and brother at work in the kitchen giving them privacy, and he went over to sit near Hiei. The needle and thread were handled skillfully almost like his expertise with the sword and Kurama had to say that he was impressed. 
“So, you were patching up all of my clothes with my mother’s help?” Kurama raised a brow. 
Hiei shrugged. “Appearances mean something to you and your clothes are important.”
“So you were doing this for me.” Kurama grinned when Hiei’s face tinged pink. “Is this just an occasional thing or…?”
Before he could think of another remark, Hiei glanced his way and smirked. “That depends, how many times do you plan on getting stabbed in the stomach?”
Being scolded for roughhousing with his fiance in his mother’s home was embarrassing but it was worth it to see Hiei laugh. Maybe he’d try to get hurt less though. Mending clothes could be hard on the hands, and the last thing he’d want is for Hiei to get hurt. 
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