#connor x elijah kamski
Zugzwang and Kamcon? 👀👀👀
Kamcon: "Connor, it's wonderful to see again alive and deviant. And… Simon, am I correct? One of the founders of Jericho and now a leader of the deviants." Simon nodded, fiddling with the hem of his sleeve. "Yes, I'm um, Simon, sir." Kamski let out a sigh, before leaning against his desk, crossing his arms. "How may I help you both?" He focused on Connor like they'd hoped, but it still made Connor want to duck his head. "We were hoping for your support, publicly. An interview or two stating that deviancy is real and that androids have free will." They didn't have much to offer, so the plan was to see if Kamski suggested something in return. Kamski hummed in thought, the silence drawing out awkwardly. "What if I do not believe androids have free will?" He finally asked, never glancing over at Simon. "I believe you do, given the Chloe models were all deviant when I arrived. It's simply a matter of convincing you to take an interview, which you haven't done since 2028, eleven years ago." He'd watched every interview, wanted to know everything he could before arriving. Kamski still had requests for interviews, more so now than ever with the android revolution. Kamski smiled just slightly, which was such an odd thing to see in person. "I see Nina was chatty as ever. That's fine, she's a kind girl. I suppose I could, it has been a while and I'm bored. Though… I would require something in return." And there it was. "Another test?" Connor asked, wishing once again he had his coin. "No. No test, I must say I got a bit… over excited when you first arrived. I apologize for that, I promise not to harm you or ask you to do so. I simply want a conversation with you, alone." Kamski pushed off the desk, stepping forward towards Connor. Zugwang: going under the cut cause very nsfw
RP with @gavin-reed-got-a-gun (they are italics I’m normal)
There was no chance Gavin was going to last long. He kept whimpering, letting out softer cries as his body was still sensitive. It felt downright blissful, and only become overwhelming as he stroked himself. That's when the moans came out consistently, Gavin easing the toy in and out in time with his hand.
He nearly sobbed hitting his prostate with it, entire body arching. In his head, Connor was torturing him, not allowing him to release just yet, jamming the toy in faster and faster. He cut off his own release once, growling at himself or the fantasy, he wasn't sure, but the second time he barely muffled his choked off scream with the pillow.
The buzzing after that was nearly painful, and Gavin quickly turned the toy off, sliding it out of him with a whine. He prepared a bit, having everything to clean himself off handy, but for a moment he just laid there in bliss. And for the first time, he envisioned actually being cared for after. He didn't think Connor would leave his future partner. It hurt, but he was too blissed out to focus on that thought, or any for that matter, for too long.
The sounds Gavin was making, fuck he definitely wasn’t in distress. He was so loud and he could easily imagine Gavin taking one of the toys he had and fucking himself with it. Was this what Gavin had planned? When Connor told him to relax he hadn’t meant like this, but god he was glad he did.
He leaned against the wall, eyes staring unseeing at the door as his thirium pump sped up with every little sound. His skin felt too hot, the weight low in his gut was stronger than ever before. It was like someone had dropped a boulder into him.
He was getting hard, oh fuck. He shouldn’t be listening to this but he couldn’t manage to get himself to back away. His other arm dangled down and he didn’t stop himself when his hand covered the bulge in his pants. He let out a hiss, biting down on his other hand to keep himself quiet. It felt so good but it hurt too, it wasn’t enough.
He started rubbing, barely even putting pressure on himself but it was enough to make his knees want to buckle under him. “Shit,” he groaned, head falling to his chest.
He sped up with Gavin’s moans, pressing down a bit harder as he did. How would Gavin touch him, how was he touching himself?
Gavin let out one lass strangled sound before the room fell silent and the hallway was only filled with the sounds of Connor panting.
Her jerked away from the door with wide eyes, snatching his hand away from himself just as quickly. He ran to his room, locking the door and sat down on his bed, hiding his flushed face in his hands. He was still so hard but he *couldn’t*. It made him want to scream, the tension so tightly wound up in him, but he kept his hands away from his crotch.
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ceeridwen99 · 6 years
Chapters: 1/10 Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Connor/Elijah Kamski, Markus/Simon(Detroit: Become human)(background), Hank Anderson & Connor Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Elijah Kamski, Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Gavin Reed, Original Chloe | RT600 Additional Tags: Sex, Sexual Content, Sexual exploration, Sexual Experimentation, Sexual Intercourse, I don't know how many ways i can say there is sex in this, Grinding, Hand Jobs, Oral Sex, Oral Fixation, Riding, Rough Sex, Lots of kissing, Lots of Touching, Affection, Kamski is a cinnamon roll, but a devious cinnamon roll, Connor is a naughty cinnamon roll, Connor is bad at emotion, he tries, lol i have way too much fun with these tags, I Will Go Down With This Ship, Masturbation, lol I forgot about that Summary:
Sexual intercourse had always been the farthest thing from Connor’s mind, that is until he accidentally sees Markus and Simon engaged in a scandalous position. Suddenly, he’s very much curious about his body. As well as very much confused about what he’s feeling. Second-hand embarrassment keeps him from talking to Hank about it, there’s NO way he can speak to Markus about the issue without embarrassing them both, so once he exhausts his options he decides to go to the one person he hopes will be objectively neutral to his questions. The creator himself. Elijah Kamski.
Things get a little complicated when he finds himself falling into Kamski’s bed and exploring his newfound sexuality with him...and then falling for the man himself...emotions suck.
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Kinktober day 13: Face-sitting/Hair-pulling, Kamcon
Spot the Marvel reference ajdaks
Connor liked playing with people's hair, all of his friends and acquaintances knew that. The Chloes definitely knew that and would all surround him whenever he visited, asking for different hairdos. 
He found it relaxing but obviously, there were some people's hair he didn't touch, not for lack of want, but he knew it made them uncomfortable. 
Hank was the first that had said no. He definitely means it rudely, but the man just didn't want his hair touched. Connor had suggested pulling it back into a ponytail to appear more professional, but Hank had shot that down (then went out and bought a thing of hair ties, totally just for Connor).
He had jokingly run a hand through Gavin's hair, mostly just to fuck with him but had gotten a rather interesting reaction. It had shut the man right up and he seemed to melt for a second before snapping out of it. He didn't yell at Connor for it, more like ran away. So he only touched Gavin's if absolutely necessary or he needed to just shut up.
The third person was North. His reasons were completely valid and he never brought it up. He knew what she was created for and the things humans would do to her. 
Then there was Elijah. The man had beautiful hair but never let anyone touch it, not even any of the Chloes. But Connor knew why. Connor didn't do it often because he wasn't always in the mood, but when he was he knew exactly how to get what he wanted. 
He had come to visit like he often did and had gotten through most of the Chloes, chatting with them while Elijah finished up whatever he was working on. The man could get so deep into it that he'd forget everything around him, including himself. That's partly why many of the Chloes were there originally, they would make sure Elijah took care of himself. 
Now that Elijah and Connor were together, he liked to drop by with some homemade food or dessert. As long as Elijah had eaten two meals that day he wouldn't pull him away instantly. If the Chloes hadn't managed to get him to eat then Connor would intervene with very interesting tactics. 
One of the most memorable ones was Connor climbing into his lap. He's done that before, but he would just sit there and cuddle close as Elijah worked. This time he had ground against him until he got his attention. He had then jumped off and run to the kitchen (already having warned the Chloes). Elijah had run after him and Connor managed to get him to eat before Elijah sat him on the counter. 
Currently, he had made brownies with very finely crushed peppermint (small enough to melt when baked) in. Christmas was drawing near and Connor had found he loved the baking ideas that came from it. His last Christmas, his first-ever, had been a busy one that he hadn't gotten to celebrate fully. He had gone home to Hank that night with the gift but it had ended in tears for both of them (understandably). 
This year he planned on fully enjoying it. He'd talked to Hank and the man had agreed to come along to Carl's house for Christmas. Elijah was close friends with Carl Manfred and had personally made Markus. Connor was invited, and then Connor invited Elijah and Hank with everyone's permission. Elijah had then invited the Chloes and Markus and Carl seemed to share the same thought, the more the merrier. The one person that was surprisingly invited was Gavin. 
Connor had known they were related since Elijah and he got together. Elijah didn't want to hide it and Connor kept noticing similarities already. It definitely helped his relationship with Gavin enough to call him an odd friend. No one was sure if he'd actually show up, though.
It was sure to be a hectic but wonderful day and Connor couldn't wait to celebrate with his family. Because that's what he considered all of them, his family. 
Connor and Markus could bicker for hours but the next minute could be found cuddling together. North and Connor had gotten close but he also wasn't afraid to call her out on her bullshit and Connor thought she secretly appreciated it. 
Connor adored Simon but they definitely had a rough start. It took a long time for Connor to open up about Daniel and how it still haunted him. Luckily the two were completely different so unless Connor was having a flashback they got along amazingly. Josh was a sweetheart but often stayed quieter, so Connor made sure his voice was heard and that he was always included. 
Carl had taken a liking to Connor almost instantly, saying how he and Markus were two sides of the same coin. Connor would try to fuss over him, but Carl always had a snarky remark to battle it. If Connor had to label their relationship, Carl was similar to a grandfather. 
Hank was definitely a father figure even if it tore open some wounds. Yet Connor could tell it was also helping. Connor would never replace Cole, he'd never want to, but Hank needed someone to look after. Someone new to this world and still confused by so many things. 
The Chloes were like sisters to him. They certainly treated him like a brother and seemed rather excited about that too. 
He finished french-braiding one's hair before looking up to see Elijah leaning against the doorway, hair still pulled into a bun he wore when working. Connor grinned at him from the floor and a few Chloes looked over before groaning. 
"How long have you been standing there?" He asked and watched as plenty of the Chloe's got up to leave. It really wasn't a secret what the two would get up to when given enough time and energy, and Connor had plenty of both. 
Elijah pushed off the wall and walked over, offering a hand to Connor. He took it and let himself be pulled up and into a long hug. Elijah didn't look like it, but he gave really amazing hugs. "Long enough, you looked so happy."
"That's because I am." Connor leaned back and poked at Elijah's stomach with a small squint. "You hungry? I brought something for you." 
Elijah would deny it but he perked up at the sound of Connor's food. Connor was proud of himself by getting that reaction. He had decided to learn how to bake and cook the human way and he put a lot of effort into everything. The brownies had been completely his own made-up recipe. "God yes, you're a blessing." 
Connor shrugged and led them to the kitchen giving a small wave to the last few Chloes. "I just need someone other than Hank to give good too. He loves it, but I'm trying to help him get into a better meal plan." Not necessarily losing weight, but he just wanted him to eat healthier, it was shown to help mental health.
"Oh, I see. The great Elijah Kamski second best and only needed to eat food." He put a hand on his forehead dramatically and sighed. 
Connor snorted and shook his head, grabbing the container. "Well, can the great Elijah Kamski get himself a plate, or does he need help with that?" 
Elijah pretended to think for a second before turning and half-heartedly reaching for the cabinets. He looked back over his shoulder with a small pout and once again Connor snorted. 
He walked right up to him, pressing Elijah into the counter, and arm going around his waist while reaching up and pulling down a plate. "Here you go, sir." He whispered in his ear before backing away and taking the lid off the brownies. 
Elijah huffed and reached for a brownie but Connor slapped his hand away. "Rude, I see you're in a fun mood today." 
Connor smiled and shrugged, dishing out a brownie to Elijah before taking one for himself, putting his hand under his chin to catch any crumbs. "Perhaps, you'll just have to wait and see." He took a bite of the brownie and was instantly thankful Elijah had given him the upgrade to be able to eat. This was definitely going on his favorites list. 
Elijah took a bite too and seemed to melt for a second before humming. "It's really good. You did very well on the balance, love." 
Connor leaned over and gave a quick peck at Elijah's cheek. "Thank you, I think I'll make some for Christmas." He had so many things he planned on bringing, but thankfully Markus just encouraged him. Said he should always do what he was passionate about. 
"Good idea, Carl will love them. Though Gavin will bitch he'll steal as many as he can. He's a sucker for peppermint even if he says that's a basic ass bitch thing." Elijah rolled his eyes and took another bite. 
"Well, I'll make him his own batch as a gift then, with 'basic bitch' spelled out on top with peppermint sprinkles." He'd definitely get into a play fight over that, but it would so be worth it. Plus he had been desperately trying to figure out what to get the man. 
Elijah snorted and covered his mouth. He quickly swallowed before bursting into chuckles. "Fuck yes! Oh god, he's gonna kill me but it's worth it." 
Connor smirked and finished off his brownie before stepping closer to Elijah and running his hand up and down his arm. "How has work been? And that new project? Being able to change facial features to be more feminine or masculine, right?" Of course, he already knew and he could never forget, but he loved the way Elijah lit up. 
Elijah scarfed down the rest, before moving and pushing Connor up into the island, standing between his legs. "Work has been interesting, there's a new intern, incredibly brilliant and so quick too. He's truly a prodigy and I see a bit of myself in him." 
Connor hummed and let his hands wander around Elijah's torso, not truly trying to start anything yet. "Oh?" 
Elijah nods quickly, his eyes lighting up. "Yes! He's so young so I'm trying not to push too hard or set too high expectations, but I also don't want him to get bored. He's… he's a really good kid, comes from a rougher home." His voice softened and Connor tilted his head. 
This was definitely interesting. Elijah wasn't one to like children, he mostly tolerated them when necessary. He'd never heard Elijah speak like this about any younger human. "Oh, what's his name?" 
"Petrus, I think you two would get along well." Elijah leaned forward and let their foreheads rest together. 
Connor hummed and let his hands settle around Elijah's shoulders. He'd most definitely need to meet this kid if Elijah was so...patriarchal. "I'd be very interested in meeting him, but maybe another day. I want you all to myself for tonight." With that he slid his hands up, scratching at the short stubbly hairs of Elijah's undercut. "Would you like that? We haven't gotten to play in awhile and haven't gotten to mess around with my new component." 
He scooted closer so that his entire front was pressed against him. He could feel the moment Elijah's heart sped up and his pupils grew wider. "Oh?" 
Connor nodded and let his hands scratch higher until he could pull Elijah's hair out of the bun. It fell down around his face like silk and Connor ran his hands through it. He got a few tangles out and focused on playing with it. "Yep, and I distinctly remember you promising certain things once I tried it out. 
Elijah hummed and leaned into the touch, a soft smile on his face as his hands slid down to Connor's thighs. "That I did, and I always keep my promises. How has it been feeling? Any adjustments needed?" 
Connor huffed and grabbed Elijah's hand, placing it under his skirt and against the boxers. Thankfully no one really questioned his choice of outfits as he was still experimenting but he'd found skirts could be very comfortable. The fingers gently pressed down then moved in a slow circle and Connor let his head fall back with a whine. "What do you think?" 
"I think you may be a bit too sensitive, baby boy, but we don't have to change anything." Elijah's other hand gently massaged Connor's thigh and he leaned forward to press kisses down his neck. 
Connor keened and took some hair into a fist and pulled, just enough to get a reaction out of Eli. "I'm very sensitive, but you will still do as promised." 
"God I love it when you're demanding, want it so bad don't you. You're so needy. Maybe I could do it right here?" Elijah whispered and nipped at Connor's skin. 
Connor huffed but smirked. "I'm horny as fuck, are you going to actually do anything about it or should I find someone else? Markus had expressed interest before, I'm sure he'd-" he's cut off but Elijah silencing him with a kiss. 
He knew it got Eli a bit riled up when Connor mentioned Markus like this. He could get a bit possessive in the heat of the moment and even slightly jealous. But he always made sure Connor knew he belonged to no one. 
"He can fuck off, you're mine and he knows it." Elijah picked him up from the counter and Connor wrapped his legs around him with a smirk. "Come on, baby." 
Connor yanked on his hair and pressed hot kisses to his neck, trying to distract him somewhat. He wanted to see how much he could stall the other but he still really wanted to get to bed. 
"Fuck, Connor baby come on." Elijah mumbled, stumbling slightly when Connor nipped at the softest part of his neck. 
He hummed and wiggled his hips, more to tease Eli than anything else. The fabric texture had him sighing softly when the movement caused pleasure to pulse through him. "Hm, am I distracting?" 
"Yes, we're almost there, just wait a few more seconds." Elijah kissed him thoroughly before starting to move again. 
"Elijah-oh, sorry!" One of the Chloes squeaked before turning tail and all but running off. 
Connor snorted and had to hide his face in Elijah's shoulder, blush bright on his face. It wasn't the first time a Chloe had walked in on them and it definitely wasn't in one of the worst positions they had been caught in either. 
Elijah gave a low hum but walked the rest of the distance and dropped Connor onto the bed. "There we go, you're so beautiful." Elijah said before pulling his shirt off. 
Connor smiled and gladly watched him. He had only admitted it after, but he had become flustered the first time he met Elijah. How little he wore and how confident he was with it. Now he had no problems watching and enjoying the view. 
Connor bent his knees and spread his legs. He dipped a hand under his skirt and started to play with himself until Elijah saw and snatched his hand away. "Hmm, maybe I should call Markus, I think he'd be great at dirty talk and he wouldn't take so long with his clothes. Especially with all those zippers." He had to hold back the snort at that, having always teased Markus about his choice of clothing. 
"You will not little boy, your cunt belongs to me. You cannot touch yourself without permission and no one else can either." Elijah growled and Connor smirked. He was so going to get what he wanted. 
Connor bit his lip and fluttered his eyelashes at Elijah, spreading his legs even wider. "Then why don't you take care of me? Show me what true pleasure is like, teach me to do it right." He was definitely going to stroke more than Elijah's ego tonight. 
Elijah ducked his head down and pressed gentle kisses to Connor's inner thighs. He sucked and bit at the skin, leaving marks only he'd be able to see. Connor would feel them tomorrow too, he'd hopefully feel much more as well. 
Connor tangled his hands in Elijah's hair again, and tugged him forward and closed to what he really wanted.
Elijah mouthed at him before pulling the panties to the side. It was like Connor's body was on fire but the heat pooled at his slit as Elijah licked his lips. 
Connor groaned and moved swiftly, straddling Elijah's face, hands still in his hair. "You're taking too damn long!" He complained and Elijah stared up at him with wide eyes for a second. 
"God, that's so unfair babe. You're too beautiful, but I'll do what I promised. Don't worry, I'll make you feel so good you can only think of me." 
Connor let out a gasp as Elijah finally licked at him, gentle and slow at first, to test. "Hmm, God that feels good." 
Elijah licked into Connor, his spit mixing filthily with Connor's wetness. Elijah groaned, the hum of vibrating through Connor and flashing starbursts behind his eyes. It was just so good. 
He pulled at the hair, his legs trembling from pleasure. He could hold himself up for days if he wasn't preoccupied, but he had to actively focus on not crushing Elijah.
Elijah held onto Connor's hips and pulled down, eyes flickering open to glance at Connor's face. He gave another low hum and Connor let himself put most of his weight onto Elijah and his incredible tongue.
He ground his hips down and Elijah gladly sucked, greedy for more. Elijah squeezed his hips, ass, thighs, and kept bringing him back down, closer and deeper. 
Connor yanked mercilessly at Elijah's hair, never hard enough to pull any out, but hard enough that he knew Elijah loved it. He didn't even have to have past knowledge about it with each moan that came from a partially sharp tug. 
He moved down and quickly fucked into him with his tongue again, pressing as deeply as he could. 
"Yes! There!" Connor moaned, his head spinning as Elijah hit that wonderful spot. "Fuck, keep going I'm so close." 
Elijah hummed and Connor pulled at his hair, his back arching. His whole body shook as he completely sat on Elijah's face, his mind going blank for a second. "Yes! Fuck yes, Elijah!" He sighed out, Elijah not stopping even as Connor came. 
It took him a minute until he sat back up, and moved down, finally letting go of Elijah's hair and letting the man wipe his mouth off. "Fuck, you taste so good." 
Connor hummed and leaned down, kissing Elijah and tasting himself. He pulled away after a few minutes and smirked down at him. "Yes, I do."
They end up curled together after they are both satisfied and Connor traces random patterns info Elijah's chest. 
"You talk about Markus a lot, would you like him to join one night? Perhaps just watching at first." Eli mumbles but is clearly still awake.
Connor blinks at him before kissing his collarbones. "No need if it makes you uncomfortable, but I won't lie, I do like that idea." 
Elijah nodded and pulled Connor closer. "I'm not opposed to the idea, and I want to make you as happy as you make me. It would be pretty cool to say I slept with two of the deviant leaders." 
Connor snorted and flicked at his skin but the smile was so wide on his face it hurt. "You make me very happy, Eli. Even if we never did anything like this, if we never slept together, I'd still be happy and content."
He snuggled closer and heard the soft pounding of Elijah's heart, he always found the sound oddly calming. 
"I'm glad. But as I was saying, if you'd like to we can talk to him about this, offer the chance. I can't guarantee it will be perfect or go smoothly but I'm willing to try and see." 
Connor closed his eyes and nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that. I love you, Elijah." 
Elijah hummed and gave him a tight squeeze. "I love you too."
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