zeppersart · 1 year
Hey DBH fandom <3
I’m Eli, a 21 yo 3d render artist mostly active on twt, and I decided to try out tumblr again so here I am! I’d love to have some little DBH moots who rb/make DBH arts/shitposts, so feel free to comment or something 🥺❤️ I enjoy many ships within this fandom (anything between Connor, Hank, Nines, Gavin and Kamski and I probably ship it)!
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
The Eden Club
Ch 7: Truth? You can't handle the truth.
Fandom: Detroit Become Human
Ships: HankCon (current), Hankvin (recovering), HankConVin (eventual), Convin (budding 🥲)
Rating: Explicit, sexual content, dark themes
Tags: Post Revolution: Hostile Opinion, Undercover Android, Sex Worker!Connor, Club Owner Kamski, Evil Kamski, healing/recovering Hankvin, friends to lovers HankCon, enemies to lovers Convin & Hankvin, smut, sex, sexting, exhibitionism, wire play, Connor/Kamski coerced consent/dubcon warning), Convin, angst, hurt/comfort, flirting,
Summary: (In GIF form only)
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walrusmagazine · 1 year
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Notes from Grief Camp
Every summer, more than a hundred kids spend a weekend at Camp Erin swimming and canoeing. They also learn to deal with death
As my co-counsellors and I learned from our training a few weeks earlier, being specific with language was imperative at grief camp. It was better to avoid any euphemisms like “passed away” and “lost,” as they could inadvertently add confusion to the despair. In a child’s mind, when something is lost, it can also be found. Our fathers would not be found.
Read more at thewalrus.ca.
Illustration by Anson Chan (ansonchanson.com)
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Are you an android and want to learn about physical human love? Book your appointment with Elijah Kamski!
- Yeah, I've got some headcanons here 😅
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³ᵈ ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ ᵖᵒʳᵗˢ ᵇʸ ᵐᵉᵗᵒʳᶤᵃ ᵒᶰ ᵗʷᶤᵗᵗᵉʳ
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(click for better quality)
Thank you so much @lizardemerson for commissioning me to draw this wonderful pairing!
My art, do not repost!!
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rjjameshiii · 5 years
Look, I love bottom/sub Connor as much as the next guy.
I just wish there was just as much top/dom/switch Connor too! Because best android could do both! He's soft and he could snap your neck! And that's valid!
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bearsinpotatosacks · 6 years
*Person A & Person B are sword fighting, Person A is considered a hero and Person B is considered a villain*
Person B: Be prepared to die A! Wait? Is that the sword I got you last year, enemy?
Person A: Of course, enemy! It’s the perfect length, weight, it’s sharp enough and I adore the design!
*Person B looks like their about to cry but they carry on fighting*
Person A: Hold on, enemy, are you following the fighting techniques I taught you?
Person B: Why wouldn’t I? They’ve helped me kill so many of my enemies, I am truly thankful, enemy!
*They both lower their swords*
Person A: Enemy, after we’re done fighting, do you want to get some mead at the Tavern?
Person B: That would be lovely, enemy!
*Person A and B carry on fighting, after they hobble with their injuries to the Tavern*
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ceeridwen99 · 6 years
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For @sue0227
Sorry, it took so long dear! I couldn’t properly capture the moment in one picture, so I turned it into multiple! XD Thank you once again for being such an amazing supporter, and for taking the time out of your day to translate my fics. That really means a lot! I hope you enjoy this!<33333333333
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Im way behind on DBH rare pairs week
I still plan on trying to write something based on each promt and I have ideas, i just keep getting wrapped up working on them instead of editing the first parts so i have something to post. Whoops.
All of mine are going to be late but I'm still doing the thing.
Im just really bad at writing one shots and all my ideas will probably end up being atleast like three short chapters.
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textsbyandroids · 6 years
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Connor had a nice time :D
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tveckling · 6 years
Sooooo. With that fic done I’m in need of new ones. Send me prompts, pretty please? Preferably from here since I want to finish that challenge lol
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cσnnσr/kαmskí : 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕓𝕖 𝕞𝕪 ?
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dbhlesbian-blog · 6 years
Elijah: im moronsexual, im attracted to idiots and idiots only
Connor: im not a deviant
Elijah, taking off his clothes: connor you are so fucking stupid
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trashcangimmick · 6 years
hannor: sweet fluff, married gays with doge, pls protecc, never let them be sad
conkus: star cross lvoe ... some angst ... what does it mean to be alive ??
conski: time to fuck the kinky dad god
reed800: *trash fire*
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heyo! for the prompts, maybeeee KamCon & “Is the weight of your sins too heavy?” <3
So I had to change the line just slightly to work, but literally, I just changed it from a question to a normal sentence. Slight warning for talk about depression/possible PTSD. Hope you enjoy!
Connor had been struggling to come to terms with the fact that he is now a deviant. One that had very clearly turned against humans when he invaded Cyberlife and freed all those androids, marching them down the street in a show of power.
Markus had seemed pleased with him, had assured him Connor was one of them, but not everyone agreed. He saw how other androids’ eyes would follow him when he walked around New Jericho, he saw how their stress levels jumped at the sight of him.
He didn’t mean to scare them, and he tried to make them more comfortable by forgoing his old jacket in lieu of sweater vests or long sleeve sweaters. Those were pretty comfy and he liked when jackets or hoodies were a little too big for him so that his hands would be hidden inside the sleeves.
He was trying to find things like that that made him happy. It was hard to identify emotions and he seemed to like hiding from him. All other androids seemed to be so emotional, but not in a bad way! They just laughed so much, smiles wide and bright on their faces. He’d see an android with their child and the absolute adoration was incredible to witness. How anyone could see the sentience in these people was beyond him.
Even their anger and hatred were clear and vivid. North’s was so strong that Connor shrank back when she’d turn towards him with that look on her face. The first time that happened she’d softened up immediately and promised Connor she wasn’t mad at him or going to hurt him. He tried to remember that but her anger was just so potent.
Connor sometimes felt… or actually, he just didn’t feel. He was numb to the world around him, and if he wasn’t so numb it would scare him. His face was passive, though he tried to smile or frown when appropriate. He went through the motions of his new life, laughing when someone would tell a joke and yet he felt no humor.
The numbness was different from the numbness of being a machine. When he was hidden behind his programming he could still feel wisps of emotions, like looking through frosted glass. He could still see the shapes and some colors but he could see any real definition.
Now it was like he had the blinds closed completely and every now and then a breeze would move the fabric and he’d get to see for just a small bit before the fabric settled again.
Something was wrong with him, and he went to the one person who knew everything about androids.
Kamski’s house was beautiful in the spring, the flowers here in full bloom and the water sparkling with the afternoon sun. It had a peaceful feel to it with the birds chirping away and the sound of the river. Connor could almost feel that peace and he clung desperately to it before having to let it go so he could go to the door.
He tilted his head when a Chloe opened the door and let him in. He had thought all the Chloes would leave, but there was the very real chance she wasn’t a deviant. There had been a law that everyone must give up their androids to allow them to be deviated, but if anyone could get away with not doing that it was Kamski. That didn’t bode well for Connor.
“Are you deviant?” He decides to just ask outright. If she said no then he’d… well he wasn’t sure. He’d go back and tell Markus and let the group decide what to do from there.
Chloe chuckled and ran a hand through his ponytail, starting to braid it with nimble fingers. “I am. We all were when you visited, glad to see we could fool even you.”
“Oh.” He should have noticed, it was his mission at the time to stop all deviants and yet he hadn’t noticed a house full of them.
“Don’t feel bad, we figured you’d be coming at some point and we prepared. If it’s any consolation, you couldn’t have hurt Lila, the Chloe you were told to shoot. Elijah already had all her memories backed up and a body ready just in case. But thank you for not shooting her either way.” Chloe, or whatever name she has chosen for herself, smiled at him gently.
He should feel happy or relieved, but he just doesn’t so he only nods. Chloe gives him this look that’s a bit too knowing before smiling again.
“He’s ready to see you, follow me, please.” She leads him through a door he hadn’t gone through and down a hallway that had a few other doors that she ignores. She lets him into the room that is bathed in natural light.
The waiting room was teal with grey wicker chairs and a few plants on the window-sill. A few bookshelves line the left side wall, a small couch positioned for a place to sit or even lay down while reading. Kamski is sitting on said couch with a book in his hand and a pair of glasses perched on his nose.
He glanced up when Connor walked in, grabbing a bookmark and sliding it between then worn cream pages before shutting it. “Connor, congratulations on the successful revolution, very impressive.”
Kamski doesn’t move to stand but neither does he offer Connor a seat. “Thank you, I am glad there was minimal violence.” It could have gone a lot worse, Connor could have needed to use the freshly made deviants to start an all-out war.
Kamski leaned forward, taking his glasses off and setting them down on his book. Connor couldn’t help but watch with rapt attention, something about Kamski making him fascinated. “What can I do for you?”
Right down to business then. “I have been experiencing a lack of emotions at times and I’m afraid my deviation process was somehow fragmentary.” He suspected part of the issues was Amanda and the zen garden. If she hadn’t taken control perhaps he would be normal.
Kamski frowns and motions to one of the seats which Connor takes. So his problem could not be solved quickly. It wasn’t heartening but at least Kamski seemed like he was willing to talk to him. “When you say lack of emotions, could you describe that?”
“It’s like I’m numb, my insides are a bottomless pit of nothing and I just keep falling. It’s cold and there is nothing for me to grab onto. I don’t feel the need to move or do anything, I try to go through the motions because that is what’s expected of me.” He felt a small sliver of panic and tried to hold onto that. It wasn’t a good emotion but it was something and he would not let it go.
Kamski hums, leaning back. “I’m afraid I can’t help you.”
The panic builds and Connor shakes his head. If Kamski can’t help him then no one can. “You have to! I can’t keep living like this.”
“You need to talk to a professional.”
“You are a professional!”
“Connor.” Kamski’s voice is stern and yet oddly compassionate. It sends a shiver up his spine and he shuts his mouth with a click. “I mean a therapist. The weight of your sins is too heavy. At least, to you, it is, though many would see what you’ve done as amazing. But the fact is it seems like you are depressed or possibly even have PTSD. Both cause emotional numbness. I’m not qualified to help you through this.”
Oh. He hadn’t considered the idea that this was happening because he has emotions. “So it’s not because of Amanda? The garden didn’t damage me irreparably?”
Kamski sucks in a breath at her name and Connor recalls the picture he had seen. Amanda Stern was a real woman, someone Kamski could have looked up to. “I cannot say she didn’t cause this as I don’t know if she caused you emotional distress, but no you aren’t damaged.”
Connor sags in the chair, feeling like a height has been lifted off his chest. He wasn’t broken, he wasn’t going to be like this forever. They’d find a way to help him and he’d be ok, he’d be happy. “Thank you,” he breathes out.
Kamski reaches forward and gently lays a hand on his knee. It sends a shock through him and makes him feel something, but he’s never felt this emotion before. “Of course. I may not be able to help but if you need someone to talk to outside of therapy then I am more than willing to listen.”
He wasn’t sure if he could trust Kamski, but now that he knew Chloe was never in any danger it makes him a bit more willing to try. Plus, he needed to find out what this new emotion was. Who knows how long that would take, but he wanted to try anyways. “Thank you, I think I’ll take you up on that offer.”
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vacantvisage · 6 years
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accidentally made something consecutive so here we are
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