#connor x plussized!reader
minervadashwood · 2 years
Murphy Macmanus x PlusSize!Reader (she/her)
🍻 ~ Don't Look ~ 🕺‍💃‍
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Summary: Doc hires you, Murphy's girlfriend, at Murphy's insistence. But it's not long before the MacManus twin regrets that decision. Warnings: Alcohol, sexual themes (no actual sex), fluff, possessive Murphy, Connor the enabler. Language warning: I tried my best to be accurate with the Irish accents. Hoping to god nothing I did is offensive. Word count: ~1,000
Prompt: "I don't like them all looking at you." "Remember, you're the only one who can look at me all night long."
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Your boyfriend, Murphy, had gotten you a job at McGinty’s. It was more a favor for Doc than for you, honestly, as Doc was getting up there in age and wouldn’t admit he needed the help. So, Murph had begged the old man to hire you.
You started on a Monday, to learn the ropes before things got really busy on Friday night. Throughout the week, a handful of regulars were the only customers, which included the twins. Doc served the drinks, but you washed up, moved the stock around—or you tried to. Every time you went to carry a case of beer or liquor to the front, or roll in a keg, both Murph and Connor ended up doing the work for you. It had you wondering why Murph wanted you to work there in the first place.
You enjoyed getting to know Murph and Connor’s drinking buddies, and you spent most nights laughing along with their antics. Around ten or so, when Murph was on his third or fifth pint, you became less a barmaid and more a girlfriend. It was around that time when Murph would pull you from behind the bar and twirl you around once or twice. This always prompted the others to break out into some traditional Irish song, and you followed Murphy’s lead as he spun you about the near-empty bar, spinning you and dipping you. His slight frame hid his strength. The first time he tried to dip you, you were afraid he couldn’t hold you up, but he did.
Around eleven, Doc would put a cassette in his little old radio, and lilting ballads filled the air. Connor would pull you from Murphy for a slow dance, ever the perfect gentleman. It wasn’t long before you were in Murphy’s arms again, letting him hold you close as you both swayed to the music. Last call came a half hour later, and you rushed to the back, eager to get most of the work finished before Doc tried to do it himself.
Then each night, you told Connor goodnight, and Murph walked you home. You weren’t yet brave enough to ask him to stay the night—and he’d never asked to come up—but each kiss goodbye left you wanting more from your Irish gentleman.
Friday night came around, and you got to work at eight. The usual guys were already there, including the twins, and your shift started out like it had the previous days. However, around ten, more and more men crowded into the small bar. It seemed every seedy neighborhood in Boston had a representative, from the Italians, to the Russians, to the unaffiliated working class.
Then it was clear how much help Doc needed. You found yourself flitting about the bar and tables, delivering drinks, loading the dishwasher in the back when you could, lugging fresh glasses to the front for Doc to fill, again and again.
You were so hard at work, you never noticed what Murphy could see. You were the only lass in the bar, like a sheep surrounded by a pack of wolves. Most of them didn’t know you were his girl, and they stared openly, taking in your soft, generous curves whenever your back was to them. Those curves belonged to Murphy, and it was high time they all knew that.
As you walked back to the bar, a tray full of empty glasses perched precariously on your hand, Murphy grabbed you around the waist. Connor had just enough time to catch the tray before you dropped it, and Murphy hauled you between his legs.
Your hands flew up to brace yourself on this chest. “What’s gotten into you, Murph?”
He slid his hands from around your waist and squeezed your ass. Then he whispered in your ear. “I don' like ‘em all lookin’ at ya’."
You pulled away and he didn’t like that, either. He held onto you a bit tighter.
“What’s gotten into you?” you asked.
Murphy put his mouth to your ear again. “They’re undressin’ ya wit’ their eyes. I don’ like it.” He put his mouth on your earlobe and sucked.
You gasped in his arms. “Murph, nobody’s looking at me.”
Just then, Connor put his chin on Murphy’s shoulder. “They are, lass. Seen it wit’ me own two eyes. Whole place looks like they wanna eat ya.”
You turned your head away from Murphy and Connor to look around the bar. Instantly all the men went from staring at you to staring at their drinks.
You scoffed. “You’re both crazy.”
Connor leaned back, shaking his head and letting out a resigned sigh. “Yer askin’ for it now, lass.”
Murphy pulled you even closer to him so that you were firmly nestled between his legs with your belly and chest pressing against him.
You smiled sweetly at him. “Even if they are looking, you’re the only one who gets to look at me all night long.”
Murph shook his head and nuzzled the side of your neck. “Not enough, love. I d'be showin’ ‘em who ya belong to.”
Quick as a flash, Murphy moved one hand to the base of your head and angled you for a kiss. He took his time, lips moving languidly, sensually over yours, his tongue going past your lips and tangling with your own.
A moan escaped you, and Murphy chuckled against your mouth. He squeezed your ass again with his free hand, then gave it a little smack. You jumped and giggled, letting yourself lean more fully into him. He kissed his way to your ear and suckled your earlobe once more. He felt your chest rising and falling against his own, and his heart—as well as another part of his body—swelled with pride.
He stopped his suckling and urged you a few inches away by placing his hands on your hips.
You whimpered and pouted at this newly created distance.
Murphy smirked at you, your darkened cheeks and parted lips proof of a job well done.
Connor’s head was on Murphy’s shoulder again. “That worked, didn’t it?” he laughed and reached around Murphy to pinch your cheek.
You narrowed your eyes at Murphy. “Was that all just for show?”
Murphy looked around the bar with a fierce grin. A number of the patrons raised their glasses to him in silent congratulations and acceptance.
He turned to you and shrugged. “Guess you’ll have to take me home wit’ ya to find out.”
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Thank you for reading! Feel free to like, reply, and reblog! 💚🤍🧡
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imma-fucking-nerd · 4 years
(Connor x PlusSized!Reader)
A/N: Yes this is absolutely self-indulgent, let me live my life. Also I didnt know what to to title it so yee
It was still dark when you came into work at the DPD that Monday morning and all you wanted to do was go back to sleep for 12 more hours. But alas, you had work. You weren't a detective or an officer or someone that went out in the field at all really.  Basically a secretary of sort, taking care of files of cases and such. How you weren't replaced by an android by now you had no idea, but you were grateful. Well, at least now you were.
You used to hate working at the DPD. Why? One reason. Gavin fucking Reed. The insufferable prick seemed to make it his goddamn life mission to make you as miserable as possible. Specifically targeting your weight. How original. It didn't really make you feel that bad, okay that was a lie. But it was more annoying than anything. You were so close to just quiting when a certain android appeared at the desk across from Hanks.
When you first saw him you were intrigued to say the least. He was.....drop dead gorgeous. And when he looked at you with those perfect brown eyes you were smitten. You were also extremely embarrassed that he had just caught you gawking at him and with a nervous laugh you waved at him before hastily getting back to work. Little did you know that Connor hadn't looked away, and was extremely confused as to why your round cheeks were rising in temperature.
Ever since then your little crush on the android detective just kept growing the more you interacted with him. In that time you also grew closer to Hank, you realized that he was actually really cool. And also definitely knew about your 'little' crush. Of course, you didn't know he knew. You thought you were being so slick, but in Hanks words you were being "really fucking obvious." Thankfully Connor didn't put the pieces together.
You knew that he'd never feel the same about you, even if he could feel that way towards anyone. Why would he pick you of all people? You weren't exactly the prettiest, or the smartest, and you couldn't kick ass to save your ass. But hey, you could dream right?
Despite that you always held a tiny piece of hope. A tiny piece that only kept growing as you noticed how he himself was slowly becoming the very thing he was meant to hunt. And when he finally became a full on deviant? You were beyond happy, and so so proud.
You smiled to yourself as you made your way over to your desk as you recalled the day he and Hank came to you with the news. It was the day after you saw your little Connor on tv leading an army of Cyberlife androids he 'woke up'. The first thing you did was bring him in for a bone-crushing hug, gushing about how proud you were. You almost kissed him right then and there but you had to force yourself away from him with a little awkward laugh.
"Good morning (Y/n)," Connor's voice tore you away from your thoughts.
"Morning Cony," you greeted him with a smile.
Glancing over to Hanks desk and, unsurprisingly, not seeing him there you chucked a bit to yourself.
"It seems that Hank couldn't be bothered to come to work on time like the rest of us. Again."
When you didn't get a response from Connor you looked back to him staring at you intently, his LED blinking yellow. You rose a brow and couldn't help but smirk slightly, knowing exactly what he was doing.
"I just got here and your already scanning me, hmm?" you asked amused.
He blinked a couple of times and his LED returned to its passive blue. The lightest shade of blue tinting his cheeks, seemingly in embarrassment.
"My apologies, (Y/n). But I noticed that your low in dopamine. Have you eaten breakfast?" He inquired, tilting his head adorably as he always did.
"Uhhh yep. Had a bowl of cereal," you lied.
You didn't really ever eat breakfast. Not because of your whole overweight thing, but because you just never really got hungry early in the morning. You could already hear Gavin's dumb voice fiegning shock. But surprise surprise, just cuz you're overweight doesn't mean you're constantly stuffing your face. You only do that at night.
Connor was just about to call you out on your obvious lie, he didn't even need a lie detector to know that since you were an awful liar, your stomach betrayed you with a low growl. He frowned slightly and you chuckled bashfully before looking down at your stomach.
"Traitor," you mumbled to yourself.
"(Y/n), you know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day for humans. You should eat something," before you could even speak he interrupts you with a playful smile, "and only having coffee doesn't count as breakfast."
"Okay okay, fine fine. You win," you sigh in defeat which earned a smile from the android.
God how you loved that awkward smile. Adorable.
"Lets hope that there's something decent in the break room," you said before turning in the direction of said room.
"Alright, I'll be out here filling out some reports if you need anything," Connor called out to you before you left.
You hoped to god that you got here before Gavin and that you wouldn't have to see his stupid-
"Well looky what we have here. Come to raid the fridge?" He asked with a smug grin, like he thought he did something.
Of course.
You didn't dignify his schoolyard taunt with a response, only rolling your eyes. However you did change your course to the coffee making instead. You could grab something when he left, not really wanting to deal with his judgment at the moment. As Hank would say, it's too early for this shit.
"Aww did I hurt little piggy's feelings?" He taunted further as he made his way over to you, pinching your cheek.
Immediately your hand came up to slap his away and you shot him a glare.
"You know pigs are actually really intelligent creatures. Shame the same can't be said about you. So thanks for the compliment jackass," you snapped before turning your attention back to the coffee maker.
Before Gavin could get out a comeback to reclaim some of his pride, Connor appeared in the doorway.
"Is there a problem here?" He directed to Gavin.
"I was just leaving," Gavin said bitterly before leaving, childishly chucking into Connor's shoulder on his way out.
Connor didn't move an inch.
You huffed as you watched him leave, subconsciously rubbing the cheek that he pinched rather hard. Connor noticed this and tilted his head slightly before making his way over to you.
"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" His voice was concerned and he looked back to Gavin, fully prepared to beat his ass for hurting you.
"No, no I'm fine. The prick just pinched my damned cheek. Who the fuck even does that?" You sighed.
Yet despite your words he gently grabbed your chin and tilted your head slightly to make sure no damage was done. He certainly couldn't let one of his favourite humans be injured, especially not by one of his least favourite.
Connor's actions immediately started making heat rise up to your cheeks and you couldn't help but stare at his perfect face. God how you wanted him to just kiss you right then and there. As soon as those thoughts entered your mind you immediately averted your gaze from him, your cheeks becoming even more warm.
Connor tilted his head at your odd behavior and did a scan of you quickly. When he came to the conclusion that it seemed you were flustered, he had to hold back a smirk. He might have been innocent, and a bit oblivious about your feelings for him for.....well longer than he wanted to admit seeing as though he was a detective and couldn't figure out you liked him without help from Hank. More like Hank straight up saying it in frustration. But now that he knew, he couldn't help but think how adorable you were. How didn't he see it sooner? Oh how he loved being deviant.
Suddenly, an idea popped into his head and this time he made no effort to hide his smirk. When you looked up to him you were the one tilting your head in confusion. Slowly, he leaned down and you swore you felt like your heart was either going to explode, or just stop altogether. Your eyes went wide as he grew closer, and when he planted his lips ever so gently on the spot where Gavin pinched you swore you died and went to heaven.
When he pulled back you just blinked at him in disbelief. The way your heartrate went through the roof made Connor's smirk widen and he had to stop himself from chuckling at how adorable you looked.
"All better?" He asked slyly, the smooth bastard.
You couldn't even get out a word in response, only making weird noises before nodding. You were definitely feeling better now. He pulled his hand away from you and stood up straighter, his face forming an innocent smile as if nothing happened.
"Good, then I suggest you get some breakfast," with that he turned to leave the room, but not before shooting you a wink.
You stared at the door he left from as you brought up your hand to touch the place the kissed you. Now you were rubbing it for a whole new reason.
Suddenly a thought came to your mind. Why did he do that? Did he know you liked him? How did he-?
Oh you were so going to kill him.
A/N: Sorry the ending is kinda bad, idk where tf this went lmaoo. Was originally gunna make Connor the innocent bby he is but then he turned out to be the smooth bastard he also is woops. Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed
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