#considering all the bs deku is about to go through in this arc
makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 127: Sir Nighteye
Previously on BnHA: Aizawa announced that the freshman students would be permitted to take on internships. Deku asked All Might to introduce him to his former sidekick Sir Nighteye. At first All Might declined, but then he had a change of heart after seeing Deku’s determination. He ended up asking Mirio (who’s been interning with Nighteye for the past year) to introduce Deku for him. Mirio agreed because he is a pal, and come the weekend, Deku accompanied him to Nighteye’s office. Mirio warned Deku that Nighteye values humor very highly, and if Deku couldn’t make him laugh, he’d probably be sent home in vain. Deku greeted Nighteye and made the weirdest fucking face I’ve ever seen. Times like this, it’s hard to believe this is the same series that was hitting us with that intense character development a mere five chapters ago, not to mention straight up blowing people to splattery bits two chapters ago omg.
Today on BnHA: Nighteye chews Deku out for getting the wrinkles wrong on his All Might impression. Deku activates his Quirk of Being a Giant Nerd and informs Nighteye that actually, his impression is based on a specific incident in which All Might made a particularly weird face. His gatekeeping attempt foiled, Nighteye begrudgingly agrees to test Deku. He says he’ll give him three minutes to take Nighteye’s hanko stamp from his hands and use it to stamp his internship form. This is much more difficult than it sounds, since it turns out that Nighteye’s quirk, Foresight, lets him see into the fucking future. Since he can see all of Deku’s attacks before they happen, Deku quickly finds himself in a pickle. Nighteye says that Mirio should have inherited OFA, and that Deku isn’t worthy. Our little green boy takes some issue with this, seeing as he was acknowledged by All Might himself. He powers up again, determined to show Nighteye just how worthy he is.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 155 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
are you even a megane character if you don’t use your middle finger to flip people off when adjusting your glasses
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although to be fair, he has the rest of his fingers all splayed out. clearly he is still undecided as to whether he actually likes Deku or not
fucking look at this title
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“shit, we didn’t come up with a title for this one.” “well who’s it about?” “um, these four characters.” “okay just put all four of their full fucking names then”
so he’s towering over Deku, who fully believes that he’s about to die
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he fucking loves it, Deku. YOU GOT GUTS, KID!!
wow he’s grabbing Deku’s face and saying All Might doesn’t have a wrinkle on his right side, unlike the face Deku is making
holy shit
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nevermind he doesn’t love it
now Deku’s looking around Nighteye’s office while the man in question continues to aggressively jab his fingers all over his face
he’s jealous of all of Nighteye’s All Might swag
Nighteye says he is “quite displeased” and is telling Deku to leave
what in the
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sure. who doesn’t. that’s when all the vinegar just. fuckin’ killed itself
holy shit
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Deku says it’s one of his less popular incidents, but he really likes it
mainly because of All Might’s terrible dad jokes
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holy shit I love All Might so fucking much
by the way can you imagine if a river just fucking turned into fucking vinegar all of a sudden. like, did the kid change it back afterward? how much of it was actually changed? someone else is walking along further downstream and they’re all like, “...do you smell something? ...did this river go bad?”
also there’s no suicide in this story. how misleading
now Nighteye’s getting offended and asking Deku if he’s testing him
but Deku says he just got a little hyped up remembering the story
Mirio and Bubble Girl are just watching like, “...”
Mirio’s impressed with how Deku turned the situation around even though he didn’t actually get Nighteye to laugh
so now Nighteye’s sitting down and looking as though he’s considering it
but Nighteye hasn’t quite made up his mind yet whether or not to take him
Nighteye’s laying out all the details of the internship and how tough it is
the internship will last at least a month -- although it’s paid, hell yeah Deku, nice -- and Deku will need to take lots of time off from his lessons at U.A. and he’ll likely have trouble keeping up with his course workload and would risk falling behind his classmates
but Deku has made him his mind on this for sure. he’s not afraid of the extra work
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aaaaaand Nighteye is stamping the contract
wait a sec
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uh oh
(ETA: how could I have just skipped right over Deku’s reaction without commenting on it omg
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fucking flawless comedic timing. who says this kid has no sense of humor)
lol Nighteye says he has no intention of stamping it
Deku, grab his arm real quick and just... he’s right there! you can do it. he’s so skinny. just overpower him
oh shit
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what the fuck is wrong with his neck
also, so Mirio’s already considered a sidekick then? you go, Mirio
(ETA: actually, Mangastream has the correct translation here: “this office already gets along fine with two sidekicks and one student intern.” it’s just that at this point we hadn’t yet been introduced to Nighteye’s other horrifying sidekick)
he’s asking Deku what he has to contribute to society. if he wants his acknowledgement then Deku has to show him
of course there’s no need to sum up everything All Might himself had to contribute. nothing to see here, just a single man who transformed the entire world for the better and gave it hope. yep yep
anyway, so Nighteye is again asking him what advantages he can offer his agency. and he says he’d appreciate if he showed him with actions rather than words
well this is tricky. what does Deku have going for him. well his winning attitude and good heart and big hero brain of course. and also a little ol’ thing called One for All, but that part is of course a secret
oh my god
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lmao are you serious. yes, exactly. GO FOR IT DEKU, STAMP THAT SHIT YOURSELF
he says he’s giving Deku a rare chance even though he doesn’t have the slightest shred of humor
“am I not merciful” jesus
now he’s telling Mirio and Bubble Girl to skedaddle
well, Deku managed to graze Gran Torino within three minutes his very first time using full cowl. and he’s the guy who trained All Might. Nighteye is just his fucking sidekick. DEKU YOU GOT THIS BRO
Bubble’s asking if Mirio had to pass a test like this when he first started
he says he didn’t, since Nighteye chose him personally. I guess U.A. must have given him the same pitch they gave All Might about how great Mirio is
in both the FA translation and the Mangastream translation, Bubble uses the word “jelly”, and for some irrational reason it’s really making me cringe
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so jelly
(ETA: honestly though, Nighteye really does love Mirio. initially it’s framed as just Mirio being his protege and the one he believes is most deserving to inherit OFA, but over the course of the arc it becomes clear he cares about him much more deeply than that. actually, a good deal of Nighteye’s character development is just us gradually learning that he cares a fuckton more than he initially lets on. I have a lot of Nighteye feels. someone sent me an ask about him yesterday, so I’ll post that soon)
Mirio’s thinking to himself that it doesn’t look good for Deku, though
“against Sir’s quirk, accomplishing those conditions is virtually impossible”
well then Sir “All Might’s fucking sidekick” Nighteye, what the fuck is your quirk, then. consider me suitably hyped by this point
Nighteye says he won’t attack Deku, and he doesn’t care what Deku does, even if he damages the room
okay for real though, just how badass is this dude. what rank is he. is he the number three guy at long last? they’re sure making him out to be at that level
(ETA: are we going to get Nighteye’s actual hero ranking at any point? will they mention it in his fucking obituary maybe)
Deku’s powering up full cowl. I hope he went straight to 8%
he’s charging straight at him. Nighteye seems to think it’s a feint
yep he’s right
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“you’ll follow with another attack” hoooooooly shit IS HE A PRECOG. IS THAT HIS QUIRK. FUCKING KATAKIRI OMG
although to be fair, literally any asshole could have told you Deku was going to follow up with another attack lmao. “nah, actually that’s it. one and done. I give up now”
imagine if this really is the number three hero. oh Kacchan, I heard you interned with number four, so naturally I went and convinced the number three guy to take me :)
(ETA: and yeah I’m aware that since All Might’s retired, all of the rankings have been bumped up, but I still think of them in terms of their previous rankings for some reason. anyways, you know what I mean)
not that Katsuki would have been able to tolerate this guy for more than thirty seconds
“I see everything.” yeah, I’m pretty sure. either that or he’s got 360 degree vision or some shit
but I really hope it’s precognition. I have a mental list of quirks we haven’t seen yet that I’m anticipating and this is one of them. (I also really want to see mind-reading and truth serum quirks. and an illusionist quirk, because I need one of these villains to play some damn mind games one of these days)
Deku’s thinking to try and beat Nighteye’s quirk by overwhelming him with a bunch of attacks
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(ETA: later on we learn that he can only use this quirk once every 24 hours. that’s a pretty big deal, because it means he took this decision so seriously that he decided to use it on Deku. if he’d ended up needing to use it for something else (say, something related to actual crime-fighting) later on he’d have been SOL.
also, Nighteye is a great example of the advantage a hero has when the details of their quirk aren’t widely publicized for the world to see. and he also proves that it’s more than possible to keep them under wraps even after years of hero work. just saying, U.A. maybe it’s not the most rational thing in the world to deprive your kids of that advantage right from the get go simply because you assume it’ll happen eventually)
so now Deku’s straining to figure out a way to get around his quirk
I would think speed alone would still be able to do it. if you’re fast enough it shouldn’t matter whether the opponent knows the punch is coming or not. but I expect Nighteye is likely faster than Deku though since Deku’s still inexperienced
is there any way to confuse him if someone has a lot of potential “courses of action” and all of them have a near-equal likelihood?
anyway let’s see what he actually does end up doing lol
Nighteye says he was wondering what kind of person Deku was, and that he had high expectations
but he says Deku is mediocre
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starting to get an inkling that the guy who can predict the future has gotten a little too used to being right all the time
you really think you know better than All Might on this one, huh. okay
also, exactly how many people know about One for All for real though?? the list just keeps expanding
so Deku’s really surprised. that’s right, he wasn’t aware Mirio had been the original candidate
Nighteye says he respects All Might, but they didn’t see eye to eye when it came to his successor
why do you think you should have had a say in it to begin with?
I guess All Might probably confided in a few people and asked for advice and recommendations though
oh dang
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(ETA: All Might does a lot of not telling Deku things. he is the Obi-Wan of this series after all)
I don’t know if I’m ready for Deku to have a crisis of confidence so soon after Kacchan’s. I hope this doesn’t rattle him too much
he asked All Might back at the sports festival if he wanted someone else, and All Might told him in no uncertain terms he was the one, so. hope he remembers that
so Nighteye’s reminding him that the clock’s still ticking down while he’s just standing there thinking
he’s being a real asshole! :)
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I mean, not to compare All Might to Lord Voldemort lol, but it’s kinda the same thing. having heard a prophecy that could have applied to two different children, Voldemort went with the child most similar to him, rather than the pureblood. All Might also had his choice of successors. Mirio is amazing and would have definitely been worthy. but in the end, All Might chose the boy who was born quirkless just like him. just because he started from further down doesn’t mean his ceiling is lower than anyone else’s, and in fact it may just be the highest of them all
oh good. Deku’s getting fired up
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good Deku
“All Might... chose me!” yessssssssss omg. bring it!
“he’s not the kind of kid who’s so used to rejection anymore!” omfg. now they’re trying to get me fired up. and it’s working oh damn
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it is pretty sweet how he went out of his way to make sure she got a decent amount of screentime and not just some one-time background role
but like, he can’t pretend her costume design wasn’t 100% the reason he picked her, and tbh it kind of skeeves me out. anywayy
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rainbow-needs-help · 3 years
Been a while since I’ve made a bnha post on this blog but I wanna talk abt 319 bc I just reread it and I have Thoughts. This probably won’t be very organized knowing me so I hope it makes sense lol
Firstly, I was so happy to see our class-a crew again. I didn’t realize just how much I missed them until I saw them all gathered together in the dorms. And of course the thing that brought them together was midoriya. It’s like aizawa said during the licensing exam arc: midoriya has a constant presence and influence on every member of the class, even when he isn’t with them
Their little meeting all comes together in this moment right here:
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Every member of class-a is worried about deku. All they want to do is see him safe and sound, but they also all know him well enough to know that he isn’t going to be thinking of himself and his safety. So they come up with the best solution: tell him how much they care. Make contact with the heroes he’s with, and they eventually get to him. Also sidenote: ururaka looks absolutely gorgeous in that last panel
So they do exactly that. They “be a little pushy” and finally get into contact with endeavor to convince him to help. And one thing that felt so powerful to me was this panel right here
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I’ll admit it was a little strange to see them all in their uniforms again bc it feels like it’s been so long, but I feel like that only added to the effect. They’re presenting themselves as one united front that won’t take no for an answer. Even bakugo has his uniform done up right, tie and all.
I feel like that really speaks to his development and how far he’s come from the bully we saw way back in the first volume. He’s able to work alongside others and be a part of team and even look the part too.
(A little bit of a tangent but I’ll admit, I didn’t like bakugo at first. I thought he was only a bully and an asshole and that he could never be anything else. I started to change my mind around the sports fest, when izuku talked about bakugos opening speech. He mentioned “the old kacchan” and that kinda forced me to realize that bakugo would be changing no matter what. Now he’s one of my favorites and I’m really proud of how far he’s come. But anyway, back to the chapter at hand)
Going back to the “united front” panel, another thing that really struck me was the looks on everyone’s faces, especially minas. She’s always very animated and dramatic with her expressions and body language, so it’s strange to see her so toned down and serious. Just a another reason why this panel sticks out to me
Anyway, moving on. We have iidas final speech before we return to the present where the class has joined deku
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It’s a common thought among the fandom that iida is Class Dad, and we see that here. Deku is one of his best friends, so of course he’d “follow him wherever he decides to go.” It isn’t surprising that he’d say that for himself. But the fact that he speaks for the class as a whole, saying all of them would follow deku to the ends of the earth, that speaks volumes to me. That’s why I see this as a Class Dad moment and not just as best friend moment. He speaks for the class because he can, and he knows his class well enough to know that none of them will disagree. It’s touching just how much he cares, not only for deku, but for all of class-a
And I want to speak on the facial expressions of the rest of the class again. They all look mostly determined, but you can see they look a little sad as well. It’s especially clear to me on momo and todorokis faces. I feel like momo has probably found a way to blame herself or take responsibility for not seeing how much deku was dealing with (which is absolute bs. She didn’t notice anything because deku didn’t want her to. He didn’t want anyone to). Todoroki looks more angry and determined in the group shot, but that close up in the first panel. He’s upset that one of the only people he considers a friend would leave the class behind and be so reckless with himself. He honestly looks a little lost to me
This post has gotten a whole lot longer than I originally wanted/planned/expected so I’m gonna try to wrap it up quick oops. If you’ve read all the way through: thanks for sticking with me so far!! We’re almost at the end I promise!!
I’m putting these two sets together because I feel like they should be
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At first dekus confused, and of course he is. Why are they here? How did they get here? How did they find him? And ururaka answers honestly and sincerely “because we’re worried.” Of course, dekus quick to reassure them “I’m ok” because that’s the kind of hero he wants to be. He’s said so many times before: he doesn’t want anyone to worry about him. But it’s obvious that he’s not ok and bakugos quick to point it out. He’s sarcastic and rude because that’s how he always acts towards deku. He wants things to go back to normal and he’s gonna do what he can to make sure they do
And the smiling thing. That’s something that’s been huge in this series since the beginning. deku wants to save people with a smile, but in these recent chapters, it honestly looks like he’s forgotten his dream. And once again, bakugos quick to say something. He’s the one who’s known deku the longest and (arguably) knows him the best, so it makes since that he’d be the one to remind deku of his dream. It’s another way of trying to get back to normal
And now these two panels. They’re absolutely heartbreaking
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Dekus changed so much and not in a positive way. His friends have tried talking, but that hasn’t done shit, so they’re going to help the only way they can: beating the self care into deku like their lives depend on it. They’re hero students, they’re “actions” people not “talking” people. As much as it hurts me, the only way I can see this ending is with a fight
I know this post has been long as shit but if you read it all the way through, thank you so much!! Feel free to let me know your thoughts and theories about this past chapter or about anything I said <3
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calciumcryptid · 4 years
Hello, it is Galaxy here.
Today I am full of bitterness, so in order to properly get it out of my system I'm going to outline how I would rewrite My Hero Academia season one.
Real quick, I want to say that I'll be keeping any canon ships or romantic interests despite what I personally ship.
Here we go.
The Galactic Season One Rewrite
Episode Four: The Entrance Exam
This is where the changes start as I don't have any problems with the first three episodes. While the first change is minor I feel like it would be an improvement.
For awhile, Aoyama is featured prominently that I would understand if people thought he was going to be a prominent character. While this boils down to lack of foresight (in the beginning you don't really know who you should pay attention to), it will be a small change.
Instead of all those Aoyama scenes, we'll have Uraraka take them over. In these scenes Uraraka should be shown saving others. This is to give the audience a hint at her ambition to become a rescue hero and her selfless nature.
Episode Five: What I Can Do For Now
This is where the changes really begin.
There are no notable changes at first, Iida properly introduces himself to Midoriya and Uraraka shows up excited that Midoriya got in. We have our cute Izuchaco moment.
Aizawa gives his iconic introduction, and everyone is outside ready for the quirk apprehension exam.
Our next change comes to the fact that Aizawa is fully aware of All Might watching. I think this is canon, but I want Aizawa to dwell on why the top hero like All Might is interested in a simple quirk apprehension test.
The next change is minor, but the Aoyama scene here is replaced with an Asui scene. In canon she is partnered with Iida in the fifty meter dash. Asui clears the fifty meter with a single leap. Iida still beats her with his quirk, but he is rather impressed by her display of jumping power.
At the ball throw, Aizawa is surprised when Midoriya recognizes him as despite being well known in the underground he is still an underground hero with no publicity.
Then, I incorporate the trauma Midoriya 100% has from being isolated from his peers and being treated unfairly by his teachers.
Aizawa criticizes him, but this time Midoriya gets a flashback to a faceless teacher criticizing him for antagonizing a star student like Bakugou. Midoriya starts to tremble, and Aizawa instantly stops. He recognizes the signs of a panic attack, and All Might's stressed out body language.
Aizawa, as the experienced teacher he is, changes his tactics instantly. While still blunt, his tone is softer when he explains that Midoriya needs to learn quickly that destroying his body all the time is only going to make him a liability and end his hero career earlier than it should.
Midoriya, now able to refocus with a new hope that if he takes Aizawa's advice he will listen to him in the future regarding other problems. Midoriya does his one finger throw. Aizawa is impressed with the creativity and notes All Might's surprise as well.
Episode Six: Rage You Damn Nerd
Uraraka and Iida are thrilled that Midoriya has seems to have Aizawa's approval. Bakugou then rushes Midoriya like he does in canon. When Aizawa wraps his scarves around Bakugou, he remarks that Bakugou will get detention for unsanctioned quirk use.
Both Midoriya and Bakugou are surprised, which unnerves Aizawa as he pulls Bakugou back. Aizawa then reveals the ranking with Mineta in last place this time. He says Midoriya got ahead with points for creativity. He reveals the logical ruse he employed, then leaves with Yaoyorozu remarking she already knew.
As another minor changes I want the girls in Class 1-A to be amazed with Yaoyorozu's placement. I also want Bakugou to attack Yaoyorozu out of no where because he believes she is another bug he can simply crush. Yaoyorozu disproves this as she quickly makes a shield to protect herself.
Aizawa gives Bakugou another detention leaving Bakugou and Midoriya confused once again.
(Full Admission: I wanted a cool Yaoyorozu moment to cement her as the most powerful student in 1-A).
Aizawa writes Midoriya an absentee note so he can see Recovery Girl about his finger. As Aizawa leaves he is confronted by All Might who calls his bluff on having an expulsion record. Aizawa says that the quick thinking of Midoriya was what kept him in Aizawa's class. Aizawa then criticizes All Might for already having favorites as he noticed the number one hero's interest in Midoriya. All Might panics that Aizawa has figured out the connection already, but Aizawa just tells All Might that playing favorites causes bitterness among other students.
Everything is the same with Iida and Uraraka catching up with Midoriya and the three walking home together. 1-A then goes through the day until fundamental hero lessons. Everyone has their original costumes as the support course hasn't been introduced yet.
Everything goes like normal.
Episode Eight: Bakugou's Start Line
As soon as Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, and Bakugou come out Aizawa's scarves come out to wrap around Bakugou. 1-A and All Might are surprised at Aizawa's sudden appearance. Aizawa says he is going to expell Bakugou on the grounds of assaulting another classmate with the intention of severely harming them. All Might stops this, admitting that he should have stopped the fight when Bakugou was gearing up his gauntlets.
Aizawa takes a deep breath, and says that Bakugou is able to stay in the hero class for another day but will be suspended, no longer having a seat near Midoriya, and will have his gauntlets revoked until Aizawa says differently. Aizawa drags Bakugou away to fill out the proper paperwork.
The other teams do the exercise as normal, and Yaoyorozu files a formal complaint regarding Mineta. At the end of the day, Midoriya does not tell Bakugou the secret of One for All. Instead, Midoriya watches Bakugou walk away for his first day of suspension surrounded by Iida and Uraraka chatting about the excercise. Midoriya does the ending internal monologue about how he learned the difference between friends and torments.
With these changes, I would rename the title of the episode to The Line Drawn. In a reference to the fact that UA and Aizawa will not put up with Bakugou's bs like his former schools.
Episode Nine: Yeah, Just Do Your Best Iida
Now it is time for our first rapid fire changes.
It is the first day without Bakugou in class, which means the USJ Arc will not include Bakugou at any point in the story.
Todoroki and Bakugou's seats have been switched, so it is time for some awkward conversations between TodoDeku.
Iida tells Uraraka and Midoriya that Aizawa and his brother were school friends so he tries his best to remain professional.
Yaoyorozu is class repersentative, while Midoriya is the class vice repersentative. After Iida calms the school down, Midoriya intends for Iida to take his position. Yaoyorozu is concerned she did not handle the situation as good as Iida, and Iida takes the class repersentative role with Yaoyorozu as his vice. This will start Yaoyorozu's confidence issues.
Since Bakugou is not on the bus, this scene is dedicated to Uraraka who is excited to have Thirteen teaching them. Uraraka says she is a huge fan of Thirteen, and hopes to get an autograph afterwards if she has the time. She also reveals her motivation to become a rescue hero.
Thirteen is agender.
Uraraka fangirls while Thirteen is talking.
Episode Ten: Encounter With the Unknown
Aizawa does not hesitate to leap into action when the villians show up, and shows off his amazing abilities as a pro hero. He shows off the abilities of the capture weapon.
Thirteen is ready to evacuate the students, but Kurogiri warps over like he does in canon, and this time it is Kirishima and Mina who attack him without hesitation. This is to cement Mina as the most muscular of the other girls, and her and Kirishima's role in each other's lives. The attack didn't do anything when Kurogiri warps the other students away from each other.
Everything continues as normal.
In Summary of the Student's Locations:
The Entrance: Uraraka & Sero & Iida & Sato
Ruins Zone: Kirishima & Mina
Flood Zone: Asui & Mineta & Midoriya
Mountain Zone: Kaminari & Jirou & Yaoyorozu
Fire Zone: Ojiro & Hagakure
Landslide Zone: Todoroki
Squall Zone: Tokoyami & Shoji & Koda
As Hagakure joins Ojiro in the Fire Zone, she uses the flames as a source of light to reflect. Once she blinds the villains, Ojiro takes them down.
As Mina joins Kirishima in the Ruins Zone, she uses her acid as a way to trip up villains and uses her reflexes and dance moves to annihilate the chameleon villian Bakugou originally did.
As Shoji joins Tokoyami and Koda in the Squall Zone, he uses his quirk to locate Koda so Tokoyami can protect him.
Everything continues as normal as all the teachers show up to finish off the League of Villains. All the teachers get their moment.
Episode Thirteen: In Each of Their Hearts
After our neighborhood detective reassures all the students and we get the cool still shots with the gold lighting it is time for what I was preparing this whole time for.
Aizawa calls All Might and Midoriya to his hospital room and lays down that he has figured out that the two are connected somehow by their quirks.
All Might and Midoriya are shocked, but considering they are backed into a corner they tell Aizawa about One for All. After Aizawa chews All Might out for not telling him that one of his students only recently got a quirk, he says he'll have to give Midoriya extra lessons so his body is strong enough to handle One for All. Aizawa also puts together that if Midoriya didn't have a quirk before than that means he was quirkless. Suddenly, everything makes sense to Aizawa about the BakuDeku relationship.
The final small change is the next day at lunch, Uraraka brings Asui over to Midoriya and Iida. She wants to thank Midoriya for his quick thinking, and says that she and Uraraka bonded over wanting to be Rescue Heroes.
Summary of the Changes
Bakugou realizes he isn't the best anymore, and starts to face consequences for his actions.
Aizawa knows about One for All, and Midoriya has two father figures in his corner now.
The Girls of 1-A get more screentime to show off their potential to be heroes.
The Background characters get some extra scenes to show off their potential to be heroes.
Uraraka gets prominent character moments.
A good chunk of the class is biracial.
Changes That Didn't Make It
Aizawa Backstory moment where Aizawa would erase Kurogiri's quirk only to be freaked out by a familiar bone structure taking form.
Jeez, that was brutal for my fingers, but that is how I would have wrote the first season of My Hero Academia. I plan on continuing, but I think I'll be splitting posts up into arcs now because doing a whole season was a bit too much at once.
Plus, there are a lot of changes I'll be making with the Sports Festival Arc.
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miscellanasaurus · 5 years
MHA 231 Analysis
This Chapter follows off from last week with Gigantomachia as he goes full anime and tears through the forest. (And Honestly i cant help but think of the shit i`m late to school meme) 
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However Ignoring this we also cut away from the villains and back onto Hawk`s as he finally gets a reappearance  after 30`ish chapters and despite not being the biggest fan of the way Hawk`s Double agent reveal was handled i still enjoy the lovable Bastard. 
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Seeing him getting antsy over the league and how they`re moving outside they`re pattern is cute and all as we see Dabi`s gotten back in contact with hawks and i think he surmises it best when he say`s ,or rather think`s, this.
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Also there`s something oddly hilarious about Dabi going incognito perhaps its the look in his eyes but it`s just so ridiculous, though speaking of which i`m still wondering how this Dabi and Hawks relationship will play out what with the Icarus symbolism that`s been ongoing with his character. i also kinda enjoy th fact that Dabi`s got his own thing going on considering his detachment from the league you`d almost think he`d start his own revolutionary group especially considering Shigaraki`s admitted to his goal to just simply destroy everything
Though i doubt Horikoshi would do this seeing as that`d paint Dabi in a Underdog light while the league still are the underdogs as well as not making sense thematically as the LoV name carries weight to it in this world. 
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We then continue with this flashback as we see Hawk`s approaching Best Jeanist who`s while not dead in-story was pretty much considered dead by the fandom and it`s nice we get to return to his character as if we didnt then thered of been no point not to kill him during the kamino ward arc , ignoring the fact that All Mights retirement would subtract from the impact of this death and by extension Night Eyes death in 161-ish,  as well as add on to Bakugo`s emotional baggage during his fight with Deku , in short it was a good story telling point to keep Jeanist Alive.
And the thing is he most likely is alive after all when cutting to the present we see people wondering about his disappearance not death so it`s most likely that Best Jeanists death`s been faked.
This is also a rprime example of why Horikoshi should of kept the double agent reveal until later as it lessens the impact of his actions such as this.
In my unprofessional opinion there is two ways Horikoshi should of revealed the double agent nature of Hawk`s either have it be revealed along with the fact that best jeanist ,more then likely, is still alive or have the double agent reveal should of been during the Class A Vs Class B arc as not only would it stop complaining about how it was completely boring , it wasn't though some smaller characters should of gotten some development, and build up his relationship with Dabi perhaps mislead us into believing he`s agreeing with the league ideals so there would  be the constant question of whether or not he`s still a double agent. 
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Cutting back to the league and i enjoy how horikoshi`s portraying the toll all this fighting has had on them as Shigaraki`s exhausted his thoughts clearly incoherent it`s just a small detail i enjoy.
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We also get a moving scene where twice jumps into the fray to save shigaraki and i love his reaction to it, however we also see that shigaraki`s not completely shattered as he still puts 2 and 2 together to realize the defenses are getting stronger the closer they approach the tower sort of like a pain wall where at some point your so tired that your no longer tired as you push past your body`s subconscious clock , which just reminds me that this arc has just been all the villains going plus ultra which is kinda hilarious. (Also some more parralels between the league and some form of occultism and i kinda wish the idea was pushed further perhaps if this city got a chance in the limelight previously perhaps a one shot in world building  would be kinda cool if horikoshi added some world building i his volume extra`s for this one. 
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I bloody love twice just spouting out random shit favorite line has to be              move bitch get out the way                                                                                 you can just tell horikoshi`s having a blast putting this down on his panels.      We also get this panel with spinner as he asks if they cant just leave it all to twice and it`s not that he`s forgotten about gigantomachia it`s to show just how done with this shit he really is. Also this panel from shigaraki`s weird as it`s not something you`d expect to come from a villain but i don`t think this is some sort of , oh i`ll destroy your hands but i wont manipulate you, BS it`s to show that Shigaraki does see the league as he`s friend`s and i think this is first piece of indisputable evidence that Shigaraki`s not been manipulating the LoV seeing as some people still think so. 
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We also catch back up to Hanabata i also love how this opening line is much like that one quote from incredible`s
when everybody's super no one will be.
I`t seem`s his speeches also get the crowd fired up in some dragon ball-esq shit and it`s something i previously touched upon on my post about the likely outcome of spinner in this arc.
However i`m kinda annoyed that it`s spinner who`s being set against him as i feel Mr Compress should be the one to fight 
Granted he`s most likely going to help Dabi and we`ll get some development for Dabi where he see`s the league as less of a tool to achieve his goals as his character development seem`s to mirror Shigaraki`s. 
However Mr.Compress would work as a great foil to Hanabata. Both politicians ,well the crooked ones, and magicians use trickery and deception to fool they`re audiences into believing what they're hearing/seeing they both also seem to be rather enigmatic with a certain showmanship about them. 
I`ll see where this is  going before i completely reject it i`m just worried we wont get any back story on compress now, though we most likely will.
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We then end on this panel as Twice reaches the MLA base, or at least one of his clones does and Re-destro looks a lot more green-goblin-esq in this panel as we end on this closing line from re-destro and i like the fact horikoshi`s showing how killing Miyashita has still followed re-destro with most anime villains they kill people like its nothing and immediately forget about them.
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katetcake · 6 years
Y'know, I don't really get why villain Deku who became a villain after middle school isn't more common. It's always kidnapped/gone missing/blackmailed when he was like 5-7 and then turns out to be good for some reason. Like seriously. It seems like only gobeyondlonging wholeheartedly went w/ post-middle school villain Deku.
It's the perfect time if you think about it. His entire life he's wanted to be a hero despite everyone constantly telling him he's delusional. His entire middle school class (teacher and all) making fun of him for wanting to be a hero. Then Bakugo telling him he should just kill himself and hope he gets a quirk in his next life. And to top it off, All Might, his hero, his raison d'être, tells him his dream is stupid, effectively crushing said dream.
That's all in the same day.
It's the perfect backbone for how villain Deku is typically portrayed (ruthless and hellbent on killing Bakugo/and All Might). Hell, depending on how villain Deku's coming-to-be is portrayed, Shiggy's motive and growth as a villain could start earlier and develop quicker.
Not to mention the ripple effect it would have.
Would Uraraka be okay? She was nearly crushed in the entrance exams after all. Maybe she's a 1B student, if she even still passed didn't die that is.
Would Iida be alive? Considering how close Stain was too killing him, prob not. Stain would still be running around, Manual would probably get his Hero License revoked, UA would get some seriously bad press, and maybe some students drop out of UA or get pulled by concerned parents.
Deku would probably hate Stain like Shiggy does, maybe even more so. The LoV would likely be the ones to put an end to Stain and cause the same or bigger media uproar in the debate of "Hero Ideology." Their main League group is probably the same w/ the exception of edgelord Spinner who's a diehard Stain fan.
Would Todoroki even still be in UA? He still wouldn't be using his right side since Deku's not there to help him through his trauma. And considering how Aizawa is known for expelling his students, Todoroki would've probably been expelled for "not taking becoming a hero seriously." He has potential, but his refusal to use his fire would negate that. Todoroki would probably love it too. Becoming no. 1 using only his ice and having graduated from some no-name school. The perfect fuck you to dad.
Would the League still even bother trying to kidnap Bakugo? If they do, the villains have shown themselves more capable of winning against the 'we-always-win' heroes. Maybe Bakugo's more willing to entertain the idea of being a villain. If not, he's fucking dead. Hell, he's prob dead even if he does join. Not to mention Kouta would be dead if the training camp arc went vaguely the same.
Would Kirishima still try to go after Bakugo? Iida died going after a villain and Todoroki's not a student. He probably goes alone if he goes at all and get himself killed. Hell he might not even be a UA student since Deku wasn't around to rush in and try to save Bakugo in middle school effectively motivating Kirishima to become a hero.
Does the Kamino Incident still happen? Does AfO v OfA still happen? If not does OfA v HE happen instead of Endy v HE? Is that what happens in place of the Kamino Incident? Maybe OfA v HE followed by OfA v AfO for a double whammy?
Regardless of whether AfO v OfA happens, Endy v HE still does. Since Deku wasn't there to catalyse Todoroki's interactions w/ Endy, he's probably not looking to change as a person like he currently is. That lack of wanting to change/recognize his mistakes could stunt the growth/improvements he's made as a fighter. Endy could very well lose go High End.
Todoroki BTFO class 1A in the Licence Exam?
Mirio would likely have gotten OfA only to lose it in the fight against Overhaul. Sir probably still ends up dead too knowing that the perma-loss of the OfA quirk and Mirio's possible death is his fault. Regardless of Kirishima being a UA student/interning or not, Fatgum is likely/probably killed by Rappa. The heroes basically would've probably lost against the Eight Precepts. Maybe Shiggy still Diggy's the fuck outa Overhaul and shows how Hero Society is bs along the way b/c "Look. More proof [Eri, Sir, Mirio] heroes are bs."
Gentle and La Brava would've made fools of UA during the Cultural Festival. That is, if the Cultural Festival still happens.
The only possible positive ripple would be Shinsou. The fucker would prob have taken 1st or 2nd place in the Sports Festival. Shinsou would be in the Hero Course.
So how's that for ripple effect.
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man-i-dont-know · 7 years
BNHA Chapter 157: Spoilers and Thoughts
I am a bit late again, sorry, but lets get right into this fan-freaking-tastic chapter.
Um... can I say that the page layout with Overhaul reaching for Eri where his fingers act as the panels’ borders is absolutely astounding? Like holy crap, the desperation in Overhaul’s face and the force that Horikoshi managed to capture in that image is amazing. Like I know he has a thing for hands, but this is insanely incredible.
I love seeing Deku’s determination in keeping Eri safe, I want both Deku and Mirio to become a big brother figures to Eri, that would be the best. There is one thing that bothers me about the next scene though. I understand that Deku kicks hard enough that the air pressure launches him up through the hole, but I can’t figure out the angle that he kicked to launch him upward. So he’s falling away from the hole, kicks towards the hole and the wind up is what propels him up? Cause if the kick went all the way through then wouldn’t Deku be shot down super fast rather than up? I’m still tyring to figure it out but that is basically the only problem I have with this chapter (I suppose I have one other but it is minor and this chapter is solidified hype so none of this takes me out of the story).
I like the girls jumping into action right after Deku seemingly vanished, and Sir telling them that Deku is going to be killed, they straight up told him, “With all due respect, that’s BS.” And not only are the girls refusing to sit idly, Sir even stands back up and is ready to get back in the fight. Like, dude, you were basically skewered and I am like, 70% sure your left arm is lying on the ground somewhere behind you, he really should have died a while ago. Sit this one out, ya done good man. But he won’t, heroes make some super dumb decisions sometimes... I suppose the line between dumb and brave is fairly thin though (and there is also duty to think about).
Ok... Ok... I thought Overhaul fusing with that one guy was weird, but fusing with the big guy is just excessive. He’s the boss that you think you’ve beaten then he reveals that there is another form, but he’s done it twice now, Overhaul just needs to go down at this point. 
Deku is fine even after using 100%, and it is all because of Eri. God, Eri is the best character and she has been around half an arc. The draw back to her extreme reverse quirk is that it seems that after she stops using it you begin to revert to your previous state. That coupled with the fact that she is not sure how to use her quirk makes her quirk a huge gamble (at least at the moment). If she were to reverse someone to be healthy, medics would have to be right there so when her quirk gives out they can get to work immediately. Eri stopped using her quirk for a moment and Deku went from fine to intense pain, so again, massive gamble.
Again, Overhaul is now a grotesque final boss monster and he is being an ass and cursing Eri’s existence like the tool he is (please ignore my Overhaul icon), but Deku is an A+ dude and compliments Eri’s quirk. Which is painful to think about if you consider that it is very possible that this is the first nice thing anyone has said to her. And it shows, Eri starts crying as soon as she hears that. I’d say that Eri needs to be wrapped in a blanket and given a hug, but at the moment she is on Deku’s back wrapped in Mirio’s cape, which I am actually very satisfied with. Then... it happens...
Deku finds a brand new way to break his body. I should have expected but the ABSOLUTE MADMAN is hard to predict. He is literally asking Eri to fix his bones as he breaks them, and in order to not be permanently reversed, Deku is going to try to out do Eri’s quirk by breaking himself faster than she can heal him. That makes sense, but, Deku buddy, the moment Eri stops using her quirk you will straight up explode. Also, the power that is basically shooting out of Deku’s eyes is cool and I hope that becomes a signature thing that sets his appearance apart from other heroes. And when Deku goes 100% and starts having laser eyes and Kirishima hair Eri is looking at him with mild concern, I think it’s hilarious.
Well that was an awesome chapter and I am very happy with it. My last comment I want to make is this: Deku plans on fighting Overhaul using a power he has not been able to use without shattering bones and he has a child on his back to top it off. That is it, thank you guys for reading my post and I hope you have a great day.
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