#considering my Insta reach is almost nonexistent
puertoricanbelle · 2 years
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My OC Zyrah swordfighting with Hiccup after she becomes blind
Redraw of an older piece
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sloppy-butcher · 4 years
Alrighty then. So Michael and Danny with a s/o or just a survivor that’s caught their interest that’s clearly favored by the entity (most likely due to excellent performance but could be bc of personality). Example: they more often they get better sacrifices or personal effects as a comfort. But they share their stuff with the others because they like helping
heyy! thank you for the request!
with this one i decided to make the S/O a killer cause i feel that would create the most conflict :) hope that’s ok<3 editt; i realize after writing it that i forgot you included “shares with others” T_T im so sorry
ok so when you say ‘favored because of personality’ I’m going to assume it refers to the reader willingness to obey the Entity and kill without question
ghostface is below the cut. also he's pretty NSFW
HeadCanons for The Shape (Michael Myers) and The Ghostface (Danny ‘Jed Olsen’ Johnson) with an Entity-favored killer! S/O
The Shape (Michael Myers)
It’s customary when a new killer arrives in the Fog, for them to be favored by the Entity. Their unique way of torturing and killing bringing new flavors of fear for the master leaving the other killers on the sidelines. However, when the excitement dies and the dust settles, the attention shifts back to the usual favorites. What confused Michael about you the most was that there was a consistent liking on you that maintained itself and grew even after your initial arrival. There was always a big eye watching you from the sky, a large red sign on your back that the Entity never stopped searching for. There was no denying that even after making yourself home among the Fog that the Entity still liked you.
Michael has never been the favorite. If anything, he’s one of the more disliked killers. That doesn’t mean he’s bad a killing, oh no. Just, in relation to how the Entity wants Its kills to be presented, Michael a bit of an under-achiever. He doesn’t do want is expected of him, he just kills. And that puts him on the boss’s F-tier. So when you show up and immediately get on the Entity’s good side, Michael is skeptical. But not jealous. He’ll just wait and watch as the spotlight shifts away and you lose your shine.
When time passes and you remain as attentive as ever Michael begins to get suspicious. What exactly made you so special? Did you have an ability that was interesting? Or was there something else? Whatever it was, Michael didn’t have to ponder it for too long because one night when he returned to his realm after a long day's work, he found you standing in the middle of the street waiting for him. You explained that you were sent there by the master to help “guide” Michael to become a more efficient and better killer. You couldn’t see it but Michael was furious.
Michael resented you. Every night you would be there, buzzing around him like an annoying fly. He once tried to chase you away, raising his arm in an aggressive gesture only for you to scoff halfheartedly, “You call that a lunge?” Oh right, you were a killer as well. After intimidation didn’t work, he resorted to throwing endless a hissy fits (consisting of him crossing his arms and angrily stomping away from you). You’d have to chase him lecturing him as you did, explaining that if Michael wanted the approval of the Entity he needed to listen to you. Of course, he didn’t.
“You are such a brat you know that?” Michael cocked his head, a sign of his so-called brattiness. He let out a loud huff and turned his nose up. You gasp. “How DARE you!” He huffed again as if testing your authority. He could be such a child.
Eventually, when it became clear that the nail wasn’t being hammered into his thick skull, you gave up on the man. You stopped pestering him, stopped showing up, and threw in the metaphorical towel. With you gone his world feel to silence, only the flickering of red and blue lights moved in the space around him. He felt... empty? Like something was missing. Almost as if on autopilot he looked to his left and surprising saw nobody there. He had grown used to seeing your smaller form next to his. So pristine, always talking with authority and determination. You were skilled, precise, and managed, he actually found himself missing the way you annoyed him. He missed your noise.
Without really trying, Michael started performing even worse in trials. Sometimes he would kill them all within minutes not even offering them a chance to escape or fight back. And other times he wouldn’t even try, deliberately losing chases and allowing the survivors to escape scott-free. And it’s not as if the Entity could punish Michael like it did the others; Michael didn't fear pain nor did he have any emotional attachments of which could be manipulated. The Entity had no way of twisting his arm. As a last resort, you were sent back to try deal with him.
He watched you casually stroll up to him, your arms crossed over your chest like a scolding teacher. When you reached him you shook your head. “You did that on purpose.” Tapping a foot in annoyance you waited for a nonexistent explanation. He just looked at you, eyes taking in your form, eating it up like a starved dog. After you realized that the man wasn’t going to bother with any type of apology or declaration, you sighed and lowered your hands. “Y’know there’s an easier way to keep me around.” He shuddered at your voice but showed no signs of irritation, it was as if he liked hearing you speak in such a tone to him. “Just, promise me you’ll try not to get on Its bad side anymore. At least for me.” Michael considered your proposition for a moment then turned and started to walk away. When he noticed you weren’t following him, he hesitated. He actually waited for you. It wasn’t much but it was a start.
The Ghostface (Danny ‘Jed Olsen’ Johnson)
Danny would definitely be jealous of your attention. Expect long, hateful glares and snide comments. How is it that you had all the entity’s blessings whereas he, a willing participant received none of your praise? He never felt so cheated as he did every time you would return from a successful trial, dressed in the blessings of your victory. He’d hate you.
Of course, Danny would never really show it. Sure, he’d let you pick up on the side-ward scowls and sometimes hear the odd slur but he always hid his true feelings and thoughts. However, his hubris made him believe his acting skills were better than they were you were that man's kryptonite, his weakness. Eventually, things started to slip through the cracks and you could see how much you burned him inside.
It became something of a game between the two of you. You would come back from a trial and while passing him, boast about your kills. “All dead. Merciless.” You sarcastically flip a hand through imaginary hair, passing him a teasing eye over your shoulder before strutting off. You’d leave him fuming. Next time he would return, Danny would approach you twirling a bloody, still-dripping knife. He’d smirk under his mask knowing full well your attention was glued to him. “Dead. Everyone last one of them.” He stated in a matter-of-fact tone, chest puffed out with vicious pride. “Did you use Hex: NoED though?” He paused. How did you know that? At his sudden stupor, you knew you had struck a nerve. Grinning manically you regain your no.1 killer status. “The Entity says that all the struggling killers use that perk.” You emphasize the ‘struggling’ part by curling your fingers and showing off your best shit-eating smile. Danny’s fist shook with rage. “I’m allowed to use whatever Hex I want. If the Entity,” he spat the master’s label with disgust, “didn’t want it to be used, it should be removed.” You crossed your arms and gave the killer a ‘really?’ look. He growled and began to trudge away. As if poking the bear you offer him one last piece of advice, “You already have an insta-down ability, Danny. Use it!”
It would take a while for his pride to mend after that instance but after it did, Danny set to work. He tried beyond anything to beat you, competing for the Entity’s favor. Or, at least, that’s what it seemed like to an outsider. What the man was really desiring was to become the top dog. Become better than you and make you eat your words. He’ll show you ‘struggling’.  As much as he hated to admit it, he often found himself following your advice. He never camped hooked survivors, rarely tunneled, and became the master of his stealth. You were a positive influence on him and his work ethics, it was no longer just about killing it was more about HOW he killed.
He would never EVER admit how you effected him. But you would notice the improvement. The eye of the Entity now had two flickers of interest and it couldn't be more impressed. You certainly were an effective killer, not just in the field but also on your peers. And because of this fact, you always remained the favorite.
Danny witnessed this inherent bias and while his blood boiled, he decided it would be better to make peace rather than enemies. "So," Danny put a gloved hand on his hip having finally cornered you in a private moment. "How do you do it?" At your confused expression, he chuckled shaking his head dismissively. "The Boss. How do you keep its favor? I mean, if you haven't noticed," Danny said, fixing a glove. "I've been performing exceptionally well in my trials. Yet the attention is always fixed on you." A smile crept across your lips. Something was different about the man. He didn't portray a total and complete aura of dislike towards you. There was something else there. Admiration? Desire? Whatever it was, it felt nice to be showered by it. You shrugged your answer unsure of how exactly to respond. "Shit then," Danny said, shaking his head again and letting out an airy laugh. "You must give awesome blowjobs."
NSFW! The new game the two of you had adopted was a more friendly competition than the previous hate-filled pissing contest. The rules were simple, whoever returned from their trials with the most merciless titles got to top. Sorry, I don’t make the rules. And to be honest, while Danny does enjoy the added bonus of bragging rights, regardless of if he won or not he always had fun in whatever position. He secretly likes watching you take control over him. 
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