#this redraw was like 3 or 4 years in the making lmao
puertoricanbelle · 2 years
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My OC Zyrah swordfighting with Hiccup after she becomes blind
Redraw of an older piece
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kurashikimisaki · 20 days
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HAPPY 999 WEEK!!! planning on doing album cover redraws for all 10 days :-)
(I have days 3, 4, and 10 drawn atm, and I am like 90% sure I'll finish everything else on time!! which would make this the first extended art challenge I've ever completed lmao 😭 really excited for day 10 especially, it's a song-character correlation I've had in my head for YEARS!!)
for notes on this: it really pained me to draw Ace in this album cover tbh bc I ADORE The Normal Album/The New Normal and Ace is 👎👎👎 but the third track on this album, Laplace's Angel, fits him pretty well so I felt like I had to use it for him!! (it could also make for a decent Akane song tbh... definitely fits Ace more though, with how angry it is)
I've been trying to experiment with brushes + artstyles with these redraws, and I think this turned out okay. there's a grain brush I used for a lot of the lighting that I really liked, and I think I'll try using it more in the future. also I think I did a pretty okay job replicating the text in the album, especially comparing it to day 3's text which I lowkey butchered 💀 (conceptually that redraw looked so much better in my head...but it turned out decent so I'm not too eager to redo the whole thing lol)
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forecast0ctopus · 7 months
Any advice on drawing McCoy? I’m not used to drawing ancient wrinkley bastards (affectionate) and it’s surprisingly tough v-v
FOR SURE lmao i made. a diagram. just a warning that i am going to be irritating and long winded because u just hit a topic i really like sorry lmao
so first off i did some traces just to show whats there vs redraws to show my interpretation
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ive said this on other asks but again jsyk, tracing isnt bad!! its a tool. theres some stuff with intellectual property and whatnot but using tracing to study shapes and forms is a really valuable practice.
also just taking some time to learn facial structures and anatomy is super useful, reading what bones and muscles are where and how they interact with one another. taking this info and staring in the mirror and moving your face around and thinking about it. just really furthers understanding of how the face works. trying to sound normal about this but i love anatomy and motion and physics and whatever
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anyways im going to go through all the numbered points so there's no confusion. 1. forehead lines - self explanatory. more prominent when brows are raised 2. crows feet - at the outer corners of the eyes, more prominent when smiling or squinting 3. nasolabial folds - the folds that go from the corners of the nose to the corners of the mouth. more prominent when the mouth is wide, like smiling 4. brow furrow - self explanatory, most prominent when brows are furrowed. mccoy tends to have two right next to his eyebrows, kirk has one in the middle. everyones face works different lmao 5. chin crease - caused by how the chin and lower lip interact. 6. nasojugal groove - start from the inner corners of the eye and can extent over the cheeks. everyone has these and idk why people dont like them i think theyre really cool!!!! but Society. i guess. :/ 7. eye bags - caused by the skin sagging beneath the eyes. mccoy isnt even that old in tos i think hes meant to be mid 40s by the end of the 5 year mission, hes just got really prominent eye bags lmao 8. idk what the name is for these, but when the mouth is wide and pushes the skin to the sides, these folds sometimes form outside of the nasolabial folds 9. philtrum - the groove above the upper lip. i dont usually draw this but mccoy's struck me as prominent enough that i usually draw it on him 10. masseter - the muscle that moves the jaw up and down. its a pretty rugged muscle and while i wouldnt say mccoy's is especially prominent, it kind of extends that nasojugal groove from certain angles/positions 11. orbicularis oris - mouth muscle, usually easier to see when lips are pursed or frowns are pulled. mccoy's is pretty prominent from 3/4ths or side, his mouth tends to protrude in profile 12. this isnt a muscle but more of a line defining the planes of the face, but since i drew it i felt i should explain lmao
a few points:
im an animator i tend to exaggerate and emphasize certain things so i usually make him more square.
i like to combine eyebags and crows feet for brevity/flow, same with nasojugal grooves, eyebags, and masseter lines. my approach is always subject to change based on pose, expression, reference image, etc.
i take out details that i deem redundant or cluttering and keep what details i need to make things feel Right
all this info is applicable to any character of any age, its just in how you apply it and facial proportions that willl change how old a character is perceived to be
there's a lot more with drawing a Character rather than an Actor, just because the features are there doesnt necessarily mean things will feel correct? its very much in the mannerisms and poses and expressions
i only went over my approach to his likeness but not really body type or posing or anything idk if u want that i could always try to answer that later haha
anyways all that info kind of exists nebulously in my brain while i draw its not like im sitting there thinking Must Draw. Nasolabial Fold...... i jsut do what feels right with the visual info i have. also i love specificity in faces.... i dont like to be a hater but when every character is drawn the same it pisses me off a little lmao. so
also dont take my word as The Only Way to do anything i just draw how i like to draw and no one should feel like these are things that Must be done to be a good artist or anything do whatever the hell u wanna do
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u3pxx · 9 months
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next, you're gonna tell me it's gonna be some made-up year like "2025" next. tch, imagine that.
anyways, whoo! 2023! compared to both 2022 and 2021, i gotta say, my art style took a hard swerve in some direction this year. i mean, look at that klavier from january and that butch kim from just this december! (granted, i heavily referenced the portrait of butch kim but still, i didn't use to paint! mama mia!)
the way i drew faces has definitely changed, that's what i get for getting into something that's live-action and into smth that has realistically proportioned art lol
OH! OH! HOW COULD I FORGET!!! IT WAS (and still will be) THE YEAR OF THE OLD MAN!! i really learned how to draw aged faces this year! ach fraulein, i have not stopped drawing people in their 40's-50's! i would say "send help" but i'm actually having a lot of fun ASKSKS
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i think a funny thing about these art summaries i've done is that they're mostly ace attorney but then there's just a month where i become a different type of ill LMAO this year it was four months for the price of two new interests!
cheers! here's to 2024!!! hope y'all have a fun art year!!!!
i'm gonna ramble more below about like, other art things i did this year but i'm gonna put it under 'keep reading' bc this baby is getting way too wordy now WHEEZES
⚖️ mea culpa comic [x]
drawing this one was so time-consuming and ambitious but boy, do i love the end result! i had fun doing the inks for this one but was it a lot! i usually color in lineart and render everything but i had to stop myself from doing it for this one bc man, i'll die asksks
this also has some of my favorite apollos i've drawn, definitely
also! the part about the lineart not being colored and no rendering ended up being a deliberate stylistic choice for this one bc i had like more freedom to do just shadows with inks without it looking too out of place.
💐 my lawfully wedded zine spread [x]
now this one isn't out yet but take my word for when i say that this is one of the most craxy things i've ever drawn for this year, on account of drawing a comic AND group shot all in one!
also literally one of the prettiest things i've rendered this year, lookit that klav...
🎉 aa4 redraw - 2022 anniversary [x]
kind of like my wedding zine piece, group photos are insane, and rendering like uhhh [looks at drawing] 11 CHARACTERS IS ALSO INSANE if i try and draw a group photo again you have to stop me DFGHDJ
🎨 my art fight stuff [x] [x]
was possessed in the month of july or smth bc i pumped out like how many drawings so quickly (before i got burnt out that is pftt)
pace yourselves and don't be like me pls ajshgdghhjk
💥 people park day [x]
my friend told me that it was very obvious i watched across the spiderverse when they saw this FDFGHJD
but yea! this is when i started getting really into like, thought bubbles or just like, panels or drawings within a drawing when coming up with layouts
i still love the colors on this one...
🪩 fem disco portraits
ok so i haven't uploaded these yet but you have to trust me when i say that something was in the water DFGHDJ
who knew that all it took for me to learn how to paint was butches
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THE ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT THAT SCHOOL I SWEAR PFTTT this experience has also awaken the merch beast in me and i need to make more physical things for my brain to be happy, that's just how it be pfttt
hopefully next year i can actually start like a shopee shop or whatever lmao
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i'm actually quite happy i got to participate in art fight this year! very delighted for all the art i've gotten and very fun to have drawn for others too!!
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i got invited and joined so many zines from 2022 continuing to 2023 that i kind of got burnt out from participating for now ngl ASKSKSKS not gonna be joining much this year oopsiessss! (unless i lose self-control [very likely])
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i don't actually like a lot of the stuff i draw for art school bc i tend to cram and not have fun pftt <- adhd moment, tragic! but here are some that i actually kind of like lol
i think that's it! thanks for reading all the way down here!! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
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mochiiniko · 7 months
i dont have the time to make a whole special drawing for rhythm doctors 3 year anniversary, so i decided to redraw the first thing i posted in the rd server (around late 2022 i think??) because honestly rd was one of the things that got me to improve so much 💀
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original drawings + me being emotional about rd under the cut because while ive only been into the game for a year it means EVERYTHIGN TO ME GRAHHH (lots and lots of rambles youve been warned)
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originally i was gonna make these redraws when act 5 came out because of this?? like i just find it really funny how things came full circle
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that time i was dealing with school and the stress from assessments were just. pretty bad LMAO. i had some steam credits from commissions and one of the core rd memories™️ i have was just going "oh rhythm doctor, i remember seeing a video about it i should check it out an-" BRAINROT BLAST PAST ME DID NOT KNOW
fast forward to 2023, october-november was just as rough as the previous year and i know its kinda stupid to say, but rd genuinely helped me get through it. act 5 especially since it was something nice to look forward to despite all the awfulness that happened that time. then playing act 5 made getting through that awfulness genuinely worth it
i had to play act 5 outside because i was on a trip, but i just vividly remember looking out the car window and feeling the happiest ive been during that time. and i didnt even play it yet!! just knowing that its finally out and knowing it was gonna be good was already enough
november 4 being the same time i got into the game, plus the fact that act 5 literally felt like playing through the game for the first time, made things much more emotional. act 2 was what made the game click for me (i dont have to explain why its already so obvious from my art posts 💀), and experiencing 5-X was like 2-X all over in the best way possible (i vaguely remember my own classic 2-X reaction with the window dancing, so again the whole "things coming full circle" with the window resizing lol)
im also thankful about it basically reviving the community?? i wouldnt really say it was dead pre act 5, but there wasnt too much going on especially on tumblr
theres probably stuff that im forgetting but its pretty late and i need to sleep so yea, happy 3rd early access anniversary to the silly spacebar game :>
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cy-cyborg · 1 year
Ok so the saga with my old PC continues and is only fueling my desire to get back into fanfiction lol because I found all of the files from my attempt at making a legend of spyro fan-game! I honestly thought they were lost, I'm so excited to see all this stuff again! This was the "logo" for the game (I know its nearly unreadable lol, so it says "The Legend of Cynder, Shadows of The Past". 14/15 year old me didn't seem to care much for readability, I think I'd just discovered photoshop's layer effects lol)
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Here's a bunch of random stuff I found.
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I'm defiantly going to do a redraw of that last one at some point. That was like, THE thing I remember being super proud of when I first did it. I think it was going to be part of the trailer my now-partner was putting together for the game lol.
Actually, a lot of these were actually just frames from animations, but either the files are either just corrupted, or high school me didn't know how to set fps and resolution properly in the output so I got a headache trying to watch them lol. It's probably the second one honestly. Also I remember my old laptop wasn't able to play back the animation because it would lag so much, so I just had to kind of...guess at timing, and that went about as well as you'd expect. It didn't help that blender used to have this bug where your audio would move around your timeline so it really was just random guessing. I'm amazed anything got done at all, let alone how far we actually got (that is to say, not far at all but we had something playable at least).
I also found the demo files and footage of the "game" running (running at 12fps but running)! I'm curious if they still work, I'll have to download an older version of blender to test them out!
There's actually a lot more but actually finding it is proving to be quite a challenge since this laptop seems to be the digital equivalent of an ADHD "doom box" - meaning nothing is sorted into folders that make even a remote lick of sense to me, it's all just kind of thrown in together lmao.
I wanted to post these though because even though I don't really do 3D stuff anymore, It still made me really happy to see how much progress I've made over the years and how far I've come. Also a few folks who worked on this project with me back on Deviantart have started finding me lol, so in case there's anyone else out there, hello! I'm not dead, I'm still around, I'm just a lot more (openly) queer now lmao.
Image descriptions:
[ID 1: A game title that reads "The Legend of Cynder, Shadows of the Past". The two lines, "the legend of" and "shadows of the past" are written in dark purple text. The purple material is supposed to look like liquid, but instead just looks hard to read. "Cynder" is writen in black, 3D text with red outlines, with the exception of the C. The "c" is modeled as a black tube instead of in a blocky style like the rest of the letters. The inside of the C has a red underbelly, and the bottom of the C ends in a tail, resembling Cynder's from the Legend of Spyro Series. There are 3 white spikes at the top of the C. /end ID]
[ID 2: a 3d render of 4 dragons around a christmas tree. A black dragon at the front, Cynder, is using her tail to hang tinsel, a pruple dragon, Spyro, on the left is reaching up into the branches of the tree. A blue dragon, Ignitus, is hovering behind the tree, his paws outstretched, implying he is placing the glowing star at the top. On his head is a silver dragon, Zerali, balancing on his horns. behind them is a series of floating islands. /End ID]
[ID 3: A render of Cynder with a darker colour pallet than the previous image and glowing yellow eyes, snarling at the camera, guarding a black gem. The sky in the background is blood red and the terrain is flat and barren. /End ID]
[ID 4: A render of an incomplete model of Terrador, a green dragon with brown horns and rocky shoulder decorations. He has no underbelly or wings. /end ID]
[ID 5: A render of a fan character named ekkosel, a blue, anthropomorphic dragonfly with an unsettling, uncanny face and green wings, T-posing. Her green wings are a blur /End ID]
[ID 6: two sketches of a anthropomorphic cheetah heads. One has long ears like a lynx and is labeled DotD design, the other has small, rounded ears like a cheetah usually has, labled TLoC design. /end ID]
[ID 7: A render of Zerali, the silver dragon from the second image, and ekkosel, from the 5th, playing together. In this image, we can see Zerali has a pinky-purple underbelly and shiny gold horns.]
[ID 8: A rendered scene showing a close up of blue ignitus with his eyes closed. He appears to be talking to Cynder, who is in the background, but blurry. The game's logo is visible in the bottom left of the image. /end ID]
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mdverse · 9 months
md's fun silly little top 10(ish) arts of the 2023!*
*pretend there's a fun cute doodled banner here (i was going to make one earlier and then i forgor)
doing a lil recap of my top 10 15 (it was supposed to be 10 and i could not narrow it down oops) best(? this is subjective as fuck i guess it's more like my personal faves) drawings of the year! *the crowd cheers* (it’s me I’m the crowd)
15: paradise by the dashboard light! i hate to rank her so low bc i spent ages on her but it seems i don't love the result that much anymore so :/ a for effort for me tho this was ambitious
14: cheer girl loml <33 not my best art technically by far but i went way out of my comfort zone for the background and the art style (for no good reason really) (i just wanted to do a comic book thing bc superhero vibes or whatever) (it did not come out the way i was hoping it would bc i think i got too frustrated) and we simply must acknowledge that. atog did things to me that i cannot explain
13: barbie meme brittana! not my best britt but truly sooo fun to work on. there's nothing quite like finding a fun rendering process and then never using it again (i don't even remember how i coloured this but i like it)
12: cowboy barbie brittana <3 they look good, they're about to kiss, cute outfits, pretty sunset, probably went overboard with the rim lighting, what's not to love? a banger, i think
11: i say a little prayer! i think the background is. questionable at best. but this is still really fun! i think i got possessed when i got to the uniforms bc goddamn they look good
10: klaine?? on this blog???? almost unheard of lmao i truly did not think i would like this one as much as i did. i'd consider ranking it higher if i wasn't constantly Unwell over brittana but again, i'm biased, and no one here should be surprised about that
9: pre-wedding kiss my beloved! with how insane i've been over this kiss it could perhaps be higher. i am gnawing on my desk as we speak i'm not even sitting at a desk rn
8: rutherchang x black swan!! ohhh u guys i don't talk about this one enough i think it's so pretty i don't even remember how i did the colours for it but rhgfdkngd?? love her, love pushing the glee x bts agenda, if any of u gifmakers are interested in making a mike chang x black swan lyric gifset i will love u forever
7: colour wheel challenge! busted my whole tiddies and ass for this one fellas. labour of love etc etc i think staring at the bright colours for so long made my eyesight worse and i'm ok with that
6: mistletoe brittana <33 easily the best instalment of this series by a long shot! recency bias (and also just. regular bias) made me rank her much higher originally but technically she is not the most intricate piece so she must sit down here
5: prom queen kurt! dare i say a girlslay on my behalf? i think i dare. every time i see it i think i should do more glosters (glee posters) and then i don't. i could tho they would be really cool (source: dude trust me)
4: churro kiss redraw!!! genuinely Not Sane over this! never have been, never will be! redraws are like crack to me and so is this kiss
3: furtana!! i neglected them for far too long this year but if neglecting them results in art like this i may have to do it again
2: heart kiss <3 if we're being really honest and vulnerable in the chat tonight i think this is technically my best of the brittana kiss screencap redraw things i've done this year? which i did not see coming but i guess practice means refining the process etc etc so. it makes sense ig. mwah to them <3
1: black or white gcv animation <3 it's not what i would call my best drawing (bc it's, yknow, not just one drawing) but it is what i would call the product of a very obsessive thought and some frantic art sessions. objectively it's the coolest thing i've done this year so it deserves the top spot. i'm proud of it i hope to glanimate more next year. also this isn't art but it's a relevant post that i still stand by months later
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non-plutonian-druid · 9 months
✨ Fic Writing Review 2023 ✨
thanks for the tag @littlerit!!!
Words and fics
I posted a tua oneshot Grace Through The Doorway In Time
and thats it!
ok rit i know you did say i should adjust it for art, i just thought it would be funny to do that first.
✨ Art Making Review 2023 ✨
Posted Art oh god
I kicked off the year by drawing Five and Lila in silly outfit submissions [1] [2] [3]
Delores as a mermaid in a crumbling ruin
Lemony Snicket au - Ben tied up in a closet
Redraw of a S3 promo poster
Five and Lila in that bathtub phone call x files scene
Tarot series - Death
Paranatural au - [1] [2] [3] [4]
Celebratory aroace Barbie
Comic fanart for alephnaught's fic Theory of Quantum Superposition
Five definitely just murdered someone with a chainsaw
Tarot Series bonus - Ten of Swords
Tarot Series - Judgement
Five and Lila run into each other for 0.2 seconds at the Commission water cooler
Baby Azula Mai and Ty Lee as centaurs
TUA centaur au - [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
Girl being abducted by a kelpie WIP
The Ben dying drawing that tumblr ate for some reason
Lemony Snicket au - the comic
OTGW au - Fei and Sloane
trick or treat WIPS: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13]
Voltron Gravity Falls au comic
OTGW au - Diego and Ben hide from Five
Paranatural au round 2 - [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Top Art By Notes
(probably the closest parallel to kudos is likes, but trying to figure that out feels hard)
s3 promo poster redraw - 840 notes
Death tarot card - 319 notes
bathtub x files scene - 273 notes
the first paranatural au post - 242 notes
Theory of Quantum Superposition fanart comic - 239 notes
Fandom Events 2023
@tua-masked-author !!!
Upcoming 2024
i joined the murderbot diaries new years gift exchange! so ill be making a gift for that!
i have an installment of the lemony snicket au that i think i finished like two years ago and never posted. i should proooobably post it
also, i did just finish a different installment of the lemony snicket au that yall can look forward to!
im either done or almost done with another short paranatural au comic
i will try to finish the tarot series. or failing that. ill try to at least make additions to it
im working on a post with regular canon five (doing this made me realize its been a MINUTE since i posted art of regular canon five. ive abandoned my boy) playing with mr pennycrumb
i have Another finished thing but im waiting for something else to be posted first. i dont actually have to, i just want to outsource having to write context
Rules and tags below the cut!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass, just keep on scrolling.
i dont know how many people I'm supposed to tag but! @destinyandcoins @darbydoo22 @ford-ye-fiji @grammarpedant @blessphemy trying to mind palace all the people i know on discord, who write fic, what their ao3 username is to triple check they posted this year, and what their tumblr url is... (and also if any of you dont like these kinds of games, sorry, thats my bad!!)
lmao also i fucked up all the formatting for you guys, this is what these are supposed to look like
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fainthedcherry · 12 days
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2024 Human Art VS 2019 Human Art !!!!!
And also an art comparison, just to see, how much I improved in drawing the 2 bois <3
I'm MEGA tired despite having slept after work, but I WON'T let that deter me from writing a description!! YAPNADO AHEAD;
I'm SO glad, that in the new drawing, Marco finally looks like the twink he always was, but still enough meat on the bones to look NORMAL lmao, can't say that about the 4 other sketches of me trying to redraw this ref for years. xD (why yes, his wings took forever, why do you ask? /lh)
God this habit of loudly reading out my posts as I type them made me realise what a bad Schwarzenegger impression I do on accident bc I'm overly excited to post something after a month of silence SDKFSKLDG
ONE THING I ALWAYS WANTED TO DO. IS PUT EVERY DETAIL I NEEDED ON A BIG REF. SO I DID! I've drawn closeups of the boys's eyes, I've drawn Finn's tongue so that I don't need to constantly remind myself what his blush and flesh colours were sdfkldsgkl, I FINALLY denoted their heights, so people know that they're tall TALL dudes (and that Finn obviously will struggle w/ his lanky mfing legs, we LOVE giving a middle-aged man heart attacks once he reaches his 40's!!!)
ANNDDD ALSO SOME SIDE VIEWS OF THEM. The last side-view I had of F & M, looked REAL bad. Like, Marco's face looked WAY too stereotypically European (to my fault bc surprise surprise not many African people live in Europe so I had poor frame of reference but I've been fixing it via looking up images online instead, at least it helps but yeah, I have a hard time so far unfortunately💀), Finn's was just... B u c k e t. NOT LIKE HANDSOME BUCKET. BUT JUST BUCKET. IT NEEDED FIXING (fun fact I accidentally made Finn have the most attractive jaw shape for men according to beauty standards and I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW I JUST WANTED THIS MAN TO LOOK S Q U A R E AND THAT'S IT, MINECRAFT STEVE HAS MORE RIZZ THAN MOST MEN OFFICIALLY).
OH YEAH ALSO A CLAW REF AGAIN FOR FINN!!! His old ref looks too cool for me to give up on it tbh even as dated as it is sfjklsdglk, BUT I felt like I needed to redraw them properly.
FUNNILY ENOUGH A PERSON I COMMISSIONED SAID I HAVE SOME REALLY CLEAN AND NICE LINEART. I wish I heard that 5 years ago when I was really insecure about my bad lineart skills xD, I don't use lineart anymore nowadays outside of reference-drawings like these I don't plan to redraw in the next years unless necessary soooo yeah! They're gonna appear much rarer unless I go off and about making more ref sheets of all of my Sonc OC's sfklsdgsdfksdg
This drawing took 5 days to make btw. Not the hours spent on this LOL. 5 days of my life I'll never get back tho bc I care too much about my babies and I feel they deserve proper refs sdfklsdglk
WHAT ELSE SHOULD I MENTION.....HOPEFULLY I PLAN TO DRAW MORE HUMAN REFS IN THE FUTURE INSTEAD OF STAY IN MY COMFORT ZONE OF SONIC OCS ONLY. I for years wasn't confident in my ability to draw humans, but I can do so NOW at least!!!!!!!!!! Even if I'm like...3 years too late to how I wish my art looked back then already dsklfdsg, I have some high standards I need to continue to knock down as my 2024 resolution sdfklsdg
^IT'S BEEN WORKING THOUGH AS YOU CAN TELL BC I'VE BEEN UPLOADING SOME BAD DOODLES AND SKETCHES, BEEN DRAWING MORE GARBAGE AND BECAME MORE INVOLVED IN MY BELOVED FANDOMS. I wanna continue doing so! It was the most fun I've had with art ever. I hope to properly meet more fandoms I left in the past bc I thought it'd be embarrassing to share my passion for a franchise back then. I EMBRACE THE CRINGE NOW AS AN ADULT AT LEAST EVEN IF 7 YEARS TOO LATE ON THAT FRONT TOO. We all age and mature ig but I just become more silly year by year,,, c:
Oh yeah if you also see this btw lemme know, whether the new watermark tiles are subtle enough to not be noticed!!!! I know, watermarks are annoying and nobody likes them, but ever since AI invasions, I REFUSE to put my work online without ANY form of proof that somebody took it from my page. I just want people to stop lying on the internet for cloud and pick up a pencil. It's not that hard smfh. The only time I could excuse AI art is w/ amputees man. That's the only time I could empathise with someone, who wants to be an artist but LITERALLY can't bc they got dealt a bad hand in life. I digress my AI hate can be rambled about some other day, I know I love yapping and writing essays about THAT topic for sure sfklsdklg
I chose to post this ref to my Tumblr first tho, bc I still wanna work on my drawing of Abbacchio,,,, he is quite dear to me and I'd love to put effort into a doodle of him that won't take too long. Like 4 hours or 5 hours tops. I still have yet to figure out, if his cute star shape on his head is a hat or part of his hair. Bc I CAN'T TELL TBH AND I'VE BEEN DRAWING IT AS PART OF HIS HAIR PATTERN BUT I THINK IT'S A HAT NOW EVER SINCE I LOOKED AT MORE ASBR CAPS OF HIM I TOOK FOR REFERENCES. xD
Also another side-note, but I've ofc reduced down the lankiness of the dudes I draw™, but I in result wanted to sliiightly make larger feet/hands bc my Sonic phase will continue to possess me 'til the end of time /hj, if you also wanna lemme know what you think on that, bls do! I am messing about with stylization still. I am finding my footing with stylizing humans sOOO yeah!!!! I hope to some day be satisfied with my artstyle change of '24! So far it's been really rewarding and eye-opening to me and my journey as an artist for my 7 years of existing on the 'net w/ my silly goobers I like to scream about to in the void <3
Once again, tagnado also incoming below bc I dunno how to properly tag my art so lemme throw in things I THINK are relevant to this post sdkldsgkl
See you hopefully tomorrow w/ a lil doodle dump if I get around to it!!!! : D
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xxxfoxflowerxxx · 11 months
I was bored the other day and was thinking about the past cat designs I had done. So I did some redrawing :)
I redid male Jesse’s design. I didn’t change much because he’s had this design for like 5 years in my head and I don’t think I ever will change it. He’s just always been white and brown tabby to me. Just gives off that vibe lmao. I did change his fur length and body shape compared to the last design, made him shorter and fluffier.
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This is his design from almost 2 years ago (geez I can’t believe it’s been that long since I made these mcsm cat designs)
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And here’s one from 3-4 years ago! This is the earliest drawing I’ve got of the mcsm cats. There were older ones but unfortunately I don’t have them anymore 🥲
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Also , 3 years ago I made a bunch of hermitcraft cat design (it’s always something micecraft related things that I make cat designs for lmao). I would post them here but you can only do 10 pictures per post so I’m not sure where to put them :P. Anyway I redrew Grian cuz I think his design was the first one I ever did. Either him or zombie Cleo
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Here’s the design from 3 years ago
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pavlien · 9 months
How the fresh hell did u get so good at drawing the gang?
Sincerely, someone who can’t draw the gang
personally i found that redrawing screenshots helped me alot :0 i focused on p1's style the most
also for tips when sketching: id say to draw the base for lupin and fujiko's heads as circles, jigen and zenigata's as squares and goemon's as a circle but a lil longer if that makes sense??????????
like uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh heres some unfinished WIP sketches for example
jigen's square ass head
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and lupin's normal circle head
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overall i have no idea what the hell im doing bc ive only been drawing humans frequently for like. 3-4 years now KJHJGHF meanwhile ive been a furry artist my whole life so i dunno if im the best person to ask lmao
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leoserblog · 1 year
Pt 3 of my tmnt sketchbook tour 😤
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The final sketch dump! Random info under the cut ^^
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A quick human design of leo in a rise esque style lol
Some screenshot redraws of said leo human design
An incomplete human design of donnie that i got frustrated with halway bc it doesnt look quite like him
A brains brawn fusion where hes essentially the equivalent of a sports statistics commentator with the genius to make large explosive canons lol
More of that brains brawn fusion idea but with more emphasis on the battle shell that is shaped like raphs regular shell. He has 4 eyes and arms and likes to break things in the name of science lmao
Some doodles of my 4wayseparated au but this time leo! He doesnt wear a mask bc he was raised w big mama and wears regular clothes tailored to be liu jitsu inspired. Also hes the battle nexus champ 3 years strong :)
More drawings of my version of leo when i was first fleshing him out +scars he got
Aaaaand more 4wayseparated au drawings!! This one of raph and cassandra and then donnie and april. Raph is raised by the foot clan and of course casey is his best friend. Donnie is the only one raised by splinter and april is his only friend lol
More 4wayseparated au but of mikey this time, just fleshing out his design. His clothing is more based on his future self, as hes raised by draxum and has a head start on his mystic powers
Last but not least! My au raph and mikey just standing next to each being awkward lol but also me comparing their fits to make sure theyre not too similar
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myonmukyuu · 2 years
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Art Summary: 2022
It's that time of year again! This makes my 9th year of art summaries... Kind of insane to think about.
It's been a very eventful year and I have a lot to say. Extended art performance review under the cut 👌 (3k words lmao)
Previous: 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021
So! What happened this year? Well, my book happened. I'm not sure if anything else happened ahfhasjkdkasf
See, I actually cheated this art summary a tiny bit. Usually I use the upload date of the art to place it in the summary. But if I did that for this year, there would be at least 4 blank spots. That's why February, April and May all feature different pages of the same comic (CH 9).
I really did spend the first half of the year finishing my comic. I only released 2 chapters too (the finale and the epilogue). In March I took a week and a half off to work on a short for Ayumu's birthday, but otherwise slaved all the way until June for the webcomic.
Then I spent July and August doing all of the redrawing and edits required for a physical release. Those who have a copy of my book might already know but the first two chapters have been redrawn. I also had to go through the entire comic, fixing it so that it could actually be printed (because the webcomic version definitely can't be printed as it is.) It was super time-consuming. Like, I can't even begin to describe. Moving forward I'll try to draw every comic so that it's printable from the beginning so I don't have to deal with reformatting ever again...
I'm pretty sure it was in August that I had the first copy of the book done. Then the preordering period opened in Septemeber... and now we're here! People are just now starting to receive their books. Sorry it took so long guys ;w;
I'm very happy though... Depending on who you ask, 100 sales might not be a lot, but it's a lot to me. To think that so many people would spend the money to buy this kind of product is just so surprising to me... It's expensive and all of the content is already available to read for free!!! So it's really surprising and I'm so incredibly grateful. That's why I went through the trouble of creating that golden special print for everyone! It was quite a bit of money out of my pocket, but I really wanted to show my appreciation.
As a side note, the 100 sales were really exhausting to pack. My body was sore in November because of it LMAO
So I'd say this year was great for my comic! Both its webcomic finale and its physical release. But this summary isn't meant to be about my comic, it's supposed to be about my art and me as an artist.
So how did my art go this year?
Looking back I feel nothing but exhaustion. I know I'm happy to have my comic released but, my body and mind is still very very tired. I feel like I took at least 2-3 weeks off or more from work throughout the year to keep the comic on track. It's just a huge undertaking.
What I'm getting at is I feel a tired and... a little disappointed. But don't get me wrong, I don't feel regret! It's just that... well every artist draws for their own reasons. For me, I love getting my ideas and stories out there. So I guess I felt creatively-starved spending about half a year polishing and releasing an already-complete product. Also technically starved - you don't really see much improvement if all you're doing is cleaning up art. I didn't really have a lot of time to draw because of the physical release so I often felt like I wasn't doing enough.
And honestly that's my main sentiment. While I feel happy and satisfied with releasing the book, another part of me feels like she didn't do enough.
In terms of technical skill, I definitely saw improvement this year. It's like something clicked in me and I had a better understanding of atmospheric lighting. CH 9 and the epilogue are probably some of my favourite bits of colouring I've ever done. I just love how it turned out. In CH 9, the gradual setting of the sun to create this orange/pink/purple colour palette was so fun to implement. And in the Epilogue, this blue/green/yellow rainy day came out perfectly. It was a rainy day, but unlike CH 7, it wasn't a dreary downpour but something more hopeful instead. I have a love for creating atmosphere and especially through colour. And I think I did well there.
In the realm of black/white, I also feel lots of improvement! I'm becoming more confident with monochrome and am starting to push it further. I'm not satisfied with my skill level, but I think it's promising. I may be more confident with creating tone through colour, but I'm sure I can do the same without it!
This year I also did quite a bit of painting. I really love how the October and November artworks came out. Honestly it was around this point in the year, I had the most time to output works as the only comic work I had to do was purely admin (until I started packaging things in November). I could go into technical depth, but this post is long enough. Just know that I'm happy with the little leaps my colouring skills made.
For my art summaries, I've been doing a performance review styled thing where I create goals for the upcoming year. Let's take a look at what goals I wrote for 2022 and how I went with them.
“I want to finish my comic series”
Passed with flying colours! I think the comic release was a success. This goal is a little cheap of a goal though, since I don't think I'd let myself live it down if I gave up.
“I also want to continue to try things that are outside of my comfort zone. I want to see myself try things like different angles/perspectives and more complex backgrounds.”
Now this goal... I think I made progress here. I'm not sure if people noticed but I did definitely try to slip in different angles here and there. I'm particularly good at them... but I'm trying! And I think that's the least I can do. You won't get good at something if you don't try after all. That being said, I should push backgrounds more... I rarely do them 😅
"I want to do more illustrations/quick drawings on top of my comic work."
My comic work was suffocating a lot of the time. But I did try to draw on top of it. I haven't really talked about it, nor shown anyone, but I started learning copic markers this year (borrowed my friend's set!). So in the background I've been doing 30-60 minute traditional art exercises. I'm not terribly diligent, but diligent enough that I already think it's made an impact on my art. See, I'm only doing monochrome copic markers (I'm not confident enough to do colour just yet). I'm pretty sure doing monochrome markers has helped me with my manga skills 😂. I have a better understanding of tones and values because of it! Isn't that kind of amazing? Come to think of it, it's linked to the next goals.
"I want to learn to paint."
"I want to learn to draw faster."
While I still have a long way to go, somehow my marker exercises have helped me with these too. The understanding of tones/values has made an impact on coloured work and painting as well. And because I'm doing shorter pieces, my speed has increased a tiny bit. I'm sure if I keep at it, I can continue to develop better habits!
"I want to draft more quickly and be smarter about it."
Now this goal is something I have just been trying to mentally direct myself to. It's working... a little bit. I still need to try harder.
See, I think my drafting process is really slow and inefficient. This results in me spending too much time drawing a comic because I've drafted like 5 extraneous pages. If I wanna increase my output and lower my workload, I have to learn to be more clever with how I compose each page. I think I got a tiny bit better. Need to work harder on that for sure (it's quite hard to just "learn" though...)
With the past year in mind, how do I want 2023 to go? To be honest, I still feel so exhausted because of 2022, I definitely need some time to recover, so let's not go too crazy next year.
But before I create my next goals, I wanted to talk about where I want to go in general - the grand scheme of things. Like I mentioned, I feel a lot of disappointment, like I wasn't doing enough. Which is contradictory because I also feel like I did too much with how exhausted I am... But the source of that disappointment is really tied in with how I feel about my art skill on a technical level.
I'm nearing a whole decade of hobby artist experience. And I don't feel like my art shows it. While there are things that I am better at, there's so much that I struggle with.
I want to become better. I want to improve.
It's hard to explain but I feel like I'm not doing the best I can for the stories I want to tell if I don't keep pushing and learning. And I love what I make, so I want to do those stories justice.
So it's really important to me that I keep trying to improve.
In the long term, I think my dream is to be like a pro-manga artist. Please don't make fun of me LMFAO. But there's more to it. See, I don't actually want to be a pro artist. I never want to compromise my creative vision for the sake of pandering to an audience. I sincerely think I wouldn't be able to succeed without doing that so I'm content with drawing as a hobby. A programmer as my day job and a manga artist by night...
I want to be as skilled as a pro some day though.
To be honest, I think the distance is so great that it's basically impossible. So my true goal is a little lower than that.
My true long-term goal is to be... a little comparable to a pro.
And I don't think I'm at that point. And I don't want to use "being a hobbyist" as an excuse to allow myself to remain like this.
I think it's terrifying actually. Where I'm at with my art.
I'm really happy people enjoy it, and don't get me wrong - I love my own work. I love drawing. But I think it's important to be critical of it - if I want to be able to reach my goals.
I think if people read this far, they might be thinking something like "but you're already so good!" or something to that effect. But I don't think it's true.
I think it's terrifying because there's so much I'm not good at. Comics are scary because they're an amalgamation of so many different skillsets. I possess some of these skills but there's just so many different ways that I feel that I'm lacking.
For instance, my art itself has such stiff lines. I'm not great at perspective. My art isn't dynamic. And this is just a few examples of stuff related to my illustration skills.
But comics are more than that.
There's the individual panel compositions that come together to create a unifying page composition. The visual flow - controlling how the reader scans the page. The storytelling skills - pacing, dialogue, story beats. The dialogue writing skills. The typesetting.
I think there's so many places I'm weak with and it's scary because it's difficult to just pick something to improve at when it feels like everything is wrong at once. It's so easy for me to pick up some manga from a shelf, flick through and think "this artist does x better than me, how can I learn from them?" but learning is hard and I'm not good at it so I'm just stuck with this awareness that I could be better.
But at the end of the day, I just have to pick a direction and go, right? I think that's all I can do and that's okay. It's just hard to shake the feeling of drowning in my own mediocrity.
Sorry I didn't mean to bring down the mood of this art summary.
I promise that at the end of the day that I love drawing. This is just my overly-critical side shining through. I don't have too much natural talent, just a very stubborn mind. I kind of need to be critical so I can push myself in the right direction. And I'm fairly happy with the way I've been pushing myself through these past years.
I'm not particularly fussed if my works receive a lot of traction or not because what's most important to me is the way I see my own work. My personal satisfaction.
And that's just tied with doing the best I can!
So with that in mind...
"Improve at atmospheric lighting"
This isn't particularly ambitious because it's something I'm already working on, but I know I can push lighting even further. So expect to see me experimenting more and more!
"Participate in a paid online course"
Now this is linked to my wall of text just now. I feel very overwhelmed so I think having an unbiased and experienced teacher's guidance could be valuable. I'm eyeing ones that include personalised feedback. The only concern is that it's hard to find the time for things like this when I work full-time.
Also it's a bit scary having a professional roast me, but I think it'd be good for me.
"Continue to practise traditionally"
This is linked to all of my technical art gripes. I think continuing to do traditional art exercises will help me with a lot of my weak points.
"Continue to be ambitious with art"
I don't mean ambition on a work-load level, but I want to continue to push out of my comfort-zone. Keep trying those weird angles and backgrounds, be more experimental!
"Start planning that next story"
I always have a billion different story ideas in my back pocket that I am itching to tell. I also don't wanna die of overwork though. So lets keep the bar low.
I have many great ideas, so I want to start outlining the next one! This is just a vague goal to remind myself to keep thinking ahead.
"Rest up."
I think this is the most important goal. Like I said I feel completely and utterly exhausted this year.
So I want Myon in 2023 to have more time for herself. Improve her health, catch up with her relationships, spend more time watching movies and playing video games.
Don't work too hard next year.
I seriously don't know if anyone actually reads these reflections. I wonder what kind of person I come off across... (probably a try-hard 😂)
I wanted to talk about one more thing. It's not really linked to goals, just the future in general.
So I've been drawing for Nijigasaki for 2 years now. I think a lot of people are moving on from it though.
To be honest, I think that's okay. I'm kind of used to the people around me shifting into new interests. I think I'll still be with Niji for a long time to come. I just have a lot of large scale ideas and will probably stick with them unless something sweeps me off my feet.
I mean, even if my ideas take too long to actualise while I'm interested in Niji, I'm also open to converting things into original content. There are just so many stories to tell...
It makes me wonder why my readers enjoy my work and how they interact with it? Are people a fan of me? The ship/characters/fandom? Or the stories?
Probably some mix of the above. It's not terribly important why though.
I'm sorry that I'm not very good at keeping up with everyone's interests. I think the world moves too quickly and I draw too slow and I can barely keep up. But I'm a bit too stubborn with my own desires so I keep working on my own things without another thought. So maybe that apology is a bit empty eheh
But I hope people will continue to enjoy the stories that I make.
I should be less harsh on myself though. 9 years of art isn't something to just shrug off.
Anyways, before I keep rambling. Happy new year everyone. Let's keep working hard in 2023!
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soupy-cosmos · 2 years
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I posted 45 times in 2022
That's 42 more posts than 2021!
43 posts created (96%)
2 posts reblogged (4%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 45 of my posts in 2022
#ducktales - 24 posts
#ducktales 2017 - 22 posts
#dt17 - 21 posts
#ducktales louie - 19 posts
#louie duck - 19 posts
#fanart - 17 posts
#doodles - 11 posts
#ducktales boyd - 7 posts
#boyd drake gearloose - 7 posts
#louyd - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#he's supposed to be wearing fingerless gloves but i always forget so sorry he's not in the one where it would actually be visible lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Wanted to throw my Glamrock Bonnie design into the mix!
A lot of his design is meant to compliment Glamrock Chica’s since Bonnie and Chica have always been the first two to activate and stuffs idk I thought it seemed clever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
102 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
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screenshot redraw i did in October because for once I actually drew something around the holiday it’s based on
112 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
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Drawing I intended to make in March last year and proceeded to not finish for several months appropriately titled The Gay Agenda
Alternately titled Leprechaun Aesthetic
116 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
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@swindle-comic Louie in the rest of his classes post-chapter 2
Louie’s Swindle design is so fun to draw although I can’t comprehend his lil hair tufts lol
I did a few things different than my normal duck style to make it look more like the comic just for funsies ig, and for clarity I DID straight up trace the Ty doodle from chapter 3
134 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Older drawing I never posted
It was supposed to be for the HDLW Sibling Week back in like 2020 but due to the timing of the week I never finished it. Eventually got around to finishing it up some time last year lmao
The prompt was adventure and it looks like Captain Lost was in charge of the map again
293 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I posted 107 times in 2022
That's 101 more posts than 2021!
15 posts created (14%)
92 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 107 of my posts in 2022
#ava's demon - 104 posts
#avasdemon - 99 posts
#ava ire - 39 posts
#odin arrow - 29 posts
#ava's demon kickstarter - 20 posts
#maggie lacivi - 12 posts
#ava's demon stream - 11 posts
#textpost - 11 posts
#pedri nanezgani - 9 posts
#vial!ava - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 97 characters
#im gonna have to rewatch the stream to figure out what michelle means by the not cancer gene lmao
My Top Posts in 2022:
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25 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
Hey ya’ll I know I don’t post art on here (I love reblogging cool Ava’s Demon fanart-) but if I were to redraw cursed memes with Ava’s Demon characters would ya’ll like it? 
(not me trying to invade the Ava’s Demon tag-)
25 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
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An ordinary day at the TITAN Re-Education School...
Original: https://9gag.com/gag/av0zp4b?ref=pn
37 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
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Oh shit oH FUCK-
Original: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1419179-floating-boy-chasing-running-boy
39 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Notes on Today’s Stream!
I haven’t been able to make most of Michelle’s streams lately due to life being busy but I managed to watch back today’s one! Here’s some notes that I kept track of that I thought were exciting!
- Next Book coming out on Skybound through Kickstarter sometime “this fall” - Will be Odin-themed as it matches the arc that goes through Odin’s backstory - Maggie’s will come after as the next arc revolves around her and Erios “teaming up” - Not sure if there will be an official Erios cover (Initial thought would be 7 books for 7 Deadly Sins, but now just may be 4) - A possible 5th book that may be Strategos-themed - Glasses are an important thing for Odin bc he can “see things” (Could be a reference to Pedri’s third eye? Sight is a very prominent motif for Odin’s character as he tends to be able to perceive things others can’t)
Don’t forget to check out Michelle’s streams on Twitch when you can! 
And down below we have the Prismmates and their instruments! I only today learned their names. They look so cool! 
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See the full post
95 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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whatudottu · 2 years
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I posted 324 times in 2022
57 posts created (18%)
267 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 324 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 266 posts
#ben 10 - 88 posts
#transformers - 77 posts
#maccadam - 68 posts
#tfp - 51 posts
#long post - 25 posts
#fashion - 20 posts
#fanart - 15 posts
#tfp dreadwing - 14 posts
#nukeli - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#oh and- not every shake is going to need the ‘piston’ to pressurise air- its just to get more pressurised air when the ‘lung’ has run empty
My Top Posts in 2022:
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*Fornite dances with Annie* Hey fuckos I have designed human ID mask versions of the Andromeda 5 based entirely on what shapes they are and what human equivalent proportions can best suit their natural shape. When thinking about shapes, I accidentally put Ra’ad in a niqab and thought ‘hey yo this actually kinda works’ and just went the fuck off.
So, ID masks- do you think the plumbers provide them to aliens that choose to live on Earth (before OV got Earth aware of them being real) so that they can blend in? Do you think that there’s a customisation option to ‘fit’ the shape of someone and match it with an accurate size to human proportion ID? Do you think that folks without a face can just choose to go ‘so there are cultures that hide your face’ or ‘i’m gonna make myself look like my prison’ and just go off?
I think about that a little bit.
44 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
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When I said I wanted to draw this isn’t what I meant asdfjkl-!
Been seeing the these train twins on my dash (and actively looking for them) so I did a quick little phone sketch and thought ‘why not’ and, send post.
the bonus in twin characters is that you can flip the canvas and have two characters in one lmao
151 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
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165 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
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Dreadwing on the dash make-a me want to draw him so I did a screenshot redraw :) :) :)
Original under the cut
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186 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Ough- I have been robbed of Dolly Parton for years and THIS is what I make upon hearing Jolene?
Yeah sure.
heheh, insecure breakdown thinking how starscream can probably sweep knock out off his pedes if he so chooses whenever the self-doubt and paranoia sets in on bad mental health days-
253 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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