#constance fear street 1666
horrorwomensource · 11 months
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Sadie Sink as Constance • Fear Street: Part Three — 1666
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maydayblake · 1 year
Ok I'm Bored So Send Me Asks, Or Any FF Ideas Cause I Have Nothing To Do...
I Write For :
The Black Phone
Finney Blake
Robin Arellano
Bruce Yamada
Vance Hopper
Billy Showalter
Griffin Stagg ( Platonic Only )
Donna Clarke
Gwen Blake ( Platonic Only )
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Mattheo Riddle
Lorenzo Berkshire
Theodore Nott
Blaise Zabini
The Walking Dead
Carl Grimes
Enid Rhee
Ron Anderson
Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666
Simon Kalivoda
Deena Johnson
Kate Schmidt
Josh Johnson
Samantha Miller
Ziggy Berman
Cindy Berman
Thomas Slater
Nick Goode
Sarah Fier
Abigail Berman
Constance Berman
Hannah Miller
Isaac Kalivoda
Fluff *
Angst •
No Smut Cause First Of All, They're All Minors And It's Disgusting No Matter If You Age Them Up
And Yeah 👍👍
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samrsgyi · 1 year
I will also be writing for fear street
Fear Street 1994:
Fear street:
Fear street 1666:
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iwanttoplayagame20 · 2 years
100 favorite horror movie deaths PT 5!!
41. Stu Macher- Scream
He was easily one of my favorite villains. And he got to go out in a cool and funny way. TV fell on his head and he got electrocuted. I think it wasn't a totally horrible way to go but it could've been faster.
42. William Easton- Saw VI
I AM UPSET THAT HE DIED. Even if he may have deserved it. He went out in a horrific fucking way, hydrofluric acid was pumped into his back and he melted in half. Another fucked up aspect was that his sister had to fucking watch this happen.
43. 12 Children (Including Constance Berman and Henry Fier)- Fear Street Part 3: 1666
This is a terrifying way to go, having your eyes gouged out by someone you thought you could trust. Fucking Solomon Goode sucks ass. And I don't necessarily think you'd die right away either, it'd be a minute or two which just adds onto how much it would suck to die that way. Though it looked cool.
44. Loretta- Leprechaun 3
She should've wished to be younger and beautiful again. It was turned against her and she blew the fuck up because she got too big. I loved how it started with smaller things like her chest, lips, and butt and then everything got bigger and then she just fucking exploded.
45. Gary Amaan- Wrong Turn: The Foundation
He's a kind of forgettable character to be honest. But he went out in such a bad way. A huge log came tumbling down and his skull was absolutely smashed. Though you could still clearly see the damage that had been done. And that adds onto how horrifying that is since everyone else had to see the result, including his boyfriend.
46. Snakehips- Shaun of the Dead
Nobody will remember him unless you have seen this film repeatedly and I can guarantee it. He was basically a nothing character Ed made fun of to cheer Shaun up after getting dumped that showed up for one single scene alive and one quick scene while dead. And when you do see him dead you see zombies nomming on his guts and insides and it's very visible when you do see it so I think it looked good and cool.
47. Glen Lantz- A Nightmare on Elm Street
Highly memorable death for a highly memorable movie. He's sucked into his bed and a geyser of blood just shoots up from his bed and absolutely covers the ceiling in blood. And there's so much that it actually starts to fucking drip from the ceiling and it's all moving around.
48. Ian Pierce- Curse of Chucky
I hate this character but he definitely had an interesting death. He had his jaw chopped of with an ax, and only his jaw. The bottom half of his head was still there and his tongue was hanging out still attached to whatever in his mouth. It was nasty.
49. Carly Numan- Wrong Turn
I feel so bad for her, first she watches her fiance get killed and then she fucking dies. I liked her. But she went out in another memorable way, half decapitation. This franchise is more known for its kills than anything else really. And then after her body tumbles down the tree she's in and we get to watch that happen.
50. Ian McKinley- Final Destination 3
My man is splattered because of a sign. He's ultimately cut in half because he's standing in the wrong spot at the wrong time chewing out Wendy for something, about how he's never gonna die or some shit. And I love how this was mostly practical, and that makes it so much cooler.
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madmaxsmayfield · 2 years
if i had a nickel for every time sadie sink played a character whose eyes bled i’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice right?
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fearstreetdaily · 3 years
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∟ Fear Street: 1666 [2021] Dir: Leigh Janiak
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pangborns · 3 years
constance berman x fem!reader
in which isaac’s little sister is caught by the possessed cyrus miller.
angst, gore, character death, fear street: 1666 spoilers. just kinda messed up, but follows the story line of 1666.
first off, this is long and idk how to do the whole ‘keep reading’ thing SO IM SORRY. also, I didn’t know how to like write the gory ass part so it may be a little all over the place. anyways, ily all!!
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“Please, Isaac…” you begged your older brother. “I want to go so bad. I promise I’ll behave!”
“No, (y/n). You know the ceremony is only for big kids. No children allowed. This is the end of it.” Isaac dismissed his sister, attempting to push by you to continue shoveling the manure on the dirt path.
You groan, throwing your arms up in anger as you turn to make your exit. You spot Sarah, making her way down the busy road, nodding in your direction.
“The full moon rises before nightfall.” Isaac muttered in the girl’s direction. A playful lilt in his soft spoken voice.
“A good night to enjoy the fruits of the land.” Sarah smirked. “Try to clean yourself before then.”
You snorted at that, looking back down at the horse droppings that your brother was scooping up. Sarah sent you a friendly wink before heading on her way.
Realizing that convincing your brother was no use, you decided to find some of the other kids - specifically the ones old enough to want to go to the ceremony.
“Excuse me, Sarah.” You quickly commented as you jogged by her, keeping an eye out for a mess of bright red hair.
You passed a few notable figures on your search for Constance, including the intimidating Alderman Goode and his drunken buddies. They didn’t spare you a glance, thankfully, as you continued on.
“(y/n)!” Somebody called. You rolled your eyes as you registered who the voice belonged to. “(y/n).” They repeated again as they caught up to you, matching your steady pace. “Have you seen my sister anywhere? She’s always so quick to run off.”
Abigail Berman.
“No, Abigail. I was just looking for her actually.” Personally, you were not a fan of the other Berman sister as she always made it a point to boss you and Constance around.
“-blind as a bat. Pastor Miller blind as a bat. Tried to read the Bible and his eyes went splat!”
Abigail groaned as she spotted the younger girl. “Why can’t she ever leave those children alone? They’re only learning to misbehave with her around.”
You didn’t speak, only watching as Constance goofed around with the kids. It was adorable, you admired that she had such a way with the younger children in town.
As you neared the group, Abigail split off to zero in on her sister. “Don’t be a brat, Constance!” She scolded, grabbing her arm harshly.
“Don’t be a shrew, Abigail.” Constance shot back, straightening her posture and arching a brow.
“Sarah!” Abigail changed the tone of her voice as Sarah approached. “The full moon rises before nightfall.”
“A good night to enjoy the fruits of the land.” Sarah replied.
“I’m coming too!” Constance smiled proudly.
“So am I!” You spoke up, “but don’t tell Isaac.”
“No, you’re not.” Abigail spoke to the both of you.
“I’ll tell mother.” Constance smirked, waiting for Abigail to think of a snarky reply.
“You tell mother and I’ll cut your braids right off your head.”
Constance rolled her eyes, breaking free from her overbearing sister’s grip and grabbing your hand. “I’ll get us to the party dear (y/n), don’t you worry.” She smiled kindly. The two of you intertwined fingers and ran off towards the church. When it wasn’t in session, you and the red head loved to just sit in the pews and talk. Mostly just paying each other compliments and gossiping.
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Later that night, you two did successfully sneak into the gathering. You were both able to score a few sips of the wine without getting caught by either of your siblings - who both happened to be beside each other for most of the night.
“We should probably head back.” Constance spoke quietly. “There’s no way we’ll get our hands on those berries and without them we’ll be bored out of our minds.” She finished, nodding towards the group of kids sharing the few berries they were able to grab.
“I suppose you’re right.” You smiled. “Thank you for getting us out here. Older kids are boring.”
You both laughed at the statement. You eventually settled down into a comfortable silence, just staring into each other’s eyes. “Come on,” you bit your lip in thought. “Let’s head back.”
Both you and Constance hurried off towards the woods in the direction to town. “I hate these woods.” You commented quietly.
“Why? They’re pretty.” Constance questioned.
“Maybe during the day, but you never know what’s stalking about during the night hours-“ Before you were able to properly finish your sentence, you felt your body run straight into a stiff object.
Landing on your bum, you looked up only to meet eyes with Solomon Goode. The outcast of town.
“Woah, are you alright?” Constance hurried to lift you up by your arm as you continued to stare the man down.
“Sorry, mister.” You started, “I didn’t think you’d be out here at this time of night.” You squinted at him, a suspicious look crossing your features.
“No problem at all, (y/n).” Your eyes widened when you realized that he knew who you were. “But I must wonder what you two were doing out here all alone.”
“Please don’t tell my mom!” You hurried to spit out as you quickly brushed yourself off. “We just wanted to be like the big kids. It won’t happen again.”
Solomon snickered. “Run along now.”
You and Constance righted yourselves before dashing through the remaining part forest and back into the town square.
“That was strange.” Constance commented a few minutes after the encounter occurred.
“I know, but I just hope he doesn’t tell my parents about that. They would imprison me in my bedroom for life.” You giggled. Constance joined in, brushing off the funny feeling she had about the Goode man.
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“(y/n)! Wake up!” The shrilling sound of your mother’s voice awoke you from your peaceful slumber.
With a groan, you were able to pull yourself out of your comfortable bed and rush downstairs in your white nightgown.
“Yes, mom?” You asked as you arrived in the kitchen.
“I need you to go next door to the Miller’s and see if their crops are doing any better than ours.” Before you could even ask what was the matter with the food, your mother pulled out a rotting carrot decorated with feasting maggots. “Everything is like this.”
“I’ll be right back.” You nodded, heading back upstairs to change and grab your satchel.
“If you see your brother out there, make sure to pass the word on. I don’t want you two to be eating any of this!” She yelled up the stairs.
When you left to head toward’s the Miller’s house, you were immediately overcome with the feeling of panic. Nearly everybody was surrounding the well, Mad Thomas splurting out some nonsense as a few of the men yanked at the rope.
“What’s going on?” You settled beside Lizzie, watching as the men struggled to pull the bucket up.
“Something’s got the bucket caught.” She shrugged, not too worried over the situation. “I’m sure it’s just jammed.”
“We’ve got it!” One of the men cheered as they quickly reeled the rope up. The drenched body of a dog appeared, attached to the rope by the neck. Everybody gasped, Mad Thomas spoke louder, his words heavier now.
You were quick to cover your eyes and let out a sudden sob at the sight. “I must go find my brother, excuse me.” You muttered to Lizzie, who watched on in worry as you made your exit.
Once your back was turned towards the scene, you were able to pull yourself together better. It must’ve just been a freak accident, nobody in town would’ve been cruel enough to do that.
“Isaac,” You sighed to yourself, thankful to see your brother out and about. He looked up at the sound of his name being called, pausing to take a bite from the bright red apple in his hand. “Wait, don’t eat that!”
He took the bite, not registering what you said until a moment too late. “Yuck!” He spat out the bite, revealing the rotted inside of the fruit. “The hell?”
“All of the crops are like that, mom wanted me to go check with the Pastor and see if they were having the same difficulty.”
Isaac merely nodded, throwing the apple on the trail behind him in disgust. “Alright, I’m going to meet up with Abigail and Lizzie. I’ll see you later, okay?”
Your face dropped. You wanted to hang out with your big brother, so badly. “Alright.” You nodded, turning on your heel to head towards the Miller’s house. “Love you.”
Isaac grunted in response, sending you a fleeting smile before he continued on his merry way.
When you arrived at the Miller’s doorstep, you were quick to knock, hoping to get the encounter over with. Goody Miller wasn’t the kindest woman in town and you didn’t want to make it a point to spend long around her.
The door creaked open slowly, Hannah’s pale face appearing in the crack between the doorframe and the door. “Yes?”
“G’morning. I’m sorry to bother you, but my mom wanted me to ask about your crops. Ours aren’t doing too well and we wanted to know if it was just us or…” You trailed off, awkwardly picking at your fingernails.
“No, it’s not just yours.” She stated quickly. “Look, now is not a good time. My father isn’t feeling like himself, maybe you can come by later and we can talk more.”
“Alright.” You spoke slowly, “Sorry.”
Her chapped lips rose into a kind smile before closing the door. Strange. A smile lit up your face as you had a realization.
Dashing down the streets, hoping to run into the younger Berman sister, you ended up spotting her hanging around the younger kids again. They really were the best company you could get around here.
“Constance!” You shouted eagerly. Catching up to her, you made it a point to whisper into her ear, moving a few strands of bright red hair out of the way first. “Pastor Miller is ill, the church will be all ours today.” You smiled.
She squealed, perking up at the thought. “You kids run along now. (y/n) and I are going to be back in a bit.”
Once the kids were on their way, not very happily mind you, you and Constance were able to run off towards the small church. “This is so exciting.” She laughed.
You nodded, giggling as you pushed open the big doors to the church. Nobody seemed to be paying attention to you as they were all focused on the dead dog in the well.
The doors slammed shut, successfully scaring you. You jumped, falling into Constance with a squeal. She laughed at you, squeezing you close. “Don’t be so scared, I won’t let anything happen to you.”
The both of you sat in a pew, her head resting on your shoulder, an arm around your waist. ‘Shit’ you thought, ‘I really like this girl.’
“Yeah?” She lifted her head with a smile, looking up into your kind eyes.
You panicked. What were you supposed to say now? “I think something is wrong with me.”
She sat up fully now, showing you that you had her full attention. “What? Why would you think that? You’re perfect.”
You took a deep breath, preparing yourself to confess to her. Share this secret part of yourself with her. “Because, I think I like you.” You spoke quickly, looking down at your intertwined hands.
“Don’t be silly, why would that mean there was something wrong with you? I like you too.”
Your head dropped, “No, like.. I like-like you..”
Constance lifted her head again, smiling like an idiot. “Then there must be something wrong with me too, because I like-like you also..”
The two of you just stared at each other in a content silence for a few moments before the church doors creaked open eerily.
“Where are we going Pastor Miller?” The voice of a child spoke as a group of people entered the small church. You and Constance turned towards the noise, noticing that the only people that walked in happened to be the Pastor and all of the children in town.
The Pastor didn’t say a thing as he led the kids down the aisle, instructing them to take a seat witha wave of his hand. The kids obeyed, Henry - Sarah’s little brother - making it a point to sit in the front, leaving all of the other kids to sit closer to the exit.
You and Constance didn’t say a word as you tried to gauge the situation.
“Now children, who would like to go first?” He finally spoke. His voice quiet, yet booming.
A few kids excitedly raised their hands, not knowing what they were volunteering for. They were jumping in their seats, smiling at the chance to please the Pastor.
“You.” Cyrus pointed towards a little girl a bit further in the back, using a sharpened hook to motion her towards him.
Minutes later, you and Constance found yourselves curled into each other in comfort. She stroked your hair and shushed your cries and she too shook in fear. “It’ll be alright, the other townsfolk will realize we’re missing and come looking for us.”
The dead bodies of multiple children sat all around the remaining living souls in the room. Some children cried, some were frozen in shock, all you could do was stare at the pile of eyeballs in the middle of the aisle.
“I want my brother.” You sobbed, realizing that you’d just witnessed one of your brother’s friends lose a sibling as Henry fell to the pew, blood dripping from where his eyes used to be.
“I know, I know..” Constance sobbed, kissing the top of your head. You both quickly realized that the two of you were now the last living kids in the room. Multiple children already tried to doors, realizing that Cyrus had locked them long before now.
Pastor Miller stalked closer and closer to the two of you. “Please, no!” You screamed, people outside must’ve heard the commotion as you heard a few bangs against the wooden door.
You clung to Constance like a lifeline as Cyrus grabbed your upper arm and tried to pry you off of her. “Don’t let him hurt me, please Constance!” You panicked.
Eventually, he ripped you off of her, ignoring both of your cries. “Isaac! Mom!” You cried in fear.
“Shh.. it’ll be alright, (y/n).” Constance tried to comfort you in your last moments. She had already accepted her fate.
She mouthed something to you before the Pastor had harshly turned you towards him. ‘I love you’.
The last thing you saw was the cruel face of Pastor Miller before your vision had gone dark, the last thing you heard was Constance’s helpless scream, and the last thought in your head was her smile. God, how you would miss it.
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The door caved in as Solomon gave it one final thrust. He paused, realizing how silent the church was. It was a heavy silence, a scary silence.
“Keep everyone back.”
“Solomon, wait..” Sarah begged, Isaac beside her and frantic as ever.
“My sister is in there, please, let me in!” He pushed at the men standing guard.
Solomon stalked through the creaky aisle, noticing the still figures of the children. The rhythmic tapping noise of the Pastor’s hook against his wooden stand sped up as Solomon glanced at the pile of eye’s on the ground. “Cyrus..?”
His mumble of prayer got louder as Solomon connected the pieces of the puzzle, looking up at the Pastor in horror. The man raised his head, crimson blood dripping from his eye sockets.
Solomon’s eyes widened, he turned towards the left, looking towards two girls who seemed unmoving. Constance Berman, and (y/n)(l/n). Constance’s head was once again leaned onto her counterpart’s shoulder.
The door broke open, frantic family members searching for their children amongst the bloody mess.
“Isaac, Isaac I see them!” Abigail yelled towards her friend in relief. The two rushed over to the pew and kneeled down in front of their sisters. Isaac fell against the other pew in fright at the sight of his dead sister, her blood still fresh. Abigail screamed, embracing the red head as she shook.
Isaac’s hand ran down his sister’s face, he was frozen. Tears had started to run down his dirt caked face. “…(y/n)..?” He started meekly. The sounds of his mother’s sobs were heard before she even entered the church.
How could the town recover from something like this?
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trufflezitas · 3 years
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籱췽ꕤⴰ 𝐅𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝐒𝗍𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝟏𝟨𝟨𝟨 𝐈𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌 ! ៸៸🦋꩜ ⵓ ♡"
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. [[🕳🌎💭! ꦕᴥᩚᤐ) ᰍᩚ𝗼᥍𝘁. 斘。˚♥︎ ฅ(ˆㅿˆฅ)ᨀ 𝗅.𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗈𝗋 𝕣e◞b𝗅𝗈ᦋ! ⟬▒⃨⃗홨 ꕤⴰꜜ 𝙲𝗋𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗍𝗌. "✫៳!🥐🏸🎧𖡎 ノ䮴☆%퐣ເ ☆⌒(≧▽​° ) ண🦇📞🥥
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continuityssue · 3 years
Just finished watching Fear Street: 1978 for the first time since watching the full trilogy (and immediately after re-watching 1994) and there are a few things that I noticed this time through that I either didn’t or couldn’t have noticed the first time through.
1) I only noticed this because I had seen so many people questioning it and I kept my eyes open. So many people were wondering if we were ever going to find out why C. Berman had so many clocks and on second viewing it was made pretty clear; there are little labels next to every clock with an action that she is supposed to take. It actually makes perfect sense for someone who has suffered such a huge trauma that they never really recovered from to crave some order and regularity from their day and also some trouble keeping up the ability to keep it themselves, so keeping such a regimented schedule makes perfect sense.
2) The first time through I thought that the dead people that Alice saw after she stumbled away from the living cave (after she saw Cindy as dead) were just random dead people. Maybe previous victims, but not really anyone specific, but this time it was obvious that they were specifically victims of Pastor Cyrus Miller. I’m not sure who they were all supposed to be, but I’m pretty sure that the first one was supposed to be Constance (Berman?).
3) I didn’t notice this the first time because there was a week between seeing 1994 and seeing 1978 and 1994 wasn’t as fresh in my mind, but Cindy’s explanation to Alice about why she started pushing her away (sans the specifics of snitching her out) is not just reminiscent of but almost word for word what Sam said in 1994 about leaving Deena behind and getting out of Shadyside. The way that they talked about each other before the event that drove them apart was so very specific and (I know the actors and some of behind the scenes people basically confirmed it, but) it is basically text in the movie that they were in love when they were like twelve. The only thing that speaks against it is them talking about their boyfriends being the only people they ever loved and even that is almost immediately put to the side when you realize how much rage there was in Cindy’s voice when DeadandPossessed!Tommy killed Alice and Cindy was shouting in his face “Why won’t you just die!”
4) I had repeatedly put forward the theory that the steep wall in the caverns was near the rock where Sarah Fier was buried because those were the only places where we saw the red moss, but this time I realized that her hand was in the steep wall room and then there was red moss under the tree when they dug the hand out in the mall, so really anywhere that a part of Sarah’s body was had the moss and thus we still don’t know where the steep wall would have let out in 1666 or 1994, but it probably wasn’t next to Sarah and Hannah’s sex rock like I had originally thought.
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distraughtlesbian · 3 years
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me remembering men ain’t shit in 3 parts
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suckedit · 3 years
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Fear Street 1666 Icons
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super-nova5045 · 3 years
the church scene in a nutshell
sarah, solomon and abigail: hey constance and henry, how are you?
constance and henry:
sarah, solomon and abigail: constance? henry?
constance and henry: they took my fucking eyes
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ladyworks · 3 years
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𝒇𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒌 𝟐 [𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝟐]
𝑨𝒃𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒍 & 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒏; 𝒊𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔.
𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒂𝒗𝒆, 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆. 💌
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gbhbl · 3 years
Horror Movie Review: Fear Street Part Three: 1666 (2021)
Horror Movie Review: Fear Street Part Three: 1666 (2021)
“One does not summon the Devil by chance. Even the weakest heart, the most corruptible soul, they must make the choice. They must extend their hand.” Fear Street Part Three: 1666 is a 2021 American supernatural horror film, and the final installment of the Fear Street trilogy after Part One: 1994 and Part Two: 1978. It is directed by Leigh Janiak. Based on the book series of the same name by R.…
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fkevin073 · 2 years
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as requested by Anonymous
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mybuttonfelloff · 2 years
I know that the Fear Street movies fandom is kinda dead BUT I have a theory/observation and I wanna know if any one else noticed this (spoilers for all 3 movies):
In 1666 the 12 children who die in the chapel include Constance and Henry, who are Ziggy and Josh. BUT among the dead children are 2 black (twin?) girls leaning on each other. And Kate, Simon, Cindy and Sam's 1666 counterparts survived. And in 1994, Kate was babysitting 2 black twins who did not die. But in 78 and 94, Kate, Simon and Cindy die.
Were the kids in 1666 who died in the church purposefully spared when they were reincarnated? And were the people who were spared in 1666 supposed to die later when they were reincarnated?
Idk maybe its a stretch but its definitely coincidental right?
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