#constellation cepheus
blueiscoool · 2 years
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Spitzer Telescope
These bright young stars are found in a rosebud-shaped (and rose-colored) nebulosity known as NGC 7129. The star cluster and its associated nebula are located at a distance of 3300 light-years in the constellation Cepheus.
The Spitzer Space Telescope, formerly the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF), was an infrared space telescope launched in 2003. Operations ended on 30 January 2020.
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androgynousbirdtale · 11 months
Mu Cephei
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Mu Cephei is a very large star. An M-class supergiant some 1500 times the size of the Sun, it is one of the largest stars visible to the unaided eye, and even one of the largest in the entire Galaxy. If it replaced the Sun in our fair Solar System, Mu Cephei would easily engulf Mars and Jupiter. Historically known as Herschel's Garnet Star, Mu Cephei is extremely red. Approximately 2800 light-years distant, the supergiant is seen near the edge of reddish emission nebula IC 1396 toward the royal northern constellation Cepheus in this telescopic view. Much cooler and hence redder than the Sun, this supergiant's light is further reddened by absorption and scattering due to intervening dust within the Milky Way. A well-studied variable star understood to be in a late phase of stellar evolution, Mu Cephei is a massive star too, destined to ultimately explode as a core-collapse supernova.
Image Credit & Copyright: David Cruz
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szynkaaa · 4 days
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started out with the Destined One grabbing his Travel Companion and throwing her over his shoulder like a sack of potato before she could get hit.
Deciding that enough is enough she summons her rapier and joins the battle.
ughh I'm still working on her outfit design but I also really like the composition of this wip so maybe I will clean it up and color it??
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I also learned that those wooden things are coffins, not chests. I imagine at some point the Destined One and his Travel Companion had to squeeze into a coffin to get across a big body of water or whatever. Tight fit but at least take got some power naps in.
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alluna-alluna · 1 year
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Моя ілюстрація сузір'я Цефей для некомерційного артбуку "Зоревир" My illustration of the constellation Cepheus for the non-commercial art book "Zorevyr"
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delicatemystic · 2 years
Barbie Fun Fact
Symbology of the constellations in island princess
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In the sky of the island it is possible to see the constellations of Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Cepheus and Giraffe, Beyond the Perseus constellation in the ocean sky.
In case you haven't noticed, 4 of these constellations are part of a Greek myth, The Myth of Andromeda. Each constellation represents a character. Andromeda is the princess, Rosella. Chepheus is the father, Sagi. Cassiopeia is the mother, Azul. And Perseus the love of the princess, Antonio.
The classifications are what most mark the characters, but not the acts of the myth itself, after all Cepheus and Cassiopeia delivered their daughter to death, what it represents is only the family position. In addition, each constellation has an astrological meaning that matches the personality of our characters.
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Rosella - Andromeda: Dedicated and good at warming and captivating people's hearts, she does everything for her love, even abandoning herself.
Sagi - Cepheus: Good leader, great sense of justice, unyielding about what he think is right.It stands out for its curiosity.
Azul - Cassiopeia: Great artistic sense, intuitive, confident and sensual. You can end up relying too much on your intuition and end up missing the logic.
Antonio - Perseus: Courageous and likes to face challenges, at first he seems not to be satisfied with his current situation. Euphoric about his hobbies.
Making symbology to the story of the myth, Andromeda is rescued by Perseus who comes in his Pegasus, in this case, Antonio comes in his boat and rescues Ro from the island. Andromeda would be killed by Poseidon's sea monster, beings bound to water, and Ro nearly drowned twice.
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But, what about Tikka? The giraffe has nothing to do with Greek myth, but it has to do with biblical history. How will this make sense? Keep reading.
Tikka- Giraffe: You like things your way, don't like to try hard, She is very restless, and likes to tell and listen to songs that are captivating or captivating.
The constellation of the giraffe comes a biblical episode in which Rebekah rode a "camel" on her way to the city of Canaan to get married. Of course, Tikka wasn't a big fan of Ro and Antonio's relationship. But in the scene where Ro is getting ready for the dance, Tikka shines a bouquet of roses on Ro, emphasizing the wedding. Not to mention that the scene of Ro entering the ball with the bouquet and that dress, was like an affront, like "I'm going to marry him" while it was Luciana's wedding ball with Antonio.
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Heart / Reblog
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mitalco · 1 year
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MaySketchaDay - D27
°˖✧ Minor characters have a way of winning me over,
and a king with a tragic life story is not an exception ✧˖°
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medley-posts · 2 years
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wonders-of-the-cosmos · 11 months
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Mu Cephei is a very large star. An M-class supergiant some 1500 times the size of the Sun, it is one of the largest stars visible to the unaided eye, and even one of the largest in the entire Galaxy. If it replaced the Sun in our fair Solar System, Mu Cephei would easily engulf Mars and Jupiter. Historically known as Herschel's Garnet Star, Mu Cephei is extremely red. Approximately 2800 light-years distant, the supergiant is seen near the edge of reddish emission nebula IC 1396 toward the royal northern constellation Cepheus in this telescopic view.
Image Credit: David Cruz
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marthajefferson · 1 year
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The Shark Nebula
The Shark Nebula, LDN 1235, is a faint cloud of interstellar gas and dust located approximately 650 light-years from us in the constellation Cepheus. The image spans about halfof its actual length of about 15 light years.
Telescope: 16″ f3.75 Dream Scope Camera: FLI ML16803
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talktonytome · 2 months
They’re sprawled in the bed of Tommy’s pick-up under the desert night sky. There are millions of stars twinkling down on them, and it makes Buck feel both infinitely small and a part of something big at the same time. He makes out some constellations, easily spotting the Big and Little Dipper, but surprisingly doesn’t have many others stored in his mental catalogue of information.
As if he can sense what he’s thinking, Tommy turns to him. His profile in the moonlight is breathtaking. He guides Buck to sit up with his back against Tommy’s chest and pulls the blanket he brought snug around them.
“Are you familiar with the Andromeda and Perseus constellations?” He asks softly, breath tickling Buck’s ear.
“Not really,” Buck admits. He’s used to being the one with all the facts, but he loves learning, especially from Tommy. “Tell me about them?” He leans his head on Tommy’s shoulder, feels the rise and fall of his breathing as he waits for him to start.
“See that horizontal ‘V’ and to the left of it, a scraggly, almost sideways ‘M’?”
Buck takes a few seconds to scan his eyes across the sky, concentrating on the brightest points, but they honestly blur together. “Um, I’m not sure, to be honest,” he says. He doesn’t feel self-conscious though. Tommy never makes him feel like that.
“Here,” Tommy says grabbing Buck’s right hand. “Let me show you,” he brings their hands up and uses Buck’s pointer finger to start tracing the first constellation. He stops at the first bright dot, of what Buck now realizes, is the sideways ‘M’ Tommy was talking about.
“This is Perseus,” Tommy explains quietly, moving his finger to the next point and then the next. “According to myth, he rescued the beautiful Andromeda from Cetus.”
“The sea monster!” Buck exclaims excitedly. “I know that one.”
Tommy chuckles, not offended at the interruption, already long-used to Buck’s random interjections. “That’s right,” he nods, smiling. He continues tracing down the middle slope of the constellation and back up to the last one. “He found her chained, as a sacrifice to Poseidon and immediately fell in love with her.”
“Wow,” Buck breathes as Tommy stops at the last end point of Perseus. “It’s beautiful.”
“Y-yeah,” Tommy says, breath catching. Buck feels Tommy’s eyes on him, and his cheeks and chest flood with warmth.
“And this one,” he moves over to the ‘V’ laying down on its side, to the right of it, “is Andromeda.” Buck hums, lulled by the deep, soothing timbre of Tommy’s voice.
Tommy continues in the same vein, tracing from the top of the first point down to the valley of the V. “Her mother was Cassiopeia, a vain queen who boasted of Andromeda’s beauty, which angered the sea nymphs, who took matters to Poseidon,” he says. “Poseidon unleashed Cetus to ravage the coast of their kingdom until finally King Cepheus went to Zeus, who suggested they sacrifice Andromeda to appease Poseidon.”
“And that’s how she ended up chained, until Perseus found her.” Tommy finishes as they arrive at the last star, the second high point of the V.
Buck realizes that it looks like an arm reaching out to the last leg of the Perseus, two lovers forever reaching out to one another. For a moment, he imagines it’s him and Tommy, immortalized in the sky, and it feels like his heart is too big for his chest.
He clears his throat, and blinks back the tears threatening to roll down his cheek. If Tommy notices, he doesn’t mention it. “Thank you for telling me about them,” he says sincerely.
“Of course, anytime,” Tommy replies easily. “You know I love teaching you things.”
“I think they may be my favorite constellations now,” Buck declares. “Not that I knew many before, but,” he shrugs. Tommy gets it, if his soft smile is anything to go by.
He twists so he’s facing Tommy more fully now and asks, “So how come you know so much about constellations? Were you an astronomy club nerd?” He teases lightly, letting Tommy take an out if he needs to.
“Uh no, actually,” Tommy rubs his thumb across the knuckles of Buck’s hand, still grasped in his own. “When I was in the army, I spent a lot of dark nights in the desert and there wasn’t much to do when we weren’t, you know,” he swallows.
“Hey, it’s okay, you don’t have to tell me,” Buck assures him. Tommy doesn’t talk a lot about his time in the army, he knows there are a lot of painful memories, and he never wants to press.
“I’m okay, but thank you,” Tommy lifts their joined hands to kiss Buck’s palm.
“So, I taught myself constellations and planets to pass the time, read the myths, and when I flew, I felt so close to them- almost like I could reach out and touch them, and it made me forget all the bad, at least for a while.”
Buck tucks aways this new piece of information, for safekeeping, like he does with every new little thing he learns about him. He gently sets it in the bright room of his mind labeled ‘Tommy’, sees it peeking out at him from the window.
“Thank you for telling me,” Buck says, a softer echo of his earlier words. He knows how precious this is, the weight Tommy’s letting him hold in his hands.
Tommy only smiles and leans in to kiss his cheek, then moves Buck to settle against him once more.
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uncontrolledfission · 2 months
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Facing NGC 6946, 2024-07-26
From our vantage point in the Milky Way Galaxy, we see NGC 6946 face-on. The big, beautiful spiral galaxy is located just 20 million light-years away, behind a veil of foreground dust and stars in the high and far-off constellation Cepheus. In this sharp telescopic portrait, from the core outward the galaxy's colors change from the yellowish light of old stars in the center to young blue star clusters and reddish star forming regions along the loose, fragmented spiral arms. NGC 6946 is also bright in infrared light and rich in gas and dust, exhibiting a high star birth and death rate. In fact, since the early 20th century ten confirmed supernovae, the death explosions of massive stars, were discovered in NGC 6946. Nearly 40,000 light-years across, NGC 6946 is also known as the Fireworks Galaxy.
Credits: NASA's 'Astronomy Picture Of The Day.'
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nobrashfestivity · 5 months
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Unknown, 9th century. Aratea , fol. 24.
Medieval Period: 9th - 10th Centuries
The Western World, Medieval Period
Constellation Andromeda, represented as long-haired woman, head tilted slightly toward her left, upper torso nude, lower part of body covered by draped robe, wrist of left arm and both arms chained to rocky sides, stars represented by dots along arms, shoulders, rib cage, legs and feet. Appllodorus (II) tells that Perseus found Andromeda, the daughter of King Cepheus of Ethiopia, set out to be the prey of a sea monster. Cassiopea, her mother, had vied with the Nereids in beauty and boasted that she was more beautiful than them all. Hence the Nereids were angry and Poseidon sharing their wrath, sent a flood and a monster to invade the land. Ammon predicted deliverance from the calamity if Andromeda were exposed as prey to the monster, so Cepheus was compelled by the Ethiopians to do so and bound his daughter to a rock. When Perseus beheld her, he fell in love with her and undertook to kill the monster if Cepheus would give him the rescued damsel for wife. These terms having been sworn to, Perseus slew the monster and released Andromeda.Pseudo-Eratosthenes in his Catasterismi relates that all the persons involved in this event, Cepheus, Cassiopea, Andromeda, and Perseus, were set among the stars by Athena. Aratus in his Phaenomena describes the constellation Andromeda: "So bright is her head and so clearly marked are both the shoulders, the tips of her feet and all her belt. Yet even there she is racked, with arms stretched far apart, and even in heaven bonds are her portion. Uplifted and outspread there for all time are those hands."
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apod · 28 days
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2024 August 23
Supernova Remnant CTA 1 Image Credit & Copyright: Thomas Lelu
Explanation: There is a quiet pulsar at the heart of CTA 1. The supernova remnant was discovered as a source of emission at radio wavelengths by astronomers in 1960 and since identified as the result of the death explosion of a massive star. But no radio pulses were detected from the expected pulsar, the rotating neutron star remnant of the massive star's collapsed core. Seen about 10,000 years after the initial supernova explosion, the interstellar debris cloud is faint at optical wavelengths. CTA 1's visible wavelength emission from still expanding shock fronts is revealed in this deep telescopic image, a frame that spans about 2 degrees across a starfield in the northern constellation of Cepheus. While no pulsar has since been found at radio wavelengths, in 2008 the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope detected pulsed emission from CTA 1, identifying the supernova remnant's rotating neutron star. The source has been recognized as the first in a growing class of pulsars that are quiet at radio wavelengths but pulse in high-energy gamma-rays.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240823.html
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szynkaaa · 5 days
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my girl cries stardust
or that one time the Destined One was starstruck (literally?)
in my head this is after the Destined One and my OC have been traveling for a while and now and established a good form of communication too despite the Destined One being silent. He noticed that she never allows her herself to cry in front of him, figured it might be because she didn't want people to see her cry. And then something something happened where she reached her limit and broke down. Seeing her cry was simultaneouslythe most beautiful and heartbreaking thing he has seen.
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youryurigoddess · 6 months
On love and sacrifices
There’s so much more to this scapegoating business and big sacrifices referenced in the Good Omens narrative than the literal goats. And they’re only getting bigger, louder, final.
But let’s take it slow and start with the beginning, quite literally — i.e., with the Good Omens 2 title sequence. As we follow Aziraphale and Crowley on their journey, the universe warps and their usual left and right side positioning switches during the magic show (not accidentally an act of trust and sacrifice required both from the angel and the demon). They stay so throughout the next scene, which is their little dance in the air, and after they seemingly get settled on the A. Z. Fell and Co.’s roof and back to normal, the flipped sky in the background suggests that something’s not quite right yet. In the central part of the shot looms a large, humanlike shadow of the Elephant Trunk Nebula.
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The nebula is a part of a constellation called Cepheus, after an Ethiopian king from the Greek mythology who agreed to sacrifice his only daughter in order to appease the gods and end a local calamity started by her mother and his wife, Cassiopeia (talk about generational responsibility). With time and a delightfully ironic twist of fate, the name of said daughter, Andromeda, became more famous than that of her father. Although she was chained up to a rock and offered to the sea serpent Cetus, the girl was spotted by the warrior Perseus, casually flying over the sea — either on the back of the Pegasus or thanks to a pair of winged sandals — after his victory over Medusa. He fell in love on the spot, defeated the serpent (with the help of a magical sword or Medusa’s severed head, depending on the varying sources), and freed the princess. That’s not exactly where their story ends, but we won’t be getting into the rest here.
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Not surprisingly, Neil has mentioned two parallel child sacrifice stories from the biblical context back in August. The first is one of the big ones — The Binding of Isaac. God's command to sacrifice Isaac, his only son, was a test of Abraham's faith. The angel of the Lord intervenes and provides a ram to be sacrificed in the boy’s place.
The second one isn’t nearly as popular, but you might have heard a variant of it in fairy tales or as the Law of Surprise invoked in The Witcher saga. In exchange for Israel’s victory over its enemies in battle, Jephthah had rashly promised God to repay the debt with the first thing seen on his return back home. The victorious warrior didn’t suspect to see his only child moving innocently "to meet him with timbrels and with dances" though. In horror, Jephthah covered his eyes with his cloak, but to no avail: ultimately, he was forced to honor his vow to God, and the girl was sacrificed. As grisly as it might look like in the Old Master’s paintings, it’s important to remember that human sacrifices weren’t limited to physical offerings only — Jephthah’s daughter might have been offered to God in the sense of officially shunning her family and dedicating her life to service instead, probably sequestered in a temple somewhere.
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Interestingly, the main character of a big chunk of the Bible and the reason for the Second Coming happens to be THE most influential child sacrifice in the modern history. You know, a certain 33-year-old carpenter sent by his Heavenly Father to die on a cross for the sins of the mankind? Someone better call Aubrey Thyme ASAP.
Circling back to Aziraphale, he could be also seen as a representative of the concept of filial piety, since Eden willing to personally take a Fall not only for the humanity’s collective or individual transgressions, but the shortcomings of his Ineffable Parental Figure as well. Our favorite angel angel always fights for what is right and good, sure, but why would that be even a thing if God was truly omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent?
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If Aziraphale’s medal is anything to go by, it looks like we might get an answer from the way it’s introducing another mythological narrative into the game, that is the story of Daedalus and Icarus. The most absorbing thing about this is the stark contrast to the recurring child sacrifice references for S3 mentioned in this post — Daedalus isn’t a father who wanted to sacrifice his son, it was his attempt to save him from imprisonment that ultimately drove Icarus to his death. The boy ignored his father’s explicit instructions, committing the grave and culturally universal sin of disobedience to one's parents that simply couldn’t go unpunished, one way or another.
But Icarus’s transgression could be seen both as high-flying ambition and striving for personal accomplishment as well as humanitarian sacrifice for knowledge and humanity’s advancement in general.
Similarly to a certain angel who left everything for what superficially seems like a work promotion, but is the ultimate act of love — both for his demon and the children they have been protecting and nurturing together for six thousand years. From the very Beginning, his white wings have been shielding everything he holds dear in this world.
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whencyclopedia · 20 days
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Andromeda is a princess in Greek mythology. She is the daughter of Cepheus, the king of Aethiopia (Ethiopia), and his wife, Cassiopeia. The most famous myth associated with Andromeda is the story of her rescue by the Greek hero Perseus, who saved her from being sacrificed to a sea monster. She married Perseus, and they had several children together.
Andromeda is also one of the best-known and recognised star constellations, which also contains the Andromeda Galaxy, the largest galaxy closest to the Milky Way.
Andromeda is the daughter of Cassiopeia and Cepheus, the king of Aethiopia. However, some sources mention that Cepheus was the king of Joppa (in modern-day Israel). After Perseus rescued Andromeda, they got married, and together they had seven sons and two daughters, including Perses (the legendary founder of Persia, from whom all Persian kings are descended), Helios, Alcaios, Mestor, Electryon, Sthenelos, Cynurus, Autochthe, and Gorgophone.
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