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blogastralusa · 8 months
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authoressskr · 5 years
Write Into My Arms [1]
Characters: f!Reader, James “Bucky” Barnes, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, James “Rhodey” Rhodes, Peter Parker, Hope Van Dyne, Natasha Romanoff, Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Okoye, T’Challa, Shuri, Clint Barton, Happy Hogan, Dr. Strange, Wong, Bruce Banner, Amelina Rodrigez (OFC), with mentions of Thor, Carol Danvers, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Peter Quill, Gamora, Nebula, Mantis and Drax.
Warnings: Language, Action (in last chapter) and no Beta (just me and Grammerly up in here)  ::  Word Count: 8885  ::  Pairing: Bucky x f!Reader
This was written for @jewelofwinter’s Writing Challenge!! I also incorporated a prompt for @jaamesbbarnes + @sgtjbuccky’s D&S’ Milestone Celebration!!
Prompt: “Tin Man lost Y/N.” (@jewelofwinter’s prompt) + “Publicly, I agree. Personally, I think it’s chickenshit.” (D&S’ prompt) Bolded in text below. Prompt #1 will appear in the third part while Prompt #2 appears in the second part. The next two parts will be posted by the end of this week. All three will be linked.
Summary: You’re a small time blog writer who is invited to interview the Avengers. ALL the Avengers. 
Please do NOT repost, copy & paste, post or share my works on any other platform without my EXPRESS PERMISSION.
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Looking around the compound’s living room, you can’t help but openly stare. Everything is expensive, even the doorknobs seem to know their elevated worth.
You’ve circled the room three times so far, each time slower than the last as your keen eyes searching out every minute detail. You’ve been waiting for nearly twenty minutes, which isn’t too much of a bother, and from what you’d heard from other reporters and writers isn’t that long of a wait for Tony Stark. Although your boss said that the article was supposed to cover all of the inhouse Avengers…
Happy, Tony’s chauffeur/bodyguard and right-hand man, had brought you into this room and at this point, your overthinking has begun to wonder if being made to wait here is a diversion so that he can get all the Avengers to clear out. After all, Stark Industries controls most of the press about the Avengers and they don’t do interviews...except Tony and every so often, the good Captain Rogers.
You wonder briefly if watching some YouTube would be extremely unprofessional or just a mild, millennial version of unprofessionalism.
Deciding against it, you sit on the plushest and buttery soft black leather couch, fishing around your large purse for your notebook. Carefully flipping past the first pages, you look over the list of Avengers you’ve compiled - along with basic stats, going over them for the umpteenth time since being assigned this article. And, being the person you are, you had arranged them by age, willingness to talk to you, and then on difficulty on opening up for the story.
Fishing out a pen, you make a few last-minute notes, only to feel that tell-tale prickle at the back of your neck alerts you to the three figures lingering in the large entryway that leads towards a hallway. You pop up, smoothing out your dress bottom nervously.
“Oh! Hello. I’m Y/N, writer for Undefined Muses. I’m, uh, here to interview you?”
“You don’t seem to know if you are or not,” Hawkeye, Clint Barton, says with a big smile - the last yellow traces of a bruise fading on his left cheek.
“I wasn’t sure who all had agreed to participate - and I don’t want to force anyone to do if they aren’t interested.”
“Normally, the reporters are kind of rabid about these kinds of interviews,” Natasha replies smoothly, moving into the room and perching on the arm of an oversized loveseat. She’s dressed impeccably, looking like a glamorous movie star from the thirties, with high waist black dress pants and a dark blue silk shirt with tiny red roses dotted all over.
“Well, my boss sent me because I’m,” You pause, searching for the right word. “Demure.”
“I honestly was waiting for you to say ‘unrabid’.” Clint chuckles out, tossing himself into the loveseat that Natasha is perched on directly across from where you stand.
“I’m not sure what writer would use the word ‘unrabid’. I’m also 90% sure that isn’t a word.”
“Only 90%?” Natasha queries, smiling so knowingly it makes you a little wary.
“Well, he said it, so thus it has been made a word. But you won’t find it in a dictionary. So yes, 90%.”
The large brunet, whom you knew as James Barnes, still stood by the hallway they must have come from, watching the interactions with storm blue eyes. Your shoulders tighten, straightening as you realize that they’d sent all the previous assassins in first. Quite the unsettling welcome wagon… Wait. Was this a weird sort of game? Like chicken? You very nearly chuckle, if that’s the case, because little did these people know you weren’t the bravest person - content with hiding behind your words, telling others amazing and heart wrenching stories.
“Will you all be participating?” You finally manage to get out with a smile without nerves making it forced.
“They will,” Comes the answer from behind you - Tony Stark himself, Iron Man in the flesh, says with a confidence you’d only seen on tv. “Miss Y/L/N. So glad you could make it. Plane ride enjoyable?”
“Yes, sir. Thank you so much for the use of your plane.” He waves a hand as he flashes a megawatt smile.
“No problem. No problem at all. Now, I know they’ve probably introduced themselves but that is Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, and one of the 100 plus pair, Bucky Barnes.”
“Nice to meet you all,” They all nod as Tony rubs his hands together then claps.
“Now, I’ll show you where you’ll be staying, I’ll have Happy drop your luggage in there while I show you around -”
“I’m sorry - uh, staying?” You tilt your head a tad to the left, blinking at the illustrious Mr. Stark.
“Yes. Of course, you’ll be staying here in the compound. Rhodey, Steve, and Sam are headed home as we speak, should be here sometime early tonight. Wanda and Vision are on their way back, they were having brunch at a nearby vineyard. Oh, and Thor, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Captain Danvers should be in - oh, I don’t know - maybe 3 or 4 days. Everyone else is on site.” Logically, you know your mouth is open. You also know you should close it, but the shock…
Every. Single. Avenger.
“Um, I just...Sir, I didn’t mean...I only just brought...ALL OF THEM??”
“To answer your oh so eloquent questions, I did tell your boss I would be getting you as many as possible. I would have thought Mrs. Rodrigez, was it?, would have conveyed the seriousness,” He gives a little huff, smile firmly in place. “Anyhow, you’ll manage. FRIDAY will have a list of shops that will deliver here - we have a tab, just feel free to add to it.”
“Sir -”
“Tony,” He corrects.
“Tony. I will manage my own clothes, thank you. My boss did stress the importance of this interview block. I was told, however, that this was by choice for the Avengers or Stark Industries staff. Not that you’d make them come from outer space to be riddled with questions. And, Tony, I honestly don’t know why our little site was chosen to write these interviews to begin with, sir. How do you even know who I am…” You were so focused on Tony that you hadn’t realized that Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Pepper Potts (Stark?), Bruce Banner, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne and a man of Asian descent you couldn’t place had entered the room. Tony moves closer, peering over the couch and down into your purse, finger pulling at one of the edges to see into it.
“Well, that’s simple. I asked for you.” Eyebrows shoot upward in shock before your forehead furrows. “See, Pep read a piece you did on library and book importance - specifically in young and all school-age children. It was lying around, so I read it. And you know what? I liked the emotion. The thoughtfulness behind it. Every word was picked with such care - constructed to paint a picture. And that’s what I want you to do for us.” He gestures for you to sit, which you give a gentle shake of your head at and takes up the seat you’d been in before. He leans forward, one elbow balanced on his knee as he looks up at you. “We get good press, bad press too, but I want people to see the big picture. We’re a team. We’re a family. We sacrifice a lot to be able to do what we do. Paint that picture for me.” The spell Tony seemed to have cast on you raised and you look around to see the whole room staring at you, waiting.
You swallow hard and nod a couple of times. “I’ll do my best, Tony.” He rises and gives a nod of his own, flashing you a smile tinged with sadness that he quickly hides.
“Good. Good. Let’s get you into a guest room and then the tour. But first, some more introductions.”
The voice in your room, in all the building you suppose, FRIDAY as she introduced herself, announced that dinner would be casual dress and served in an hour. Tony had been a gracious host, informing you he’d canceled your room at the winery - that, coincidentally, Wanda and Vision had been having brunch at earlier - before sashaying around the compound with Pepper, Scott, and Hope all in tow like a little tour group. Tony dutifully recited when it was built, remodeled, rebuilt. The layout and their functions. He adds little tidbits about visiting when he was little, making everything a little more real for you. You walk beside him, with him sometimes latching onto your elbow as you talk softly into your recorder, reminding yourself to get pictures of certain areas later with your camera.
It had been nice, Scott was witty and said aloud most of the smart ass comments you’d been thinking. Pepper kept Tony focused and Hope spent as much time as you did asking questions. The tour of the basic facilities ended back where it had begun in the living room, rain beginning to splatter against the massive wall of windows to your left.
You’d managed to find your way back to the room, 5th on the right, to find your overnight bag sitting on the end of the bed next to a plush white robe and a note from Tony stating he’d still asked for the stores to bring over things for you to pick out tomorrow and not to bother fighting him on it. Kicking off your shoes, you’d wandered over to the floor-to-ceiling window in your room to watch the raindrops slide down the glass, tucking your legs under you as you sat on the very soft, thick carpet with your notebook and pen.
Amelina, your boss and best friend, had bought you a gray, faux-leather sunflower embossed one to butter you up. Your little addiction and she knew it. You’d accepted the notebook and the assignment with little hesitation. Only to look at the notebook lying on your desk later and think ‘What the hell have I just done?!’
The first page is an outline of what Amelina had said she wanted from the articles (she ideally wanted to break them into separate pieces with each Avenger getting their own spotlight), your notes on the Avengers from digging online and the preliminary dates the article, or articles, would be posted on the site. Taking a deep breath you flip past the Avengers you’d already made lists for, adding the Guardians, Captain Danvers, Doctor Stranger, Wong (whom you’d met earlier), adding Scott and Hope as well, since they are West Coast-based and you had a 50/50 chance of actually interviewing them initially.
Your recorder would hold the interviews, your verbal notes and memos to take pictures of certain locations...but your gray notebook, that was for your notes and thoughts on their habits, likes and dislikes based on observation, how they interact with you, and how they interact with each other.
The alarm on your phone drags you away from writing a few more observations on the page designated for Pepper Potts, letting you know that you need to get up and changed for dinner. You plug your recorder in to download the tour from earlier while you change and freshen up your hair and makeup.
Your hopping on one foot, trying to shove your foot into the stupid pump when your alarm goes off again. Tossing yourself onto the end of the bed, you unplug your recorder and wiggle your foot into the pump better before heading out the door. You shove the recorder into the pocket of your skirt, making your way down the hall when the intro to “7 Rings” begins playing from the phone in your hand. With a quick swipe you answer, stopping almost halfway down the hall.
“Is that any way to answer the phone?”
“It is when I’m on my way to dinner and your long-winded call could make me late.”
“Harsh, dude, harsh.” Amelina barely takes a breath before continuing. “So, whatcha got so far?”
“First of all, that isn’t how I work. How long have you known me, Lina? By the way, I’m mad at you.”
“What for?”
“You didn’t tell me I’d be staying here or that I’d be here for two weeks. I looked like an idiot in front of Tony Freaking Stark and Pepper Freaking Potts!” You hiss into the phone, tapping your foot in irritation as she chuckles on the other end of the line.
“Sorry! I honestly didn’t know how long you’d be staying -”
“Well, it’s nice that you let me know that!”
“Mr. Stark just asked how long he could have you on loan. I said a max of three weeks.”
“Oh my god, Amelina,” you groan, letting your head drop forward as you repeat in your head to breathe.
“You are such a -”
“You’re being a real bitch. I would have packed. I would have been prepared. But nooooo! Now I’m standing in a hallway wishing that your brother’s new puppy would pee in your expensive shoes!”
“Now that’s just mean!”
“I’m hanging up now. May Jedi maul all the shoes you hold dear.” You jab your thumb against the screen before taking a deep breath and continuing your trek to the living room.
Apparently ‘casual’ at the Avengers compound is a broad term. Clint is sporting a sweatshirt with the SHIELD logo emblazoned on the front with black jogging pants and loafers. Steve has a dark blue shirt that is miraculously being held together by mere buttons, which you’re afraid if he strains, will lose their valiant efforts to keep his shirt together. His is paired with khakis and the same loafers as Clint, which amuses you for some unknown reason. Sam Wilson has a red t-shirt with a black blazer over it, dark gray jeans and some well-worn boots. As you finish taking in appearances, standing like a wallflower half-hidden by the hallway arch still, you can’t help but wonder if you should pinch yourself to see if this was reality.
Sam spots you first, or is the first to acknowledge it, and makes his way over with a friendly smile painted on his face.
“I’m Sam Wilson, nice to meet you.” His hand extends and nearly swallows your own before giving it a firm shake. You liked that. He wasn’t treating you as delicate. You detested when men did that when shaking hands with women…
“Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you as well.”
“Heard Tony gave you the tour.” He’s got a smirk now, eyes bright and teasing.
“Oh yeah. He offered to let me try out a suit - but only when Pepper and Steve weren’t around.”
“Killjoys,” Sam gives a serious shake of his head, chuckling as FRIDAY announces dinner is ready to be served. “Let’s get you to dinner. We’re having it in the mess hall once everyone gets here - tonight we can still have it in the actual dining room.” He offers his arm, guiding you out of the living area. “You met Bucky, right?” You give a nod, very aware the aforementioned is right behind the two of you. “His article will be the shortest. Dude’s damn near a mute unless he’s lecturing Steve, so I wish you good luck on interviewing him.”
“And here I thought that your odd friendship was all made up…” You answer slyly, hearing a snort of laughter behind you - unsure if it belongs to Steve or Bucky.
“Hey Cap, you meet the reporter?” Sam flashes you a smile as he turns the two of you around, bringing you to a hard stop so you don’t ram into the super-soldier.
“Steve Rogers, miss.” He offers his hand and gives yours a firm shake, his blue eyes holding a wariness you weren’t expecting. Captain America, wary of you? Doesn’t inspire a lot of hope in you about this whole experience…
“Y/N Y/L/N, sir.”
“Sit! Sit!” Tony orders jovially from down the table before pointing to the man at his right. “Rhodey. War Machine. Liar extraordinaire. I may need to sit in to make sure he gets all the facts straight.”
“Don’t listen to Mr. Stank over here, ma’am.”
“Unfortunately, that’s why I’m here Mr. Rhodes.” Steve pulls out your chair for you, waiting until your seated to take his seat to your left. “Thank you.”
“I think we should all get to know each other,” Tony starts, only for Rhodey to roll his eyes and Bruce to scoff from the other end of the long table.
“May I record?” You ask, watching everyone sort of tense and shuffle.
“Of course!” Tony answers as you withdraw the recorder, clicking it on and sitting it beside your plate.
“I think it’s only fair since I’ll be bothering all of you for the next two or so weeks, that you can ask me whatever you’d like as well.”
“That’s fair,” Dr. Strange concedes from his spot to your right.
“Very fair, I think,” Scott agrees, giving you a big comforting smile.
“Okay, well let’s start with where you were born.” A handful of waiters come in, setting bowls and plates onto the tabletop before disappearing.
“Family style,” Pepper clarifies before looking expectantly to you.
“I was born in California. But moved to Seattle when I was little, maybe about 3. Right before I started kindergarten we moved back to California. Been there ever since.”
“And your business?” Pepper asks, dishing some green beans onto her plate.
“It’s more Amelina’s than mine. We’re partners in the site, but I do the money part, well I prep it for the accountant - and most of the writing - and she does the schmoozing, bossing around, the sports articles and the keeping up of the site. So she’s doing the lion’s share.”
“I would think you break even,” Hope pipes up. “Well, what with you having to travel and compile the information and then write it out. Plus anything to do with money is usually more stressful. Do you both hire and fire?”
“Unfortunately, yes. We tried to hire a sports writer after we’d had the site for a year, but it didn’t work out...”
“Wait. Wait. Was it that guy that kept inserting himself into the story?” Sam laughs out, peeking around Bucky who is beside Steve. You bite back a groan.
“Bucky, Rhodey - it’s that article I sent you saying that Babe Ruth was only half the baseball player he could have been and that the writer could’ve been the next Bambino.” Rhodey is at least trying not to laugh, but you can see Bucky’s shoulders shaking as you lean backward in your chair.
“That was a huge mistake. All of his work we reviewed before hiring was impeccable. I checked to make sure it wasn’t plagiarized and we called all of his references. Apparently, he’d had some experience in coding and websites, so after he handed in his first final draft, he went in an hour after Amelina posted it, and changed it. We got so many emails - we were getting all these calls... Brian up and disappeared after he did that. To this date, still haven’t had as much traffic on the site as that day.”
“Brian sounds like a douche,” Wanda mutters with a smile, taking a sip from her wine glass. You look down at your plate, finding it overflowing with more food than you’d put on there. You raise an eyebrow at Steve, who just shrugs and puts a forkful of potato salad in his mouth with a smile.
“Yeah. I blacklisted him.”
“Blacklisted how?” Clint manages around a mouthful of bread.
“Oh, um, well I emailed almost every single media outlet in California, Washington, Oregon, and Nevada. Then I asked them to forward it to their parent stations or owners. So basically, after a year of emailing people, most blogs, newspapers, tv stations, circulars, and YouTube hosts in California to Kentucky know not to deal with anyone going by his name. I helped a reporter from Pennsylvania with her story, and she began emailing people on the East Coast about it. All emails included his picture too, just in case he went by another name.”
“Effective. A bit ruthless.” Vision is seated between Wanda and Rhodey, nodding in approval.
“No! Not ruthless!” You defend, voice rising a little before the heat rises in your neck and cheeks. “Sorry. I just didn’t want anyone to get dinged as we did. We had to say a lot of apologies and lost a lot of work because of his pointless self-involved rant. And I mean, who goes after Babe Ruth?”
“Balls but no brains,” Scott adds, the two of you nodding. He points his fork at your plate. “Eat.”
“Can I ask a question?”
“That’s what you’re here for.” Tony chuckles out.
“What do you guys do in times like these? When there aren’t aliens or Loki or HYDRA? Like a big spa day for all of you guys? Karaoke?”
“To be honest,” Natasha begins. “There aren’t a lot of days like this when we are all free at the same time. But honestly, it’s more watching and waiting than action and aliens.”
“Kind of miss SHIELD to kind of take care of the day to day bad guy cartel and mafia stuff?” You manage around a mouthful of pasta. Sweet Jesus, it was decadent and cheesy.
“Sometimes I miss the help,” Clint admits.
“What Clint means is that he misses telling people what to do.” Sam teases, tossing a bread roll at him across the table, which Clint catches without even looking away from you.
“Hey! I didn’t tell people what to do. They just did it.”
“Did you buy a bar just to tear it down, Tony?” Tony smiles around a forkful of steak.
“Yes. Yes, I did. Ross just rubs me the wrong way.”
“To be fair, I think he rubs everyone the wrong way.”
“You’ve met him?” Steve sounds surprised, eyebrows raised in what you hope is astonishment.
“Unfortunately. I was in college and had to write a piece on something or someone whom you don’t agree with. Now I am all for soldiers but upper management sucks in the military, no offense Mr. Rhodes. But, everywhere, really... I just think the old guys in Congress and equally old guys in the upper ranks are calling the shots on things they shouldn’t be interfering in, as far as college me was concerned. Ross irritated me for the simple reason that he was the smartest person in the room and no matter what I said, what facts I had, what questions I asked, I would always be wrong. Never disliked being called ‘sweetheart’ so much in my life. Hard to have a conversation with the other side when they talk to you like that. Plus, I got a D on that paper, so he sucks in my book.”
“I told him to call me if he needed help. Then I left him on hold. In my own defense, I did warn him earlier I did like to watch the light blink.” Rhodey snorts into his glass at Tony’s admission.
“Like a tiny Christmas light of joy.” Steve comments, leaning back in his chair with a smile.
You shove a forkful of green beans into your mouth, giving a little sigh at how damn good it tasted before spearing a few more and eating those as Scott launches into the tale of him, Cassie, Luis and his ex-wife’s husband all hanging Christmas lights - only for the new husband to find he’d rewired and programmed them to blink in super slow motion with the fastest Christmas songs he could find and vice versa. And every 9 hours and 45 minutes, it played La Cucaracha, perfectly in time with the lights. There are a few chuckles around the table, but you’re laughing pretty damn hard.
“That’s brilliant actually! The deviousness lies in the amount of annoying that they could take. Having to time your exit must have been a bitch.”
“He and one of his buddies took it all down, bought new lights and hung those up. Cassie told me she missed hearing the Chipmunks, so I remotely programmed a timer so it would play the Christmas Don’t Be Late song right before her bedtime.”
“Cassie sounds like a wonderful girl. And very lucky to have you for her father.” Scott looks flustered but gives you the brightest smile before looking down at his empty plate.
“Th-thank you.”
“Of course. Do you guys do Netflix around here? Movie night?”
“Your mind is everywhere…” Hope says with a grin. “That’s good.”
“And to answer your question - yes. We have Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime…” Sam trails off as the waiters reappear, clearing the table only to return seconds later with plates of beautiful personal assorted desserts. If this was how they ate, you’d hate to see their exercise regime. Oh god, you hoped you weren’t expected to work out with them...
“I was just wondering how you all decide on a show. Do Steve and Bucky have lists? Like are you all working through AFI’s 100 Greatest Movies? I think I’ve only seen 20 of them. Do you all binge shows together?”
“Pep started a rotation. So if it’s your Sunday night and you’re in the compound or tower, then you pick the movie or show. If you aren’t here, it goes to the next person on the list.”
“Sometimes after a mission, it’s usually just decided to watch tv shows just cause we all sort of zone out,” Steve whispers after Tony’s answer, taking a big scoop of his parfait.
“We’ve never been invited,” Wong pipes up, frowning at Tony.
“Oh, I invited both you and Strange right after Pepper made the schedule. If Strange didn’t relay that…” Dr. Strange just rolls his eyes.
“I mentioned it.”
“You didn’t say it was a regular occurrence.” Wong huffs out before biting into a ladyfinger.
“Like an old married couple,” Clint chuckles out, his desserts all gone as he leans contentedly back in his chair. You give your head a small shake at their exchange before reaching to stop your recorder.
“Well, thank you so much for that delicious meal. And thank you for letting me record. I hope I get less awkward as this goes on.”
“This was awkward?” Wanda raises an eyebrow, making you fiddle with the recorder before tucking it into your pocket.
“Okay, well, um then it will get more awkward before it gets less awkward.” You all rise, pushing in your chairs before wandering out of the dining room and back towards the living areas.
“You’ll find out we’re all awkward. Well, except me.” You nod seriously at Tony’s words, managing to see Bucky roll his eyes at Tony’s words. Huh. Who knew… “Nightcap?”
“Oh, no. Thank you. I’m so full I don’t think I could even manage that.”
“Then we’ll say goodnight.” A chorus of goodnights echoes around the large living room.
“Goodnight everyone.”
You totter off to your room, cursing the fact that you’re so sleepy right now. After washing your face, brushing your teeth and changing into your pajamas, you shuffle down under the covers.
“Well, that wasn’t the most awkward or silent dinner I’ve ever been to…” You mutter before sleep drags you under.
In the morning, you wake up earlier than you usually tend to, sitting on the floor in your pajamas in front of the rain-splattered window with your headphones on - going over the recordings, transcribing them and making notes in your dotted notebook, since it better served to add afterthoughts to. Not the nice orderly layout of your new notebook. And you’re so involved in listening and typing, snatching up the notebook beside you to jot down memos, that you don’t hear Steve and Tony calling your name and you sure as hell don’t hear them enter.
The scream accounts for that, Bucky and Sam barrelling through your door as you look up at Steve and Tony with wide eyes, shoving your headphones off.
“We’re sorry.” Tony barely restrains a chuckle. “I’m sorry. I had FRIDAY see if you were awake, then came to get you for breakfast, but,” He laughs now, the skin by his eyes crinkling. “You didn’t answer.”
“Maybe we should think about a different system!” You blurt as you stare up at the four men.
“Yes. Definitely,” Tony chuckles. “Next time I’ll have FRIDAY blink the lights to alert you.”
“Thank you!”
“Our pleasure.” Steve grins out, extending a hand.
“No, I’m fine here, thanks.” Steve shrugs, the smile not disappearing.
“Well, we’ll leave you to get dressed for breakfast. The shops are due to arrive after breakfast for you to pick some more clothes for your stay. Sam has also requested to be your first interview.” Sam winks at you from Cap’s left, sporting a wide smile as Bucky’s gaze goes from Sam to you.
“Thanks again.” You peer around Steve. “And thank you two for coming so quickly.”
“Anytime, Y/N.” Sam delivers smoothly, Bucky rolling his eyes before making a swift exit. The other three leave with smiles on their faces.
It takes you several minutes to realize you were in your pajamas; a worn and oversized ‘It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown’ shirt paired with sleep shorts that could barely be seen peeking under the hem of your shirt.
“Jeez…” You groan, rubbing a hand over your face before closing the laptop and tossing your notebooks on the bed.
Ten minutes later you have your teeth brushed and you’re dressed in adequate attire, shuffling nervously into the kitchen area on the other side of the bar in the living room. Clint and Bucky are cooking, Wanda weaving between the two expertly. You slip in the seat next to Hope, her hair in a ponytail and dressed in workout clothes.
“How long has everyone been up?” You whisper-ask, setting your recorder and notebook beside the empty plate that Natasha sets in front of you with a small smile. You return it as Hope cuts her pancake which is riddled with syrup, fruit and whipped cream.
“We all did a workout before breakfast,” She puts a big bite of sugar-laden pancake in her mouth, “Speeds up your metabolism.”
“Where’s Scott?”
“Here.” He mutters, slipping into the seat on the other side of Hope.
“Not a morning person?”
“I enjoy my sleep.”
“Thank god. Me too. Under normal circumstances.”
“Yes,” A new voice pipes up from the other side of the room, making you lean back to see who it is. “We heard about the intrusion this morning.”
“Holy - Princess Shuri!” After nearly tripping trying to slither out of your stool, you manage to get upright and extend a hand. “So lovely to meet you.”
“Thank you. It is lovely to meet you as well. I read your articles after Tony mentioned you were selected to do the interviews, and I must say that when you do scientific articles, there is a very nice flow and imagery that one does not usually get.”
“Thank you! I’m sure whoever I’ve interviewed in the science community doesn’t care for all the questions I have after the interview, so I’m glad that it reads well to a genius.”
“You will just make her head bigger, Miss Y/L/N.”
“King T’Challa, wonderful to meet you.” You breathe a deep breath of relief as he extends his hand, giving it a firm shake with a warm smile.
“Wonderful to meet you as well. Please sit, you must keep your strength up if you are to deal with all of us.” There is mischief in his eyes, the twinkle of a man temporarily unburdened.
“That bad?”
“Wait ‘til the Guardians are here!” A male voice pipes up, followed by a tossing sound and a huffed “Sorry!”
“Peter Parker, ma’am.” Your eyebrows shoot up as you automatically stick out your hand.
“Spider-Man,” Tony supplies as he walks by with a bowl of oatmeal. Honestly, your only thought is that he’s a baby and should be protected at all cost.
“Yeah, I think I saw a post on Instagram about someone in New York making Spider-Man ice creams...So you’re the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?” Peter blushes, withdrawing his hand and crossing his arms over his chest.
“Don’t worry, kid. Pep had her sign contracts before she even came. She can’t reveal your identity.”
“Oh. Okay then.” His smile brightens at least a hundred watts. “Did you eat yet? Mr. Barnes makes the best pancakes!”
“Does he now?” Bucky’s back is to you, so you can’t see his expression, but there are already two hot pancakes setting on your plate next to several pieces of bacon. “I’m going to gain so much weight while I’m here…” You sigh, actually not the least bit bothered by it once you bite into the pancake, it’s buttery soft fluff filling your mouth, the second bite revealing a tiny melted chocolate chip to add to the deliciousness. Flipping open your notebook, you scribble down a note: Bucky Barnes = wonderful pancakes. Peter sees it and ducks his head as he takes his plate over to where Shuri is sitting, the two of them bent over a tablet when you glance over your shoulder.
Everything is terribly domestic. Normal.
And you want them to enjoy it. Cause honestly, after all that’s happened, they truly deserve a little peace and camaraderie.
”Okay, so is this alright?” You ask, settling a little more into the plush blood-red chair in Sam’s bedroom, his desk to your right littered with your notebook, your phone, the recorder, and several pens.
“Great. I’m good to go.” You pick up the recorder, clicking it on with a nervous smile directed at Sam before you began.
“Interview One: Sam Wilson, known as Falcon. Okay, Sam, please tell me a little about yourself?”
“What would you like to know?”
“Let’s just start with the basics - like speed dating.”
“I’ve never been speed dating.”
“Well, aren’t we the lucky one?”
“Wait - you’ve been speed dating?”
“Unfortunately. It was for an article but nothing really was romantic or fun about asking the same questions of men who aren’t looking you in the eye.”
“Don’t gotta worry about that here. Our mamas all raised us right.”
“Noted. Alright, so I’ll ask the nice fluffy questions first.”
“Working our way up to the heavy hitter ones.”
“Exactly. What’s your favorite thing to do in New York, besides save it? What was your childhood dream job? Favorite Disney movie? How do you like your coffee?”
“Eat. Man, I love food. They have a little gumbo place in Harlem,” He kisses the tips of his fingers. “Best Southern food up here. As for my childhood dream job - man, I love birds. I wanted to train raptors, rehabilitate them...or I wanted to be a chef ‘cause I enjoy food. All kinds. Man, I haven’t seen a Disney movie in ye -- well, that’s not true because Spider-Nerd made us watch Toy Story 4 the other day...but probably a tie between Fantasia and The Rescuers. And coffee? That I take black with room so I can add cream and three sugars.”
“Good memory skills. Want more difficult ones now?”
“Oh yeah, I’m ready,” He rubs his hands together with a smile spreading quickly across his face.
“If Stark does a superhero calendar, which month do you want and what are you wearing for it?” His laughter is loud and boisterous, his hands braced on his knees before looking at you.
“Whew - went right for it, didn’t you? Are you asking everyone this question? Can I be there when you ask Cap and Bucky? I bet you twenty bucks that Tony says he’s thought of it before and he wants December cause of the gift he is.” You lean over and make a note of it in your notebook.
“I’ll take that bet. I counter with he doesn’t want to do one but he’d like to be July.” He extends his hand and you shake it firmly, mustering up a serious expression as you did so before settling in to wait for his answer.
“Man, okay. Uh, I think I’d like to be August. Not as hot but not cold either, with those pre-fall feelings. And I’m getting the tightest red shirt I own, along with my favorite pair of jeans. But I could be persuaded to dress sexier - nice fitted suit and tie.”
“Why’d you join the Air Force?”
“I just wanted to help people. And I wanted to see the world. My mom was okay with it since she figured the Air Force weren’t the first to deploy and that I’d be mostly out of harm’s way. But I enjoyed the regimen, the camaraderie I had with the other guys. But when my wingman, my partner Riley, died -- you, you know I just didn’t want to be apart of that anymore after that. I decided I’d get more out of life if I helped other soldiers deal with their problems.” He pauses, searching your face for something before continuing. “I met Steve one day when we were both out running. I knew who he was, but I also knew he was just like any other soldier who had come home and was looking to adjust - looking to find his place.”
“So you did what came naturally - you offered a sympathetic ear and some words for him to think on.”
“Yep. And, honestly, I enjoyed getting to know Steve Rogers. I think we have a lot in common, just morals and being a good soldier, but it’s more important to be a better man than all of that.”
“You really admire him.”
“Of course I do. He’s my best friend. I wouldn’t trade what I had to go through - what we all had to go through - to have it done any other way. I mean, it was brutal in some places, but I’d do it all again -- I sure as hell don’t want to, but I would.”
“May I ask why you chose to follow Steve instead of, say, Col. Rhodes? Both military, both having friends who sort of go rogue, both just wanting to do the right thing…”
“Rhodey and I are good friends, don’t get me wrong. But he had a lot on his plate: The military. Ross. Tony. Still dealing with the fallout of SHIELD in the upper ranks. I would follow Rhodey for a lot of things, but I won’t fight against any of the other Avengers again unless they’re mind-controlled or some shit.”
“Peanut butter and jelly or ham and cheese?” You ask softly, giving him a kind smile.
“Peanut butter and jelly.” He says with his own soft smile.
“Can I pet Redwing?” He perks up at that question.
“Yeah, come on, I’ll show him to you.”
“Maybe the suit too?” You tease, gathering up your notebook and phone, shoving the latter into your pocket before the extra pens you’d brought got shoved right along in there. You carefully pick up the recorder, holding it aloft as Sam holds open his bedroom door.
Once you’ve petted Redwing, letting Sam fly it around you. Luckily you were smart enough to stop at your room first for your camera, most of the time focusing on the light in Sam’s eyes as he looks at his little buddy before Steve and Clint come into the hanger, Clint playfully throwing a few rocks as Redwing dodges them, the three of them joking as they stand in a semi-circle and watch. All the while you watch them through the lens, happily snapping pictures before you notice Bucky leaning against the hangar door a handful of feet away. He looks like he’s a model, a small smile on his face that’s half turned away from you with one hand - his metal hand - tucked into the pocket of his black, worn-looking jacket. You snap a few pictures before he turns his head towards you, the smile disappearing. You snap a picture anyway before lowering the lens and smiling as warmly at him as you can. He gives a little nod before pushing off the door and disappearing around the corner.
Clint drags you to the archery range after that, carefully digging through his arrows as he answers question after question.
“Okay, Clint, last one: If Stark does a superhero calendar, which month do you want and what are you wearing for it?” Clint snickers, his shoulders gently moving.
“Really? Well, alright then. I think I’d like to be January. And I think I want to be dressed in a velvet eggplant jacket with a black shirt and some black underwear.” You nearly snort when he wiggles his eyebrows and gives you a lazy smile, twirling an arrow.
“Boxers? Briefs? Thong?”
“I think some nice fitting briefs. Don’t want to make too many people jealous if I bust out my thong…”
“I certainly learned a whole lot about you, so thank you for that, Clint.”
“Anytime, sweet cheeks. Anytime.” He leads you back to the living room for your last interview of the morning before you all break for lunch. “Wanda! I got your girl here!” Wanda is standing by the hallway, a cup in each hand with a smile gracing her too-pretty face. She gestures with her head, her red hair swinging slightly. Clint doesn’t let you go initially, pushing his cheek closer to you.
“Alright, alright, Mr. Sweet cheeks.” You concede, kissing his cheek before watching him saunter past the others, tossing himself down onto the couch beside Scott with a chuckle.
“Good luck!” Sam hollers, making Wanda glare at him for a second before you follow her down the hall.
Wanda is teaching you a few words in Romanian when you emerge from her room for lunch.
Lunch is already laid out as you repeat “Nu, mulţumesc” until she nods.
“And that means?”
“No, Thank you.” You answer obediently.
“Now, combine everything.”
“Ce fasi! Mici sărutări pentru tine în această după-amiază. Nu, mulțumesc. Aș prefera să fac un tort.” [Little kisses to you all this afternoon. No, thank you. I'd rather have a cake.]
Bucky and Natasha shake their heads with a smile.
“And that means?”
“What are you doing? Little kisses to you all this afternoon. No, thank you. I’d rather have a cake.” Wanda chuckles out, giving your arm a loving pat.
“It was something my mother always said to my father. He said little kisses to us all and she said she would rather have cake. Y/N said it beautifully. Very naturally.”
“I am a wonderful parrot.” You smile out before Tony pokes his head in and whistles.
Bruce’s interview after lunch is filled with long pauses, his answers thought out and sometimes not what you expected. He takes you through his lab and then he suggests a short jaunt around the garden to finish the interview. When he excuses himself, you stay in the French-style garden, snapping a few scenic pictures and unwinding a bit from the interviews of today.
With four down, you’re feeling pretty perky about the whole series, trying not to think about the 25 or 26 more interviews you needed to do. Wandering through, your fingertips brushing over the perfectly trimmed hedges before spotting a few wild sunflowers towards the path leading into the woods. Carefully kneeling you take a picture, frowning as it’s just not quite right. You settle on your belly, one foot rising into the air as you refocus the camera and nail the picture you wanted!
You don’t even realize that Bucky is taking your picture as you grin at your camera, entirely too pleased with your results before you regain your footing and trek back to the compound.
You shoot for six interviews the next day, just trying to get them done before the Guardians, Thor and Captain Danvers arrive...Tony having casually mentioned recording a video group interview of sorts before you left. Which didn’t stress you out at all.
Hope’s interview was witty and broadening...how she described quantum physics (which just led to more questions) was outstanding.
Scott’s was quick-witted, dry and peppered with his pretty broad knowledge of electrical engineering, Captain America, and songs from the 80s. He was very open about his conviction and time in prison, his decision to be ankle monitored to be with his daughter, and how he feels all of this may affect her in the future. He’s an achingly good person and you add him to your “Protect At All Costs” mental list you’ve started.
Steve is stiff. He doesn’t see the humor in your calendar question (you have to show him the Australian firefighter one with the baby animals for reference) to which he begrudgingly requests the month of May and says a casual suit with flowers in lieu of a pocket square. You suggest him sitting slightly towards a camera, painting a field full of flowers...he seems to like the idea and it makes him relax a little - and you’ll have to thank Sam for that tidbit of information he’d given you. You ask Steve a lot about his life before Captain America, how he thinks it would have gone differently if Dr. Erskine had lived, and what he initially liked about the modern world. He tells you about art school and Bucky, getting beat up on a near regular basis in alleys all over Brooklyn, how he discovered Mr. Rogers’ TV show early one afternoon after moving into the compound.
Vision, on the other hand, doesn’t have a lot of life experience to draw upon but he’s a wealth of knowledge. He talks about JARVIS and ULTRON, the differences between the two of them and Tony, he talks about how DUM-E knows who he is and how loyal he is to Tony. He then shows you who DUM-E is, the bot jerkily “shaking” your hand as you marvel over how not just Tony has evolved but his creations as well. Do you coo how smart and handy the robot it? Of course. But it’s worth it to see the robot nodding as you talk about how smart his dad is. DUM-E then gives you a tiny circuit board before you leave, Vision remarking that he likes you very much to have done so. You scribble down a note to ask Tony if that’s okay that you have that.
Peter is your last interview before dinner, and holy cow, everyone in the compound is a fucking genius. Peter tells you about his web fluid, the neighborhood where he’s grown up, and it’s clear how much he admires Tony from how reverently he speaks. Their relationship, you notice, is a little more parent/child than a mentor/mentee relationship. It’s adorable with a tinge of awkward. Peter shows you pictures he’s taken swinging all over New York and you show him where he can get a Spider-Man ice cream. He asks you just as many questions as you do and you chuckle when he refers to nearly every movie before his date of birth as “a really old movie”. You show him a few Charlie Chaplin shorts to show him what exactly “really old” is. He, in turn, shows you Tik Tok videos that you both laugh over.
“Do you like serial killer stuff?” He asks as you both head to the dining room for dinner, tucking his phone back into his pocket, both sets of your sneakers squeaking ever so slightly on the expensive floors.
“I think most women do.”
“Why do you think that?” His little focused face is adorable, trying to link it up in his head.
“Women always think they can do things better. And they’re usually right, just to let you know.” He nods seriously. “We’re outraged by it but intrigued. Pretty sure women can get blood out of just about anything - I’ve gotten red nail polish out of khaki pants by sheer will alone. It’s different for everyone, I guess. But mostly I think it helps us to collectively learn how to plausibly commit the perfect murder while we drink wine from the couch and shove snacks in our faces. And possibly solve a crime in our heads.”
“Huh,” Peter’s brow is still furrowed but he’s nodding his understanding. Peter looks up to find Bucky studying you, and when you look at Peter, he’s just smiling. “Excuse me.” You nod, watching him high-five Shuri before you feel someone by your side. Dr. Strange gestures to your ever-moving seat, which tonight is between Okoye and Wanda.
“Thank you,” you murmur gratefully, not noticing the quick clench of Bucky’s hand as he moves around Strange to his own seat opposite Natasha.
Rhodey steals you after dinner, Sam teasing him as they disappear to his office.
“Come on, man. Just talk to her.”
“Shut up, bird brain.”
“She’s pretty nice. I was concerned she was just gonna go after us, with the questioning, but she eased into it and just didn’t focus on the darker stuff. She seems to want to get to know us as people.”
“It’s weird, huh?” Clint comments as Hope nods.
“It’s nice to be treated like a person. Not someone who’s infallible or holier than thou…” T’Challa remarks from his spot in the plush crimson chair across from them.
“Very inclusive, as well,” Okoye adds as Shuri and Peter come skidding into the room, Peter holding a tablet.
“What are you two doing?” Steve asks as he arches one blonde eyebrow high at the two.
“Nothing,” Shuri says smoothly, Peter nodding a few times too many when Tony comes into the room.
“Why is there a herd of deer in my hanger?” Both teens shoot off towards the patio door, laughing the whole time. “I don’t know what they did, but Redwing is acting like a herding dog with them, so you might need to go check that out, Sam.”
“Damn kids, I swear...I’m gonna need to squash me a spider…” He mutters loudly, heading briskly for the hanger.
“So, you gonna talk to our little journalist?” Tony smirks down at Bucky, which makes him scowl at the billionaire.
“I’m supposed to do that tomorrow,” He grumbles, making Tony smirk harder.
“You know that’s not what I mean, Tin Man.” Bucky wisely says nothing as he tries to calm his ramping up heart rate. “Even the kids have noticed you looking.”
“He has some competition,” Vision adds, smiling at Wanda who tilts her head slightly but returns his smile. “DUM-E.” Tony snorts, shaking his head as he turns away to gather himself.
“The robot? So the two are evenly matched then.” Natasha chuckles out, taking a healthy sip of her gin and tonic as she meets Bucky’s eyes.
“Nat, that’s not fair. The robot shook her hand and gave her a circuit board. He’s leagues ahead of Buck.” Clint teases, taking Natasha’s drink and taking his own healthy sip before handing it back. Bucky looks at his best friend, who is trying desperately to stop his shoulders from shaking with his laughter.
“40’s you would be ashamed. A robot who can’t talk?”
“Bucky Barnes vs a Roomba!” Shuri comments from behind Tony before making a break for it down the hallway with Sam hot on her tail. T’Challa, Okoye, and Bucky all point Sam down the hallway where she disappeared to when he comes panting into the living room.
“Now me is more inclined to hit your once-asthmatic ass for being the little shit you are,” Bucky growls at Steve, getting up from the couch turning to head to his room, only to freeze when he sees you and Rhodey standing by Peter in the door frame to the patio.
“Do you know there are deer in the hanger? And are you guys running a weird robot/human fight club?”
“Is that all you heard?” Tony asks, turning around and slinging his arm over the back of the couch with a smile flirting on his lips.
“We picked up the pace getting in here when we heard Shuri shout Bucky Barnes vs a Roomba. I mean, I’ve seen a raccoon with a machine gun, so that would have just been something else to add to the Weird Shit I’ve Seen list.” You press your lips together hard to keep from laughing at Rhodey’s nonchalant attitude and suddenly, Bucky isn’t as pissy as before. Well, he is - but at his friends - not at you.
It’s been three days. Three fucking days and he’s smitten.
“Goodnight,” He says gruffly before retreating down the hall.
He’s nearly in his room, so he doesn’t hear you ask if you’ve done something wrong.
Tagging: @jewelofwinter @sgtjbuccky @jaamesbbarnes @thewhiterabbit42 @nobodys-baby-now @unleashthemidnight @stay-frosty-royal-unicorn @chelsea072498 @clockworkmorningglory @sakurablossom4 @marichromatic @blondecoffeecake @ourloveisforthelovely @whinywingedwinchester @feelmyroarrrr
NOTE: Found the pic online and edited it, props to Google and all rights/privileges/ownership goes to who took the photo and to Marvel who made up all these characters. 
[PART 2]
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architectnews · 3 years
Mingei International Museum San Diego
Mingei International Museum San Diego Building, New California Architecture Photos
Mingei International Museum in San Diego
September 3, 2021
Design: LUCE et studio / Inside Outside | Petra Blaisse
Location: Mingei International Museum, Plaza de Panama, Balboa Park, San Diego, California, USA
photo Courtesy of Mingei International Museum
– Mingei Partners with San Diego Favorite Urban Kitchen Group for Innovative On-Site Dining Experience
– Renovated and Reimagined Mingei International Museum Reopens with Folk Art, Craft and Design Infused into Every Element
– Mingei International Museum Grand Reopening Set for September 3, 2021
The Museum will reopen to the public on September 3, 2021, exactly three years after closing for a transformative construction project. Entry into the Museum Labor Day weekend, Friday, September 3 through Monday, September 6, will be free for all as a gift to San Diego. The Museum will be open 10am-5pm, seven days a week, with expanded evening hours until 8pm on Thursdays and Fridays.
Mingei International Museum in San Diego
Reopening of Mingei International Museum in San Diego
Great spaces inspire great exchanges.
Mingei International Museum has embarked on a major transformation of its facility on the Plaza de Panama in Balboa Park, one that redefines its relationship to the Park, the San Diego region and the world. The plan expresses a dynamically renewed commitment to the Museum’s vision and the community it serves.
photo Courtesy of Mingei International Museum
“It’s an important moment to aspire to a big gesture of change. This project with Mingei is a perfect confluence—it’s about the Park, the craft of fine art, and good design. And it’s one of the most authentic and humble institutions in the city that I believe in. It couldn’t be a better fit.” – Jennifer Luce Founder and Principal, LUCE et studio
Through a series of visitor surveys, stakeholder interviews and tours of other museums, Mingei reaffirmed its mission to open up the Museum space for maximum engagement and collaboration and expand access to collections, exhibitions and educational programming.
A free plaza level places visitors at the center.
Architect Jennifer Luce, Founder & Principal, LUCE et studio: photo Courtesy of LUCE et studio
Art belongs to everyone. With a gallery, store, restaurant and center for learning, the free plaza level features multiple public entries on east and west, opening the Museum to expansive meeting, making and learning opportunities:
– lively new civic space to gather on the Plaza Level, with free admission for everyone – inviting courtyard next to the Plaza de Panama and upper-level terraces with breathtaking views – dedicated education center for K-12 students and for people of all ages to engage in hands-on artmaking – beautiful theater for performances, lectures and demonstrations – stunning galleries and library upstairs, with access to the House of Charm’s iconic tower – inspired shopping and dining
Theater – The second level is devoted to exhibitions and research, with its main galleries and art and media library. Mingei is also giving back to the City of San Diego through the addition of open space and restoration of its historic home, The House of Charm: photo Courtesy of Mingei International Museum
The plan will transform the non-functional loading dock into a new Theater for lectures, concerts, films, dinners and other events. The Theater opens directly to the landscape and to Palm Canyon beyond.
Theater building in the evening:
photos Courtesy of Mingei International Museum
Inside Outside | Petra Blaisse Delivers a Sitespecific Intervention
Inside Outside Contributes To Commissions Featuring Acclaimed Women Artists
A Reimagined Museum
On September 3, 2021, Mingei International Museum will reap the fruits of a transformative period, topping off a three-year hiatus with newly commissioned artworks, dynamic exhibitions and a program tending to increased accessibility and inclusivity. As an acclaimed institution that prides itself on a commitment to art, craft and design that is by and for the people, the reopening marks a peak in its civic and functional engagement. Inside Outside | Petra Blaisse has joined an inspirational collaboration initiated by LUCE et Studio for a new wing, to ensure that the museum’s ethos of merging craftsmanship with the community is infused throughout the very building.
Mingei International Museum San Diego courtyard:
A lineup of five acclaimed, female artists – Petra Blaisse, Claudy Jongstra, Christina Kim, Jennifer Luce, Sharon Stampfer and Billie Tsien – have installed a series of interventions in the building that enrich the formal and conceptual dialogue with the architecture and collection. Each of the commissions serves as a stand-alone creation while simultaneously functioning as elements that are imaginatively and technically woven into the building’s public spaces.
Mingei International Museum courtyard furniture: photograph Courtesy of Mingei International Museum
Intersecting Art and Architecture
As a studio devoted to resisting prescriptive environments, Inside Outside has become wellversed in making the conversation between a building and its temporary inhabitants matter. With this approach, Inside Outside has aligned with LUCE et Studio and the Mingei International Museum’s mission to deepen the connection between the building’s art and architecture, underpinned by the broadened scope of the user’s psychological, cultural, visual and auditory relation to the space.
Inside Outside’s contribution is Sessions – a billowing, layered curtain installation that flows from a point in the concrete side wall along the entire length of the 40-foot retractable glass wall in the new, multipurpose theater. The doublesided felt and voile textile produces different optic effects, when seen from either inside the auditorium or from the adjacent garden, creating an enticing liminality between the inside and outside. The outer environment also comes into play in the curtain’s abstracted pattern, which draws inspiration from the jacaranda tree leaf that was first introduced to Balboa Park, home to the Mingei Museum, by the botanist Kate Sessions.
The piece is a direct nod to a long legacy of community engagement that this jacarandadevotee brought to the city of San Diego. The curtain acts as a filter for acoustics and light, grounding performers and guests into a soothing atmosphere. But as the pattern is punctuated by irregularities, light seeps through in different intensities and brings a playful expectancy in accordance with the theater’s spectacles-to-come – placing the commission on the cusp of settling and surprising visitors.
Address: Plaza de Panama, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA, United States of America
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San Diego Buildings
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The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park, Embarcadero, San Diego waterfront Design: Tucker Sadler Architects ; performance shell design: Soundforms image courtesy of architects practice The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park
Del Mar Civic Center, Del Mar, California, USA Architects: Miller Hull Partnership photography © Chipper Hatter Del Mar Civic Center in San Diego County, California
ADU – Garage Conversion Architects: Losada Garcia Architects picture courtesy of architects office San Diego Garage Remodel
US Fish and Wildlife Service Administrative Headquarters Design: Line and Space photo : Mike Torrey San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Building
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Orum Residence, Bel-Air, Los Angeles, California, USA Design: SPF:architects photo © Matthew Momberger New Residence in Bel-Air
American Architecture Studios
Comments / photos for the Mingei International Museum, Plaza de Panama, Balboa Park, San Diego, California page welcome
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Clean-up Steps
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Sweep, Mop, And Disinfect Floors.
Vacuum All Upholstery.
Wipe Down Doors, Knobs, Baseboards, Moldings, And Hardware.
Thorough Wipe-Down And Sanitization Of Bathrooms And Kitchens (Including Appliances, Cabinets, And Counters)
 How do I get rid of dust in my house after remodeling?
Remove and vacuum each furniture cushion, and the underlying frames. Try vacuuming twice if you feel any residual dust after the first round. Clean surfaces from the top down. Start by wiping the dust off your walls – yes, even your walls collect dust during construction.
 How Much Does It Cost To Clean Construction Site?
Typical Range: $275 - $652
No new build or renovation project is over until every contractor has finished his or her piece and the entire area has been cleaned and inspected. Properly cleaning up a construction site is about more than simple housecleaning or even deep cleaning and debris removal. It includes everything from ridding the walls of scuff marks and smudges to waxing floors and scrubbing windows. Perhaps more importantly, through the post-construction cleaning process, it is possible to thoroughly inspect every nook and cranny of the project. This helps homeowners ensure that everything is in place, secure, and safe before marking common jobs such as remodels or additions "complete" and beginning to use their new space.
While some general contractors do their own construction site cleanup, contracting out to a company that specializes in this niche service is the best way to get the deep clean you need to really show off the addition you built onto your house or the new garage in the backyard to buyers or guests. It also helps you save yourself the hassle of re-cleaning a rushed job. While the cost of construction site cleanup varies greatly according to the size of the space and the nature of the building or renovation, homeowners report that the average costs range between $279-$657 for a residential construction cleanup job.
 On This Page:
Cost Factors
What Construction Clean Up Includes
Considerations for Residential Clean Ups
The New Construction Business
Construction Cleaning Cost Calculator
Let's calculate cost data for you. Where are you located?
 ZIP Code
 National Average$440
Typical Range$275 - $652
Low End - High End$150 - $1,000
Cost data is based on actual project costs as reported by 1,611 HomeAdvisor members.
No new build or renovation project is over until every contractor has finished his or her piece and the entire area has been cleaned and inspected. Properly cleaning up a construction site is about more than simple housecleaning or even deep cleaning and debris removal. It includes everything from ridding the walls of scuff marks and smudges to waxing floors and scrubbing windows. Perhaps more importantly, through the post-construction cleaning process, it is possible to thoroughly inspect every nook and cranny of the project. This helps homeowners ensure that everything is in place, secure, and safe before marking common jobs such as remodels or additions "complete" and beginning to use their new space.
 While some general contractors do their own construction site cleanup, contracting out to a company that specializes in this niche service is the best way to get the deep clean you need to really show off the addition you built onto your house or the new garage in the backyard to buyers or guests. It also helps you save yourself the hassle of re-cleaning a rushed job. While the cost of construction site cleanup varies greatly according to the size of the space and the nature of the building or renovation, homeowners report that the average costs range between $279-$657 for a residential construction cleanup job.
Cost Factors – Post Construction Cleaning Services Mission Texas
There are many factors that contribute to the final cost of any post-construction cleanup job, including the size of the home or project, the supplies needed, the location of the job, the overall condition and accessibility of the property, and the level of cleaning that homeowners desire. Here are a few additional specific cost factors to keep in mind:
The cost per square foot for cleaning a large commercial property will likely be well under the cost per square foot for residential cleanup. While commercial cleanup generally costs between $0.10-$0.30 per square foot, residential cleanup jobs range from $0.10-$0.50 per square foot.
The final phase of cleanup is the most thorough and therefore the most expensive. Expect to pay the high-end rate of about $0.50 per square foot for this phase of cleaning.
The local competition matters. If you live in an area where there are several construction cleanup contractors available, you are likely to pay closer to the low end of the scale than if there are only a few companies in your area.
Premium charges may apply for specialty projects. Windows are generally charged separately from normal square footage at a rate that increases if they are located above the second floor. Two other premium-charge jobs are waxing and buffing wood floors, which costs about $308 on average depending on the square footage, and thorough HVAC duct cleaning, which may cost between $242 and $434 on average.
Best Cleaning Company in Edinburg Mission McAllen Texas!  
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Edcouch TX After Renovation Cleaning Service
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McAllen TX After Renovation Cleaning Service
Mercedes TX After Renovation Cleaning Service
Mission TX After Renovation Cleaning Service
Rio Grande City TX After Renovation Cleaning Service
Raymondville TX After Renovation Cleaning Service
Palmhurst TX After Renovation Cleaning Service
Palmview TX After Renovation Cleaning Service
Penitas TX After Renovation Cleaning Service
Pharr TX After Renovation Cleaning Service
Progreso TX After Renovation Cleaning Service
Progreso Lakes TX After Renovation Cleaning Service
San Juan TX After Renovation Cleaning Service
San Benito TX Jumpstart and Battery Service
Sullivan City TX After Renovation Cleaning Service
Weslaco TX After Renovation Cleaning Service
0 notes
After Construction Cleaning Services Post Construction Clean Up Omaha NE | MCC Cleaning Omaha
MORE INFROMATION:- http://www.greencleaningomaha.com/after-construction-cleaning-omaha.html
 Post-Construction Cleaning Services Omaha: Let Us Handle the Dirty Work After a Remodel or Renovation. When you remodel the kitchen, bathroom, or other rooms in your home, you want to enjoy the renovated space. However, this can be difficult to do when dust covers the floors and debris resides in every nook and cranny. While construction companies do a cursory clean after projects, it may not be enough to catch all the dirt. Call MCC Cleaning Omaha for Best deep cleaning, after renovation cleaning, construction clean up and fine final cleaning services. Omaha NE!
We will move the dirt and dust out—so you can move in.
MCC Cleaning Omaha post-construction clean-up services will help your house make the transition from construction site to homestead.
1.       Remove dust, dirt, smudges and scuffs from walls
2.       Dust all surfaces and fixtures including ceiling fans
3.       Clean trim, baseboards, window frames and door frames
4.       Dust all woodwork, including handrails and mantels
5.       Clean sides and tops of doors and door hinges (remove paint, mud if necessary)
6.       Clean interior masonry
7.       Vacuum carpet, especially around the edges
8.       Vacuum and mop hard floors
9.       Remove stickers and clean windows (including the glass, tracks and frames)
10.   Clean light fixtures and bulbs
11.   Clean electrical switches and outlets
12.   Clean interior blinds and shutters
13.   Clean inside closets and cabinets
14.   Clean tops of shelves
15.   Remove drawers and clean underneath them
16.   Dispose of all trash
Services may vary. Please call your local MCC Cleaning Omaha for more details on post-construction cleaning.
Post Construction Cleaning Services Omaha: Whether newly constructed building or renovation, MCC CLEANING OMAHA is the one to call for your construction clean up needs. We have over 13 years of commercial / construction cleaning under our belt to handle any size job.
Anyone who has ever gone through a construction experience before knows how quickly the fine dust can spread and how many surfaces it can cover. From the fine dust film that settles on windows and in their tracks, to the cracks and crevices in cabinets and drawers, you want someone with experience who will get it done right the first time around
Request a free quote: Post Construction Cleaning Services
Construction can leave all manner of dust, dirt, and debris behind, which detracts from the beauty of a brand new facility. Our post construction cleaning services include, but are not limited to:
·         Cleaning of all windows inside and out, removing stickers and labels
·         Vacuuming of window tracks; wiping excess dirt off the window tracks, window frames and window sills
·         Vacuuming sawdust and dirt from cupboards, drawers, and spaces beneath drawers
·         Wiping down every surface of the interior of the building including the tops of doors, the molding and trim
·         Sanitizing and removing stickers from showers, sinks, and toilets
·         Polishing all porcelain surfaces and chrome fixtures
·         Cleaning all mirrors
·         Mopping restroom floors
·         Wiping micro-dust off all electrical outlet covers
·         Wiping and polishing all appliances, fixtures, and counter tops; use of special cleaners on stainless steel surfaces
·         Vacuuming all carpets including the areas along wall edges and baseboards
·         Dusting light fixtures
·         Vacuuming the insides of sconce wall lighting
·         Cleaning thresholds
·         Cleaning Hard Surface Floors
·         Sealing tile grout
·         Sealing / waxing vinyl floors
·         Sweeping and/or vacuuming the warehouse space and other surfaces
Post Construction Cleaning Services Omaha: At MCC CLEANING OMAHA, we understand it’s not always possible to set a hard finish date for construction. When you’re dealing with multiple vendors in one house sometimes appointments get rescheduled, materials aren’t ready, etc. You need a cleaning company that can be flexible to last minute changes and still be able to service your cleaning needs. We have a flexible staff and appointments are available nights/weekends to ensure your property is clean when it needs to be!
 For a free estimate call today! We would be happy to come visit your site and provide you an estimate for your post construction clean up. Call us today! Contact page.
Janitorial Services
Many businesses like yours want their facility cleaned well on a regular basic. Attention to detail is our staff’s main priority.
Omaha Janitorial Services
Cleaning Specialists Maintenance are your local professional janitorial service. We clean and disinfect our customers’ facilities using commercial-grade disinfectants and innovative equipment. Regardless of the type of business, MCC CLEANING OMAHA provides the right solution for any job large or small. We provide commercial janitorial services in Omaha and surrounding area.
At MCC CLEANING OMAHA our staff are trained professionals and service companies of all different types and sizes including high-rise offices, medical/healthcare facilities, fitness/health clubs, daycare centers and educational facilities.
Request a free quote: Post Construction Cleaning Services
 We also provide professional commercial janitorial services for manufacturing plants, government facilities, auto dealerships, airports, warehouses, and transportation-based facilities.
Sanitizing Services
Our break room and restroom cleaning services can enhance your image, save time and improve employee morale
Sanitizing Services, Restrooms & Break Areas
Did you know 70% of visitors rank a clean restroom as extremely important, and 95% would avoid an establishment in the future if they found the restroom to be dirty? Our restroom cleaning and sanitizing services enhance image, save time and improve employee morale through a comprehensive program.
Our restocking service ensures your restrooms have full and functioning dispensers and the highest quality hand care and paper products.
Between cleanings, odor control and auto flush units keep your restrooms looking and smelling clean.
We use the right tools and proper cleaning chemicals to keep your restrooms clean. Our cleaning products and service combines industry-leading cleaning chemicals with the service excellence of our staff to bring you one powerful solution. Our sanitizing services are second to none in the Omaha area.
New construction in the Greater Omaha area is always a good thing. But after the dust settles, who is there to take care of the clean-up?
MCC Cleaning Omaha is only a phone call away to take care of all your post-construction clean-up needs.
We take care of windows, floors, dusting and any other cleaning needs you may have in order to have a beautiful facility.
Contact MCC Cleaning Omaha before the dust clears so that we can clean it up.
Post Construction Cleaning Services Omaha: After finishing a home renovation project, you're ready to sit back and eMCC Cleaning Omahaoy your new space, right? Not so fast. Before you can kick up your feet, you need to complete a post-construction cleaning marathon. Your primary focus should be removing all the dust that results from construction before it ends up in your air ducts. Almost all home improvement projects produce dust particles that somehow sneak into every nook and cranny of the space you've so carefully renovated. Don't let layers of dust leave your freshly renovated home looking old and dingy. Strap on a protective mask and use this handy post-construction cleaning checklist from ServiceMaster Clean to put the finishing touches on your beautiful new space.
Request a free quote: Post Construction Cleaning Services
1. Vacuum Carpets & Upholstery
It's all too easy for dust and dirt particles to embed themselves in curtains, upholstered furniture and carpeted floors. If allowed to settle after construction, the result can not only look filthy, but also cause itchy, irritating reactions for friends, family or guests. Vacuum all soft surfaces, paying close attention to the details. Remove and vacuum each furniture cushion, and the underlying frames. Try vacuuming twice if you feel any residual dust after the first round.
2. Wipe Down Hard Surfaces
Clean surfaces from the top down. Start by wiping the dust off your walls – yes, even your walls collect dust during construction. Dry dusting is the safest way to remove the particles without damaging a wall's surface, but a damp cloth can also be used depending on your type of paint or wall covering. Refer to the paint or wallpaper manufacturer before using any moisture, and test a small area before proceeding. Moldings and cabinets are another favorite resting spot for dust particles. Take a duster to these areas next. Clean the interior shelves of all cabinets, paying special attention to those hard-to-reach corners. Wipe off countertops and any other flat surfaces before tackling the dirt and debris that's on or near the floor. Then, sweep out any visible dust, and mop your hard floors from wall to wall.
3. Clean Air Vents & Replace Filters
In a large home renovation project means, dust and debris will mingle with the air itself, making its way to your vents. Even if you only renovated one part of your home, treating the air vents and filters in that space is critical to reduce the amount of dust that can spread through the rest of your home. Remove the vent covers from the surrounding walls and ceilings, clean each one with soap and warm water, and let them dry thoroughly. Replace any exposed air filters with fresh ones before replacing the vent covers. Breathing dusty air can lead to allergies and respiratory issues, so remember not to skip this step!
4. Don’t Forget About the Little Things
Clean any other furniture or items in the renovation zone for a fully dust-free living space. Here's a quick list of commonly overlooked areas:
·         Ceiling fan blades
·         Light fixtures
·         Lamp shades
·         Electronics
·         Small appliances
·         Decorative items
We don't blame you if you don’t want to deal with the mess after a disruptive renovation process. If that's the case, call ServiceMaster Clean. Our expert cleaning crews are available 24/7/365 to come over and do the post-construction cleaning for you – quickly, safely and effectively. Soon, you'll be relaxing in your little slice of paradise with the chaotic memories of renovation behind you and a bright, clean future ahead.
Post Construction Cleaning Services Omaha: Prices for post-construction cleanup vary, of course, but the average price for a residential job is $550-$800. For commercial cleanup, budget anywhere from $0.10 to $0.50 per square foot, depending on the type of cleaning.
How much does it cost to clean a new construction house?
Post Construction Cleaning Services Omaha: While commercial cleanup generally costs between $0.10-$0.30 per square foot, residential cleanup jobs range from $0.10-$0.50 per square foot. The final phase of cleanup is the most thorough and therefore the most expensive. Expect to pay the high-end rate of about $0.50 per square foot for this phase of cleaning.
 How do I clean my new house after construction?
The Main Event
·         Put on your rubber gloves and grab a dust mask. ...
·         Wipe down all of the ceilings in each room with a dampened sponge.
·         Take off all the labels attached to the windows.
·         Vacuum all the window tracks next.
·         Clean all of the windows both inside and out. ...
·         Vacuum all of the drawers and cupboards.
What is construction cleaning?
A construction cleanup crew services both commercial and residential construction sites. A cleanup crew is in charge of dusting, shining, and polishing appliances. They also clean furnishings and hardware. Often a construction cleanup company will clear large debris.
What is included in a builders clean?
Walls are cleaned. Fittings and fixtures are all wiped down and thoroughly clean this includes light fittings, light shades, toilet roll holders, bents, taps, cupboards inside and out, pantries. All mirrors are polished. No fingerprints are left visible. Doors are cleaned.
How do you do post construction cleaning?
Relax in Your Renovated Home Faster with These Post Construction Cleaning Tips
·         Open the Windows. Even if it's the middle of winter, open your windows. ...
·         Sweep First. ...
·         Dust Everything (We Mean It. ...
·         Leave the Room. ...
·         Now It's Vacuum Time. ...
·         Check Your Air Vents. ...
·         Wipe Hard Surfaces (and Dry Them, Too) ...
·         Vacuum Again.
Typical Range: $276 - $652
Cost Factors
Post Construction Cleaning Services Omaha: There are many factors that contribute to the final cost of any post-construction cleanup job, including the size of the home or project, the supplies needed, the location of the job, the overall condition and accessibility of the property, and the level of cleaning that homeowners desire. Here are a few additional specific cost factors to keep in mind:
The cost per square foot for cleaning a large commercial property will likely be well under the cost per square foot for residential cleanup. While commercial cleanup generally costs between $0.10-$0.30 per square foot, residential cleanup jobs range from $0.10-$0.50 per square foot.
The final phase of cleanup is the most thorough and therefore the most expensive. Expect to pay the high-end rate of about $0.50 per square foot for this phase of cleaning.
The local competition matters. If you live in an area where there are several construction cleanup contractors available, you are likely to pay closer to the low end of the scale than if there are only a few companies in your area.
Premium charges may apply for specialty projects. Windows are generally charged separately from normal square footage at a rate that increases if they are located above the second floor. Two other premium-charge jobs are waxing and buffing wood floors, which costs about $308 on average depending on the square footage, and thorough HVAC duct cleaning, which may cost between $242 and $434 on average.
What Construction Cleanup Includes
In the case of a ground-up new build, the construction cleanup process takes place in three stages. Depending on the extent of your project, you may only need some of these services performed.
Rough Interior Cleanup
Cleaning the spaces of a construction site prior to adding the final element, such as floors, is important because it ensures that the final install is clean and secure. This type of construction site cleaning job generally includes all of the following:
·         Sweeping and prepping floor underlayment for carpet, tile, etc.
·         Washing all interior windows
·         Dusting surfaces
·         Final Interior Cleanup
Once the final elements are installed, a more thorough and detailed interior cleaning must take place. The details of this type of cleanup vary significantly from room to room. Kitchens and bathrooms, for example, include cabinetry, appliances, fixtures, and countertops that all need specialized care. However, a good final interior cleanup always includes a few key jobs:
·         Cleaning walls, including removing dust, dirt, scuff marks, and smudges
·         Dusting ceilings and light fixtures/fans
·         Cleaning all trim, including all baseboards and door and window frames
·         Cleaning the faces, sides, and tops of doors
·         Cleaning floors, including buffing/waxing if applicable or vacuuming carpet
·         Cleaning ducts, vents, and baseboard heating exchanges
·         Cleaning windows, including tracks and frames
·         Removing all trash, plastic coverings, and stickers
Exterior Cleanup
For large renovations, additions, and new builds, messes happen both inside and outside the home. A final, thorough exterior cleanup job rids the property of excess trash, prepares it for finishings such as landscaping and paving jobs, and generally increases the curb appeal of a home. This project stage includes:
·         Removing all trash from the property, including lumber and debris
·         Washing exterior windows and doors
·         Sweeping and dusting any entry doorways
·         Sweeping and/or power washing the driveway and any other paved surfaces
·         Dusting all exterior lights
Considerations for Residential Cleanups
Post Construction Cleaning Services Omaha: When hiring a company specifically for a residential cleanup job, it is important to consider some additional factors unique to this situation. One important consideration is the amount of debris that needs to be removed. This is an especially important factor in DIY projects because removing a lot of construction waste can increase charges dramatically since it needs to be hauled out.
Timelines are also important. Small cleanup jobs on a one- or two-room addition can be done in less than a day, whereas whole-home projects may take two or three full days to complete. Make sure to time your cleanup to take place immediately after construction ends in order to give yourself the opportunity to discuss any issues that may be uncovered during cleaning with the contractor. This also ensures that you get to move into your new home or start using your fresh addition as soon as possible.
Something you might not consider hiring an MCC CLEANING OMAHA cleaning service for is after construction on your home or property. You may assume the construction team will clean it all up and you might be right, but chances are high that they will leave behind debris from their work. Luckily, a residential construction cleaning service can come through your home and take care of anything left from a construction crew. Their services are top notch and you’ll be glad you took advantage of them. Certainly, after construction, cleaning is the last thing you’ll want to do.
 If you are curious about post construction cleaning rates, an MCC CLEANING OMAHA cleaning service will be able to provide you with an estimate. The cost will depend on how big the area is and what cleaning services you’ll need. Additionally, the final cleaning differs from the regular cleaning. Final post construction cleaning services will polish, vacuum, dust, and mop all the surfaces in your home, as well as remove any trash and debris from inside the home. The routine residential construction cleaning initially deals with debris outside the house and cleaning inside. That final polish is unique to the final cleaning.
When it comes to post construction cleaning services, you want to make sure you’re getting the most reliable residential construction cleaning service you can find. These people are coming into your home, after all, and you want to make sure you can trust them. An MCC CLEANING OMAHA cleaning service is known for having trained and certified cleaning crew members and they will treat your home as if it was their own. They understand that the way your home looks, both on the inside and the outside, is a reflection on you. They want to make sure the home shines. No detail is too small and they will do everything: from the general, like vacuuming the floors, to the minute, like polishing the fixtures in the kitchen.
After construction, cleaning is never on your mind—that is until you see the mess left behind. Don’t panic. Just call a professional MCC CLEANING OMAHA cleaning service and give them the information they need to provide you with an estimate. You’ll be able to budget for the job and get your cleaning started
Learn More About the Services We Offer
Post Construction Cleaning Company
Post Construction Cleaning Services Near Me
New Construction House Cleaning Omaha
Post Construction Cleaning Checklist
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Post Construction Clean Up Cost
Post Construction Cleaning Companies Omaha
New Construction Cleaning Services Near Me
CONTACT: MCC CLEANING OMAHA Omaha`s favorite commercial and residential cleaning company! CALL (402) 810 6320 CLEANING - 1 http://www.greencleaningomaha.com/ CALL (402) 575 9272 CLEANING – 2 http://www.maidserviceomaha.com/ CALL (402) 875 7274 CLEANING – 3 http://www.lincolnhouseholdservices.com/ CALL (402) 881 3135 CLEANING LINCOLN http://www.servicelincoln.com/ CALL (402) 401 7562 HANDYMAN 1 http://www.omahahouseholdservices.com/ CALL (402) 614 0895 HANDYMAN 2 http://www.handymanomahane.com/ CALL (402) 590 8092 JUNK REMOVAL http://www.omahajunkdisposal.com/ CALL (402) 486 3717 MOVING http://www.moversinomaha.com/ Monday to Sunday 5 am – 11 pm Omaha NE | Council Bluffs IA | Lincoln NE WEB: www.greencleaningomaha.com http://www.greencleaningomaha.com/ SERVICES AREA: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Omaha and Sarpy County Nebraska, including the communities of Bellevue, Blair, Bennington, Valley, Ashland, Carter Lake, Fort Calhoun, Gretna, LaVista, Millard, Omaha, Papillion, Plattsmouth, Ralston, Springfield Nebraska and Waterloo, NE, Lincoln Nebraska, Hickman NE, Milford NE, Seward NE, Waverly NE, Crete NE and Council Bluffs, Iowa. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178, 51501, 51502, 51503, 61503, 68501, 68502, 68503, 68504, 68505, 68506, 68507, 68508, 68509, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68520, 68521, 68522, 68523, 68524, 68526, 68527, 68528, 68529, 68531, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588
0 notes
Professional Call Center Cleaning Services in Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA| Lincoln Household Services
 For more information: http://www.lincolnhouseholdservices.com/call-center-cleaning-services.html
 About our call center cleaning services near Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA? At Lincoln Household Services, we offer high quality call center cleaning services to call centers throughout Lincoln Omaha Council Bluffs. Lincoln Household Services offers commercial cleaning services, building maintenance services & facility services for call centers across Lincoln Omaha Council Bluffs. Cost of Call Center Cleaning Services? Free estimates! Call today or schedule a Call Center Cleaning Services online quickly!
 Trustable Call Center Cleaning Service in Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA - Lincoln Household Services
Looking for a Trustable Call Center Cleaning services and cubicle office cleaning service in Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA? Lincoln Household Services  offer Trustable Call Center Cleaning Service, regular business cleaning & maintenance services, bi weekly office cleaning, apartment complex carpet cleaning & maintenance, Trustable commercial office building cleaning & maintenance services, business cleaning & maintenance for real estates, maid service, deep cleaning, building washing, floor buffing & waxing, Apartment cleaning, business office building cleaning & floor services and carpet cleaning for Lincoln Omaha Council Bluffs Buildings.  Lincoln Household Services is the best Trustable Call Center Cleaning Service Company in Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA. Free estimates. Our cost is as low as $60. Located in Omaha Lincoln Nebraska Council Bluffs Iowa.  We also offer residential or business cleaning, junk removal, property clean out, move in out deep cleanings for Lincoln Omaha Council Bluffs Buildings, offices, call centers, daycares and apartments.
 Maintaining a clean call center will no longer be a big concern as long as you use the right cleaning contractor. With years of experience and highly-trained cleaning operatives, Lincoln Household Services is the perfect partner to help you maintain the cleanliness of your workplace.
We fully understand that your call center employees are one of your company’s most important assets and a clean working environment is one of the best ways to keep them productive. Our highly-trained cleaning operatives will not only conduct a general cleaning but they will conduct fax machine cleaning, telephone cleaning, computer cleaning, printer cleaning and IT hygiene services to ensure that your call center employees like the cleanliness of their workplace.
If your call center needs a special cleaning solution, we will always be ready to provide a customized cleaning service to meet your exact needs.
Our call center cleaning services covers but not limited to:
●        The use of green cleaning products
●        Canteen cleaning
●        Desk cleaning
●        Rubbish removal
●        Office dusting
●        Floor care maintenance
In order to ensure that our cleaning operatives maintain the high cleaning standards, we have area managers that will conduct regular on-site checks to ensure that your expectations from us are fully met.
Lincoln Household Services provides top quality, full-service call center cleaning services to make your workplace tidy and comfortable for your staff, clients and guests. It doesn’t matter to us how small or how big your space is, because our cleaning operatives are fully trained to perform their cleaning job regardless of the size of your workplace.
We are aware that you want a clean office without having to interrupt your employees as they perform at their peak. Whatever cleaning task you have in mind, let us handle the job efficiently. We are also concerned of your staff’s health and we support environment preservation, which is why we only use environmentally-friendly cleaning products.
Our customer’s satisfaction is important to us, so we provide them with:
Peace of Mind
●        We provide fully-insured contract cleaning service worth £5 million
●        We meet the high standard of TUPE and follow their regulation and requirements
●        Our cleaning operatives are carefully screened, checked and trained to meet or exceed customer expectations
Environmentally Friendly
●        We ensure customers that we only use environmentally-friendly cleaning products
●        You can contribute to the preservation of the environment by allowing us to handle your cleaning jobs
Financial Considerations
●        We offer building surveys which are particularly tailored to your needs without cost
●        We offer highly competitive rates
●        We cover for holiday or sickness of our staff
Health & Safety / Risk Assessments / C.O.S.H.H
●        We require our cleaning operatives to undergo extensive training in all areas regarding Health & Safety/Risk Assessments/C.O.S.H.H in your workplace
●        Our electrical equipment are tested with highly accurate PAT testing equipment yearly to guarantee workplace safety
●        All our cleaning operatives are fully trained to provide customers with outstanding results
Lincoln Household Services
Best Property Services Omaha Lincoln NE!
CALL (402) 875 7274 CLEANING: http://www.lincolnhouseholdservices.com/
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dawnjeman · 6 years
Mid-century Modern Farmhouse
  After seeing a some darling coastal interiors this week, I am excited to share this “mid-century meets modern farmhouse” with a rustic exterior on our weekly “Interior Design Ideas” series.  Here, the interior designer, Kelsey McGregor of Kelsey Leigh Design Co. shares some more details:
“The majority of my inspiration comes from elements in nature. This project was inspired by the quaint town of Telluride, Colorado, a mountain haven nestled in the Rocky Mountains. This home is in Edmond, Oklahoma, where there are, in fact, zero mountains on hand. That’s why we wanted to create a serene, home-away-from-home, vacation get-away. The design was a fusion of intentional rustic elements, traditional roots and fresh modern touches like industrial lighting to ground the space but also add a modern twist. The house is bathed in natural light and backs up to wooded green space, so we kept the space open with a lot of windows and painted the walls a slight gray to accentuate and mimic the outdoors. Hickory hardwood flooring is consistent through this open concept floor plan designed by McGregor Homes in Oklahoma City, which lent perfectly to the mountain vibes we were trying to achieve.”
Start pinning your favorite interior design photos and have a good time, my friends!
  Interior Design Ideas: Mid-century Modern Farmhouse
This home features very interesting architectural details and it certainly feels like a rustic mountain home.
House is 2776 sf.
Three-car Garage
A three-car garage is located on the left wing of the house. Garage doors are painted in Sherwin Williams Iron Ore.
Outdoor Lighting
Exterior Lighting: Progress Lighting – Other Beautiful Outdoor Lighting: here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Siding is a combination of natural Cedar and reclaimed barnwood.  The stain color on the siding is Sherwin Williams Stone Gray, Exterior stain.
Board & Batten
The home also features gray stained board and batten.
Front Porch
How sweet is this front porch? All it needs is a pair of rocking chairs and or a porch swing. I also love the landscaping. Did I mention I can’t wait for spring?!
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Inspiring Porch Furniture: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Real reclaimed barnwood accentuates the exterior of this home.
Porch Columns
The porch columns feature Timber posts and natural stone.
Red brick was added on the foundation wall.
Front Door
The front door is painted in Sherwin Williams Iron Ore.
 Similar Front Door: here & here.
Entry Set: Schlage.
I tend to prefer homes that don’t show the main rooms as soon you open the door. This layout is classic and keeps the house feeling more private. The study is located on the left and the formal dining room is located on the right. Walls and trim paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7001 Marshmallow.
Foyer Lighting – Progress Lighting Ratio Medium Pendant ORB.
Flooring: Hickory Hardwood Floors – similar here & here (darker, but solid hardwood).
The study features brilliantly designed custom cabinets with plenty of storage and built-in desk. Keep this design in mind – you don’t even need a big room to build something similar – just use the lengthier wall.
Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet Paint Color: Sherwin Williams SW 7045 Intellectual Gray.
Cabinet Hardware: Amerock.
Lighting is Burkeville 4-light bronze.
Floating Shelves
Custom floating shelves add an airy feel to the space.
Floating Shelves: here – similar.
Sconces are by Savoy House – similar here.
Dining Room
Although not yet furnished, this dining room with black shiplap accent wall is already very inspiring! Paint color is Sherwin Williams Iron Ore.
Sconces: Savoy House Dunbar 1-light Sconce Brass/Bronze – on sale!
The builder and designers added exposed cedar headers above the doorways.
Dining Chandelier: Kitchler 6-light Erzo Natural Brass Chandelier.
This kitchen is full of beautiful ideas! I love the big island and the skylight. Kitchen island paint color is Benjamin Moore Dark Pewter.
Kitchen Island Dimensions: 9’x5’
The backsplash is an affordable subway tile with white grout. Classic and timeless!
Kitchen Sconces: Millennium Sconce.
Range: Frigidaire.
Metal Shelves
The kitchen Iron shelves were custom-designed and welded by local welder. Other Industrial-looking shelves: here (similar) & here.
Similar Decor: here.
Kitchen Hood
This custom kitchen hood ties with the wooden lower cabinets found in this kitchen.
Lower Cabinet
Kitchen Cabinetry: Cabinets are custom-built cabinets, shaker-style built out of maple. Stain is a custom mix of Sherwin Williams stains.
Kitchen Flooring
Kitchen flooring is Habitat Smoke Tile – similar here.
Kitchen Runner: Vintage Runner – Other Beautiful Runners: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
From this angle we can see that the dining room opens to the kitchen and a mudroom is located on the far right.
Countertop is a marble-looking quartz.
Dishwasher: Frigidaire.
Sink & Faucet
Kitchen Faucet: Delta Trinsic in Chrome.
Kitchen Sink: here & here – similar.
Cabinet Knobs
Cabinet knobs are Amerock in Champagne.
Kitchen Lighting
Kitchen Lighting: Rejuvenation Conical Drum Pendant 16”.
Kitchen Buffet Cabinet
This two-toned buffet features the same custom-stained Maple lower cabinets and custom white upper cabinets with shaker doors.
Great Room Fireplace
The Great Room features a sleek stucco fireplace with Cedar mantel.
Beautiful Vases: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Silver Dollar Eucalyptus Branch: here & here.
Inspiring Artwork: here, here & here.
Great Room Chandelier
Great Room Chandelier: Bensley 6 light chandelier.
Guest Bathroom
This guest bathroom is not big but it has a very functional layout. I especially love the flooring!
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Lighting: Progress Hansford 2-light vanity light.
Mirror: Custom – Other Beautiful Mirrors: here, here, here & here.
Faucet is by Delta.
Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Dark Pewter by Benjamin Moore.
Cabinet Hardware: Amerock.
Tub Shower
The tub shower features a 6×6 subway tile.
Plumbing: Delta.
Master Bedroom Chandelier
Chandelier is Savoy House Lorraine 4-light Chandelier.
Barn Door
Bathroom Barn Door Paint Color: Sherwin Williams Iron Ore.
Similar Barn Door: here.
Pull: Amerock – similar
Master Bathroom
The master bathroom has a lot of character and while keeping a neutral color scheme. Walls are Sherwin Williams SW 7001 Marshmallow.
Cabinet Hardware: Pulls & Knobs.
Countertop & Lighting
Bathroom countertop is marble-looking quartz. It looks really nice with the Maple cabinets.
Vanity Lighting: Capital Lighting Dawson 3 light vanity.
Mirrors: custom – similar here & here (in brass).
Sink & Faucet
Faucets: Delta Trinsic.
Sink: here – similar.
Bathroom Cabinetry: Custom Built, Maple shaker style with custom stain.
Other Beautiful Vanities: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Floor tiles are 8” Matte hex – similar here.
Shower Wall Tile: 4×16 marble subway tile in a straight lay – similar here.
Floor Tile: 2” hex tile – similar here.
Plumbing: Delta Trinsic.
Tub Nook
The tub apron features custom x inset paneling.
There’s no excuse to not have a mudroom! This custom mudroom built-in has everything you need – even shiplap – and it fits almost anywhere! All interior doors are painted Intellectual Gray by Sherwin Williams.
Laundry Room
Oh, wow! It’s hard to not fall in love this plaid backsplash tile, right?! The laundry features 4×4 tiles (in white, grey and black tiles) in a buffalo check pattern. This is a fun and affordable way to add character to any space – it could even work on floors, just use larger tile!
Tiles: Interceramic IC brites 4×4 tiles – Other similar alternative: here.
Faucet: Delta Trinsic Bar Faucet.
Cabinet Hardware: Amerock.
  Many thanks to the designer for sharing all of the details above.
Builder: McGregor Homes (Instagram)
Interior Designer: Kelsey Leigh Design Co. 
Photography: Nested Tours
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  Anthropologie: Take an extra 40% off all sale items! See Joanna Gaines Exclusive line here!
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  Horchow: High Quality Furniture and Decor. Up to 30% off the entire site!
  Nordstrom: Up to 40% OFF!
  Arhaus: Up to 60% OFF!
  Posts of the Week:
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Fixer Upper.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Full-scale Home Remodel Inspiration.
Kitchen Renovation with Before & After Pictures.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: How to Build your own Home.
Interior Design Ideas: Grey Shingle Home.
Connecticut Beach House.
Interior Design Ideas: Colorful Interiors.
New England Home.
California New-Construction Custom Home.
Interior Design Ideas: Home Renovation.
California Modern Farmhouse Renovation.Classic Colonial Home Design. Family-friendly Home Design.
New Year, New Beautiful Homes of Instagram.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram.
Georgian-Style Manor with Traditional Interiors.
Transitional Home Design.
Interior Design Ideas. Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
Follow me on Instagram: @HomeBunch
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See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
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If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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Today’s guest post comes from blogger Evelyn Paulson. Evelyn blogs about home improvement, home renovation, and interior designs.
It always pays to hire a reliable roofing contractor when you’re in need of roof repairs or planning a complete overhaul of your house. Sure, you can try doing everything on your own. But when it comes to your safety and your home’s stability, it’s best to leave the work to professional roofers.
But how do you know if you're choosing the best contractor for your needs? Here are a few things you can do to make your search worth it.
Ask around town
If you want to lessen the risk of getting cheated out of your money, choose a contractor based in your area. Reputable roofers foster good relationships with clients, local suppliers, and other contractors in the city. They also already know the state's building code, so you don't have to worry about accidental violations.
Check for credentials
By now you probably have a list of roofing contractors that you want to approach. The rule of thumb in the construction world is to gather at least three contractors for you to get bids from.  
You'll want to check if they have an updated state license. But don't settle for what they tell you. You can also do an online search. The Idaho Bureau of Occupational License has a database of registered professionals and businesses that's worth checking out. They also have a list of licensed roofing contractors with registration numbers, addresses, and contact numbers.
Make sure the roofer's team is insured too. It will save you from potential court cases and spending more money if an accident ever happens on site.
 Look at their previous projects
A good roofer shouldn't just be skilled but experienced too. That should show in their work. If you aren't satisfied with just seeing a portfolio on their website, you can ask the previous clients themselves about the quality of the roofer's services. If the contractor's a big enough name, chances are they've got a handful of online reviews and testimonials that you can check out.
Here's a tip though: never completely trust a company that constantly has full five-star ratings. More often than not, they're too good to be true.
Compare the prices
Replacing or repairing is not a cheap endeavor, so it's important to make sure you're getting your money's worth. But remember, high-priced doesn't always mean high quality.
Before finalizing your decision, carefully compare and contrast the quotations that the contractors submit to you.  Depending on the size of their house and the materials, the average Idaho homeowner can spend between $5000 and $7000 on new roofing. This still excludes taxes, permits, and other miscellaneous fees by the contractor. You should be cautious of estimates that seem too cheap or too expensive.
Prioritize Safety
Roofing, or construction work, for the most part, has plenty of health hazards. For instance, you're more exposed to the elements, you can slip and fall off, or the roof can completely give out under you.
A responsible roofer should be conscious of OSHA guidelines and show concern for their employees. They're well aware of the dangers of the job and should have a properly trained and equipped crew. They'll also be willing to postpone any work on the roof if it's raining or snowing since this increase the chances of slipping.
Choose Your Roofer Wisely!
Aside from picking a local roofer because they have a license, impressive portfolio, reasonable price, and complete equipment, you should also go for one that responds quickly. You won't want to deal with a contractor who takes their sweet time answering your inquiries or submitting estimates. And you definitely won't want someone who doesn't handle emergencies promptly.
So take a moment to do some research, and don't be afraid to ask your contractor questions. In the end, it'll be worth the reward of having a great new roof! 
Author Bio:
Evelyn Paulson is an ardent blogger who loves to write about home improvement, remodeling, restoration, and repair. She is currently working with Weathertight Roofing, one of the best Idaho roofing companies, which offers exceptional roofing services for both residential and commercial properties.
Boise, Idaho roofing company Weathertight Roofing was Evelyn’s source of professional information for this article. A link to their website was included in the article. If you live in the Boise area and are in need of roofing services, feel free to click thru and conatact them. Interior Design Toronto does NOT receive any renumeration for this article or roofing services.
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More Information is at : http://www.rgvjanitorialservices.com/after-renovation-cleaning-services-granjeno-tx.html
Post Renovation Cleaning Services Granjeno Texas: Need a reliable after renovation cleaning company in Granjeno? The solution is RGV Janitorial Services. We specialize in Granjeno post renovation cleaning service. If there is one thing, we know for sure is dust removal and post construction cleaning services. Call us for post construction cleaning services, after renovation deep cleaning, house office building after remodeling cleaning, deep final cleaning and move in out deep cleaning dusting services. Best Post Construction Cleaning Company in Granjeno TX!
Our Granjeno clients appreciate our stellar services for 5-star resort results.  With a single call we’ll take on full responsibility for all aspects of post-construction cleaning down to the finest of details.
The first priority is thoroughly removing construction dust from living spaces, garages, and basements. Construction dust is so abrasive that it can even scratch tempered glass. And we’ll use the right green cleaning products to deal with residues such as excess adhesives.  We’ll then proceed with cleaning services floor to ceiling with complete interior detailing.  Our professional cleaning consultants are experienced in cleaning all types of different surfaces.  With everything clean and safe we’ll complete the sensory experience with your choice of aromatherapy fragrances.
Repairs are useful and even necessary, but they take a lot of efforts and energy. RGV Janitorial Services gives you the opportunity to save your efforts and energy for something else with post renovation cleaning plan.
We know that chemicals, paints used in the construction are very dangerous. They should be removed instantly together with dust, different debris not to have the negative impact on house residents. Our team will solve all pre/post construction challenges with utmost care using the latest equipment and safety supplies. Our maids are fully experienced in this type of cleaning, we have already helped a lot of customers to overcome the pre/post construction cleaning stage and now we are willing to help you too!
We are waiting for your calls to make you sure that we are the most reliable and professional maid cleaning service in Granjeno Texas!
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Often after individual attempts to clean the apartments after repair, there are scratches and traces on surfaces of walls and on the floor. Thus, your new repair stops looking new, and even you don’t believe that you have just finished it. Speaking about cleaning after the construction there is nothing better than to rely on professionals. All you need to do is just to fill the house with that atmosphere you dreamt about for many months.
Cleaning of an apartment after the repair has its own subtleties. There are stains which only professional equipment and special detergents can combat with. The high quality of work and many years of experience at RGV Janitorial Services company promote that fact that we have one of the most loyal costs of post renovation apartment cleaning in Granjeno. RGV Janitorial Services Post-Construction clean team includes trained experts who will make this difficult job easy. We are providing the following services:
Cleaning the door knobs, tops of doors, moldings
Complete disinfection of kitchens( Clean Stove Top, vacuum kitchen, etc) and bathrooms(Dust Blinds, Window Ledges, Furniture in Bathrooms, etc)
Vacuuming and dusting of all surfaces and upholstery, from ceilings and walls to floors
The rainbow vacuum cleaning system
Steam cleaning equipment (Ceptor)
Mild cleaning of floors, baseboards, cabinets, counters, light fixtures, appliances
All glass, stone, and metal surfaces lovingly cleaned
Dust removal from blinds, ceiling pipes, ceiling fans, air ducts, vents, light fixtures
Cabinet and desk cleaning (for offices)
Window cleaning, including sills, window glass, and frames
After our intensive Post-Construction plan cleaning is complete, you will be ready to unpack in a dust-free, clean environment.
We take care of our clients and have steady high standards of the cleaning of a house after renovation. Book Post Renovation Cleaning Services GRANJENO Now!
Post Construction Cleaning Services
You want to move into a space that’s clean, healthy, and in a word, immaculate.  Construction crews will clean up most dust and debris, but there will still be fine dust throughout the area and in every crevice and crack.  And you’re not likely to find a plumber polishing a faucet.  Our post construction cleaning and post remodel cleaning services will take care of everything floor to ceiling with the same high luxury standards as our home cleaning services.  You’ll enter a perfect environment, meticulously clean with no construction or cleaning odors — just natural aromatherapy fragrances.
Remodeling is a great time for deep cleaning.  As with post-construction cleaning, we’ll leave your renovated home dust and odor free, and sparkling clean.  And our post-remodel cleaning extends to your entire home.  We’ll use our green home cleaning products on ceilings, walls, stairs, and floors.  We’ll clean windows and mirrors, and polish fixtures and appliances.  Our home cleaning attention to details include soffits, molding, door frames and trim, window sills, cabinets and drawers, vents and grills, light fixtures, and more for truly complete home improvement.
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Post Construction Cleaning Tips Granjeno TX
Free Post Construction Cleaning Granjeno TX 
Post Construction Cleaning Checklist Pdf
Rough Clean Vs Final Clean
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Post Construction Cleaning Company Granjeno TX
Post Cleaning Services Near Granjeno TX
Best Cleaning Company Granjeno TX
Best Cleaning Services Granjeno TX
Final Cleaning Services Granjeno TX
Deep Cleaning Services Granjeno TX
 How do you clean after a renovation?
Clean-up Steps
Sweep And Vacuum All Surfaces, Including Ceilings, Walls.
Sweep, Mop, And Disinfect Floors.
Vacuum All Upholstery.
Wipe Down Doors, Knobs, Baseboards, Moldings, And Hardware.
Thorough Wipe-Down And Sanitization Of Bathrooms And Kitchens (Including Appliances, Cabinets, And Counters)
 How do I get rid of dust in my house after remodeling?
Remove and vacuum each furniture cushion, and the underlying frames. Try vacuuming twice if you feel any residual dust after the first round. Clean surfaces from the top down. Start by wiping the dust off your walls – yes, even your walls collect dust during construction.
 How Much Does It Cost To Clean Construction Site?
Typical Range: $275 - $652
No new build or renovation project is over until every contractor has finished his or her piece and the entire area has been cleaned and inspected. Properly cleaning up a construction site is about more than simple housecleaning or even deep cleaning and debris removal. It includes everything from ridding the walls of scuff marks and smudges to waxing floors and scrubbing windows. Perhaps more importantly, through the post-construction cleaning process, it is possible to thoroughly inspect every nook and cranny of the project. This helps homeowners ensure that everything is in place, secure, and safe before marking common jobs such as remodels or additions "complete" and beginning to use their new space.
While some general contractors do their own construction site cleanup, contracting out to a company that specializes in this niche service is the best way to get the deep clean you need to really show off the addition you built onto your house or the new garage in the backyard to buyers or guests. It also helps you save yourself the hassle of re-cleaning a rushed job. While the cost of construction site cleanup varies greatly according to the size of the space and the nature of the building or renovation, homeowners report that the average costs range between $279-$657 for a residential construction cleanup job.
 On This Page:
Cost Factors
What Construction Clean Up Includes
Considerations for Residential Clean Ups
The New Construction Business
Construction Cleaning Cost Calculator
Let's calculate cost data for you. Where are you located?
 ZIP Code
 National Average$440
Typical Range$275 - $652
Low End - High End$150 - $1,000
Cost data is based on actual project costs as reported by 1,611 HomeAdvisor members.
No new build or renovation project is over until every contractor has finished his or her piece and the entire area has been cleaned and inspected. Properly cleaning up a construction site is about more than simple housecleaning or even deep cleaning and debris removal. It includes everything from ridding the walls of scuff marks and smudges to waxing floors and scrubbing windows. Perhaps more importantly, through the post-construction cleaning process, it is possible to thoroughly inspect every nook and cranny of the project. This helps homeowners ensure that everything is in place, secure, and safe before marking common jobs such as remodels or additions "complete" and beginning to use their new space.
 While some general contractors do their own construction site cleanup, contracting out to a company that specializes in this niche service is the best way to get the deep clean you need to really show off the addition you built onto your house or the new garage in the backyard to buyers or guests. It also helps you save yourself the hassle of re-cleaning a rushed job. While the cost of construction site cleanup varies greatly according to the size of the space and the nature of the building or renovation, homeowners report that the average costs range between $279-$657 for a residential construction cleanup job.
Cost Factors – Post Construction Cleaning Services Granjeno Texas
There are many factors that contribute to the final cost of any post-construction cleanup job, including the size of the home or project, the supplies needed, the location of the job, the overall condition and accessibility of the property, and the level of cleaning that homeowners desire. Here are a few additional specific cost factors to keep in mind:
The cost per square foot for cleaning a large commercial property will likely be well under the cost per square foot for residential cleanup. While commercial cleanup generally costs between $0.10-$0.30 per square foot, residential cleanup jobs range from $0.10-$0.50 per square foot.
The final phase of cleanup is the most thorough and therefore the most expensive. Expect to pay the high-end rate of about $0.50 per square foot for this phase of cleaning.
The local competition matters. If you live in an area where there are several construction cleanup contractors available, you are likely to pay closer to the low end of the scale than if there are only a few companies in your area.
Premium charges may apply for specialty projects. Windows are generally charged separately from normal square footage at a rate that increases if they are located above the second floor. Two other premium-charge jobs are waxing and buffing wood floors, which costs about $308 on average depending on the square footage, and thorough HVAC duct cleaning, which may cost between $242 and $434 on average.
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meingenious · 5 years
The Finest 7 Ecommerce Software program in 2019
http://www.digitalmarketingbyrohit.com/?p=2677 The Finest 7 Ecommerce Software program in 2019 - http://www.digitalmarketingbyrohit.com/?p=2677     Ecommerce is a quickly rising industry — in reality, on-line gross sales grew at nearly 4 instances the speed of whole retail gross sales in 2018 and accounted for over half of the retail industry’s progress. As demand for ecommerce will increase, so does the variety of software program instruments and platforms designed to assist companies seize leads, generate income, and develop. Discovering and utilizing efficient ecommerce platforms can assist your group faucet into the greater than $500 billion customers spent on-line final 12 months. In case you’re procuring round for the perfect utility to assist your ecommerce enterprise, you may be overwhelmed by the variety of instruments to select from in 2019. For instance, some platforms are specialised for particular features like constructing an internet site or analyzing site visitors, whereas others combine a number of parts right into a one-stop store. Many have additionally developed ecommerce cellular apps that assist you to handle your on-line retailer proper out of your cellphone Right here, we’ll present you a few of our favourite ecommerce software program for 2019, and show you how to resolve which of them can assist your group develop higher. Finest ecommerce software program Shopify BigCommerce Magneto Squarespace Wix Google Analytics Looker   On-line Level-of-Sale 1. Shopify Spotify is likely one of the most widely known ecommerce platforms on account of its complete device bundling and usefulness. Its easy-to-use software program permits clients to create an intuitive on-line retailer, even when they don’t have any technical expertise. The purpose-of-sale hosting platform affords a collection of instruments for companies to promote their merchandise — together with branding, promoting, and order administration. Shopify helps its clients jumpstart their enterprise with customized logos, names, and internet domains earlier than serving to to scale their enterprise by promoting and advertising merchandise on main websites like Fb, Amazon, and Pinterest. Shopify is a complete toolkit to assist companies do the whole lot from constructing model presence to funds and delivery. Picture courtesy of Shopify. Pricing: A fundamental account is $29 per thirty days, and superior is $299 per thirty days. 2. BigCommerce BigCommerce is one other on-line interface designed to assist clients promote and develop their companies via an internet site builder, customizable checkout processes, and search engine optimization assist. The platforms affords stock monitoring and Amazon integration for ease of promoting. BigCommerce additionally affords different integrations — Google Buying, Mailchimp, and Instagram Buying, to call a couple of — to succeed in your goal audiences the place they’re. Regardless of your coding expertise, BigCommerce helps ready-made templates that may be tweaked as obligatory. Identified for its quick processing pace, BigCommerce is particularly helpful for brand spanking new corporations trying to exhibit their model as dependable and speedy. Picture courtesy of BigCommerce. Pricing: Commonplace is $29.95 per thirty days, Plus model is $79.95 per thirty days, and Professional is $249.95 per thirty days. Alternatively, you possibly can ask for a customized Enterprise quote. 3. Magento Magento Commerce, which is owned by Adobe, is a platform that’s extremely customizable, participating, and safe. They provide merchandise together with order administration, enterprise intelligence, and a market to assist scale your small business. Magento affords software program for small, mid-market, and enterprise companies, however works particularly effectively for bigger purchasers. Its cloud-based companies affords the platform larger flexibility and agility. Moreover, Magento has distinctive options based mostly on group measurement, want, and {industry} to assist your particular ecommerce targets. For instance, their ‘Magento for Style eCommerce’ platform focuses on creating a blinding cellular expertise and concentrating on shopping for choices, primarily assembly the wants of retail shops. Picture courtesy of Magento. Pricing: Ask for a quote. Web site 4. Squarespace Squarespace is finest recognized for its modern and easy-to-use internet web page builder. The software program is a frontrunner of web site design and affords drag-and-drop templates. Customers can both customise their website or use Squarespace’s ready-made designs. Better of all, the device guides companies via search engine optimization finest practices and area methods to spice up web page consciousness and model recognition. Organizations can now additionally construct electronic mail campaigns via Squarespace, join with customers via social media integrations, and observe customer habits. Squarespace helps entrepreneurs, artists, eating places, and a wide range of different clients create a phenomenal {and professional} on-line show. Picture courtesy of Squarespace. Pricing: $12 per thirty days for private, or $18 per thirty days for enterprise. Alternatively, you should use the On-line Retailer for $26 per thirty days for Fundamental, or $40 per thirty days for Superior. 5. Wix Wix is a brilliant easy web site builder that gives options for small on-line companies. Select from over 500 modern templates or construct customized internet purposes from scratch with Corvid by Wix, their serverless, hassle-free coding integration. Incorporate a weblog, galleries, personalised search engine optimization, and a customized area to make a pretty and efficient web site. Wix has ecommerce performance and an intuitive interface for an inexpensive worth. It is simpler for smaller enterprise, however it’s troublesome to scale up for bigger companies because it lacks a number of gross sales channels and different, extra advanced options. Picture courtesy of Wix. Pricing: $23 per thirty days for Fundamental, $27 per thirty days for Limitless, $49 per thirty days for VIP, or $500 per thirty days for Enterprise. Analytics 6. Google Analytics Google Analytics is a major supply of internet analytics. The service tracks information referring to a enterprise’s web site, site visitors, and consumer interactions. Google Analytics affords complete studies and detailed dashboards to assist companies higher perceive the habits of holiday makers and conversions. As an example, the device may show you how to higher perceive from which social or web site sources your leads are discovering your touchdown pages, or which weblog posts convert essentially the most guests. In case you’re trying to keep, visualize, and implement massive quantities of knowledge, Google Analytics may be an excellent match for your small business. Nonetheless, it may be daunting in case you solely have to maintain observe of some insights, through which case, an easier analytics device may be extra helpful. Picture courtesy of Google Analytics. Pricing: Free for the fundamental analytics device. For Analytics 360, ask for a quote. 7. Looker Looker is a knowledge modeling platform that gives highly effective analytics options to show enterprise intelligence metrics on an intuitive dashboard. The software program supplies industry-specific insights via SQL that may inform your small business selections. For ecommerce customers, Looker supplies massive information on how internet web page site visitors influences conversions and the right way to establish traits that may increase model efficiency. By means of information visualization, embedded analytics, and modern custom-made dashboards, Looker can assist you successfully develop your small business. Picture courtesy of Looker. Pricing: Ask for a quote. In case you’re curious about rising your ecommerce web site or scaling your small business, try HubSpot’s Free Inbound Advertising and marketing Software program. The platform integrates an arsenal of instruments that tracks a lead’s lifecycle as they remodel from prospect to delighted buyer. Seize, observe, and analyze results in drive conversions — all without spending a dime. Initially printed Aug 16, 2019 7:00:00 AM, up to date August 17 2019   Remember to share this put up! 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tagamark · 6 years
Rebuilding a flagship camp in a World Heritage Site
New Post has been published on https://tagasafarisafrica.com/rebuilding-a-flagship-camp-in-a-world-heritage-site/
Rebuilding a flagship camp in a World Heritage Site
Mombo and Little Mombo
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
In order to maintain our high environmental standards both during the construction phase and for the complete camp, a close synergy between contractors, designers and environmental staff was formed, adopting strict mitigating measures and standards to ensure minimal impacts and sustainable operations in this unique environment.
Mombo was first built in 1990, with its first upgrade to becoming a really upmarket camp in 1999, plus the addition at that point of Little Mombo. The camp is located at the northern end of Chief’s Island in the Moremi Game Reserve and has become widely renowned for the incredible wildlife populations and sightings. These were augmented in the early 2000s with the introduction of both white and black rhino, with the latter population being boosted by further introductions in 2014 and 2015. The camp is Wilderness’ flagship, and arguably one of the most famous of its kind in Africa. The quality of the camp offering is demonstrated by the many awards it has earned over the years, most notably No. 1 on the Travel + Leisure 2013 World’s Best Awards list of Top 100 Hotels.
With the expiry of the Mombo concession in April 2014, the camp had been due for renovation. Once it became clear the lease would be renewed, the Board approved the upgrade of the camp. The brief for the architectural and design teams, Nick Plewman Architects and Associates, and Caline Williams-Wynn from Artichoke, was to maintain the rich history and character of the camp, while remodelling it to the highest industry standards and minimising any negative impact on the environment.
Construction of the camp was undertaken by the experienced Botswana contracting firm Lodge Builders Botswana, under the direction of Wilderness’ project manager Andrew Johnson, operating on behalf of the Wilderness Safaris Botswana operational team. The process commenced in April 2017 and was completed late in January 2018. While construction was underway, guests were accommodated in the temporary Mombo Trails Camp.
The refurbishment of the camp was focused on upgrading guest rooms and communal areas as well as front-of-house service areas. A number of essential Environmental Management Systems (EMS) were upgraded.
Materials used
A full list of the materials used in the process is beyond the scope of this post. Nonetheless, the most prominent materials used in the rebuild are outlined below:
Approximately 3 450 m2 of Serge Ferrari canvas was used for roofing. This originates in Switzerland as there were no local alternatives which would provide the same level of quality, longevity, safety and sustainability certification. The material used is 100% recyclable, phthalate free, Green Guard certified and fire-rated.
Exterior walls
Approximately 3 612 m² of nylon ripstop canvas was used for exterior walls. This was clad over wooden boards and insulation. The material was manufactured in South Africa and designed to deal with harsh African conditions.
A substantial amount of timber was used, primarily for structural support, decking, walkways and floors.
Approximately 80.3 m³of Rhino Wood was used for external decking and the main area. This is sourced from sustainably-managed pine plantations in South Africa. Rhino Wood is FSC certified and produced through a treatment process using organic compounds applied through thermal heat treatment and pressure impregnation. It requires little maintenance or restoration, negating the use of treatment oils and chemicals.
Internal flooring
English oak was used for internal flooring in guest rooms. The timber originates in Croatia and has been listed by the IUCN as a timber of least concern as the resources are vast and well managed. The timber is FSC and PEFC certified. Approximately 39.9 m³ was used.
Doors, windows and other finishes
Iroko hardwood from the west coast of Africa has been used for various finishes such as doors and window frames. This is a hard-wearing timber which requires little maintenance or chemical treatment and fares well in exterior conditions. The timber is listed as a low risk by the IUCN, and is FSC and PEFC certified. Approximately 89 m³ was used.
Reduce – Reuse – Recycle
To maintain the original character of Mombo and minimise waste disposal, a number of structural items were re-purposed and reused:
Structural gum poles used for the ‘Rhino Boma’;
Old walkway decking re-purposed as ceiling boards and cladding;
Old Mombo bar cladding reused as cladding, as well as the barbeque and table pedestals;
Original Flintstone doors from the guest rooms have been reused;
Various furnishings have been reused at other camps in the Okavango Delta.
Responsible Consumption and Production
In order to avoid unnecessary waste, and reduce the logistics of transporting goods in and out of the Okavango Delta, a large amount of structures and materials were re-used in the reconstruction process.
In addition, the Mombo Trails tents will be used in the construction of the new Magashi Camp in Akagera National Park, Rwanda and the inverters, photovoltaic arrays and sewage treatment plant will be re-deployed at various camps.
EMS upgrades
A number of essential systems were upgraded and improved to minimise environmental impact while maintaining a high level of service and not impacting on guest experience:
Solar plant
Mombo has been 100% solar powered by a 110 kW system installed in 2012. This existing solar array was allocated to power front-of-house areas, while an additional 51 kW system was installed to serve back-of-house.
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)
The existing plant was replaced by a container ‘Scarab’ style STP with a 25 000 litre/day flow rate. This uses anaerobic and aerobic processes to break down the effluent, following which the discharge water is sterilised, removing any remaining bacteria.
Water storage and filtration
The water storage, filtration system and distribution ring has been upgraded and simplified which will allow for better water treatment and management. Extra water meters have been installed and water reticulation maps updated and improved.
Clean Water and Sanitation
Clean water and sanitation are closely linked. It was crucial for Wilderness to effectively manage our waste water and ensure it returns into the environment without any contamination occurring. In order to provide our guests and staff with clean drinking water, several measures were taken to ensure this is done without producing any negative by-products which can be associated with water purification.
Smart architecture and natural cooling
A key challenge was to ensure that the climate of the area did not impact on guests’ comfort, without relying on inefficient energy solutions, such as air conditioners. The gym is the only location in camp where an air conditioner has been used. (An energy efficient inverter has been used in this instance.) All other guest areas are cooled by natural airflow and smart architecture, including suspended wooden floors and double layered roofing. Glass wool insulation has been used in walls and ceilings. The insulation material used is endorsed by the Green Building Council.
Climate Action
The first step before investing in solar power is to reduce energy demand. As Mombo is 100% solar powered, great efforts were made to reduce demand while delivering a premier guest experience.
Construction logistics and associated carbon footprint
A record of building material logistics was kept during construction. Approximately 3 250 tonnes of assorted materials were transported from Maun to site. Each truck used approximately 300 litres of diesel on a return trip, suggesting a total of 195 000 litres of fuel used for transport. The associated carbon footprint is 512 tonnes CO2e. As this operational impact could not be avoided, environmental impacts were reduced by employing a ‘no empty truck’ policy. All trucks delivering goods to site transported waste and other materials back to Maun.
Environmental management
All contractors were required to adhere to and adopt the Group’s Environmental Minimum Standards. Contract worker accommodation and temporary structures for 180 personnel were assessed by our Regional Environmental Officer to ensure that environmental impacts were mitigated as a far as possible. The construction company was required to rehabilitate the site of the decommissioned Mombo Trails Camp, as well as the temporary roads, accommodation areas and storage areas which were created.
An arborist was contracted to ensure that existing trees were not damaged during the construction process. The foundations of the structures had multiple ‘bury and attach’ points, meaning that foundations were built around tree roots.
Life on Land
With the focus of mitigating our negative impacts on the environment, it is crucial that we avoided modification of the natural environment and placed our structures around established flora as well as game paths.
The total cost of this project amounted to BWP 110 million.
By Warren Ozorio
Post courtesy of Wilderness Safaris
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African Safaris with the Pioneers
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270: Highly Successful Construction Contractors Have Access To Skilled Advisors
This Podcast Is Episode Number 0270, And It Will Be About Construction Contractors Need Help From Knowledgeable Advisors
Everywhere there a Buzz Words and lots of people who say they are Experts in their field. Question is What the Expert knows is in a topic that is useful to you?
Everyone wants to be paperless. It is not so much about saving a Tree as saving Time. How can I get to My Bookkeeper, My Accountant, My Tax Accountant the information they need to develop the reports?
Most contractors tell me "Actually, I don’t want the reports I only want to know "scraps of information" so I can run My Business better. If there is an easy way to get the job done; I want to know it. There must be an App For That."
There are several apps and we have one just for Construction Contractors. It does a lot but no app does everything.
One of the first questions I am asked is do I have to keep my receipts?
After all, I used my debit card, and it is all on the bank statement
Bank Statements do not give all of the information needed to run your business. If you write a check, it will say When and How Much but not the “Who” and definitely not on WHY you wrote a check. Debit card transactions have Who, When and How Much; still no WHY.
My answer is Yes – Please. Many suppliers will take a product back IF you have a receipt. A few with your credit card will be able to find your transaction and be able to credit the purchase back to the card. For everyone else; your receipt is the fastest way to document you actually made the purchase.
Stores return policy is as generous as they can be. But not everyone can offer 100% refund for something that is obviously worn out, purchased from somewhere else or sometime long ago.
We have all heard stories where dress clothes (with tags attached and hidden) are worn to a “fancy party” (New Year’s Eve’s) and next day returned to the store for a full refund. I don’t know of anyone personally who has done it but reading on the internet – many stores have changed return policies because of this type of customers (not clients). Kinda like being an “Unwelcome Pest” instead of a “Welcome Guest.”
I was in a store who refused to accept a return from the customer in front of me. The clerk told the customer they had made Too Many Returns. We want to be the Welcomed Guest, be a good neighbor, friend, the benefit to our community as we provide “Goods and Services” to our friends and clients. Not everyone is a Good Client or Customer.   Tax Accountants are someone every Contractor should have. Why, when Turbo Tax can do it all?
Turbo Tax is in simple terms an “AI” programmed to fill in the blanks based on the information you give it. So as an AI, the software might be smarter than you and I; but remember that “The Computer” does not win whenever playing against “Chess Masters” and a “Real Person” has done the programming. Here are the Should Have, Ought To Have, Maybe, Because [fill in the blank] with as many as you can think of and here are some more. You have already “Over Handled” your documents; especially if you are doing all of your own bookkeeping. I can’t afford to “Hire It Out” Sometimes your budget is “Toast!”
Are you spending time doing the right things? The old saying “Sell Your Way Out Of A Problem” is true, but be sure you have done the right job for the right client, and the right price can only be answered when the accounting system has the proper information. The answer is a knowledgeable person between the keyboard and chair touching the keys. Hint - There is a difference between Void and Delete.  
Quicken could work as an overgrown checkbook. What would it tell you?
Wait, I took the easy step interview, synced to my bank; it has everything it needs!  Does It? or does it have everything YOU think it needs to be based on what you know? If you are the Smarted Person in the room – Fantastic.
Excited to meet someone who has read and understood everything on the internet. All information is “Free, Perfect, Now!” Still doesn’t mean it is useful information to anyone and everyone who reads it versus just tons of general data. We each have different opinions on “What Is Important.”  
Questions to ask your New or Existing Tax Accountant
Explain the differences in Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability Company, S-Corporation.
Now, What is the Difference when it comes to Taxes Hint – Self Employment Tax
Some Respected Attorneys do not understand the differences between a Tax Point of View.  
Should I have my spouse as part of the company? Paid or Unpaid?  
Maybe I don’t need to add them if something happens to me [she|he] gets everything.  
I want to hire other Family Members to work in my company.
Should I have them as an employee, part of management or own a portion of the company?   
I want my friends to be part of the company; we have a great time on Friday night.
We all agree that they would be an asset. (Does the part “We All Agree” include your spouse?
Occasionally Spouses find being supportive becomes a “Full Time” unpaid position.  
Is there a tax benefit to hiring my Teenage or College Children Part-time? Your Tax Accountant’s role is to roll up your business life, personal life (including spouse, children, assets, home, retirement account, stock market accounts, odds and ends of side income) and file your business and personal income taxes. Some states do not have an Income Tax (Washington) but have numerous other taxes. Soda Tax, Sales tax, Vehicle tax, Property taxes that continue to increase and more.
Have you ever played “Where’s Waldo” or walked through a “Corn Maze” to get in the spirit of Halloween? Being in business is challenging every day. There are no shortage demands on your time.
Who is working for Who?
What type of contractor do you want to be?
General Contractor or Specialty Trade Contractor?
Do you provide Design and Install or just Design or just Installation?
Are you working directly with the Home Owner?
Do you work as a Specialty Trade Contractor for a General Contractor?
Are you being paid by the Owner or by the General Contractor”?
Having employees can seem like You Are Working For Them Instead of Them Working For You (except you are paying in cash, loss of time, taxes, and other Cash and Non-Cash Benefits (which takes cash).
Do you have W-2 employees?
Are you paying them to watch you work (under the premise of teaching them)?
Do you have Specialty Trade Contractors work for you?   
Are they Bonded, Insured, carry their own Worker’s Comp policy?  
Are you treating your employees as 1099 contractors so avoid collecting and paying taxes?
Hint – Use a Labor Service or Payroll Service. State Labor Laws can be complicated
  It's All About Getting Paid
You Know How To Do The Work
Are You Getting Paid For It?  
Do you have a written contract or invoice that the Client signs?
Do you set the payment schedule in your contracts?
Do you receive Job Deposits on larger projects?  
Is the payment schedule set by Others?  
Have you given the owner of the property a “Notice To The Owner?”
Followed by a “Notice Of Intent To Lien” if they decide you be doing “free work?”
With a Specialty Contractor with a “Pay When Paid” clause?
Are you working New Construction, Residential Remodels, Small Commercial Projects (TI’s)? They are each different. As a Construction Contractor, you understand the difference between the type of work you do.
It is important to verify that your Tax Accountant has a clue about what you do. As a Construction Contractor, you have many expenses that an “Independent Traveling Sales Person” would not have. It is by exception that a Construction Contractor completes a project without having any Leftover Stuff.
Outside Sales People tend to lease their vehicle and miles are usually freeway miles so taking a mileage deduction makes sense. The wear and tear on your vehicle are huge. Almost Always taking actual expenses is better.
You haul stuff from the supplier to the job site. You create a mess in the process of remodeling a house. That mess needs to be recycled, reused or taken to the dump. Scraps of lumber, cardboard, packing are just more stuff that makes a tour of your truck, van or trailer. Even if you have an On-Site Dumpster – There is still “Stuff” to be dealt with. Hint - Hopefully you can return the “Extras” to the supplier.
Many marketing firms will also offer to be your Business Coach. Again, this person needs to understand about your business. Numbers are great! Your Banker is your numbers best friend and understands the numbers on the Tax Return you receive from your Tax Accountant. Tax Accountant adds credibility that you did not do the job yourself. In other words, you are not making them up (or reducing them down).
The same thing applies when Bank requests Homeowner to HIRE A LICENSED CONTRACTOR to do the project, and the Bank pay the Contractor direct. Why, because with a set of prints the Licensed Construction Contractor knows What To Do and How To Do It! Construction Contractors cringe when they see on the news any buildings that collapse when Building Codes with good workmanship it could be prevented.
The first Question is: Has your Business Coach, Tax Accountant, or Banker ever worked with a Construction Contractor? If you are their First Construction Contractor Client; great as long as you know it!
As a New, Seasoned, or Returning Contractor if you are being compared to that Espresso Stand down the street that is a big deal. Hint – You have Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and by exception Inventory.
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About The Author:
Sharie DeHart, QPA is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood Washington. She is the leading expert in managing outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services companies and cash management accounting for small construction companies across the USA. She encourages Contractors and Construction Company Owners to stay current on their tax obligations and offers insights on how to manage the remaining cash flow to operate and grow their construction company sales and profits so they can put more money in the bank. http://www.fasteasyaccounting.com/sharie-dehart/ 206-361-3950 or [email protected]
I trust this podcast helps you understand that outsourcing your contractor's bookkeeping services to us is about more than just “doing the bookkeeping”; it is about taking a holistic approach to your entire construction company and helping support you as a contractor and as a person.
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We understand the good, bad and the ugly about owning and operating construction companies because we have had several of them and we sincerely care about you and your construction company!
That is all I have for now, and if you have listened to this far please do me the honor of commenting and rating the Podcast  www.FastEasyAccounting.com/podcast Tell me what you liked, did not like, tell it as you see it because your feedback is crucial and I thank you in advance.
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This Is One more example of how Fast Easy Accounting is helping construction company owners across the USA including Alaska and Hawaii put more money in the bank to operate and grow your construction company. Construction accounting is not rocket science; it is a lot harder than that, and a lot more valuable to construction contractors like you so stop missing out and call Sharie 206-361-3950 or email [email protected]
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Thank you very much, and I hope you understand we do care about you and all contractors regardless of whether or not you ever hire our services. Bye for now until our next episode here on the Contractors Success MAP Podcast.
Enjoy your day.     Sharie
About The Author:
Sharie DeHart, QPA is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood Washington. She is the leading expert in managing outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services companies and cash management accounting for small construction companies across the USA. She encourages Contractors and Construction Company Owners to stay current on their tax obligations and offers insights on how to manage the remaining cash flow to operate and grow their construction company sales and profits so they can put more money in the bank. http://www.fasteasyaccounting.com/sharie-dehart/ 206-361-3950 or [email protected]
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rachelmorris305 · 7 years
Two New Baths Top Off a Remodel Odyssey
Finally, a happy home after bumps and delays
For a dozen years, Tara and Mike lived in a tiny studio apartment on the Upper West Side. A move uptown, to the Grand Concourse Historic District of the Bronx, landed them in a much larger home in a 1930s co-op building. In 2015, they moved in and up against no deadlines to renovate, carefully thought through the changes they wanted to make and assembled photos and information that a contractor could use to bring their visions to life. Read on for the full story of how they gutted two full baths, enlarged closets (one of which now fits three bikes!), and lived to tell the tale of not one, but two, plumbing disasters.
Guest post by Bronx homeowner Tara
We purchased this apartment a few years ago, after living in a 250-square-foot apartment on the West Side for about 12 years. Going from a studio apartment to a 3-bed, 2-bath was a big leap. The kitchen had already been renovated by the previous owners, so we only had to deal with the outdated bathrooms. Leaky toilets, hot water surges, and ugly yellow tile were just a few of the things we needed to remedy.
We took our time in the beginning, even before posting our project to Sweeten, to lay out exactly what we wanted room by room. We had a document with photos ready to hand to any contractor who we contacted. This made it easy for us and the contractor to make sure we were all on the same page from the start. We were also never in a rush to start the work. We started looking for a contractor at least four months before we were even ready to think about putting any money down. This gave us the luxury of taking our time to choose the firm that was right for us.
(Before) Master bath (Above) Master bath
We ended up going with this Sweeten design-build firm. We wanted a design-build firm from the start so that someone would take charge of sourcing and delivery of all the various components of our job. Our budget included line items for everything we could possibly need, and we were free to select the fixtures that fit within the budget. When something we wanted was out of range, we either decided to find an alternative or paid the difference upfront. We also needed someone who could handle all of the Department of Buildings permits, as well as our co-op’s application process.
We had a specific vision for this renovation. We planned to gut the bathrooms and add ceiling fans in all of the bedrooms and living room, new radiator covers in the bedrooms, and lighting and doors throughout. The bathroom in the master was very narrow, and we wanted to move the tub out of the guest bath and into the master. Moving the location of the tub, and expanding the bathroom by about two feet, solved the narrowness issue.
(During) Master bath ceiling reveals a waste line wrapped in duct tape
We really were excited to pick out all the new fixtures and tiles for the bathrooms. Our contractor offered several options within our budget. We wanted to see and touch the cabinets and faucets before committing to them. Our thinking was if we’re going to be living with these things for years to come, we needed to like how they felt, and more importantly, wanted to see the quality.
We visited several showrooms in the NYC area to see the Kohler line of cabinets and the Brizo faucets that we ultimately chose. We liked the Fantini sink faucet and shape of the handles for the guest bath; it also matched the black finish of the Brizo line used in the shower. To keep the ordering simple, we used the same family of fixtures and cabinets in both bathrooms, with different finishes for each.
We chose a fun feature as an accent in the shower: a round tile in shades of white, blue, and green from a company called Clayhaus in Oregon. Our biggest challenge was timing the special order and delivery around the completion of the first bathroom. The tiles took about six weeks to fabricate, and we ended up being about two weeks off. Luckily, the crew had other projects around our apartment to complete while waiting for the tile to arrive.
(Before) Guest bath (After) Guest bath
When our master bath ceiling was opened up during demolition, the contractor found that the waste line from the toilet above had been wrapped in duct tape during a prior renovation. We immediately reported this to building management, who arranged to have the pipe replaced. Their plumber worked with our contractor to gain access, and within a day the situation was resolved.
Enlarging the master bath with extra square footage resulted in an added benefit, giving us space in our bedroom to accommodate a large dresser next to the newly combined closets. In the guest room, we widened the closet to make it suitable for bike storage. We can now get three bikes in there with room for other gear along the sides and floor.
(Before) Master bedroom closets
During the renovation, we had no options for moving off-site, but having a contractor who understood our needs, and the fact that we would be living on site the entire time, made the process bearable. The first few weeks of disruption were the hardest, but we settled into a routine and focused on the outcome. And because we were dealing with two bathrooms, we could only start the second one when the first was completed.
While our own renovation went smoothly, with all pipes and fittings replaced and brought up to code, it was an external problem that delayed the final weeks of work. Nearing what would have been the end of the project, we came home to water pouring down from a bathtub located in the apartment two floors above us. An older pipe leading from the tub drain had eroded completely and detached from the waste line. Bath water had been spilling down for hours while we were at work. Our crew was not on site that day, and the unit above ours was vacant. With no one to report the leak, it was ours to deal with.
That was the most devastating moment because we were so close to completion but now had to deal with the clean-up and dry-out of brand new walls and flooring. We put in a claim with our insurance carrier to cover the cost of the repairs, and wanted our team to do the work, since they were still on site, knew our building and our home. We could trust them to work unsupervised. They were willing to stick around and do this repair, but it was at least three months and multiple visits by an insurance adjuster before we could agree on a scope of work and monetary settlement. Luckily, both bathrooms were still usable and we made sure there was no mold growing between the walls. When all was said and done, both spaces were finished about ten months after the start date.
Prior to the start of the renovation, our biggest question was whether we would be able to find a reliable contractor. We would be trusting them with our home, our valuables, and our dog, for several months, day in and day out, while we were at work. We wondered if they would do the best job they were capable of, or would they cut corners? Would they stand by their work?
I’m happy to say that they went above and beyond our expectations, standing by us when we had a major leak that damaged a significant portion of their work. They also took excellent care of our home. Sweeten was a great resource, and knowing that they were there to assist us was valuable when going into a major renovation. I don’t think we would have had as easy of a time finding a solid and reliable contractor if we had not used Sweeten from the start.
Thanks, Tara and Mike, for sharing your renovation story! 
MASTER BATH RESOURCES: Basketweave floor tile; gray subway wall tile: Classic Tile. Assorted Circle accent tiles: Clayhaus. Jason Wu shower/bath fixtures: Brizo. Jute sink/vanity: Kohler. Verdera medicine cabinet: Kohler. Toilet: Toto.
GUEST BATH RESOURCES: Basketweave floor tile; white subway wall tile: Classic Tile. Assorted Circle accent tiles: Clayhaus. Jason Wu shower/bath fixtures: Brizo.  Verdera medicine cabinet: Kohler. Sink/vanity: Fantini. Toilet: Toto.
OTHER RESOURCES: Interior Doors: Dykes Lumber. Haiku ceiling fans: Big Ass Fans.
What’s the difference between design-build firms and build-only firms? Read all about design-build firms, which combine design and construction under one roof, in our guide.
Refer your renovating friends to Sweeten and you’ll both receive a $250 Visa gift card when they sign a contract with a Sweeten general contractor.
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, and scope, helping until project completion. Follow the blog for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation on Sweeten.
A post from originally from Sweeten
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