#consular oc
sullustangin · 2 years
Fluffy February Day 9: Breezy
Fandom: SWTOR
Rating: PG
Pairing:  the meet-cute between OC Consular and Rass Ordo; established Theron Shan/Smuggler and Akaavi Spar/Mako (mentioned)
Time:  immediately after 7.2
Words: 1252
Rass Ordo sat with Torian of Clan Cadera, watching the morning at Odessen pick up speed. Mandalore had needed additional medical treatment after her fight with Heta Kol, and the Captain was the only faction leader Shae Vizla trusted.
“She is aruetyc, but she understands,” Mandalore had explained to Jek and Rass, once.  On the Spirit of Vengeance, Rass had gotten to see Captain Corolastor in action. Then, the Captain’s choices on Ruhnok had sealed Rass’s trust in her as well. 
( …he might have been a little infatuated with her until her husband showed up to scour the Vengeance for clues.  Then Rass learned that anything he might have classified as “flirting” was nothing compared to what she said to Theron.  He was thankful for his helmet that day.)
Now, with the stories Torian had about her and the lost Grand Champion, Rass could see why Shae threw her lot in with a smuggler over any other government:  Captain Corolastor always delivered.  
“You ever think of getting with a non-Mandalorian?  If she or he promised to let the kids be raised in the Way?” Rass asked Torian.  He didn’t ask because of a specific person.  It was… other things.  And those things only grew more obvious the more he spent time on Odessen, not strictly among other Mandalorians.
Torian was unflappable. “When I was younger.  You know Akaavi of Clan Spar’s partner, Mako?”
Torian’s expression had only shifted by a millimeter, but on a stoic like him –
“Sheesh.  Really?”
“No hard feelings,” Torian reassured him.  “But… they have decided not to raise ade.  Spar is content to let the Clan name die with her while serving the greater Mandalorian family.  She is… embittered by what other clans have done.”  
Torian’s hair was ruffled by the breeze.  “I should be. But I am not.  Now with the usurper dragging my Clan’s name around the galaxy again –”  
Then Torian frowned, deep and terrible, and Rass finally had an inkling of all the anger and rage the guy had in there.  But Torian was disciplined – had to have been, to survive this long – and he tamped it down.  “I’m caught between two lines of fire.  No one respectable would have or help care for my ade, but if I looked for someone outside, I would just prove Clan Cadera’s unworthiness – lack of quality.”  
“I could have set you up with my sister Layla, if she was still around.  Layla was the best – she would have seen you and not your old man -- ”
The words trailed off, and the two men fell silent, not exactly comfortably.
And that had started Rass’s mental perambulations about who was going to put up with him and his nonsense.  
Rass Ordo knew he was cute, but more like puppy dog cute, as Lane had put it.  He could always count on her for an honest assessment.  Especially after he’d taken a swing – and a hard miss. And Lane seemed to take a bizarre sense of satisfaction out of that – getting him to chase and then ask and then dead cold stop.  
Jekiah was old enough – or almost old enough – to be his father.  Him asking about how to ‘y’know’ was a conversation he didn’t want to have.  Because Rass didn’t need THAT conversation – that was old news, thank his ancestors.  (And he was grateful that the encounters were good enough to be unremarkable but not so awesome that he set too high a bar for himself in the future.)
Jek went home to his family and their ade when he could.  He fought the war, while his riduur trained them to fight. Once the youngest was done, then they’d all return to fight alongside Jek.  Such responsibilities were taken seriously and solemnly –
And it was a good love story for a Mando, for the Ordo Clan, like those that came before him.  
He watched Jek work the job, do it so well… and always keep the holo comm open in case a call came from the covert.  He always looked so … sad when he went to bed alone, without his riduur, because duty called.
He wanted what Jek had, but…not the weight that went with it.
See, that was Rass’s problem.  He liked to tease.  He hadn’t lost his ability to joke and get the job done.  For a lot of people in the Clans, that was a sign of immaturity.  Maybe it was.  But Rass didn’t see why the grindy parts of Resol’nare…had to be a grind.  Yeah, he could understand how his joking could be seen as indirect and not polite by other Mandalorians.
Layla would have been his go-to for advice in this area; they were closer in age, and she understood his… quirks.
Rass missed her a lot. She had so much potential – more than him, he thought.  
Torian decided to spare both of them any continued misery.  “Cantina is open – food?”
“Yeah.”  As oblivious as Rass seemed to be to other social cues, the invitation to eat was never turned down; it’d be rude to do so.
Rass and Torian were heading into the main base as a shuttle came in for a landing.  What stopped them was both Captain Eva Corolastor and Operations Manager (and spymaster) Theron Shan going out to greet it.  
“What’s that about?” Rass asked the slightly older man.
“Other end of the holocron investigation.  Jetii and dar’Jetii trying to figure out Malgus’ plans,” Torian explained in brief.  
He lost Rass’s attention as a massive gust of wind had blown the cloak of the Jetii right over her face.  She took the situation in good humor – she was the one laughing first.
Torian recognized the sound: Fria Whitcord, liaison between the Jedi Order and the Alliance and “cultural immersion specialist” as the Jetii called her.  She … managed to freshen every room she was in – like a nice breeze.  
Not as blustery as the winds today.  
Fria was briikase and dral. Even the dar’Jetii Beniko cracked a smile.  Once the wind died down, Fria tugged down her cloak to greet Eva and Theron properly, both of them smiling at their old friend.
They’d all known each other on Yavin 4, and as time went on, they all seemed to find each other here on Odessen.  Torian knew that made Eva extremely happy
Torian saw Rass’s head tilt. Uh oh.  
Theron and Lana were discussing something behind Eva and Fria, who were talking animatedly about where a young Jedi could hide herself in the galaxy.  
Before Torian could stop him, Rass had planted himself in front of Eva and Fria.  “Hi.”
Before Eva could say anything, Fria had done her job as a cultural immersion specialist: she’d seen the armor, checked the height, recalibrated her stance.  She was giving a perfectly respectful greeting to a Mandalorian.  
Rass was osik at interpreting these things when they came from a non-Mando  –
“Greetings.  You must be Rass Ordo.”
Torian made eye contact with Eva – mission abort, mission abort, bail, bail, bail.  
But it was too late. “We were going to the cantina – would you and Torian----?”  She was unceasingly polite,
Poor lady.  Didn’t know what she was getting into.
As Torian trailed behind the pair – Fria was talking, and Rass was nodding incessantly, staring at her – he overheard Theron and Eva.
“That’s not going to end well.”
“Oh, let them enjoy it while it lasts.”
Then Rass walked right off the edge of the steps into the cantina and ate the floor.
“…I concede your point. Rass might have to put his helmet on to survive this.”
Theron sighed.  Torian chuckled then helped Fria haul Rass off the floor. 
A/N:  I have always believed that the steps into and out of the Odessen Cantina are an OSHA violation.
@fluffyfebruary @ermingarden @starlightcleric @ayresis @bluephoenix1347
@shynmighty and @queen-scribbles for the Rass Ordo love. 
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skullinacowboyhat · 7 months
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a studious Mai, cause I needed something therapeutic to draw.
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parseolegacy · 3 months
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Spiritual successor to this comic I made last year When you try to spice up your romance but your girlfriend is immune to metaphors ❌ Mission failure Akk'rai 2 - Flirting 0.
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fleeting-sanity · 4 months
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Latest commission, Zael the Unlikely Jedi.
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lanabenikosdoormat · 1 month
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For my buddy Ata aka @parseolegacy who’s drawn Jed so many times I can’t even count 😭🙏🏻 ITS COMMANDERVERSE TIME!! THEY ARE HANGING OUT WAHHH
bro you are the coolest ilysm every conversation every silly meme and every second we hang out is always so much fun <33
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moonriya · 10 months
Whoever said that races with no hair cant have a padawan's braid, i hope you stay mad :DD
I was also allowed to add raxshir's fang to it, so that's cool.
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abysskeeper · 3 months
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Commission by the wonderful @quincysue-art
I love them and this piece dearly. Happy 12th anniversary to them and them only.
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flora-tea · 22 days
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Introducing… ✨Bunako!✨ {she/they} She's a Cathar/Gotal/Devaronian hybrid :3 Felt too lazy to draw her in clothes here xD
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thelealinhypehouse · 1 month
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When you combine the 2 Jedi Order finiest and tiniest you get (1) perfect sized Jedi
Sallaros Jan'yse belongs to me Akk'rai Parseo belongs to @parseolegacy
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zephhhhh · 4 months
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jedi on the brain
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justiceforc3po · 16 days
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Aroace Force Empath stuck on starship with horniest scientist and his AI hologram girlfriend, somebody help her. Inspired by this post
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sullustangin · 1 year
Fria for the SWTOR Outfit Designer Meme!
Fria our beloved consular! TY for asking!
Fria as she appears in my fan fic is deliberately non-specific as to how she looks; she can be however the reader imagines her. However, for in-game purposes, she is a Mirialan. (She does have a Glasglow smile, but that happens during the 5 year gap...) I had a consular previous to her and I was mostly re-running the story for fic plot points when I created her. As such, she doesn't have many outfits -- only 3 ...but I have decided she has a nice hat for each one.
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My logic is that if consulars are the diplomats, then their hats have a much better chance of survival compared to the other classes. They can splurge at the haberdashery, rather than relying on hoods and headbands and helmets. This is the Dramassian Force Expert's crafted set. It's basic, but really, it's all about that hat for me.
PS @ermingarden (since I forgot to say) Fria has 3 outfits, but Eva has... 23 outfits. And probably more to come once I get the cartel coins....
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twilekthembo · 4 months
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parseolegacy · 19 days
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Tea break for the Republic's best
He is so pretty I love drawing him <3
Sallaros belongs to @thelealinhypehouse
Akk'rai belongs to yours truly
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fleeting-sanity · 14 days
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The Chaos Trio(s)
Character selection screen thingy where you select between these trios to play their stories. I wishhhh.... Individual stills under the cut!
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voidendron · 7 months
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aaaaaand the whole set!
aaaaa I'm SO happy to have this project done, it's been a lot of work and I'm loving how they turned out
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