cockysonofabitch-blog · 11 years
Jim snickered. "Whaaat~? Really?" He doesn't really care if Sebastian is good or not, but he just wants to tease the sniper. "I'm decent .. but I can't make anything big. Or rather, I haven't before."
"Heyheyhey Silent Killer, not flashy here." Sebastian smirked. "We can practice."
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moran-est-tigris · 11 years
"No way, what am I, a cowar-- aaaah!!" Jim yelps with surprised laughter, finding himself swept off his feet. "Lemme go you brute!" He jokes, squirming away from the mouth on his ear. "I don't mind making you dinner, 's the least I can do."
Sebastian grins, making snapping noises at the tormented ear before letting Jim squirm free. “Well ain’t that sweet.” 
He takes up space leaning on one of the counters, watching Jim, making relaxed chatter. “So, you didn’t destroy the place whilst I was gone, huh?” he chuckles, the wry smirk remaining even when he’s finished speaking. A moment’s pause, and then he adds as a joke, “Could have tidied up a bit.” 
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tshirtwatson · 11 years
presume-nothing didyouxmissme therunningfraudster evangelinaholmes consultingcriminaltobe
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    He's barely looking at the entrance of the other, not even enough to guess who they are. He's in the middle of an article.
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londonsfinestsniper · 11 years
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      You've got to be kidding me.
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cockysonofabitch-blog · 11 years
"Sounds good. Or at least put them in the hospital ... then blow up the hosptial."
"I'm not gonna lie, I'm not good at explosives."
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moran-est-tigris · 11 years
"Sorry, /sir/." Jim says sarcastically. However, he really does look sorry. "I'll make dinner right away." He drags the first aide kit over to his side of the counter, pulling out some gauze and peroxide. He walks up behind Sebastian, applying bandages to his neck. "Missed a spot." He says, kissing sebastian on the cheek before practically running away, back into the kitchen.
"Ah-" Sebastian breaks off in gentle laughter, surprised but not unpleasantly so, and chases after the small future Consulting Criminal who has taken to scampering away from him, it seems. "You running away from me?" 
He swipes Jim close with an arm around the waist, nips his ear in return, a one off, he tells himself, as he’s never done so before and knows he mustn’t after either. “Hey, it was a joke, you don’t have to make dinner.” 
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moriartyproperty · 11 years
18, if you're still doing the number thing?? 9_9 aaaa---
Without looking, put a number between 1-42 in my ask box! 
Your muse is a college professor, and mine is their student. They’re falling in love, even though it’s wrong — but your muse’s desk sure is sturdy…
Sebastian got to his feet to announce the homework once the bell started ringing, figuring most of the students weren't even paying attention anymore. Still, it was worth a shot. "Don't forget to read the chapter on the second world war, or there will be consequences." he said loudly, trying to block the door when the young boys and girls were running toward it. After letting out a huff of air, he walked back to his desk and started collecting the history tests, wanting to grade them as soon as possible. He never liked making the students wait for their grades. However, just when he was about to get started, he looked up and noticed Jim still sitting at the back of the class. "Do you have a question, James?"
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cockysonofabitch-blog · 11 years
Whatever you want. We could go kill a few people, some couples, maybe?
Ouu, like an anti-valentines thing?
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moran-est-tigris · 11 years
Jim blinked. Sebastian wasn't shying away or rolling his eyes like he normally would. "I - If that's what you want." He says simply, trying to mask his surprise.
Sebastian laughs and turns his back, riffling through kitchen cupboards. “S’been a long day.” He glances over his shoulder, giving the boy a cheeky look. “I don’t see food on the table.” 
He couldn’t resist the joke, and as he makes his way into the living room he half-heartedly wraps a bandage around his hand. He doesn't bother with the scratches on his neck. “You been good?” 
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moriartyproperty · 11 years
"'kay. I promise. You're the only one." He eyes his chest. "Can you put some gauze over it? I rather liked that shirt, I don't want it bloodied."
"Of course I can." he said as he placed his hand on his shoulder, guiding him to the bathroom where he kept the first-aid kit. "Why would you want that, anyway?" he asked curiously while he started wrapping the thin dressing around the boy’s chest, making sure it wasn’t too tight so he wouldn’t be bothered by it. "To have me with you, I mean. I certainly wasn’t expecting to hear something like that."
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Jim scrunches his face up. "Cheater." he muttered.
"Nah, I'd call that clever." Isaac counters. "You don't have to be a genius to be smart."
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youdonttrustme · 11 years
Jim opens the door, a bag on his shoulder and a frown on his face. "You have to admit, my prank was good." He says, but he still looks guilty. "Are you mad?"
Sighing and looking down at the boy, Derek finally allowed, "It was... smart." He shakes his head, but then adds, "No, but I'm not letting you stay here by yourself. Come on."
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 11 years
di--lestrudel said: EXCUSE ME. YOU ARE ANYTHING BUT FAT??? YOU’RE SUCH A CUTIE LOOK AT YOU I JUST WANT TO PINCH YOUR CHEEK  thecharmingkiller said: yeah definitely not fat. btw you’re rocking that dress!  consultingcriminaltobe said: ((Youre not fat at all bb;~~~; )))
//It's just because I wanted to have some chips (fries) and I had some yesterday, they're saying that I'm getting fat and that I should try eating healthier. It's almost 9pm and all I've had is a salad, like really. asjdhkasjdh I am so angry RN fuck.
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