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blackreaderfics · 1 year
Hygge | Nanami Kento x Tiana
↳ Pairing : Nanami Kento x Tiana
↳ Rating :  T
↳ Summary : Nanami breaks his well cultivated routine 
↳ W.C : 4.4k
↳ A/N: the voices in my head got me y’all… this is a purely self indulgent fic featuring relatable king Nanami (I, too, do not dream of labor✊🏾) and black girlbossqueen Tiana
↳ Tags + Warnings: xenophobia from a side character, fluff, set in Tokyo, next door neighbors, cultural differences, salaryman x cafe owner, they can speak each other’s languages but not fluently
🎵 A Commuter’s Trip (The Commuter OST) by Roque Baños
🎵 Hello Stranger by KAI
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Hygge (n.) | Danish
“the feeling of calm, comfort, and contentment evoked by life’s simple joys”
Nanami had a simple routine. Wake up at 6, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast by 7:45 and be out of the door—at the latest—a minute before 8. He had everything calculated to the T. If Nanami had been a minute too late—let’s say 8:01— he would miss the morning train and therefore be late for work, and he was never late. He had taken into account all contingencies i.e. a train delay, traffic, inclement weather, and made sure he was prepared for any and all possibilities.
That’s why, much to his chagrin, he was “Employee of the Month” every month since he had been promoted from associate to advisor. Most workers would’ve taken pride in that, felt their presence valued at their company. But Nanami didn’t care much for awards or titles, in fact, he just hated working period. He made sure to always clock out at 6 p.m. on the dot. One minute more would be overtime and he didn’t want to give his thankless job a second more of his labor. 
When he left work, he always went straight home. When his head hit the pillow and he closed his eyes, thoughts about the next day would drift into his mind. 
Did the market close up or down? What reports did he need to finish? There’s a client meeting coming up; the presentation deck needs to be prepared… Just two more days. Get through two more days and it’s the weekend. 
And so on and so on. Wash rinse repeat. 
He presumed this endless cycle of corporate monotony would continue until the day he turned 40, after which he could retire and live modestly in a country like Malaysia or the Philippines to catch up on all the reading he missed. Perhaps even find a nice woman and marry her while he was there.
The marriage part was new—an afterthought after years of daydreaming—and he didn’t really think much about the kind of woman he wanted to marry. What she looked like or what she did was more of an amorphous thought, a vague idea in his mind. 
Until her.
He met her by accident. Nanami had been cooking, a hobby he only indulged in on the weekends, and he was just in the middle of making a rolled omelet when he heard a loud thump outside his door.
His apartment building was more of an office building which meant that his floor didn’t get much traffic. The people who rented rooms were not really tenants who lived there, but workers looking for an extra workspace.  He had assumed the thump to be a delivery man outside his door so, naturally, he was surprised when it wasn’t the post, but a foreigner woman standing outside the room next door.
The woman had a heavy bag of groceries balanced in the crook of her arm and another by her feet that he presumed had been the source of the sound. When they made eye contact, he had been so startled that he quickly closed his door. The apartment next to his had been empty for months, but it looked like it had finally been rented out. 
He thought nothing more of it until her very presence began to infiltrate his well-maintained routine. Every morning, if he was quiet enough, he could faintly hear her humming as he got dressed. Other times, he could hear upbeat jazzy music on the weekends if he opened his window.
Every night, he was surrounded by the fragrance of whatever she seemed to be cooking. Most of the time it was sweet, other times it was savory. It wasn’t an unpleasant aroma, just noticeable to the point where its absence would feel strange. There were days when they would leave for work at the same time, though oftentimes he would end up holding the elevator door open for her when she left her apartment a few minutes after he did. 
In the brief moments they encountered, Nanami made small observations about her: She was an American. Beautiful. Unmarried—Americans wore rings on their ring finger to signify marital status, he’d noticed she didn’t.
He couldn’t infer her job or what exactly brought her to Tokyo in the first place from her appearance alone, however. He’d seen a fair amount of young foreign teachers in the city. He wondered if she was a teacher. She looked young enough. A missionary? She dressed modestly and wore sensible shoes. Her curly hair was often tied into a low bun. From the very slim list of what young American women did for work in Tokyo, he decided on teacher and his curiosity was sated. 
One day he found out. After a long day of work, he walked his usual route from the train station back to his apartment building but was redirected due to construction at his usual subway exit. When he alighted from the escalator he was on a different street entirely. The extra few minutes from this detour would undoubtedly cut into the time he’d set aside to unwind, and subsequently, he’d have to make a few adjustments to still get a full 8 hours of sleep.
He loosened his tie and sighed inwardly as he walked on. Since he’d moved to this district last year he didn’t make much effort to visit any new places. For all he was concerned, he only really needed to know his route to work and the nearest Starbucks. 
So when he passed by a small cafe called “Tiana’s Place”, it didn’t immediately click that the jazz he’d heard playing softly from her apartment was the same music that was playing now. It was familiar enough that it gave him pause. Where had he heard that song before? When he finally caught sight of her—his neighbor— through the glass window, it finally registered that she wasn’t a teacher or a missionary, but a cafe worker, and from the looks of it, she owned the place. 
He watched her dimples deepen as she interacted with customers, giving each and every one of them a tireless smile. Before he knew it, Nanami found himself inside the cafe whisked into the after-work rush of impatient office workers. She was so busy already, the only indication of strain being a moment when she blew the hair out of her face before the next customer walked up to order. He planned to buy something small and leave; he wanted to give her time to catch her breath but inadvertently in his musings he was already holding up the line. 
She was…right in front of him? And speaking to him now? It was the first time he’d heard her voice and he decided it suited her. She spoke in Japanese and, though accented, was clear and practiced enough in a way that impressed him.
“Are you still deciding, sir?” Impossibly large brown eyes waited in expectation for him to order.
He broke out of his reverie quickly enough to make it seem like his stalling was deliberate, his unmarred poker face further upholding the charade.
He scanned the prepackaged foods and retrieved the first thing that looked like bread. “Just this.” 
“Good choice,” She looked positively elated as she scanned the barcode and activated the card machine. “Beignets are my specialty.” She was beaming at him. Not in a “thank you come again” customer way but like in a he’d just made her entire week way. She was so laughably easy to please that it discomfited him.
He muttered a “thank you”, taking the package and turning to leave quickly before he met her eyes again. The Fall of Icarus was a cautionary tale for a reason, he wouldn’t risk another trip into the sun.
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Nanami’s routine had drastically altered over the next few weeks. Every morning he’d gotten used to riding down the elevator with her. They greeted each other regularly, albeit a bit awkwardly, in the shared space—A slight bow from him as he held the doors open, reciprocated by a grateful wave from her.
The last time they shared an elevator, however, they'd accidentally brushed hands while reaching for the ground floor button. For some reason, that unnerved Nanami. So now, most times, he avoided that, opting to wait and listen to the click of her door before he left the house. For good measure, he started taking the stairs. As a result, Nanami had added an extra 10 minutes to his morning commute.
The detour, having yet to be fixed, took him past the café every day. Though Nanami knew the process of waiting in line would add an extra 15 minutes to his after-work trek, he did so anyway, calculating that picking up a quick dinner bento would be a fair trade to taking the time to cook something for himself. 
“What can I get for you today, sir?”  
He knew her name now—Tiana, from the name tag she wore, and the sign on the storefront. He noticed from the way her eyes would widen as he approached, that she recognized him now too.
“Black tea. No sugar, please.” He placed his usual prepackaged meal and packet of beignets on the counter, taking out his wallet. Nanami didn’t always plan to add beignets to every order, but he found himself reaching for them every time, dreading her predictable delight when he did. Ordering tea was another stroke of impulse he didn’t account for, but it wasn’t so busy now, he could enjoy it before he went home.
He decided on a table by the window, savoring the warm liquid as the sun set to a melancholy soundtrack of brass and bass. It was like being transported to another time, outside of crowded subway cars and the hustle of his high-powered office.
Nanami closed his eyes and felt something akin to contentment. When he exhaled, the stiffness in his shoulders abated, and the strain behind his eyes subsided. Was this what it was like to finally relax? 
He was about to take another sip of his drink when he heard a loud bang. The front door to the restaurant had flown open, a bulky man with greasy hair and a lecherous smile stalking in. Nanami’s eyes trailed after the man’s movements, the cup still raised to his lip.
“I’d like a dozen of those powdered donut things. Ya got any of those?” The man leered at the part-timer manning the counter. He sauntered back and forth at the register, eying the self-serve pastries in the display. 
“Sure, would you like them fresh? There aren’t enough ready-made ones for a dozen, but if you’re willing to wait there’s a new batch being made—” 
The man picked up a package of beignets that had been warming under a heated case and without warning, ripped open the package and took a bite.
“S-sir! You need to pay for that first!” The part-timer sputtered.
“Well, I’m waitin’ for that new batch. I wanna try before I buy.” The delinquent guffawed and attempted another gleeful bite only for the pastry to be smacked out of his hand and onto the floor.
He whirled around to face Tiana, bursting into laughter upon seeing her. “And who the fuck are you supposed to be?” 
“Call the police,” Tiana stated calmly to her employee as she stared down the man. Her usual polite smile had been replaced with a stony-faced expression. “Sir, if you’re not going to buy anything then it’s best you leave.”
“Huh? What was that? I can barely understand you, foreign bit-AHh” A pressure on the man’s shoulder made him crumple in pain.
“Your ears must not be working. I can understand her perfectly well,” Nanami murmured, his vice-like grip squeezing at the juncture between the man’s neck and shoulder. While the delinquent whimpered pathetically at the deepening pressure, Nanami directed his attention to Tiana, motioning with a slight tilt of his head for her to step away. “It’s not worth your trouble, I’ll take care of it.” 
She nodded reluctantly and joined her staff member who was now waiting with a phone at her ear behind the counter.
Nanami appeared to be saying something to the man now, but in a volume that Tiana couldn’t hear. His face was calm, betraying no emotion while the delinquent paled gradually in terror, trembling under his grip. The moment Nanami released him, the man scrambled out of his grasp and prostrated himself on all fours.
“I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I PROMISE I WON’T DO IT AGAIN PLEASE—” He shouted hysterically and proceeded to do a fervent bow of penitence. 
Tiana looked at Nanami quizzically but was only met with a mild shrug. 
“Alright alright,” she stepped around the counter to placate him. If he could just stop snotting up the floor she just mopped and get out of there, they could just forget this all happened.
The tinkling bell sound of the cafe door opening interrupted the scene; everyone’s attention shifted from the blubbering man on the floor to the police officer who had just stepped in. 
Before anyone could speak, the man sprang up from the ground and ran toward the policeman. “OFFICER! IT'S ALL MY FAULT I ADMIT IT! ARREST ME, PLEASE! JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE!”
Within 10 minutes the offender was cuffed—willingly, to the cop’s surprise— and whisked noisily out of the cafe just as quickly as he’d burst in. Nanami, suddenly uninterested in the commotion, walked calmly back to his table and gathered his things. 
Tiana made her way over to Nanami, eyeing the man through the window. He was currently being escorted to a police car on the curb. Still in hysterics, he’d practically thrown himself into the back of the car.
“Ok…what on earth did you say to that man?” She quirked an eyebrow at the blonde businessman.
That this cafe is his one and only oasis in the heaping pile of shit called life, and if even so much as one insignificant waste of air like him tries to ruin it he’ll have no choice but to chop his fingers off one by one and shove them down his throat so hard he’ll be shitting fingernails for weeks…among other things.
It would’ve been improper to divulge this to Tiana, of course.
“I asked him to apologize,” he said instead in simple English, a far cry from the eloquently horrific threats he’d made in his native language. 
“Really?” She asked, accepting the sudden change of language in stride. Her arms were crossed, her hip jutted to the side, face incredulous. “Just like that?”
“I’m rather persuasive.”
After a beat she laughed. 
Nanami didn’t consider himself a funny person. And frankly, he didn’t understand why she was laughing now but he welcomed it, if only to see that the earlier disturbance hadn’t caused her too much distress.
“Well, thank you kindly,” she drawled in between giggles, her southern accent now unmistakable when she switched to English. “Mister…” 
“Kento.” He offered his first name, aware he was skipping over several customary stages of familiarity. In any other case, anyone less than an acquaintance addressing him by his first name would be extremely frowned upon. But it was common business practice to use given names when dealing with American clients; he thought it fitting to do the same with her.
He reached into his suit jacket, pulling out a silver business card holder, and passed over an impressive looking card: 
Nanami Kento, Investment Advisor
“If there are any similar issues please don’t hesitate to contact me.” He repeated an English phrase that had come in handy from past business dealings.
“Mr. Kento,” she repeated to herself with finality studying the card. Tiana faintly wondered why a guy with a fancy title—and the most expensive suits she’d ever laid eyes on— lived in the modest one-room apartment right next to hers. She pocketed the card and patted around for her own business card. 
“I would’ve given you my own card too. But if you ever need to contact me—”
“Boss!” Her part-timer called out, waving her over from where she stood next to a police officer holding a clipboard.
“I’d better go, you know where to find me.” She excused herself with an apologetic smile.
Unfortunately for Nanami, this little ordeal had cost him another hour of wasted time.
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The next day Nanami waited for the familiar click of her door shutting before starting his commute. When he exited his apartment, he could still see the silhouette of her back walking towards the elevator bank. 
She left without an umbrella, he noted to himself as he walked part of the way down the hallway. He imagined walking up to her and bringing it up casually as they waited for the elevator. But as soon as she’d turned his direction he changed course abruptly, legs moving on their own through the emergency exit and down the stairs.
Work went on as usual. He sat at his desk going over the pitch deck, but his eyes could not seem to follow the text. Instead, he found himself gazing out the window, watching the clouds slowly darken in the horizon. 
“Fucking weather, right? News said it’s gonna rain like a bitch the next few days.”
His boss had walked up behind him, crouching at his eye level to see what Nanami was looking at. 
“Hope you brought your galoshes, rookie, we’re going overtime today for that big client meeting. Dinner’s on me.” His boss clapped a hand on his shoulder and went off to bother a different team.
He tried to return his attention to his work, but he couldn’t. Instead, he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes against the blue light of his computer screen. All he could think about was the rain.
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Tiana had hoped that by the time she closed, the rain would’ve stopped. But she found herself outside the doors of the cafe, reluctant to leave. The rain hadn’t let up, and it didn’t look like it was stopping any time soon.
It was a day of disappointments. On top of forgetting her umbrella, Nanami hadn’t come into the shop that day. She’d gotten used to seeing him enter the store at the same time every day, and perhaps even looked forward to it. 
She took one tentative step outside, shivering through the draft of wind. She didn’t live far, maybe it would be alright if she just ran home with a plastic bag over her head. Tiana locked the door behind her and raised the collar of her jacket, clasping it with her hand to protect her neck. On the count of three, she lifted the plastic takeout bag over her head and took the plunge.
After a few strides in the pelting rain, it suddenly stopped—She had run into something or someone. The rain made it difficult to see where she was going so she blindly sputtered a reflexive “I’m so sorry!” in English at whoever it was that she had run into.
When she wiped the rain out of her eyes she could see nothing but an impeccably tailored pinstripe suit in the dim of the streetlights. It was Nanami and he was holding an umbrella over her head. His collar was unbuttoned without a tie, and he looked utterly exhausted. The dark circles under his eyes were even more pronounced from where she stood underneath him.
“Mr. Kento? Are you alright? What are you—”
“I figured you could use an umbrella,” he said dryly and pretty pointedly at her makeshift plastic bag hat.
“Yea, I guess I could use one of those,” she laughed breathlessly and took the bag off her head, before giving him one of those heart-stopping smiles he loathed. “You saved my life.*”
The corner of his mouth quirked slightly, amused. Perhaps because her choice of words sounded highly literal, almost…cute?, in Japanese. He “saved her life” just by sharing his umbrella? Americans were known to have a penchant for the dramatic. But he didn’t bother to correct her, instead, he only hummed somewhat of an affirmative response.
They walked in a comfortable silence down a familiar tree-lined path leading to their apartment building. She noticed Nanami’s shoulder getting wet, and leaned closer to him. 
Feeling the imperceptible shift, he gave the woman beside him a sidelong glance. His eyes settled on the loose wisp of hair he’d always seen her blowing out of her face.
It bothered him.
Maybe it was the fatigue-driven delirium, but he was struck with the inane compulsion to brush that lock out of her eyes. He couldn’t have been more grateful for the umbrella currently occupying his hand, otherwise, he would’ve indulged it.
Tiana reached over and gently adjusted the umbrella closer over his side. “Wouldn’t want to ruin that nice suit of yours,” she said softly.
“I hate this suit.” The curt statement came off a bit more brusque than he’d initially intended, though, it was true. He hated that suit and everything it represented.
She looked at him curiously, wondering if this was another aspect of his humor. But from what she could see on his countenance, he was entirely serious. 
He glanced at her again, catching the confused look on her face. “I don’t mind if it gets wet,” he reiterated this time with the intended lack of severity, along with a kind of finality that implied an end to the discussion of his suit and his decision to prioritize her dryness. They continued the rest of the way, the umbrella above them biased towards her side.
When they got to the apartment he held the building door open, letting her walk through first. 
“Thank you again for yesterday. That man, he was—” she paused to conjure the correct word.
“He was being a nuisance,” he completed, pushing the button for the elevator door. Naturally, he had chosen the same number for their floors, and when they arrived at their floor he waited for her to alight before walking after her.
When they finally reached their neighboring doors, he set his umbrella on the hallway floor for it to dry and began to punch in the code for his door. 
“Mr. Kento, wait a moment.”
He stilled his movement and watched as she rummaged into her purse. 
Tiana pulled out a paper box from her bag and presented it to him, “I was going to give these to you earlier if you came in. Glad they didn’t get wet.”
It was a small gesture. Even so, he was reluctant to take it.
“You… didn’t have to,” he frowned, eyeing the box.
“You didn’t have to walk me home, either,” she shrugged. 
“We’re neighbors. We were going in the same direction,” he said plainly, though, he didn’t entirely believe the words as they left his mouth either. It was unlike him to go anywhere else except straight home after working overtime. He hadn’t run into her by some coincidence or divine guidance. He’d gone there on purpose, and he had a sinking feeling she figured that out already too.
“Then just think of it as a ‘thank you gift’,” she insisted, tugging gently at his wrist and nudging the box softly into his hands. “For being my favorite customer.”
He shifted uncomfortably to receive the box with both hands. It was an unfamiliar concept for him to be anyone’s favorite anything.
“Good night, Mr. Kento.” Tiana’s voice had an amused lilt to it. Nanami must’ve stood there frozen because she was already halfway through her door, a knowing smile on her lips.
He regained his composure and mumbled back a formal “Good night, Miss. Tiana,” —her name a bit alien on his tongue—before retreating back inside.
When the door shut behind him, he immediately shed his suit jacket. His body was much too warm despite one side being wet; his collar much too tight, despite his lack of tie.
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Nanami stared at the assortment of pastries that Tiana had given to him. He couldn’t recall the last time he willingly ate dessert though he assumed if he had, it would’ve probably been with Gojo and his infantile palate.
Truthfully, Nanami didn’t really like sweets at all. The first time he bought those beignets, he’d just picked up the first thing in line that day and just…never stopped buying it. Over the past weeks, he’d amassed a bevy of unopened bags of the foreign confection and they were occupying the much-needed counter space of his kitchen. 
It was rather ironic for an investment advisor to be so frivolous with his money. Spending on foods he didn’t even eat when was supposed to be saving it didn’t make any sort of financial sense. He had been planning to retire by 40, and now he’d have to add an extra 5 years to his projections over mere fried dough.
Nanami turned over the yellow business card for “Tiana’s Place” that he had found wedged in the box. A simple “Bon Appétit ;) -T.” was written on the back.
He picked up a beignet from the box and took a bite—It was made for him, after all. He chewed it slowly, the consistency not too far off from that of a baguette. It wasn’t too sweet, either. In fact, it was…delicious? Better than any dessert he’s had before. Maybe everything he’d tried before this was just a crude imitation, a poor excuse for the craft of baking. 
Perhaps he did like sweets or even dessert right before bed. Maybe he didn’t even mind that he wouldn’t be getting his full 8 hours of sleep. If he concentrated hard enough, her faint humming as she got ready for bed filled the silence of his apartment. He could stay up even longer if at all possible.
When he finally closed his eyes, a rush of different kinds of thoughts flooded his mind. 
Some were more mundane: Maybe I’ll have a beignet for breakfast or It’s probably going to rain tomorrow. 
Some were imaginations: plump glossy lips curved in an oversweet smile meant solely for him. His fingers gently tucking that bothersome tendril of hair behind her ear. 
He finally drifted to sleep with one last thought just as simple as the others, a tiny hope that she would forget her umbrella again.
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*A/N: Tiana’s words sound like a literal translation/unnatural because she’s a non-native speaker ex. “you saved my life” vs a more natural/colloquial “you’re a lifesaver”
©️ blackreaderfics // credit to cafekitsune for the dividers
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Why You Need a Website Development Service for Your Business?
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The majority of the time, a new company gets its initial exposure online. Your website provides more than simply an electronic gateway in the digitized corporate world. It turns into one of the first branding and marketing tools, especially for new businesses. Your website is quite important from the standpoint of internet marketing. Evidently, you cannot afford to disregard website design and development while establishing your firm. First impressions in business are frequently forgotten.
How you entice clients into the funnel is determined by a quality website. It's crucial to create an engaging layout that can captivate potential consumers. People assess your website in just a few seconds. Therefore, it is important to properly combine the visual components, the interaction of the text and visuals, and the usability of this platform. Your rivals gain an advantage if you fail to make an impact with a captivating website. Due to users switching to other websites, you risk missing out on valuable leads. Here, you want qualified web developers who can work together with your internal team. They have a significant part to play.
Here are the reasons that why should you need to hire website development service for your business:
Rise in sales.
A successful website requires competent web design and development. The revenues of your company will increase and improve thanks to a well-designed website.  A website's interface and aesthetic appeal are all developed throughout the process of web design. Creating a functioning layout for your website through web development entails designing and coding it to be accessible on all browsers, mobile devices, and other potential access points. The revenues of your company will increase and improve thanks to a well-designed website. This may be accomplished by increasing the number of visits to your website utilizing sound web design and development techniques, such as the use of compelling headlines that encourage readers to click on them.
Competition in SEO
Our daily commercial activities now heavily rely on the internet. We must compete against the greatest among them in a public setting. And two of the most important elements in the online success of your organization are web design and web development. A website that follows all the most recent trends, is simple to use, and looks fantastic is essential for having a competitive SEO. But this is more difficult than it seems. When creating or constructing your website, there are numerous factors to take into account, such as how quickly it loads, how much data it consumes, whether it is mobile-friendly, and if the content is pertinent and interesting to your target audience.
Website that's easy to use.
For every business to prosper in the modern digital world, a website is the most important marketing tool. It will determine whether or not potential consumers decide to purchase from you because it is the first thing they see. A user-friendly website may increase the length of time visitors spend on your website, according to Sytian Productions web design Philippines. If your website isn't user-friendly, it will be challenging for visitors to navigate it, locate what they're searching for, and make a purchase.
Builds enduring ties with customers.
Due to the platform it gives you to communicate with your clients, web design and development may assist you in establishing long-term customer connections. You won't be able to build the kind of lasting relationships with your clients you want without a solid website. What distinguishes you from other companies in your field is how your website was developed and designed. Even if your product or service is excellent, if people can't locate it on your website, they won't become paying clients.
Faster Load Time.
Providing your users with a fantastic user experience and improving your bottom line both depend on the speed at which your website loads. A skilled web development business will be able to build you a quick-loading website using the appropriate plugins and technologies. Additionally, search engines give these websites a higher ranking.
Additionally, search engines give these websites a higher ranking. With the help of experienced web design firms, you can be sure that your website will have all the great features it needs without ever being sluggish due to bothersome load screens.
Designing and Development.
 Because professional organizations have a skilled team of designers and developers, they can guarantee more accuracy and better coordination. By collaborating with professionals, the communication chasm caused by employing independent contractors sitting apart may be avoided. They provide integrated services as a single entity and have a fully functional design, development, and marketing staff.
A skilled web development business will prioritize building a strong, secure, and dependable website while minimizing the possibility of a website malfunctioning or being compromised. Websites made by amateurs and enthusiasts are more prone to have crashes, breakage, and security flaws. Employing a group of experts with lots of expertise can assist to guarantee greater uptime and prevent catastrophes.
It is crucial to provide higher usability to mobile users given the growing importance of flexible designs. You must also reduce your expenses at the same time. You may get the best answer by working with the proper web development team. A consultant's job is to help customers with their problems while concentrating on the growth of their company. It makes sense to get help from a reputable website developer given the variety of advantages that a powerful website provides.
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itzyty · 1 year
Video no. 1: "Fita Sports Car: Balikan Ang Sarap" by Fita
I chose this advertisement because it is nostalgic to me. The advertisement is all about a snack in the Philippines called Fita. It is a type of cracker that has nine pieces that has a circular shape to it. Fita crackers were created by the company Monde M.Y. San on the year 1935. The Fita crackers were their flagship brand, along with SkyFlakes crackers (Chew, 2018). The excellent afternoon snack, Fita, is well-known and adored by Filipinos for its wonderfully balanced sweet and salty flavor. The intended audience of this ad is comprised of people, specifically people of all ages. Additionally, Fita is very popular amongst children since it is a delicious snack. Because it is a food product, the advertisement is suitable for the audience since it is about replenishing nourishment. However, it can have some adverse effects, specifically on children. Early in their development, children are in the "pre-cognition" phase of their cognitive defense, which makes it unlikely that they will question the morality and purpose of advertising efforts (Smith et al., 2019). This can lead to a child having mental and physical development problems (Cordeiro, 2021). The ad shown here does not have any forms of Media Manipulation. The ad captured the audience's attention because of how catchy and nostalgic the ad is. This advertisement uses nostalgia to capture the viewers' attention because it affects their emotions and memories. Nostalgia marketing creates a positive, emotional sense by using well-known notions to associate a company with something for which customers have pleasant memories. To evoke memories of the past in their interactions with clients, several brands employ a strategy known as nostalgia marketing (Clark, 2023). This was present in the Fita ad because the featured ad had a similar structure in 2003, according to the youtube comments in the youtube video of the ad. There are several ways to employ nostalgia marketing, including through music and film.
Video no. 2: "Hungry Days" (1 - 4) by Nissin
Since I watched One Piece, this advertisement sparked my interest. The advertisement is about a famous food brand in Japan called Nissin. The ad comprised a cup noodle branded Nissin. The top brand of cup-shaped instant noodles in Japan is Cup Noodle, which was introduced in 1971. It is currently popular in 100 different nations and areas. Cup Noodles are one of the best foods you can eat at lunch and dinner. This ad's intended audience is people, specifically people of all ages, because it is about consuming food to regain sustenance. The advertisement showed the product Nissin Cup Noodles, a food product that is good for the targeted audience since the ad does not show harmful and explicit content. However, cup noodles are only sometimes healthy. Although low in calories, cup noodles also lack protein and fiber. They are also infamous for having high sodium, fat, and carbohydrate content (Swan, 2021). Since this ad features the anime "One Piece," the form of Media Manipulation it uses is celebrity endorsement. Many businesses have recognized the commercial prospects that anime characters represent for them as more and more people continue to watch and appreciate anime. As a result of this discovery, anime characters are appearing in an increasing number of Japanese advertisements nowadays (Kono, 2022). Like for this instance, the ad featured the anime One Piece.
MondeMySan. (2020). Fita Sports Car: Balikan Ang Sarap!. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GWV-hsNXQs
Game Player Link. (2020). One piece x Nissin Hungry days All Commercial 1 - 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NO5H_5HgDhk
Chew, M. (2018). Monde M.Y. San: Taste of Success -. Balikbayan Magazine. https://balikbayanmagazine.com/travel/wine-dine/taste-buds/monde-m-y-san-taste-of-success/
 Smith, R., Kelly, B., Yeatman, H., & Boyland, E. (2019). Food Marketing Influences Children's Attitudes, Preferences and Consumption: A Systematic Critical Review. Nutrients, 11(4), 875. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11040875
Cordeiro, V. C. (2021). Understanding the Impact of Food Advertising on Childhood Obesity. Humanium. https://www.humanium.org/en/understanding-the-impact-of-food-advertising-on-childhood-obesity/ 
Clark, S. (2023). Nostalgic Ads Can Reel 'Em In. CMSWire. https://www.cmswire.com/digital-marketing/what-you-should-know-about-nostalgia-marketing/
Nissin Group. (n.d.)  Brands. https://www.nissin.com/en_jp/brands/ 
Swan, J. (2021). How Bad are Instant Noodles for Your Health? Parkway East Hospital. https://www.parkwayeast.com.sg/health-plus/article/instant-noodles-health-impact#:~:text=A%20vast%20majority%20of%20instant,%2C%20vitamin%20B12%2C%20and%20more.
Kono, K. (2022, June 29). Anime In Japanese Advertising - 4 Impactful Examples. Tokyoesque. Retrieved April 20, 2023, from https://tokyoesque.com/anime-in-japanese-advertising-4-impactful-examples/
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nazmulalways · 2 years
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teemcorp123 · 7 days
Leveraging Talent: The Rise of Offshore Hiring Services in the Philippines
In the rapidly evolving global business landscape, companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to optimize their operations and access top-tier talent while managing costs. One solution that has gained significant traction is offshore hiring, with the Philippines emerging as a premier destination for such services.
Understanding Offshore Hiring Services in the Philippines
Offshore hiring services Philippines involve recruiting and employing professionals to work remotely for companies based in other countries. These services typically handle the entire recruitment process, from talent sourcing and screening to hiring and onboarding, allowing businesses to build offshore teams tailored to their specific needs.
Key Advantages of Philippine Offshore Hiring Services
Cost-Effectiveness: The Philippines offers a significant cost advantage, with labor costs typically 60-80% lower than in Western countries, without compromising on quality.
Large, Skilled Talent Pool: With over 500,000 graduates annually, the Philippines boasts a vast pool of skilled professionals across various industries.
English Proficiency: The Philippines ranks high in English proficiency among Asian countries, facilitating seamless communication with global clients.
Cultural Compatibility: Filipino culture has strong Western influences, making it easier for offshore employees to adapt to international work environments.
Government Support: The Philippine government actively supports the BPO and offshore services sector through favorable policies and infrastructure development.
Popular Industries and Roles
Offshore hiring services in the Philippines cater to a wide range of industries and roles, including:
Information Technology: Software developers, web designers, IT support specialists
Business Process Outsourcing: Customer service representatives, technical support agents
Creative Services: Graphic designers, content writers, digital marketers
Finance and Accounting: Bookkeepers, accountants, financial analysts
Healthcare: Medical transcriptionists, medical billers and coders
Virtual Assistance: Administrative assistants, data entry specialists
The Offshore Hiring Process
Needs Assessment: The offshore hiring service works with the client to understand their specific requirements and company culture.
Talent Sourcing: Leveraging various recruitment channels to identify potential candidates matching the client's criteria.
Screening and Evaluation: Conducting initial interviews, skills assessments, and background checks.
Client Interviews: Facilitating interviews between shortlisted candidates and the client.
Hiring and Onboarding: Managing job offers, contract signing, and the onboarding process.
Ongoing Support: Providing continuous HR support, performance management, and addressing any concerns.
Challenges and Considerations
While offshore hiring in the Philippines offers numerous benefits, it's important to be aware of potential challenges:
Time Zone Differences: Managing teams across different time zones can require flexible scheduling and communication strategies.
Cultural Nuances: Despite cultural similarities, there may still be subtle differences that require awareness and adaptation.
Infrastructure Issues: While generally good, occasional internet connectivity issues can occur, particularly in more remote areas.
Employee Retention: The competitive job market in the Philippines can sometimes lead to higher turnover rates.
Best Practices for Successful Offshore Hiring
Clear Communication: Establish robust communication channels and regular check-ins with offshore team members.
Cultural Integration: Invest time in helping offshore employees understand and integrate with the company culture.
Career Development: Provide opportunities for skill development and career progression to improve retention.
Technology Investment: Utilize appropriate tools and technologies to facilitate seamless collaboration with offshore teams.
Legal Compliance: Ensure adherence to both local Philippine labor laws and international employment regulations.
The Future of Offshore Hiring in the Philippines
As the global business landscape continues to evolve, offshore hiring in the Philippines is poised for further growth:
Expansion into Emerging Industries: Increasing diversification into sectors like AI, data science, and blockchain technology.
Focus on Higher-Value Services: A shift towards more complex, knowledge-based roles requiring specialized skills.
Embracing Remote Work: The global trend towards remote work is likely to further boost the appeal of offshore hiring.
Technological Advancements: Continued investment in digital infrastructure to support more sophisticated offshore operations.
In conclusion, offshore hiring services in the Philippines offer a compelling solution for businesses looking to access skilled talent while optimizing costs. With its combination of cost-effectiveness, skilled workforce, and cultural compatibility, the Philippines continues to solidify its position as a leading destination for offshore hiring, driving mutual growth and innovation in the global business ecosystem. https://teemcorp.com/
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Best Influencer Marketing Agency in Dubai, UAE
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Would you be surprised if we told you that the secret to turning a local company into Dubai's next great phenomenon is not extensive advertising but a distinctive, engaging story produced by the influencer marketing agency in Dubai?
Authenticity, when paired with the targeted outreach that can only be achieved via influencer marketing, is what makes it so captivating. Envision it as the ability to find the optimal relationship in the middle of a cacophony of voices, some genuine while others just noisy.
The search for an agency goes beyond the simple act of matching a brand with an influencer in this dynamic market; rather, it requires finding a storyteller skilled at establishing genuine relationships. Every brand represents a narrative that is eager to be told.
Why is this quest so important in Dubai, and why is it so interesting? Because the Middle East's influencer marketing industry is set to hit $1.3 billion, as a YouGov survey reveals that 75% of UAE residents actively follow social media influencers. With its cosmopolitan allure and strategic global location, Dubai stands out as a prime market for global influencers. In a recent survey, 76.9% of marketers declared influencer marketing as a top priority.
Grynow appeared as a beacon against the backdrop of the huge digital expanse as we proceeded further into the heart of the influencer world in the UAE to identify the best influencer marketing agency in UAE that embodies this union of authenticity and innovation.
You may be wondering, "Why Grynow?" Grynow is an outstanding instance of a combination of experience and innovation, and it has established a new standard in Dubai's influencer marketing. This is in contrast to the several firms that are competing for attention.
Why is Grynow Dubai's Best Influencer Marketing Company in Middle East? 
8+ years of experience in personalised campaigns 
Grynow's eight-year journey exemplifies not just perseverance but also our deep comprehension and capacity to adapt to the constantly changing digital world. We have spent a considerable amount of time understanding the complexity of influencer marketing agencies in the UAE and the tactics that work and those that don't. 
30000+ Expert Team Crafting Revolutionary Campaigns 
You can trust that Grynow's campaigns are created by experts in their field who are dedicated to producing great results. With over 30,000 customised influencer campaigns under our belt, 
Grynow has shown it can manage projects of any size or complexity with over 30,000 globally executed influencer campaigns that were precisely crafted. Because we personalise our campaigns to each client's specific goals and demographics, we are able to reliably provide innovative and fruitful results. 
Entrusted by 1000+ well-known brands 
Grynow is dependable and excellent in influencer marketing, as shown by the faith that over a thousand top-tier organisations have placed in us. These strategic alliances highlight Grynow's capacity to work with a wide range of customers to successfully accomplish their marketing objectives. 
300M+ Influencers and Content Creators joined
There is no other network like Grynow's, which includes more than 300 million influencers and content providers on social media. Grynow is able to pair clients with the most appropriate digital influencers for their campaigns because of its large network of influencers, which covers a wide range of topics, languages, and platforms.
Grynow is well-known as an authority in Dubai influencer marketing because of the confidence of several influential people.
Present in the US, the UK, Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Middle East
One key component of Grynow's success story is its worldwide presence. By expanding into strategic regions, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Middle East, Grynow has amassed a wealth of knowledge on varied cultural landscapes and consumer habits.
Due to its extensive network, Grynow is better able to assist as an best influencer marketing agency in the Middle East that can handle both international and local trends. 
A Cutting-Edge AI Dashboard 
Grynow's development of an all-inclusive AI dashboard has completely transformed the planning, execution, and analysis of influencer marketing initiatives. Brands are empowered to make educated choices using cutting-edge technology that provides real-time analytics, performance monitoring, and insightful data.
Campaigns may be optimised in never-before-possible ways with the dashboard's extensive statistics and user-friendly design, guaranteeing the greatest engagement and ROI.
When it comes to the best influencer marketing in the Middle East, Grynow is king in Dubai and beyond. Grynow is the best place for companies to go if they want their digital marketing initiatives to be memorable. By collaborating with Grynow, you can tap into our vast influencer network, cutting-edge technology, and professional knowledge to launch a game-changing campaign that connects with customers and propels your company forward in the dynamic digital landscape. 
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eximpedia1 · 12 days
Banana Powder Export from India: A Growing Global Opportunity
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Banana powder, a versatile product with applications in the food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries, is experiencing increasing global demand. Known for its high-calorie content and rich carbohydrates, it is especially valued as an addition to baby formula. Did you know that the global banana powder market is expanding at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.6%? Produced in significant quantities in India, Ecuador, and the Philippines, banana powder is primarily exported, with India emerging as a major player. In this article, we’ll explore the Indian banana powder export market, its potential, and the steps involved in starting a banana powder export business.
Is Exporting Banana Powder Profitable for India?
India’s banana powder export industry presents a lucrative opportunity as global demand rises. Indian businesses can capitalize on this trend by expanding their export capabilities and tapping into the global market. To be successful, companies must focus on selecting the right markets, offering competitive packaging, pricing products effectively, and adhering to international standards.
Global Banana Powder Market Overview
The global banana powder market is on the rise, with a promising outlook for the coming years. In 2022, the market was valued at USD 1.25 billion and is expected to reach USD 2.42 billion by 2031. From 2023 to 2031, the market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.6%. This surge in demand can be attributed to the increasing health consciousness among consumers who appreciate the nutritional value and versatility of banana powder.
Banana powder is produced through various methods, including freeze-drying, spray-drying, sun-drying, and drum-drying. As the popularity of banana powder grows, so does its market segmentation. Understanding the key trends and market forces driving this growth is essential for businesses looking to enter or expand in this market.
India's Banana Powder Production Volume
India holds a leading position in the global banana powder industry, accounting for approximately 26% of total global production. Each year, India produces over 30 million tonnes of banana powder. The top five states contributing to this production are Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, and Gujarat.
The process of making banana powder involves mashing the banana pulp and drying it using a spray or drum dryer. The dried product is then pulverized and passed through a 20-mesh sieve to produce the final product. India’s dominance in production provides a solid foundation for growth in the global banana powder market.
Rising Demand for Banana Powder in India
The demand for banana powder is growing rapidly in India as consumers increasingly seek gluten-free alternatives. Banana powder has become a popular choice, particularly in the bakery industry, which favors organic ingredients. Additionally, the cosmetic industry has seen a surge in demand for banana powder, using it in makeup products and other beauty formulations.
This rising domestic demand, combined with global export opportunities, positions India as a key player in both the local and international banana powder markets.
Banana Powder Export from India: 2023-2024
As of 2023-2024, the average export price for banana powder from India is around INR 650 (approximately $7.77) per kilogram. India is the world’s second-largest exporter of banana powder, with the United States, Bangladesh, and the United Arab Emirates as its top markets.
According to banana powder export data, 294 Indian banana powder exporters shipped 2.3k shipments to 599 foreign buyers. The top three product categories exported from India include HS codes 07129090, 21069099, and 33021010.
Global Banana Powder Export Statistics
Globally, there were 68.6K banana powder export shipments in recent years. These shipments involved 1,627 exporters supplying to 2,490 foreign buyers. European nations such as Germany, the Netherlands, and France are among the top recipients of banana powder exports. Germany leads with 6,400 shipments, followed by the Netherlands (6,037 shipments) and Spain (4,802 shipments).
Top Banana Powder Producers and Exporters in India
India’s growing banana powder export industry is supported by several key producers and exporters. Some of the leading manufacturers include:
Grupo Jugal Inc.
Taj Agro International
Cool Milling Ventures Corporation
Banatone Industries
Mevive International
Safety Foods Pvt. Ltd.
Chiquita Brands International, Inc.
Perennial Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.
These companies play a vital role in meeting both domestic and international demand for banana powder, ensuring a steady supply of this essential product.
Leading Exporters of Banana Powder in India
India’s top banana powder exporters include:
Headmill International
Home Shop Mart
Ambe Ns Agro Products Private Limited
DCL Traders
Farmers Son
Kesco Organics Export
Grace Enterprises
Marudhar Impex
Divine Lifestyle
Prasanna Enterprises
These companies have a strong export presence, contributing to India's position as one of the world’s leading banana powder exporters.
HS Codes for Banana Powder Exports
Given the diverse applications of banana powder, there are several relevant HS codes, including:
2103 – Sauces & preparations
21039090 – Other food preparations
21069099 – Miscellaneous food preparations
33049190 – Beauty or makeup preparations
These codes reflect the various uses of banana powder across multiple industries, from food products to cosmetics.
Top 10 Banana Powder Exporting Countries
Globally, India ranks as the top exporter of banana powder, followed by countries such as:
Costa Rica
These countries are the largest contributors to the global banana powder market, providing valuable insight for businesses looking to enter this industry.
Starting a Banana Powder Export Business in India
To begin banana powder export from India, businesses must complete several legal and regulatory steps. Essential documentation includes:
Import Export Code (IEC)
FSSAI Registration
Certificate of origin
Health and phytosanitary certificates
GLOBALGAP Certification
Businesses must also conduct thorough market research, identify target markets, and ensure compliance with customs and export regulations.
Final Thoughts
India’s banana powder export market offers vast opportunities for growth and expansion. By staying informed about market trends, understanding the regulatory landscape, and leveraging India’s production capabilities, businesses can position themselves for success in this fast-growing industry. Whether you’re a new or established player, the banana powder export market presents a promising future for Indian businesses.
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lgodigital · 14 days
Why LGO Digital is the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Metro Manila
In today's highly competitive digital world, businesses need more than just a website to succeed—they need a powerful online presence. That’s where a skilled digital marketing agency comes in.
If you’re looking for the best digital marketing agency in Metro Manila, you’ll find that LGO Digital stands out among the top digital marketing companies in Metro Manila. Offering a range of services, including SEO, social media management, and paid advertising, LGO Digital helps businesses grow and thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
Why Digital Marketing Matters
Digital marketing is essential in modern business as it helps build brand awareness, attract customers, and increase sales. With the rise of online platforms, businesses need to maximize their reach through multiple digital channels.
Whether you are a small business owner or a large corporation, hiring a trusted internet marketing company in Metro Manila can give you the competitive edge you need. LGO Digital offers comprehensive services tailored to meet your specific needs, making them the go-to choice for many businesses in the region.
LGO Digital: A Leading Online Marketing Company in Metro Manila
LGO Digital is not just another online marketing company in Metro Manila—they have a proven track record of delivering outstanding results for their clients. They offer customized digital marketing solutions that address every aspect of your online presence, from website optimization to paid advertising and everything in between.
Their team of experts is skilled in creating data-driven strategies that yield real, measurable results. Whether you're trying to increase your website traffic, improve conversion rates, or enhance your social media presence, LGO Digital has the tools and expertise to help you achieve your goals.
SEO: The Foundation of Digital Success
One of the most effective services LGO Digital offers is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). For businesses in the Philippines, having the best SEO services in the Philippines is crucial for standing out in a crowded marketplace. SEO ensures your website ranks higher on search engines like Google, making it easier for potential customers to find you.
LGO Digital specializes in providing affordable SEO services in the Philippines without compromising quality. They focus on both on-page and off-page optimization, ensuring your website is not only user-friendly but also search engine-friendly. Their SEO services cover everything from keyword research and content creation to technical SEO audits and link-building strategies.
Why Choose LGO Digital for SEO?
Finding the best SEO services for your business can be a daunting task, especially with so many agencies claiming to be the best. What sets LGO Digital apart is their commitment to transparency, results-driven strategies, and affordability. Their clients consistently see significant improvements in website rankings, organic traffic, and lead generation.
By choosing LGO Digital as your SEO partner, you benefit from a personalized approach that prioritizes your unique business goals. They understand that every business is different, and therefore, they craft custom strategies that ensure you get the results you’re after.
The Importance of Affordable SEO Services
Small and medium-sized businesses often struggle with budget constraints, but that shouldn’t stop them from accessing high-quality SEO services. LGO Digital prides itself on being an affordable SEO company in the Philippines, offering services that fit a range of budgets without compromising on effectiveness. Their affordable packages allow businesses of all sizes to compete with larger competitors on search engines, leveling the playing field.
Comprehensive Digital Marketing Services
Beyond SEO, LGO Digital also offers a wide array of digital marketing services that complement each other to deliver exceptional results. These include:
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Increase visibility instantly with paid search ads, expertly managed to maximize ROI.
Social Media Management: Build your brand’s social presence and engage your target audience across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Content Marketing: Drive more traffic and leads by producing high-quality content that resonates with your audience.
Email Marketing: Keep your audience engaged with targeted email campaigns that convert.
LGO Digital’s holistic approach ensures that all aspects of your online presence are optimized for success, making them a top contender among top digital marketing companies in Metro Manila.
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, choosing the right partner can make all the difference. If you’re looking for the best digital marketing agency in Metro Manila that offers comprehensive services and delivers measurable results, LGO Digital is the clear choice.
Their expertise in SEO, combined with their range of affordable digital marketing services, positions them as one of the top digital marketing companies in Metro Manila.
Whether you’re looking to improve your search engine rankings, grow your social media presence, or increase your online sales, LGO Digital has the solutions to take your business to the next level.
For more information, visit LGO Digital and see how they can help your business thrive in the digital age.
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spadesurvey · 25 days
Best Market Research Companies in the Philippines
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Table of Contents:
Overview of Philippines’s Economic Landscape
List of the Best Market Research Agencies in the Philippines
How Spade Survey Helps
Overview of Philippines’s Economic Landscape
A thorough examination of the economic landscape lays the groundwork for educated decision-making in the Philippines. Market Research Companies in the Philippines, notably spade survey, do in-depth assessments of economic data, trends, and forecasts.
This information is critical for organisations seeking to understand the macroeconomic issues driving their operations and identify growth prospects in the Philippines.
The Philippine economy is the 34th largest globally. Primary exports include semiconductors and electrical products, transportation equipment, clothing, copper products, petroleum products, coconut oil, and fruits. The major trading partners include the United States, Japan, China, Singapore, South Korea, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Germany, Taiwan, and Thailand.
Are you looking for a top market research company in the Philippines?
Before you begin creating and promoting a new product or service, you must first determine whether there is a viable market for success. The correct market research company can assist you with this procedure.
To help you find a best research firm, we’ve created a list of the top market research companies in the Philippines, Browse services to see which is perfect for your company’s needs.
Spade Survey is a professional market research company in the Philippines that offers Consumer, Social, and Healthcare Market Research and Data Collection Services to help our clients make educated strategic decisions. We are a full-service market research firm based in the Philippines that conducts both qualitative and quantitative research.
We are one of the best market research agency in the Philippines, specializing in primary and secondary market research as well as data collection services. Our team specialises in focus groups, IDI, tracked online CAPI, CAWI, CATI, and market research surveys. Our dedicated team of local language interviewers provides cost-effective and efficient access to chosen respondents.
List of the Best Market Research Agencies in the Philippines
1. Synergy Market Research:
Synergy Market Research + Strategic Consultancy are a market research and management consulting firm that uses research and data analytics to develop evidence-based plans. These provide better, more informed decision-making for firms’ business growth and digital transformation requirements.
Synergy’s mission is to help businesses better understand their customers in order to solve real-world problems or customer pain points and build a stronger, more relevant brand.
They create studies and make sense of accessible consumer, the web, social, and other secondary data, translating it into deeper insights to help our clients make better, more informed decisions and gain a competitive advantage by better interacting with their customers.
2.Spade Survey:
We are a global full-service quantitative and qualitative market research fieldwork company based in the Philippines, dedicated to providing high-quality data gathering and research services.
We ensure that the fieldwork for your research provides accurate and actionable insights for your business needs with the assistance of our highly experienced project directors who have worked at various levels in the FMCG, Automobile, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Telecom, Finance, and Travel & Tourism industries.
With extensive expertise using suitable techniques across a wide range of industries, locations, and cultures, we continually have an impact on the growth of our client’s organizations.
Our research audiences come from a variety of geographical, cultural, and sectoral backgrounds, including but not limited to C-level executives such as VPs, department heads, and directors, finance professionals, IT/IS decision-makers, consumers, physicians, nurses, chemists, patients and carers, payers, and healthcare decision-makers.
3.Orions Strategic Business Solutions (RSI NGD Group):
RSI NGD Group of Companies is a vibrant, internationally recognised organisation based in the Philippines. The group, known for its innovative approach and global reach, owns, runs, and develops a diverse portfolio of enterprises and assets in a variety of industries. Established with a desire to challenge the existing quo, RSI NGD Group has swiftly built a name for itself by introducing game-changing business solutions that revolutionise industries both locally and internationally.
The company’s portfolio is diverse, including B2B services, digital strategies, e-commerce solutions, marketing support, and product manufacturing. RSI NGD Group excels at providing complete, tailored services that enable sustainable growth and create long-term value for its clients. Their experience ranges from strategic consulting and digital marketing to technological and business process innovation.
4.Research Network:
Research Network is a prominent panel recruitment business established in Singapore that specializes in offering high-quality participant recruitment services for UX research, market research, shopper research, and eye-tracking studies around Asia-Pacific (APAC). We provide unrivaled access to different demographics and multilingual capabilities, ensuring that you connect with the most appropriate participants for your research needs.
Our services extend beyond recruitment; we specialize in full research management and delivery, allowing for successful localization across many markets. This includes recruiting participants, providing consultation help in local languages, local moderation, simultaneous translation, and localizing screeners and discussion guides. We also provide lab facility rentals, eye tracker rentals, and local knowledge that understand cultural subtleties.
5.Prestige Market Research Services Co:
Market Research Company Prestige Market Research Services was founded in 2003. Their midsize team is situated in Pasig, the Philippines. Their services include market research. Prestige Market Research Services Asia, Inc is a results-driven market research firm established in the Philippines that offers end-to-end market research solutions to businesses and organizations worldwide. We assist local and worldwide businesses in making critical marketing decisions by offering comprehensive, accurate, and valid research data.
In 2003, PRESTIGE RESEARCH started as a subcontracted research organization for international research and advertising companies. Today, it provides direct clients in the Asia Pacific area with a diverse range of research services, including qualitative and quantitative, offline and online research approaches across several industries. Today, its headquarters are in Metro Manila’s Ortigas Business District.
How Spade Survey Helps:
We specialize in providing comprehensive market research and strategic insights on a global basis. With a dedication to providing high-quality, actionable intelligence, our team navigates the complexity of varied global marketplaces.
Our bespoke solutions cover a wide range of sectors and geographies, providing unprecedented insight into global market dynamics. From market entry strategies to competitor analysis, our global perspective is critical to our client’s success in today’s interconnected business environment.
We use advanced analytics and cutting-edge approaches to analyse global consumer behavior, identify emerging trends, and allow businesses to make informed cross-border decisions. Partner with us for a thorough understanding of global market landscapes, allowing your business to survive and succeed in the global marketplace.
Spade Survey is the Philippines’ unrivaled market research leader. Spade Survey has a reputation for excellence, and it has continually proved its dedication to providing organizations with exceptional insights based on a thorough understanding of local market dynamics.
Spade Survey, a leading market research service provider in the Philippines, excels at providing accurate, timely, and culturally appropriate insight that helps organizations traverse the complexities of the Filipino market. The organization employs cutting-edge procedures such as surveys, data analytics, and qualitative research techniques to gain a full picture of the market.
In conclusion, the major takeaways from the focus on Online Market Research in the Philippines, with Spade Survey as the full strength, are several. First and foremost, the importance of accurate and culturally appropriate insights cannot be stressed. Spade Survey’s commitment to excellence ensures that businesses receive intelligence tailored to the unique characteristics of the Filipino market. The application of innovative methodology and technology tools improves the precision and depth of research, allowing firms to make educated decisions that appeal to the Philippines’ broad consumer base.
In the Philippines, research companies conduct studies and provide insights and data to corporations, government agencies, and other institutions.
These companies offer a wide range of research services, including market research, consumer behaviour analysis, social research, and data analytics. They collect and analyse data using a variety of research approaches and tools, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and web research.
Synergy Market Research, Spade Survey, RSI NGD Group, Research Network, and Prestige Market Research Services Co. are among the Philippines’ leading research firms.
These companies assist organizations to make educated decisions, implement effective strategies, and remain competitive in their respective industries. Contact us to see how we can help your business succeed in the Philippines market.
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Digital Marketing Agency in the Philippines
At Labridge Digital Marketing Services, we are committed to delivering exceptional results to our clients. As a leading digital marketing agency in the Philippines, we offer a wide range of services that cater to the unique needs of businesses across different industries. Our team of experts combines creativity, technical expertise, and data-driven insights to develop customized strategies that align with your business goals.
Website: https://www.lbdigitalmarketing.com/
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jakeworldfax · 2 months
📳 SMS/ Bulk SMS 📳
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handyhubb2 · 3 months
Unlocking the Potential of Freelancing Services: Hire Freelancers Online
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In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workforce, Freelancing Services have emerged as a powerful solution for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a startup looking to build a brand, an established company aiming to scale operations, or an individual in need of specialized skills, hiring freelancers online can transform your approach to achieving goals.
Why Freelancing Services Are the Future
Flexibility and Scalability
One of the primary benefits of freelancing services is the unparalleled flexibility they offer. Unlike traditional employment models, freelancing allows businesses to scale their workforce up or down based on current needs. This means you can bring in a graphic designer for a single project, a writer for a content campaign, or a developer for an app launch, without the long-term commitment.
Access to a Global Talent Pool
Hiring Freelancers Online breaks down geographical barriers, giving you access to a global talent pool. This diverse range of professionals brings a variety of perspectives, experiences, and skills to your projects. Whether you need a virtual assistant from the Philippines, a developer from India, or a marketer from the United States, the world is your oyster.
Cost-Effective Solutions
Freelancing services can be more cost-effective than traditional hiring. You save on overhead costs such as office space, equipment, and benefits. Additionally, you pay only for the work you need, making it easier to manage budgets and allocate resources efficiently.
How to Hire Freelancers Online
Identify Your Needs
Before you start the hiring process, clearly define the scope of your project and the skills required. This helps in crafting a detailed job description that attracts the right candidates.
Choose the Right Platform
Several online platforms connect businesses with freelancers. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, and Toptal offer access to millions of professionals across various industries. Each platform has its strengths, so choose one that best aligns with your project needs.
Evaluate Candidates
Review profiles, portfolios, and feedback from previous clients to gauge a freelancer’s expertise and reliability. Don’t hesitate to conduct interviews or request sample work to ensure they meet your standards.
Set Clear Expectations
Once you’ve selected a freelancer, outline the project’s timeline, deliverables, and payment terms. Clear communication from the outset helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures a smooth working relationship.
Maximizing the Benefits of Freelancing Services
Build Long-Term Relationships
While freelancing is often project-based, building long-term relationships with reliable freelancers can be incredibly beneficial. It ensures you have a go-to expert who understands your business and can jump in quickly when needed.
Leverage Freelancers for Innovation
Freelancers bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas. Use this to your advantage by encouraging them to share insights and suggestions that could enhance your project.
Maintain Open Communication
Regular check-ins and open lines of communication are crucial. Use tools like Slack, Zoom, or Trello to stay connected and track progress.
In a world where agility and expertise are paramount, Freelancing Services offer a compelling solution. Hiring freelancers online not only provides access to a diverse range of skills but also offers cost-effective and flexible options to meet your business needs. By leveraging the power of freelancers, you can propel your projects to new heights, ensuring success in a competitive market. Embrace the future of work and start hiring top freelancers online today.
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teemcorp123 · 7 days
Offshore Staffing in the Philippines: A Comprehensive Overview
In today's globalized business landscape, companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to optimize their operations and reduce costs while maintaining high-quality output. One strategy that has gained significant traction over the past two decades is offshore staffing, with the Philippines emerging as a leading destination for this practice.
The Rise of Offshore Staffing in the Philippines
The Philippines has established itself as a prime location for offshore staffing due to a unique combination of factors. The country boasts a large, young, and educated workforce with a strong command of the English language. This linguistic advantage, coupled with a cultural affinity to Western business practices, makes Filipino professionals particularly attractive to companies from English-speaking countries.
Key Advantages
Cost-Effectiveness: One of the primary drivers for offshore staffing Philippines is the potential for significant cost savings. Labor costs in the Philippines are considerably lower than in many Western countries, allowing businesses to reduce operational expenses without compromising on quality.
Skilled Workforce: The Philippine education system produces a steady stream of graduates across various disciplines, from IT and engineering to finance and creative arts. This diverse talent pool enables companies to find qualified professionals for a wide range of roles.
English Proficiency: The Philippines ranks high in English proficiency among Asian countries, making it easier for foreign companies to communicate effectively with their offshore staff.
Cultural Compatibility: With a history of Western influence, Filipinos often share cultural similarities with their Western counterparts, facilitating smoother collaboration and understanding.
Time Zone Advantage: The Philippines' time zone allows for either overlapping business hours with Western countries or the ability to provide 24/7 services, depending on the company's needs.
Popular Industries and Roles
Offshore staffing services spans various industries and roles, including:
Information Technology: Software development, web design, mobile app development, and IT support.
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): Customer service, technical support, and back-office operations.
Creative Services: Graphic design, content writing, and digital marketing.
Financial Services: Accounting, bookkeeping, and financial analysis.
Healthcare: Medical transcription, billing, and coding.
Challenges and Considerations
While offshore staffing in the Philippines offers numerous benefits, companies should be aware of potential challenges:
Cultural Differences: Despite similarities, some cultural nuances may require adjustment and understanding from both parties.
Infrastructure: While improving, infrastructure in some areas may not match Western standards, potentially affecting connectivity and work efficiency.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Companies must navigate Philippine labor laws and regulations, which may differ from those in their home countries.
Data Security: Ensuring the protection of sensitive information across borders is crucial and requires robust security measures.
Implementing Successful Offshore Staffing
To maximize the benefits of offshore staffing in the Philippines, companies should:
Clearly Define Objectives: Establish clear goals and expectations for the offshore team.
Invest in Training: Provide comprehensive training to align offshore staff with company culture and processes.
Maintain Open Communication: Utilize technology to facilitate regular communication and foster team integration.
Visit in Person: When possible, arrange face-to-face meetings to strengthen relationships and understanding.
Stay Compliant: Work with local experts to ensure compliance with Philippine labor laws and regulations.
Offshore staffing in the Philippines continues to be an attractive option for companies looking to optimize their operations. By leveraging the country's skilled workforce, cost advantages, and cultural compatibility, businesses can enhance their competitiveness in the global market. However, success requires careful planning, clear communication, and a commitment to building strong, collaborative relationships with offshore teams.
As the global business landscape evolves, the Philippines is likely to remain a key player in the offshore staffing industry, offering valuable opportunities for companies willing to embrace this strategic approach to talent acquisition and management. https://teemcorp.com/
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imrmarket · 3 months
Automated Material Handling Equipment Market to Reach USD 96.79 Bn by 2032
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The Global Automated Material Handling Equipment Market was estimated at USD 51.77 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 96.79 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 7.2%, during the forecast period (2024-2032).
Automated material handling equipment contains any automation that helps in reducing or eliminating the need for human intervention throughout the product manufacturing process, further offering enhanced efficiency during the production procedure; industrialization and modernization is the primary driver of the market.
According to the recent report printed by introverted research, the world   Automated Material Handling Equipment Market report provides property growth opportunities, challenges, scope, Driver restraints, and also the latest trends throughout the forecast amount from 2024-2032. This latest business analysis study analyses the Automated Material Handling Equipment market by numerous product segments, applications, regions, and countries whereas accessing the regional performances of various leading market participants. During this report, there square measure numerous approaches and procedures approved by key market players that change economical business choices.
This report has a complete table of contents, figures, tables, and charts, as well as insightful analysis. The Automated Material Handling (AMH) Equipment market has been growing significantly in recent years, driven by a number of key factors, such as increasing demand for its products, expanding customer base, and technological advancements. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Automated Material Handling (AMH) Equipment market, including market size, trends, drivers and constraints, competitive aspects, and prospects for future growth.
Key Player Mentioned in This Automated Material Handling Equipment Market Report:
Daifuku Co. Ltd. (Japan),Siemens AG (Germany),Bosch Rexroth (Germany),Murata Machinery Ltd. (Japan),Swisslog Holding AG (Switzerland),SSI Schaefer AG (US),Dematic Group S.A.R.L (US),Toyota Industries Corporation (Japan),JBT Corporation (US),Bastian Solutions Inc (US),Jungheinrich AG (UK),KUKA AG(Germany),KION Group AG(Germany),Xuzhou Heavy Machinery Co. Ltd. (China),Manitowoc Company Inc (US) and other major players.
Download Free Sample Copy of the Automated Material Handling Equipment Market:
Scope of the Automated Material Handling Equipment Market
Global Automated Material Handling Equipment Market research report contains the extensive use of secondary and primary data sources. Research process focuses on multiple factors impacting the industry such as aggressive landscape, government coverage, historical data, market present position, market trends, upcoming technologies and innovations in addition to risks, rewards, challenges and opportunities. To be able to validate market volume market, manufacturers, regional analysis, product sections and end users/applications study use Top-down and bottom-up approach.
Segmentation of Automated Material Handling Equipment Market:
In Market Segmentation By Type, Automated Material Handling Equipment Market Report Covers:
In Market Segmentation By Application Industry, Automated Material Handling Equipment Market Report Covers:
If You Have Any Query of Automated Material Handling Equipment Market Report, Visit:
By Region
(U.S., Canada, Mexico)
(Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
(Germany, U.K., France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
(China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
(Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
(Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
The Report Covers Exhaustive Analysis On:
The market size and industry growth rate of the global and regional market across various segments
Based on extensive primary and secondary research this report provides comprehensive and granular data
Key technological advancements and market trends that shape the market
Brand dynamics and distribution trends in order to effectively plan strategies in the forecast period 2024-2032
Key companies operating in the global Automated Material Handling Equipment market and their market share
Read More Report:
Purchase this report:
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Introspective Market Research (introspectivemarketresearch.com) is a visionary research consulting firm dedicated to assisting our clients to grow and have a successful impact on the market. Our team at IMR is ready to assist our clients to flourish their business by offering strategies to gain success and monopoly in their respective fields. We are a global market research company, that specializes in using big data and advanced analytics to show the bigger picture of the market trends. We help our clients to think differently and build better tomorrow for all of us. We are a technology-driven research company, we analyze extremely large sets of data to discover deeper insights and provide conclusive consulting. We not only provide intelligence solutions, but we help our clients in how they can achieve their goals.
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Introspective Market Research
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lgodigital · 15 days
Best Digital Marketing Agency in Metro Manila for Your Business Needs
In today’s highly competitive online landscape, businesses need a strong digital presence to stay ahead. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, partnering with the right digital marketing agency can significantly impact your brand’s growth.
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Understanding the Role of Digital Marketing Agencies
A digital marketing agency plays a pivotal role in developing and implementing strategies that enhance a business’s online presence. From content creation to social media marketing, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization), a good internet marketing company in Metro Manila can help businesses generate leads, increase brand awareness, and drive sales.
Why Choose a Metro Manila-Based Agency?
Metro Manila is home to numerous top digital marketing companies, providing a mix of local expertise and global strategies. One of the top names in the region is LGO Digital, an agency known for its innovative approach and deep understanding of the Philippine market. As an online marketing company in Metro Manila, LGO Digital offers a wide array of services designed to give businesses a competitive edge online.
Why SEO Matters
SEO is one of the most crucial elements of any digital marketing strategy. It involves optimizing a website so that it ranks higher on search engines like Google, making it easier for potential customers to find you. The best SEO services in the Philippines can help your business reach the top of search engine results, driving more organic traffic to your website. But SEO isn’t just about rankings. It’s about providing a seamless user experience that converts visitors into loyal customers.
Choosing the Best SEO Company in the Philippines
With the growing demand for SEO services, it’s important to choose an agency that offers both high-quality and affordable SEO services in the Philippines. Whether you’re a local business in Manila or an international brand looking to expand in the region, LGO Digital provides best-in-class SEO services designed to help businesses of all sizes grow online.
When choosing the best SEO company in the Philippines, look for a team that understands both local and global SEO trends, ensuring your business gets the exposure it deserves. LGO Digital’s proven track record as a top SEO company in the Philippines makes them an excellent choice for businesses looking to improve their search engine rankings.
Benefits of Working with a Trusted SEO Service Provider in the Philippines
A good SEO service provider in the Philippines will offer a full suite of services, from keyword research and content optimization to technical SEO audits and link-building. The right agency should also provide measurable results, allowing businesses to track improvements and adjust their strategy as needed. This level of attention to detail is what sets LGO Digital apart as the best SEO company in Manila.
When it comes to digital marketing, consistency and quality are key. An agency like LGO Digital offers comprehensive SEO services designed to help businesses increase traffic, improve online visibility, and ultimately boost sales. They have built a solid reputation as one of the top SEO companies in the Philippines, offering customized SEO solutions that cater to the unique needs of their clients.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right digital marketing agency in Metro Manila is essential to ensuring your business thrives in the competitive online landscape. Whether you’re looking for a full-service internet marketing company or a specialized SEO agency, LGO Digital is well-positioned to meet your needs. With a commitment to delivering results, they stand out as one of the top digital marketing companies in Metro Manila and a leader in providing the best SEO services in Manila.
For businesses looking for an affordable yet effective SEO solution, partnering with an agency like LGO Digital can be the key to unlocking sustained online growth.
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