#contextual advertising services
hindsightsolutions · 2 years
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Hindsight Solutions offers the Best Contextual Advertising Services to make web advertising more effective for users. To know more about us, visit our website! 
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seedtag1 · 1 year
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mariacallous · 8 months
On September 12, 2023, the most significant U.S. technology antitrust trial in decades opened in a Washington, D.C. federal district court. In U.S. v. Google, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and 38 state and territory attorneys general allege that Google has violated Section 2 of the Sherman Act, an antitrust law originally enacted in 1890.
The Sherman Act prohibits using exclusionary practices to maintain a monopoly. The DOJ and state attorneys general assert that Google has done just that in relation to certain internet search services. As often occurs, the case was narrowed in the months leading up to the start of the trial. Here is an overview of some of the key questions being addressed at the trial, which is expected to last several months.
Are Google’s browser agreements exclusive?
Google has entered into browser agreements with Apple and Mozilla under which Google is the default search engine for web browsers provided by those companies. For example, with respect to Apple, this means that a person who purchases a new iPhone, launches the Safari web browser, and enters a query into the search bar will, by default, receive search results from Google. In return for making Google the default search engine, the web browser providers receive a portion of advertising revenue arising from those searches.
A key question is whether these agreements are exclusive. Google asserts that they are not, arguing that the default settings can easily be changed by consumers who wish to use a non-Google search engine. The DOJ responds, “Even where search users might want to switch defaults, the effort and knowledge required to make that change biases them towards sticking with the default option.”
In an August 2023 ruling regarding summary judgement motions, Judge Amit Mehta wrote that “It is best to await a trial to determine whether, as a matter of actual market reality, Google’s position as the default search engine across multiple browsers is a form of exclusionary conduct.” In making this inquiry, the court will consider not only whether the browser agreements are actually exclusive, but also whether they are de facto exclusive. An agreement that lacks a formal exclusivity provision can nonetheless function in a de facto exclusive manner due to contextual factors, such as market dynamics and incentives.
A related question is whether any exclusivity associated with the browser agreements is simply the result of market competition. Google argues that it won the competition to be the default search engine for browsers made by Apple and Mozilla “on the merits as established and judged by its customers, not through anticompetitive or exclusionary conduct.” The DOJ counters this by stating that the “existence of multiple bidders does not transform an anticompetitive agreement into a permissible one.”
Are Google’s agreements regarding Android devices exclusive?
Android is the world’s most widely used mobile operating system, with a global market share as of December 2022 of about 72%, versus 27% for iOS. In the United States, the Android market share as of December 2022 was about 44%, compared with about 56% for iOS. Google has agreements with Samsung and other mobile device manufacturers of Android-based phones to make Google the default search engine on those devices. Google also has similar agreements with cellular wireless network providers that sell Android phones.
In relation to the Android antitrust question, Google enters into two types of agreements: Mobile Application Distribution Agreements (MADAs) and Revenue Share Agreements (RSAs). A MADA is a nonexclusive agreement allowing an Android device maker to preinstall a set of Google apps, including Google search and the Chrome browser. Since a MADA is nonexclusive, it permits a device maker to also preinstall non-Google search apps. RSAs introduce an additional wrinkle: Device makers and wireless carriers that enter into an RSA must make Google the exclusive, preinstalled search app on the device, and are thus prohibited from preinstalling any competing search app.
The revenue share that accompanies an RSA creates a strong economic incentive. And, because an RSA is only available to device makers that also have signed a MADA, the plaintiffs argue that this linkage has the effect of turning MADA into an exclusive contract. Google responds by underscoring that MADAs are nonexclusive and that device makers and wireless carriers are free to choose—or decline—to enter into the exclusive relationship that accompanies signing an RSA.
If the agreements are exclusive, how much of the market do they foreclose?
A finding that the Google browser and/or Android agreements are actually or de facto exclusive would not necessarily mean Google is violating antitrust laws. As the D.C. Circuit (which sets precedent for the district court hearing U.S. v. Google) explained in a 2001 decision, “Permitting an antitrust action to proceed any time a firm enters into an exclusive deal would both discourage a presumptively legitimate business practice and encourage costly antitrust actions. Because an exclusive deal affecting a small fraction of a market clearly cannot have the requisite harmful effect upon competition, the requirement of a significant degree of foreclosure serves a useful screening function.”
A key question that the U.S. v. Google trial will therefore explore is: To the extent that the browser and/or Android agreements are exclusive, is the resulting market foreclosure “substantial”? Unsurprisingly, the parties disagree, with the DOJ asserting that the answer is yes and Google asserting the opposite. The parties also disagree on the methodology that should be used in obtaining the answer.
What is the relevant market?
Examining alleged anticompetitive behavior requires identifying the relevant market. With respect to internet users (as distinct from advertisers), the DOJ argues that “general search services” is the relevant market and that offerings in that market include Google search and Bing. Notably, the DOJ specifically excludes from this category “specialized search services or other websites that are limited to specific topics, such as discounted hotels or airline fares,” writing that “Yelp can find you a pizzeria but is no help when it comes to the symptoms of strep throat.”
Google asserts that the relevant market for search is broader, arguing that “by defining the relevant market to include only general search engines, Plaintiffs distort the commercial reality that users routinely substitute other search providers for general search engines—such as Amazon when they shop, or Expedia when they travel—and thereby improperly exclude many of Google’s strongest competitors from the relevant market.” Thus, the trial will explore the competing narratives regarding the definition of the relevant market for internet search and, separately, for search advertising.
A landmark antitrust trial
In addition to the above, the court will also consider an allegation by the state and territory attorneys general (but not the United States) that a Google marketing tool called Search Ads 360 is used in anticompetitive ways in relation to advertising. But the specifics of the questions to be addressed at trial aside, U.S. v Google has enormous implications for the technology sector. It is the first major U.S. trial to examine antitrust in the context of the contemporary Big Tech landscape.
The ruling from the current district court trial will not be the last word, as the non-prevailing party will almost certainly appeal to the D.C. Circuit. And regardless of the eventual outcome, there will be calls for change. A Google victory would lead to assertions that the technology ecosystem has outpaced antitrust law. And a DOJ victory would lead to assertions that antitrust law is being applied and interpreted far too broadly.
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leads-view · 4 months
Case Studies: Successful Follow-Up Strategies and Their Impact on Sales Conversion
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Follow-up strategies are an integral part of the sales process. However, time and time again, businesses fail to realize the full potential of well-structured, effective follow-ups. In this blog, we will explore some case studies illustrating successful follow-up strategies and how they have positively impacted sales conversion.
Understanding the Power of Follow-Ups
Businesses that consistently and effectively manage follow-ups certainly have an edge over their competitors, as such strategies help maintain communication, build relationships, and eventually boost sales conversions. According to InsideSales.com, 50% of sales happen after the 5th follow-up, yet many businesses give up after one or two attempts. This fact alone amplifies the significance of crafting meticulous follow-up strategies.
Case Study 1: Google
One of the best examples of a potent follow-up strategy can be seen from Google's customer service model. Google, despite its immense size, manages to approach every customer query with valued attention, timeliness, and appropriate follow-ups.
This is particularly noticeable with their ad management platform, Google Ads. Google employs a dedicated team that reaches out to customers regarding their advertising experience, offering assistance even before customers realize they need it. They follow up with emails, phone calls, and assistive resources, before and after ad campaign launches, ensuring customers are guided through the entire process and beyond.
This preemptive approach results in a significant increase in customer satisfaction and retention, impacting product usage and, eventually, sales conversions.
Case Study 2: Zappos
Zappos, an online shoe and clothing retailer, is well-known for its exceptional customer service. The follow-up strategy is particularly interesting due to Zappos' "Personal Emotional Connection" tactic.
As part of this tactic, each customer query is not just answered and then closed, but it also includes a personalized follow-up message aimed at creating emotional engagement. This follow-up often includes empathetic and supportive messages, along with additional help or suggestions tailored personally for the customer. Zappos' personalized follow-up strategy has led to an incredibly loyal customer base, repeat purchases, and higher sales conversion rates.
Case Study 3: HubSpot
HubSpot, the widely recognized inbound marketing, sales, and service software, employs a multi-channel follow-up strategy focused on nurturing leads and customers through every stage of the sales funnel. They utilize an optimal mix of email, phone calls, educational resources, and even social media interactions for their follow-ups.
HubSpot's approach ensures contextually relevant and timely engagement. Customers on HubSpot often receive follow-up emails that direct to a helpful blog, an insightful webinar, or an actionable ebook, contributing to continually educating and nurturing them. This constant flow of valuable follow-ups helps HubSpot maintain high engagement levels, leading to increased sales conversions.
Conclusion of Follow-Up Strategies
Effectively weaving follow-up strategies into your sales process can significantly improve communication, nurture relationships, and enhance customer loyalty, all attributing to an increased sales conversion rate.
The key takeaway here is to approach your follow-ups methodically, personalize your communication, and consistently deliver value to your customers and prospects. It's not about being pushy; it's about being there as a supportive guide. Great follow-ups are the foundations of great customer relationships, and these relationships are what drive sales and business growth.
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donemedia · 6 months
Contextual advertising
- Contextual advertising is a type of advertising that is shown depending on the content of the page on which it is located. For example, if you search Google for “buy phone,” the search results page may show ads for phones for sale.
- There are several types of contextual advertising:
- Search advertising - shown in the search results of Google and other search engines.
- Thematic advertising - displayed on sites corresponding to a specific topic.
- Remarketing is advertising that is shown to those who have already visited your website or purchased products from you.
- Advertising in mobile applications - shown on the screens of smartphones and tablets.
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Lecture Notes 08/08/22
- The culture of academic rigor: does design research really need it?
- Cannes lion gold - advertising awards
- For designers, what would the big issue be?
What are the intercontextual relationships:
- Public service advertising: advertising for social issues
Saul Bass
Sufficiently exposed to the world as a designer to be able to position your work
1-2 Areas: Theory, practice
- If you're doing practice, can you put your practice in the context of other practice?
Disjecta Membra:
- From a few fragments you can put together the whole again
- To be able to assemble something from fragments
- Keywords
“This project explores the concept of disjecta membra through the media form of poetry fil. The thesis considers the multiple [poetic retelling of the death of john the baptist drawing on insp[iration from oscar wiles banned play salome.
Thus, the work translates fragments of selected, historical, poetic texts related to the subject. In doing so the poetry film creatively explores the potential of the fragments ….
Opening paragraph in this project, the film poem jokanaan a disjecta membra portrays the final moments of the death of john the baptist. It is influenced by themes of fin de .. symbolism, erotic transgression.
3-5 Key ideas:
Disjecta membra:
- harter
- Elias
- Most
- Context
- Context
- Context
Abstract: cracks in time
This study considers ways of reading eroded signages exposed to roces of time, materiality adn elements, urban signs may tell stories that reach beyond their original meanings
Using the potentials of spacial-temporal typography, sound and narration, the research project seeks to communicate subjective experiences through a creative expression…
This chapter considers contextual meaning relating to the study. It begins with a review of literature associated with eroded signage as a signifier of meaning — other two areas
- Chronological
- Evolution
- Paraphrase rather than quote
- Recent research
- No overclaiming
What kinds of knowledge do we use?
Use two kinds of knowledge:
- Explicit knowledge: Knowledge that is physical in the world: books, library, article etc - the knowledge you will pick from things that exist explicitly
- Tacit knowledge: the knowledge you use that you don’t know you have, you have knowledge that you don't know about but you are using all the time to make decisions. You may seek to broaden your knowledge to increase tacit knowledge. Curious people have a lot of tacit knowledge
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reyrueben · 2 years
Digital Marketing: Your Guide to Making Money with Affiliate Marketing
If you have a website or social media account, there’s no doubt that you’ve seen ads from companies like Amazon and eBay that say something like Make Money with Affiliate Marketing! or Start Your Own Affiliate Business! There are plenty of individuals and online businesses that profit from this strategy, but it can seem complicated if you don’t know where to start. Here’s your guide to affiliate marketing and what you need to know about this money-making opportunity!
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Know what affiliate marketing is
Affiliate marketing is a digital marketing strategy where businesses promote other businesses' products in exchange for a commission on sales. It's a great way to make money online without having to create your own product. And it's perfect for beginners because it's relatively easy to get started and you don't need a lot of money to get started.
Work in an industry you are passionate about
Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online by promoting products and services you love. To be successful, you need to find a niche market and build a rapport with your audience. You'll also need to create high-quality content that drives traffic and conversion. Here's a step-by-step guide to getting started with affiliate marketing.
Join an affiliate network
Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. By joining an affiliate network, you can connect with businesses and start promoting their products or services. When someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission. There are two main types of affiliate programs: contextual (or in-text) and PPC (pay-per-click). With contextual links, the seller will give you the keywords they would like you to promote. These links are called contextual because they take up as much space as possible without seeming out of place in the text where they are embedded. For example, if I were blogging about computer history, I might want to use contextlinks so that my readers could learn more about what I was writing about. 
With PPC sites, which are sometimes called banner ads, sellers advertise campaigns by paying each time one of their banners get clicked on by a user who lands on the seller's site from the advert.
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Study and learn from affiliates who have found success
Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. You can find success as an affiliate by studying and learning from those who have found success in the field. Here are five tips to help you get started on your journey of making money with affiliate marketing: 
1) Find niche market interests that you have knowledge about or interest in and then do research on companies that offer products related to that niche. 2) Study how other affiliates promote their product, what works for them, what doesn't work for them, etc. 3) Take notes on what works best for others and try to emulate it so you don't end up wasting time or resources on strategies that don't work well. 4) Be confident in your approach when promoting products or services; if you believe in something, it will show through your tone of voice, body language, etc., which will lead to higher conversions.
Add links within your content naturally
As a digital marketer, you have a lot of options when it comes to making money. One option is affiliate marketing. With affiliate marketing, you promote other people's products and services and earn a commission on each sale that you generate. It's important to mention the product or service that you're referring to in your post and include a link in the body text for readers who want more information. 
There are many different ways to make money as a digital marketer, but one way is through affiliate marketing. If you choose this route, be sure to include links within your content naturally - this will give readers interested in what you're writing about the opportunity to learn more about it.
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Write reviews on products you have used or services you have tried
Have you ever wondered how those bloggers and social media influencers make money? Well, many of them do it through affiliate marketing! Affiliate marketing is a commission-based system where you promote a product or service and earn a commission on every sale you make. It's a great way to make money with digital marketing because it's relatively easy to get started and there are endless opportunities for growth.
Build relationships with brands, not just links
Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. By finding and promoting products and services you love, you can earn a commission on every sale you refer. One easy way to do this is by using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram. It's important to build relationships with brands rather than just links so that your promotion won't be seen as spammy.
Understand Google's requirements
Google's requirements for affiliate marketing are pretty simple: first, you need to have a website; second, that website needs to be compliant with their AdSense program policies; and third, your website must have content that is relevant to the products or services you want to promote. That's it! If you can meet those requirements, then you're ready to start making money with affiliate marketing. What exactly does this mean? Well, if you own a blog about home décor, for example, and someone visits your site to find out how to paint their living room walls without getting paint on the flooring underneath - what happens next? You sell them an expensive product from a competitor who wants nothing more than for them to leave your site and never come back.
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Be consistent!
There are a few key things you need to do in order to be successful with affiliate marketing. First, you need to find a niche that you're passionate about. Second, you need to build an audience of people who are interested in that niche. And third, you need to find ways to monetize your audience.
I'll end this article with a gift for you. 
If you are serious about starting affiliate marketing even without a website or blog, then click on the link below to get a free ebook to guide you into your money making journey👇
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shosiblog · 4 days
Where Do We Use Keywords in Digital Marketing?
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In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, keywords remain a crucial element for driving traffic, enhancing visibility, and achieving better search engine rankings. But where exactly should you use keywords to maximize their effectiveness? This blog will explore the strategic placement of keywords across various digital marketing channels and how they can enhance your online presence.
1. Website Content
On-Page SEO
On-page SEO involves optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. Here’s how to effectively use keywords on your website:
Title Tags: Include your primary keyword in the title tag of your web pages. This helps search engines understand the topic of the page.
Meta Descriptions: Use keywords in the meta description to improve click-through rates from search engine results pages (SERPs).
Headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.): Integrate keywords into your headings to improve the readability and SEO of your content.
Body Content: Naturally incorporate keywords throughout your articles or blog posts without keyword stuffing.
URL Slugs: Ensure that the URLs of your web pages are clean and include relevant keywords.
Blog Posts
Regularly updated blog content can attract and retain a loyal audience. Use keywords strategically in:
Blog Titles: Craft catchy and keyword-rich titles to grab readers’ attention.
Subheadings: Break your content into sections with keyword-rich subheadings for better readability.
Alt Text for Images: Describe your images with keywords to enhance SEO and accessibility.
2. Paid Advertising (PPC)
Google Ads
Keywords are essential in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, especially for platforms like Google Ads:
Search Ads: Use targeted keywords to match user search queries. This ensures your ads appear to the right audience.
Display Ads: While keywords are less direct in display ads, they still help in contextual targeting.
Keyword Planner: Utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner to research and select effective keywords for your campaigns.
3. Social Media Marketing
Hashtags and Keywords
Social media platforms use keywords in various ways to enhance visibility:
Hashtags: Use relevant hashtags that act like keywords on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to reach a broader audience.
Social Media Bios and Descriptions: Include keywords in your profile descriptions and bios to make your profile more discoverable.
4. Content Marketing
eBooks, Whitepapers, and Guides
Long-form content like eBooks, whitepapers, and guides also benefit from keyword optimization:
Titles and Subtitles: Use keywords in the titles and subtitles to attract readers.
Body Content: Naturally integrate keywords throughout the content to improve SEO and relevance.
5. Email Marketing
Subject Lines and Body Content
Keywords in email marketing can improve open rates and engagement:
Subject Lines: Craft compelling subject lines with keywords to capture the recipient's attention.
Body Content: Use keywords naturally in the email body to maintain relevance and encourage action.
6. Video Marketing
YouTube and Other Platforms
Video content can be optimized using keywords to increase visibility:
Titles and Descriptions: Include keywords in your video titles and descriptions to improve searchability.
Tags: Use relevant tags that act as keywords to categorize your video content.
7. Local SEO
Local Listings and Directories
For businesses targeting local customers, local SEO is vital:
Google My Business: Include keywords in your business name, description, and services.
Local Directories: Ensure your business listings on local directories are optimized with relevant keywords.
Using keywords strategically across various digital marketing channels is essential for enhancing your online presence, driving targeted traffic, and improving search engine rankings. By understanding where and how to use keywords effectively, you can maximize the impact of your digital marketing efforts.
Ready to master the art of keyword optimization and digital marketing? Enroll in the Best Digital Marketing Course in Coimbatore today! Our comprehensive course will equip you with the skills and knowledge to leverage keywords and other digital marketing strategies effectively. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to boost your career and business success. Sign up now!
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verofax · 6 days
How Augmented Reality & Smart Cities Mesh
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  Introduction to Augmented Reality
What’s the story behind AR? Augmented Reality is a game-changer in the realm of technology. It’s like a secret lens that exposes an invisible layer of information right on top of our physical world. From enhancing gaming experiences to aiding complex surgeries, AR is creating waves. But, did you know it can also transform the way we interact with our cities?
The Value of AR in Smart Cities
Before we delve into AR’s role in urban life, let’s take a moment to understand what we mean by “smart cities”. These are not just cities with Wi-Fi and automated trash collection. Smart cities leverage the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) and data analytics to optimize city life for both governance and citizens. They aim to create a sustainable, efficient, and livable environment. Now, how does AR fit into this grand vision?
Understanding Smart Cities
Smart cities might sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but they are a very real part of our world today. These cities use technology and data to enhance services, reduce costs, and improve communication and interaction. The idea is to create a more efficient, sustainable city where citizens can interact with their environment in ways that were previously unimaginable. Imagine using your phone to find a parking spot downtown, or getting real-time updates about the cleanliness of the air you’re breathing. That’s the power of a smart city!
The Rise of Augmented Reality
So, where does AR come into the picture? Augmented Reality is the technology that can make our interaction with smart cities more intuitive and immersive. Just as the smartphone has become an extension of our senses, AR can further enhance our perception of the world. Imagine looking at a building through your AR-enabled smartphone and seeing its history, its architectural significance, or even its carbon footprint. This rich, contextual information can transform the way we experience our cities.
Benefits of AR in Smart Cities
Let’s dive deeper and uncover some of the ways AR can enrich our urban life.
Enhancing Urban Living
Firstly, AR has the power to enhance our everyday urban living. Let’s say you’re exploring a new city. AR can serve as a personal guide, overlaying your surroundings with useful information. From locating the nearest subway station to highlighting landmarks or recommending local cafes, AR can help you navigate the city like a local.
Efficient City Management
For city administrators, AR can serve as a powerful tool for city management. It allows for real-time visualization of data in its true context. Imagine a city planner being able to visualize the city’s traffic, waste management, or power usage patterns in 3D. This could facilitate more informed decision-making and lead to more efficient solutions.
Boosting Economic Growth
AR also has significant economic potential. Businesses can leverage AR to provide engaging customer experiences or innovative services. For instance, local shops could use AR to display virtual advertisements to people passing by, or real estate companies could offer virtual tours of properties. These unique experiences can not only boost local business but also attract more tourists and investments, driving economic growth.
Advancing Public Safety
In the realm of public safety, AR can prove to be a critical tool. For instance, during an emergency, AR could provide citizens with real-time evacuation routes or important safety information. Similarly, for first responders, an AR-enabled view of a disaster scene can provide invaluable information, potentially saving lives.
Case Studies
Seeing is believing, right? Let’s explore how some cities have already started leveraging AR.
New York’s AR-Integrated Traffic System
New York City, often at the forefront of urban innovation, has integrated AR into its traffic management. The system overlays real-time traffic data onto a city map, allowing planners to visualize congestion points and devise strategies for traffic reduction. This not only makes daily commutes smoother but also contributes to lower carbon emissions.
Seoul’s AR Tourism Experience
On the other side of the globe, Seoul has introduced AR in its tourism sector. Visitors can use an AR app to explore the city’s rich history and culture. They can point their device at a monument and learn about its significance, or take a guided tour of a historic district. This has not only enriched the visitor experience but also sparked a renewed interest in the city’s heritage.
Challenges and Possible Solutions
Despite the potential benefits, AR implementation in smart cities is not without its challenges. Let’s highlight a few of them.
Privacy Concerns
One of the primary concerns is privacy. AR applications often require access to users’ locations and sometimes even visual data. This raises important questions about data security and privacy. To address these concerns, city administrators will need to create stringent privacy policies and ensure data encryption.
High Cost of Implementation
The cost of AR implementation is another hurdle. It involves investments in high-tech infrastructure, AR devices, software, and maintenance. This might not be feasible for all cities, especially those struggling with budget constraints. A possible solution could be partnerships with tech companies or phased implementation.
Need for Infrastructure
Lastly, implementing AR at a city-wide scale requires robust digital infrastructure, including high-speed internet and data centers. Developing countries or under-resourced cities might face challenges in this area. However, public-private partnerships could help address these infrastructure challenges and ensure a smooth AR experience for all citizens.
The Future of AR in Smart Cities
As we look to the future, AR’s role in smart cities will only grow. Advances in technologies like 5G, AI, and IoT will pave the way for more sophisticated AR applications. Imagine AR-powered public transport systems, immersive educational experiences, or advanced healthcare services. The possibilities are endless, and the future is brighter than ever.
AR is not just a fancy tech buzzword – it’s a powerful tool that can revolutionize our urban experiences. It is reshaping how we navigate, understand, and interact with our cities. Yes, there are challenges to overcome, and it won’t happen overnight. But as we move towards an increasingly digital world, AR will play a crucial role in making our cities smarter, safer, and more livable.
1. What is Augmented Reality?
Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information onto our physical environment, enhancing our perception of the world.
2. What are Smart Cities?
Smart cities are urban areas that leverage technology and data to improve city services, enhance sustainability, and improve the quality of life for citizens.
3. How can AR benefit Smart Cities?
AR can benefit smart cities in several ways – from enhancing urban living and city management to boosting economic growth and advancing public safety.
4. What are some examples of AR in Smart Cities?
Examples of AR in smart cities include New York’s AR-integrated traffic system and Seoul’s AR-enhanced tourism experience.
5. What are the challenges to implementing AR in Smart Cities?
The challenges include privacy concerns, high cost of implementation
For more insightful tips and expert advice, follow me on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Threads, YouTube channel and stay tuned!
For more information, visit Verofax at https://www.verofax.com or contact [email protected]
Blog source: https://verofax.com/news/how-augmented-reality-smart-cities-mesh
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hindsightsolutions · 2 years
Hindsight Solutions is among the Top Contextual Advertising Services Company in USA helping you make web advertising more effective. Get in touch with us now!
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seedtag1 · 1 year
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Seedtag offers a suite of Contextual Advertising solutions based in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligences to global brands.
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matthewwaugh · 7 days
Week 12 - Final hand-ins
Final Photo book
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800+ contextual statement
‘From the Depths’ aims to portray the unfurling world of Auckland’s underground music scene, visiting small gigs around Auckland in order to capture and display the places, performers and people that breathe life into these small bars and dusty cellars. Part of what makes underground music so fascinating to me is the sheer level of talent and artistry that goes unnoticed by the public eye. Due to the music industry’s predatory and unjust system, many artist get the short end of the stick, scrambling for any sort of exposure or recognition. I wanted to take this opportunity to capture the world that goes unseen, and display some of the incredibly talented and unique acts that fall right beneath our noses. Approaching this subject was somewhat personal, as I love music and find myself delving deep into the more unsung corners of the industry. It’s one thing to experience the music through the vast world of streaming services, but it’s another to place yourself in the middle of it all. Many of the acts that I have seen at these small grotty gigs are leagues better than than some of the material that gets shoved through our radios. It’s upsetting knowing that some of these bands may never get the opportunity to create music for a large dedicated audience - something that they most certainly deserve. My goal with this photo book is to shed some light on these artists and give them a voice outside of their brief gigs. While they may go unnoticed by the wider world, they haven’t gone unnoticed by me. As well as capturing the artists I also want to spotlight those who attend these gigs, and the atmosphere and life the audience brings with them. I’m in a unique position, as I have friends who are in a band and perform at these small gigs. Unfortunately they don’t get to perform much due to monetary issues, but I always attend their shows when they do get the chance to. My aim with this photo book is to show people what they’re missing out on and convince them to go to more gigs and support their local artists. It’s also to remind other creatives that there’s still a way to express themselves through music, without the constraints of a typical streaming service model. Text within this book is integral, as it provides the names of the bands and artists performing. I want to use this book as an opportunity to display these bands, almost as a sort of advertisement for their artistry and work. I understand how it feels to have your work go uncredited, so providing their names is a must of this project.
Putting From the Depths together required a substantial amount of shoots and photographs. With all of my shoots combined I managed to take over 1000 photos, so the editing and refining process most certainly became a bit of a headache. Timing also proved to be a struggle, as finding a gig to attend each week was incredibly time-consuming. In past projects, I’ve been able to manage the shoots myself and organise when and where, but with concert photography, I am at the mercy of the gig’s arranged time. I feel completely removed from the “staging” process, as whatever goes on at the gig is completely out of my control. It’s this kind of spur-of-the-moment photography that I’m somewhat used to through my experiments with street photography, but I wouldn’t call myself a pro at it. I learned that I need to be very physical and mobile for this sort of work - constantly moving around the stage and floor to find as many angles and light sources as possible. A part of me really struggled with this in the beginning as I was afraid of impeding other people’s enjoyment, but by the end of it, I managed to get pretty good at moving myself through the crowds in the least destructive way possible.
In terms of my photographic and stylistic approach, I’ve leaned towards a more gritty and textural aesthetic. Photographs already become quite grainy by virtue of Shooting in low lighting conditions, So I decided to lean into it. High grain, high contrast and grayscale really hammer home the dishevelled and almost amateurish environment of these gigs. I have also used a mix of slow and fast shutter speeds throughout my book,It’s a reflection of the artists on stage: they’re raw and honest people who push through the countless flubs and mishaps that occur at these small venues. It’s the mark of all home-spun artists to produce work that is a little rough around the edges, so I wanted to earnestly capture that in my photography . Minor visual artefacts such as blurring would normally be incredibly infuriating, but here it’s completely welcome. Motion blur helps communicate the movement, motion and passion you would witness at any number of gigs. aiming to avoid any major digital manipulation in these images, as I want to stay as true to the moment that they were taken in as possible. I want the atmosphere of these gigs to almost seep through the pages. To me, gig photography is about trying to capture the moment in the rawest and most honest way possible. It’s the act of capturing something that only happens once, and something that will forever be immortalised through the lens. It’s those ‘blink and you miss it’ kind of moments that make concert photography so fantastic.
After reaching the end of this project I find myself feeling pretty good about the body of work that I’ve produced. I absolutely love bookmaking, so creating a physical copy was a no-brainer for me. It was a great experience putting the final book together, as it taught me a great deal about image selection and how you read images in a physical book.
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socialadnetwork · 9 days
Promote Your Business through Paid Advertising
In today's highly competitive digital landscape, businesses must adopt innovative strategies to stand out and reach their target audience effectively. One such strategy is paid advertising, which can drive significant traffic, leads, and sales when executed correctly. In this blog, we'll explore the various aspects of promoting your business with paid advertising using the 7Search PPC online advertising platform.
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Understanding Paid Advertising
Paid advertising involves paying for ad placements on various digital platforms to promote your products or services. These ads can appear on search engines, social media platforms, websites, and other digital channels. Unlike organic marketing strategies, paid advertising offers immediate visibility and reach, allowing businesses to target specific audiences precisely.
Why Use Paid Advertising?
Instant Visibility: Paid ads provide immediate exposure to your target audience.
Targeted Reach: Advanced targeting options ensure your ads reach the right people.
Measurable Results: Detailed analytics allow you to track and measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.
Scalability: Easily scalable based on your budget and business goals.
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Exploring Different Types of Paid Advertising
Native Ads
Native ads are designed to blend seamlessly with the content on a platform, providing a non-intrusive advertising experience. They match the look, feel, and function of the media format in which they appear.
Benefits of Native Ads
Higher Engagement: Users are more likely to interact with ads that look like part of the content.
Better User Experience: Less intrusive than traditional ads, leading to a positive user experience.
Improved Ad Performance: Often result in higher click-through and conversion rates.
Best Practices for Native Ads
Relevance: Ensure your native ads are relevant to the content they appear alongside.
Quality Content: Create high-quality, engaging content that adds value to the user.
Clear Branding: While blending in, make sure your branding is still clear and recognizable.
Banner Ads
Banner ads are graphical advertisements displayed on web pages, typically at the top, bottom, or sides of the content. They can include images, text, and animations.
Benefits of Banner Ads
High Visibility: Banner ads are prominently placed, making them highly visible to users.
Brand Awareness: Effective for building brand recognition and recall.
Versatility: Can be used across various websites and platforms, providing flexibility in ad placement.
Best Practices for Banner Ads
Eye-catching Design: Use bold colors, high-quality images, and clear text to grab attention.
Clear Call-to-Action: Include a strong call-to-action (CTA) to drive desired actions.
Responsive Design: Ensure your banner ads are optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.
Display Ads
Display ads encompass a broad category that includes banner ads as well as other types like rich media ads and interactive ads. They are shown across a wide network of websites and apps.
Benefits of Display Ads
Wide Reach: Can be displayed on numerous websites and apps, reaching a broad audience.
Advanced Targeting: Includes options for behavioral, contextual, and demographic targeting.
High Engagement: Interactive formats can significantly enhance user engagement.
Best Practices for Display Ads
Targeting: Use advanced targeting options to reach your specific audience segments.
Creative Variations: Test different ad creatives to see what resonates best with your audience.
Retargeting: Implement retargeting campaigns to re-engage users who have previously interacted with your ads.
Video Ads
Video ads are promotional content delivered in video format. They can be displayed on platforms like YouTube, social media, and within apps.
Benefits of Video Ads
High Engagement: Videos are highly engaging and can effectively convey complex messages.
Emotional Connection: Videos can create an emotional connection with the audience, driving higher engagement and conversion rates.
Versatility: Suitable for various objectives, from brand awareness to driving sales.
Best Practices for Video Ads
Short and Engaging: Keep your videos short and engaging to capture viewers' attention quickly.
Clear Messaging: Ensure your message is clear and concise.
Call-to-Action: Include a strong call-to-action to guide viewers on the next steps.
PopAds are a form of online advertising that opens a new browser window or tab displaying an advertisement. These ads can be highly effective for capturing user attention.
Benefits of PopAds
High Visibility: PopAds are hard to ignore, ensuring high visibility.
Immediate Impact: They create an immediate impact by opening a new window or tab.
Effective for Urgent Messages: Suitable for promotions or urgent calls-to-action.
Best Practices for PopAds
Relevance: Ensure your PopAds are relevant to the user's interests and browsing behavior.
Timing: Use PopAds sparingly to avoid annoying users and ensure they are timely.
Clear Value Proposition: Clearly communicate the value proposition to encourage users to take action.
Implementing Paid Advertising with 7Search PPC
Overview of 7Search PPC
7Search PPC is an online advertising platform that offers a range of ad formats, including native ads, banner ads, display ads, video ads, and PopAds. It provides advanced targeting options and detailed analytics to help businesses optimize their advertising campaigns.
Setting Up Your Campaign
Define Your Goals
Brand Awareness: Focus on reaching a broad audience to increase brand recognition.
Lead Generation: Target users who are likely to convert into leads or customers.
Sales: Drive traffic to your product pages to boost sales.
Choose Your Ad Format
Select the ad format that best aligns with your goals and audience preferences. For example, use video ads for high engagement or banner ads for brand visibility.
Target Your Audience
Use the advanced targeting options available on 7Search PPC to reach your specific audience segments. This can include demographic targeting, interest targeting, behavioral targeting, and more.
Create Compelling Ad Creatives
Design your ads with clear messaging, high-quality visuals, and a strong call-to-action. Test different variations to see what performs best.
Monitoring and Optimizing Your Campaign
Use Analytics Tools
Leverage the analytics tools provided by 7Search PPC to track your campaign performance. Monitor key metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS).
Conduct A/B Testing
Run A/B tests to compare different ad variations and identify the most effective ones. This can help you optimize your creatives and improve campaign performance.
Adjust Your Strategy
Based on the insights gathered from analytics and A/B testing, continuously adjust your strategy to maximize your results. This can include tweaking your targeting options, updating your ad creatives, or reallocating your budget.
Promoting your business with paid ads using the 7Search PPC online advertising platform can significantly enhance your visibility, reach, and overall marketing success. By leveraging various ad formats like native ads, banner ads, display ads, video ads, and PopAds, you can create a comprehensive advertising strategy tailored to your business goals and target audience.
Implementing best practices for each ad format, conducting thorough targeting, and continuously monitoring and optimizing your campaigns are key to achieving the best results. Paid advertising offers the immediacy, precision, and scalability needed to drive significant business growth in the digital age. Start your paid advertising journey with 7Search PPC and watch your business reach new heights.
Q1.What is the difference between native ads and banner ads?
Ans. Native ads blend seamlessly with the content on a platform, making them less intrusive and more engaging. Banner ads, on the other hand, are more prominent and distinct, often displayed at the top, bottom, or sides of a web page. Native ads tend to result in higher engagement due to their non-intrusive nature.
Q2.How much should I budget for paid advertising?
Ans.Your budget depends on various factors, including your goals, target audience, and the platforms you choose. Start with a small budget and scale up based on performance. Regularly monitor your campaigns and adjust your budget to optimize your return on investment.
Q3.Can I use multiple ad formats simultaneously?
Ans.Yes, using multiple ad formats (e.g., video ads, banner ads, native ads) can enhance your reach and engagement. It allows you to cater to different audience preferences and maximize your overall impact.
Q4.How important is targeting in paid advertising?
Ans.Targeting is crucial as it ensures your ads reach the right audience. Effective targeting can significantly improve ad performance and return on investment by delivering relevant messages to users who are most likely to engage with your ads.
Q5.What are PopAds, and are they effective?
Ans. PopAds are a form of online advertising that opens a new browser window or tab displaying an advertisement. They can be highly effective for capturing user attention and delivering urgent messages. However, they should be used sparingly to avoid annoying users.
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threelittlepigspro · 11 days
Trying to Get $0 Leads with Facebook Ads - Beta Test
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Can you really get free leads for zero dollars? I am doing a beta test on lower ticket front end offers that addresses the problems of free cash flow from a business standpoint. This is different from my first client acquisition model I implemented: a high ticket model. If you are selling a high ticket service or an offer: real estate, insurance, coaching programs, SEO services or anything that is high ticket (I'd define something high ticket to be above $1,000) most of your customers are going to take multiple touch points to convert if they don't already know or like you. This is why many marketers like to follow up through email marketing or SMS. The problem of solely selling high ticket is the issue of cashflow. If you are charging above $1000 and running cold Facebook advertising. Your cold audience from Facebook advertising who don't know you at all isn't going to transact with you above $1,000 on the first touch point. For high ticket offers, where the price point is around $4,000 to $20,000. MOST people take around three to six months to transact. In my experience, I'll keep sending emails, add value to my audience. Then as a result of that, they will book a call with me and they'll become a customer. However just relying on this model may lead to cash flow issues. So, how do you get positive cash flow from day one? This means you get leads to pay for themselves. I want to be cash flow positive as much as possible.     The new model I've been exploring is to sell a lower ticket product on the front end. This helps you break even on the front end. So instead of just having ONE high ticket offer: you got two offers: the high ticket offer and a a front-end offer. Basically, you can sell something at a lower ticket price point: it can from a $7 e-book to $300 mini online course. Now basically, we are just trying to demonstrate authority, add value, and help people solve problems on the front end offer. Then, once they are ready, they will transact with us on the higher ticket back end offer.
So, what does this look like in other industries?
Just about any business can come up with a front-end offer and then sell something on the back end. In fact this is done by many companies already. One of the examples that I've came across recently from an insurance company. They were giving out an irresistible front-end offer. They were giving out FREE bird's nests in exchange of going through your portfolio with a financial consultant. How much does a bird's nest cost? The cheaper ones maybe at $27? Yes, you might lose money. You might lose money on the front end. However at the same time, you're getting a lot of leads on the back end. It's an irresistible offer where people can't say no to it. The cost of giving out 100 bird's nests would cost you $2700. However on the backend you'll definitely get more qualified leads. The psychology of reciprocity is there and the prospect is more willing to sit down with a financial consultant, go through a portfolio review and their likeliness of buying increases. That is because they got something entirely for FREE, as a marketer, I understand the psychology of reciprocity. However, is there a better model where you can do this where you don't have to shell out $2700 on the front end just to get leads?
Creative Ways of Crafting a Front End Offer
If you are a financial consultant, you can package up a bunch of financial books and sell it for a low cost. Or you can come out with a low ticket financial seminar, coaching program. Note: I'm not a financial consultant. I also know that in Singapore there are restrictions and regulations. However, it is on you to be creative and to find ways on how you can construct a front-end offer that's contextually congruent that will lead to your back-end offer. Now don't get me wrong, I generated $80,000 to $100,000 with solely a high ticket offer. Then again, there months where I was pretty much stressed out for qualified calls and appointments.
Ending Thoughts
There is an old adage in digital marketing: he who can spend the most to acquire a lead wins. If you're not spending $10,000 a month on ads or you're not at that stage of a company where you can spend $10,000 a month on ads. Then a front end offer will make sense. That is because your competitors are spending $10,000 and getting and making $100,000. They have the marketing scalability and they have the ability to buy up leads. However, if you're looking to be efficiency-minded and cash flow minded, then this model of "getting leads for free" can help you from demonstrate value, demonstrate authority and smoothen out cashflow issues. Read the full article
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advertisingdating · 13 days
Promoting Dating Site | Dating Ads Platform
In the vast landscape of online advertising, one niche that stands out is dating sites. With millions of people seeking connections and relationships online, advertising these platforms effectively is crucial. Among the plethora of options available, 7Search PPC emerges as a powerful tool for promoting dating sites. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the nuances of crafting compelling ads for dating sites using 7Search PPC, offering insights, strategies, and FAQs to maximize your advertising efforts.
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Understanding the Dynamics of Dating Site Ads
Dating site ads operate in a unique ecosystem where emotions, desires, and personal connections drive user engagement. To create effective ads, it's essential to understand the dynamics of this environment.
Target Audience Analysis
Before launching any ad campaign, it's imperative to define your target audience. For dating sites, this involves understanding demographics, preferences, and behaviors. Are you targeting young professionals seeking casual relationships or seniors looking for companionship? Identifying your audience enables precise ad targeting, maximizing the impact of your campaign.
Crafting Compelling Ad Copy
The key to capturing attention in the competitive dating site market lies in crafting compelling ad copy. Your copy should be concise, engaging, and resonate with the desires of your target audience. Highlight the unique features and benefits of your dating site, emphasizing factors like security, compatibility algorithms, and success stories. Incorporate persuasive language that encourages users to take action, whether it's signing up for a free trial or subscribing to premium services.
Visual Appeal
In addition to compelling copy, visuals play a crucial role in dating site ads. Use high-quality images that evoke emotions and aspirations related to love, romance, and companionship. Choose images that reflect diversity and inclusivity, ensuring that your ads resonate with a wide range of users. Test different visuals to determine which ones drive the highest engagement and conversion rates.
Leveraging 7Search PPC for Dating Site Ads
Now that we've covered the fundamentals of dating site advertising, let's explore how 7Search PPC can amplify your campaigns.
Keyword Research
Effective keyword research is the foundation of any successful PPC campaign. Identify keywords related to dating, relationships, and specific niche interests within your target audience. Utilize 7Search's keyword research tools to uncover relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition. Long-tail keywords can be particularly effective in reaching users with specific dating preferences.
Ad Placement
7Search offers various ad placement options, including search ads, display ads, and contextual ads. Experiment with different placement strategies to determine which channels yield the best results for your dating ads. Consider targeting specific websites and forums frequented by your target audience to maximize relevance and engagement.
Budget Optimization
Managing your PPC budget effectively is crucial for achieving optimal ROI. Set clear budget allocations for each campaign and continuously monitor performance metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per acquisition. Use 7Search's analytics tools to track campaign performance in real-time and make data-driven adjustments to optimize your budget allocation.
Advertising dating sites requires a nuanced approach that combines compelling storytelling, precise targeting, and strategic optimization. By leveraging the power of 7Search PPC, advertisers can reach their target audience effectively and drive meaningful engagement and conversions. With the insights and strategies outlined in this guide, you're equipped to navigate the world of dating site advertising with confidence and success.
Q1.What targeting options does 7Search offer for dating site ads?
Ans.7Search offers a range of targeting options, including demographic targeting, geographic targeting, device targeting, and interest targeting. This allows advertisers to reach their desired audience with precision, ensuring that dating site ads are displayed to users who are most likely to be interested.
Q2.How can I measure the effectiveness of my dating site ads on 7Search?
Ans. 7Search provides comprehensive analytics tools that allow advertisers to track key performance metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on investment. By analyzing these metrics, advertisers can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their dating site ads and make data-driven adjustments to optimize performance.
Q3. Are there any restrictions on the content of dating site ads on 7Search?
Ans. While 7Search allows advertising for dating sites, certain restrictions may apply regarding the content of ads. Advertisers should ensure that their ads comply with 7Search's advertising policies and guidelines, particularly regarding the use of sensitive content and language. Additionally, ads must adhere to industry regulations and standards regarding online dating services.
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atomxmedia · 14 days
EcoRatings Secures $1 Million Pre-Seed Funding to Empower Businesses with AI-Driven Solutions
EcoRatings, a pioneering cleantech startup on a mission to empower businesses to achieve their sustainability goals, has successfully secured $1 million (INR 8.3 Cr) in a pre-seed funding round. This investment, secured from a consortium of prominent investors including We Founder Circle, 888 VC, Vinners, Indigram Labs Foundation, and Google, highlights the growing demand for innovative solutions that promote environmental responsibility within the corporate landscape.
Leveraging AI and Big Data for Sustainability Measurement
EcoRatings leverages the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data to quantify the environmental impact of products and services. Their methodology aligns seamlessly with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) norms, addressing the rising consumer demand for transparency in product sustainability. Our cutting-edge Gen AI platform provides organizations with a comprehensive solution to navigate their sustainability journeys, says Aditi Balbir, co-founder and CEO of EcoRatings. This fresh infusion of capital will empower us to further develop our large language model specifically designed for the sustainability domain, ultimately contributing to a more environmentally conscious future.
A Sustainability-Focused Large Language Model
Founded in 2023 by Balbir, Aqeel Ahmed, and Shruti Anand, EcoRatings’ platform meticulously analyzes vast datasets to provide precise environmental impact assessments. By processing contextually relevant data from internal and external sources, EcoRatings transforms complex insights into real-time, actionable intelligence delivered through chat replies. This innovative approach is driven by their Unified Knowledge Platform, featuring a large language model with a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) architecture specifically tailored for the enterprise environment. This empowers organizations to achieve their sustainability targets with greater efficiency. EcoRatings’ comprehensive solutions cater to a diverse clientele, including consultants, investment banks, large corporations, and aggregators, facilitating informed and sustainable decision-making across various industries.
Building a Sustainable Future with Cleantech Innovation
EcoRatings’ success story underscores the burgeoning cleantech sector in India, where startups are at the forefront of developing sustainable solutions that drive economic growth without compromising environmental well-being. These innovative ventures are spearheading advancements in clean energy technologies, addressing organic waste management challenges, and providing air and water purification solutions. Their collective efforts significantly contribute to India’s ambitious clean energy goals.
Machine Learning: A Catalyst for Sustainability
Machine learning (ML), a powerful subset of AI, is rapidly transforming the cleantech landscape. By enabling computers to learn and adapt from data without explicit programming, ML plays a pivotal role in the fight against climate change. EcoRatings utilizes ML to pinpoint emission hotspots, predict carbon footprints, and optimize operational processes for maximum sustainability.
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