#convo: Asher
dancingdanvers · 4 months
Text :: Asher & Sloane
Sloane: Ryen misses you, when are you next working i'm going to bring her down to the shop to see you Sloane: She wants to bring her daddy's credit card to buy a surfboard @heyits-asher
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fxckaubreycarson · 9 months
Where: The beach When: New Years Eve - 11:34am
“Okay so…we have party poppers, shots - obviously because I’m not the spawn of satan, pizza with a side of cinnamon sticks because it’s the elevenses of champions, a crown for you and a top hat for me, and then a load of other shit I threw into my bag when I was at the dollar tree earlier because it was sparkly.” Plopping said aforementioned crown onto his head with a cheeky grin. “Look at you, like a pretty princess.” Not one for standing on ceremony the blonde threw herself onto the sand as she looked up art Asher, gesturing for him to do the same as if it was obvious. The one good thing about hanging out with him is she never had to worry about being judged for her strange whims because he was just as bad as she was. “Shot before we get to eat pizza, we have to line our stomachs, come on. If i'm going to be working tonight i'm taking my last lunch of the year very fucking seriously, don't test me!”  @heyits-asher
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dancingdanvers1 · 1 year
For: @heyits-asher Where: Surf Shop
Sloane had maybe been a little lax in checking up on Asher after the fire but she’d texted so…that counts right? The woman knew he was alive which was a start. Today she’d decided her reason for going out for a walk would be to head to the surf shop in the hope he was working, brushing off Jake’s warning that she better not come back with any dogs this time. Crazy you come home from a walk with a puppy one time and they never let you forget it! 
As soon as she entered the redhead pushed her sunglasses up to better see who was behind the register, no intention of hanging around if it wasn’t the man she actually knew. She was in luck, a familiar floppy haired Asher was tapping away on his phone, the familiar sight making her smile. When they’d first met there she’d been flirting, getting his attention away from his phone, but things were very different now. Mainly she wasn’t there with the intention of trying to get him into bed so…progress.
“Look at you, all in one piece and not burnt to a crisp. We love to see it.” She teased, flip flops making the familiar slapping sound as she crossed to where he was, past everything surf related she couldn’t care less about. “And you’ve found your phone, the miracles will never cease.” Though Soane knew he had, they’d texted on it since the fire after all. 
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mccncreatures · 2 months
Asher was ready to head out. He’d seen enough, heard enough. Mercifully nothing had occurred outside of the norm that would set him off. But then, the glimmer of a blonde haired woman caught his eye. Moving through the crowd, he saw the other move off into a less crowded area, following. There were a ton of things he wanted to say, a ton of things he wanted to know. But the words weren’t formulating in his head at this very moment. Watching for a second, he hoped and dared to believe that she wasn’t a figment of his imagination. And at the same time, with Ingrid just dropping back into his life, his sister reappearing… it probably couldn’t have been a worse time.
He wanted to step forward but his feet seemed frozen in place as he, usually beyond confident, couldn’t even get words to process out of his mouth. When they finally did, she wouldn’t be able to mistake who was standing behind her. “Really was mean as hell to leave without letting me cook you breakfast….. when did you come back?”
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amuhav · 5 months
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     “You’re not... Not gonna...”      “What? Go? Just leave?” Asher chuckled weakly. “Please tell me that’s not what you thought?”      “N-no? I don’t know...” Loch drew his arms in tighter as a light spring breeze made him shiver. “It’s... I’m never going to be enough.”      Asher scowled. “Says who? I never... I’ve never said that, Loch, ever.”      “If I can’t give you what you want... it’s just a fact.”      “What? No, Loch, I... fucking hell. No.”       As Asher ran his hands through his hair, Loch watched in confusion as multiple expressions flickered over his face until he sighed and took Loch’s hands with a reassuring squeeze.      “I don’t know how you don’t get this already, but... If a chance at something I would like, meant giving up something I can’t lose... I don’t know which universe you think I don’t choose you. Every damn time. I love you far too much for that not to be true.”      Some dam inside him broke, though Loch didn’t feel the tears coming before it was too late and Asher was already pulling him into a tight embrace.      “Hey, I’m sorry if I ever let you think otherwise—”      “You’re so stupid,” Loch spluttered, unable to stop himself. Whatever adrenaline had kept him from breaking down, had also apparently been the thing tethering him to something resembling sobriety, and he felt any filter he possessed slipping away.      Asher locked up around him, his arms going stiff. “...Uh...?”      “I’m just me. A... A fucking mess. You say that like I’m not... Like... There’s just no other explanation. You’re just stupid.”      Asher laughed, no small amount of tension falling away from him as he did. “Yeah. Yeah, guess I am. But so are you.” He laughed harder. “And so very, very drunk. Your brother really is going to regret that free bar, isn’t he?”      “Serves him right,” Loch muttered with little malice, scrubbing his face as he allowed Asher to lead him back inside. “...One more drink?”      “Absolutely fucking not.”
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tedlebred · 3 months
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me and my friend's impressions of eachother if we simply saw eachother as strangers from afar
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mayashesfly · 10 months
Honestly, I really love how poetry and wordplay is such an integral part of Yuma and Makoto's character. How they use such words to reflect on themselves and the world around them.
It truly shows that despite their logical side, despite being dubbed as the "greastest mind of the world", they're still human in essence. Because they can still view the world through colored lenses and the ambiguity of imagination. Of emotions and ideals that are not actually completely rooted in hard cold logic.
The clash of the ideals Yuma and Makoto shares and the creed forced upon them by the WDO meld into a fascinating multi-faceted character. Whose multiple sides we can see and share due to their odd coexistence via strange circumstances. It also somewhat makes it hard to talk about one of them without mentioning the other when they're so interwined together.
I really do love it.
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alactairwatcon · 7 months
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"Here you go," Alastair said, placing the drink he requested in front of him and smiling, "Hey, listen, man, you don't have to hang with me being a sad sap again. I' a lonely heart but don't let that stop you from finding someone. I'm happy to play wingman even"
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waterfallswords · 9 months
location: cross cabins
starter for: axel anderson and asher anderson @dxrkenedheights
It turns out, that somewhere during the fight, a silver bullet became lodged in Axel's side. Only made obvious when he found Asher again and the first thing his brother said was "That's a lot of blood."
But Axel's infirmary visit once in Hollow Cove was for five minutes, taking a soothing balm with him on his way out and arguing with whatever the wolf was called. Midan Aurfy. He's been more focused on settling in again, seeing his sister again. Letting it register with the passing days that he and Asher are finally home. After years, there's no more searching. The news of Oliver's death has sunk over the two of them, a mourning air to their interactions. Until, the quick thought of his brother's dilemma makes him hit Ash's arm. "You looked at the..." he scribbles the air. "Think it's in the hall, man. The list. Says who people are looking for too." Asher wasn't even much of a helpful person yet suddenly, a cute face and head of curls made Axel witness Ash turn into Hunter's obsession with Isla. You cold Miss Primrose? For the sake of levity, and the fact that they're brothers, Ax lets out a small chuckle. "We can get a truck when this thing is better and call it the Pussy Wagon for when we find her."
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huntrcssqueen · 2 years
𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳: @twistxdtales
❝ Come on! What am I doing wrong? ❞ Spencer groaned as she spoke out loud to herself. She wasn’t expecting anyone to be around as she held the gun in her hand, trying to steady her breathing as she shot another round, missing her targeted object yet again. ❝ Come on! ❞ She threw her head backwards as she dropped the gun to her side trying to focus. It wasn’t like she needed to be a perfect guns man but she wanted to be able to protect herself instead of relying on someone else and trying to rely on her so called ‘people skills’ to help. Shaking her head and taking in a sharp breath of air she tried to focus again to get her aim on point as she heard something starting behind her while in the woods, figuring that it was most likely a squirrel.
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tenderstars · 2 years
for: @swcctnothings​​  pairing: asher evans + jax mcknight 
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“knock, knock,” asher said after already having opened the door. eyes glossing over jax. “are you nervous for the big show?” asher teased as he hung on the frame of the door with a loopy smile. it was the first night of the tour playing in radio city music hall, the biggest venue the band had played to date. it was kind of crazy to think that this would be their lives for the next couple of months. writing music, rehearsing, playing shows every night, and traveling together. “next thing you know we’ll be at madison square garden,” he grinned at the idea. most people dreamed, but asher believed. having jax as their opener just gave him more of a reason to go out into the crowd and absolutely blow them away and impress her further. they weren’t exactly “public” yet but with social media everyone was starting to put the pieces together. while asher simply avoided the questioned when he was asked... here he was hanging out in her room backstage instead of his own.“if you have nerves,” he teased further with a cheeky grin, “i know just how to relax before going on stage.” he knew she could hold her own. she could handle him after all, so he was sure a crowd of a couple thousand people was a piece of cake. 
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they had a habit of doing this - distracting her and when she tried to be the responsible one of the trio, they would team up. Still, she couldn't help but be disappointed when they both did stop kissing her to look at each other and in response, her lips pushed out into a pout, a soft groan leaving her lips at how empty her skin felt now. her eyes darted between them, their almost matching smiles driving her wild - clearly she had a type. Her head was already woozy from their kisses, their overlapping voices not helping the situation at all. she shook her head, leaning back into Asher, pulling oliver with her, "i can honestly say i don't want the pancakes at all - even though i worked really hard on them." her hand gently traced down oliver's chest and her hips wiggled against asher's, soft giggles falling from her lips.
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liam-is-so-cool · 2 years
Yea I have a clear one righ now and I have a heart playing card in it (it lookz really cute but It’z kinda bland)
add a little photo of murdoc LMAOO
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dancingdanvers1 · 1 year
Text :: Sloane & Asher
Sloane: Hey, it's Sloane, the girl that accosted you for diet coke at the surf shop a couple weeks back
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mccncreatures · 1 month
Rip the bandaid off. That’s what he kept telling himself. Rip it off and throw it away so they could both move on. There was a high chance this was going to be awkward as hell for the both of them. But the text left his phone and he told her to meet him at the firehouse.
Sitting on the back of the truck looking out over the bit of the quarter he could see, he turned his head just in time to see her walking up. Hopping down, he sat on the bumper, patting the spot beside him. “Now that you’re all witchy woo again I don’t mind being in a two foot vicinity.” He joked as he looked up at her. “You doing okay?”
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amuhav · 3 months
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     Asher shook his head. “I’ve seen other paths,” he said quietly. “I may not have my mother’s Sight, but... I just know. I don’t see a life without him.”      “Even if it’s not the one you pictured?”      “That life... it’s the one I wanted when I was a child. I wanted what my parents had. What we as a family had, for the most part. Now, if I try to look forward... I can see a life with just the two of us. It might not be easy—and nothing with Loch ever is,” he added with a dry laugh. “Still, it’s one where I can be happy. It’s gonna take some time adjusting, I won’t pretend it won’t, but I know I can adjust.”      “But if I try to picture one without him, it’s just blank. Removing him from the image, it feels like... like trying to pry out parts of myself. It doesn’t matter how many imaginary children I slot into the picture, it just feels... even more unwhole, and empty. I would be trying to fill that hole with the wrong person, just to fit my life into the shape I thought I wanted. That wouldn’t be fair on them, or me.” He met her eye with a weak smile. “I know what you’re going to say, but it won’t change anything. I already fell too deep a long time ago.”      Havoc’s brow quirked. “You have heard of the sunk cost fallacy, yes?”      Asher scoffed. “Yes. I don’t care if people think I’m crazy for it. Maybe it’s not the healthiest thinking, but I don’t care. Is it the life I pictured? No. But it’s the one I want now. Other people can judge me for it, make assumptions, think I’m making a mistake, but I’m the one that gets to decide that. Or Loch. No one else. And if I am wrong in the end... well, then I live with that. I won’t blame him for my choices.” He chuckled quietly to himself. “We wouldn’t have even made it this far if either of us were the type to do that.”      Havoc hadn’t stopped staring at him with those unsettling red eyes. Nothing about her expression had changed, so he couldn’t tell if she’d disapproved of anything he’d said. Still, he suspected she’d gotten whatever it was she was looking for.      “Mm. I see.” She stood abruptly, looking down at him with a grin that told him nothing. “Well, all I can wish you is good luck. A life with a Karaish seems fated for chaos, and whatever the future holds for you, I’m sure there will be plenty of surprises along the way. Enjoy your breakfast,” she added over her shoulder as she waltzed off.      Blinking, he watched her unceremonious departure with great confusion. Shaking his head, he decided to take the matriarch’s words as some form of approval and continued eating his bacon in lonely silence.
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