hdslibrary · 5 years
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Cool Clasps 21: Seventh Inning Fetch
Delightful metal work and #coolclasps protecting this 18th century German book by Protestant scholar Johann Quirsfeld.
Quirsfeld, Johann. Evangelischer Hertzens Schatz. Leipzig: Sommer, 1786.
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muspeccoll · 7 years
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Two of our favorite #bookclasps in the collection are on this 1499 copy of De muliere forti by Albertus Magnus. After 518 years of use, they still work!⠀ ⠀ BS1429 .A534 1499 ⠀ ⠀ #bookhistory #bookbinding #bibliophile #bookstagram #bookclasp #coolclasps #15thcentury #incunable #oldbooks #rarebooks #specialcollections #universityofmissouri #mizzou #libraries #iglibraries #librariesofinstagram #ifttt
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uwmspeccoll · 8 years
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#CoolClasps and Some Gauffering
@hdslibrary‘s post this morning from their #coolclasps series put us in mind of a favorite #coolclasp from our own collection in the form of a crucifix. This also affords an opportunity to show off one our favorite gauffering designs, stamped in gold on the top, bottom, and fore-edge of our copy of Paradis-Gärtlein, voller Christlicher Tugenden published in Frankfurt am Mayn in 1664.
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cavallofinejewelry · 7 years
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3 Strand Spectacular Spectralite Necklace with Vintage 14K White Gold, Sapphire and Pearl Clasp by Cavallo Fine Jewelry
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hdslibrary · 6 years
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Cool Clasps 18: Judgment Day
Most of the clasps on the eight volumes of our copy of the famous 16th century Antwerp polyglot are still intact. Even though they may show signs of wear, they’re doing great for their age!
Biblia Sacra Hebraice, Chaldaice, Graece & Latine : Philippi II. Reg. Cathol. pietate, et studio ad Sacrosanctae Ecclesiae usum. Excud. Antuerpiae: Christoph. Plantinus, 1569-1572.
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hdslibrary · 5 years
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Cool Clasps 20: Dream Warriors
Sure, only one of the original clasps survives, but ain’t it a beauty?
This gorgeous binding protects a 17th century work on world religions. (AKA “World Relijohns” if you recall our previous post about this book.)
Ross, Alexander.  Alexander Rossen unterschiedliche Gottesdienste in der gantzen Welt. Das ist, Beschreibung aller bewusten Religionen, Secten und Ketzereyen, so in Asia, Africa, America und Europa, von Anfang der Welt bis auf diese gegenwärtige Zeit...Heidelberg: In Verlegung Wolffgang Moritz Endters und Johann Andreas seel, Erben 1674.
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hdslibrary · 6 years
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Cool Clasps 19: Jewel of the Nile
In honor of Valentine’s Day, we present this striking 18th century volume containing a Dutch New Testament and Psalm book. A previous owner added a red ribbon to the metal loop on top of the volume in a perfect complement to the pretty (almost heart-shaped?) metal work.
We imagine it was well loved.
Het Nieuwe Testament ofte alle boeken des Nieuwen Verbondts onzes Heeren Iesu Christi ...  Dordrecht : [s.n.], 1758. with:  De CL Psalmen des Propheten Davids : met eenige andere Lof-Zangen uyt den francoysechen in Nederlandtschen dichte overgeset / door Petrum Dathenum...Amsterdam: By Ph Losel H Brandt ...,1757.
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hdslibrary · 6 years
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Cool Clasps 15: The Secret of the Ooze
Simple clasps that show off the beautiful curve of the textblock. (Especially when viewed from above!)
Nas, Johannes, 1534-1590.   Examen chartaceä Lutheranorum concordiä, Aussmusterung vnnd Widerlegung dess nagelneweschmidten ConcordiBuchs der nachbenandten Lutherischen Predigkanten KartenSchwarms mit solchem Titul: Concordia, Das ist contra omnes nationes cudit odiosam reconciliationem Doctor Jacob Andre ...  [Ingolstadt] Gedruckt in der Weissenhornischen Truckerey, durch Wolffgang Eder, Anno 1581.
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hdslibrary · 6 years
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Cool Clasps 14: A Twist in Time
Theology...with a twist! We found this clasp on a 16th century compilation of works by Reformed theologian Peter Martyr Vermigli.
Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562.   Loci commvnes Petri Martyris Vermilii ex variis ipsius authoris scriptis, in vnum librum collecti, & in quatuor librum collecti, & in quatuor classes distributi / accesservnt huic aditioni ab ipso authore P. Martyre scripti,...  Tigvri : Excvdebat Christophorvs Froschovervs, 1580.
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hdslibrary · 7 years
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Cool Clasps 13: Golden Receiver
Intact clasps and a beautiful binding on a Unitarian Christianity theological work, previously mentioned in this post.
Szentabrahami, Michael Lombard, 1683-1758.  Summa universae theologiae Christianae secundum unitarios, in usum auditorum theologiae concinnata et edita. Cum privilegio sacr. caes. reg. apost. majest.  Claudiopoli : Typis Collegii Reformatorum, 1787.
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hdslibrary · 7 years
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Cool Clasps 11: The Legend of Curly’s Gold
Pretty and functional clasps on a 17th century bible in Hebrew. Great flower detail as well!
Bible. Old Testament. Hebrew. 1657.   Biblia universa et Hebraica : quidem cum Latina interpretatione Xantis Pagnini Lucensis / Benedicti Ariæ Montani Hispal. et quorundam aliorum collato studio ad Hebraicam dictionem diligentissime expensa.  Lipsiæ : Impensis Christiani Kirchneri Bibliop., 1657.
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hdslibrary · 7 years
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Cool Clasps 12: Red White and Blonde
So... One of the original clasps was lost from this early 17th century volume.  At some point, the missing piece was replaced with one different in style and designed for a smaller book. Looks a little odd, but hey, it works!
(We wonder if the short clasp has a sister out there somewhere. If you see it, let us know!)
Scherer, Georg, 1539-1605.   Postill oder Ausslegung der Sontäglichen Euangelien durch das gantze Jahr ...  Gedtruckt zu München, durch Nicolaum Henricum, Anno M.DC.X.
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hdslibrary · 7 years
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Cool Clasps 10: Curse of Chucky
This early 18th century Dutch bible has great furniture and some starburst-looking #coolclasps.
(This bible is more than 40 cm tall, and it is heavy!)
Bible. Dutch. Statenvertaling. 1714.   Biblia, dat is De gantsche H. Schrifture : vervattende alle de canonijcke boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments / door last der Hoogh-Mog. Heeren Staten Generael vande Vereenighde Nederlanden... Te Dordrecht : By Jacob en Pieter Keur, en t'Amsteldam, by Pieter Rotterdam en Pieter Rotterdam de Jonge, 1714.
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muspeccoll · 7 years
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We are always on the lookout for a good binding clasp. This one was on a 1520 volume of Ovid we pulled for a class last week.⠀ ⠀ PA6519 .F2 1520a⠀ ⠀ #bookhistory #bookbinding #bibliophile #bookstagram #bookclasp #coolclasps #16thcentury #ovid #oldbooks #rarebooks #specialcollections #universityofmissouri #mizzou #libraries #iglibraries #librariesofinstagram #ifttt
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hdslibrary · 7 years
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Cool Clasps 9: When Nature Calls
Found in our Special Collections stacks, these clasps from a 15th century Latin bible jumped out at us in all their intact glory.
Prima pars Postilla fratris Nicolai de lyra de ordine mino[rum] : super Genesim Exodum Leuiticu[m] Numeri Deutronomiu[m] Iosue Iudicu[m] Regum [et] Paralyppomenon : cum addit[i]onibus pauli episcopi Burgen[sis] replicisq[ue] Mathie dorinck cumq[ue] textu plano incluso. [Nuremberg : Anton Koberger, 12 April 1493]
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hdslibrary · 7 years
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Cool Clasps 10: Fury Road 
We needed to include hands to show just how small this #coolclasps volume is. Without something for scale, you’d think you were looking at a big ol’ folio! These simple but functional clasps are found on a 17th century German, Jesuit work.
Bibliothec : der andächtigsten unnd einem Christen Menschen nothwendigsten Bücher. Nemlich : 1.Die christliche Lehr; 2. Das christlich Leben; 3.Das geistlich Uhrwerck; 4.Sechtzig nützliche und geistliche Sprüch. / beschrieben durch underschiedliche PP. Societatis Jesu.  Zu Cöln : In Verlegung Joannis Antonii Kinchij im Einhorn ..., 1649.
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