find-them · 3 years
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ESP/ENG . Uno de los lugares que mas nos ha gusta de lo que llevamos visto por Australia es a Zona de Conservación de los Lagos de Coombabah. Este fue el lugar donde vimos por primera vez canguros en libertad, y además cientos de ellos. Incluso los pudimos tocar. Además de canguros, también puedes encontrarte con koalas y más tipos de animales 🐮🐰🐱 . Esta zona protege más de 1200 hectáreas de humedales, bosques de eucaliptos, marismas saladas y manglares. El lago Coombabah y su sistema de estuarios son importantes humedales costeros y hábitat de aves acuáticas migratorias. El Área de Conservación es el hogar de 274 especies de animales, con siete especies catalogadas como “vulnerables” o “casi amenazadas”, incluyendo el koala, el poderoso búho y el zorro volador de cabeza gris, junto con 24 especies de aves migratorias protegidas internacionalmente 🌲🌳🌴 . La zona es ideal para realizar caminatas cortas y largas, montar en bicicleta, recorrer senderos, observar aves y es el lugar perfecto para acercarse a la vida silvestre nativa. Si miras hacia los árboles desde los senderos, podrás ver koalas, y en las praderas abiertas de la entrada de Rain Tree Glen podrás ver canguros alimentándose y holgazaneando a la sombra o en las zonas abiertas. Puedes acercarte a ellos, eso sí, respetándolos y no molestándolos 😊💪❤️ . One of the places that we like the most of what we have seen in #Australia is the Coombabah Lakes Conservation Area. This was the place where we first saw kangaroos in the wild, and also hundreds of them. We were even able to touch them. Besides #kangaroos, you can also meet koalas and more types of animals 🐮🐰🐱 . This area protects more than 1,200 hectares of wetlands, eucalyptus forests, salt marshes and mangroves. Lake #Coombabah and its estuary system are important coastal wetlands and habitat for migratory waterfowl. The Conservation Area is home to 274 species of animals, with seven species listed as "vulnerable" or "near threatened," including the koala, the mighty owl, and the gray-headed flying fox, along with 24 species of protected migratory birds 🌲🌳🌴 (at Coombabah Lake Conservation Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLynjtMgo6M/?igshid=rhxbhngdkcde
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bbarm25 · 4 years
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DID YOU KNOW??? Children's school work and classroom behavior can be greatly improved through Karate's disciplined and respectful training environment. GKR Karate is now accepting enrolments for 2020, including 2 new exciting locations at #labrador and #coombabah!! So, if you could benefit from improving your: *Fitness *Confidence *Co-ordination *Concentration *Discipline In a fun environment where you are learning valuable life skills at the same time, then get in touch!! It's low impact, high cardio and you go totally at your own pace! Flexible timetable and affordable training fees! Call/text Helen on 0487431179 or comment below and I'll send you the details! You'll never regret giving it a go! #GKRKarate #selfdefenceclasses #confidence #coordination #concentration #stressrelief #discipline #strength #fitness #friends #family #stronghumblebrave #karateforeveryone #labrador #coombabah (at Gold Coast, Queensland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B88hiy6n_T-/?igshid=e0iuln7omryl
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therealmiamuze · 5 years
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Nice one IG ^^ Winning one for the little guy and gal #IGworldclub #AZ me > AU {and the Zoo..} MTC @beachsaltco #roospotting #theadventurethatislife #coombabah #theurbanshaman says 'ya man'. #badrhymes are okay if you have something interesting to say..? Wishing you #contentment on the #content = time well spent! (at Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0DpyVvB_GJ/?igshid=1sqhld6iqh4bg
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charleenmorris · 5 years
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From What's in a name series.Defining indigenous named Gold Coast suburbs using art to illustrate their literal meaning From Yugambeh Peoples language. This is Coombabah meaning place of turtles or cobra worms #Coombabah #place #turtles #cobra #worms #goldcoast #suburb #artist #art #abstract #native #nature #river #flora #indigenous #language #culture #creative #charleenmorris #burleighheads #palmbeach #live #love #life #freedom #painting #mygclife #gallery #australia https://www.instagram.com/p/BxQx3nvAYdE/?igshid=1y06l7g2ex8ba
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dylanembling-blog · 7 years
COLORBOND® Roofing Coombabah Qld 4216
Professional COLORBOND® Roofing Contractor In Coombabah Because of its impressive qualities COLORBOND® steel is one of the most effective roofing materials for usage on residential buildings, commercial, and industrial establishments. COLORBOND® is an impressive metal roofing coating Read more...
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fihampshire · 8 years
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#lovelivinghere #coombabah #sunsetlove ❤️
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edward56w · 8 years
Roof Replacement Coombabah Qld 4216
Accredited Coombabah Roof Replacement Contractor For Roof replacement Coombabah, Professional and licensed contractors such as Gold Coast Roofing Services will supply you with all of the necessary information concerning the roof replacement. If the aesthetic components of the roof collide with Read more at http://goldcoastroofing.services/roof-replacement/roof-replacement-coombabah-qld-4216/
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Queensland -Coombabah
  Coombabah is a gorgeous tranquil gem in south Queensland. Close enough to Surfers Paradise, yet far away from its frantic lifestyle. Staying with my nephew and his family organising ‘Bugsy’. Scott is a wonderful example as a father, taking time to teach and show his children the wonders of nature and the finer things in life.  It makes you stop and rethink life.  
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bbarm25 · 4 years
RESIDENTS of #COOMBABAH!! Exciting news!! As of the 29th of February, #GKRKarate are opening up a BRAND NEW CLASS at the Coombabah State High School on Saturday morning!! So, if you have ever: Ever thought of doing some form of #selfdefence? Do you feel threatened, intimidated or bullied by someone at school/work? Would you like to get fit, have fun and learn valuable life skills at the same time? Would you like your kids to start listening to you? If you answered YES to any of these questions then we can help! For TODAY ONLY #GKRKarate has reduced their normal #Lifetimemembership from $95 to only $50 including #FREEuniform !! With over 600 classes throughout Australia and #affordabletrainingpasses, you can't go wrong. Interested? Simply call/text Helen on 0487431179 or comment your area below and who you are interested for and I'll send you the details! I look forward to helping you get started! #gkrkarate #self-defence #fitness #confidence #coordination #concentration #familyactivity #stressrelief #discipline #stronghumblebrave #karateforeveryone # (at Coombabah State High School) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8295cQJzr5/?igshid=1d9rgeie22n89
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awlqld-blog · 10 years
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Tag someone who would love our Cat of the day..... Hayley is nine months old and such a happy little kitty who as you can see is quite the poser!! #shelter road #coombabah #shelter #kitten #adopt @brooklynwhitney1 0755099000
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dylanembling-blog · 8 years
Asbestos Roof Replacement Coombabah Qld 4216
Coombabah Asbestos Roof Replacement Contractor To secure your home and create a safe living environment for your family, it's advised you replace the asbestos roofing with an asbestos-free roofing material like, for instance, COLORBOND®. After being weakened asbestos roofing emits hazardous Read more...
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badbreedersnet · 10 years
Girl eats LSD, druggie mother convicted
Girl eats LSD, druggie mother convicted
Girl chews mum’s LSD sugar
Tot, 3, ate mother’s LSD sugar
Whoa man, was that a dragon in the kitchen? Look at all the pretty colours! Sounds like your average drug trip? Until the trip turns nasty because of a bad batch of LSD, shrooms or whatever you’re…
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Walking Through Coombabah
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dylanembling-blog · 8 years
Residential Roofing Coombabah Qld 4216
Certified Residential Roofing company In Coombabah We like to think that our house is made out of materials which are trustworthy, robust, and can last for many years. Home is every family's backbone. The Roof is a part of your home which endures a great deal throughout its existence. To prevent Read more...
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dylanembling-blog · 8 years
Residential Roofing Coombabah Qld 4216
Certified Residential Roofing company In Coombabah We like to think that our house is made out of materials which are trustworthy, robust, and can last for many years. Home is every family's backbone. The Roof is a part of your home which endures a great deal throughout its existence. To prevent Read more...
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dylanembling-blog · 8 years
COLORBOND® Prices Coombabah Qld 4216
COLORBOND® Roofing Prices In Coombabah In this segment you'll find indicative prices for few of the most favored roofing products, it'll help you estimate the material costs. Phoning a roofing specialist at Gold Coast Roofing Services is the greatest and most accurate way to get a precise Read more... Click here for more info.
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