#copied from our fetlife
thecandyclusteragain · 8 months
Contains Barbie Movie spoilers
The Barbie Movie is honestly so weak as a "feminist" text (I won't try to rehash what other people have said about it, if you want to learn more about it I recommend the videos essays The Plastic Feminism of Barbie by VerilyBitchie and The White Feminism of Barbie by Jessie Gender on YouTube) but it is honestly perfect for people with weird gender kinks.
Like- Feminisation, masculinization, bimbofication, objectification, patriarchy/misogyny, femdom- that's all basically textual, but with that foundation there's even more you can play with! Different varieties of gender and queer sexuality kinks that explore the taboo of those things in a world that has a rigid society and binary- like ours -but with much lower stakes. Could easily see tf, forced tf, or sissification in this setting as well. I completely forgot for a second that cucking could be seen as textual as well? (If any of my connections seem unclear to you as a reader, please do ask about them because I'm high and I have AuDHD and my connections aren't always obvious to others)
What a beautiful plastic play place to explore gender and sexuality and social rules in!
Outside of my fantasies, I can get really anxious and paranoid about playing with other people when it comes to some of these kinks because they are quite reactionary. A particular part of my upbringing had a specific religious tone that has been really difficult to shake and I unfortunately internalized a lot of those messages that were really anti-kink- kind of your typical "kink-critical" "how do you know the person who says they're pretending to want to rape you doesn't actually want to rape people? How do you know they're not an actual rapist? What's the difference between the person you're doing impact play with and a domestic abuser?" I'm sure my experience is unfortunately not that uncommon and a lot of kinky people have had to deal and are still dealing with this. So when I have fantasies about non-consensual encounters, particularly of misogynistic and queerphobic varieties, I can get really panicked about whether the people that are also in this space are just pretending like I am. It also doesn't help that I have been in some virtual spaces where people do have on their profiles "this is not pretend, this is not a fantasy, these are my actual beliefs"
But in Barbieland...it's all just pretend, it's playing with toys. Everything is fake! The food is fake, the fire is fake, the ocean is fake- it is literally a world designed for play and make believe!
When the Kens take over Barbieland, it is a shallow pastiche of masculinity. Ken has seen these visual signifiers of what it means to be a man in the real world and it made him feel good. When he came back to Barbieland, he didn't attack anyone or force anyone to do anything- the ideas just kind of osmosed out of him into everybody else. He doesn't actually know what it means to "be a man" (and honestly, who does?), but he has these cultural signifiers of masculinity and manhood. He has insecurities and desires.
And that's no different from anyone who takes part in kink. People who have what I've been calling so far "weird gender kinks" (because that's how I describe it in myself) have insecurities and desires and we often soothe those in the scene of kinks that either reinforce or subvert societal norms.
When I watched the Barbie Movie, I honestly wasn't as blown away as all my friends seemed to be (but there were mitigating factors that could have affected that), but I did genuinely enjoy looking at it from the perspective of Weird Gender Kinks. What a fun environment to play in, what a safe environment to play in, I thought. The shallowness of the movie added to this. The Kens takeover of Barbieland didn't recall to me actual governments and social movements to restrict the rights of women or cultural misogyny- it felt to me like a bumbling attempt to soothe a base, animal and emotional need (part of the reason it failed as a commentary imo).
In conclusion, if I had the spoons, I would start a Barbieland group that would be all about Weird Gender Kinks and give everyone a chance to make a Barbie or Ken sona (or get to play with the Barbieland concept of gender divergence and being non-binary- what if you're not a Ken OR a Barbie?)
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thediktatortot · 1 year
You know what, fuck it I literally do not care anymore.
Anyone live near Frederick MD? or within like a 45min or less distance from there? I'm so desperate for more people to hang out with face to face. I can't hang out with people I already know all the time due to the fact that almost everyone lives 1hr+ away from me but I am seriously going fucking bonkers existing in my own bubble by myself.
I'll even copy the "get to know me" from my profile on fetlife xD (this is not a dating post, it just works for seeking out friends too) (under the cut)
Thou Shall Not Pass (If you don't agree with any of the following.)
LGBTQ+ people are people who deserve respect & rights to live & love just like everyone else in the world.
Trans people of all genders deserve respect & rights to live in their own bodies how they feel most comfortable.
People of color are 100% still affected by systemic racism.
Vaccines are integral to our community & getting them helps protect everyone but most importantly our children, our elderly & our immunocompromised.
Disabled & Mentally Handicapped people are still integral & valuable parts of our community & do not need to be fixed.
Woman & People with uterus deserve to make the soul decisions on their bodies, reproductive health & their choice to keep a pregnancy regardless of your own beliefs.
Facists deserve to get punted into the sun.
Things I Would Do With You To Get To Know You
Music Festivals! (Metal & Rock. I love all music genres but I primarily like those environments for festivals)
Museums & Zoos
Car Rides with music
Outdoor Activities: Hiking, Swimming (Freshwater), Group Camping, Bonfires.
Dancing. I love dancing. I wanna go dancing. Dance with me. It's how I bond lol
Movies. (Horror, Action, Fantasy)
Coffee shop hangouts / store hangouts ( I love window shopping)
About Me
Illustrator of original and fan art.
Disabled Navy Vet
Lover of nature & adventure; Camping, swimming (fresh water lol), hiking, road trips.
Big nerd. I love video games, movies, old anime etc.
Go by any pronouns (They/he/She) in no particular importance.
Have hairy pits & legs. Please understand this is a personal preference and I will not shave my legs or pits.
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babygirlaffirmations · 10 months
Sleeping in chained cuffs...
After inspiration from a fellow fetlife page I now sleep in cuffs nightly. Last night was the first night I slept in cuffs with Master in person since the rule started. This time he put the cuffs on me. Attached the chain. We laid down to snuggle and fall asleep. And I feel him reach over and grip my chain. (Which has no lock and is very easy release, for any safety concerns.) And spent the entirety night basically clutching my chain on my cuffs after saying "Mine."
Currently on a pet bed in an adjacent room nook. Resting/trying to nap a bit. Thinking about how Master is going to take all my holes after.. and absolutely destroy me as he works up to claiming my ass... I went to this class last night with my pussy full of his cum leaking out. Mmm... My life is wild but this man is seriously amazing. And I love him.
This week we have many dates. And a plan to finalize and finish and sign our first contract. With me as his property. Work on adding more and updating our obedience app. And I have a permanent bracelet coming. (hopefully in time) I earned it with obedience points. Another sign of ownership over me from him. I'm so blissful. He made me cum with his voice and fingers on the way here 12 times. And I've been subspacey goo knowing we're likely to triple that or more just tonight.
Master wants to beat 100 in a day soon. Current goal is 78 in a day. I love my delicious evil pleasure Dom. Who started me on a new training.. Putting just the tip of his cock in me and me having to either hold myself up and restrain myself from sliding myself into him. No matter how badly my greedy holes want it. The reward being his cum in my ass. 🤤
There are a lot of mental health struggles. A lot of anxiety. Which he handles amazing. We're working past our first big blow up. And our dynamic is just developing into something so gorgeous.
I went into the deepest little space of my life yesterday. And seeing him so deep into Daddy space with me during was so deliciously hot. I look forward to seeing what memories and photos and videos we create this trip. 🤤
Copied from what I wrote on fetlife.
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shamelesslymkp · 3 years
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I posted 5,484 times in 2021
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I added 6,707 tags in 2021
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and reading the author's words about how upsetting and close to home this may be for readers and they understand if people can't keep readin
My Top Posts in 2021
y’all i’m fucking dying here
on the one level, this is just. incredibly hot and sweet and oops they accidentally kink. (psst @gentledomcas if you have not seen this one yet um please do not run but do walk swiftly towards the ao3, I feel you will not regret it)
on the other level, this is the most olympic level of intricate rituals i have ever seen, holy shit
“Cool,” he says, even though ‘cool’ is the last word he would use to describe the way he feels right now. This is the least cool he thinks he’s ever felt in his life. He can’t believe he’s going to have sex with his best friend for a damn case.
But it doesn’t mean anything, right? And it certainly doesn’t make him gay. No, this is to  help out some poor gay porn stars who have landed themselves in psych wards because of some sort of bigoted spirit. Dean’s just helping them out, and if he has to get his hands dirty in a way that’s a little different than usual, well, he’s man enough to do it.
DEAN: I can’t believe I’m going to have sex with that angel, record it, and upload it to the internet.
LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE: well, you don’t have to --
DEAN: No, I’m gonna.
10 notes • Posted 2021-07-27 14:59:53 GMT
Hey, I posted the plagiarism thing. We think that the Revenge series might be plagiarized from a destiel fic by apokteino called With Understanding, but the challenge is, the original is deleted - apokteino removed their account last winter. If I got you the PDF do you think you could check? (I'd dm but your box is closed to people not following you, sorry. You should be able to message me?)
for sure! let me see if i have an archived copy, too, although it doesn't sound familiar
ETA: no, I don’t have a copy archived. but if someone gets me a copy to read, I can for sure check it out!
13 notes • Posted 2021-08-04 22:47:24 GMT
...it is so fucking weird reading fic about ‘lifestyle’ kinksters written by people completely outside of the scene, because it’s not exactly that they’re getting it wrong, I’m sure some people do in fact manage their kink relationships in such a way, but they write it like it’s standard and I’m just like... have you ever... talked to someone actually in the scene? or just read fantasies on fetlife.
like, I’m not judging, exactly - it’s like the fanon standard version of bdsm clubs, which are clearly based more on other fan representations of bdsm clubs than anything else, and have a lot of inspiration from (probably) porn and the old leather traditions, it’s certainly a subset of kink culture, it’s just. really fucking weird when people write it as the standard.
I suppose other people might find it weird when I write lifestyle kinkster fics based on the contemporary DC scene, though, so.
I am pretty excited about the fact that I’m finally seeing kinkster fics written by people who clearly do have experience in the scene, I knew they had to be somewhere.
14 notes • Posted 2021-03-09 23:11:45 GMT
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17 notes • Posted 2021-03-28 12:50:29 GMT
Shameless Self-Promotions:
MKP on the AO3 | MKP’s Fic Recs on Pinboard
MKP’s Fic & Fannish Content: @thefannishmkp | MKP’s Poetry & Original Content: @theoriginalmkp | MKP’s Poetry Fan Blog: @anotherarspoetica | MKP’s ND Reaction Gifs Blog: @hashtagactuallyautisticreactions
MKP’s Sequel to the Annotated Dean: @theannotateddean
Before You Follow: Content Warnings
WARNING THE FIRST: This blog is sometimes NSFW and occasionally contains images, videos, and writing of the pornographic variety (more specifically of the kinky variety). Blacklist the words "NSFW" and "KINK" to only see the vanilla geeky gleefulness. I also recommend blacklisting either my "i eat fic for breakfast" or "via:pinboard" tags due to the automated feed of fics I've recently bookmarked on pinboard, which include a copy of the original author's AO3 tags in the content of the text post. Please note that if you are using Tumblr's native blacklist function, you must blacklist the specific tags "nsfw for kate's bls" and "kink for kate's bls" to ensure the posts are filtered. Update, July 2019: While I do comply with Tumblr's ban on adult-only (visual) content, I do reblog and/or post explicit and/or kink-related content (particularly resources) from time-to-time. This means that this is still an ADULTS-ONLY blog! If you are under 18 (or whatever the legal age is in your country), Stop. Do not pass go. Unfollow my blog. Do not look at my archive. Do not like or reblog explicit or kinky materials I have posted or reblogged. Come back when you’re older. This is mainly an honor system kind of thing, but if I happen to discover a minor following me, I will a) ask you to unfollow immediately and b) block you if necessary. WARNING THE SECOND: Unfortunately, due to a frequent lack of spoons and an increasing reliance on phoneblogging, I no longer can commit to regularly tagging content on this blog. I still try to tag for (at the very least) NSFW and kinky content, and for common triggers such as sucidal ideation, talk about self-harm, etc., but I cannot commit to it. I sometimes manage to tag posts about politics or discourse, but not always. Please protect yourself and follow with caution.
17 notes • Posted 2021-04-18 17:23:16 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Chapter 11: The Truth Has It’s Own Gravity
Trust is a fragile and delicate thing. From the moment we’re born, our life is placed in the hands of others we want and need to trust, from those we choose to be in our lives to those we do not choose, such as a parent. Traditional wedding vows include words to love, honor, cherish, respect – even obey, but there is no mention of trust or honesty.
The illusion of trust was shattered when I discovered Bill using Craigslist to hook up with other CDs.  On the surface, everything seemed relatively normal in the weeks and months that followed. We carried on our day-to-day routines, celebrated our first wedding anniversary, traveled, worked on remodeling the house, and continued to play our dom/sub games in the bedroom as if nothing had happened.
It was a weak façade as there was a deep and swift undercurrent where suspicions stayed, where unanswered questions waited, and where secrets continued to thrive. The voice in my head was constantly telling me to pay attention because something was off. Subtle changes occurred in the aftermath.
Bill quickly changed his computer password, but I had full access to his email through our internet provider, and he knew it. His email and phone were clean – no unusual texts, contacts, photos – nothing.  That in itself was suspicious.
Bill was suddenly adding to his femme wardrobe with the most raunchy and slutty attire he could find – mostly from online vendors that specialized in this kind of clothing. He was never into wearing women’s “street” clothes, such as dresses, gowns, skirts, blouses, etc. Bill was into the skanky whore look, such as ripping holes into his stockings to give him a trampy feel. Bill was also asking me to take more and more photos and videos of him dressed in trampy outfits, in lewd poses, and close-ups of his back-end stuffed with dildos and nasty words and phrases written on his butt.
In early July of 2016, seven months after discovering the reply to the Craigslist ad, I found a portable flash drive Bill kept hidden in the lunch bag he took to work each day. I copied it to my computer and pulled it up the next day after he left for work. One password-protected document was labeled “Accounts,” but I hacked it open on the third try using one of Bill’s favorite passwords.” It contained a detailed listing of user names and passwords to all of Bill’s accounts and website services. One category was titled “entertainment” and held the login information for the various swinger sites we had been on the year before, but one website I was not familiar with from our pursuits – “Fetlife.[1]”
Naturally, I pulled up the website and entered his user name and password to access the account. The screen came to life with sexually graphic images of Bill from the photos I had taken of him during our erotic role-playing. Although Bill’s face did not appear in any of the pictures, every other part of his body was exposed.
My jaw dropped, and I gasped for air as I scrolled through dozens of his profile photos and explicit comments from his over 50 ‘friends and followers,’ most of whom were men who commented on his ‘sweet ass’ and how much they wanted to ‘take it’ long and hard. Bill wrote in his profile summary that he was a ‘sub’ who loved cocks and the taste of cum and how he wanted to experience being bottomed. He described in exact detail wanting to sit on top while being penetrated by a guy on the bottom. In the gay community, one is either a self-proclaimed top, bottom, or versatile, meaning they will give or receive oral and anal sex. Bill had no interest other than being on the receiving end of whatever his friends were willing to give.
Bill communicated regularly with one follower who repeatedly invited him to attend gay sex parties in the local area. The most recent exchange with his special fan was only a few days prior when Bill was invited to participate in a gay orgy in a hotel room that evening.  Bill replied, “LOL.  Can’t make it tonight, but maybe next week.” (That next week, I was scheduled to travel on business and would be out of town for three nights. I never made it to the plane.)
My hands were shaking so badly I could hardly control the mouse. I managed to click on the link to Bill’s account and discovered he launched his profile almost immediately after we clashed over Craigslist in early December 2015.
As I read through his profile and the countless posts, my body finally gave way to the distress, and I started to hyperventilate. I pushed myself away from the desk and wandered aimlessly through the house, uttering “Oh My God” over and over. I made my way to the kitchen just in time to vomit in the sink. The shock had drained every ounce of energy from my body. No longer able to hold myself up from emotional exhaustion, I fell to the floor in a heap sobbing uncontrollably.
I had no idea how long I laid on the floor; I must have passed out. The familiar sound of my cell phone ding, signaling an incoming text, awakened me from the catatonic state I had fallen into after the tears stopped. It was Bill asking me how my day was going.  His casual banter made me sick all over again, but this time rage replaced tears.
Ignoring his text, I forced my way back to the computer. Glowing from the oversized monitor was a photo of Bill stretched out face down on the bed, his ass stuffed with a big black dildo and the words ‘cock slut’ written across his butt in purple ink. I sat down again and checked out the rest of his profile, where I quickly learned the mystery of the characters ‘jtomv.301’ associated with the Fetlife entry in the document.  It was a Gmail address. He had left off the .com, so I didn’t recognize it as an email. Until then, I also hadn’t realized the characters were his PD call sign and badge number.
Could he have been that obvious and stupid? I pulled up Gmail and entered his email address along with the same password he used for FetLife. It was all too easy to access. I typed the letter “C” in the To field of the address header and saw all of the Craigslist addresses to the personal ads he had responded to since creating his secret email.
I typed each letter of the alphabet in the address header and identified dozens of other contacts after they escalated their online relationship beyond Craigslist. At this point, I was so disgusted and angry I forgot to print screenshots of his profile.  It was a mistake I would come to regret, but a mistake I would not make again.
It was a sobering thought to think about the health risks I might have been exposed to through his exploits with other men. I was incensed that Bill had jeopardized me in such a manner and for such selfish reasons. The visceral hatred I felt for Bill at that moment was overwhelming. The only thing I was thankful for was the fact that Brian was with his dad because the confrontation that evening and the fallout in the days that followed were brutal.
The discovery of Bill’s profile on Fetlife was just another episode in a long string of discoveries of him pimping himself out to other men over the internet that would continue for several years afterward. Bill had no idea I had uncovered his Gmail account or was accessing it to uncover his activities and private communications with his CD friends. A few weeks later, I watched in real-time as Bill took photos of his erect dick bulging from a pink thong and emailed them one of his Craigslist friends. He was in his truck just down the block from our house.
It took longer to figure out his computer password, but eventually, I figured it out. His internet browsing history revealed an addiction to gay porn, but a very particular kind of gay porn that involved passable trannies and inhaling poppers as part of a disturbing form of hypnosis aimed to feminize the viewer and turn them off to wanting real women. It was a form of feminization.
For the next two years, Bill and I engaged in a macabre game of hide-and-seek.  Bill would hide his exploits, I would find them, expose him, and the cycle of denials and promises to never do it again would start all over. The one question I always asked was why he married me? And, I always made the statement that he had no right to live two lives. If he wanted to live the life of a single man to do as he pleases and with whom, he was free to pursue that life, but he could not continue to be married – not to me.
The sex therapist I engaged to help me understand the psychology behind his behavior was convinced Bill had a kind of sex addiction that she thought he used to ease his suffering from PTSD during his time as a cop. She had treated many clients who had various types of sex addiction, but she said she had never encountered a case such as the one I presented. Bill attended one session and was so hostile, he refused to even tell her his name.
Bill was never sorry for anything except getting caught. He was sorry I felt the way I did and that I chose to believe “certain things about him,” but he was never sorry or apologized for hurting me.  None of it was what I believed, but rather what I knew. It was also beyond maddening to experience him try to escape blame by transferring the anger back at me as if I were doing these things to him.
The time I spent seeking the truth about Bill’s secret behavior and his sexual addictions was emotionally and physically exhausting – it made me ill, but the truth has its own gravity and one is drawn to it.
[1] Fetlife is a social networking website that began in 2008 aimed at people interested in fetishism, BDSM, kink, and fringe sexual experiences. It promotes itself as a social network rather than a dating site. It temporarily shut down the ability to create new groups in January 2017 when it attempted to eliminate groups that promoted rape and incest. Today, it has millions of members around the world.
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deeperforme · 7 years
Tips for Going to Hypnocons for People Who Are Almost Exactly Like Me
I have been to 4 NEEHUs, 1 Entranced, 1 Charmed, a Deepmind Darkwood, 3 Fetish Fleamarkets, 2 London Hypnosis workshops, and a number of one-off hypno things in Europe. (I bet my colleagues at work would be surprised to hear this!). Most of them I went to unpartnered, all as a shy introvert.
I'm not good at going to hypnocons. But I'm better than I was. So here are my tips, customized for me and people like me. So not stuff that I hope came naturally to me, like "be polite and don't treat people like objects", and also not stuff that is literally impossible for me, like "don't compare yourself to other people." But maybe you need to be told a whole different set of things. Also, I don't necessarily have great insight into what I'm doing right, or what I'm doing wrong. But I hope these help anyway!
Emotional and physiological chaos is normal. FOMO, envy, social anxiety, jealousy, disappointment, having to see exes, having to see people who creeped on you. If you think everyone else is having a perfect time and you're the only one in distress, you are very wrong. Also, they will lie about it, by omission, in their blog posts afterwards (I do!) so for god's sake don't compare yourself to that. Physiologically, I've caught a cold for so many of these cons, and sleep deprivation, travel stress, sugar crashes and other things will give your body a nonsexy pounding. And folks with disabilities or chronic illnesses have even more to deal with. There's no way to avoid some chaos, so just know that you can make wonderful memories in the midst of chaos! ALL IS NOT LOST. And take it easy on people, eh?
There's a role for the new person. The hypno community is incredibly cliquey. It's a natural consequence of hypno being a very rare kink, and one that requires a huge amount of trust. It takes years to build that trust. So be patient with yourself. If you do any pickup play with new people at all on your first con - and you're not a young woman - you're doing very well. But if you're positive, genuinely interested in people, and obviously eager to learn, people will be extremely kind.
Learning to ask while not being gross is everything. There are many, many great guides to this online, as well as cautionary tales about what not to do, so all I'll say here is look at it all as practice; be as bold as you are respectful; amazing things can happen just by asking in the right place at the right time; and as the great wristbands at Charmed said, "Ask first. Respect the answer."
The greatness of your con is decided long before you hit the registration desk. The upside to my pitiful addiction to hypnotumblr is that I could put faces to tumblr names at the con. "Ah yes! I have enjoyed your pornography! And your curation of animated gif pornography!"  This time was very aware that most people - flying in from everywhere from Vancouver Island to Manchester, England - are beginning and maintaining their relationships online between cons. At the moment the thing is Skype, Dischord and Snapchat groups, in addition to tumblr and fetlife. You don’t actually have to do any of that, but it helps – see, cliquyness, trust. And preparation in general: I half-assed Charmed and NEEHU this year, since I only decided to go to each at the last minute, and as a result they were a little flat (except for the presence of @khatsha at Charmed!) Actually read the schedule, make plans with people you know, check out other people's wishlists and make plans with them, give yourself missions or sidequests.
Think about how to help other people have a great con. It's a great way to take your mind off yourself and how you're doing, and to be visible in the best possible way. If people are bored, have something for them to participate in. If something needs to get done, be the one to do it. I know two people who brought their cars just to ferry people around at two different cons, and made tons of friends, including sexy friends. Teaching or demoing for a class is best of course, but if not, volunteer, bring treats, join in activities. Get involved in every way you can.
Figure out who's sleeping with who. For "sleeping with" substitute hypnotizing, playing with, or living with in a polycule in a creaky old mansion. And also, who used to be sleeping with who, who wants to be sleeping with who, who wishes they were still sleeping with who (don’t go around creepily asking these things of course). Otherwise much public behaviour will be baffling.
Figure out who's assaulted or creeped on who. For the same reason.
Make your interests specific and public. I learned this from @khatsha, who asked for, and got, two incredibly intricate gender-bending interrogation scenes at her second ever hypnocon. She also wants to be hypnotized to be a raccoon, and I have no doubt, some day that will happen. (Maybe I’ll do it on our anniversary) At Entranced Dreamelf carried around an adorable decorated printout of her wishlist, and I believe she checked off every one. And one of those things was copied off my published wishlist, and I got to do it with her! It's paradoxical, but being specific can be much more attractive than just wanting "any type of hypnosis with anyone". As long as you're unattached to any outcome, and sharing your fantasies rather imposing them, only good things can result.
Ask people what classes to go to. Some classes are way better than others, and it connects you with folks at least twice, once when you ask and once when you tell them how great it was.
Take a break before you absolutely have to. No class is unmissable, and recharging is often the most important thing you could be doing.
You don't have to bring it style-wise, but it pays off if you do. A nice thing about hypno cons is that you can totally wear jeans and a t-shirt and it's never a big deal. But ever since I got turned away at a Dublin kink club for not having a dungeon outfit, I've been determined to level up. I've been slowly collecting party clothes that are progress towards my vision of Hypnowave. (the coming overwhelming trendiness of erotic hypnosis, in music, fashion, art and pop culture, that we will ride until it spectacularly burns out and becomes a dated joke even faster than Vaporwave) Not only did I get a lot of compliments at Entranced, but everyone wanted to grope my shiny fuzzy blazer. If you are saying, I can't find or afford party clothes, that blazer was $80 on Amazon. Last argument: I've noticed that on average the women are making more of an effort. If you have ambitions to trance with women who are in pretty corsets and great boots, shouldn't you rise to the occasion?
Reject control, embrace chance and happenstance. Think of it as an improvisation, and say yes as often as you safely can. Many of the best memories will come from totally spontaneous group occurrences, often nothing to do with hypnosis. I remember being on an elevator at Charmed that was very full and someone started groaning sexually about how very full it was, and other people took it up, until we all orgasmed together as the doors opened on the con floor. A real “you had to be there“ moment I see as I type this, but I was there! On the flipside, plans fall through, unforeseen stuff comes up. Nothing is a sure thing.
Listen to emotions like curiousity, enthusiasm, affection, and lust.
Ignore emotions like lust for status, or desire for approval or acceptance.
Take a buffer day or three if you possibly can. See: above point about emotional and physiological chaos. I had to go back to work the day after Entranced, and it was horrible.
Stay in the game. Don't bail. You might find yourself deep in your head, and ready to throw a pity party for yourself lasting till the end of the con. But things can turn around so fast! And even if they don't, there will still be many beautiful little moments, of friendship and humour and sexiness and "this could only happen at a hypno con". You can be ready for these moments if you keep your eyes open and your head up.
PS As I drafted this, two people have beat me to the punch with excellent advice sparked by Entranced 2017, and I highly recommend reading those too! Dommestic and dommesticpet
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davidanazario6-blog · 6 years
Girl Fades Away After Planning Day Along With Lady She Met Online.
The Master Billy bar on Northumberland Location in Teignmouth entertains an Ethnicity Evening on Friday 9th March as a fundraiser for Offering services in Health and wellness. Available at World Wide Web Archive N.B., No Imprimatur, yet that is actually released through a professional Catholic publisher, as well as the information looks Catholic. Making use of sex as a benefit - the impact project for the finalization from the honey-do checklist - and also limiting infiltration to a few times a month slowly transmits sexual command to the other half. . Accessible at Net Archive (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: Cornell College Collection). On call in PDF, Full Text, as well as DJVU styles at Internet Repository This is actually a biography of the Saint by a witness to his lifestyle, initially written in 1615. On Call at Open Collection and World Wide Web Store (Digitizing enroller: MSN, Book factor: Regis College Library, Educational Institution from Toronto). So daily, I viewed Joe publishing pictures on Facebook and also FetLife, of all the enjoyable stuff they were actually performing as well as the people they were actually viewing. Funding Gains as well as Basis Ramifications: Life-time Present versus Transfers At Fatality: Although certainly not an inheritance tax policy, under the brand-new federal government tax obligation rules, resources overtake cherished possessions will currently be taxed at a 20% price for taxpayers along with profit over certain thresholds.
I can flirt (along with my other half) and also tease and also be actually as a sexually liberated as I want and I know I am actually improving the adventure clarahealthy.info for my partner without offering everything up. I think that confidence is actually spilling right into other locations from my lifestyle as well. The introduction of a 70 percent Darker Chocolate Cheeky Chia Seed bar as well as a 70 percent Black Chocolate Fabulous Flax pub allowed the consumer recognize that Sweetriot market values wellness also. Passion is Our Mission: The Loved Ones Entirely Alive: A Preparatory Catechesis for the Globe Complying With of Loved Ones, Philadelphia, 2015 (Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Site Visitor, 2014). A cold weather could linger for approximately 14 days as well as for numerous of those days you may also have a high temperature. I am actually operating a number of opportunities a full week these days, which takes grit. But our team're similarly almonds regarding that. To our team, the everyday details from life previously are things to discuss, reflect, make fun of - a lot in the means regular individuals discuss their preferred fact show. As an example, in Pennsylvania certainly there will be a 4.5% inheritance tax on the realty, but this is actually a great deal smaller cost compared to the funds increases that comes from having a carryover in manner through a life-time gift. Our team are additionally laser device focused on preserving effective functions and we effectively restricted rises in cash operating and SG&An expenses in the fourth to $5 million or even 4%. This was even with boosted financial investments in Shock Feast as well as Holiday in the Playground activities, featuring Six Banners New England for the first time and costs connected to our pair of new water parks, including our new water park in Mexico that resumed in December after completing repairs. On Call at World Wide Web Older post (which seems to have the far better copy) and also World wide web Older post (Second copy) N.B., F.A. D'Cruz in his St. Thomas, the Apostle, in India (1905) keeps in mind that Dr. Medlycott went to once Vicar Apostolic of Trichur in Cochin Condition.
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vernmatteson3-blog · 6 years
Recommendation Numerals In Claims Have No Impact On Insurance Claim Scope Truly?
In 1666, a significant and devastating fire, which would later be called the Excellent Fire from London, wreaked havoc the urban area for times. The undisclosed female, 28, discussed her painful knowledge with the publication, as well as caught the amount of individuals feel after being attacked or even pestered. To this day, my bro as well as our family do unknown why Eileen "ran away" and maintained the little ones off my bro. We are actually days away from the release from Dark Panther," and all I may deal with is actually just how mentally not really prepared I am for that Usual causes for this include not having actually viewed a flick with a dark superhero lead in approximately Two Decade (no, I am actually not counting Catwoman" and Hancock") and also the fact that my all at once Nigerian-American and dark United States personal is not prepared to have my complex experience legitimized on monitor. Offered on Open Library and Internet Store (Digitizing sponsor: MSN; Schedule factor: College from California Libraries). The therapy for dark circle the eyes depends upon the hiddening trigger. Additionally, Douglass's use ladies in his imagery fulfills to properly outdo Douglass herself from the dehumanized and also demeaned body of the servant. Overstreet Expert Doug Sulipa has actually called the Batman concerns in the series of # 357-402, quote, the Lowest Imprint Runs in the Background of this particular Title (75,303 to 97,741 copies per month)." For concern # 401, published by the end of 1986, our experts might expect concerning ~ 4% from duplicates to be Canadian price variants at time of circulation ... which, versus Doug's selection, would certainly pencil bent on a price variant stable of ~ 3000-4000 copies. I devoted the night http://Beauty-you-portal.info/ out listed here 2 days before X-mas considering that you got to recognize just what they undergoing. Afzal said she observed some ladies seek women tattoo musicians and normally certainly not really feel relaxed in workshops-- or otherwise possessing their desires be recognized. Available at Web Store as well as Open Library (Digitizing enroller: MSN, Book factor: Cornell Educational institution Collection). Patchouli oil could be incorporated along with geranium important oils and also made use of as a topical service to lessen the appeal of black skin spots as well as various other skin problem. Women which aren't as match may break this down right into several portions from 10 or even additional minutes of exercise escalate throughout the time. Jennings detailed that iconic art historic topics like Victorine Meurent, typically called Edouard Manet's Olympia," were actually handled as brokened girls" during the course of their opportunities. Offered at Open Library and also World Wide Web Repository (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Publication contributor: Regis College Library, Educational Institution of Toronto). So on a daily basis, I found Joe publishing images on Facebook and FetLife, of all the exciting stuff they were performing and also individuals they were finding. The increase from women equality and also distinctiveness - people desiring exactly what is actually finest for themselves as well as certainly not society - suggests that all our household relationships currently are not accordinged to tradition however 'worked out' - in shorts partners now relate to their own plans about just how they are going to live and plan their family members. ( Then was used up - collecting, boiling, as well as readying mountain range flow water for interior use.) However the sink was actually dripping intelligently onto the thawed out black body from Japanese Silkie Rooster the butcher had organized me weeks earlier. Halfway via Hooligan inquired me really sweetly if he might satisfy draw me off one more time just before bed, as well as taking a bath with him had received me regarding half tough once again anyhow, so I allowed him, as well as he happily bobbed his little bit of directly my penis where this stuck out up from the soapy water for ten moments or two just before I provided him my final bunch of the time, and he swallowed that down gladly.
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