#corazon muerto
caostalgia · 2 months
En otro momento, no abrirás tu corazón para sepultarme en la falsedad de mil flores de plástico. Anhelarás buscarme y, al ver mis lágrimas, sabrás que nadie te sintió como yo. Pero ya estaré muerto, y escondido en tus recuerdos me sentiré eterno.
Julsen Bastian
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La muerte se sentó a la orilla de mi cama y dijo:
"Pasé a saludarte porque veo que solo te la pasas pensando en mí"...
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platt-tito · 11 months
Feliz día de muertos 🌼💀💛
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sebsnight · 2 years
Recuerda que somos lo que somos por muchas razones y tal vez nunca lo sabremos la mayoría de ellas.
Pero incluso si no tenemos el poder de elegir de dónde venimos, todavía podemos elegir hacia dónde vamos.
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alpacasandwine · 10 months
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Did i post this here?
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andnott · 2 years
Recaer de nuevo en ti sería un suicidio, me hablas justo cuando quiero un consuelo, si caigo otra vez ya no podré nunca volverme a parar, me odiaria a mi misma por no poder pararlo, mi corazón late cuando vi el mensaje no se porque si creo haber superado, lloro al recordar todo, intentó pensar algo lindo pero sólo encuentro apuñaladas en el recuerdo, quiero responder pero eso me condenaria, mi corazón duele y mis ojos gotean....porque, porque justo ahora me hablas cuando estoy mas vulnerable acaso lo viste?, Me has visto llorar por eso lo has aprovechado?, mi corazón se estremece al pesar en tus pasos al fantasear que vienes hablar, no podías simplemente irte como las tantas veces que lo has hecho podías irte con ellas que siempre te ibas entonces porque te quedas y me hablas sabiendo que eso me podría matar
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kiddysart · 2 years
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Guess is a lil early for Dia de Muertos but eh, I really like this commission I made for whimsycartography on instagram. Not every day you get to make an study of the human skeleton, things rotate in here guys!!
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bleachswing · 2 years
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recuérdame, hoy me tengo que ir mi amor 🕯️
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kasunakuma · 1 year
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Cora-san ❤️
Mis disculpas si no se ve del todo bien, está dibujado en un papel azul 🙏
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kawaiinightfart · 2 years
Tengo un dolor en mi corazón que nadie sabe porque en mi rostro siempre tengo una sonrisa...
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Feliz navidad, por si en estos días tiño de rojo aquellos manteles blancos.
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argentina1978 · 2 years
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#streets #corazon #muerto #deadheart #amor #desamor #vida #muerte #streeart https://www.instagram.com/p/ClVH8GijHaM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sebsnight · 2 years
Le suplico a la vida que por favor no seas el amor de mi vida, porque ya te perdí.
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nasmik-allen · 2 years
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#inktober2022 Día 20 #Corazon Otra vez me atrase por 3 dias 😢 pero no pienso tirar la toalla, este año si lo termino Lista de @_zentangle_conmigo_ #tintober #challenge #tinta #ink #Pluma #Bic #Patrociname #Nosabefallar #Tintober2022 #Heart #apuñalado #muerto https://www.instagram.com/p/CkE-Z91LEWy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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latinotiktok · 1 year
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Jake el perro
- Jake el perro, porque YO APRENDÍ JERGA MEXICANA CON ÉL que se joda quien sea que mandó a cambiar su dialecto
- El perro de hora de aventura pq Ñ ay mamacita ahora estudia derecho
Jake The Dog because there's no way he's not a latino and his name isn't João/Juan. He's even a vira lata caramelo
Jake de Hora de Aventura, el doblaje en latino de las temp. 1-4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Jake el Perro, latinizo tan alto que los gringos le quitaron su acento hijos de perra alv
-Jake el perro porque es mexicano. Yo lo sé
Tortugas Ninja
-Miguel Ángel la tortuga ninja versión 2003 / es argentino pq yo lo digo (m identifico mucho con él es irreal) (also hizo una canción en español)
-Leonardo Hamato (si, la tortuga ninja) ESPECÍFICAMENTE de la serie de 2012 mi evidencia es que se llama leo como messi y es la tortuga azul boludo obviamente es argentino es LA TORTUGA AZUL aparte ese insano tiene banda de cuchillos escondidos eso es re argentino a mi parecer, aparte es gay (delusion mia) y tiene psicosis (sorprendentemente canon, alucina a su viejo muerto a veces) aparte tiene 15 y mide 1.54 lol esta chiquito
-Michelangelo the ninja turtle. (any iteration tbh) SPECIFICALLY THE 2012 ONE THO. HE IS PERUVIAN. HE JUST IS
-Miguel Ángel, de las tortugas ninjas 2012. Ese pana es peruano.
-Las tortugas Ninja pero la nueva pelicula Mutant Mayhem pq hacen referencias a shakira y pura pendejada y media, tambien usan frases mexicanas te amo tanto toblaje de las tortugas ninja, tambien le dicen rafita a rafa MWAH
-Las tortugas ninja, son Japoneses y tambien son Latinos. Acaso necesito decir más???
-Las tortugas ninja. Porque si probaran la pizza de acá en comparación con la de NYC emigrarían de inmediato
-Casey Jones. Ya fue. Cual? El que parezca mas latino(EhemehemARGENTOehem), busquen en sus corazones... el de 2012 ya es mexicano asi que no cuenta pero necesito mas personajes de tmnt latinos
-Yo digo las tortugas ninja, que aunque yo preferiría que sean los 4 porque son gemelos/hermanos. Ya que la gente dicen específicamente a Miguel Ángel yo digo Leonardo porque si, y también porque en la nueva película "Caos Mutante" el actor de voz de el en el doblaje original, tiene raíces Mexicanas.
-eu también pongamos a raphael la tortuga ninja (serie 2003 y 2012) / es argento (<- proyectando). m da risa mi headcanon d q si se enoja t lanza 90 insultos como el meme ese "escuchame una cosa hijo d remil-" (no sé cómo era pero le habían hecho mod d friday night funkin AJDHIAAJAJ)
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changingplumbob · 5 months
Romero Household: Chapter 1, Part 4
Dia de los Muertos wraps up and we visit our friendly neighbourhood infants!
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CW: Discussions of death
Marta’s first language is Spanish so she is teaching Keira (and me) some common Spanish phrases/words Abuelo/Abuela: Grandfather/Grandmother Ay dios mio: omg equivalent Buenas noches: Good evening / Good night Carino: Term of endearment for a loved one Cuídate!: Take care De nada!: You’re welcome/no problem Lo siento: Sorry Padre: Father Por favor: Please Si: Yes Te amo: I love you
With the departure of the Fosters leaving the couple alone, Marta has broken out the face paint to adorn her and Keira. It’s another way of honouring their ancestors.
Marta: Hold still por favor
Keira: I am holding still
Marta: Shhhh, moving your lips counts
Keira: Why didn't we do this before dinner
Marta: I haven't done it for ages so I'm not sure I'm good anymore. I didn't want the dinner thrown apart by focus on my lack of painting skill. Just one more line… there! All done, I’ll take a picture to show you
Keira: Wow this looks great! You’re really going all out this year
Marta: *sighs* I felt bad for all those years Liam didn’t let me make one
Keira: I should have done more than kick his ass
Marta: Carino violence solves nothing. He's in prison for now, let's not think of him
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Keira: I’m sorry we didn’t make one at Alexander’s house, I didn’t realise what it meant
Marta: De nada. I didn’t say to you, how could you know
Keira: I suppose. But don’t let us miss it again
Marta: Si. I promise
Keira: Do you… do you think they would have liked me
Marta: I know they’re happy I’m happy but si. Padre would be happy you're active, he was to. And mama would love to talk to you about the ocean life
Keira: You think
Marta: Si. Being so close to the ocean was what she loved about Cuba. She missed it when we moved to Texas
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Keira: Well I’m glad you left for Windenburg. Even though it was because…
Marta: Everyone was gone? I didn’t have to leave after padre and mama died. I had the community still but I felt alone. I don’t feel alone anymore
Keira: I’m so glad I worked up the nerve to propose
Marta: *giggles* It’s good you did or I would have had to do something extremely romantic
Keira: I mean… you could still do something extremely romantic if you wanted?
Marta: Maybe I’m saving it for the honeymoon
Keira: Can I get a preview
The two embrace on the sofa, feeling warm and fulfilled.
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Abuelo Manuel: Did you see Rafael? She cooked the chimi to perfection. Remembered what we taught her
Padre Rafael: Si padre, she did a good job
Abuela Maria: Will you two shush, I’m trying to listen
Manuel: Corazon I think their conversation is finished
Mama Aymee: *sniffles* She looks so happy and grown up
Rafael: Ay dios mio, you’ll make me cry mi vida
Aymee: Lo siento. I just… we didn’t see our daughter for so long
Maria: You heard what that fiancé said, she’ll make sure Marta does the ofrenda now. She’s a keeper
Manuel: Do you think there will be a new generation next time we visit
Aymee: That would be nice *sniffles* even if would make me cry
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Keira: The place definitely feels full when everyone is here, I thought we got a big unit
Marta: We did, people just fill it well
Keira: Am I meant to feel like I’m being watched
Marta: You’re meant to feel loved. I always want you to feel loved
Keira: I feel loved whenever I look in your eyes. Shall we go to bed
Marta: Si, I’ll just say buenas noches to everyone
Keira: We can leave the ofrenda up longer than tomorrow morning if you like
Marta: No. They’ll all be back in the forever save by then
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Maria: Are you snooping
Manuel: No! I can’t snoop on what is out in the open, can I?
Rafael: I’m happy she’s still got these photos
Aymee: Liam didn’t take everything from her
Rafael: If I was still alive-
Manuel: There’s no point thinking about what we can’t do
Maria: She’ll be bueno
Rafael: Mi vida, it’s time to go
Aymee: Can’t I just watch her for another five minutes
Manuel: Dawn is coming, we must get back
Aymee: Buenas noches Marta, I leave all my love with you, te amo
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In the morning Marta returns the living/dining room to its normal layout while Keira is on laundry duty. Taking their clothes to the shared laundry she wonders why so many people have left their washing in the machines. Being a helpful sim, she moves stuff to the dryers. Fingers crossed none of the clothes shrink!
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Marta has harvested what she can from the garden and is singing to herself when Keira walks past in her work clothes.
Marta: Ay dios mio, is it 8am already?
Keira: Si. Te amo sweetheart
Marta: Te amo! Cuídate! Where did I leave my work gear?
Luckily she’s only a few minutes late to the local coffee shop, the perks of a quick commute. After an uneventful shift, where she mostly daydreamed about the upcoming wedding, she gets back home and hangs the washed clothes on the line. When Keira arrives back they go see the Staples.
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Here Oli and Vernon are on the move! Marta scoops up Oli while Keira chats.
Marta: Do you want to hold him carino
Keira: Uhh, what if I break him
Margarita: You won’t, he’s sturdy
Marta passes over Oli, giving his tummy a cheerful tickle on the way.
Marta: You hold him for a bit, I’m going to play with Vernon
Keira: Okay but-
Marta: Who’s adorable Vernon? Is it you?
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Keira: Sorry if we’re pushing in
Stefan: Don’t be silly. With two infants any helping hands are good
Keira: I think this is part of her plan to convince me to have kids sooner
Margarita: *laughs* I have to say she’s doing pretty well with Vernon, I love it when they laugh
Keira: Uh, anyway, we were wondering, since you’re a baker on the side Stefan, would you consider making our wedding cake?
Stefan: Sure thing! I have a free day tomorrow. Any special requests?
Keira: I think she said she’d like a pink one
Margarita: We had a pink wedding cake!
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Stefan: Here, I’ll take him off your hands
Keira: Gracias
To her surprise Keira feels sad giving the infant back, especially as he smiles and giggles at her. Marta’s plan might be working.
Keira: Marta, sweetheart, time for dinner
Marta: Si, coming. Gracias for having us
Margarita: It was lovely to see people who can talk back
The whole group laugh as Stefan puts Oli on the playmat. Let me tell you, he is not happy our sims are leaving. After bursting into tears he glares angrily at his parents while we leave.
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