#cordell and august
fandom-hoarder · 5 months
Not the parallel bathroom jokes about Augie and Cordi lmfao hellppp😅
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jaredwalkersam · 5 months
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Walker || 4.02 || Cordell and August
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eye-of-elena · 27 days
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Celebrating Walker - Favorite Season Arc: What happened to Emily?
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aborddelimpala · 3 months
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Walker 4.13 | See You Sometime
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cloexbrosluvr · 6 months
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TV Guide Magazine April 1-21 edition
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positivexcellence · 7 months
Walker Season 4 promo
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laf-outloud · 7 months
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A new Walker promo is here!!!! Season 4 looks so good!!! I can't wait!!!
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god-given · 3 months
⭐Last Cordell and Augie Hug⭐
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Going to miss this show so much! 😢🤎
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im-a-mess-that-works · 3 months
This was a great finale for Walker. It felt like a finale and came to a good conclusion. August graduating and getting into the colleges he applied to. Geri opening a second Side Step. Bonham and Abby working together again. Cassie getting the lieutenant position. Cordell wanting to take a family vacation and inviting Geri. I loved Cordell’s speech at August’s graduation party. I thought it was sweet. Stella, Sadie, and Geri talking about everything that’s happened. Liam awkwardly asking Ben to move in. Cordell apologizing to Cassie. Then taking a leave of absence for the summer so he can go on vacation with his family. Liam getting a call from the governor. Cassie moving into her office. Bonham and Abby going out on their boat. Cordell with a ring in his pocket! The new neighbors felt like the only real cliff hanger along with whatever the governor needed Liam for. But it was a great finale despite that it wasn’t initially planned to be the series finale. I’m still disappointed it got cancelled. Walker has been one of my favorites shows and I’m going to miss watching new episodes especially when I want to know what happens next! I’ll definitely be rewatching the show more than once.
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hexedwinchester · 29 days
Walker S01E04 Don't Fence Me In
Cordi is genuinely a sweet person. He's not arrogant or competitive even. His old partner is promoted and guy is happy for him. His new partner has trust issues but Cordi is trying to break the ice. He has Liam on Bel's case to ensure her parents don't get deported
i didn't realise that it was Duke's baseball cap that freaks Cordi out when he first sees August with that box. I always thought it was the box
Bonham yelling for Cordell is so dad energy 🤣🤣
the cute middle name banter between Micki and Cordell.
Stella's questionable taste in men though 😬😬
Never liked Trevor even before they revealed his connection to the Rodeo Kings
but Trey and Micki (Tricki?) were so cute! He was always supportive of her but then she to ruin it with Garrison
the picture moment between Cordell and August is cute
Gif #4, enough said!
In love with this soundtrack: Higher by Twin Buffalo
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lillysilverus · 3 months
Is it weird that somebody who accused and blamed August's father for getting her boyfriend killed is invited to his graduation party?
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moosekateer13 · 3 months
Walker ~Dear Reader: The Manuscript ( Series Recap)
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jaredwalkersam · 3 months
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Walker 2.13 || Cordie was very excited, Auggie not so much
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lailawinchesterr · 1 month
GUYSS I need cordell fics so bad I’m crying like I love him sm and I cried when they said it isn’t gonna be renewed I need recs fr
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Walker Season 4 Deleted Scenes
4x01: The Quiet
Stella enters her dorm room and turns the light on. She locks the door before turning around. Her steps slow as she sees the window. The glass is blank and shows a clear night outside, with the blinds up and the curtains pulled aside. Stella drops her purse on the floor, quickly walks up to the window, and closes the blinds and the curtains. She then walks over to the bed and pulls her boots off, leaving them on the floor as she gets into bed still fully dressed. She reaches for a round fluffy pillow and holds it to her chest as she lays there silently. Ambient sounds from the dorm hallways can be heard throughout the scene.
4x04: Insane B.S. and Bloodshed
We pan up from an abandoned drink on the bar of the Side Step to see Sadie staring in through a clean spot on a cloudy window. We hear a robotic voice telling her to leave a message at the beep. She then leaves this message:
Hey, Ger. Um, I thought I'd catch you closing up the Side Step.... But, uh, I just wanted to say bye. Some tour stuff came up. Big opportunity! Um, I wish I coulda stayed longer, but I'll try and call from the road. Um.... Keep an eye on Stella for me, okay? Thanks. Alright, bye Ger.
As she talks, we hear some real regret in her voice and it's clear she's not telling the truth.
While she was on the phone, a car pulled up, illuminating her with headlights. Someone honked the horn, prompting her to quickly end her message. She rolls her eyes and grabs the backpack she left on one of the outdoor tables and heads for the car that's parked off screen.
4x10: End This Way
A light gray truck slowly drives down a road in a sunny area. As the truck pulls to a stop in some shade, we see Cassie is driving with David Luna in the passenger seat. After stopping the truck, Cassie pulls up her phone and starts poking at the screen. She says that the gazebo they're looking for is supposed to be on the north side of the lake, but she can see one much closer. As she confusedly looks for more information, she complains about the low quality of the map on the website she's looking at. David suggests they just go check it out and starts getting out of the truck. As he rounds the back, Cassie follows him out.
4x13: See You Sometime
Scene 1:
We see Stella and Liam walking alongside a fenced in field. Liam is looking over the horses and Stella is talking about her confusion over college and everyone expecting her to know what she wants to do with her life, echoing her earlier plotline about being unsure what she wanted with her life.
But, now that everything is done with the hunt for the necklace, she's remembered that, in her heart, all she wants to do is help people. She's not entirely sure what that looks like yet but lists psychology, sociology, and criminal justice as options she's looking at. Liam teases her and calls her a "regular Cordi Jr.", making them both laugh.
Stella then shifts the conversation to the rescue and suggests getting help for the rescue. She starts to explain that she's been collecting resumes but she needs help when Liam interrupts her and says they might not need more help, as he's recently received an offer to buy the horse rescue and he thinks they should take it. They've got it off it's feet now and it helped them both a lot, but it's clear that they're both at a point where they have different priorities. It's time to let it go. Stella asks if Liam is serious and Liam confirms that he is, but that he won't go through with it unless she's okay with it.
"So, what do you say? Should we move on to greener pastures?" he asks, holding a hand out to shake. Stella smiles and shakes, agreeing that it's something to consider.
Scene 2:
Sadie closes the trunk of her van and turns around. The camera pans over to show the farmhouse as August exits the front door. August apologizes and says he just got her text and starts to explain that his graduation party is actually at the main house, but stops talking as he sees what Sadie has.
The camera jumps to show her standing next to a pile of music stuff- August's old things he sold earlier in the season. She presents it all proudly.
August, in disbelief, asks if she really got all his old stuff back and Sadie says she did. She says he shouldn't give up on music. August, still shocked, agrees, saying he was thinking the same thing. He has a lot of decisions to make about school and he was actually thinking of waiting a year to make some money, work on photography and now his music.
Sadie then says she might need a roadie. August, in a different stage of disbelief, asks if she's serious. She nods, saying it's best to make music with people you trust, and that after everything that's happened this year, she trusts him. She says his family.
August thanks her and they hug. He then awkwardly brings up that they're not technically family in that sense and she tells him not to ruin the moment. Besides, they both have places to be. They both laugh and start carrying August's things back inside, where they belong.
Scene 3:
At Ranger HQ. Cordell, in his civilian clothes, enters the bullpen and interrupts Trey at his desk. They fistbump in greeting and refer to each other as "partner".
Trey asks if Cordell is ready to hit the ground running and Cordell explains that while he is excited for everything that's coming next, he's just put in for a leave of absence.
Trey, surprised, asks if everything is okay. Cordell says that it is, or that, at least, he's trying to make it that way. Trey nods in understanding and says he's not going anywhere.
Cordell then notices a sticky note Trey is holding and asks what it's about. Trey hesitates and explains that an old army buddy of his named "Jenny" has been repeatedly calling him and he needs to figure out what it's about. This old buddy of his is the kind of person that will just show up and "it might be a good time, but it's never good news". Cordell laughs and says he knows the type.
Trey then moves the conversation along, saying it's not Cordell's problem and that he should go have a good time with his family, wherever they're going. They laugh and hug as Cordell leaves and he says he'll "see you soon, partner". As Cordell leaves, Trey sits down with a smile on his face.
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positivexcellence · 3 months
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Walker 4x13 “See You Sometime”
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