#corey singing this is so wonderful
wonderatmywoman · 8 months
Things I love about Nerdy Prudes Must Die now that I've finally finished my proshot watch
Angela, literally everything she does in this show. She's fucking hilarious, her line delivery and facial expressions are incredible and she looks so insane and evil at the end. She's just amazing
The songs. They're so catchy and we know Jeff can write some absolute bangers, but to get so many in one show? They're all great
Speaking of songs, Joey and Mariah sound so good together when they're singing If I Loved You (idk if that's the name but you know which one I mean)
Will Branner is so good as Max. He reminded me of Jim Carrey several times. I love the way he delivers all of his lines and his voice is gorgeous
Bryce Charles in her solo as the reporter??? Holy shit what an incredible voice!
Lauren Lopez, love of my life, never fails to turn on an amazing performance. I love Ruth very much and to keep that voice going the whole time is impressive
Jon's 'I'm not a loser' in Nerdy Prudes Must Die is so pure and gorgeous
Jon overall was great, I loved his portrayal of Richie and he's genuinely quite scary as Wiggly
Dirty Girl Soup - just the phrase is ridiculous and I love it
Great performance from Mariah, I love her voice, especially when she hits those lower notes it's so beautiful
Wonderful from Joey, he was definitely giving me Scrags vibes as Peter
Curt, Kim and Corey were excellent as well even though they all had smaller roles. I adore evil Corey so much, he should be a villain more often
Costuming was On Point, everyone looks amazing
'Beans cool? Excellent' did I just step into Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure??
I got kinda carried away and as you can probably tell, I loved everything about this show. I bought a digital ticket (worth it just for Angela falling off the chair and everyone breaking tbh) but it didn't really hit then for a number of reasons but this proshot is so fucking good
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hello tumblr
I was just at Starkid Innit and apparently there's a bunch of Starkid fans on here these days so HIIII. I've mostly been engaging with with fandom on Reddit and Youtube but I was a tumblrite in Ye Olden Days and this is probably a better venue for posting random musings than Reddit. ANYWAY have some post-gig thoughts written on my phone on the train:
Corey Dorris was incredible. Give that man a lead role yesterday. He absolutely slayed Showstoppin' Number and now I kinda want to see him as Hidgens. He's so damn charismatic and his voice is amazing and HE DESERVES THE WORLD
"Those books, which were written by nobody" - thank you Joey, A+ allyship
MEREDIIIIITH ❤ I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. So delighted that they got to do a load of Firebringer stuff and that they got SUCH big cheers from everyone, I feel like Firebringer is often underrated
Getting to hear Jeff singing Max Jagerman's part in the NPMD title number, YES THANK YOU VERY GOOD
Obvs I knew Lauren had range but seeing her perform bits from so many different roles in one evening really cemented it, wow what a voice, AND she's fucking hilarious
"Where'd you get your shirt!?"
Jaime Lyn's voice and mannerisms and unhinged facial expressions and THOSE BOOTS and AAAA I'm so glad she's having off-Broadway success in Five but also it's wonderful that she's still performing with SK! "Thank you for 15 years" 🤩😭
"I'm a Starkid founding member, I really should have a super solo number" - we love you anyway Brian
Super tired but maybe more thoughts later?? Mostly I am just so delighted to have finally seen these glorious nerds live ❤
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So I Spied Another Day...
You know it was a good show when you can’t decide whether your heart is so full from all the love and joy, or so empty because it's over.
Really do buckle up, because this is a long one.
So the show went a little like this. They played the Spies pro-shoot on a giant movie screen, but any time a song started, the audio changed to the instrumental track, the video typically faded to simple background graphics, and the cast came out to perform the number live in concert style. There were also a series of audience participation prompts up on the movie screen, such as standing to deliver a line in unison, giving Lauren a standing ovation for the Pay Attention! Reprise, enthusiastically booing Dr. Baron von Nazi and the still infuriatingly catchy Not So Bad (for anyone who’s curious, in addition to encouraging boos and yelled disagreements with von Nazi, they also cut the audience participation bit from the song).
The energy in the room was so electric and full of joy and warmth. People shouted out iconic lines, went wild for everyone’s entrances, and absolutely lost their damn minds over Curtwen at pretty much every opportunity. And the cast were clearly having just as much fun. Doing This has always been my favorite, and there was something so sweet about them singing it again all these years later. We finally got Joey performing Spies Are Forever (Evil Reprise) again and it was just as chilling and beautiful as you’d expect. And One Step Ahead was just on a whole new level. I don’t want to give anything away, but the details in that performance were INCREDIBLE.
It was simply so special seeing most of the original gang come back while also bringing some new friends along. Shout out to Mariah for coming out at the top of the show so ready to play, setting the tone for the whole evening. Shout out to James for putting his comedy chops on full display (LET JAMES BE FUNNY MORE) and dancing the hell out of One More Shot (another favorite number). And shoutout to Carlos Alazraqui (taking over the roles of Sergio and Vladimir Poopin) and Tommy Link for coming into this crazy part of our world with such enthusiasm and silliness. Brian deserves a medal for agreeing to once again play the most cringe-worthy character in all of Pulp-StarCanWrecked history, and for sounding so fucking good while doing it. Tessa was having a blast in full unhinged glory and I gladly worship at her altar. Lauren is maybe the funniest person alive and deserved her standing ovation, prompted or not. Seeing Joe Walker perform live has been Item Number One on my fandom bucket list since I moved to LA a couple of years ago, and I still can’t quite believe I managed it. I’d wondered if he’d be rusty, but honestly he sounded great; it was like no time had passed. Mary Kate still has one of my all-time favorite voices and her Tatiana remains forever engaging. Joey showed up dressed to slay as a gay evil genius Bond-movie supervillain and proceeded to thoroughly deliver on that promise. And Curt… every time I watch Spies I am increasingly blown away by what he does with this arrogant, broken mess of a character. He clearly loves Agent Mega as much as any of us, and to see a performance refined and powered by such clear and thoughtful passion is just a huge treat.
(And while he wasn’t in the cast, I can’t not mention Corey. Between his roles as director and co-writer, so much of what Spies is comes directly from him and we don’t appreciate that nearly enough. And shout out to Esther Fallick for her wonderful work as Susan and the Informant. She might not have been there in person, but her incredible performance was with us the whole time.)
I know this is preaching to the choir, but Spies Are Forever really is such a special show. It’s a story about recovery, and devastating as it can be, I think there’s also something deeply healing about it at its core. For one thing, I know it played a huge role in mending my relationship with my asexuality. I will forever be grateful to it for existing, to TCB, Talkfine, and the original cast for creating it, and to those same people for maintaining its legacy with the amount of love and care it deserves. It was a privilege to be in the room as so many people came to celebrate this miraculous little musical. There were a couple of minor tech glitches (I wonder if they’ll even include the “big one”—the projector jumping over most of the staircase scene before getting fixed—in the digital ticket version), but nothing that could even begin to damper the magic of the night.
We all know that spies never die (except for Owen and the Informant, oops). And at times like this concert, I think this special little show with its short run in 2016 will prove to be just as immortal.
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bwaybby09 · 24 days
So pretty much:
Nick got to be Professor Hidgens,
Jeff got to be Professor Hidgens,
Mariah got to be Professor Hidgens (playing a character as a character),
and now Corey got to be Professor Hidgens (singing Show Stopping Number on stage)!
Wonder who’s next?
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fritz-federleicht · 1 year
hey! i really love your slipknot fics/headcanons and i was wondering if i could get some headcanons for mick, joey and paul of what they’d be like dating a girl that’s in a band similar to babymetal? like very cutesy but also kinda brutal. no worries if you don’t want to! <3
... with a girlfriend who is sweet but also 'brutal' (Joey, Paul, Mick & Corey)
Notes: I've added Corey because I love this man so much it's unbelievable
Words: 947
- he often accompanies you to video shoots
- when you go to him styled he always compliments you
- "Wow you look like an angel." You wear a short white dress, similar to a wedding dress
- while you stand in front of a wall with your band's logo emblazoned on it, Joey sits down on a chair with your name on it
- the music starts playing, you walk slowly to the microphone, you look at the ground
- only when your cue comes, you look directly into the camera and go from singing to yelling
- Joey nods his head to the beat of the music, his face contorted in appreciation
- After the scene is over Joey comes up to you with his arms outstretched, "That sounded wonderful doll." He kisses the top of your head
- "Thanks." You mumble against his shoulder
- after the video shoot your band has a fan meeting
- you wear a sweater from your merch
- people line up to take pictures with you, talk to you or ask for your autograph
- of course you are as nice as possible to everyone
- you say goodbye to a fan and turn around to greet a new fan, but in front of you is Joey
- "Hello beautiful lady, may I ask for a selfie?" He asks you with a grin
- "Of course beautiful man." Joey stands next to you and raises his phone in front of him
- "Smile." You smile and press a kiss to his cheek
- Joey blushes. He looks at the photo he snapped. "Cute." He says and says goodbye to you with a kiss. "See ya later."
- he loves this contrast between your innocent looks and your brutal music
- at every gig you wear a different outfit (for example a short skirt with a crop top), he loves every one of them
- when you start screaming into the mic, Paul can't help but adore you
- he stands at the side of the stage, hearts in his eyes and tells everyone that you're a couple
- when the concert is over you go to him, he greets you with a kiss and assures you with a smile that you have an angel voice, which you laugh at
- after you have changed your clothes you make your way to your hotel room
- once there you lie cuddled together in bed
- "I'm amazed every time how someone so cute can be so scary at the same time."
- you smile at him, "It's just like you, you're also sweet and at the same time in a scary band."
- he replied, "You're also really gorgeous.... I just love your brutal side."
- he smiles at you mischievously and winks at you
- you punch him on the arm, "I can show this side more often."
- "Oh yes please." He replies. You just shake your head
- you want to leave the house to go to rehearsals
- before you can open the door a big shadow falls on you
- you turn around with a crooked grin
- in front of you rises your friend Mick, he looks down at you
- "Aren't you going to say goodbye to me my cute little monster?" You grin at this nickname
- you cross your arms behind your back, "Nope."
- he asks you again, "Are you sure?"
- you nod innocently
- Mick pulls you to him by your waist and kisses you desirously
- you break away from him, "I gotta go now. See you later." You kiss him goodbye and leave the house
- "Be careful... oh forget it, if you yell at the attackers they will run away anyway."
- you turn to him once more, "Everyone shows his true face sometime. Love you." "Love you too."
- he thinks it's great that you sing in a metal band
- 100% you will release several songs together
- at the beginning you were reluctant, you didn't want to record a song with Corey, you know that many people don't take your band seriously because most of them think that metal singers have to look bad, not like cute girls who can't hurt a fly
- Corey is of a different opinion and has persuaded you to go into the studio with him
- of course Corey knows that you can scream really good, nevertheless he stood there with open mouth and admired you
- he can't believe what a wonderful girlfriend he has, beautiful and still badass
- Corey never misses a chance to tell you how happy he is with you
- when the song is released, the cover is designed by you (it has two black roses on it, both of your names jagged and squiggled over it so it's almost unreadable)
- you both hear the finished song for the first time
- "I love you so much baby." "I love you too." Both of your voices can be heard. After that Corey starts to shout, you join in shortly after.
- Corey is excited, you are too, but you still have some doubts
- Corey tries to convince you and reads out a comment from a fan:
"This song is so fucking good. I never thought that these two voices would harmonize so well. And in the beginning the declaration of love and the cut to Corey who suddenly starts screaming. More of those two, please."
- Corey grins at you, "See I told you. People love women who look cute but are dangerous at the same time." He winks at you.
- "Don't say that babe. I'm nice to everyone." You bat your eyelashes exaggeratedly and smile
- "That's cute." Corey strokes your head, pulls you close and kisses you, smiling
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our-neck-of-the-woods · 7 months
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Jenny's Signature
"Jenny! Ma petit songbird! I have a new scent I would like you to share with you today!" Corey Cologne said, sounding excited to share his latest perfume with his favorite customer.
"Oh? I wonder what lovely scent you have created today, Corey." Jenny Jamboree said with curiosity in her voice.
Corey held out his perfume bottle near her face. Not too close, but just enough for the scented mist to hit her button nose.
"Close your eyes and mouth as well. You're about to smell, oh, so swell!" Corey chimed as he spritzed Jenny.
The mist tickled her nose and face as she sniffed the air around her.
"Well, Jenny? What do you think?" Corey asked, anticipated to hear what his neighbor thinks about it.
The scent smelled very familiar to her. It was almost as if the scent that reminded her favorite things. The scent of the rainbow trees after an early morning rain shower, the scent of the wildflowers in full bloom on a sunny afternoon, and the smell of her favorite treat to eat. A hint of pomegranate.
"Oh, Corey! This is your absolute best scent yet! It makes me want to sing and dance about how much of a rocking jam it is!" Jenny said, followed by her singing a little ditty about the perfume.
"What do you call it?" Jenny said with wonder in her voice.
"I call it, "Jenny des Bois."That's is French for, "Jenny from the Woods." Corey said, followed by a wink from the charismatic gentle giant.
Jenny couldn't help but let out a small giggle at the perfume being named after her.
"Teehehehe! Oh, Corey... That Sounds like a Jam!"
-End of Script-
Special thank you to @weevmo for the fantastic art commission! Words can not express how truly wonderful this art piece is!
Our Neck of the Woods is a Fanmade Welcome Home Au project. It is not affiliated with the Official Welcome Home Project, It's Creator Clown/@/partycoffin , or the Official Welcome Home Crew.
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lettingtimepass · 8 months
My first Starkid show I'm watching on YouTube after seeing it live 🥹🥹🥹 Still so surreal! ❤️
I mean, all of the characters are so good! Jon as Richie, Angela as Grace, Kim in all her parts, Corey as Solomon... 🤌
Joey singing "Cool as I think I am" gives "Sidekick" vibes 🥹 Also, Me and My Dick Joey Richter vibes.
There's nothing funnier than a husband referring to his wife as "mother" 😂😂
Bless Will Branner (Max) for coming into Starkid to be objectified 😳😳😏
Keep the beans cool 🫘🫘🫘
WAIT --- the character additions in Hatchet Town?!?! SO GOOD!!!! ZIGGY!!!! DLYAN!!! JAMES!! MAN IN A HURRY! (I'm shocked I didn't get this spoiled on twitter! 🤣🤣)
...I seriously can't imagine Rob playing Pete 😳 The only time it really becomes a thing is with the hot chocolate boy reference... I wonder why they decided to keep that in? 🤔
"She's bisexual and dead!"
Jon as human Wiggly 🤌 The costume was good! I love that we got to see more details. Also Kim's Lord in Black.... The smile and chomping....😳
The Best of You: I still can't believe Starkid wrote a pop punk song 🥹🥹🥹 God, it SLAPS! I mean, they literally sang it in the style of Blink-182!
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in-death-we-fall · 1 year
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Stone Sour
Hot And Bothered
Metal Edge 48-11, March 2003
By Joshua Sindell Photos by Annamaria Disanto
(google drive link) Murderdolls interview here - Slipknot interview here
Stone Sour’s debut album wasn’t what Slipknot fans were expecting. And that pleases Corey Taylor a great deal. Not nearly as outrageously angry as Iowa, the disc blends Taylor’s passionate singing, rock-solid riffing and indelible tunes, creating a record of downbeat songs that rewards comparisons to the sobering sound of the grunge bands a decade ago. With two other musicians of Slipknot getting involved—guitarist Jim Root’s a fully-fledged member of the band, DJ Sid Wilson adds sonic wallpaper to three songs—and now with a huge radio hit in the song, “Bother,” Stone Sour has begun to take on a greater importance than maybe even Taylor had intended. After all, this was a band that played in the Des moines area for years (‘92-’97) without gaining any attention from record labels. Members passed in and out of their ranks like ants through an anthill, and when Taylor finally gave his band notice, that he was joining their hometown rivals Slipknot, Stone Sour seemed to end with quiet finality.
“By ‘97, I’d been doing it for five years straight,” says Corey. Stripped of his Slipknot coveralls and mask, Taylor is a not unhandsome, stockily-built man, standing about 5’7” tall. His brown hair hangs down to his shoulders, and despite his frequent use of the “F” word, it’s clear that he has a large vocabulary and isn’t afraid to use it. “No one comes to Des Moines to see you play,” Corey continues. “Even Slipknot had to go to Chicago to get fucking noticed. I was sick of working my ass off in Stone Sour and seeing nothing on the back end. I knew that I wanted to make it, and I wanted to try something new. So, the guys in Slipknot came and asked me to join.”
His current bandmates—Root, guitarist Josh Rand, bass player Shawn Economaki and drummer Joel Ekman—have all played in Stone Sour at one time or another. Shawn recalls that Stone Sour were almost the “top dogs” in their small scene. “When we first came out, we had our own little reign in Des moines. Then Slipknot came out and just blew the scene to shit!” he laughs.
Were they furious with Taylor when he deserted them? Joel Ekman shrugs. “When he called me to tell me he was joining Slipknot, I told him good luck and wished him the best. Sure, I was mad. It’s hard to find a good singer, especially in Des Moines. Corey’s voice is just awesome and I wondered how we could replace him. When Slipknot needed a singer, of course he was the one to grab.” Corey sat down with Metal Edge to set the record straight…
METAL EDGE: So, you strike out on your own, after all this success with Slipknot, and then you name your new band after a drink? COREY TAYLOR: It just worked out that way. When me and Joel were trying to find a name, we had all kinds of fucking weird shit that we were thinking about calling this band. You have to remember that we were 19 when we started to put this together. You know, we tried names like Freak Show, but we were clearly not a “freak show.” We were just guys that wanted to play fucking music. So one night, Joel’s at a bar, and he’s reading a drink menu, and he starts writing down all this shit from the drink menu. There was a bunch of shit on there like “Hot Saki,” and “Ocean Green,” you know. Stone Sour was the second to last one, and he brought over the list. He asked me if I liked any of them for names. Stone Sour just stuck in my mind, and I decided that was it, it was perfect. It didn’t mean anything to us other than it was the name. It’s like Slipknot… Slipknot doesn’t mean anything either, it’s just a name for the band.
ME: I wanted to ask you about the spoken-word track on the album, “Omega.” Was that inspired by Henry Rollins’ spoken-word stuff? I know that you recently worked with him on his benefit album for the West Memphis three. CT: It was just something that I wrote. I’ve always wanted to get into stuff like that. Obviously, there wasn’t a platform for me to do that with Slipknot, so when we started working on this, I said, “You know what? I’m not holding myself down to anything. I want to explore, I want to do everything.” So, I just wrote this spoken-word piece, I was on an airplane, too, and it happened quickly, in only ten minutes. I knew that we were going in to do demos for what we were calling “Superego” at the time, which later became Stone Sour. It was more inspired by some of what Rolins had done, but also the “Beat” writers, like Kerouac and Burroughs and Ginsberg. That kind of thing. There’s a different rhythm to it. It’s not just somebody sitting down and just talking. There’s a flow to it, and that’s why I wanted to do it in the first place. I’ve always wanted to get into stuff like that, just from a writing point of view, because if you’re just singing all the time, you get bored. If you can branch out and do different things, why not?
ME: Have you ever done a kind of stand-up poetry reading in the past? CT: No, not yet. But I want to. I want to do it all, dude! I don’t give a fuck. I want to go out and do spoken-word shit, I don’t hold myself down to anything.
ME: What have Slipknot fans thought about this departure for you? CT: Well, I just want to prove a point. I want to prove to everybody that, “a,” I’m not just a guy who screams all the time; “b,” I can do other stuff besides Slipknot, and “c,” I want to show everybody that if you put your fucking mind to it, you can do anything. You can accomplish anything in live, and that’s the whole fucking point. If you’re stuck in a band, no matter how popular it is and how unhappy you are, why not branch out and do as much fucking music as much as you can? I got into music to do music, not just to be a member of a band. I love Slipknot, and I love what I do, but at the same time, if I feel like I’m not getting to branch out creatively in other avenues, then I’m going to fucking do something else. Luckily, the response has been really good, the kids have really dug it. But at the same time, if nobody dug it I’d still be doing it. That’s just the way I am. That’s why I joined Slipknot in the first place, because in the original Stone Sour, I was kind of burned out on what we were doing in ‘97. We had been doing it for about five years, and it was time for me to do something new. The guys in Slipknot came to me and asked me to do it. Now, happily, I’ve been able to come back and do this again.
ME: Is it stifling to be in Slipknot? CT: Kind of, yeah.
ME: That’s going to be a hard thing for Slipknot fans to hear you say, won’t it? CT: Well, here’s the thing. You can listen to Slipknot and tell that we’re creative. We don’t really hold ourselves to one “form” of metal, but at the same time, it’s still metal, man. It’s still very brutal and there’s not much stuff that you can do with it. I couldn’t do a song like “Bother” in Slipknot. It just wouldn’t fit in and it wouldn’t be right. So it was important to me to be able to do that, because I write stuff like “Bother” all the time, and what am I supposed to do? Forget about ever singing those songs? Fuck that. It’s either i write and play and sing, or I die. That’s just the way it is.
ME: Your fiancee she says that she’s been listening to “Bother” for almost three years. And all of a sudden, it’s strange for her to have the rest of the world hearing it. CT: It used to be that I wrote stuff like that for myself. I write on an acoustic guitar, not on an electric. I wrote it in ‘95, and it was one of those songs that I’ve always, whenever I had a moment to play my guitar, I would always start to play it. It took a lot… I think I was actually kind of scared to do anything like it before. When we were doing the demos for the Superego stuff, I thought, “You know what? I’m just going to record it and if we don’t use it, then at least I’ve got it for myself. I can listen to it whenever I want.” And, luckily, when people started listening to it, they were like “Holy shit!” I flew out to L.A. to record it for the Spider-Man soundtrack, and people have been really digging it.
ME: Is it a relief to reveal the person you are beneath your Slipknot mask? CT: Yes. It really was starting to feel like I was a character that I was having to play. I wanted to get away from it, I wanted to get back and just do something so that I could come back to Slipknot and feel the same love that I had for the band on the first album.
ME: Were you nervous about going without your mask? CT: I was a little worried about it at first, but then I thought about it and decided, “This is who I am in Stone Sour.” I shouldn’t be worried or ashamed of that. I did Stone Sour for five years without a mask on. It was just “me.” And people liked it then, so why wouldn’t they like it now?
ME: What’s the reaction that you’re getting from Slipknot about the music that you and Jim are doing now? Have you talked to them? CT: I haven’t even talked to them in a whole. They’ve been doing their own thing, I’ve been so busy with this. I’ve talked to Joey [Jordison, Slipknot drummer] a couple of times. Joey’s doing the Murderdolls and he’s having a good time with that. I feel that if they can’t be happy with the fact that I’m happy right now, then why are we doing it in the first place, you know? If anybody wanted (sic) in the band wanted to branch out and do whatever they wanted, I’d be like, “Fuck yeah. Go for it!” I would never try to hold anybody back, and I don’t think that they’re trying to do that with me.
ME: Do you anticipate seven other solo projects from Slipknot? CT: [Laughing] Probably not! I mean, [DJ] Sid [Wilson]’s got his DJ stuff, and [percussionist Shawn] Clown [Crahan]’s got his hand in a bunch of cookie jars, obviously! [Guitarist] Mick [Thomson]’s involved in some shit… It’s just them basically doing what they can’t do in Slipknot, and that’s the whole reason that me and Jim are doing this.
ME: What did Clown say? CT: Clown said some shit about me and Joey and Jim, you know, that “they’d better realize that it’s all fun and good to do this side-project shit,” which pissed me off, because Stone Sour is not a side-project. It’s an actual band. But he said that if our fucking side-projects get in the way of Slipknot, that we’re going to have to answer to him. He’s just talking shit. You know the Clown! He loves to start shit.
ME: Can you still relate to some of the older songs on the album that date back a few years, as if you wrote them last week? CT: Yeah, it’s the same me. Half of the stuff on this album was written prior to us getting back together. It’s just a different perspective. You know, with Slipknot it’s very much about purging the bullshit and everything that I had to go through as a kid. With Stone Sour, it’s much more general, much more accessible and much more confident. These are issues that everybody thinks about. Stuff like relationships, religion, politics… All kinds of things. It goes back to the music question. I’m not going to limit myself just because common popular knowledge has me cast in one fucking role. Fuck that. I want to be the guy who’s known for doing it all and not giving a shit.
ME: There’s a lot of emotions that seem to come out of depression on this record. “Bother” definitely comes out of that dark frame of mind. CT: Yeah. A lot of the stuff, like “Monolith” and “Take A Number”... “Monolith” is a case study of about (sic) what our potential is. All of us are fucking animals, and the people who think that they’re above being animals are the ones who are more susceptible to snapping in a fit of stress and taking a gun and shooting people. And a song like “Take A Number,” back in the scene as popular as we were, there was always the hot new thing that was going on, where people were buying all the bullshit that somebody was saying. That song’s kind of about personality cults and finding out too late that someone’s full of shit. It’s about being burned by somebody that you really believed in. “Bother” is just about people who take and take and take, until you feel like you can’t give anymore, but they still take and keep on taking.
ME: I wanted to talk to you about “Blotter,” as well. Is that about taking acid? CT: No, no… It’s about a chemical imbalance, about obsession. It’s about being that guy that chases a chick all over town and sits outside her house for six hours a night, calls her time after time when he knows she’s not home. About being that guy who scares the fuck out of you, the template for all women who worry about strangers in dark corners.
ME: And that was never you? CT: No. I came really close with my jealousy. I used to be a very jealous person. But I realized how fucking ugly I was with my jealousy, and a lot of my truth wasn’t reality. Every man has been burned by at least one woman in their life, and for a long time after that you really base your opinion of women off of that experience, unfortunately. It’s just about really wanting to be with someone after being in a situation like that. Meeting someone who has the potential of being that “chemical,” very perfect, very forever, and having your own psychosis get in the way of having that, and losing it. It’s kind of about that.
ME: In addition to Jim, Sid plays on this album. CT: Yeah. Sid does some spinning on three songs, yeah. Sid does what he wants. He doesn’t give a fuck. He never has. The only thing he really worries about is whether his coveralls are all intact, and if he’s got a burn on his leg! I asked him to come down, and he was like, “Fuck yeah, man.” He came down and did all his songs in one night. I didn’t want to make what he did integral parts of the songs, I just wanted something for “ear candy,” and that’s what he’s perfect at. A lot of DJs want to remix everything, they want to start everything over again at ground zero. But Sid comes in, asks what you want him to do, and I told him what I was thinking about. He goes into his albums, his bag of tricks, and fucking pulled it off. It was awesome.
ME: This album was done inexpensively? CT: Very inexpensively. We recorded in Catamount studios in Cedar Falls, Iowa with a guy who Shawn and Jim had worked with before on one of their other bands. And we just got along, he knew that we wanted to make something and we knew that we wanted to do it the way we wanted to do it, and not fuck around with a lot of production and a lot of producers. We wanted to produce it ourselves, and it just worked out fucking great. We ended up going in and spending less than $10,000 to record the album. And then we had Toby Wright set up to mix it. I’d wanted Toby Wright to mix it since day one, and it worked out. A lot of things were really smiling on us, you know?
ME: Did Toby Wright’s name come up from your admiration for his work with Alice In Chains? CT: Yeah. Chains, plus I’d also worked with Toby when I did a song with Max Cavalera for the second Soulfly album. We had hit it off really fucking well. He knows what he likes and he loves great vocal performances, and I really wanted to play with that.
ME: How much time have you set aside for Stone Sour? CT: This is something that, depending on how big it gets, I’m going to tour with this up until we get together to do Slipknot. Maybe even past that, because the rest of the guys can work on the music, and me and Jim can come out and we can still be doing this while they’re working.
ME: Things are comfortable? CT: Me and Shawn and Josh have all known each other since we were kids, and I’ve been with Joel since ‘92. Jim we’ve known forever, just because he’s the most popular guitarist in town with all the bands that he was doing. I don’t know what it is, man, we just work really well together. We play off of each other’s ideas, we have carte blanche to do whatever we want musically, and vocally. It’s a good feeling when you’re working towards a goal instead of working for your own means.
ME: So let’s play word association for a second. If Slipknot equals metal, and People equal Shit, Stone Sour equals…? CT: Melody and freedom. It’s everything to me. It’s the first real band I was ever in, it’s the first band I’ve played live with. It’s the first band I ever recorded anything substantial with. It’s the first band I’ve ever felt proud of, where it wasn’t just me and a couple of guys playing what I wrote. It was all of us really working to do something very cool.
ME: This album seemed to come out of nowhere. No one knew you were off the road long enough to make this record. CT: Fuck yeah. This thing was recorded in thirty days, man. I think Stone Sour is different from what’s out there. It’s melodic and catchy, and it’s got soul and life. I think that it’s going to make people re-evaluate how they look at music. I think that this is the needle that gets shoved in the eye of all the corporate bulshit! Everything is cookie-cutter nu-metal crap! Everybody thinks that they have to have the big rap breakdown, and it’s fucking pathetic! What happened to songwriting, what happened to storytelling? Show me something before you ship a million-plus copies! It’s bullshit, man!
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just-bendy · 8 months
I just saw a post about Alex and I immediately had a question. I know that Bendy and Alice are friends and all that, but I wonder if they ever approached each other as a joke or not, or did those love things from cartoons of that time (for example, a hand made of a pleasant fragrance that pulls the hero along). Well, what am I talking about. Since Alex is a clone of Alice, did he try to approach the demon or his female versions like Cory?
Well, this question has nothing to do with the previous ones, so you can not answer it: So Henry turns out to be a father of many children now? Does he want to see the rest of his son's clones or are they his? (sorry, I missed quite a lot of information on your blog)
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I can confidently say that there is nothing goin' on between me an' Alice.
Alex on the other hand, I've spent some time with, if ya know what I mean~. Singing and dancin' is not all that he's good at, heheh. I don't know if Alex has done any business with the other Alice clones, but it's pretty unlikely since most Alice clones see unmarried sex as a sin, or whatever.
I don't know if ya meant Corey, but Alex is far more enjoyable than Corey is.
And yes, I'm sure that Henry wants ta see the rest of the Bendy clones. I'm sure he's havin' a hell of a time over at the Park where most of them are now.
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musicalcastingideas · 3 months
Team Starkid Does Into the Woods
Narrator: Lauren Walker
She's the iconic narrator Molag in Firebringer, if I want anything narrated, I'm calling her.
The Baker: Corey Dorris
I've been on the Give Corey Dorris A Lead Role train for a while (even though I'm very new to Tumblr) so this was easy for me. Also, is "A father who's not the best person but is trying his goddamn best" describing The Baker or Bill from TGWDLM?
The Baker's Wife: Bryce Charles
I'm so hyped for her to be the star of Team Starkid's next show, and I need to hear her sing Moments in the Woods.
Cinderella: Lauren Lopez
I don't feel like I need to explain this one? The vibes are just correct.
Jack: James Tolbert
I've only seen him in Black Friday and like 2 seconds of NPMD but he has such a sincere earnestness to his performance, I think he would be a great Jack.
Jack's Mother: Rachel Soglin
She's my favourite exhausted mother in Trail to Oregon, this is the same part but meaner and without an idiot husband falsettoing in a wagon with a floor window.
Cinderella's Stepmother: Mary Kate Wiles
(She's in Working Boys so she counts as Team Starkid) She has a wonderfully dry delivery and while in Spies Are Forever, she uses it for a Jaded Hero character, I want to see her use it for a truly cruel character.
Florinda and Lucinda: Angela Giarratana and Jaime Burns
Both wonderful comedic actresses who would definitely make these relatively small parts very memorable.
Little Red Riding Hood: Mariah Rose Faith Casillas
Is this just an excuse for a (albeit not as direct) third "Corey is Mariah's Father" casting? Yeah, kinda. But also Mariah is amazing in pretty much any part.
The Witch: Jaime Lynn Beatty
This feels so obvious. Her physical acting, character work and amazing belt are MADE to play the Witch. I am always open to constructive criticism except for this one.
Cinderella's Mother: Brittany Coleman
According to the Team Starkid Wiki, she's played this part in the Baltimore Centre Stage production, so she not only would obviously slay this part, she HAS already slayed this part.
Wolf/Cinderella's Prince: Joey Richter
Hmm, who do I get to play two parts, one who's supposed to be creepy and one who's supposed to be irresistibly sexy? I dunno. Anyway, Joey Richter has such amazing range, he plays skeevy villains like Mcdoon (the bandit king) in Trail to Oregon and Wiley in Black Friday , but also is so hot and charming as Ethan in Nightmare time and as Owen in Spies are Forever. Don't know why I bring that up now.
Rapunzel: Kim Whalen
Soprano Queen, actual princess. Also, I want her and Curt to play an actual couple
Rapunzel's Prince: Curt Mega
Not to fall into the Internet Wife Guy Trap but Curt seems so in love with his wife and I think he would be so good as the prince who would do anything to be with her (God please don't pull a Ned Fulmer Curt I swear to God). Also, if you haven't seen him and Joey do Agony for Shitty Broadway, please go watch it, it's amazing.
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deanmonlover · 2 years
my glasses, my glasses!
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a/n: here is my oneshot coming from the wonderful idea involving glasses that @nachtmahr666 had!
also this is post-michael starting from when corey first got a taste for blood. however, he took a night off in this for the reader 😂 I'm so sorry this took forever and it might not be great but I hope you like it 😭
tw: implied smut at the end 😉
"Scooby dooby doooo, where are you. We got some work to do now!" You sing along with the TV as it blares the 'Scooby Doo Where are you!" theme song. Recently you and Corey had both been staying home more often than not due to the rumor that there was a serial killer back out on the loose that killer being the Michael Myers. In reality that wasn't the case, it was someone much closer to you than that.
Corey got up and grabbed the empty popcorn bowl to go make some more. "I honestly think I like the seventies Scooby more. Something about it just screams nostalgic to me." He commented from the kitchen, peering from the doorway every so often with a grin at your dorky self sprawled out on the floor with fuzzy socks up to your knees, shorts and of course his t-shirt. It was quite contradictory to wear long socks and shorts but it looked really good on you.
"Okay yes, those were the days but What's new Scooby Doo is still good too! I mean sure it has major two thousands vibes but still it was one of my favorites hands down." You added, reaching for your drink as you took a sip you noticed a pillow laying on the ground. An evil idea popped into your head as you reached for the pillow and made your way silently past the doorway to the other side of the kitchen whenever the curly headed male wasn't looking.
Whenever Corey turned back from the fridge with a yoohoo in his hand, he perked an eyebrow as he looked out into the living room. "y/n?" He put his drink down on the counter and began walking out towards the living room in search of you until he felt a pillow whack him upside the head causing him to stumble backwards.
"Oh my god, Core! I didn't mean to hit you that hard I just–" That apology didn't even make it past your lips good before Corey had a pillow in his own hands and was bopping you over the head with it. He picked the lightest couch pillow that you had and with a devious smirk the battle was on.
You ran and tried to take cover behind the love seat but he was hot on your heels, the sound of your laughter filling the room as the chase ensued. Corey tried to throw his pillow at you but you ducked behind said loveseat before he had the chance. "Missed me, missed me now ya gotta kiss me!" You shouted as you jumped up from behind the couch and chucked the pillow right at Corey, knocking his glasses to the floor acidentally. When the realization hit you, your heart dropped as you ran over to him, not sure where they went.
"Core, we're gonna find them I swear, here maybe they're over here." You suggested, getting on all fours to look for them.
"My glasses, I can't see without my glasses!" Corey chimed in, a goofy smile painted on his lips as he recited the famous line that had literally just played with good timing in the background. He loved little moments like this with you, healing his inner child. It made him feel like he was finally catching up on the things his mother had never approved of. It was one of the things that made you so special to him, it was important to you that the two of you experience all the things he missed out on together.
"You're such a dork, did you know that?" You teased, reaching down to pick up the rimmed glasses that were dropped, handing them up to him before standing. As you tried to help put them back on, Corey grabbed your wrists and pulled you in close before meeting your lips with his own.
"Yeah but at least I can say that I'm yours." He mumbled against your lips, hands moving down to rest on the small of your back. The sounds of the mystery crew lost in the background as you made your way over to the couch to get comfortable under the blankets for the night.
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sodalitefully · 7 months
@nocturnal-light ok I finally listened to the whole thing last night and here is my preliminary review of can’t find the brakes:
Look I know they only have 26 (!) original songs so it’s not saying much, but one thing about this dirty honey is I feel like they definitely have a signature sound, a distinct character, and the new album delivered that.
That said, the ballads really stood out to me on this album, more so than on the last one. I already mentioned coming home — I don’t listen to a ton of acoustic stuff on the regular but my Simon and Garfunkel-loving ass was all over that shit. And the live version — I’m always happy when John busts out the slide, and on the steel guitar?? They followed coming home with a cover of Van Halen’s could it be magic? which is something I literally never knew I needed to hear.
Roam seems like something gvf fans might enjoy? I think Marc did a wonderful job on that one, very soulful, and john’s solo is delightfully slash-esque (forever the master of the power-ballad guitar solo)
Love the falsetto on you make it alright, we haven’t heard much of that from Marc.
I clearly have gnr brainrot, but can’t find the breaks (the song) sounds like something slash would write with smkc — love the bass line, the solo, Marc’s little laugh lmao.
Ride on is like definitely about Marc’s motorcycle right??
Rebel son is a different kinda groove than the rest of the album, I really dig it. I wonder who plays the keys in this band?
Btw, I’m the worst at picking out the drums in a song, but I think jaydon bean did a good job stepping up in this album. Maybe after a few more listens I’ll be able to get a sense for what makes his style different than Corey’s (or maybe not bc again I am bad at noticing that sort of thing)
A minor complaint, I’m not really into backup singers, I’d rather hear the band sing, or have the vocalist record backup tracks.
Will they ever make an album cover that’s not just their logo? Should they ever? It’s a pretty dope ass logo
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madaboutmunson · 1 year
Again - Part 11
Part 1 | Part 10 | Part 12 | Full list of Again series links
Steddie fic where Steve and Eddie are in their mid 30's and everyone has sort of drifted apart
Taglist: @adaed5 @grtwdsmwhr @swimmingbirdrunningrock @mightbeasleep, @jewellthebooknerd
Sunday rolls around much too quickly for Steve's liking. Honestly, he knows summer is coming to a close and other than being whined for the last few days about Zee having her own cell phone, he was really going to miss it once it was over. Sure, he'd get to see them again in a week, but it was just different out of term time. They were a little more carefree. They'd had a great few days, cooking together, playing video games, school shopping, and even some two-on-one basketball. Since Wednesday, Zee had called Morgan every day, only for ten minutes tops. Steve could manage the phone bill but didn't want to put Eddie or Jenny in an awkward situation where they couldn't do the same. Although curiously, Eddie hadn't called Steve at all, he got this weird message on his cell that had Eddie's name on it, but there were no words, just numbers and letters. 
He pulls up on Jenny and Val's driveway, and the kids and Beans rush out, leaving Steve to get the bags as usual. He bundles up what he can under his arms and walks up to knock on the door.
Steve had a key, but he always preferred to knock at the door out of some weird kind of respect. Jenny, short blonde hair in a chic bob, dressed in a loose flowing long summer dress, opens the door and blocks the kids, trying to get into the house without hugging her first. Squeezing each of them tightly, "Oh, I missed you, terrors" The kids make a break for the stairs, "Dinner will be ready in five minutes, so don't get too involved in anything. That means no computer games, Corey!" She shouts after them and turns a kind smile to Steve. "Come on in." She says enthusiastically, wrapping him in a big hug too. Then almost getting barrelled out of the way by the enormous furry projectile that was Beans. She beckons him to the kitchen and puts her finger to her lips, laughing. Steve obliged the silence but couldn't help but notice there was something different about Jenny. He's not sure exactly what it is, but it's familiar. She points through the kitchen door, and Steve peeks around the door to see Val in a chef's hat and apron, singing and dancing around the kitchen as he cooks. He nearly jumps out of his skin when Bean's wet nose prods at the back of his knee. Still, when he realises who it is, he beams in delight, "Oh Beanies! Memento", he says to the dog putting his hands together like he's praying. He walks to the fridge and breaks off a chunk of cheese, throwing it around his back into the air for Beans to catch, before returning to the stovetop, putting the newly strained linguine into the pan, and tossing its contents effortlessly in the air. Steve smiles and shakes his head, and looks back at Jenny. Her expression radiated the affection Steve had only seen in the early stages of relationships or at boy band concerts. She's looking at Val like he's the most marvellous creature in the universe, and he supposes to Jenny he was in the top three. For a second, Steve feels that pang of jealousy, the one he tells everyone else and himself he doesn't have when it comes to this situation, but it's much more complicated than jealousy. He doesn't want Jenny back as his wife or romantic partner. He doesn't want her to endure those strained times again. Most of it was great, but when it was terrible. When the dark clouds came for her, Steve couldn't stop them no matter how hard he tried, but Val could and can, and Steve wondered what that must feel like. Not just to be like that for someone else but to have someone like that for yourself. He was jealous that no one looked at him that way and that he had no one to look at that way. He was just not jealous enough to make it a bitter taste in his mouth.
"STEVEN!" Val exclaims, taking off his chef hat and apron revealing his jet black slicked back hair that curled up at the nape of his neck, some very tight Levi jeans and Ralph Lauren polo shirt. He makes a beeline for Steve, gripping his shoulders and kissing him on each cheek, "Sit, sit! Steven, please." he gestures at a chair at the table, and Steve smiles and obliges. No matter how many times he told Val that Steve was fine, he persisted with Steven, he said it commanded more respect and it felt better in his mouth when he said it. Valentino was pretty much impossible to refuse unless, of course, you wanted to offend the man. Steve is so grateful for him, there were a billion frogs out there and Jenny most definitely landed a Prince, which wasn’t just a bonus for her, but Steve too. He knew Valentino was great with the kids, and made Jenny so happy, which made everything so much easier. Val picks out a pile of dishes and deals them like playing cards around the table as Jenny sits in her usual seat at the head of the table.
"So Steve, I see Beans is here. Are you going somewhere?" Jenny asks, unfolding her napkin into her lap.
"I mean, I'm not sure yet, maybe. I figure I should do something with the last week of summer, right?" Steve says, being careful not to mention that he would probably spend most of that week waiting for Eddie to call if he would at all. He’d only brought Beans on the off chance maybe he and Eddie might go someplace together. Val stops mid-cutlery placement and lifts his head to Steve with slightly narrowed eyes, "You know, maybe a city break or something? Like I say, I don't know yet," Steve adds as a half-truth was better than a total lie. He stopped bringing up dates with Jenny and Val a long time ago, especially when they barely made it to the end of the first date before they were another loss on the tally. "What have you both been up to this week?"
"Well. Val got a promotion, which is really exciting. I've just been given a new team to bend to my will, I mean take care of," she laughs, "So things are going pretty good, I think you could say" Jenny looks over at Val, radiating happiness. Val turns and blows her a kiss as he brings around the pan to dish out the food, which smells divine. "Have the kids been alright?"
"Mackenzie went to her D&D club and made a new friend, who came by this week to play basketball. He wanted some help because his Dad said he's going to high school soon, so Corey and I practised with him, but honestly, he's a natural. I think he's gonna be okay." Val places a serving of linguine into Steve's dish and appears to be scanning his face for information.
"Oh, that's great. I'm glad you drove her out there; it made a world of difference. Though I suspect there might be a little crush developing there too." Jenny says with an adoring smile at the cuteness of it all, "Mac's first crush, huh? Wow, time is just going by so quickly" Steve nods in agreement, "And can I just say, Steve, how impressed I've been? I mean, I was certain the day this happened, you'd be a lot more upset about it."
Steve laughs. "I know me too. There have been a few moments where maybe I wasn't at my best, let's say, but I figure it's best not to meddle, you know? Just keep an eye on things, which is much easier when they aren't hiding anything from you." Steve clicks his fingers, remembering, "There was a hair incident with one of your old curling tongs. We sort of figured it out for now, but if you're taking them for usual haircuts before school, maybe get them to blend it in a little better than my hack job."
"Oh, christ! Sorry, Steve, I keep meaning to get my old stuff from yours!" Jenny says, wiping her hand down her face.
"No, it's fine. It's nice for the kids to have your stuff at mine too, in case they miss you, you know? But, er yeah, I might have lost my temper with those particular curling tongs, so they are now in the trash." Jenny grimaces, "Don't worry, Jen, I took them and my temper out to the garage." Jenny smiles, and Val raises his eyebrows at Steve as he brings his oversized pepper grinder around.
"KIDS!" Jenny yells through the door, and a thunder of feet and squabbling can be heard before Zee and Corey appear in the kitchen.
"Beans out, please," Steve says gently, and she obediently goes to sit in the hall.
Dinner conversation is mainly driven by the kids, and Steve sits quietly between Jenny and Zee, enjoying his food and the company. Several times throughout the dinner, Steve looks across the table to find Val staring at him like he's trying to unravel him. Each time Steve gives him a smile laced with a bit of concern and then goes back to eating.
"Say, kids, Val got a soft serve machine. We've set it up in the garage. Wanna help me grab some for all of us?" Jenny asks, a massive grin on her face like soft serve ice cream was the answer to all life's problems. Then like a ton of bricks, something hits Steve. His eyes dart to Val, wide-eyed in realisation, and the analysing stare he's had on Steve all evening drops and is replaced by one of alarm, and he puts a finger to his lips. Now it makes sense! He looks down at his plate, no seafood, no wine with dinner, how Jenny was positively glowing, why Val was dancing around the kitchen, why Jenny had been mooning over him in the door, and the last clue, the soft serve machine at home. So she could know exactly what went into it. Steve silently, but his face is loud with communication, points a finger at Val behind the backs of Jenny and the kids as they leave.
Val gets up and rushes to the door to close it, and pins himself against the back of it, his hands at his chest, fingertips pinched together, "Please, Steven, don't be angry", he whispers.
Steve gets out of his chair and approaches him, "Angry? Why would I be angry? This is wonderful! Congratulations!" Steve whisper shouts, pulling him in for a hug, and he feels Valentino begin to weep against his shoulder.
"J-Jenny, she said not to say. She said it was too soon, and it is early, very early, Steven, so we aren't telling the k-kids yet," Val manages to say through his tears muffled into Steve's shirt. Steve pulls back, holds him happily by his shoulders, and beams at the blubbering mess before him.
"Oh Val, I know we're all one big unit, but you're gonna be a Dad, and I am fucking psyched for you, man! You have no idea how amazing this is gonna be. I promise you, there is nothing on this earth like it," Steve enthuses, shaking him maybe a little too roughly with excitement before pulling him in for another tight bear hug, with an audible oof when he nearly takes the air out of Valentino. "Is that why you've been acting so weird tonight? Because you wanted to tell me?"
Val gestures at the chairs again, and Steve pulls one out and lets Val sit down first before sitting opposite him at the table. He offers Val his handkerchief, which he takes gladly and wipes his eyes. "No, Steven, no. But also, yes. I did want to tell you, but Jenny said no, so I wasn't going to tonight, but when it was time, we would sit and tell you together, but you guessed." He says with a shrug.
"Ok, so if it's not the announcement, why have you been staring at me like that? Do I have something in my teeth or hair?" Steve reaches up to check, and Val captures his hands gently and brings them down to the table. He pats them, grabs two little cups, and pours them an espresso. Val sits back down and takes a sip, letting out an ah, putting it down and looking directly into Steve's eyes.
"Because you, Steven, are in love," Val says seriously. Steve laughs and shakes his head.
"That's ridiculous. I am not," Steve replies.
"Ah-ah-ah Steven, do not lie to your Valentino" Val leans over the table, and he lays his accent on thickly as he does, even though Steve knows he was born and grew up in Indianapolis. Val reserved this stereotypical accent for three things, when he spoke Italian, when he spoke to customers and when he wanted to get his way. Steve was loath to admit it, but generally, it worked on everyone. "Now you tell me who this heavenly creature that won the heart of my friend is, uh? Is it one of your fancy ladies with a little chihuahua? Or maybe some big-time executive man like Richard Gere in Pretty Woman, only you are not a prostitute, obviously, Steven. Come on, tell me. You know Valentino loves romance, Steven, please" he rests his chin on his hands, pouting, making himself look adorable and Steve’s weak defences fall apart.
"Let me just start by saying love is a big word there, Val. But I am interested in someone and-" Steve doesn't get to finish that sentence because Valentino is whooping, clapping his hands and has scooped Steve out of his seat into his arms and is dancing him around the kitchen. He looks up into Steve's eyes.
"Steven, tell me everything!" He says adamantly.
"Well, he's someone I knew a long time ago before I met Jenny, and um, he's kinda the Dad of Zee's friend Morgan," Steve says a little awkwardly, and if they weren't attached, Val's eyebrows would have shot clean off his head due to the velocity he raised them before his expression fell into a cheeky smile.
"Oh, Steven! You bad boy, organising your own play date at the same time, uh?" Val says, twirling Steve around back into his chair.
"Well, that's not exactly what happened, but-" Steve starts again as Val slaps him on the back.
"Is he handsome? No, don't answer that. Stupid question. Of course, he is. Charming, naturally. Tall, of course." Val is pacing, tapping his chin. “But what has he got that the others did not. Something different…" Val says, scanning Steve's face again.
"He's crazy!" A voice comes from the now open doorway as Corey thrusts an ice cream cone at his Dad. Zee hands one to Val, and they both disappear into the den.
"A wild man, eh Steven?" Val says with surprise as his laughter booms around the kitchen, making Steve blush a little and chuckle himself as Jenny sits at the table and looks between them.
She tuts, "Oh Val, you told him, didn't you?"
"Congratulations," Steve says quietly, reaching to hold her hand and beaming at her.
"Let's just not get ahead of ourselves ok. It's early" she points a finger at both of them.
"That's not all Luce della mia vita. Steven has a new old flame. Molto piccante," he purrs and slides into the chair next to Jenny, kissing and then nuzzling her cheek, but she is just staring at Steve.
"What do you mean old flame, like when, before me?" She asks, her brow furrowed.
"Ah yeah," Steve says, but then the realisation hits him that in their eleven years, he never mentioned Eddie by name. Any stories about him were gender-flipped to a girl with no name. Steve would tell Jenny when they first started dating, he never wanted to say that name again, and at the time, he'd meant it. It wasn't a secret he was bisexual, just that, at the time, it was a lot less liberal.
"Nancy?" She asks in surprise, and Valentino laughs.
"No, no, tesoro", he scoops up her hand and kisses it, "A tall, beautiful, charming, crazy man", and Steve gulps.
"Wait, you never said anything about a guy, Steve..." Jenny starts to say before she gets deep in her thoughts, then taps her finger rapidly against the table, her eyes widening in realisation, "He's the one that left, isn't he?" Steve nods. It's all he can do at this point. He's still determining which way this will go. "He's the one that broke your heart and why you were getting wasted in the bar!" She taps the table a few more times, and for a glimmer, she looks angry but then looks at Val, who seems to communicate silently with her and she softens. "Well, he better behave himself this time, else I'll hunt him down myself!"
"Crazy", Val says, kissing Jenny's hand, and pumps his eyebrows at Steve, "So what are you still doing here, Steven?" Val chuckles, "Why don't you hunt down your wild man before Jenny does?"
"He's probably busy. So I think I'm just gonna head home, have a nice bath, and plan something for the week," Steve says, wolfing down his ice cream, eager to get out of this potentially awkward conversation.
"Too busy for you, no! If he's too busy for you, he's not good enough, Steven," Val says with a big smile. Jenny smiles, too, but it doesn't reach her eyes. It puzzles Steve. Was she angry about him telling her it was a girl, not a guy? Was she mad because she thought he would hurt Steve? He'd swear she was jealous if he didn't know any better, but that was impossible. She had everything she wanted and then some. He couldn't work it out, so he decided this might be his cue to leave.
"Well, thank you for a wonderful evening. I am so excited for you both!" He says, turning around, picking up his blazer, and hugs them both goodbye. He notes Jenny's hug isn't the usual tight squeeze. He says goodbye to the kids and Beans and heads home.
As he rounds the corner to his home, he's surprised to see Eddie's motorhome parked up in the driveway. Steve gets out of his car, walks over to the door, and knocks, "Eddie? Everything ok?" He shouts at the door. Steve hears a small tumble of objects from inside, and Eddie curses quietly.
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vanweezer · 2 months
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come what(ever) may - stone sour
took me by surprise seeing this at my local book/physical media store. idk if anyone remembers google play music but that was my everything in middleschool (along w pandora bc it was the only site not blocked whenever id listen to music) and i remember being in the "slipknot"/"nu-metal" "radio" stations pretty often, and stone sour popping up every now and then. obvs as a little angsty rat i didn't always care to listen to their more ~melodic~ or acoustic stuff, so i ended up skipping their songs in favor of slipknot + the like. didn't even know corey & james were in stone sour as well! didn't even know who corey and james were. different times i spose
some of these songs i do remember from my tweens/recently watching corey's live in london show (bc thats just a rite of passage for me isnt it) and hearing them on my cd put me in 2007. sure i wouldve been like four. but still. the composition of these tracks alone just puts you there. its like a wormhole through a higher grade nickelback discography. and i mean that in the most respectful way possible. if you can imagine.
standout tracks are obviously through glass, cardiff, 1st person, and hell & consequences. i didn't get a chance to really pay attention to the lyricism this listen but i just love hearing corey sing. who doesn't. the man literally made a career out of it. wild. i know there's jokes to be made about stone sour being slipknot: 2 (very justified btw, what with the acoustics paired with the industrial/death metal tones we're so used to hearing from them in slipknot) but now i get why they were able to reach icon status in the aughts. i always say there are bands that define a genre to a time and bands that are a product of a genre in their time, and stone sour (to me, at least) is definitely the latter. however, it isn't a bad thing here ? like you'd expect any band that shares similarities with nickelback or creed or godsmack or any beloved pioneers in buttrock to be the same degree of "corny turned cult classic" but there's something about stone sour that cements them as just a genuinely good rock band, period.
and dont even get me started on the artwork & art direction on this foldable, it took a lot of strength to not just scan and post everything. whoever was in charge of cd foldable artwork from 2006-2010 needs to have their work studied in the same way we used to run over picasso's greatest hits in art history class. it's like the entire spread was printed on acid washed jeans. it's like no matter where i look there is an embossed edge. it's like even the png clouds above them have a tactile texture as i turn and read lyrics. it's straight up male casual wear section in the department store-green city. it's so cinematic that way. also i wonder if the album's title itself is a reference to annie? i know corey's into theater, and the whole "come what may" thing is like a lyric or phrase from something else. feel free to correct me though 🫶
im glad i gave my 12 year old self a new listen today, and as always im glad to be able to share my listens and findings to the 2 people interested in my cd tag.
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Falling In Reverse live in Las Vegas/NV, 3/3/2024
The "Take Back Your Life" tour's last stop was Las Vegas, Nevada. Falling In Reverse played at the Bakkt Theater on March 3rd, 2024. The show was a real blast!! 🔥
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Via Instagram
The concert also included a wonderful surprise: Ronnie Radke brought Corey Taylor (Slipknot) on stage, and they sang "Drugs" together! ❤️❤️❤️ (See individual post for video and the details.)
Via Lovablie's Instagram account
Pictures are hard to find again. If I get more later, I will add here. Mostly Ronnie and Corey were leading the night.
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Via Instagram
The videos on my YouTube:
Further fanmade pictures of Ronnie and Corey:
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Via Facebook
Ronnie Radke singing "Watch The World Burn" here:
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Via Facebook
Apparently the crowd selfie is missing, maybe it wasn't made intentionally. Here you are Disturbed's total crew picture of the tour instead. See FIR members on the front right.
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Via David Draiman's Instagram account
Personally I'm sorry this tour is over. It was a great one, so many nice add ons, surprises. BUT!! I'd be even more sad if it wasn't the wait for the new release! The tension is so grown now, Ronnie can come out with rhd new song(s) and the 2024 year plans any minute!!! 🙏🙏🙏
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gnomeantics · 1 year
AAAA MY MUM BOUGHT BE A DIGITICKET TO JANGLE BALL <33 heres the liveblog of act 1:
aa its so good to see them all performing together again!!!
lauren wrapping up the show😭
lauren is such a queen here
we're gonna break the mic and its gonna be a Problem!
you werent even IN this show!
this would be such a beautiful song if it weren't literally about shit
my lips are- my LIMBS are going weak. not my lips
i wonder whos going to be lex
did you know if you spend money your kids will love you maybe <3
oh there is no lex–
The Gilderoy Lockhard Singers(tm)
why dud i mever realise that lyric was banal?
aj wrapping up the show😭
the flossing??😭 i love them so much
oh ny god getting to see her move around the stage while doing it makes it so mych better
it is the most wonderful time of the year. which means it is time..... TO DIEEEE
jaime wrapping up the show😭
spotlight on mr ingenue (fight ensues)
now maybe im just not american but i love the implication that santa is responsible for making it snow
oh joey sing let it go for your elves cmon
the real villain is capitalism.... vhscc 2021 preshow vibes
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