#corinthian x morhpheus
acapelladitty · 2 years
love you with my hands tied
Pairing: Corintheus (Dream/Corinthian)
Word Count: 4.3k (nsfw)
(Warnings: sub/dom dynamics, punishment, choking, whipping, mild blood, teasing, pain kink, anal sex)
Summary: Muzzled and held in place at his creators feet, continued defiance sees the Corinthian punished for his rebellious mouth and actions.
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Perfectly moulded to his face, the leather muzzle presses against Corinthian's lips like the fingers of an eager lover as his pink tongue traces across the thin straps to taste and tease at the material. Earlier in their day, he had watched his master lovingly craft it from the void, knowing that it would soon be wrapped around his head, and the knowledge had created a stutter within his chest as he understood its purpose.
It was both a gift and a warning.
One which recognised his strengths as well as the dangers which his vicious mouth has wrought on those unfortunate enough to cross his path. Victims and lovers, both stood as equal casualties to the sharpness of his teeth as he indulged his unfettered desire for flesh.
His beloved teeth; all of them.
Those same teeth which now served only to protect and pleasure the one who had caged them.
To have his mouth restricted in such a way was akin to having a sense removed, the lack of freedom making his other senses heighten. He could feel the harshness of the cool marble flooring pressing smoothly against his supplicant knees as the faint turning of the paper pages from the figure behind him roars like a cacophony in his ears.
"Little dream."
Twisting his head at the familiar siren call of his creators’ voice, Corinthian turns his body fully - legs shuffling as the lack of slack in his leash ensures he remains held in his submissive position - and gazes up at the being who owns him in both body and soul in a way which no other creature could comprehend.
He had been somewhat mischievous in his last visit to the waking world and his behaviour had not gone unnoticed. Although, in the grand scheme of punishments, being held at his masters’ feet as though he were a muzzled beast was one which he could at least find some pleasure in.
The book which Dream had been reading is now discarded in his lap as his pale fist tightens around the end of the leash which connects to the thick chain around Corinthian's throat, its weight a constant, dizzying reminder against his warm skin.
As ever, the shock of inky hair seems to pull in the light from around it, swallowing it whole as Corinthian’s eyes dip from Dream’s hair to his pale face; the features there achingly familiar as is the stern but almost playful look which radiates from his stiff expression.
"You've been somewhat behaved this last hour of your punishment." Dream praises in a heavy, almost bored, tone. "So, tell me, if I take your new muzzle off, will you dare to bite me again? Worry at my hand like the feral creature you so often show yourself to be?"
Snarling below the straps of leather in pure defiance as he plays his part, Corinthian curls his lips enough to allow his sharp teeth to flash in warning. His head quickly follows as it dips into an unmistakable nod of confirmation, the movement making the chain clink quietly.
How could he not bite the hand which holds his leash?
He was birthed of a desire to reflect the true darkness of humanity and darkness would not allow for itself to be quelled as easily as his maker may like.
Then again, if the sudden heat which enters Dream’s cool features at his defiance is to be believed, then perhaps his refusal to submit is exactly what his maker expects of him.
"Disrespectful little pup," voice as chastising as it is amused, Dream's own lips quirk up in a smirk to match the open challenge of his creation, "perhaps we shall now focus on instilling some more discipline training in order to bring you properly to heel."
Snapshots of heated memories flash through Corinthian's mind in quick succession as his breath stutters and his cock swells against his thigh.
His sight blocked to enhance his reaction to every wicked touch and torment as he was held immobile by restraints which would never break until his creator were satisfied enough to release him.
The sting of the whip against his broad shoulders as Dream methodically tested out various implements to find the one which drew the most pathetic noises from his lips.
A familiar scent of copper filling the space as his own blade was pressed firmly to score through his willing flesh by a firm hand which was quick to fix the damage it has inflicted only to repeat the action once again.
Flexing the exposed muscles of his back, he can almost feel the delightful ache of his lords last attempt at instilling some discipline in his most rebellious nightmare and his ocular eyes are lidded as he answers.
"You can try."
He bites the words, muffled as they are by the custom-built muzzle, with as much honeyed venom as he can muster, even as a pit of desperate need roils within his stomach.
Fuck the consequences, he would see this game through to the end.
Pulling at the chain within his firm grasp once again, Dream's eyes narrow in obvious pleasure as the move forces Corinthian to jerk forward, ripping him free of what little pride he possesses as he stumbles messily in place.
Shuffling towards his master to prevent the new pressure of the chain on his neck, Corinthian comes to a rest between Dream's outstretched thighs as he finds himself unable to resist the arousal which the promise of the punishment which he so rightly deserves ignites within him.
He only hopes that Dream will use his hands.
"For your defiance, you will choose three additional punishments which will become your undoing."
Flashing a hyena’s smile, Corinthian’s eyes narrow as his nose presses on the highest part of the muzzle.
"Only three, my lord?"
A sharp gasp breaks free of his lips, quickly followed by a whining keen as thin fingers wind themselves in his blonde hair and tug at it harshly. Fire ignites in his scalp at the rough treatment and his neck swallows around the chain as it extends up to lessen the unexpected pressure.
"Was I unclear?" Brooking no disobedience, Dream's words boomed in his ear. "Choose your three punishments and you may also explain to me why you deserve each of them."
Arousal, hot and heavy, sits within his gut and the intensity of it makes his breath come in short, sharp bursts as his mind whirs with the possibilities. Punishment was limitless within the Dreaming, with the only barriers coming from the imagination of himself and his maker.
And neither were lacking in that sordid department.
"Choke me, my lord. As my creator, you crafted and breathed life into this form, and you have the right to give and take that privilege at a whim."
A soft groan floats from Dream as Corinthian bites out his first choice from behind his muzzle, his arousal coating his words like a poison.
"And the second?" Dream prompts.
"Flog me, my lord. My depraved use of this flesh has shown you much disrespect and I deserve to have it marked and punished as you see fit."
As Dream openly palms the clear bulge which shows at the robed section of his groin, a grunt of pleasurable shock ricochets through Corinthian as Dream's ankle shifts up to brush against his stiff cock.
"And your final punishment?"
The forced nonchalance in Dream’s tone makes Corinthian's lips twitch. He knows exactly what to say to play into his creators’ desires. Desires which are as twisted as his own despite how much Dream would deny the accusation.
After all, were he not crafted from Dream's own being?
"Fuck me, my lord. Use this body however it pleases you with no regard for my own selfish desires. Force me into my place as the perfect creation which you shaped me to be."
Dream hums in consideration but the sudden gleam which has entered his dark eyes is undeniable.
"Very well, my nightmare, you shall have your wish."
Immediately, the chain around his neck contracts and takes with it his ability to breathe freely. Panic and fear, ripe it its intensity, claws at his senses as his fingers scramble against Dream's legs. To start so quickly, and with such a relentless grip, is a cruelty which he had not expected of his creator and the surprise makes each of his mouths fall open as he gasps for air which will not come.
His cock jerks between his legs; knees rolling forward to push him up higher as his choking has the familiar, depraved side-effect of heightening the heated arousal which sits low in his gut and seems determined to consume him.
The right to give and take.
He wanted this.
Dream was only giving him what he wanted.
The thudding of his heart within his chest, his fingers clawing at his neck, is almost too much to bear and the boom of panic is clear on his expression; an expression which is being intently studied by the cool visage of his creator.
Serene as ever, the only hints towards the satisfaction which his creator is deriving from his torment is the slight flush which has crept to the highest points of his cheeks. That and the pure lust which is radiating from the void of his irises; as dark and unyielding as the ancient being himself.
The pressure within his skull throbs within his cock with just as much intensity, the sensitive head bobbing against his stomach as he writhes in place, desperate to regain his breath. One hand drops from his neck to wrap around his twitching length, providing a momentary relief against the bitter need for stimulation.
It proves to be short-lived as an iron-like grip closes around his wrist and jerks his hand away so violently that he hears the bone creak in warning. Pain radiates from the joint as the pressure around his neck lets up just enough to allow Dream's stern words to break through the sound of rushing blood in his ears.
"You get what I say, when I say you can have it. Do not disobey me now, little dream, or I will add on some creative punishments of my own."
The grip tightens even further, and the quick bloom of pain forces a keening whine from Corinthian's lips as Dream continues.
"And they will not be punishments you will find any joy within; regardless of your perversions."
Having made his point, Corinthian finds his hand quickly released along with the pressure on his throat as the chain choking him loosens fully around his straining neck.
Immediately gulping down as much oxygen as possible, the air burns his straining lungs as a suspicious trickle of bloodied tears trailed their way down his face. The pressure within his head remains at bursting point and his hands instinctively come to wrap around his temples, quelling the noise as he covers his ears and focuses on his breathing.
Blurred hands appear before his face as firm fingers loop themselves around his neck chain, loosening it further. Almost curiously, they press against the hot, almost broken skin below and the chilling sensation of Dream's fingertips on the abused flesh there draws a low mewl from Corinthian's lips.
Something desperate.
"Remind me of your second chosen punishment."
A cruel request, given how raw and rough Corinthian's throat feels despite its new freedom, but it is a request he knows better than to hesitate to fulfil.
"To- to flog me, my lord."
Every word burns like an open flame and his grimace beneath the muzzle is impossible to conceal.
"The way I choose to use this body, the body you gave me, means I deserve to be punished."
"I wove you into being from the void," Dream agreed, his voice hard as he plays his part with ease, "toiled for months to make you perfect in every way which mattered. And you choose to use my gifts for your selfish deviances? To satiate a debauched lust on the humans you were created to serve?"
As Dream's small speech washes over him, shame stirs within his chest and the flush of it creates a shudder down his spine as a twinge of arousal spikes within his cock.
Debauched lust.
Selfish deviance.
"Which flogger does such perversion deserve?"
Materialising a simple riding crop into his outstretched palm, Dream weighs it for a moment before levelling his stare back at Corinthian.
"Too lenient, you enjoy this one too much."
In the blink of an eye, the crop is gone, replaced by a bullwhip; the length of it trailing across the floor like a serpent as apprehension knocks at Corinthian's heart.
The bullwhip was one of the few toys in their games which he genuinely feared. Its dart-like precision mixed with the inhumane strength of his maker, even when he was holding back, had proven its danger as it ripped through his skin like paper. Generally, the use of the bullwhip was limited for genuine punishment, to fix transgressions which did not quite merit an unmaking but could also not be simply ignored.
In the handful of events over their time together when such a punishment was warranted, the wounds took days to heal. He could remember the ache, the agony of his sliced skin pressing against his clothing as he were expected to continue with his duties without complaint. The vicious way in which Dream would inspect the slow healing of the marks as his cool fingers teased the raw flesh.
But such a punishment was wholly unwarranted for this game and rage, a familiar bedfellow as ever, bubbles deep within Corinthian's chest at the perceived injustice.
"What do you think?"
Mouth twisting below the muzzle at the unexpected question, Corinthian glances up from the bullwhip to meet Dream's expectant gaze.
He was being tested.
The debate between his pride and fear is brief as his eyes reflect the apprehension which makes his fingers tremble as he responds in kind.
"Whatever you think is necessary, my lord."
Smiling, Dream nods his own head to show his pleasure at the tactful words.
"Well done, my beautiful nightmare. A good answer," he pauses, "finally."
The ache which such a small yet genuine smile inspires within Corinthian's chest is almost painful in how eager it is. Relief also floods him as the bullwhip disappears and his head tilts to rest on Dream's knee, awaiting the next suggestion for his punishment.
Dream's free hand comes to rest, cool and heavy, on his scalp and Corinthian could positively purr at the affectionate gesture.
In a moment, Dream's free hand is filled once more and Corinthian blinks at the black cat o' nine tails which now lays within his palm; the scent of fresh leather washing over him and causing a faint stir in the arousal which heats the base of his spine.
"Assume the position, my nightmare. You have performed so beautifully thus far and a reward for your pains is within reach."
Perking up slightly, Corinthian ignores the slight embarrassment at how quickly he locks his hands to Dream's ankles as he drops back to his submissive position on all fours; his back arching high as his knees press into the marble flooring.
A perfect target.
Willingly offered.
A gasp breaks free of his lips as Dream gives an experimental swing; the flogger connecting with his back in one solid strike to give him a taste of what was in store. His head remains bent towards the floor, between his hold on Dream's ankles, if he glances down, he can just see the tip of his hardened cock, neglected and heavy as it hangs in the free space.
"Ask me to begin."
Anticipation making his throat dry, his response is practically choked out.
"Please, begin my punishment, my lord.
The next strike comes without hesitation, the impact rough and shocking. Exactly what he deserves.
What he needs.
Heat quickly rises in his skin, moving from a pleasant warmth to true discomfort as Dream quickly picks up his pace, drawing the flogger across his exposed back in a calculated swing to ensure as much coverage as possible.
He can feel every small leather knot at the end of the strands as they impact his flesh, digging in even more viciously to accompany the sting of the strands themselves. He grunts, he whines, he whimpers, and his pathetic noises are the only other sounds aside from the harsh snap of the leather.
The familiar sting of pain grounds him, centres him to the moment, and he relishes in it despite the way it makes his spine flinch, and his teeth worry his lips. With it comes the pleasure; the pleasure of his creators’ touch, his attention, and the undeniable way that even the slightest brush of physicality between them powers him more than any human depravity ever could.
A sudden strike catches him in a particularly brutal way, and he cannot bite back the short yelp which tears its way free of his lips as his slippery hands break free from their grip around Dream's ankles to fall flat to the floor.
Something wet trickles across his spine, slicing through the haze of sensation and his murky thoughts cannot determine if it is sweat or blood.
Panting through his raw throat, he dares to raise his head to his creator, only to find Dream staring down at him passively with one brow slightly raised. A million thoughts pass through his mind in that moment but the idea of giving in, of showing weakness, rankles his chest and he forces a smirk to his lips as he arches his back once more.
"A glutton, even for punishment." Dream offers fondly as his hand comes to rest on his chin to stroke the skin there with some affection.
"So red," Dream muses, "you cannot imagine how beautiful you look carrying my marks on such perfect and responsive skin."
But he can.
He feels a similar pride as he inspects and poses the bodies of those whose eyes he has taken and consumed.
A feeling of pure euphoria.
"Are you ready for the final part of your punishment?"
"Yes!" Corinthian almost cries out, the anticipation of finally getting to touch his maker making him feel almost lightheaded. "I am ready, my lord."
"If memory serves, I am to 'use your body however it pleases me'. Is that still your wish?"
A broken response as Corinthian raises his head once more, placing it gently on Dream's knee as his teeth gnaw as his lower lip.
Dream's hands move fluidly as they dip within the expansive robe which covers the majority of his pale skin and pull free his cock, the length looking painfully hard as a clear bead of pre-cum pearls at the very tip.
"You have thirty seconds to please me before we start," Dream instructs in a heavy voice which does not hide his arousal, "and you will receive no additional preparation. So, use your time wisely, my little dream."
Wanting nothing more in that moment, Corinthian shuffles his knees forward to allow him easier access to his prize and his tongue wraps itself around the head of his makers cock with reverence.
Sighing out his pleasure, Dream reclines slightly as he allows his creation to service him.
The taste of Dream, so recognisable that it seems almost built into his very being, draws a moan from his lips as he swallows down the tip of his cock, pushing his head forward as his tongue dances across the velvety skin.
No additional preparation.
Pulling free, he wets his mouth further and returns to his task, coating as much of Dream's length in his spit as he can. To ease what comes next. His work is diligent, ensuring that not a single inch is missed by his tongue and lips as he drinks in the pleasurable grunts which his creator gifts him with every few moments.
"Your time is up."
His voice further strained than it was a minute before, the colour in Dream's cheeks also looks more flushed.
"I feel that was longer than thirty seconds, my lord."
Allowing a tease to enter his tone, the look of exasperated amusement which enters Dream's eyes confirms his suspicions.
"Well, my nightmare? Your final punishment awaits."
Scrambling to his feet quickly, the ache in Corinthian's knees makes his legs wobble for only a moment as he climbs atop his creator.
While he may have had the advantage in terms of height and weight, the strength of Dream never failed to rip his breath from his lungs as he effortlessly pulled Corinthian into position, spreading his knees on either side of his thin frame and lining up Corinthian's ass with his cock.
Glancing down at Dream, something within Corinthian's heart constricts as he finds Dream's eyes locked on his own, absorbing his every movement and shift in emotion. Through the muzzle, he unleashed a wolfish grin and drops his body carefully.
Taking Dream's entire length in one push, he grits his teeth against the sudden pain which lances through his lower body. It steals his breath, and he involuntarily clenches around the cool length within, the move causing a low grunt to escape Dream as his eyes widen at the sudden stimulation which his creation is gifting him.
A fantastic sensation of fullness grips Corinthian as he moves his ass back up before pushing down again in a steady rhythm. The pain in still there but with it comes an overwhelming pleasure that makes his cock ache with neglect as it hangs in the free space between them. Arousal burns hot against his spine, and he moans freely, having nothing to hide in this moment.
He sets a slow yet intense pace, determined to feel every inch of the wonderful discomfort and terrible pleasure which he has earned and his cock bounces against his stomach with a maddening rhythm.
Cool lips wrap around his left nipple, teeth worrying the pebbled nub there in an agonising fashion as he throws his head back and whimpers. Clearly enjoying the reaction, thin fingers come to simultaneously pinch and pluck at his right nipple with a wicked firmness.
Tension wracks his body while lightning flashes through his veins as Dream's cock brushes that spot within him that makes him see stars and he repeats the same movements to encourage the sensation again and again and again.
He is so close that his teeth bite down on his lip in a vain effort to keep himself from coming too early. He wants to savour this. To feel everything.
He never wants it to end, as terrible as that would be.
Dream's fingers wrap around his cock and the sudden stimulation, the firm pressure mixed with the cool digits against his headed skin, is terrible in its intensity and he issues a low scream, one which refuses to stay within his chest.
"Come for me, my beautiful nightmare. My Corinthian."
It was enough.
The band of arousal which has grown unbearably tight across his lower body snaps and his vision seems to almost white-out for a moment as he comes. His release is messy against his own chest, reaching as high as his collarbone and the shame of it only serves to heighten the pleasure as his ass tightens around the length within it.
Lost in rapture, he barely feels it when Dream's thumb brushes against the mess on his chest, but he does feel it when he brings that same thumb to his lips, offering him a taste of his own release.
Parting his lips without thought, he accepts the thumb into his mouth as his tongue cleans his mess with reverence. Tasting not only the salt of his release, but also the slight hint of his creator as his tongue wraps around the offered thumb.
The thumb is removed smoothly, and Corinthian immediately misses its presence.
His creator within his mouth.
Devotion laid bare.
Dream still sheathed within him, Corinthian feels cool hands pressing atop the abused skin of his back to pull him lower down and he follows the guidance without hesitation. Overstimulated and raw, his chin trembles as he is held by his creator; an anchor which he can grip without any further apprehensions of punishment as such affection is offered freely.
Dream waves his hand lazily and the muzzle around his head disintegrates into nothing, leaving him feeling oddly exposed as he immediately uses his new freedom to plant a frantic kiss on Dream's temple.
"Your neck and back?" Dream mutters with a softness which is beautiful in its rarity.
"Manageable." Corinthian confesses with a sigh. "Although I will not reject a quick fix if one is on the table. I was expecting worse."
"The restraint it takes for me not to indulge the worst of your desires. You would allow me to flay you if you thought it may please me; your petty games of defiance aside."
Satiated and worn-out, the instinctive desire to snap back at such a fair assessment of his self is easily ignored and Corinthian instead chooses to accept the words.
"Maybe one day. It would be quite the experience," he hums, "for both of us."
Dream makes a small noise of consideration in his throat as he rolls his hips subtly; offering a stunning reminder to his nightmare of the hard length which is still sheathed within him.
"Hrmm, if you can remain here while I muse on some future construction work within the Dreaming then we shall see about offering you that 'quick fix' you desire."
Clenching his ass around Dream's cock as a physical show of agreement, Corinthian settles himself comfortably against Dream's chest as the heady scent of his maker envelopes his senses.
Nerves still quivering after the torrid mixture of pain and pleasure which assaulted them, the idea of a short break did hold some merit.
Besides, it was always interesting to watch Dream at his craft as he wove the reality around them into existence by his very whim. And here, seated upon his lord as he remained settled in his throne, there could be no greater position to watch him work than this.
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