#i also made that gif and im ashamed at how long it took
acapelladitty · 2 years
love you with my hands tied
Pairing: Corintheus (Dream/Corinthian)
Word Count: 4.3k (nsfw)
(Warnings: sub/dom dynamics, punishment, choking, whipping, mild blood, teasing, pain kink, anal sex)
Summary: Muzzled and held in place at his creators feet, continued defiance sees the Corinthian punished for his rebellious mouth and actions.
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Perfectly moulded to his face, the leather muzzle presses against Corinthian's lips like the fingers of an eager lover as his pink tongue traces across the thin straps to taste and tease at the material. Earlier in their day, he had watched his master lovingly craft it from the void, knowing that it would soon be wrapped around his head, and the knowledge had created a stutter within his chest as he understood its purpose.
It was both a gift and a warning.
One which recognised his strengths as well as the dangers which his vicious mouth has wrought on those unfortunate enough to cross his path. Victims and lovers, both stood as equal casualties to the sharpness of his teeth as he indulged his unfettered desire for flesh.
His beloved teeth; all of them.
Those same teeth which now served only to protect and pleasure the one who had caged them.
To have his mouth restricted in such a way was akin to having a sense removed, the lack of freedom making his other senses heighten. He could feel the harshness of the cool marble flooring pressing smoothly against his supplicant knees as the faint turning of the paper pages from the figure behind him roars like a cacophony in his ears.
"Little dream."
Twisting his head at the familiar siren call of his creators’ voice, Corinthian turns his body fully - legs shuffling as the lack of slack in his leash ensures he remains held in his submissive position - and gazes up at the being who owns him in both body and soul in a way which no other creature could comprehend.
He had been somewhat mischievous in his last visit to the waking world and his behaviour had not gone unnoticed. Although, in the grand scheme of punishments, being held at his masters’ feet as though he were a muzzled beast was one which he could at least find some pleasure in.
The book which Dream had been reading is now discarded in his lap as his pale fist tightens around the end of the leash which connects to the thick chain around Corinthian's throat, its weight a constant, dizzying reminder against his warm skin.
As ever, the shock of inky hair seems to pull in the light from around it, swallowing it whole as Corinthian’s eyes dip from Dream’s hair to his pale face; the features there achingly familiar as is the stern but almost playful look which radiates from his stiff expression.
"You've been somewhat behaved this last hour of your punishment." Dream praises in a heavy, almost bored, tone. "So, tell me, if I take your new muzzle off, will you dare to bite me again? Worry at my hand like the feral creature you so often show yourself to be?"
Snarling below the straps of leather in pure defiance as he plays his part, Corinthian curls his lips enough to allow his sharp teeth to flash in warning. His head quickly follows as it dips into an unmistakable nod of confirmation, the movement making the chain clink quietly.
How could he not bite the hand which holds his leash?
He was birthed of a desire to reflect the true darkness of humanity and darkness would not allow for itself to be quelled as easily as his maker may like.
Then again, if the sudden heat which enters Dream’s cool features at his defiance is to be believed, then perhaps his refusal to submit is exactly what his maker expects of him.
"Disrespectful little pup," voice as chastising as it is amused, Dream's own lips quirk up in a smirk to match the open challenge of his creation, "perhaps we shall now focus on instilling some more discipline training in order to bring you properly to heel."
Snapshots of heated memories flash through Corinthian's mind in quick succession as his breath stutters and his cock swells against his thigh.
His sight blocked to enhance his reaction to every wicked touch and torment as he was held immobile by restraints which would never break until his creator were satisfied enough to release him.
The sting of the whip against his broad shoulders as Dream methodically tested out various implements to find the one which drew the most pathetic noises from his lips.
A familiar scent of copper filling the space as his own blade was pressed firmly to score through his willing flesh by a firm hand which was quick to fix the damage it has inflicted only to repeat the action once again.
Flexing the exposed muscles of his back, he can almost feel the delightful ache of his lords last attempt at instilling some discipline in his most rebellious nightmare and his ocular eyes are lidded as he answers.
"You can try."
He bites the words, muffled as they are by the custom-built muzzle, with as much honeyed venom as he can muster, even as a pit of desperate need roils within his stomach.
Fuck the consequences, he would see this game through to the end.
Pulling at the chain within his firm grasp once again, Dream's eyes narrow in obvious pleasure as the move forces Corinthian to jerk forward, ripping him free of what little pride he possesses as he stumbles messily in place.
Shuffling towards his master to prevent the new pressure of the chain on his neck, Corinthian comes to a rest between Dream's outstretched thighs as he finds himself unable to resist the arousal which the promise of the punishment which he so rightly deserves ignites within him.
He only hopes that Dream will use his hands.
"For your defiance, you will choose three additional punishments which will become your undoing."
Flashing a hyena’s smile, Corinthian’s eyes narrow as his nose presses on the highest part of the muzzle.
"Only three, my lord?"
A sharp gasp breaks free of his lips, quickly followed by a whining keen as thin fingers wind themselves in his blonde hair and tug at it harshly. Fire ignites in his scalp at the rough treatment and his neck swallows around the chain as it extends up to lessen the unexpected pressure.
"Was I unclear?" Brooking no disobedience, Dream's words boomed in his ear. "Choose your three punishments and you may also explain to me why you deserve each of them."
Arousal, hot and heavy, sits within his gut and the intensity of it makes his breath come in short, sharp bursts as his mind whirs with the possibilities. Punishment was limitless within the Dreaming, with the only barriers coming from the imagination of himself and his maker.
And neither were lacking in that sordid department.
"Choke me, my lord. As my creator, you crafted and breathed life into this form, and you have the right to give and take that privilege at a whim."
A soft groan floats from Dream as Corinthian bites out his first choice from behind his muzzle, his arousal coating his words like a poison.
"And the second?" Dream prompts.
"Flog me, my lord. My depraved use of this flesh has shown you much disrespect and I deserve to have it marked and punished as you see fit."
As Dream openly palms the clear bulge which shows at the robed section of his groin, a grunt of pleasurable shock ricochets through Corinthian as Dream's ankle shifts up to brush against his stiff cock.
"And your final punishment?"
The forced nonchalance in Dream’s tone makes Corinthian's lips twitch. He knows exactly what to say to play into his creators’ desires. Desires which are as twisted as his own despite how much Dream would deny the accusation.
After all, were he not crafted from Dream's own being?
"Fuck me, my lord. Use this body however it pleases you with no regard for my own selfish desires. Force me into my place as the perfect creation which you shaped me to be."
Dream hums in consideration but the sudden gleam which has entered his dark eyes is undeniable.
"Very well, my nightmare, you shall have your wish."
Immediately, the chain around his neck contracts and takes with it his ability to breathe freely. Panic and fear, ripe it its intensity, claws at his senses as his fingers scramble against Dream's legs. To start so quickly, and with such a relentless grip, is a cruelty which he had not expected of his creator and the surprise makes each of his mouths fall open as he gasps for air which will not come.
His cock jerks between his legs; knees rolling forward to push him up higher as his choking has the familiar, depraved side-effect of heightening the heated arousal which sits low in his gut and seems determined to consume him.
The right to give and take.
He wanted this.
Dream was only giving him what he wanted.
The thudding of his heart within his chest, his fingers clawing at his neck, is almost too much to bear and the boom of panic is clear on his expression; an expression which is being intently studied by the cool visage of his creator.
Serene as ever, the only hints towards the satisfaction which his creator is deriving from his torment is the slight flush which has crept to the highest points of his cheeks. That and the pure lust which is radiating from the void of his irises; as dark and unyielding as the ancient being himself.
The pressure within his skull throbs within his cock with just as much intensity, the sensitive head bobbing against his stomach as he writhes in place, desperate to regain his breath. One hand drops from his neck to wrap around his twitching length, providing a momentary relief against the bitter need for stimulation.
It proves to be short-lived as an iron-like grip closes around his wrist and jerks his hand away so violently that he hears the bone creak in warning. Pain radiates from the joint as the pressure around his neck lets up just enough to allow Dream's stern words to break through the sound of rushing blood in his ears.
"You get what I say, when I say you can have it. Do not disobey me now, little dream, or I will add on some creative punishments of my own."
The grip tightens even further, and the quick bloom of pain forces a keening whine from Corinthian's lips as Dream continues.
"And they will not be punishments you will find any joy within; regardless of your perversions."
Having made his point, Corinthian finds his hand quickly released along with the pressure on his throat as the chain choking him loosens fully around his straining neck.
Immediately gulping down as much oxygen as possible, the air burns his straining lungs as a suspicious trickle of bloodied tears trailed their way down his face. The pressure within his head remains at bursting point and his hands instinctively come to wrap around his temples, quelling the noise as he covers his ears and focuses on his breathing.
Blurred hands appear before his face as firm fingers loop themselves around his neck chain, loosening it further. Almost curiously, they press against the hot, almost broken skin below and the chilling sensation of Dream's fingertips on the abused flesh there draws a low mewl from Corinthian's lips.
Something desperate.
"Remind me of your second chosen punishment."
A cruel request, given how raw and rough Corinthian's throat feels despite its new freedom, but it is a request he knows better than to hesitate to fulfil.
"To- to flog me, my lord."
Every word burns like an open flame and his grimace beneath the muzzle is impossible to conceal.
"The way I choose to use this body, the body you gave me, means I deserve to be punished."
"I wove you into being from the void," Dream agreed, his voice hard as he plays his part with ease, "toiled for months to make you perfect in every way which mattered. And you choose to use my gifts for your selfish deviances? To satiate a debauched lust on the humans you were created to serve?"
As Dream's small speech washes over him, shame stirs within his chest and the flush of it creates a shudder down his spine as a twinge of arousal spikes within his cock.
Debauched lust.
Selfish deviance.
"Which flogger does such perversion deserve?"
Materialising a simple riding crop into his outstretched palm, Dream weighs it for a moment before levelling his stare back at Corinthian.
"Too lenient, you enjoy this one too much."
In the blink of an eye, the crop is gone, replaced by a bullwhip; the length of it trailing across the floor like a serpent as apprehension knocks at Corinthian's heart.
The bullwhip was one of the few toys in their games which he genuinely feared. Its dart-like precision mixed with the inhumane strength of his maker, even when he was holding back, had proven its danger as it ripped through his skin like paper. Generally, the use of the bullwhip was limited for genuine punishment, to fix transgressions which did not quite merit an unmaking but could also not be simply ignored.
In the handful of events over their time together when such a punishment was warranted, the wounds took days to heal. He could remember the ache, the agony of his sliced skin pressing against his clothing as he were expected to continue with his duties without complaint. The vicious way in which Dream would inspect the slow healing of the marks as his cool fingers teased the raw flesh.
But such a punishment was wholly unwarranted for this game and rage, a familiar bedfellow as ever, bubbles deep within Corinthian's chest at the perceived injustice.
"What do you think?"
Mouth twisting below the muzzle at the unexpected question, Corinthian glances up from the bullwhip to meet Dream's expectant gaze.
He was being tested.
The debate between his pride and fear is brief as his eyes reflect the apprehension which makes his fingers tremble as he responds in kind.
"Whatever you think is necessary, my lord."
Smiling, Dream nods his own head to show his pleasure at the tactful words.
"Well done, my beautiful nightmare. A good answer," he pauses, "finally."
The ache which such a small yet genuine smile inspires within Corinthian's chest is almost painful in how eager it is. Relief also floods him as the bullwhip disappears and his head tilts to rest on Dream's knee, awaiting the next suggestion for his punishment.
Dream's free hand comes to rest, cool and heavy, on his scalp and Corinthian could positively purr at the affectionate gesture.
In a moment, Dream's free hand is filled once more and Corinthian blinks at the black cat o' nine tails which now lays within his palm; the scent of fresh leather washing over him and causing a faint stir in the arousal which heats the base of his spine.
"Assume the position, my nightmare. You have performed so beautifully thus far and a reward for your pains is within reach."
Perking up slightly, Corinthian ignores the slight embarrassment at how quickly he locks his hands to Dream's ankles as he drops back to his submissive position on all fours; his back arching high as his knees press into the marble flooring.
A perfect target.
Willingly offered.
A gasp breaks free of his lips as Dream gives an experimental swing; the flogger connecting with his back in one solid strike to give him a taste of what was in store. His head remains bent towards the floor, between his hold on Dream's ankles, if he glances down, he can just see the tip of his hardened cock, neglected and heavy as it hangs in the free space.
"Ask me to begin."
Anticipation making his throat dry, his response is practically choked out.
"Please, begin my punishment, my lord.
The next strike comes without hesitation, the impact rough and shocking. Exactly what he deserves.
What he needs.
Heat quickly rises in his skin, moving from a pleasant warmth to true discomfort as Dream quickly picks up his pace, drawing the flogger across his exposed back in a calculated swing to ensure as much coverage as possible.
He can feel every small leather knot at the end of the strands as they impact his flesh, digging in even more viciously to accompany the sting of the strands themselves. He grunts, he whines, he whimpers, and his pathetic noises are the only other sounds aside from the harsh snap of the leather.
The familiar sting of pain grounds him, centres him to the moment, and he relishes in it despite the way it makes his spine flinch, and his teeth worry his lips. With it comes the pleasure; the pleasure of his creators’ touch, his attention, and the undeniable way that even the slightest brush of physicality between them powers him more than any human depravity ever could.
A sudden strike catches him in a particularly brutal way, and he cannot bite back the short yelp which tears its way free of his lips as his slippery hands break free from their grip around Dream's ankles to fall flat to the floor.
Something wet trickles across his spine, slicing through the haze of sensation and his murky thoughts cannot determine if it is sweat or blood.
Panting through his raw throat, he dares to raise his head to his creator, only to find Dream staring down at him passively with one brow slightly raised. A million thoughts pass through his mind in that moment but the idea of giving in, of showing weakness, rankles his chest and he forces a smirk to his lips as he arches his back once more.
"A glutton, even for punishment." Dream offers fondly as his hand comes to rest on his chin to stroke the skin there with some affection.
"So red," Dream muses, "you cannot imagine how beautiful you look carrying my marks on such perfect and responsive skin."
But he can.
He feels a similar pride as he inspects and poses the bodies of those whose eyes he has taken and consumed.
A feeling of pure euphoria.
"Are you ready for the final part of your punishment?"
"Yes!" Corinthian almost cries out, the anticipation of finally getting to touch his maker making him feel almost lightheaded. "I am ready, my lord."
"If memory serves, I am to 'use your body however it pleases me'. Is that still your wish?"
A broken response as Corinthian raises his head once more, placing it gently on Dream's knee as his teeth gnaw as his lower lip.
Dream's hands move fluidly as they dip within the expansive robe which covers the majority of his pale skin and pull free his cock, the length looking painfully hard as a clear bead of pre-cum pearls at the very tip.
"You have thirty seconds to please me before we start," Dream instructs in a heavy voice which does not hide his arousal, "and you will receive no additional preparation. So, use your time wisely, my little dream."
Wanting nothing more in that moment, Corinthian shuffles his knees forward to allow him easier access to his prize and his tongue wraps itself around the head of his makers cock with reverence.
Sighing out his pleasure, Dream reclines slightly as he allows his creation to service him.
The taste of Dream, so recognisable that it seems almost built into his very being, draws a moan from his lips as he swallows down the tip of his cock, pushing his head forward as his tongue dances across the velvety skin.
No additional preparation.
Pulling free, he wets his mouth further and returns to his task, coating as much of Dream's length in his spit as he can. To ease what comes next. His work is diligent, ensuring that not a single inch is missed by his tongue and lips as he drinks in the pleasurable grunts which his creator gifts him with every few moments.
"Your time is up."
His voice further strained than it was a minute before, the colour in Dream's cheeks also looks more flushed.
"I feel that was longer than thirty seconds, my lord."
Allowing a tease to enter his tone, the look of exasperated amusement which enters Dream's eyes confirms his suspicions.
"Well, my nightmare? Your final punishment awaits."
Scrambling to his feet quickly, the ache in Corinthian's knees makes his legs wobble for only a moment as he climbs atop his creator.
While he may have had the advantage in terms of height and weight, the strength of Dream never failed to rip his breath from his lungs as he effortlessly pulled Corinthian into position, spreading his knees on either side of his thin frame and lining up Corinthian's ass with his cock.
Glancing down at Dream, something within Corinthian's heart constricts as he finds Dream's eyes locked on his own, absorbing his every movement and shift in emotion. Through the muzzle, he unleashed a wolfish grin and drops his body carefully.
Taking Dream's entire length in one push, he grits his teeth against the sudden pain which lances through his lower body. It steals his breath, and he involuntarily clenches around the cool length within, the move causing a low grunt to escape Dream as his eyes widen at the sudden stimulation which his creation is gifting him.
A fantastic sensation of fullness grips Corinthian as he moves his ass back up before pushing down again in a steady rhythm. The pain in still there but with it comes an overwhelming pleasure that makes his cock ache with neglect as it hangs in the free space between them. Arousal burns hot against his spine, and he moans freely, having nothing to hide in this moment.
He sets a slow yet intense pace, determined to feel every inch of the wonderful discomfort and terrible pleasure which he has earned and his cock bounces against his stomach with a maddening rhythm.
Cool lips wrap around his left nipple, teeth worrying the pebbled nub there in an agonising fashion as he throws his head back and whimpers. Clearly enjoying the reaction, thin fingers come to simultaneously pinch and pluck at his right nipple with a wicked firmness.
Tension wracks his body while lightning flashes through his veins as Dream's cock brushes that spot within him that makes him see stars and he repeats the same movements to encourage the sensation again and again and again.
He is so close that his teeth bite down on his lip in a vain effort to keep himself from coming too early. He wants to savour this. To feel everything.
He never wants it to end, as terrible as that would be.
Dream's fingers wrap around his cock and the sudden stimulation, the firm pressure mixed with the cool digits against his headed skin, is terrible in its intensity and he issues a low scream, one which refuses to stay within his chest.
"Come for me, my beautiful nightmare. My Corinthian."
It was enough.
The band of arousal which has grown unbearably tight across his lower body snaps and his vision seems to almost white-out for a moment as he comes. His release is messy against his own chest, reaching as high as his collarbone and the shame of it only serves to heighten the pleasure as his ass tightens around the length within it.
Lost in rapture, he barely feels it when Dream's thumb brushes against the mess on his chest, but he does feel it when he brings that same thumb to his lips, offering him a taste of his own release.
Parting his lips without thought, he accepts the thumb into his mouth as his tongue cleans his mess with reverence. Tasting not only the salt of his release, but also the slight hint of his creator as his tongue wraps around the offered thumb.
The thumb is removed smoothly, and Corinthian immediately misses its presence.
His creator within his mouth.
Devotion laid bare.
Dream still sheathed within him, Corinthian feels cool hands pressing atop the abused skin of his back to pull him lower down and he follows the guidance without hesitation. Overstimulated and raw, his chin trembles as he is held by his creator; an anchor which he can grip without any further apprehensions of punishment as such affection is offered freely.
Dream waves his hand lazily and the muzzle around his head disintegrates into nothing, leaving him feeling oddly exposed as he immediately uses his new freedom to plant a frantic kiss on Dream's temple.
"Your neck and back?" Dream mutters with a softness which is beautiful in its rarity.
"Manageable." Corinthian confesses with a sigh. "Although I will not reject a quick fix if one is on the table. I was expecting worse."
"The restraint it takes for me not to indulge the worst of your desires. You would allow me to flay you if you thought it may please me; your petty games of defiance aside."
Satiated and worn-out, the instinctive desire to snap back at such a fair assessment of his self is easily ignored and Corinthian instead chooses to accept the words.
"Maybe one day. It would be quite the experience," he hums, "for both of us."
Dream makes a small noise of consideration in his throat as he rolls his hips subtly; offering a stunning reminder to his nightmare of the hard length which is still sheathed within him.
"Hrmm, if you can remain here while I muse on some future construction work within the Dreaming then we shall see about offering you that 'quick fix' you desire."
Clenching his ass around Dream's cock as a physical show of agreement, Corinthian settles himself comfortably against Dream's chest as the heady scent of his maker envelopes his senses.
Nerves still quivering after the torrid mixture of pain and pleasure which assaulted them, the idea of a short break did hold some merit.
Besides, it was always interesting to watch Dream at his craft as he wove the reality around them into existence by his very whim. And here, seated upon his lord as he remained settled in his throne, there could be no greater position to watch him work than this.
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f4riedimples · 1 year
Baggin’ his partner, im petty!
Older!Sidney Prescott x fem!Reader
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summary:you’ve liked Sidney for so long. So when you got the chance to finally speak with her when mark was gone you took your chance.
warnings: HEAVY smut(duh), fingering, cunilingus, degradation.(lemme know what I missed),oh and cheating(duh dur),slight choking, slight humiliation, a little bit of overstimulation.
you were just getting out of your car and were feeling great. This was finally your opportunity.
you walked up to the door and knocked before waiting patiently for a answer. You knew there was no way mark could be home. He usually leaves an hour or two before.
after a few moments you got an answer from a beautiful sight.
Sidney *fucking* Prescott.
you held back a nervous smile and try to regain your confidence as she smiles before speaking. “Well hello y/n. What’s up?” You had always liked Sidney before you had met from the ghostface attacks and it made you fall harder for her as you saw her fierce determination.
you smile and speak confidently and almost “playfully” flirty. “Hi Ms Prescott. Can I come in?” You spoke so sweet as if you weren’t craving to have her. You and Sid had been so past formal, you knew you didn’t need to call her that but you just did it to be funny.
Sidney opens the door wider and waves you inside with a smile. “of course hun.”
as you step inside you set your bag down and take a seat on the couch before she took one next to you. You were still smiley as she spoke.
“So what’s up? Just wanted to see me?” She asks playfully and you immediately start going into action as you take off your light coat you had on because of the harsh fall weather to reveal your beautiful boobs. You were in the most captivating dress.
“oh? Yeah I just wanted to see you! How’ve you been?” You ask oh so innocently. Sidney knows she’s a married woman but she finds herself finding it hard not to look at your boobs. She feels so ashamed of herself but your body is so tantalizing to her.
“oh- I’ve been good!….never better. How’s your friends.” You sense her slight nervousness. This was such a different dynamic between you two. Usually Sidney would always have you flustered and shy even though you were usually the opposite but now…now it’s different.
you chuckle seductively as you sit more comfortably. “Oh they’re fine. So fine.” You look at Sidney seductively but at the same time with faux innocent eyes. It’s taking her all not to touch you.
“y/n is there something you wanna tell me? Something in specific.” She looks at you curiously as she tries to know what your true motives are.
and the truth is you had *cruel intentions*…for mark at least.
you look at Sidney with a burst of lust as you take your chance and kiss her passionately. Sidney is so shocked for a minute before you feel tight grip at the back your hair.
she had your hair in her grip with a now lustful look in her eyes as well.
“you little slut.” She almost immediately bent you over the couch and you were already feeling so pathetic. She slid her hands in your panties you could feel yourself starting to drip already.
“you’re so cute. But also stupid. So you realize what you’ve just done?” At first you think she’s gonna embarrass you and tell you to get the hell out of her house like she probably should’ve done but instead you feel your panties hit the floor and feel her tongue working crazily on your clit.
you can’t help but moan as loudly you’re almost sure Sidney’s neighbors can hear it. You’ve never felt this good. Fuck it almost makes you feel so vulnerable and needy but a tiny bit…delusional(?) at the way you really thought that this was gonna turn out differently.
you thought you would be the one doing this to Sidney but that’s when you remember that you’d always be in this position for Sidney. No matter. Fucking. What.
Sidney keeps licking at your clit before sliding a finger in and she doesn’t hesitate to go fast. She wants to make you know your place. She wants you to feel her inside of you like this.
you try your hardest to grip something but she she doesn’t let you as she slides her finger out which causes you to whine out and pins your arms behind your back as she then continues to fuck you with her tongue as she adds another finger in your pretty pussy.
now all you can do is take it. At first it makes you feel so weak and almost upset but you then also love that fact as it just increases your pleasure.
you’re so certain that this isn’t Sidney’s first time eating someone out.
it starts to become too much. You start to cum so loudly that it almost shocks Sidney.
as soon as she’s gets up and wipes her lips you both hear a knock at the door. You try to pull your panties up but Sidney doesn’t let you. She pushes you onto the couch and starts scissoring you so good you’re actually jealous that you missed out on this for so long.
Sidney kind of holds back her moans just incase it’s someone important at the door but she also really couldn’t give a fuck. She was gonna keep fucking you.
Sidney keeps moving her hips into yours as she moans loudly and grips the couch to try and stay steady as she doesn’t stop. You try your hardest not to moan but Sidney lightly puts her hand around your throat as she goes harder and faster.
“fucking let it out. I want whoever’s at the door to hear. I wanna hear every pretty little sound that comes out if your mouth.” You can’t help but oblige. This was your goal anyways. Why not fully commit to it?
as she keeps going she leans down and kisses you so fucking passionately.
She taste so sweet it almost makes you feel so loved until you start to taste yourself on her tongue and start to cum immediately. You’re a moaning mess and keep withering beneath her.
but of course Sidney has to get what she wants to. “Oh my airhead. You sweet dumb thing. My little slut. Did you really think we were done?” She speaks so sweetly but so seductive.
fuck it can drive you crazy. she keeps going and even though it’s starting to get painful for you, you love the fact that you’re the one pleasing Sidney. You love the fact that she’s using your body for her own pleasure. You love the fact that she’s gonna cum from and while on top of you.
it feels so fucking good to in a way even though your clit is starting to hurt a bit. You love hearing her moans mixed with both of your pants.
you feel sweat start to drip but can’t look away from Sidney with how could she’s fucking you. Using you. you’re almost literally like a fucktoy as she keeps moving her hips back and forth passionately. Almost aggressively. You can tell. And because of how much you wanna be a good girl for her and please Sidney and arch your back a bit so she can feel you even more.
and boy does she go crazy.
now she can’t help but almost whimper herself. She loves being dominating though so she decides to tighten her grip around your next a bit before making you look her in her eyes.
you fucking cum again on the spot as tears almost drop from the slight overstimulation.
And she fallows almost immediately after, nearly squirting on you as she cums.
she’s panting like crazy and so are you as she starts to slow down before stopping. Just as she’s licks you up one more time and kisses you, you both hear a car pull in the driveway.
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isaactheterrible · 1 year
could you write about sniper and demo bragging to each other about how many cryptids they’ve seen,, and then eventually arguing about which cryptids are real or not? I think it would be swag,, also I like your header
Thank you so much! (Also this request is freaking awesome, I hope I did a good job).
Demo + Sniper: The Cryptid Discussion
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Sniper didn't like the cold. But it was simply one of these nights. The wind blew cold air that invaded his van and the road outside was freezing. He hated these nights, cold and alone, desperately holding onto a far-too-thin blanket for any semblance of warmth.
But tonight was bound to be different. To Mundy's surprise the Scotts Man, Tavish had decided to come on by, probably looking for his drinking buddy for the night. The tall man came in , closing the door quickly but carefully as to not damage the two bottles of whiskey he was holding, one in each hand.
"Nice place ye got here, the cobwebs are a nice touch." Said Tavish as he made himself at home, sitting down on Sniper's table. To his dismay it appears his drinking buddy seemed tense, paying little mind to the Scotts man.
"What's up Mundy? Not in a talkative mood are ye? C'mon sit down lad, I got a story to tell ye." He insisted, gesturing to the seat beside him. Mundy did as he was told which Demo took as a signal to start his story.
"Well ye see, I reunited with an old friend recently, I was visiting me mum and I decided to go out with some lads I hadn't seen for a minute, the lot of us went out to get pissed (drunk) and next thing we know we're out on some dock, so I open me eyes to take a look around and you'll never guess what I saw! There's freaking Morag out in the water!"
"Morag?" Sniper asked clearly confused
"Ye know dirty dark brown skin, long neck, serpentine head, 20 feet long, Morag!" He said looking almost baffled at Sniper's ignorance
"Wait, is that some kind of cryptid you have over in Scotland?" Sniper tried to clarify
"Aye, I guess it makes sense ye wouldn't know 'im. I've seen 'im before, back when I had both me eyes, I was a wee (young) lad back then tho. In me paw's (father's) boat, the damn thing swam around us like it was gonna attack us! Gave me a bloody heart attack! Almost peed meself!" Demo joked
"Ye know I understand if ye don't believe me or think I was just a wee lad or drunk. Most people think I'm full of it." Demo said, looking down at his whisky, appearing a bit ashamed to have said his story aloud.
"Don't worry I believe ya mate. I... I've had my own fair share of... Bizarre experiences." Mundy said tensing up a bit.
"I used to go hunting with my ma when I was younger but one time I decided to go out alone, ya see in Australia there is the myth of the Yowie. You see it's said that out in the Australian wilderness there is a large hairy dumb bipedal creature, kinda like bigfoot. A big but harmless cryptid, a gentle giant but I know the truth. It ain't stupid and it sure as shit ain't peaceful."
The pain in Sniper's voice was evident but Demoman knew Mundy had difficulties talking about things like these, maybe if it was later in the night or maybe if the pair was drunker they could talk about it but not now, not like this.
"Ye know, Morag ain't the only spook I've come across." Demo joked, receiving a hesitant chuckle from Sniper.
"Ya seen any other creepy critters?"
"Have ye heard of the Alien Big Cats?" Demoman asked playfully
"Spooky motherfuckers, black cats the size of cows! They killed me mum's sheep." Demo proclaimed proudly
"You sure it wasn't a wolf or hell even a panther?" Asked sniper
"Panther? In Scotland? Ha! Don't make me laugh lad, these spooks ain't no panther and they sure as hell ain't no wolf. I've seen 'em stalking their prey with their biddy yellow little eyes... They attacked me friend Jean!"
"Ah is she alright?"
"Nah she died, it was cancer tho not them damn cats. She fought 'em off! Hit 'em with her cane! They didn't know who they were messin with!"
"I'm sorry for your loss mate." Sniper said awkwardly, not really knowing how to console someone.
"Is alright lad, Jean was a strong lady, fought it to the very end, those damn cats never stood a chance! Attacking a woman with a cane! Those damn felines!" Demo joked
"Hehe, damn cats. Ya know me and my dad got attacked by a cryptid once. The two of us were returning home from the cinema when a damn 6ft tall lizard came at us! We had to hole up in a damn public loo (toilet)! Waiting for that thing to get bored and leave!" Sniper explained
"That's not a cryptid, that's a damn Komodo Dragon!" Demo complained
"Says the guy who lost sheep to a glorified bobcat!" Sniper responded angrily
"I told ye already it ain't no bobcat, it's an alien!"
"Bollocks! What, these animals build their own spaceship to travel to earth? To do what exactly? Eat some sheep and get beaten up with canes?" Mundy argued
Demo looked away shyly, failing to come up with a witty comeback or an intelligent argument. Sniper had to admit it, it made him ashamed to hurt his friend, even if his friend started it. He didn't mean to put Demo in a difficult position.
"Ya know, I was young when the lizard attacked us. My dad probably told me it was the Megalavia to make me feel better, it was probably a croc or something." Sniper said, trying to improve his friend's mood.
"I thought these only existed in Florida." Demo joked
"Maybe they're an old-wives tale. A myth." Sniper said, a sly smile on his face, showing off his crooked teeth
"Ha! that'd explain how big these bastards get! Toothy fucks!"
"You're a good sport, mate."
Did y'all spot the ICP reference?
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cloverhasnobrain · 2 years
Do you need some help with that?- Jon Snow x reader
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Guess what guys? I am a whore so Im writing this fic lololol
Jon Snow and you had been pining for eachother for a very long time, and it leads to the breaking of an oath if yk what I mean😏
Jon Snow felt ashamed of himself. He swore he would never let love or desire stray him from his path, yet there you were, and you had him totally wrapped around your finger.
You were so kind to him, and you always gifted him with your warm smiles. With the way he was raised, Jone was not used to this at all, so at first, when you met him, he thought maybe you had mistaken him for someone else, but when Sansa introduced the two of you, Jon was proven wrong.
Your companionship was quite unusual, the child of a powerful house that was so clearly infatuated with the Stark family's bastard son.
Yesterday, he touched himself thinking about a moment where your hands had brushed against his neck, the sparkles that such a simple touch sent flying through his body. As he finished, he stared at the hot seed in his hand, disgusted with himself. He sitlently vowed to never think of you like this again, yet there he was.
It all started at the war room, where you all had united to plan your next battles. It was not unusual for people to not be in complete formal attire when it was not a very big reunion, but today was special. Thing is, you had been observant of his behaviour ever since you first met. That man had won over your affection in a matter of minutes, and right now, all you could think about when you were alone was what he would look like without all those layers of hideous black clothing, what sounds would he make, what he would taste like. So today you decided to mess with him a little. You put on a little less clothing than usual, unbuttoning your shirt just enough to make it look slightly suggestive, put on a corset that made your waist look amazing, and pants that hugged your hips beautifully, but other than that looked completely innocent, and of course, a little fur so you wouldn't freeze to death.
As you entered the room, you immediately noticed the adorable blush spreading across Jon's face. You were just so beautiful, he feared he may not be able to control himself.
Jon was definetly nervous, but he decided to busy himself with the planning, if that was even possible when you looked so beautiful. It was still a bit hard though, when no one even noticed him. Why would you ever even think of him when he was nothing but a bastard, and you were a legitimate heir of a powerful house? He decided that he would just busy himself with his negative thougths and sit this meeting out.
You were so busy with your work that you took a little while to notice Jon sulking in his chair, and you could NOT let this happen. Fucking him or not, you still cared deeply about him, and this was also an amazing oportunity to get a bit personal, set the game for further days.
Jon did not even notice you get out of your previous positon and walk over to him until he felt a warm hand on his shoulder. Turning his face quickly, he got a bit startled when his nose almost met yours. Rubbing circles on his shoulder with your thumb, you asked in a soft, velvety voice:
"What do you think of the plan, Jon?"
Jon glanced at the map, his face burning hot, and then back at you. You had crouched just enough to meet him eye to eye, and just enough for your cleavage to slightly show withing the shirt. You had to bite back a smirk at the way his eyes drifted to your chest, as if he was scared of what would happen if he got discovered. Jon gulped and slowly got up to evaluate the map, missing your warmth already. He scanned the map, looking for anything he would change in your strategy. As always, everything you did was almost flawless in his eyes. After thinking for a while, he spoke up:
"Your plan is almost perfect, but I do have a suggestion. We could use the hill right next to the battlefield as a vantage point, see how it turns into a cliff to the side of our enemy? They are unable to climb it until they reach battle. I think we should put some men, especially archers up there, so the enemy will be partially surrounded."
He nervously glanced at you to be met with one of your beaming smiles, and your praise, as you pat him on the back. You had to use all of your strength not to coo at the way he glanced at his feet with a small smile on his lips, his face an adorable shade of red.
The rest of the reunion went smoothly, the men were confident in your new strategy, and you ocasionally caught Jon stealing some glances, blushing wildly when he was caught. At the end of the meeting, Jon rushed back to his bedroom, and everyone left, but you noticed that he had forgotten to take some papers that were supposed to be signed by him, so you decided to take them to his room to retrieve them.
As soon as Jon was out of everyone's sight, he immediately ran back to his chambers, as he felt his blood rushing to undesired places. He kicked his shoes off and sat on a chair, he knew how to deal with this boner, but the thought of masturbating to you sounded so wrong, when he knew that if you found out you would never speak to him again. After a short time trying to resist the painfull urge he was feeling, he began to slowly grind his hand to the tent in his pants.
As you quietly paced through the hallway, you noticed his door was unlocked. Great, you thought, that meant he was not asleep at the moment. Though, as you slowly opened it without thinking of knocking, you were met with a sight from heaven itself. A wild blush spread through your face, ears and neck, as you watched Jon grinding himself, closed eyes and whispering your name between soft grunts.
Jon opened his eyes as he thought he heard someone gasp, even though he knew it was impossible since the hallway was always empty at this time. As he glanced to the side, he thiught he would die immediately as his eyes met your widened ones, your face red and your mouth agape. He scurried to try and hide his boner, though he was sure you had already seen. He desperately tried to explain himself, though it just ended up turning into a string of stutters.
As you slowly got into the room and closed the door behind you, locking it, he thought ot was the end for him. You were going to beat him up and it would be fair, he felt like such a pervert. He flinched when you got closer getting ready for the first punch, but nothing could prepare him for what happened. He waited for the blow to hit his face, but as nothing happened he slowly opened his eyes, to be met with you now a lot closer, a sly smirk on your face and the most predatory yet soft eyes he had ever seen. Somehow, he was much more scared of this than you beating him up.
You got on his eye level and cooed:
"Aww, do you need some help with that, Jon?"
"But- but I... My oath... you..."
Jon whimpered. He couldn't look you in the eyes. But then again his head whipped back in your direction as he felt yoyr hands slooowly caress his thighs.
Jon was NOT used to this. Ladies never paid too much attention to him. Sure, he was attractive, but nobody ever let him know, he was just a bastard after all. A dirty blood. Yet there you were. He inhaled sharply.
"Jon, will you look at me darling?"
He could cry from just that.
"If you want Jon, I can help your friend here. I can make you feel better, Jon."
Fuck this stupid oath. How could Jon even think about it when you were looking at him like this?
"Do you want me to make you feel good, Jon?"
"Yes... yes please..."
He rasped shyly. That was all the encouragement you needed. You slowly sat on his lap, craddling his face. As your eyes met his dark, soft ones, a blush spread over both your cheeks, and you brushed your lips before embracing him into a passionate kiss.
Jon was in heaven. His tongue entered your mouth and you let out a soft moan, grinding your core into his as he let out a pathetic whine.
He felt he might have just ascended as you began undressing eachother and you carressed his face and his hair. He felt so loved.
You parted, both already panting, and a lot of his layers were already gone. You unbuttoned his shirt and sighed as you finally got to see his chest, he had just the right amount of muscle to look perfect, and you started kissing a trail from his face down his neck and chest, suckling on his Adam's apple and nibbling on his collar bones, kissing his scars tenderly and worshipping his body like it was the most sacred thing you had ever seen, and Gods, it was. Jon was a whimpering mess by the time you had reached his waistband, unbuckling his belt and undoing his pants. He gasped as you finally took off all his clothes, springing his cock free.
You quickly took off your clothes and let him enjoy his amazement. He had never seen such a beautiful body, he was honestly hesitant to touch you, and he thought he could come without you even touching him as you kneeled in between his legs, glancing up at his and stroking his thighs, but not toughing him where he needed you the most.
"Please what, darling?"
"Please touch me, in any way you want, just touch me!" Jon whimpered. He was gonna die at this point, he was sure.
You thought of teasing him a bit further, but as you stared at his doe eyes, clouded with desire, you couldn't resist anymore, you swore if you didn't keep your mouth shut, you would drool looking at that dick, leaking with precum at the tip.
You licked a stripe from the base of his shaft up to the head, and he gasped, this was already feeling so amazing, what could possibly come next??
His question was anwered quickly as you took the tip of him in your mouth, suckling and moaning from the salty taste, sending vibrations down his dick and making him throw his head back, screwing his eyes shut.
You took him whole, massaging his shaking thighs as you knew he wouldn't last a lot and to be honest, you did not expect him to. You took him out of your mouth, stroking him with one hand and massaging his balls with the other.
"You are doing so good Jon, so good..."
At this point, Jon was already a moaning mess, louder than he would like to admit and nipping his knukcles to keep himself from having the whole castle hear him.
You took his cock entirely in your mouth without warning, and he unvoluntarily bucked his hips into you. He immediately apologised profusely, thinking he hurt you, but as a response you just looked into his eyes, smiled and sucked harder. This poor boy was going to be the death of you, and you would be his. He felt so warm and cared for in your mouth, with your soft hands massaging his thighs that it was almost better than the orgasm he felt build up.
He tried to warn you, but it came too quick, like a lighting bolt as he called out your name, he went straight to heaven as he shot strings of cum into your throat and you swallowed them all, humming in aprovance and milking him through his high.
As he came down, panting and with his raven hair disheveled, he glanced down at you and you could cum on the spot. He looked like a God with his blissed out face, his small smile and his eyes glazed over as he stroked your hair.
You let go of him with a pop and sat on his lap once again, massaging his shoulders and whispering praise into his ear as he hugged you tight with his face buried into your neck and thanking you quietly while kissing your shoulder.
After just staying like this for a while, Jon wanted to retrieve the favour you gave him, but he had no idea of how to.
"It's ok Jon, you can please me back another day. For now, let's get you to bed, huh?"
"You will stay here with me, right?" Jon asked, gripping your arm. How could you ever say no to that face? How could you ever deny him anything?
"Of course dear."
He smiled softly as you went under the covers wuth him and you clinged onto eachother. Jon Snow had never slept so well in his entire life.
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dollwrites · 1 year
HELLO BABE THERES SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT LOL I'm gonna try to make this ask not overwhelming lol
First demon slayer. TELL ME ALL YOUR OPINIONS NEOW I MUST KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF THE FIRST (and maybe second) EPISODE 👀 koku and yoriichi are so beautiful like even the yoriichi doll that has half a face is gorgeous lol, also the way that koku was scolding akaza like 😳 I also love the part where doma tried flirting with the biwa lady and shes just like get the fuck outta here 😒 and listen I'm not ashamed to say that I would literally pay mitsuri to talk to me lol idk how genya could ignore her IN A HOT SPRING OF ALL PLACES.
Now to diabolik lovers, I also must know literally all of your opinions on the two seasons too lol 👀 like who your favorites are and why, what you think of each family, etc 🤔 So my first favorite the absolute first time I ever watched it sooo long ago was ayato so he'll always be one of my favs and I have a soft spot for the triplets for sure, but literally every mukami is my favorite LMAO I was absolutely shook when they were introduced in the second season. Like if diabolik lovers didn't want me rooting for yui to stay with the mukamis they shouldn't have made them all look THAT good. Like starting with azusa I knew he was for me when the FIRST thing out of his mouth was do you like pain? If they had left me alone with him on the first day I would have let him do vile disgusting things to me lol they would have had to pry me off him, and when he had the knife and was like I want to see it pierce your skin HELLO KNIFE KINK 😳 and Kou is so beautiful even tho the whole masochistic kitten is slightly cringy lol he can call me that all he wants, the masochistic part is completely true lmao 👀 the way that he gave her flowers so he could insist he needed something in return to suck her blood and then took them back and DESTROYED them when she refused was so manipulative and dramatic I love it lol. Also that boy was MOANING when he first drank her blood LMAO he was thoroughly enjoying himself 👀 Kou is so whiny too the way he was like help me get undressed I'm not good with buttons 🥺 and when he bit over suburus mark bc he was jealous, I fr love everything about that boy lol. AND YUMA THE BIG BOY I would never recover if he was carrying me around like that, like I can just imagine him using you like a ragdoll my size kink can nawt handle him 😭
We also NEED to talk about tokyo revengers asap but since this is already getting long and I'm not sure if you finished season 2 yet we'll have to wait until the next one maybe 🤔
THE DABI TIKTOK HOLY SHIT IM SO BLESSED YOU SENT THAT TO MEEE 🥰 I could actually cry at the pic where hes burning your neck as hes choking you that's all I want in life 😭 tojis looking alot like megumi I'm v excited 👀 also poor akaza he hates doma with all his heart LOL
I have so many tiktoks to send you it's not even funny lol im really gonna have to restrain myself rn
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR3WET4D/ SIZE KINK SIZE KINK !!
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR3Woj4R/ no bc they made them look too beautiful in this intro I would immediately leave with them
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR37FL6t/ I could never forget about the biggest slut in the show 👀
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR37NFSb/ me immediately running lmaoo
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR37YBtQ/ THERE WAS NO REASON TO BE THAT SEDUCTIVE 😭
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR3WcwrY/ hes so pretty 🥺
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR37kVjn/ the way that he would inflict pain so lovingly 👀
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR37dtr4/ LMAOO
I have so many demon slayer tiktoks to send lol but I'll only send like one now since theres already a ridiculous amount above lol and save the rest for the next one 😭
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR37Yk1b/ the voice 🥵
Jjk anon 🥰😘😘
Full disclosure I’ve not seen the second episode yet! My mom is watching it with me and last weekend she had company over so I didn’t get to watch it with her so I held off
YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM TO SEE KOKU AND YORII ANIMATED !!!! I am screaming crying throwing up
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Especially bc I’ve got so many ideas for koku x reader x yorii I am actually mentally eel. My friends know this already but I have an OBSESSION when it comes to anime twins. I become absolutely rabid
Douma being like ✨✨ be nicer to him ✨✨ I didn’t dodge it on purpose and koku just being all THE POINT IS HIERARCHY
I wanted to cum right then I love just a strong, cold man and he’s my favorite !!!
Biwa has had It with everyone’s bullshit and honestly I don’t blame her if I had to be stuck in that dimension with akaza and douma having their dick measuring contest, koku lamenting about traditions, hantengu just fuckin sobbing, and gyokko wiggling around I would FOR SURE have lost my mind. except I would ofc be sitting right on koku’s lap talking about some “yes daddy ur so right they just don’t make demons like they used to”
Genya’s such a cock but I can’t help but really REALLy like him.. it’s how fucking mean and gruff he is he’s got major tsundere type vibes and honestly that’s my fave
I just god I’m so attached to the triplets my absolute favorite was and always will be laito, very underrated with the sexiest voice, literally always sounds like he’s cumming I’m not OKAY
My thing is that every single one of both sets of brothers awaken something in me so picking favorites is so difficult too ALL OF THE MUKAMIS GIVE SUCH JEALOUS VIBES AND ALL OF THE SAKAMAKIS ARE SO YANDERE azusa is my little meow meow my pretty emo boy
I am so overdue for a rewatch it’s sickening
TOKYO REVENGERS NEXT MESSAGE, I GOT YOU. I’ll tell you where I’m at actually. Baji just now proved himself to Valhalla!!
I genuinely haven’t been on tiktok in so long so I don’t have any new ones for you BUT I WILL NEXT MESSAGE I PROMMY
Unlike yui I would never ever ever piss kou off I WOULD ONLY MAKE HIM HAPPY!!! I WOULD MAKE HIM CUM !!!
YUMA SIZE KINKJJJJ full on crying and jumping up and down baby you’re really trying to pull me back into my DL ERA
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
reader is ellie's gf and she's a virgin and Ellie pop her cherry but Ellie is like really sweet and go slow n shit ~im just protecting at this point.
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, afab reader, fingering (r! receiving), tribbing, oral (r! receiving), mentions of pain, readers first, teasing, dom!Ellie, sub!Reader, fluffy, really long
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope/my eyes are lowkey burning so a lil bit
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - Bada bing bada boom I'm very proud of this but it is long I hope you enjoy! I'm sorry I've been MIA and also that this took so long! love you <3 Also I'm messing around a bit with my formatting so just bare with me
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Ellie was your best friend. Dating and not, she was your person for years. The shy, dorky, green eyed girl having asked you out a few months after breaking up with Cat. A flustered confession in the quiet of her room.
You'd never experimented before, you knew you liked her. It hurt to see her with others. You knew she wasn't a virgin, she had at least some experience. Especially with Cat, who was almost the exact opposite of your personality.
It made you nervous, almost ashamed. Though you knew Ellie would raise hell if she found out you felt like this. The girl hated seeing you upset in any way.
You couldn't get it off your mind though, finally going the extra mile. It's not like she'd push you or harm you, but you couldn't help but feel like an idiot.
Especially after a conversation with a few other girls at the bar. Dina poking fun at your virginity. You knew it was just a joke, laughing in the moment but thinking about it know, maybe you were ready.
You just didn't know how to ask.
"Jesse wants us to go with him and Dina to that waterfall tomorrow." Ellie laid between your legs, a comic book hovering above her now turned away face. Looking up at you as your fingers ran through her hair while you thought.
"That sounds fun." You said quietly, still in your mind slightly. Not fully listening to her words. "You alright?" "Hm?" You seemed to finally snap out of it, turning to meet her eyes. "I-" "Yeah, I'm okay." You smiled down at her, tight lipped, your eyes then moving up to the TV.
"You sure?" She asked, tossing the comic that she'd already read at least twice before rolling onto her stomach. Resting her chin on the area just above your crotch.
"Yeah, just thinking too much." "Mm, 'bout what?" Her voice was soft, eyes genuinely worried, yet it was too frustratingly embarrassing to say out loud. You shrugged, avoiding her eyes. Instead running your finger along her arm that was hooked under your leg, hand resting on your hip.
"C'mon, what is it babe?" The use of the nickname could've made your cheeks warm time and time again. Like now. The way it rolled off her tongue, it was like a fever dream come true. "It's embarrassing." You decided to say after a moment of quiet, her eyes never leaving your own.
"Seriously?" She chuckled, rubbing circles with her thumbs on the exposed skin of your stomach. "Don't be mean." Your face felt hot, a flustered smile on your face as you turned your head completely away from her. Looking out the window beside the bed.
"I'm not, you're just cute." "Am not." "Are too." Ellie laughed quietly, sitting up, using your knees as support as she sat back on her own. Moving to rest her chin on her arms, still resting along your kneecaps. "Dina just made this stupid joke, it was harmless-" "What did she say?"
Ellie's smile had fallen a bit, a more serious tone finding its way to her voice. "It was stupid." You laughed quietly. "She just... she made this dumb joke about me still.. being a virgin." You let out a few giggles trying to cover up the pit that had grown in your stomach.
"Jesus, she needs to learn to read a room." Ellie groaned, smiling a bit when she heard you laugh. "I don't know, I guess it bothered me more than I thought." You messed with the hem of your shirt, twisting it with your finger, stomach feeling like it would spontaneously combust if you made eye contact with her.
"Y/n." You met her eyes for a split second before looking back at your shirt. "Whatever she said-" "I want to." Ellie was slightly taken aback for a moment, as were you at your own admission.
"Hm." You'd barely noticed the way her fingers danced down your legs until then. Shifting when you finally seen the small smirk creeping onto her face. "Like... right now?" She asked, her voice now eerily quiet, leaning towards you.
"I don't know.. I don't even know how that works. Like I know how sex works but like... ugh." Ellie wanted to laugh, but the seriousness mixed with nerves on your face made her hold in her chuckle. Hands finding the skin of your hips, your fingers soon finding hers.
"Will it hurt?" "Maybe a little." She answered honestly, pushing your legs apart once again. Hovering over body, one hand holding her up, the other you still hadn't let go of, not that she minded. "I'm not gonna beat you up, you know?" You snorted, covering your mouth with your hand as you laughed.
"Don't say that." "Just thought I'd remind you. You don't have to just because Dina said some stupid joke." "I know, but I feel bad." Ellie stared down at you confused. "We've been together for how long? I know you're not a virgin, I just... I dunno." You muttered, again denying her your eyes.
"I want too... I'm just nervous and it's stupid and embarrassing." Ellie sent you a smile, leaning down to kiss your cheek. "No its not." "I hate you." You whispered. Your eyes met hers, the usual bright eyes having darkened with an unfamiliar look.
"Doubt it." She then whispered back, your faces just barely an inch apart. Her warm breath fanning your mouth. Finally, you moved, kissing her slightly chapped lips. The lingering taste of the lunch you'd made for you both still on her tongue.
"You're sure?" She mumbled against your lips, hand holding the hem of your shirt. Searching your eyes for any sort of discomfort. "I'm sure. I'll tell you if I wanna stop." You mumbled back, the girl immediately coming back down for another sloppy yet soft kiss.
Hearing your small whimpers, Ellie's hand gripping your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to her body. "Ellie.." You whispered breathlessly, her lips moving down your neck leaving small kisses in her wake. Nothing sloppy or too harsh, only soft, light pecks here and there.
Her eyes flickering up to meet yours for a moment, finding a lustful gaze staring back at her. Your chest moving up and down as you took deep, shaky breaths.
She then found your sweet spot, a little whimper escaping your lips, kissing a spot just above your collarbone. Grazing her teeth against your skin, small marks soon coating your flesh as a tingly feeling entered the area between your legs.
"Here." Ellie sat up, tugging at the bottom of your shirt. You leaned forward silently, allowing her to tug your shirt over your arms and head, throwing it aside to join the other clothes on the floor.
You were left in the lacy bralette you'd decided to wear this morning. Trying to boost your own confidence, but that obviously didn't work.
"Will you take off your shirt too?" You asked sheepishly, arms moving over your stomach. Your face burning while her eyes lingered over you, taking in every inch. "Yeah." Her fingertips hooking underneath her own shirt in a matter of seconds, pulling it over her head and throwing it beside yours.
Her black sports bra complimenting her pale skin, her lips moving to yours once again. Her hands softly wrapping around your wrists, pulling them away from your body.
"You're so pretty." She muttered against your skin, leaving small hickies tainting your neck, kissing down your chest. Reaching the valley of your breasts, fingers beginning to mess with the lace at the bottom.
"Ellie.." I'm gonna take this off now.." she tugged at the bralette, looking at you for permission. Moving once you nodded, goosebumps rising on your skin. Fingertips just barely grazing your rib bone. Peeling it from your hot, blushed skin.
Barely paying any mind to it, only how you moved to cover yourself again. Hands making their way to either side of your face blocking your arms, hips grinding into your own as she deepened the kiss.
Knee keeping your legs apart, pushing your bodies closer before kissing down your neck. Sensual touches moving down your body, caressing each curve as her lips finally locked around your nipple. Tongue running over the sensitive little bud.
"Ellie.. shit." You whispered, fighting back small noises while the girl kissed softly around your nipple. Kitten licking the mound just to see your reaction. A tight, painful almost feeling entering your core, throbbing, making you want to squeeze your thighs together, only to be blocked by Ellie's knee.
"That feels good..." Ellie smiled slightly, kissing along to your other nipple, doing the same. Feeling your hips pushing up and off the bed. Back arching off the bed just slightly, wanting impossibly more of her mouth.
"You're so beautiful." She whispered against your flesh, kissing down your stomach messily. Meeting your eyes just as she reached the band of your shorts. "This okay?" She asked, fingers resting on the elastic band of your shorts. "Perfect." You replied, feeling her fingertips slip underneath the band.
Pulling them from your legs, your thin underwear now being the only thing left that kept her from you.
"Can I touch you?" Her hands stayed resting on your upper thighs, keeping your legs apart. You nodded your head, a small smirk appearing on her face. "Use your words, babe." You shuddered at her words, a shiver flying down your spine making goosebumps rise along your skin.
"I.. I want you to.. to touch me." "Good girl." She whispered, pulling your underwear down your legs slowly. Letting her nails run along the sides of your thigh, shivering. Clenching at the cold air hitting your soaked cunt.
"Ellie.." You became shy under her gaze, but the green eyed girl couldn't help but stare. In her eyes you were the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. Before you could shut your legs, or at least try, Ellie fingers found your wet slit, rubbing small circles on your pussy.
A small noise exiting your swollen lips, hips bucking towards her touch. One hand on your knee the other on your most sensitive spots, leaning down to kiss just above your cunt. Continuing her movements, feeling you squirm uncontrollably under her touch.
"You're so pretty babe." "Ellie-" You whined, her fingers finally circling your clit, her lips leaving small kisses on your inner thigh. "Ellie please." "Tell me what you want." "More. Too slow." Ellie chuckled, hooking an arm under your leg, hand resting on your stomach.
The pad of her thumb still rubbing your clit before pressing a small kiss to your pussy. Body jolting at the sudden act, a disgruntled whimper falling from your mouth.
"Fuck, more. Please, please Ellie more." Ellie hummed, pressing another small kiss to your slit before taking a long stride up your pussy. You moaned, the leg she wasn't holding pushing into her.
Ellie then took her fingers away, her tongue swirling around your clit. Drawing small circles on the little bud, a tight, tingly feeling erupting through your hole as you clenched again around nothing. Pushing yourself into Ellies face but she didn't seem to care, her hands pulling you closer to her face.
Ellie's tongue then began running along your hole, nose brushing against your clit. There was so much pleasure it was almost painful, pulsating against her mouth, face contorting into a heaven-like expression.
"This might hurt a little, okay?" "Be easy please." You muttered, meeting her eyes, heart feeling like it would beat out of your chest. "I will, just relax, focus on me." Ellie sucked on your clit, pushing a finger into your wetness. A stinging feeling making you grimace, head falling back against the pillows.
"Don't move yet--" "I'm not." Ellie payed attention to your clit, the pleasure beginning to override the pain, the girl adding another finger once you began to relax. Stretching you out, small to almost no movement. "Go slow." It was quiet, almost inaudible but she managed to hear you in the near silence of the room.
Ellie began pumping her fingers in and out at a sweet pace, kissing your clit. The hand she had resting on your stomach rubbing small circles onto your skin, helping you to ease, untensing under her touch.
"Feels better." You whispered, her two fingers beginning to pick up the pace as she sucked harder on your sensitive bud. A loud moan exiting your lips as she got just a bit rougher on your pussy, fingers still moving slowly. In and out of your tight walls.
"Ellie- fuck- faster." The pain began to subside, legs widening for her as she began moving quicker. Eyes on your face as you threw your head back, hand pushing her head in further. "I can't- shit- Ellie please don't stop." It came out in a jumbled mess, your hole filled with pleasure.
"I can't- fuck-" You said a few more incoherent things, back arching off the bed. "Ellie-" "Come on Y/n. You're doing so good pretty girl." It was like something wound up in your stomach, the slight sting you could still feel now being ignored. Your head clouded with pleasure.
A pit in your gut, moans and whines bouncing off the walls. Whimpers of her name mixed with pleas and praises to her.
"Ellie I-" "Come for me babe. Let go." You could feel it winding up, legs shaking, clenching again and again. "Fuck!" You shuddered, finally letting go, crying out as you came crashing down. Ellie not letting up even as you squirmed, tears beginning to well up in your eyes.
"Too much." Ellie finally slowed, letting you come down from your high, kissing your clit once last time before sitting up, looking over your sweat glazed body and your flushed, blissed out face. Half-lidded eyes looking up at her through your eyelashes.
"Think you can do one more?" You muttered something in response, Ellie smiling down at you. Kissing your forehead then down the bridge of your nose. "You did so good." "So did you." You said shyly, kissing her lips deeply, hands finding their place around her waist holding her close to you.
"Again." You said simply. She sat up, not a sentence from her lips before she slipped off her sports bra. Throwing it to the side allowing you full sight of her chest. The girl wasting no time in unbuttoning her jeans, pulling her boxers and pants off before tossing them away. Hitting the dresser at the end of the bed making you laugh.
"You're very pretty yourself, y'know that?" You then said quietly, Ellie hovering above you, blush soon dusting along her pale, freckled skin. Avoiding your eyes as your fingernail dragged up her stomach moving towards her chest.
"I love you." You then whispered, her lips just inches away from your own. The girls arm pulling your legs far apart, hiking them up as she swung a leg over you. "I love you more." She then muttered, kissing your lips before grinding down onto you, your cunts gliding across each other with ease.
A whine leaving your lips as Ellie groaned just beside your ear. Hot breath fanning the tip, a little kiss being placed to the side of your head as she began to thrust herself against you, clits rubbing along each other sending shockwaves along your body.
Arms around Ellie, meeting each other on her upper back as one of her hands rested on your waist. The other holding herself up, picking up the pace, your wetness running along hers, beginning to make the mess that Ellie had already created even bigger.
"El-Ell-- fuck please don't stop-" A few more blabbered pleas left you, the girl beginning to fuck into you at a faster pace, whispering quiet praises in your ear, keeping your leg up. Ellie's thrusts soon growing sloppy, clits grazing each other again and again.
"Please- I can't-- oh-" You were practically suffocating in her neck, muffled moans vibrating her skin. "Come on Y/n, come for me babe. One more time, c'mon." "Ellie" Her name passed your lips in a dragged out whine, tears pricking your eyes and rolling down the sides of your head.
Your hole squeezing around air as you felt yourself release, Ellie just behind you. Cum dripping down your ass but not having reached the bed, Ellie making a note to clean you up. But for now held your shuttering body close to her, feeling you keeping her close, whimpering into her shoulder.
"You did so good." She whispered, pecking the side of your head after a moment. Nuzzling her nose into the side of your head, listening to your shaky breaths. "Mm." You hummed, finally pulling your hands from her, swallowing hard, both of her hands coming to rest on your cheeks.
"Thank you." You muttered, turning your head to meet her blown out pupils. Still catching her breath, rubbing the skin under your eye with her thumb. Wiping away the dry tear stains from your warm face. "Mm, I'll be right back babe." She kissed your forehead once, then between your eyebrows.
Ellie then got off the bed, leaving you to roll onto your side. The exhaustion beginning to set in, the sun beginning to set as the late evening rolled around. Blinking slowly, dark clouds rolling into the sky.
"C'mere." Ellie pulled you to the other side of the bed, now in a sports bra and briefs. Wiping you down with a wet towel, going easy on your crotch, caressing the softness of your thigh.
"You're beautiful." Ellie mumbled making you bite back a smile, looking away from her as she unfolded one of her shirts. "Sit up for me." You did what she said, the shirt coming over your head. Quickly slipping it on before falling back again.
"That a good first time?" You nodded, grabbing the water bottle she then offered after putting the shirt on you. She had to subdue the smirk on her face, rubbing your knee. "Good, cause Dina's was terrible."
You almost spit up your water, snorting as you turned onto your side. Ellie climbing up and onto the bed with a grin. Grabbing the bottle back from you and setting it on her nightstand.
"Thank you, again." You climbed with shaky legs to rest on her chest. Her arm wrapping around your shoulders, messing with your hair. "Mm, what are girlfriends for?" "To kiss me and hold my stuff." You said without missing a beat, hugging her closer when she laughed.
"I appreciate the honesty." "Anytime." You smiled up at her, Ellie leaning down to kiss you again. "So same time tomorrow?"
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A/n: this took me forever and i'm not complaining
Also I'm messing around a bit with my formatting so just bare with me
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How about yandere TC meliodas but a soulmate au where him and the s/o( Fairy and goddess hybrid who fights for stigma) both share a connection to each other, from sharing emotion, to having vision of where they may meet for the first time. This seem like a nice concept, I imagine meliodas is use to constantly feeling pain from training all the way to fighting the war only to have a s/o who is yet to meet him but is willing to send over positive emotion and feeling to make him feel better. Im sucker for this kinds of things.
Oh hell yes, I love soulmate aus! Which is why it got a bit longer than what I normally write (and took so long lol)
Yandere TC Meliodas with soulmate darling
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For as long as you can remember there had been a second layer to your emotions that you couldn`t quite grasp, let alone influence. It was just barely there, almost unnoticeable.  Annoyance, nonchalance and a deep-rooted but hidden pain. After learning that those belonged to your soulmate, to the being your were destined to meet and love, you were baffled. Three emotions. A few feelings. Was that all they were capable of, or was that all they could allow themselves to? You mused that they felt your surprise and pity and hoped they wouldn`t connect the dots, they didn`t seem like the kind of person to appreciate such sentiments. Nonetheless you wanted to help. If they weren`t able to and didn`t have the opportunity to experience joy, wonder, excitement and a healthy amount of sadness and grief that one felt at ending a wonderful book with no continuation than you would have to do it for them. If they were hurt you could send them comfort and if they were bored you`d jump down a cliff if you must only to open your wings at the last second to send them a dose of mixed excitement and fear and laughter.
Meliodas had known of the concept of soulmates for as long as he could remember. Since then he had always been told that he wouldn`t need them, that demons barely needed their destined partner and only to allow any connection beyond the unavoidable should they be of the same race. He knew that something was wrong with that but in the end he didn`t care enough to do anything about that. So they felt what he did and at some point he`d know where you two would meet. Great. As long as they don`t get in his way and he can do what he must it`d be fine. 
He always knew that his range of sentiments were by far not the widest or the happiest but he would do. Meliodas had to. He had to be strong and cold and unfeeling. That did not seem to be the case for his soulmate, however. There were a mix of emotions constantly changing, most of them he hadn`t even experienced himself. They are a bother, he told himself and ignored it. He also ignored the twinge in his chest whenever they felt sad, ashamed or dispirited. Told himself that he was lucky that they weren`t sending feelings consciously, especially when he had to concentrate.
That changed. There was no warning, no prompting, nothing. Meliodas was about to go to sleep when they did it for the first time. They must have felt his exhaustion and either they thought he didn`t deserve to rest or wanted to spite him because the next thing he knew he felt adrenaline coursing through his veins and excitement erupting. Cursing he sat up, trying to calm his racing hearts and suppress that stuff. The emotions promptly calmed down and went into their normal, ignorable state though he could make out some guilt. For good measure he made his annoyance clear before flopping back down and closing his eyes. That didn`t stop a small and rather short lived smile from surfacing.
Was it your best idea? No. Did you think about what you were doing? No. You had felt your soulmate`s fatigue and seeing as it was the afternoon and they didn`t normally feel like that at this certain time you had assumed that they needed a bit of energy. Luckily, you had been sitting on a rather high branch and before you could think it through you had thrown yourself of from it. Upon their rejection though you had quickly stopped your little stunt and the idea that they had wanted to sleep crossed your mind. Ups. This had been the first time you had enforced an emotion and it had gone wrong. Hoping that their first impression of you could still be fixed you laid low for a bit. 
The next opportunity presented itself when you had discovered a beautiful small pond in the forest. It was surrounded by rich plant live and some ducks were swimming on it, the sunshine reflected and sparkled on the water’s surface. Deciding that now would be a good opportunity you checked on their emotions. There was no apparent change from normal so it should be fine. Carefully and a lot slower this time you let your admiration seep through to them and being encouraged by the response, which was nothing, you strengthened it, letting yourself enjoy the coolness of the water as you dipped your feet in. Sitting there you shared this feeling, the contrast of the warm light and the refreshing cold, the calmness of the forest, far away from the others and the silence only being broke by the wind and birds in the sky. With all the work you had been doing and the tense atmosphere of your partner the relaxation was welcomed with open arms. 
After this first successful interaction you continued, first about once a week and then once a day and soon simply whenever you felt like it. You were a bit disappointed that your soulmate never openly reacted but you had noticed that their feelings had calmed down and that was enough to keep you going. Having long ago realised that they were fighting in the same war, the suspicion and caution mixed with the occasional numbness, you assumed that they numbed their feelings in hopes of suppressing regret, you sent as much comfort as you could. It was gut wrenching whenever you noticed the impassivity but you did your best to help.
Meliodas grew used to it, over time. He even grew to like it, not that he`d ever admit it. Sensing your enforced emotions brought him joy and comfort, knowing that there was someone out there who cared. He sometimes felt guilty about not replying but what did he have to share? So he let the one sided communication continue. 
You always made sure to only strengthen positive emotions or small harmless sadness, just to let them know what you were feeling. This time however you feared that you had made a mistake. You were patrolling and you were careless. It was close to enemy territory but there hadn`t been an incident here and there was this beautiful flower in full bloom and you simply had to send your amazement. Doing just that you hovered over the flower, it`s sweet smell calming your mind. The next thing you knew was a sharp pain in your side as you moved away, away from whatever had slashed you. 
It was a small demon and you were quickly able to take care of it before healing your wound. Before you could investigate if there were any others you felt their worry. It was overwhelming. For the first time they openly enforced their feelings and it was intense enough that you couldn`t breathe for a moment. You noticed some anger interlaced, too, directed at what had harmed you, you noted. Quickly sending them your calmed frame of mind you searched for any other attackers and upon finding none you returned to report to one of the other goddesses.
Meliodas had been walking down a lonely hallway when you noticed the flower. Humming in acknowledgement he opened the door to his room and froze. Instead of admiration you seemed to be in pain. What had happened? Were you okay? His mind raced as he allowed himself to worry and let that worry reach you. The seconds were he felt your pain, surprise, resignation and caution were agony. After he was assured you were fine he sighed in relief. 
After the second time the demon decided that he should contact you more. After his initial worry had subsided he had become anxious. Not only could you be harmed at any time, he had no way of helping you, not without knowing who or where you were. He realised he didn`t know much of you. Was there someone who liked you beside him, someone you liked? He hoped not. You were his. You two were fated to be, no matter how stupid that sounded. However he had no real way of checking, so interacting with you like this had to be enough for now. He also grew more attentive of your passive emotions, not letting a single feeling pass his attention.
It is a well known fact that before you meet your destined other, you envision the place you will first meet. You had been waiting for that day for ages, knowing that soon after you`d finally meet them, your soulmate. They had been so much more communicative and their joy caused by interactions grew day by day. So when you opened your eyes in a supposedly dream and felt closer to them than ever before you knew that your encounter was drawing near.
The first thing you noticed were your surroundings which resembled a patch of woods just on the border to demon territory. It was cold and clouds hung deep over the sky, it was eerily silent. Not the most romantic, you decided, but whatever. Taking a closer look you noticed a figure approaching from the woods, across from you and the border. It was more of a shadow than anything, you could make out the rather small height but any other details didn`t quite seem to be comprehensive or noticeable. So this was them. You smiled, though you could guess that they wouldn`t see that with how they most likely perceived you in a similar way that you could view them. No words were spoken as you stood only meters apart, time seemingly frozen as all you could do was hope that you could stay like this for longer. Neither they nor you moved, fearing that otherwise the bubble would burst and the glass would shatter and you would wake up, more lonely than ever now that you were apart again. You couldn`t speak, somehow knowing that sounds would not travel far here, but you didn`t need to do that, as all you needed was your connection and bond as soulmates. Warmth, affection and joy swirled between you both and almost felt tangible, as if all you needed to do was reach out to drown in these emotions. 
When Meliodas found himself in a dream more realistic than any other he wondered what had happened. He wandered a bit before recognising the forest to be the one crossing the border that Stigma established and vehemently defended. Feeling a presence he followed the strange pull, coming across the figure hidden in shadows with wings that couldn`t have been a fairy`s or a goddess`s. Something else or something in between? He didn`t care. All that mattered was the sense of recognition. It was you. His partner. His destined other. His soulmate. His.
Only after waking up did he realise where exactly you both would meet. The verge on which enemies would meet to battle. Where blood was spilled in the constantly ongoing war. The perimeter seemed in tact though, so you at least wouldn`t meet directly on a battlefield. One thing he did know now, however. You stood on opposing sides, Demons against Stigma, darkness against light, him versus you. How cruel to put you so far away from him, Meliodas mused. But if he had to he knew who to betray and who to stay loyal to. 
You spend the next days searching for the exact place you two would meet, ignoring the suspicious stares and whispers about, oh, look, the hybrid is slacking of, no wonder. You wondered how they`d react to your soulmate who was undeniably on the opposite force of the conflict. You supposed one of you would have to switch sides and if you couldn`t convince them than you would have to do so. Though with how they ended up emotionally before you interacted you hoped they would agree with you. Even if the others were against it, the higher ups respected your hard work and if that didn`t work you`d ask Elizabeth, who always seemed hesitant about the war and disliked judging others no matter who they were, for help. 
Either way, you thought, being prepared wouldn`t hurt. After finally finding the place you hid a small bag full of important belongings and necessities in the trunk of the hollow tree along with a small gift you hoped your soulmate would appreciate. Following the thickening of your bond you had started to feel other and smaller sensations of them and while you were quite distressed with how often they seemed to fight, you couldn`t deny the feeling of joy when you drank a wine and instantly knew that they liked it, having had a faint taste of it. Hoping that this time you could enjoy it together you made sure the bottle was secure before heading of again.
Every time the weather was like the one in your vision, your and their hope grew and while you reached the place in no time, having memorised the way, they still hadn’t found it. Meliodas wished to fly over the forest but he had seen himself walking and knew that was the only way to get to you. So he wandered around, over and over and when he finally recognised a turn he followed the path eagerly. It took a bit to notice your presence, it being hidden seeing as anything else would be suicide so close to a hostile region. He rushed through the trees, his and yours excitement mixing and growing as you waited, peering through the woods in hopes of catching a glimpse, the first glimpse of the person you had grown to love.
The wind, his hearts and time itself stopped as he came to a halt in front of you. Your eyes were the first things he noticed, shining with a light that warmed him, overflowing with affection. You stared just as much, his black eyes turning into a beautiful shade of green as he lowered himself to the ground, his black wings disappearing from sight. You did the same, letting your feet touch the earth below you before moving one in front of the other. The grin on your face widened as he did the same and before you knew it he wrapped his arms around you.
“Hello“, you whispered. All former thoughts and ideas on your first words spoken to him seeming too far away to speak now, all you could do was great him. He was so warm, his arms protectively shielding you away from a world that was to cruel to a wonderful being like you, he decided, as he responded in the same manner. His hearts were finally beating again and were much faster now.  
“My name is Meliodas“, he added, chin comfortably resting on your shoulders, eyes closed and melting into your embrace. It felt so right to finally have you. You fitted perfectly into his grasp, his eyes fluttering open and a smile tugging on his lips as he heard your name. You were finally here, with him. Meliodas knew in this moment he could never let you go. He would follow you wherever you wanted to and destroy anyone that dared and try harm you, no matter the consequences, as long as he could be with you, the one who cared and comforted him, the one that was made for him and the one he was made for, his soulmate.
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Flower Girl - PT2
As promised, Gi-huns returns to your shop.
It has been two weeks since you helped Gi-hun. Hiding him from the scary man. You gave him flowers as a present, the man looked beat up and in need of help. Working not only attending flowers but also with people have helped you to read emotions, and your nature alwyas lead you to help them.
Gi-hun was a men you wanted to help, get to know better, meet up with him and talk. Maybe go out with him...
God you were like a teen all again, the old lady who was a regular had gave you a knowing look and asked you if finally you were dating someone. You almost dropped the flower arrange you were making for her.
Did you get a crush on a men you only met once?
The door annunced the arrive of a new client, you quickly made yourself more presentable (but you did look amazing already).
"Hello, Welcome! How can i help you-"
Your words died on your mouth as you saw Gi-hun at the door. He had a small smile on his face, was sweating a bit (from what you were not sure).
"Hello!!" Gi-hun almost screamed and cringed at himself. He had been battling with himself about coming back to your shop. He did want to come, but was still a bit ashame from not having money to pay you back, even if you had said it was a present.
A Valentine present.
He took great care of the flowers (well the best care he could give). He hugged them all the way back home, his mother gave him the most confused look at his son, but did not ask a lot. Till Gi-hun started to ramble about you and how cute you were and how you had gave him flowers and invited him to go back to visit.
From that moment his mother started to ask him when he was going to visit you again. He saw how his son had a bright smile while taking care of the flowers. He was more active, waking up earlier to tend them, he made breakfast for both of them, called his daughter with a big smile also jumping. He even ignored his friend calls who wanted to go to the races with him.
"Son, I havent see you this happy in a long time. So please, do me a favor and go see this girl, I can tell how much good she would make you feel"
And thats how Gi-hun found himself today, he fixed himself the best he could and went to see you. He had a plan on asking you out, as a thank you for helping him. He had prepared himself, how he was going to ask you, how he was going to look all suave going to you with confidence and all. But that disappear as soon as he saw you.
"Oh, Hello Gi-hun!"
Oh god, you did remember his name. Gi-hun was joyful about it, he stare at you, your hair perfeclty done, your work clothes were just beautiful and combined with the shop itself. You were an angel.
"Uh-uh, yes Hello! I was passing by and decided to stop"
Gi-hun came with that excusme to not look desesperated, triying to hide how much he have been thinking about you from the last two weeks.
"Oh...well im glad you stopped by" Giving him a close eye smile your heart bumped hard in your chest.
"Yeah, well...i wanted to ask if you-"
"Hello, im here for a freesias arrange? I order them yesterday"
A well dressed man said from the door. He passed Gi-hun, not giving him a look. The man was tall, a light brown sweet, expensive shoes, hair perfectly done. It was, what Gi-hun wanted to be.
"Ah yes! just a moment"
You dissapear in the back of the store to look for the mans order.
Gi-hun started to look at the flowers with no really idea of what to do now. He was feeling cold feet now. How many well dressed men you would meet during the day? Where you seeing someone? Fuck, he did not even consider that. Even if you were not, how many chances he had with you?.
"Here they are, thanks for waiting"
You have returned, the mans order in your hands. The man took them and prepared to pay, he eyes you a bit and started to make some comments to you. This was not new, you have to deal with clients who would flirt, usually it was harmless but this man was a bit too confident on himself, and while you tried to give him signals that you were not interested he persisted.
Gi-hun noticed right away, he battled himself on what to do. Last thing he wanted was to cause a scene, but seeing you being under pressure, he could not take it.
"Excusme Sir, Im also here to purchase an order" Gi-hun lied quickly.
The man turned around, first time giving Gi-hun a look and almost scoffed at him.
"Really? with how you look I hardly believe you can purchase a single flower here"
This man was an ass. Was your tought as you saw the interaction between both of them.
"Besides, im talking here. Someone like you can wait"
"Excusme Sir, but i make no differences here, he is indeed here to retire an order and would like to continue my work"
At first the man froze in space, not beliving you a bit. But was more angry than anything.
"Whatever, you are not worth it, have fun with the poor dude"
Once he left you let out a small breath, god you hated people like that.
"Sorry Gi-hun, sometimes I have to deal with things like that"
"Ah- Its alright, sorry if i caused any trouble"
You smiled, getting close to him, He looked so cute and flustered. He played with his fingers as he looked around. He was trying to get the words on his mind, the correct ones.
"Gi-hun would you-"
"Would you go out with me?" Gi-hun asked quickly, cutting you off.
You stared at him, wide eyes and a blush on your face, your heart beat was fast, you could feel as if the world had stopped.
"Uh- you can say no if you want, i wanted to give a proper thanks from last time, but uh...yeah" Gi-hun said in a nervous tone, one hand behind his neck tring to calm himself, he knew this could happen but was still a bit sad.
You laughted a bit, god he was just pure heart.
"I will go out with you, im out at 8pm"
Gi-hun almost jumped at you, a big smile came to his face, eyes light up. You have said yes, to go out with him.
"I will be here! I- do i need to bring anything?"
"Just your cute self" You replied in a teasting tone.
Gi-huns face was like a tomatoe, he sutter a small "yes" and "i will be here", started to leave, almost falling down at one point because of a small decoration for gardens you had on sell.
Once he made it outside, he jumped letting out a little scream of happyness.
Back at your shop, you were hugging yourself with a big smile, you had seen Gi-huns small celebration since he miss calculated the distance. It made you feel special somehow, being the reason of someone to feel like that.
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m4rgera · 2 years
dave england ★ lonely girl part two
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authors note : this one might get a part three, also I’m sorry for the very long wait for this. shits bonkers in life rn.
warning : this story will contain sexual subjects, drug use, drinking and topics of severe stress and anxiety. the character is written as female, although she / they pronouns are used. if you are sensitive to any of those please refrain from reading this. also lowercase is intended, requests are open for one shots and headcannons.
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“bro, your shitting me. you really fucked dave! and in your car?” stephen took a hit of the joint before passing it over to you. it had already been a week since your hook-up with dave, although it felt like a eternity.
“we didn’t actually have sex, we almost did.” you exhaled a cloud of oderfull smoke, setting the rest of the blunt in a ashtray.
“so you admit you wanted to fuck him.”
“stephen i never even said that. things happen and in the moment it just spiraled.” he hated when you called him stephen, yet you refused to call him steve-o. no one can keep a straight face while seriously referring to a grown man as steve-o.
“there’s nothing to be ashamed of y/n. ive had sex with plenty of people and regretted it.” you sighed, frustrated with stephens attitude towards the situation. you came here to get high with him and hopefully have a good time. but now all your experiencing is a headache from stress and his shitty weed.
“I gotta piss.” letting out a heavy sigh, you stormed off to the bathroom, weaving through mounds of clothes and a few beer cans here and there. you could hear stephen muttering something as you walked away, yet you were too frustrated to even know what he said.
ever since almost having sex with dave it feels like your whole life began to become one giant catastrophe. it made work a lot harder, since he had been writing all the scripts for you, you had nothing to turn into jeff. you could say two drifted apart after it, the awkwardness was too much to bear and you would rather have jeff a little mad at you, then dave reject you.
you had to look at yourself in the mirror, you didn’t feel real. nothing felt real. there is no way your stuck in this situation and in a pit this low. no matter how much pain you feel here, it will never be real. taking a shaky breath composing yourself, you dig in the portion of your sock covering your ankle, pulling out a small baggie with two bars of xanax in it. you took out one bar, yet only wanted to take half.
you took a beer bottle that was laying in the bath tub to crush the bar. doing your best to evenly distribute the powder into two separate lines, you snorted one, sliding the other line into the baggie. As if stephen cared, you wiped the small amount of dust from under your nose and licked it off your finger before exiting the bathroom.
“what were you doing in there, taking the worlds longest shit?” As contagious as stephens laugh was, you still were in a bad mood. You couldn’t help but feel for some reason everyone knew, once chris found out, and now stephen, it felt like the entire world knew to you.
“shut up, i was fixing my bra. anyways im gonna have to head out stephen. i have work to catch up with.” You sighed, using the same lame excuse. “what, were you too busy fucking Dave on set to work?” obviously it was just an innocent joke, but at the moment the world was a little too loud.
tipping you over the edge, you walked out of the apartment, slamming the door before screaming, “fuck you stephen!” loud enough for the neighbors three doors down to hear. feeling no shame, you walked down the hall out of the building receiving odd looks from a few people that were on there way to apartments.
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he’s so pretty to you, handsome isn’t even the right word. handsome is used to describe young men who are out on there first date. if Dave was handsome, he was a special kind of handsome. for now though the best way for you to describe him was pretty.
he was absolutely horrible for you, and he had no idea. all you can think about is that day in the car, that fifteen minute exchange at the bar and the short phone calls of him giving you ideas for stunts. obviously your mind had no room for creativity if it was too busy falling for a man you barley knew.
you left stephen a couple of voicemails apologizing for your outburst at his apartment, although you weren’t that sorry. that whole day was so cloudy, maybe it was your xanax fuled mood that caused it or solely stress. whatever it was it drove you to dial Dave’s number, you didn’t want another hookup- and you were terrified that was exactly what he wanted. you both barley knew eachother but you craved a relationship so raw and emotional already. you felt insane, and this time it wasn’t because of pills.
after the line rang a few times, it went to voicemail. it felt as if the automated message wasn’t enough time for you to conjure up a excuse for calling him, so you just left whatever words you had left in your mind spill out, “hey dave, sorry for calling so late. just wondering if you wanted to go out for drinks tommorow with a few of the guys.” end the call, a weight lifted off you chest. all though it wasn’t much, it still was something.
your not sure why you said some of the other guys would be there, know for sure you weren’t planning on inviting any of them. as much as you would hate to be alone with him for a fraction of a second after your close-to hookup, it’s probably going to be the time you’ll get to know him a little better.
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you called in to use another vacation day yet again. if you were going to go out with Dave tonight, you were gonna need time to mentally prepare. you weren’t sure what you were preparing for, but whatever it was you were gonna be ready for it.
just as you though you were free from stress once again, your phone rang. you were gonna let it ring, you were so comfortable on your bed all curled up in a bundle of blankets and pillows, but you gave a sliver of energy just to answer. “hello?” your voice was groggy, even though you had been awake for awhile you weren’t planning on getting out of bed until needed.
“hey y/n, its dave. steve-o wanted me to call to make sure you were ok, it’s been a few weeks since you’ve shown up on set.” as panicked as you thought you would be, you were oddly confident and comfortable in the moment. “Steve-o was worried? good joke, are you sure it’s not you that wanted to know.” you giggled to yourself, with the thought of him actually being concerned with your well-being. you were like a giddy teenage girl.
“fuck off, i can be worried about you if i want to. anyways I got your message and im up for drinks tonight if you are.” confidence left his tone, and right now as long as you could be with him, like face to face conversation you would do anything for it. “sounds good, see you at eight then.” you hung up before you could say anything else. not that you were regretting anything you said, you just felt like you were getting a little too excited already.
now that the exchange was over, it just reminded yourself of how worried you got over absolutely nothing. all of that shit earlier just for you to feel better by a two minute long phone conversation. it really didn’t feel real.
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he said he would be here by eight, well you said to be here by eight but it doesn’t really matter. It was 8:45 and you still hadn’t heard your doorbell yet. you sighed, getting up from your couch where you had been waiting for the past hour, twenty minutes ago you discarded your heels and you were now just about to go remove your makeup. then you heard the knock, the one you had been waiting for, for what felt like an eternity.
you ran over to the door as best as you could, flinging it open to be brought with the sight of Dave out of breath. you furrowed you eyebrows, confused with why he looked so disheveled.
“I forgot to set my alarm to wake up at seven to go pick you up. i was taking a nap…” you laughed at the state he was in. although it was quite funny, you also found it strangely attractive. “well it’s too late for a bar so why don’t you just have a drink here.” you help open the door for him while laughing, your pretty sure you heard him mutter a small thanks before sliding his shoes off and making himself comfortable on your sofa. yet you didn’t mind, you liked that he felt comfortable in your house.
“usually i don’t take that long of naps but i got my ass kicked on set today.” you tossed him a beer before making yourself comfortable on the seat right next to his, the only other option you had to sit was on the floor, and your sure Dave wasn’t ready to see you manspread while wearing a dress quite yet.
“hm, it’s no problem. i think i actually prefer hanging out here over a gross dive bar.” you popped the cap of your own beer, taking a sip. the conversation led on for a while, catching up with eachother wasn’t as awkward as you anticipated it to be. you actually quite enjoyed it. you were both a few beers in, and had started making jokes about your almost-hook-up. sober you would have absolutely hated this.
“I mean what the fuck were we even doing of course we were gonna get caught!” You said fighting back fits of laughter. “Ok yea I’ll admit it wasn’t the smartest but what I’m saying is I would do it again.” Dave obviously didn’t wholeheartedly mean this but you took it that way, and it caught you extremely off guard.
“really?” your voice came out as almost a whisper, you hated the way you just changed the tone in the room with once word. dave really didn’t do anything he just nodded his head and mumbled a few things, but they just went in one ear and out the other.
the alcohol was really getting to you now, there was no time to count the bottles because you knew what was about to happen was bound to happen. you didn’t want this, but at the same time you felt like you needed it.
just like that day in the car, your lips melted together messily. teeth clashing and all, everything feeling like an hazy lucid dream. you loved it, the aura in the room was completely changed and you felt as if you were in a movie. the sounds you were making and the dramatic way you threw your head back as he left trails of hickeys from your neck to your cleavage was straight out of a romance movie.
in the process your dress was hiked up your thighs past your hips into a bunch of fabric, and your body felt like it was ready for anything. your house could be on fire now and you would have absolutely no idea, you were to busy fumbling with the zipper on Dave’s pants desperately trying to get it undone.
your dress straps were down your shoulders but it wasn’t quite off yet, adding to the messy-late-night hookup aspect of this. hips clashing and mouths moving, it was a pattern of movements you could never get over. it was addictive, no amount of xanax or weed could ever make anyone feel quite like this did.
of course this isn’t what you wanted, but right now it felt like everything you needed. hot messy passonite sex. it was only temporary, but for now it fixated all your needs.
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 4 years
Chained (Lady Dimitrescu x F!Reader)
Ok at first I thought this was Alex
Warnings: nsfw under the cut.
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She was assigned to work in Chris’ team to find a civilian named Ethan Winters and his daughter Rose, who were abducted from their house. Their rescue is important because after his involvement in the Dulvey incident he was infected with the mold which was passed down to his daughter. Chris believes the kidnappers want to use their gift in some twisted way. 
Knowing Chris’ history of not being able to keep his men alive, she didn’t trust him enough to follow his commands, sometimes questioning his decisions and doing thing in her own way, which turned out to be effective too. Chris threatened her to kick her out of his team and place her under someone else’s command, but he knew that her rebellious nature would get her fired and she was too good in the field to be discharged. He would have to gain her trust. 
How she wished  he wouldn’t question her captain now. 
The squad got into the castle where the kidnaper, a woman named Miranda, was hiding. They were stunned by the beautiful renaissance architectural style from the inside, everything being a shade of crimson with golden inserts. The aesthetic created a relaxing atmosphere for the team, but they were quickly pulled back to the reality by their captain. 
“This seems too beautiful for a villain’s hideout” she remarked. 
“Focus on our mission.”
Despite his efforts one of their member still got missing. Chris ordered them to stay close and to not investigate on their own. He didn’t want to repeat the incident from Edonia.  However, she got away from the squad despite. His orders thinking she heard the missing man, but it was a trap set by those witches.
As she approached the source of sound she didn’t realise that the hall became more and more narrow and poor illuminated. She was in complete darkness, and the voice sounded like it was still far away. To make the matter worse, her light flickered meaning the battery was running out. 
“Y/N!” Chris was screaming in the radio. “Where the hell are you?”
“I don’t know, I got lost. It’s like these halls are changing. I swear on my way here I saw some paintings. Now they are all gone. Shit, I can’t see a thing, maybe they are still here.”
She heard some gunshots through the emission 
“Chris, is everything alright?” 
“Chris!” The signal was cut off. 
Her light was cut off too. Surrounded by darkness, she got a better grip on her pistol and pressed her finger on the trigger. As she was wandering around on her way back she had a feeling she wasn’t alone anymore. 
She heard some steps behind her and quickly turned around aiming at the possible enemy, but it was nothing there. Sighing in relief, she turned around to continue her walk, but bumped into someone. Yellow bright eyes were looking down at the small woman who was backing up slowly. Her company was tall, muscular, and judging by the large exposed chest she was a woman. She was standing there like a statue without saying a word. Freaked out Y/N pulled out her pistol and shot the woman in the head, who made a few steps back placing a hand on the wound. Y/N didn’t look back and ran past her finding a safe spot. 
She felt that gaze on her as she desperately ran to find Chris. She was trapped. Eventually she got tired of running and stopped to catch her breath. The radio was still off. She didn’t know if her team was alive or dead, or if that lady still followed her. In order to calm herself, she took a deep breath, letting the faint smell of wood and old furniture filling her lungs. It was the equivalent of a library.  She let herself dip into the silence. When her heart stopped beating in her year and she could hear, very dimly, the sound of a piano playing.
“…im going crazy..” She thought. 
“Enjoy the piano?” A firm, feminine voice asked her. She turned around and saw the same woman from early. Her outfit was fitting the aesthetic of the place, wearing a white dress with a crimson flower attacked to her dress, and a big black hat with black leather gloves. Her big smile exposed her perfect teeth. Not to mention she was very tall, Y/N being high up to her chest. She was still a beautiful woman. 
“I would enjoy a way out to be honest.”
“Come with me.”
She didn’t had a choice and she followed her.
The wood was cracking under their feet as they walked through the halls. The woman didn’t say a word, not introduce herself. The only thing Y/N could do was to look around and try to memorize as much as possible her surroundings in case she needs to run again.
“Don’t even think” her attention was back again on the stranger. “You won’t be able to leave by yourself.”
“Where’s Ethan?” Her eyes were fixated on her curvy figure and on the way she balanced her hips while walking.
“That’s where im taking you”
“You’re bluffing. We’ve been here before, I remember. We’re walking around in circles.”
The woman stopped and let out a chuckle. Then, she turned around and smacked Y/N so hard that she sent her flying across the room. The impact was so hard that she loft her consciousness. The only thing she remembers is the blury image of the woman approach her.
She woke up in a dungeon. The wooded smell was replaced with a rotten flesh and blood one. Her head still hurt from the impact. The woman tied her up on a metal table, with her hand laying beside her body. Her weapons, radio and other gear was taken away, leaving her in a turtleneck and cargo pants only. She tried to break from her restraints, the sound of chains hitting the metal surface echoing in the room.
Not long after she woke up the tall woman made her appearance. She walked to her side, caressing her face and removing some strands of hair from her forehead.
“How come a beautiful woman like you works with such beasts.”
She couldn’t help but blush when she heard the remark. She chose to remain silent.
“Im so happy that i took off that savage equipment off your body so i can have a better look at these curves” she trailed with a gloved hand the sides of her abdomen, sending shivers down her spine. It was a soft touch she didn’t experience in a long time. It wasn’t a good time to be touch starved.
The woman bend over her body, her chest pressing against her body and sending a warm wave down her lower abdomen. She removed the fabric that covered her neck and began to lick the tender flesh. Y/N dug her nails in the metal table when she felt the warm tongue licking and nibbling her flesh, and when the woman properly bit her she let out a scream. She was constantly moving like she was searching a vein causing her an immense pain. When she started to suck out her blood it didn’t hurt anymore, her screaming being replaced with loud whimpers.
The woman raised herself to let her breathe. Y/N liked the warm coming from the vampire’s body and she was disappointed when she was hit by the cold breeze.
“I don’t want to kill you, yet.”
“I didn’t know you kind existed.”
“You don’t know many things.” She began to caress her side again, going to her side boob to her hip and up again.
“I always enjoy a mortal’s body. So fragile and easy to break. But also very interesting to please.”
She closed brought her legs closer, feeling her core heating up.
“You blood pressure is high, and your face is all red. I don’t think you’re scared little girl.” She laughed at the conclusion.
“Just do it.” She spat out the words, feeling ashamed she let herself falling for her instincts. In the same time, she wanted the woman so bad.
The woman slid her hands underneath her shirt and reached her boobs, which fit perfectly into her big and large hands. She started to squeeze them firmly, then she raised her shirt and lowered the bra in such manner to release her nipple. The skin hardened in the contact with the cold air, but soon her hands found them again and began to roll the nipple between her fingers. She brought her mouth to one of them and sucked it, leaving lipstick and some of her blood on the skin. The other hand was working the nipple. Y/N tried to lif her legs but she couldn’t because of her restraints.
“Let me help.” The woman went to the end of the table and began to remove the cuffs. Y/N knew it was no point to escape because if her legs were free, her hands were still cuffed. Besides, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to leave.
The vampire freed her legs then she went to unbutton her pants. She grabbed both pants and panties and pulled them down revealing Y/N white smooth skin. She bent her knees and spread her legs. The woman kneeled lifted her dress and kneeled at the end of the table. It wasn’t an issue because she was very tall.
She bent over the table again with her boobs laying on the metal table, her mouth being close to Y/N pussy. She spread her folds and pressed so she could expose her clit, then she pressed her mouth sucking the wetness.
Y/N raised on her tiptoes from the pleasure. Her mouth was hot and her fangs pressed occasionally on her folds sending her head in the clouds. The vampire started to circle the bud with the tip of her tongue, them suck it. She wanted to suck blood from the flesh so bad but she didn’t want to stop her from moaning. Living in the castle tends to be lonely, and eventually you get tired of your minions. The only fun she gets nowadays is with her prisoners.
The vampire lifted her dress so she could slide her hand between her legs. She found it so hot when the mortals are moaning. She continued working her clit, then she moved to her entrance. She tasted so sweet, a vanilla flavour different from what she experienced so far. She moved in circles inside her, then she started to move in and out. Y/N was rocking her hips according to her tongue motions. The vampire pulled out her tongue and placed it again between her folds, but this time she didn’t move her face and let Y/N ride it instead. The hand began her panties started to move faster.
The mortal’s moans were increasing meaning she is approaching her climax. The vampire pressed a hand on her belly to stop her and began to lick her clit again until she finally came. She removed her face and continued to work on her own orgasm which didn’t take long to achieve.
Y/N took a while to get back to reality. By the time she was finally herself, the vampire was gone and her handcuffs were removed completely from both of her limbs. She got up and put on the pants, and went to explore the are.
As she explored the dungeon, she heard some moans coming from a cell. She rushed to it hoping this time there isn’t a trick again. The cell was opened, and inside a blond man was cuffed and beginning to wake up. She immediately recognised him. It was the man from the file and the reason why she’s here. She just found Ethan Winters. Quickly she went to check if he was hurt, but by her relief he just had some minors bruises.
“Wh-who are you?” He asked confused.
“Im not here to hurt you, im here to rescue you.” She helped him to stand up and walked out the cells.
This wasn’t a victory. Yes, she found Ethan, but her gear was gone and she was carrying an injured man in an unknown place. She needed to protect herself and the man, and that was difficult without her gun. Her priority is to find Chris and the res of the squad. Or whoever survived.
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jae-daddy · 3 years
Duff (9)
im jaebum au series 
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven  masterlist
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pairing: im jaebum x reader  genre: angst, smurt, cheating plot: you are the duff and guys use you to get close to your best friend, Heather, and turns out Jaebum is no exception, but as time does on the tension between you and your best friend’s unofficial boyfriend grows a/n: a short one, because I really truly hated where I had left the story last time. it was not it, but I like this. it’s better than the alternative I guess. also, I am writing all of it before publishing it so <3 hope yall like it <3 
You don’t know what came first; the guilt, embarrassment or hurt. 
But you knew yourself well, and you knew guilt didn’t touch your heart until later that night when you were lying in bed. As you stared up at the ceiling, thinking about that him, for the first time guilt laid its icy fingertips on you. 
The first thing you felt was hurt. Hurt that clawed at your heart, and made your soul whimper. Hurt that cut through you entirely as you remained in his arms, watching his face. 
“Yes,” he had said, his fingers digging into your hips. 
“Yes,” you replied, breathing him in as you leaned closer to him. 
You saw his lips draw into a straight line as he pulled away and said, “No.”
“Oh,” was all you said moving away from him. 
A simple sound, not even a word to express the pain that seared through you at his words. 
He didn’t want you. 
Im Jaebum didn’t want you. 
You were in his arms, your skirt drawn up to your hips as you sat on his lap. In a single breath, he changed the moment completely, and you were no longer burning in passion, but in agony. Agony of not being desired by this man, not being wanted by him, when you yearned for him. When you were begging for his lips to touch any part of you, he had turned away. 
And then came the embarrassment blazing through the darkness of lust, and it hurt. It stabbed you everywhere till you were shivering in sudden coldness. You were so embarrassed, so ashamed. You had- you had done... all of that, and all he said was ‘no.’ 
It wasn’t the rejection that the embarrassment stemmed from. It was because you had tried, because you thought it would happen, because you thought he wanted you. Because you had offered yourself to him, and all he said to express his repugnance was a simple ‘no.’ 
You climbed off him and walked out the office. Your face was on fire from the shame as you straightened your skirt. You chuckled to yourself thinking a walk of shame was better then trying to hook up with your boss only to be rejected. 
You finished work that day, and the next, like nothing was amiss. As if that moment didn’t happen. As if every time you saw him, you weren’t reminded that he didn’t want you. 
Im Jaebum didn’t want you. 
It shouldn’t hurt that bad, especially since you almost swore you hated him with your heart. But it did, it hurt truly terribly badly, and there was nothing you could do about it. 
You couldn’t even feel sorry for yourself long enough too. Because as soon as the hurt and shame went away, and you looked up at your dark ceiling, you remembered her face. 
You remembered the way she had held your hand whenever you were scared. How she would give you that look every time she took your hand giving her courage. Her love, her kindness, her friendship, her. 
How for the first time since you’ve known her... for the first time, it seemed as if Heather truly liked someone and you... 
You didn’t feel sorry for yourself, or your heart that ached. You weren’t sure if the ache was because of the rejection or from the thought of loosing your best friend. But you didn’t feel sorry because what happened was your fault.
“Thanks for the files, y/n,” Jaebum looked up from his desk. For the first time, he was seated in the big boss seat without any reason. You smiled and nodded, before turning to leave, like nothing was amiss. As if that afternoon had never happened, as if you had never crossed that line.
You were almost out the door when he said, “Have a good weekend.”
Your fingers turned white on the handle, but you nevertheless you turned around and gave him a bright smile, “You too, Mr Im.” 
Heather pouted as she sat next to you, before pulling you into a big bear hug. 
“It’s so nice to have my best friend back,” she sang, happily, hugging you tighter. 
You gave her small smile as you leaned into her, petting her arm, “It’s nice to be back.”
“Gosh, I’m so glad you’re done with that internship,” she huffed over the loud music of the club. 
You only nodded as you took a sip of your drink, “I still have three weeks left, Heather.” 
“Three weeks pass by like nothing,” she shook her head. She turned to you with a bright smile, “Remember Bali? Maybe now that you’re going to be more free, maybe we can...” 
She gave you a huge grin, quizzically raising her brows up and down to the music. Before she began bopping her head like a dork to the beat, “What do you say, y/n?” 
I’m sorry. 
“Whatever you want,” you smiled at her, and she exclaimed in joy. 
“Mr Park Jinyoung is now officially the CEO of Spring Industries, and has sent forward a report and plan for their proposal,” You looked up to see Jaebum opening his mouth, but you cut him off knowing his question. “The file is already on your desks, and I have included a summary report from myself and Mr Paul.” 
You had a month and a bit to think about what had happened. In the beginning, you had blamed yourself. It was foolish of you to put yourself out there for him, but the more you thought about the angrier you got. 
It wasn’t all in your head. Im Jaebum did flirt with you. 
He gave you all the signals, all the green lights, and the arrows leading you to him. He basically had made a pathway for you to follow into his arms, and after all that he said no? 
No, it wasn’t your fault for putting yourself out there for him. You had done it because you thought... you felt that he too... but who knows, Im Jaebum was friendly with everyone. 
But he did tell others his wish was to kiss them?
Did he ever follow anyone to the rooftop of a club and call himself a fool for letting them go?
Did he talk to everyone about his mother?
Did he smile like that at everyone? Look at them like that? Touch them with the faintest touch of his fingertips?
But you should’ve known better. 
These rich guys never go for girls like you. 
You don’t have any money, any wealth, nothing to offer them to make their status go up. You weren’t even pretty enough to be a trophy wife. You were just a girl they could play with behind closed doors. 
But for Jaebum, you weren’t even worth that.
“Spring Industries is having a party on Thursday to announce Park Jinyoung as their new appointed CEO. They have requested your presence to show the companies are friendly--,” you once again looked up from your iPad, to find Jaebum staring at you intently. You ignored his gaze, and the rage that fumed inside you, “It’s most likely a political publicity stunt, but I would recommend you do go to the party, as it will be beneficial for you both-”
“What am I going to do about you?” 
“Excuse me?” You gasped, taken aback. 
Jaebum chuckled, humourlessly. His lips twisted into a smirk, and you realised you hadn’t seen him smile or laugh in a really long time. You tried to shove the pain shooting towards your heart away, but a pang still rang through you as you saw his sad smile. 
“How am I going to do this all without you?” He clarified himself. You stammered unable to think of something to say. Jaebum let out a sigh, “Come to the party with me.” 
“I’m afraid that’s-”
Jaebum interrupted you, making you frown. 
“Your last assignment as my secretary, Miss y/n,” Jaebum tilted his head to the side, smiling slightly as he said, “Come with me.” 
“What about Heather?” 
“I can’t go to formal gatherings with her without others assuming it's a political play,” Jaebum answered, before shrugging, “It’s too early for that step anyway.” 
Too early? They have been dating for months now, and Heather was head over heels for him, and he is saying it’s too early. 
“Please, y/n,” Jaebum’s dark eyes bore into yours, and you held your breath. “One last time.” 
"Alright,” you sighed, defeated. 
Thanks, love, the ghost of his past self whispered.
You swallowed the bitterness, before looking down at your iPad once again. 
“Mr Henry and Mark are...” you continued on as if nothing was wrong. 
Because nothing was wrong. 
Everything was right. 
You were about to end this dreadful internship, and come out debt free. 
Heather was in love with her boyfriend. 
Her boyfriend didn’t fuck her best friend. 
And your best friend was still your best friend. 
Everything was just right, but everything felt so wrong. 
You were leaning against the rich white leather sofa and Heather’s shoulders. Your eyes were closed, as you tried not to break down in front of your best friend. 
You knew Jaebum wasn’t going to be here tonight. It was Friday night and he had a company dinner with the upper shareholders today. So, tonight you decided to sleep over at Heather’s house. 
Just like every moment you spent with her now, you wanted to burst out into tears and tell her everything. Tell her how you fell for him and his teasing words. How you didn’t mean to but you started to like him, how your heart ached every time you saw him. How terrible you felt every time you saw Heather smile at you like that, knowing that you were so close to ruining everything. 
“Hey, what’s wrong, babe?” Heather asked, her soft hands wiping the tears that fell onto your cheeks. 
You shook your head and moved away from her shoulder. You leaned into the corner of your sofa, and tried to hold in the tears. But you couldn’t. 
Your chin began to shake as more tears fell from your eyes. 
“Hey, hey, hey, y/n,” Heather moved towards you quickly. “What’s wrong, babe? You can tell me anything.” 
You shook your head, you couldn’t tell her this. You couldn’t tell her this. You couldn’t lose her. 
“I’m sorry, Heather,” you whispered into her tank top as she pulled your shaking body into her. 
“Shhh,” she hushed, brushing your hair, trying to calm your sobbing body, “It’s okay. Whatever it is, it’s only to be okay. I’m here for you, I’m always going to be here for you. Okay?” 
You bit your lip as you cried harder. You managed a meek okay through your tears. 
After you had calmed down a bit, you leaned back and looked at your best friend. Her eyes were glistening with concern, and a few stray tears running down her face too from seeing you cry. 
You couldn't hide it from her, she was your other half. You had to tell her, but all you could manage was, “I love him, Heather.” 
I love Im Jaebum.
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levi-ish · 4 years
Little Talks | 3
Pairing: Bartender!Levi X Reader
Genre: [+18] Slice of life, drama, romance, fluff, smut
Words: 4k
Warnings: Alcohol, cheating mentions, drugs, cussing
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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You [18:21PM]: idk what to wear, help!!!
Mikasa-tu-casa [18:21PM]: u dont need to go all fancy, its just us.
Sash [18:22PM]: wdym??? Its my bday bitch, fuck yea go all out. i am wearing my best dress.
Annes [18:23PM]: whats the point if ur gonna throw up all over it
Sash [18:23PM]: im gonna be hot, that’s the point.
Mikasa-tu-casa [18:24PM]: where are we going again?
Sash [18:24PM]: that same bar from ur bday, (y/n) suggested it
Annes [18:24PM]: my friend works there
You [18:25PM]: ur friend? Jean?
Annes [18:25PM]: yea, we had chem together last semester. hes rich.
Sash [18:26PM]: ohhh I remember him hes the hot bartender. didnt (y/n) make out w him?
You [18:26PM]: wtf i did not
Mikasa-tu-casa [18:26PM]: he was kinda cute
Sash [18:27PM]: ok im gonna shower
Annes [18:27PM]: aren’t we gonna meet at 9?
Sash [18:28PM]: it takes long to look this good also nic is bringing my present and I wanna look good for him
You [18:29PM]: aww cute
Mikasa-tu-casa [18:29PM]: just finishing up some work then im getting ready
You [18:30PM]: are we meeting in the front or are we carpooling?
Mikasa-tu-casa [18:30PM]: annie said armin was going to pick us up
Annes [18:31PM]: he is
You [18:31PM]: see you there then
You took a last glance at the mirror, adjusting your hair so not one strand would be out of place. Two sprays of perfume on your neck and inside your tan sweater and you were ready, running your hands through your skirt to eliminate any wrinkles as you sat on the sofa and scrolled through your phone as you waited for your friends to pick you up.
It took longer than usual to get dressed tonight; you wanted to look good. After the drunken rendezvous with Jean and Levi, you felt too ashamed to come back to the bar, but something inside you bubbled in warmth when you thought about how those strong arms held your hazy frame, holding you close and breaths mingling together…
A honk from outside took you away from your thoughts and you shook your head, grabbing your keys and leaving the apartment.
You entered the white car and found Annie and Armin on the front seats, saluting you as you hugged Mikasa that was sitting in the back.
“Where’s Sasha?” you asked and Annie looked over her shoulder.
“She said something about her present taking a little longer, but she’s joining us later” you nodded and hugged your body as you watched the outside run by while Armin drove carefully.
The drive to the bar wasn’t long, but every little second seemed to last ages; heart pounding inside your chest and hands slightly shaking as they hugged your body. Armin and Mikasa were making small talk as you kept on thinking about Levi, and how everything changed the second he touched you. He surely was a handsome man, and you liked how he seemed to care even if it was in his own weird way.
As you arrived, Sasha was already waiting in the front and with her arms open to hug you three. Armin gave the girl a small hug and kissed Annie’s cheek before leaving you girls to enjoy your night. It was Friday, so the place was bubbling with people from the inside out, some smoking outside and some were at the door, drinking from their bottles as they talked about stuff and laughed loudly.
You were fading away slowly from the conversation as the girls talked about multiple stuff, you didn’t want to be like that, but your whole head was full of anxiety and thoughts about the short man, hoping to see those grey eyes and enjoy his presence from afar. Maybe you would even have the chance to apologize for giving him trouble.
Sasha led the way and found you guys an empty booth, sitting by your side as Annie and Mikasa sat in front of you, and your eyes kept wandering around, trying to spot him. You saw Jean, mixing drinks without any skill and the other person behind the counter, hair up in a ponytail and talking using a lot of hand gestures. You didn’t remember their name though; it was something like Zoey?
You offered to get their drinks and excused yourself to the counter, walking slowly as you kept looking around for just a sight of the man, unsuccessfully. Jean seemed to be busy so the other bartender found you and introduced themselves as Hange, getting excited over how the night was buzzing. You noticed how they exchanged some looks with the busy man, but didn’t make too much of it, ordering the first round of shots and beer for you and Mikasa — plus some hot wings for Sasha because you knew she would be hungry.
Hange handed you the beers and said they would get the other things ready for you at the table, so you went back to your friends.
“Hey, (y/n)” Sasha snapped her fingers in front of you and let out a small chuckle. “What’s up with you?”
“Huh?” You shook your head slightly, gripping the sleeves of your top in your palms. “Uh, nothing, just looking around.”
“More like looking for someone” Annie observed, keeping her hands in front of her mouth as she talked.
“Ohh, is it the hot bartender?” Sasha leaned on the table, watching your face closely.
“Jean or Levi?” Mikasa asked, letting out a small yawn.
Wait, what?
“How do you know Levi?” you frowned as Annie excused herself to go to the bathroom.
“You mean my cousin, Levi?” she crossed her arms over her chest and gave you a curious look. “The one who owns this place?”
Fuck, what?
Levi owns the bar?
Well, he was always the one to close the place.
Wait, fuck.
He’s Mikasa’s cousin?
That kinda made sense, at some point. He looked like Mikasa to some extent, same cheekbones and the same cold stare. God, now that you learned that new piece of information, things started to fit together more and more.
But the real question was, where is Levi?
“So it’s Levi then” Sasha pointed out, seeping on her beer while Hange came with the shots and placed them on the table with an excited screech.
“What are we celebrating?” They clapped happily, looking between you.
It started playing some Akon song when you guys downed your fifth shot for the night. Sasha was on her third plate of hot wings, stuffing her face while sauce accumulated on the sides of her mouth. Annie had that blush around her cheeks and was playing with a straw she put on her beer mug, twirling it around her fingers and humming to the rhythm of the music. Mikasa didn’t seem drunk at all to the naked eye, but the way she giggled from time to time was a signal that the alcohol was getting through.
You stopped looking a long time ago, knowing that Levi wasn’t around and wallowing in your misery wouldn’t do you any favors — you just hated that you had dressed at the thought of him being there.
The bar was already emptying, the buzz of conversations dissipating as you gulped the rest of your mug, letting out a satisfied sigh.
“Ah, there is my favorite client” you heard a voice approaching, turning right away to see where it was coming from only to find Jean already folding his black apron. “Ohh, Annie, you’re also here. Haven’t seen you since… chem? Still mad I cheated from you?”
The blonde rolled her eyes and sipped on her beer. “You’re lucky I didn’t snitch.”
“Don’t be like that” he smiled as he scooped closer to you, resting an arm around your shoulders. “Aren’t you gonna introduce me to your other friends, (y/n)?”
“That’s Mikasa and that’s Sasha” you pointed at them and they gave small waves.
“It’s my birthday!” The ponytail girl exclaimed, giving him a small full of sauce. “Put some wings on the house!”
“That’s not how it works” Jean smiled shyly, turning his attention on you. “Unless…”
The girls did the same, all staring between you two in confusion.
“Unless what?!” You frowned, pushing the empty mug forward.
“We can put it on lover boy’s tab. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind” the ash blond man gave you a little jab with his elbow and a shake of brows.
You blushed profusely. What?
“Oh! You mean Mikasa’s cousin?” Sasha put a finger under her chin, looking as if she was thinking hard. “What’s his name again?”
“ARE WE TALKING ABOUT LEVI?” you heard a scream coming from the counters and all your heads turned at once.
Hange jumped over the wooden surface and rushed to your table, putting both their hands in front of your group.
“I heard… oof” putting a hand to their chest, they exhaled loudly, rubbing a droplet of sweat from their forehead as they scooted closer to Mikasa’s side, earning a confused look from the girl, “I heard we were talking about Levi.”
“Hey! It’s my birthday!” Sasha cleaned her hands with some napkins and pushed the small, stained bowl in front of the new bartender. “What about some wings on the house?”
Everyone gave the girl a quick glance.
“Oh, oh, oh! Jean!” Hange threw their hands in the air. “Is she the girl?”
“Huh?” You frowned, feeling blush creep onto your cheeks as small chills ran over your body.
“Shouldn’t you guys be working?” Annie asked and they shuddered their shoulders at the same moment it was almost comical. “Hm.”
“What do you mean ‘the girl’”? Mikasa played with the rim of her mug, biting her lip as she seemed to try to understand the situation.
“Jean’s been telling me things” the other bartender wiggled their brows at you teasingly.
“What’s even there to tell?” You now shifted in place, feeling annoyed. “God, he’s been a friend to me lately, what else?”
The ash blond licked his teeth and leaned over you, arm grabbing you closer to his body as he pointed at your nose.
“Makes sense, but at the same time, you’re the only girl Levi has been hanging around since he—”
With a hard slap on the mouth, Hange shut Jean before he could say anything else.
“JEAN!” they screeched, looking distressed. “Not your story to tell.”
With that, they stood from the booth and grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt, giving you girls a big smile.
“We are closing in 20, I’ll bring another round of beer for you.”
“Wait!” Sasha stopped them and stood from the table; eyes desperate as the remaining people hanging around the bar. “What about the wings on the house?!”
Soon, you were finished celebrating, going over gossip and laughing about nostalgic moments you had spent together earlier in life, and cringing over some other memories, like when you hooked up with Reiner once, or how Mikasa used to fawn over Eren to the point she would even do his homework without asking twice.
After the last round, you split the bill and sang a short ‘happy birthday’ to the brunette that was kind of bummed because she didn’t get her so desired hot wings, and then everyone started to call their rides. Mikasa was sharing an uber with Annie since Armin must’ve been sleeping at the time and Sasha called Niccolo, since they still had to celebrate, she said — you had a feeling that he would have to cook another dish for her to compensate for the wings.
“Are you coming?” Mikasa asked you, tugging on her red scarf as she gathered her stuff from the table.
“No, I gotta go through my tab with Jean” you told them as they were standing, clearly flushed from the drinks. “You guys go, I’ll see you back on Sunday for brunch.”
Annie and Mikasa gave you another look to confirm if you were really staying behind and you just nodded with a small smile while Sasha ran to her boyfriend as he entered the bar, almost dropping him to the floor.
You were sure to stay, now feeling more sober since you didn’t drink as much as usual, still not over the hangover from last time — you became too intimate with your toilet.
“Take care” Annie pointed her chin at you, turning to leave.
Now there were only you and the last two bartenders present. Hange was cleaning some things while Jean yawned, looking half-dead as he threw some old peanuts in the trash. You walked there and sat on the small stool, giving them both a short grin.
“You’re still here? Jesus, woman, just go home” Jean snapped and Hange threw a rag at him.
“Don’t talk to her like that” they grabbed the rag from the floor and washed it on the sink before returning to their chores. “(y/n), is it?”
You nodded and they leaned back on the counter, too close to comfort.
“So, tell me. What’s your secret?” They whispered the last part, covering their mouth with the back of their hand as Jean rolled his eyes.
Leaning back from the fixated stare, you gave them an awkward smile, knowing exactly where the conversation would lead once more. The jukebox now played Bennie and The Jets as you tried to think of something to run away from the interrogatory.
“Are you being paid to work or to harass clients?” A familiar voice came from behind you, making you thank whatever god was above.
Hange and Jean rose their eyes and exchanged the same looks from the beginning of the night, making your whole body flush with the sudden heat. You tried to focus on anything else, too scared to turn away and find those grey eyes that you wanted so much to get lost inside; the same skin you once touched and felt under fingertips; the same hair that would tickle those thin eyebrows and complement the intense stare he always had stamped on his face, the—
“It’s 4AM, why are you still here?” He asked, now you felt the presence of his body behind yours and you were trapped. There was nowhere else to run.
Slowly turning on the stool, you licked your lips and rose your eyes, now gazing back at him, trying hard not to focus too much, knowing there was a possibility of a blush sneaking if you ever so slightly let your guard down.
Levi’s figure always surprised you. He had this big and strong aura going for him, even though he was about the same height as you; still, he was nothing short of muscles. The white shirt he was wearing hugged every inch of his skin so nicely it made your eyes wander around, trying to map out each of his muscles. His hair looked kind of wet, as if he had just gotten out of the shower and the slight scent of his cologne lingered around, and you took in every second of it to enjoy.
“Don’t you get tired of getting drunk?” He asked, raising a brow.
You felt a wave of heat running through your veins, but now with anger. Sure, you were buzzed, but not enough to be considered drunk anymore. You drank enough water for the past hours to be almost completely sober.
“I’m not even drunk right now” you snapped, turning back to the counter as the man scoffed behind you.
Jean threw a rag to the sink right in front of you and leaned between his arms, letting out a big yawn. “Ah! Finally done”
“Same here” Hange noted, taking off their apron and folding it, going to the backroom, Jean following right after.
It became deadly silent after the heavy door closed behind the bartenders. You could only hear yours and Levi’s breaths as he walked to the bar, crossing the counter and you did your best to avoid looking too much.
“You are dressed up” the man made a remark and you looked down at your clothes, adjusting your skirt as you sat.
“It was my friend’s birthday” you replied, tilting your head up just so you could be on eye level.
“What made you want to celebrate it in this shithole?” He furrowed his brows, leaning back onto the liquor shelves.
Levi never hid the fact that he didn’t seem to like the place. It made sense before, since you thought he was only an employee, but now that you learned that he owned the bar, things didn’t quite fit in.
“It’s a nice shithole” you said as you crossed your arms over the counter.
He kept his arms crossed for a while; eyes focused on your figure as if he were challenging you. Without any new expression, the man leaned down to the lower cabinets and grabbed an electric kettle, filling it with the sink water as you watched.
“You never told me you owned the place” you licked your lips as he started to heat the water.
Levi’s hands worked in the cabinet once more, grabbing a tea box and putting it right in front of you, and then searched for two porcelain cups that were just a little chipped around the rim, placing them next to each other and a teabag inside.
“You never asked.”
You watched as he grabbed two silver spoons and filled the cups with the now heated water.
“It’s usually something you don’t miss, you know?” Rolling your sweater sleeves up your elbows, you crossed your arms in front of your chest as the man put the small spoon inside a cup, pushing it towards you. “Normally, people would go like ‘hey, I own the place, drinks on the house.”
“You almost always drink for free” he furrowed his brows as he dabbed the teabag inside the cup a few times.
“That’s not the point.”
Hange’s face appeared from the creek of the backdoor, looking at you both who were now alarmed by the sound of the heavy metal.
“Leviiiii, just letting you know we are leaving” they said and the man just flicked his wrist as a goodbye, shooing them.
The man didn’t turn around, and you thanked profusely, because the look Hange were giving you was too creepy for him to see. They held both thumbs up and smiled before leaving.
Now that you were sure that you two were the only ones present in the whole establishment, you could feel your stomach turn inwards, anxiety taking over and nerves flowing through your bloodline. The man in front of you brought the teacup to his lips, sipping slowly and you noticed the way he held it by the rim. Funny.
“Why are we drinking tea?” You asked, looking at the clock only to see it was 4:43AM, and Levi didn’t look like he had any sleep.
He just stared at you through his hand, lowering the cup just a little for him to speak: “Because I felt like drinking tea.”
The commanding tone of his made chills run down your spine. You knew for sure you were blushing now, so you decided to grab the teacup to hide your face behind it, sipping slowly on the minty taste.
“You look nice” he said, taking you by surprise.
Your fingers suddenly felt numb. Fuck. Before you knew it, it was too late, and the cup was now a splatter of pieces on the counter. The liquid now stained your sweater in a wet spot, the hot tea burning the places where it hit your naked skin.
“Fuck” you let out a hiss. “Fuck, fuck, fuck”
Levi put down his own cup and a little panic showed on his face.
“Take the sweater off” he ordered, grabbing a handkerchief from his pocket and putting it under the sink, drenching it in cold water.
“W-What?” You looked up, skin still aching from the burn and now his choice of words added extra heat to your whole body.
“Jesus, you just fucking burned yourself” he said, jumping to the other side of the counter and showing you the handkerchief.
Not the time to think, you sighed as you took your sweater off, placing it on your side, leaving your dark bra exposed.
You tried covering yourself, knowing the situation was awkward enough already for you to care too much about it. You are an adult, he’s an adult, stop acting like a horny teenager, you thought to yourself as he offered you one of his hands.
Staring for a little longer, he let out a ‘tch’ and rolled his eyes. “Give me your hand.”
You followed his command and slid your fingers into his palm, feeling the warmth envelop you, even if the source was from a small part of your body. He held your hand and brought you closer, analyzing the positions before he could start working on your burns.
“Sit on the counter” he ordered again and once more, you followed.
Adjusting yourself on the cold surface, you gave your arm to him and felt his fingers slide along your skin, warm fingertips touching where the droplets of boiling water hit before, and a little flinch escaped from you whenever he found a new spot. He looked up, as if to see if everything was alright and you gave him a small smile, shaking your head.
“It’s not that bad” you affirmed and he furrowed his brows, lowering his gaze once more.
“That’s because of the alcohol” the man started dabbing the cold fabric carefully, watching every little movement of yours as he did. “Tomorrow, this thing is gonna hurt like a bitch.”
You chuckled at his remark as he held your hand closer to his chest, putting it above your knees in a position where it wouldn’t hurt to stay still. You took a moment to admire his marked features, watching every little move of his and wondering about those eyes, glad that they were focused on you.
Although Levi held this harsh front, he really seemed to care behind those big walls, and that was enough for you to fall.
“Sorry about your cup” you apologized, almost in a mutter, feeling shame crawl under your skin once more.
“It’s a stupid cup” he said, still working on your skin. “I can just get another one.”
“Still, let me pay for it” pursing your lips, you felt his grip on your wrist tighten just a little.
“That’s dumb.”
You sighed, “I keep giving you trouble, I want to make it up for you.”
He stopped the dabbing, looking up to find your piercing gaze already on his. Eyes shining under the dim lighting and silent surrounding you two.
“You’re not paying for the fucking cup” he rose his brow, staring deep into your soul, and now you were scared that he would learn all your secrets.
“I’m serious, Levi” you persisted. “I didn’t even thank you for taking me home the other day.”
“It’s fine” he stuck to his argument, but you also did the same to yours.
“No, it’s not. Must’ve been really annoying.”
“You were annoying, indeed” he let out and you playfully rolled your eyes.
“Sure… but thank you, for… you know—taking me back to my apartment.”
You remember waking up the next morning to a box of Advil sitting on your bedside table, next to a big bottle of water and how warm your chest felt to feel like someone was caringly enough to do that for you. Even for someone who you’d recently just met.
“Stop with this sappy shit and let me work” he rolled his eyes and went back to dabbing the wet cloth on your skin, “you’re gonna get nasty scars if I don’t take care of them.”
Smiling to yourself, you straightened your arm again allowing him the full access to your skin and the man went back to his previous actions. The dawn was beginning to clear and sneak between the blinds, filling the whole place with clarity, and none of you felt tired, engulfing in each other’s company.
@zeickv @thirstyforsometea​
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taejikookiee · 4 years
🖤 Bloo Scenario 🖤
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Bloo being mad at you for not giving him enough attention becuase you have been really busy at work due to a promotion. 
Normally it was Bloo’s lack of attention that drove you insane but you had been so busy with work lately that you know you’ve been neglecting your adorable boyfriend but it couldn’t be helped. Being promoted to a manager meant you had a lot more responsibilty and it was overwhelming but you had to prove yourself so that you could keep your job. The vibration from your phone pulled you out of your day dream, the familiar name ‘my bad boy loo’ putting a smile on your face. 
“Hey baby” his deep voice still sent shivers down your spine even though you had been in a relationship for nearly a year now. 
“Hey pumpkin, you okay” you smiled as if you were in front of your gorgeous boyfriend.
“Yeah, are you free tonight? I miss you” you could almost hear his pout through the phone. 
“I miss you too, but I have to work late again tonight, I’ll make it up to you on the weekend I promise” You felt bad that your work meant you couldn’t spend as much time as possible with your boyfriend but your higher ups expected so much from you so you couldn’t slack off. 
“Oh again…? okay… I guess” he sighed. 
“Daniel … I’m sorry.. don’t be mad” you worried.
“Yeah .. sure.. whatever, I’ve got to go bye” he muttered before hanging up the phone. You understood his frustration as that had been your repeated answer to him the last few weeks. But at the same time you had to deal with his lack of attention for months when he was on tour so you were sure he could handle a few weeks. 
You knew he was mad when he didn’t response to the super cute doggy video you had sent him on Instagram, Daniel was a sucker for cute dogs so you knew him ignoring the post wasn’t a good sign. 
You made sure you finished work by 8 so you could at least stop by Daniels house to apologise for being a deadbeat girlfriend the last month. You entered the code to his apartment while trying to balance all the snacks you had brought to bribe your angry boyfriend. “Daniel…” you hummed as you took your shoes off slipping your slippers on as you entered his apartment, “blooooooooooo” you cooed, but the only answer you got was silence, “is he not in?” You muttered to yourself and you checked all the rooms to find them empty. 
You placed the snacks on the kitchen counter before pulling out you phone, it only rang twice before a tipsy Daniel answered “(y/n)…..” He murmured over the loud thump of music. You instantly knew he was out partying.
“Daniel where are you babe? I’m at your apartment, I finished work early so I stopped by” you said, you heard him say excuse me and the music fade into the background and assumed he had went outside so he could hear you, “you’re at my apartment? I thought you had work late…. I went out because you said you were busy” he followed. “I know, but I made sure I finished early so we could spend time together, where are you? Come home” you reasoned, “So you want me to cut my plans short because you finally decided to make time for me, clearly I’m not as big of a priority to you and you are to me” he scoffed, his words hurt you but you knew tipsy Daniel was blunt and truthful but it didn’t make his words hurt any less. 
“Daniel … you know that is not true… work has just been really stressful lately and I can’t afford to mess up! I has so much more responsibility now!” You tried to reason, “(y/n) I’m done with your excuses… when you decide that you want to pull your weight in this relationship let me know” he huffed before hanging up leaving you upset but also ashamed it was all your fault. 
You decided to leave Daniels place and head back home to figure what to do to make things right. You tossed and turned all night but realised you had to make a change or you would lose the best thing that ever happened to you. 
You checked your appeared in the reflection on your phone as you attempted to not spill the hangover soup you had brought to ease your boyfriends inevitable headache. You had decided to call into work and take the day off so you could spend the long weekend with your boyfriend. The ding of the elevator drew your attention as you scuffled towards his door before once again putting in his pin. The loud beep of you letting yourself into his apartment was met with a groan from a hungover Daniel who sat head in hand while being engulfed in his baggiest hoody. 
“baby…..” You cooed as you walked towards him to see him lift his cute head.  “I brought you a present..” You pouted, showing him the tiny stuffed toy currently wearing an ‘I’m sorry’ t-shirt as well as holding up the handover soup you had treked all over town for. You could see the grateful look in his eye but his face was straight as he clearly wanted to still be mad at you. 
You stopped closer lowering your head in shame. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a shit girlfriend .. I’m sorry I haven’t been pulling my weight … I lo_” he cut you off by pulling you into his lap. “Im so sorry for being mean on the phone to you yesterday, I just missed you so much and I wasn’t use to being the one not getting the attention, I’m sorry I was being selfish, I know how important your work is to you and Im so proud of you and I love you more than everything, fuck you are so cute!” he gushed pouting while staring into your eyes.
“No, I’m sorry, I wasn’t balancing my work properly, you are definitely a priority for me and I will do more to show you that” you replied cupping his beautiful face. 
“I love you” he cooed placing a soft kiss on your lips before letting you go so you could both get up. “Now let me see these apology gifts” he smiled, you handed him the stuffed toy that he placed by his TV, you opened the hangover soup instantly gaining his attention, “you absolute lifesaver!” he yelled, instantly regretting it and holding his head. 
“Wait.. isn’t it Friday shouldn’t you be at work?” He questioned, “I took the day off to spend it with you” you responded moving to the kitchen to plate the hangover soup you had got for your boozy boyfriend, “oooo have I finally corrupted you and turned you into my own little bad girl?” He suggested placing his arms around your waist from behind as he trailed kisses down your exposed neck, “why don’t you find out” you hissed spinning around and placing a passionate kiss on his perfect lips causing him to groan. Before you could even catch your breathe he had lifted you up as you instantaneously wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you to his room. “I love you so fucking much” He huffed before throwing you onto his bed, placing his perfect body on top of yours. 
You were the luckiest girl in the world. 
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stupouid · 4 years
Unity (ATLA boys x reader) Chapter 1
Prologue|Chapter 1
A/N haha lets go im bored and i have lots of ideas so here’s chapter 1. Y/N meets Sokka in this one ee-ee I hope you guys like it!
Warning: unedited, like ONE curse word.
word count: 2432 words ee-ee
Y/M/N is your mom’s name 
if you have any more questions you can say so in the replies or my askbox!
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Omashu, Earth Kingdom
5 years later
You know how Azula said that things would run smoothly for Y/N because she was of royal blood? Well that was a fucking lie. Y/N and her father moved back to Omashu because Y/N’s mother had passed away. Y/N thought that because of her blood, she would at least get to meet her grandfather, King Bumi, but she was only met with dirty looks. After pushing countless questions onto her father as to why they were treated so badly, Y/N’s father caved in and told her the truth. The whole truth.
Y/N’s mother was an Earth Kingdom princess. Y/N was aware of that already, but what Y/N didn’t know was that her mother was disowned after her parents found out that she had a child with a fire nation nobleman. They were in the middle of a war, for spirits sake. How could the king's own daughter fraternize with the enemy? Flooded with embarrassment, Y/N’s mother suggested they leave Omashu, and Y/N’s father took Y/N and her mother to the Capital City in the fire nation so the young couple could get married and raise Y/N in peace. 
Y/N thought the story was sweet. Her mother gave up a lavish life in the Earth Kingdom to live in the fire nation (basically enemy territory.) But the rest of Omashu didn’t see it that way. They thought of Y/N’s mother as a traitor, and since Y/N was her daughter, they saw the young girl as a traitor too. It didn’t help that Y/Ns father wasn’t ashamed of his fire nation bloodline. Their neighbors were convinced that the L/Ns were spies. 
For the next four years of her life, Y/N lived in hell. She was severely bullied at school. She came home from school with tears in her eyes at least twice a week. Y/N was afraid to set foot anywhere near the royal palace. But she found solace in meditation. There was a large hill several blocks away from the bustling city where she sat and meditated. But all this (or at least some) came to an end when on Y/N’s 13th birthday, Mai’s father Ukano, successfully infiltrated the city. All fingers were pointed at Y/N and her father, as the recent events ultimately supported the claim that they were spies. However, they couldn’t exactly prove it and the L/Ns remained in Omashu. 
Despite having even more reasons for the people of Omashu to hate Y/N, at least she wouldn’t be alone anymore. After four long years of sending letters back and forth, Y/N finally got to see one of her best friends again. (Not that Y/N didn’t ever see Ty Lee in those four years, Y/N did watch Ty Lee’s performances in the circus every once in a while) In the next year, Mai trained Y/N in throwing knives like she promised, and also taught her how to take care of Tom-Tom, along with gossiping with her about what had happened with who and what. 
Y/N cried when she learned that Zuko had been banished from the Fire Nation for the past two years, and came to the conclusion that he was so focused on capturing the Avatar and regaining his honor that he never replied to her letters anymore. However, Y/N was surprised to learn that Zuko and Mai got together before said banishment. She wasn’t upset by this, as the two talked about how they were more like siblings to each other years before.
A month after Y/Ns 14th birthday, Mai and Y/N received a letter from Azula stating that she and Ty Lee would be in Omashu. Azula was forming a small, elite team to bring back Zuko and General Iroh to the fire nation. Y/N was confused as to why Azula would need a team to bring them back, but then realized that Zuko wouldn’t stop until he caught the avatar, and probably needed lots of people to convince him. Nonetheless, Y/N tagged along with Mai to reunite with Ty Lee and Azula. 
Hugs were shared, gifts were given, and soon it was time for the four girls to head back to Mai’s home. Once they arrived, the female warriors learned that not only did the majority of the city’s citizens had to evacuate because of a sickness called ‘pentapox’, (which Y/N had never heard of in her life) but that Tom Tom was missing and most likely being held hostage by the Resistance. Azula was furious with Mai’s father for being so careless, and Y/N and Mai were outraged that the citizens had taken Tom Tom. Azula proposed they trade Tom Tom for King Bumi and rename the city to ‘New Ozai’ because Ukano had made a fool of himself. Despite being raised in the fire nation for more than half of her life, and the people of Omashu treating her and her father like dirt, Y/N was conflicted by Azula’s proposition. Technically, Y/N could take the throne (if it ever came to that), and this was her mother’s home. But Y/N knew better than to defy Azula in anything and stayed quiet. The four girls went to bed, mostly thinking about kicking the resistance’s asses. 
Soon morning came, and the girls got ready to make the trade. The girls met with the Avatar just next to where the statue of Fire Lord Ozai would be built. Upon arriving, the fire nation girls were met with a small boy with a hat on, a beautiful looking girl water tribe girl who looked around her age, and an extremely handsome watertribe boy who had a necklace that matched hers. 
“Hey! Where’d you get your necklac-” “Hi everybody!” The watertribe started to question Y/N, but was cut off by King Bumi being lowered down by a crane in a cage.
“Azula? Is that…” Y/N was amazed. This was her grandfather?
“Sadly, it is. You can go to him while I confer with the Avatar.” Azula chuckled. Y/N ran straight to her grandfather. Aang was about to protest, but Mai said, “You brought my brother?”
Aang responded with, “He’s here. We’re ready to trade.” Mai, Aang, and Azula talked to each other for a while, and in the meantime Y/N was trying to get to know her grandfather.
“K-king Bumi?” Y/N asked the old man.
“Are you asking if I’m King Bumi? Because I am. What do you want?” The old man replied. Despite being trapped in a metal case, Y/N was still intimidated by him.
“I knew your daughter. Y/M/N?” King Bumi’s face contorted, and Y/N couldn’t tell if it was out of confusion or disgust. “Y/M/N?” he stated. “Oh! Y/M/N! My daughter! Yes! It’s been so long since I’ve seen her. She moved to the fire nation, you know. Speaking of which, you look just like her! I wonder wh-” Y/N cut him off.
“She died. Four years ago. And I’m… I’m her daughter. So you’re my grandfather.” Tears were threatening to slip out of Y/N’s eyes, but Y/N wouldn’t dare let them out. She didn’t want to cry in front of Azula and the cute watertribe boy.
“Oh. What’s your name? How come I’ve never seen you before? Why have you never visited? You know, I wasn’t the one who chose to disown Y/M/N. It was your grandmother, actually.” Y/N was shocked to hear that he didn’t hate her. She started sobbing as she said, 
“Y-Y/N. My n-name is Y/N. My mother s-said that after she was disowned she urged my father to move us to the fire nation. We lived there until she died, when I was 7.”
“Oh, you poor girl. How come you never visited? I would have been more than happy to let you stay!” Despite his crazy exterior, King Bumi was a kind and soft person at heart.
“I-I thought you would hate me! I-it doesn’t help that my father isn’t ashamed of being fire nation. And I’m so sorry that my friend’s father has taken over this place. I’m so sorry, King Bumi.”
“Nonsense! It isn’t your fault you lived in the fire nation, or that this place is conquered by the fire nation. I could never hate you because of your mother. I never even hated your mother. I just wish you came by the palace sometimes.”
“I wish I did too-” The cage that trapped King Bumi was being lifted up, and Y/N was cut off by King Bumi screaming “Whoaa! See you all later!” Panicking, Y/N screamed, “GRANDFATHER!” She then turned around, screaming “AZULA!”
Aang thought to himself, ‘Grandfather?’ Before screaming, “Bumi!” Aang sprinted forward, but Azula blocked his way, shooting her blue flames at him. This confused Y/N. Why was Azula shooting at him? The small kid jumped and then he suddenly had a glider. While taking out the glider, his hat fell off, exposing the light blue tattoos on his body. Astonished, Azula and Y/N shouted, “The Avatar!” Y/N was aware that the current Avatar would have to be an airbender, but to actually see him in person, especially when Zuko was supposed to see him, it was amazing! The thought of the Avatar returning was what got Y/N through the hard times in Omashu. She knew that with him around, the world would be at peace again. But Y/N realized, if that kid was the Avatar, that meant Azula was shooting at him.
Y/N just stood there, watching as Ty Lee and Mai charged at the two watertribe teens while they were escaping with Tom Tom. It was a lot for Y/N to take in, and she couldn’t decide who’s team she would be on. After hearing a crash, she turned around to see the Avatar removing the chains from King Bumi’s cage.
“It’s just like old times, isn’t it, Bumi?” she heard the Avatar say to her grandfather. ‘Old times?’ she thought, but then remembered that the Avatar had been missing for over 100 years. Y/N decided she should be on the Avatar’s side since he knew his grandfather, so she started running over to the two, before noticing that Azula was shooting several fire missiles at them. This gave Y/N another reason to be on the Avatars side, her best friend was about to kill her grandfather for spirits sake!
Y/N booked it for Aang and King Bumi. But Azula’s missiles were faster than Y/N. Luckily, Aang fought them off with his airbending. Helpless, Y/N just stood there, watching the two throw their bending at each other. She hears Mai nonchalantly say “How are you gonna fight without your bending?”, which meant that Ty Lee chi blocked the watertribe girl. Y/N heard the watertribe boy reply with “I seem to manage!” and she couldn't suppress her chuckle. Y/N turns around again to see the Avatar and Azula still fighting. She heard the Avatar shout, “Hang on, Bumi! Our ride’s here!” signalling that the two were about to leave. Y/N was not going to let the Avatar leave with her only relative on her mother’s side, not without her at least. So Y/N screamed, “AVATAR! BUMI IS MY GRANDFATHER! TAKE ME WITH YOU!” 
This outraged Azula, and she started directing some of her firebending toward Y/N. But after training with Azula for many years, Y/N knew her blind spots, and dodged the fire with ease. Aang heard what Y/N had said, and decided that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take her with them. He figured that it wouldn’t hurt to take them, especially since she seemed to defy her friend for him. Y/N joined Aang and Bumi at the end of the chute the two were on.
“Im Y/N. Bumi’s granddaughter. And you’re the Avatar!” Y/N said, amazed. He looked much younger up close. “Were you friends with my grandfather?”
“Very close, actually. Before I disappeared. I’m Aang, and this is Momo!! It’s nice to meet you! I didn’t know Bumi had a granddaughter!” Aang replied, laughing. Y/N scratched the lemur between his ears. He was very adorable.
“I didn’t know either!” Bumi stated. The three laughed loudly. The laughter died down and there was an awkward silence, before Bumi said, “You should go. Goodbye, Aang and Y/N. Don't forget what I told you about jing! I’ll see you when the time is right.”
“What? Why! I only just met you! I can’t leave you!” Y/N interjected. She didn’t want to leave her grandfather behind.
“Just go. Y/N. I know you’ll help Aang with his mission greatly. And besides, Princess Azula doesn't seem too happy with you. Wouldn’t want to see how that turns out.” Y/N laughed. Hopefully she would see him again soon. She nodded at her grandfather and King Bumi let himself tumble backwards into the chute. 
“So… I guess we’re allies now, huh?” Aang stated out of the blue.
 “I guess so.” Y/N replied. “I didn’t realize that you were so young. I think I could help you guys out.” Aang nodded at this and they went to go find the two watertribe teens, Sokka and Katara.
Meanwhile, Ty Lee, Mai, and Azula were on a palanquin in the city. “So,” Mai started. “We’re tracking down your brother and Uncle now, huh?”
“It’ll be interesting seeing Zuko again, won’t it Mai? Too bad Y/N won’t be with us to see him.” Ty Lee asked Mai. The broody girl blushed at the thought of seeing Zuko again, but Azula grimaced when Ty Lee mentioned Y/N. She had saved that girl, chosen her, and she had the audacity to defy her? For some Avatar? As far as Azula knew, the Avatar was nothing more than a roadblock for Fire Lord Ozai’s plan to conquer the rest of the three nations. 
“It’s not just Zuko and Iroh anymore. Since little Y/N decided to betray us for the Avatar, we have a third and fourth target now. Don’t feel bad for Y/N, by the way. If I hear you even talking positively about her, I’ll make sure your fate is the same as my brothers.” 
taglist: @emberislandplayers​, @eridanuswave​
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cxptain-rex · 4 years
Keep You Safe {Commander Rex}
pairings: rex x reader
warnings: kinda angst!
request: this was requested by @bountyhunterslut I hope you enjoy this! thank you for requesting. I made it kinda angst I just got the feels.
prompts: 37. “You’re a terrible liar” 38. “I’ll keep you safe”
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Rex knows.
He knows that falling in love is not part of his code as a soldier. People rise and fall in the midst of war. He has watch many of his brothers die. Die for something that they were engineered to defend no matter the cost.
Clones do not have a choice, you either fight or die. Or you just die for not doing your duty.
Rex knows he shouldn’t be attached to someone. But he is. He is attached to you. Yet he can’t help it. You became someone for him. A person worth fighting for.
Now you’re standing around the droid projecting Obi-Wan Kenobi as he speaks of the Anakin’s newest mission and how is the Siege of Mandalore doing.
“We need more men, General” you announced crossing your arms together. The blue light of the Jedi hummed softly. “I can’t send you more” he says dejected receiving a glare from Bo Katan and Ahsoka.
Rex on the other hand looks relieved. He can’t bare watch more brothers die thanks to the mandalorians.
“Commander! There has been an attack” a shiny announced to Ahsoka. The holocom has been cut short as Ahsoka and Bo Katan fled the plaza. You turn to follow but a hand tugs you back.
The announcement of the attack makes all the clones rush to their battle stations. You stand, knowing what’s coming. You can feel the anxiety piercing Rex’s aura.
Rex stands there, a hand closed around your wrist and his eyes searching the floor. “Where are you going?” He asks lifting his gaze to look into your eyes. You frown looking back, “I will go and help Ahsoka” you answer slowly.
He can’t help but sigh as well, silence coming from his parted lips. Rex wishes he could take you and put you in a ship far away from Mandalore. Just for your safety and his own sanity. He can’t bare seeing you get hurt.
“I’ll be fine” you assure with a half smile which indicates the contrary of your statement. The newly commander finds amusement. A bitter laugh snaps. “You’re a terrible liar” he muses causing you to roll your eyes.
Rex is right, you don’t know if you’ll be fine. This is Darth Maul, not another clanker you could easily slash down. A Sith Lord. And here you are, promising something that might be as well a lie.
You turn to leave. Rex’s eyes widen as he watches your retreating back. He reacts quickly following behind. “Y/N, wait” he calls forgetting all protocols and command. As you leave the room and down a corridor, Rex halts as you turn around swiftly.
“Stay here, Rex. That is an order” you say lowly causing the Commander to frown. “I can’t let you go, please. I don’t know if you’ll be back” Rex draws pleading softly as he lays his hands on your arms. “I must help Ahsoka, I need to do this” you push looking away.
“Y/N, stay. Please. I’ll keep you safe” the Commander says causing you to meet his teary gaze. Rex does not feel ashamed for crying infront of you. The guilt eats your heartstrings as you sigh.
Defeating Darth Maul is your duty. To destroy him once and for all. To bring peace to Mandalore. But to also survive this war.
“Rex, ni kar'tayl gar darasuum” you whisper leaning your forehead against his. Rex’s breath fans over your lips causing you to shudder as you lean in for a kiss. You enjoy the moment trying to remember it for as long as you can.
As you pull away, you search for Rex. You watch and take in his face and his beauty. His golden eyes, his blonde hair. The small scar on his chin, the way his lips have become bruised now, on your doing of course.
The Commander’s eyes widen in realization. You turn to leave once again and this time Rex doesn’t follow. He stays in place by your doing as you force bind him to the stay. He cries for you in his mind. He trashes as you are gone.
You’re gone to fight a mad man with no idea if you’ll make it back to your lover.
The battle has been won. Ahsoka and you took down Maul.
A tear slips down your cheek as you haul yourself to limp towards the plaza. You promised you’d make it back and you did. Pain erupts from your side, it is blinding and it burns as you recoil. The same pain makes you stay awake until you find Rex.
The man of the hour stands now watching over Mandalore. He hear footsteps and he turns. Rex’s demeanor falls as you stop to stand infront of him. Beaten and bloody but there you are.
You smile, and your knees buckle causing you to almost fall. Rex rushes to haul you into his arms. “Kix! Get in here!” He cries into his comlink as he holds you. The Commander applies pressure against your wound causing you to hiss. “I love you too” he hiccups making reference to what you said earlier.
Rex kisses your forehead as tears gush like a fountain. He cries holding you in fear of losing you. The man sobs harder as the clone medic takes you away from him. Rex sees the blood on his gloved hands, your blood. He feels a knot on his throat as he cries harder.
Hours later, you’re saved.
Kix had managed to save you just in time. Now you lay on a cot admiring the blue ceiling of a Mandalorian medic bay. You can hear clones and mandalorians as well being treated.
A figure stands on the doorway, you turn to see who it is.
“Rex” you drawl trying to sit up only to whine involuntarily and lay back down. “Don’t force yourself” he says advancing towards you.
The Commander smiles softly sitting down by your side. He cradles your hand causing you to whimper at the touch. “You’re ok” he says mainly to himself assuring that you’re fine.
“You kept me safe, my love. You were the beckon keeping me alive in this war” you whisper softly causing Rex to whimper as he leans to kiss you once again. You two bask in your moment of being alive. Forgetting about the rest and the future, living in the present.
Author’s Note: AAH THIS WAS SO NICE IM CRYING. You guys know what to do! Thank you as always! XX
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Kissed by Fire // Chapter One
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Summary: What happens when the Queen kissed by Ice needs to turn to the Queen kissed by Fire in desperate times? Will the visit of the Dragon Queen cause unintentional anger and even unexpected feelings in the Northern Realm? People aren’t joking when they say opposites attract.
Word Count: 2k+
Warning: mentions of alcohol
A/N: okay this is a hot mess which took me way too long to write but hey after all im writing a fanfic based on grrm’s work amirite. it’s also going to flop but idc
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Lyarra woke up with an awful headache attacking her temple, and it felt like her brain was about to burst out of her skull. She looked down at herself and realised she had fallen asleep in her gown which became quite wrinkled the night before. The Queen let out an annoyed sigh and she knew she was causing extra work for her servants, the thought of it making her feel ashamed of herself. 
She tried to stand up on her two feet as slowly as possible, but Lyarra still felt like her body was light as a feather and heavy as all the bricks making up Winterfell, at once. She almost collapsed back on her hard bed which was barely comfortable enough to even sit on it. 
Lyarra knew she had to get herself together, so she took a huge gulp of the glass of water sitting on her desk and she knew it would probably be for the best to call one of her servants and ask for something to treat the hangover but her thought process was cut short by her most trusted advisor, Ser Davos.
“Your brother would like to talk to you, Your Grace,” he announced, bowing slightly. Lyarra simply nodded and told the knight to let Jon inside, then wait for them outside. She recognised the worried looks Davos was giving her when he saw her uncombed hair and wrinkled gown, but she couldn’t bother thinking about it right now. However, Lyarra did start feeling uneasy once Jon closed the door behind himself and looked her up and down with slightly raised eyebrows.
“Are you here to tell me something important or to judge me again?” The Queen snapped and rubbed the bridge of her nose with eyes shut tightly. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled, feeling like an actual mess.
Jon took a step closer with a worried expression on his face. He knew what it felt like to behead someone, though he had got quite used to the blood on his hands by now. However, his sister didn’t have as much experience and still wanted to appear strong, but Jon knew about her coping mechanisms and it worried him more and more, on a daily basis but every time he wanted to talk to Lyarra about it, all he got was annoyed groans and denial. His sister was definitely down on the wrong path, but he knew there was still a chance to pull her back.
Lyarra looked him in the eyes, and she couldn’t keep it anymore. All those weeks and months without touching anyone even in the most innocent way possible made her stone-cold and distant, but still starving for the feeling of a warm body against her seemingly frozen one. She knew that her title was turning her into something she had never wanted to become and that made her terrified and anxious, constantly on the edge, praying to the Gods to send someone who would help her get her real self back.
Lyarra suddenly collapsed into Jon’s strong arms and her brother held her as close as possible, reassuring his sister that she wasn’t alone in this fight. He ran his fingers through Lyarra’s hair and stroked her back gently, so she would calm down and feel at ease just again.
Once it happened, she pulled away from Jon and gave him a tiny smile.
“I’m sorry. It was harder than I thought it would be. And I can’t stop thinking about how much danger might be hiding among the walls of Winterfell. Among the walls of my home,” she said almost whispering while filling another glass with the cold water.
“We’ll work hard to secure the castle even more, Lyarra. After all that have happened, you’ll also need a guard constantly looking after you. And don’t even dare to say no. I know that you are the Queen but I’m your brother and want you safe and sound.” Jon looked at her with one of the most serious expressions Lyarra had ever seen on his face, and she knew it was no place for an argument right now. She simply lowered her eyes and tried to ignore the headache that didn’t want to go away. Eventually, she decided to change the topic. It was way too painful to talk about it right now.
“Does the Dragon Queen still want us to bend the knee?” she asked with a slightly disgusted face and Jon didn’t have to talk to answer her question; his long and deafening silence was enough.
Lyarra let out a chuckle and shook her head, taking another sip of the fresh water that she wished was a cup of great Arbor wine instead. She soon got ashamed of that thought.
“We cannot do that and she just wastes all of our time if she thinks otherwise,” Lyarra said, putting the empty cup down, all the while looking Jon dead in the eyes. Her brother lowered his head and sighed, knowing full well it would take an awful lot to convince his sister to think about other options. Jon saw the good in Daenerys, he saw the potential in her and genuinely thought it would be for the better to seek alliance with the Dragon Queen. However, Lyarra was just as stubborn as their father Ned and brother Robb, and she wasn’t convinced easily about anything, let alone such an important decision, which could influence the lives of thousands if not millions so easily.
Jon stepped closer cautiously, knowing full well how much his sister treasured her personal space. But as she stood there without her heavy crown and flawless gown, Jon realised how vulnerable Lyarra actually was. No matter what anyone said and thought, his sister was still a scared child at heart who had to grow up way too fast. And a part of Jon hated himself for not being there for her to protect her from all the harm that had reached Lyarra while they were apart, but he knew that his sister would be angry with him for saying it out loud, so he kept it all to himself.
Lyarra shook her head once again and forced herself to look the other way, so she wouldn’t see the worry in Jon’s eyes. It was the same bloody look every time they looked at each other, and she was getting tired of it. After all, she wasn’t the helpless little girl she was when her brother left for the Wall - she was the Queen in the North, a grown woman with ambition and cunning. A grown woman who had fought for survival for a big part of her life, who had already learned she was her only true ally.
So she despised that look in Jon’s eyes even though her brother meant no harm. Still, it took Lyarra back to dark places she never wanted to visit again, so it was easier to avoid eye-contact with her brother, even if it meant making him feel bad. After all, she had never learned how to confront an issue in a healthy way.
Finally, when the silence was getting too heavy for both of them, Jon sighed and pulled Lyarra into a tight hug. The girl was surprised at first, so she just stood there slightly shocked of the sudden display of affection from Jon. Then, slowly but surely, Lyarra let her muscles relax and leaned into her brother’s strong body, folding her own arms around Jon’s torso. She unconsciously buried her face in the boy’s chest and it made her feel safe and home. Oh, how dearly she had missed these feelings and finally, they were all there, lighting a fire inside of Lyarra – a fire that was ignited and kept alive by the feelings of love and safety. Just as this fire started had Lyarra realised how cold and icy she had become throughout the years spent alone or in the company of cruel people and traitors. She only needed a pair of safe arms to melt the ice and make her feel human again.
When they pulled away, Lyarra even flashed a weak smile at her brother, who was quick to return the gesture. However, their moment was soon ruined by Ser Davos, who informed Lyarra about the Dragon Queen’s desire to speak to her in private.
Lyarra took a quick glance at Jon, who lowered his eyes and was already holding his breath. He knew full well that his sister had a rather strong personality which not everyone was fond of and he had feared that Queen Daenerys would be too quick to judge Lyarra too without giving her time to warm up to her.
However, Daenerys was quite patient and understanding, some of her qualities which she only reserved for people she greatly loved or respected. As she stepped in the chambers of the Queen in the North, she had to try really hard to toughen up in front of her rival. Or, who seemed to be her rival. Daenerys had no idea what had happened to her and she tried to fool herself by telling herself it was the sweet wine she had had before visiting the Queen in the North. Of course, it was much more complicated than that and a part of her was aware of that.
Lyarra raised her eyebrows to let the Dragon Queen know that she was waiting for her response.
“I’m terribly sorry, I must have got lost in my thoughts. I simply wanted to visit you because we haven’t had the chance to get to know each other, I’m afraid. What you did yesterday- You’ve done it before, haven’t you, Lady Lyarra?” Daenerys cursed herself in her mind for letting such ramble roll off the tip of her tongue.
However, Lyarra cursed the Queen in secret for addressing her as a simple Lady instead of the Queen she was. Still, she managed to force a smile on her face and offered her a seat opposite of her by her desk before answering the Queen’s question.
“I haven’t had to behead too many people so far, if that’s what you’re curious about. But I have had my battles to fight, so I’ve learned to swing a sword the hard way.”
Daenerys suddenly didn’t know how to reply, but she was so desperate not to appear weak or ignorant in front of a possible ally, so she simply smiled and said how much she had always admired warrior queens at which Lyarra simply smirked and turned away, leaving Daenerys disappointed.
“I’m sure you’re already a legend, as well, Your Grace, so please, let’s skip the small talk to you telling me the actual reason you’re here,” Lyarra blurted out, staring deep into those violet eyes. I can’t lie, they’re beautiful, but beauty is lethal.
Daenerys couldn’t ignore the tone the Northern Queen used when saying Your Grace but she also knew she couldn’t let such petty little things get in the way. She had a goal to achieve here but it was getting difficult to keep her composure in the presence of Lyarra Stark. And it wasn’t the fact that it was her territory that intimidated Dany- it was something completely different, a feeling that she hadn’t been able to shake off since she first laid eyes on the Stark girl. As much as it annoyed her, it also made her scared. Scared that it might be the cause of her losing her place on the Iron Throne.
“You see right through me, my Lady. I am actually here to convince you to bend the knee and join forces with me to-,“ but she couldn’t continue without being cut off by Lyarra Stark.
“To help you get the Iron Throne where you could rule over my home? I’m terribly sorry, Your Grace, but I hope you can understand that I simply can’t do that. I can’t decide for thousands. And even if I could, my answer would still be no.”
Daenerys flashed a rather forced smile at the self-proclaimed Queen in the North and thought to herself she’s making it difficult for everyone, but if she wants difficult, let it be difficult.
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