skyfire85 · 4 years
Added a couple "fire" LEDs to a Dumpster Fire vinyl. My 2020 mascot.
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iamanartichoke · 5 years
I really enjoy my job, but I work at a university, so we’ve transitioned online. My particular position is a staff position, meaning I don’t teach, so I’m not working from home yet. That might change this week but, for now, I’m still in the office. 
Additionally, part of my job is overseeing the online students (regular online, not coronavirus online) so, now that everyone is online, everyone’s questions and issues are defaulting to being directed to me. 
It blows my mind how many people - students and faculty alike - act like they’ve never even heard of a computer before, let alone learned how to function on one. Like. How did you do anything before? My god. 
Needless to say, my stress levels have gone through the roof. That said, I hope I don’t get moved to working at home, bc honestly, that’ll be even worse. At least here, I have everything I need. At home, I’ve got a very old laptop and my bed, so actually getting up and working is going to take a level of self-discipline I honestly am not sure I’m even capable of. 
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frillyindustries · 5 years
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A while ago I fell in love with the symptons of awesome friendships - co-ord clothing!! ⠀ ⠀ It took me back to twinning outfits with my oldest BFF @cluttermaz ⠀ ⠀ That train in the background was the one I was meant to be on. Platforms had changed and I hadn’t realised cause I was too busy taking this picture of true BFFs. It made me think about real life vs online. I started on this long post and then never finished or shared it. Here it is:⠀ ⠀ There are so many motivational and inspirational accounts online, it’s easy for people to replace real life friendships with an online tribe that makes them feel a little less alone. ⠀ ⠀ This is no bad thing. However, the weight of responsibility that falls on the shoulders of those that lead that life is huge. I’m not sure everyone this lands on is equipped or qualified for the weight of that - whether you’re a young youtuber sharing your life and others find meaning in that or you’re emailing self care tips. ⠀ In person interactions with people that know you will always be able to share wisdom, tell you when you need extra help and be honest even if you don’t want to hear it or choose to ignore it.⠀ ⠀ So here we are and the world has changed and that real life connectivity and physicality is dangerous for our health. We’re adapting and increasing our digital lives but all I can think about is a film called ‘Five Feet Apart’ I watched before the coronapocalpyse that reflected upon the human need for contact.⠀ ⠀ Let’s stay safe people! The whole world may be making everything more digital but let’s not loose ourselves in it and remember to connect more actively with friends and family than ever before, all be it online. Be firm and let’s not forget how to hug for when all this over! https://bit.ly/3afCrvU
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iamanartichoke · 5 years
Just popping in to 1) say I hope everyone is okay and healthy; 2) mention that my job will most likely transition to online next week, so I may be back around; and 3) ask if anyone knows the tea on the Loki series. Has filming shut down? Is Tom still in Atlanta? I haven’t really been able to find anything and I’m just really curious. 
Stay safe, everyone. 💚💚💚
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iamanartichoke · 4 years
Quarantine Q&A
Tagged by @scintillatingshortgirl19 and @thelightofthingshopedfor - thank you! 
Are you staying home from work/school?  No, I have been going every day, bc my particular job requires me to be on-campus as long as it’s open, which it still is, despite my state’s stay at home order. I don’t particularly want to work from home, just bc I feel like I would find it super hard to concentrate as well as I do at work, but at the same time, students have been coming in to use our workspaces and I’m not thrilled about the exposure. Idk. We’ll see what happens. 
If you’re staying home, who’s there with you? I live alone, so it’s just me. 
Are you a homebody? Yes, very much so. Honestly things aren’t too much different in regards to social distancing/isolating, bc I don’t really go out much anyway. 
What movies have you watched recently? I rewatched Thor Ragnarok for the first time in ages last week? The week before? which was amazing for my Loki and Thor feels. I watched a movie called “Blood Father” on Netflix, which was weird and violent and starred Mel Gibson, but the girl who played his daughter was Hope from Jessica Jones, so I stuck it out. Last night, I watched “The Roommate” which was pretty stupid, but Leighton Meester is beautiful to watch. I may sign up for Disney + again to rewatch Thor, Avengers, and TDW. 
An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled? Not anything I was planning to attend, but I was looking forward to the Ace Comic Con Tom was supposed to do, bc it’s always fun to see people’s pictures and I was hoping he’d talk about the Loki series. I was also hoping for good pics with his Loki hair, too. Alas. 
What music are you listening to? I’ve pretty much been listening to the same 20 songs for a year now, so that hasn’t really changed despite the quarantine lmao. 
What are you reading? I, uh, started re-reading my own fics, which is terribly self-indulgent but, I mean, I wrote them mostly for me in the first place, so. I just reread my Grandthorki fic, “Gave You Every Piece of Me,” and I think next I’m going to re-read “Stars, Hide Your Fires.” I’m also going to catch up on fics I’m subscribed to, and then tackle my “Marked for Later” list, eventually. 
What are you doing for self-care? Sleeping, mostly. 
Tagging literally anyone who wants to do this, if you are reading this, consider yourself tagged! 
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