#corporatespeak should be declared a separate dialect of english and then should immediately be outlawed
frankierohugejorts ยท 2 years
the skills question has like. a bunch of boxes u can tick and I know 99.9999% of them have nothing to do with me bc like. 25 of them are just abt proficiency with a 3D printer, god knows what the other 1500 are about, but I can't even find the ones that would apply to me bc they're all written in fucking indecipherable corporatespeak and half of them seem to be "normal retail skill but with a certificate:)" which is insane and also makes it so hard to figure out if it applies to me bc like. ok is this one just the regular skill they're talking about or is this talking about a type of certification I've never heard of, AND even the skills I know i have and could enter myself, I don't know what they're fuckinh called in corporatespeak so I can't even fucking keyword search to find them to check off and now I'm crying at my laptop and I'm only like 3 questions deep ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ
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