krookedreality · 8 months
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some sorta obesk
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
corru.observer contrast/visual adjustment script
hey so i was shared this script when i inquired on corru's neocities page for a friend, asking if there was any way to possibly dull the colors etc to help with people who cant look at the eye strain colors! This script was made by Ongezell. Ongezell was very quick to dropping in a small version of the script and then just as fast came back to me and gave a proper mod with a ui for it! you can change hue, contrast, brightness, grayscale, blur, and invert color!!
You need tampermonkey (or violentmonkey). then click on this link and tampermonkey should add it immediately.
This comes with sliders you can access by hitting "O" making it very easy to adjust! and it only effects that website, no others. i hope this will help those who want to play but cant look at it because of the contrast combined with the flickering. It will *not* take away flashes any flickering, but with the right tweaks you can make it more washed out (low contrast) and i think it makes a big difference.
If the script doesn't install automatically when clicked, you can copy the below onto a new script in tampermonkey itself:
// ==UserScript== // @name Corru B&W mode with Hue Slider // @version 2.4 // @description // @author Ongezell // @match https://corru.observer/* // @match http://.corru.observer/ // @grant none // ==/UserScript==
(function() { 'use strict'; var applyToHtml = localStorage.getItem('applyToHtml') === 'true' ? true : false; var filterProperties = ['grayscale', 'brightness', 'contrast', 'hue-rotate' , 'invert', 'blur'];var sliderContainer = document.createElement('div'); sliderContainer.style.display = 'none'; sliderContainer.style.position = 'fixed'; sliderContainer.style.bottom = '0'; sliderContainer.style.right = '0'; sliderContainer.style.padding = '10px'; sliderContainer.style.background = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'; sliderContainer.style.color = 'black'; sliderContainer.style.borderTopLeftRadius = '5px'; sliderContainer.style.zIndex = '9999999999999999999999'; var modeButton = document.createElement('button'); modeButton.innerText = applyToHtml ? 'Content mode' : 'HTML mode'; modeButton.style.marginBottom = '5px'; modeButton.style.width = '100%'; modeButton.addEventListener('click', toggleTargetElement); sliderContainer.appendChild(modeButton); var sliders = []; for (var i = 0; i < filterProperties.length; i++) { var slider = document.createElement('input'); slider.type = 'range'; slider.min = '0'; slider.max = '200'; slider.style.margin = '5px'; slider.style.width = '100%'; slider.addEventListener('input', updateFilters); sliders.push(slider); var label = document.createElement('label'); label.innerText = filterProperties[i]; label.style.display = 'block'; label.appendChild(slider); sliderContainer.appendChild(label); } var invertButton = document.createElement('button'); invertButton.innerText = 'Toggle Invert Filter'; invertButton.style.marginBottom = '5px'; invertButton.style.width = '100%'; invertButton.addEventListener('click', toggleInvertFilter);
var blurSlider = document.createElement('input'); blurSlider.type = 'range'; blurSlider.min = '0'; blurSlider.max = '100'; blurSlider.value = '0'; blurSlider.style.margin = '5px'; blurSlider.style.width = '100%'; blurSlider.addEventListener('input', updateFilters); sliders.push(blurSlider);
var blurLabel = document.createElement('label'); blurLabel.innerText = 'Blur'; blurLabel.style.display = 'block'; blurLabel.appendChild(blurSlider);sliderContainer.appendChild(invertButton); var resetText = document.createElement('div'); resetText.innerText = 'Press "Alt + O" to reset the values'; resetText.style.marginTop = '10px'; sliderContainer.appendChild(resetText); var modInitialized = document.createElement('div'); modInitialized.innerText = 'Mod initialized, press "O" to access the menu'; resetText.innerHTML = 'Press "Alt + O" to reset the values<br><br><a href="https://www.ongezell.com" target="_blank" style="font-size: 10px; text-align: center; display: block;">Made by Ongezell.com</a>'; modInitialized.style.position = 'fixed'; modInitialized.style.bottom = '0'; modInitialized.style.left = '50%'; modInitialized.style.transform = 'translateX(-50%)'; modInitialized.style.background = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)'; modInitialized.style.color = 'red'; modInitialized.style.padding = '10px'; modInitialized.style.borderRadius = '5px'; modInitialized.style.zIndex = '999999999999999'; document.body.appendChild(modInitialized); setTimeout(function() { modInitialized.style.display = 'none'; }, 5000); var storedValues = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('sliderValues')) || [0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (var i = 0; i < sliders.length; i++) { sliders[i].value = storedValues[i]; }document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { if (event.key === 'o' && !event.altKey) { toggleSliderContainer(); } else if (event.key === 'o' && event.altKey) { resetFilters(); resetHueRotateSlider(); resetInvertFilter(); resetBlurFilter(); } }); document.body.appendChild(sliderContainer); updateFilters();
function updateFilters() { var filterValues = sliders.map(function(slider) { return slider.value + (slider.parentElement.innerText.includes('hue') ? 'deg' : (slider.parentElement.innerText.includes('blur') ? 'px' : '%')); });var filters = filterProperties.map(function(property, index) { return property + '(' + filterValues[index] + ')'; }); var targetElement = applyToHtml ? document.querySelector('html') : document.querySelector('#content'); var otherElement = applyToHtml ? document.querySelector('#content') : document.querySelector('html'); targetElement.style.filter = filters.join(' '); otherElement.style.filter = 'none'; localStorage.setItem('sliderValues', JSON.stringify(sliders.map(slider => slider.value)));
} function toggleInvertFilter() { var invertSlider = sliders[4]; invertSlider.value = invertSlider.value === '0' ? '100' : '0'; updateFilters(); } function resetInvertFilter() { sliders[4].value = '0'; updateFilters(); } function resetBlurFilter() { sliders[5].value = '0'; updateFilters(); } function toggleSliderContainer() { if (sliderContainer.style.display === 'none') { sliderContainer.style.display = 'block'; } else { sliderContainer.style.display = 'none'; } } function toggleTargetElement() { applyToHtml = !applyToHtml; localStorage.setItem('applyToHtml', applyToHtml); modeButton.innerText = applyToHtml ? 'Content mode' : 'HTML mode'; updateFilters(); } function resetFilters() { for (var i = 0; i < sliders.length; i++) { if (i === 0) { sliders[i].value = 0; } else { sliders[i].value = 100; } } updateFilters(); } function resetHueRotateSlider() { sliders[3].value = 0; updateFilters(); }
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hasbeenandroid · 1 year
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my thoughts on the matter? also what feet is he wearing those on . not sure
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helixos · 1 year
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hello corruheads. is this anything
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myrthemoth · 2 years
Twitch: corru.observer
#Twitch Stream is Live!  corru.observer  https://twitch.tv/myrthemoth  #MothTuber #ENVTuber #VTuber #Furry #Moth #LGBTQIA #CorruObserver 
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celestinecerasus · 1 month
if your mindspike isn't on i don't know what to tell you
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phantomtrax · 3 months
No neither/see results option i want statistics
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echidna-cosmos · 1 month
oooooo you wanna tell me you r thoughts about corruobserver so baddddddddd
um so well . i liek it
off the top of my head i dont have any like theories or actually reflective analyses or anything . um. but i think just generally i am in love with the way the world [and the way you play in that world] is built into the game. for one all of the gameplay is really amazing and just fun, and varies wildly enough that it never really gets boring . also just how expansive the world itself is. like you'll never find a point that doesn't contain even a little bit of information about the story- and there's definitely more than one story. within the game i kind of see three seperate "storylines" [not what they are. bad word to describe it. you will have to bear with me] and those are the current physical events happening with moth and interloper inside the fbx, the activity of lucid thoughtforms like funfriend, the council, even drowning kazki, and the rigid experiences like the embassy memories. and i really love the way all of those aspects blend into each other, you very rarely ever feel like just one thing is happening to you. one thing may be the focus of that section or chapter, but they will always bleed into each other. which is cool. to me. i would have more to say but i am about to go to bed so take my unrevised unedited Why I Like corru.observer Paragraph . i want to draw fanart so bad also which i think will make my actual opinions on the story more clear because i'm allergic to using words. so watch out
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revscarecrow · 1 year
Rev || corruobserver twitch.tv/revscarecrow
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sinsinewave · 1 year
i can no longer read the word moth without thinking of moth corruobserver
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rocatex · 1 year
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Local alien bites into an orange, says “it’s okay…”
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myrthemoth · 10 months
YouTube: corru.observer - Part 4
New #YouTube Upload!
corru.observer - Part 4
0 notes
myrthemoth · 10 months
Twitch: corru.observer - Part 4
Twitch Stream is Live!
corru.observer - Part 4
0 notes
myrthemoth · 1 year
YouTube: corru.observer - Part 3
New #YouTube Upload!
corru.observer - Part 3
0 notes
myrthemoth · 1 year
Twitch: corru.observer - Part 3
Twitch Stream is Live!
corru.observer - Part 3
0 notes
myrthemoth · 2 years
YouTube: corru.observer - Part 2
New #YouTube Upload!  corru.observer - Part 2  https://youtu.be/sFpBkYHk49c  #MothTuber #ENVTuber #VTuber #Furry #Moth #LGBTQIA #CorruObserver 
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