spikeinthepunch · 1 year
corru.observer contrast/visual adjustment script
hey so i was shared this script when i inquired on corru's neocities page for a friend, asking if there was any way to possibly dull the colors etc to help with people who cant look at the eye strain colors! This script was made by Ongezell. Ongezell was very quick to dropping in a small version of the script and then just as fast came back to me and gave a proper mod with a ui for it! you can change hue, contrast, brightness, grayscale, blur, and invert color!!
You need tampermonkey (or violentmonkey). then click on this link and tampermonkey should add it immediately.
This comes with sliders you can access by hitting "O" making it very easy to adjust! and it only effects that website, no others. i hope this will help those who want to play but cant look at it because of the contrast combined with the flickering. It will *not* take away flashes any flickering, but with the right tweaks you can make it more washed out (low contrast) and i think it makes a big difference.
If the script doesn't install automatically when clicked, you can copy the below onto a new script in tampermonkey itself:
// ==UserScript== // @name Corru B&W mode with Hue Slider // @version 2.4 // @description // @author Ongezell // @match https://corru.observer/* // @match http://.corru.observer/ // @grant none // ==/UserScript==
(function() { 'use strict'; var applyToHtml = localStorage.getItem('applyToHtml') === 'true' ? true : false; var filterProperties = ['grayscale', 'brightness', 'contrast', 'hue-rotate' , 'invert', 'blur'];var sliderContainer = document.createElement('div'); sliderContainer.style.display = 'none'; sliderContainer.style.position = 'fixed'; sliderContainer.style.bottom = '0'; sliderContainer.style.right = '0'; sliderContainer.style.padding = '10px'; sliderContainer.style.background = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'; sliderContainer.style.color = 'black'; sliderContainer.style.borderTopLeftRadius = '5px'; sliderContainer.style.zIndex = '9999999999999999999999'; var modeButton = document.createElement('button'); modeButton.innerText = applyToHtml ? 'Content mode' : 'HTML mode'; modeButton.style.marginBottom = '5px'; modeButton.style.width = '100%'; modeButton.addEventListener('click', toggleTargetElement); sliderContainer.appendChild(modeButton); var sliders = []; for (var i = 0; i < filterProperties.length; i++) { var slider = document.createElement('input'); slider.type = 'range'; slider.min = '0'; slider.max = '200'; slider.style.margin = '5px'; slider.style.width = '100%'; slider.addEventListener('input', updateFilters); sliders.push(slider); var label = document.createElement('label'); label.innerText = filterProperties[i]; label.style.display = 'block'; label.appendChild(slider); sliderContainer.appendChild(label); } var invertButton = document.createElement('button'); invertButton.innerText = 'Toggle Invert Filter'; invertButton.style.marginBottom = '5px'; invertButton.style.width = '100%'; invertButton.addEventListener('click', toggleInvertFilter);
var blurSlider = document.createElement('input'); blurSlider.type = 'range'; blurSlider.min = '0'; blurSlider.max = '100'; blurSlider.value = '0'; blurSlider.style.margin = '5px'; blurSlider.style.width = '100%'; blurSlider.addEventListener('input', updateFilters); sliders.push(blurSlider);
var blurLabel = document.createElement('label'); blurLabel.innerText = 'Blur'; blurLabel.style.display = 'block'; blurLabel.appendChild(blurSlider);sliderContainer.appendChild(invertButton); var resetText = document.createElement('div'); resetText.innerText = 'Press "Alt + O" to reset the values'; resetText.style.marginTop = '10px'; sliderContainer.appendChild(resetText); var modInitialized = document.createElement('div'); modInitialized.innerText = 'Mod initialized, press "O" to access the menu'; resetText.innerHTML = 'Press "Alt + O" to reset the values<br><br><a href="https://www.ongezell.com" target="_blank" style="font-size: 10px; text-align: center; display: block;">Made by Ongezell.com</a>'; modInitialized.style.position = 'fixed'; modInitialized.style.bottom = '0'; modInitialized.style.left = '50%'; modInitialized.style.transform = 'translateX(-50%)'; modInitialized.style.background = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)'; modInitialized.style.color = 'red'; modInitialized.style.padding = '10px'; modInitialized.style.borderRadius = '5px'; modInitialized.style.zIndex = '999999999999999'; document.body.appendChild(modInitialized); setTimeout(function() { modInitialized.style.display = 'none'; }, 5000); var storedValues = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('sliderValues')) || [0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (var i = 0; i < sliders.length; i++) { sliders[i].value = storedValues[i]; }document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { if (event.key === 'o' && !event.altKey) { toggleSliderContainer(); } else if (event.key === 'o' && event.altKey) { resetFilters(); resetHueRotateSlider(); resetInvertFilter(); resetBlurFilter(); } }); document.body.appendChild(sliderContainer); updateFilters();
function updateFilters() { var filterValues = sliders.map(function(slider) { return slider.value + (slider.parentElement.innerText.includes('hue') ? 'deg' : (slider.parentElement.innerText.includes('blur') ? 'px' : '%')); });var filters = filterProperties.map(function(property, index) { return property + '(' + filterValues[index] + ')'; }); var targetElement = applyToHtml ? document.querySelector('html') : document.querySelector('#content'); var otherElement = applyToHtml ? document.querySelector('#content') : document.querySelector('html'); targetElement.style.filter = filters.join(' '); otherElement.style.filter = 'none'; localStorage.setItem('sliderValues', JSON.stringify(sliders.map(slider => slider.value)));
} function toggleInvertFilter() { var invertSlider = sliders[4]; invertSlider.value = invertSlider.value === '0' ? '100' : '0'; updateFilters(); } function resetInvertFilter() { sliders[4].value = '0'; updateFilters(); } function resetBlurFilter() { sliders[5].value = '0'; updateFilters(); } function toggleSliderContainer() { if (sliderContainer.style.display === 'none') { sliderContainer.style.display = 'block'; } else { sliderContainer.style.display = 'none'; } } function toggleTargetElement() { applyToHtml = !applyToHtml; localStorage.setItem('applyToHtml', applyToHtml); modeButton.innerText = applyToHtml ? 'Content mode' : 'HTML mode'; updateFilters(); } function resetFilters() { for (var i = 0; i < sliders.length; i++) { if (i === 0) { sliders[i].value = 0; } else { sliders[i].value = 100; } } updateFilters(); } function resetHueRotateSlider() { sliders[3].value = 0; updateFilters(); }
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corrudaily · 12 days
corruworks themselv
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11. corru.works if you're reading this. um. um. um. hi
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orbinnshirt · 4 months
thank you @corruworks you're a GENIUS!!!
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pinkbat5 · 10 months
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cover art for a CIRCLEEYE theme that @corruworks composed for me in an art trade
give it a Listen ‼️
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tisorridalamor · 9 months
Games I’ve been enjoying lately!!!
Soul of Sovereignty Prelude: The first beautiful, funny, clever, and dark chapter of @ pallisia’s new linear visual novel was a blast to go through and totally exceeded all my expectations. While the full piece won’t be out for a few years, this is a peak into a vast world that I can’t wait to see more of. I will be waiting very very patiently for the full story cause the level of care and detail on display shows that SoulSov has an incredible story to tell (and if you want to check out their other works, Lady of the Shard is a beautiful, finished comic the creator made that you can read for FREE right here!).
Corru.Observer: Corru.Observer is weird and it’s free and you should go play it now with no more input from me. But if you want more, it’s an ongoing neocities game/site about exploring a half broken alien biocomputer with great world building, atmosphere, and graphics. It’s part point and click, part exploration, part visual novel, and part turn based RPG. While it’s in active development with new updates coming ever few months, the creator (@ corruworks) has started working on it full time and I’d guess there’s already a good 10ish?? hours of gameplay and lots of secrets to find! Please give it a shot, I think everyone should know about it!
START AGAIN START AGAIN START AGAIN: A Prologue: If you’ve been enjoying the time loop jokes that have been going around on tumblr recently (or just like time loops in general??) you’re gonna really enjoy this. It’s more of a puzzle than an RPG (though it has turn based combat) because I think the real gameplay is in on how you approach repeating the same final dungeon over and over. I was surprised at the level of depth in the dialog/writing - seeing how the characters react to different choices and what the main character lets you do / not do makes multiple runs to see different outcomes so worth it. I think the creator (@ insertdisc5) absolutely nailed the ‘funny guy in despair’ writing. I totally plan on getting the companion / full game In Stars and Time, but waiting a bit to see if there will be a physical release :D (here is the Itch link but it's on sale on Steam rn so here's that link too)
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celestinecerasus · 10 days
i think if you went to sleep listening to corruworks music you would unlock the third variant of sleepmyths
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corrucyst · 1 year
is there a book or anything that you got inspiration from for corru observer? it's so fascinating I want to read a book similar to it's concept
corru.observer was NOT my creation... this credit goes to @corruworks , i am simply a big fan of their work... corru please sate this entity's curiosity i beg of thee
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pocklepocl · 1 year
oh crap a tag meme
( I'm @pinkbat5, but I'm posting it here cuz pinkbat5 is the art blog )
( Tagged by @psshaw >:) )
LAST SONG: ☺, an older song by @corruworks .. i downloaded it to my phone/mobile device 4 my enjoyment. its good music
CURRENTLY WATCHING: The seventh season of Burn Notice with my buddies. My name is Michael Weston. I used to be a spy, until, (ring) "We Got a Burn Notice On You. You're Blacklisted." (whistle) When you're Burned, You've got Nothing. No Cash, No Credit, No Job History. You're stuck in whatever city they dump you in "WhereAmI" "Miami :)" Youu do whatever work comes your way , (explosion) You Rely on anyone thats still talking to you (micheal laughs) A trigger happy ex girlfriend "Should We Shoot Them?" An old friend that's still informing on you to the FBI "You Know Spies. Bunch Of Bitchy Little Girls" Family too. "Is That Your Mahm Again?" ,If you're desperate. "Someone Needs Your Help, Micheal" Bottom Line, until you figured out who burned you, you're not going anywhere
LAST THING I RESEARCHED FOR WRITING PURPOSES: Googling some "behind the scenes" videos of a city's public transportation to get a better idea of what a tour of their facilities might be like. for PAXY purposes, of course
9 PEOPLE TAGGED: oh geez i dont know,. @butterflyriv3er @corruworks @l0velybugg0 @tagapagsalaysay @corrucyst @damndanielfan @endiie .. fuckin uh.. @cavik Hi Cavik
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pinkbat5 · 6 months
just found your website through an 88x31 (that hasn't been said in years) and it's probably my favorite website design of the year so far
thank you!!! though credit where credit is due, @corruworks did the fancy javascript parts for me (music (also they wrote the music), the floating icons, the red water on the homepage) as part of an art trade, and they're a total wizard with that stuff so of course it turned out awesome
the site is still a WIP, technically... I have plans for the /art and /pests pages especially, but i haven't actually gotten around to implementing the changes i want yet. it will getting a lot bigger!
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