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walkinverse · 1 year
5G And Digital ID: Government Control And Crisis Management | WIV Reports. Explore the impact of 5G technology on digital IDs, currencies, and government control. Discover how crises are leveraged for tighter regulation. Tune in to the episode! https://walkinverse.com/5g-and-digital-id-in-lock-step/
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stillwithhernothim · 6 years
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#Repost @kittenwhip ・・・ #firstamendment #freedomofthepress #stablegenius #dictators #corruptrepublicans #teargassers #trump💩🤡 #impeachtrump #impeach45 #trumpcrimefamily #lockthemallup #putinsbitchboy #putinscockholster #trumprussia #shitholefakepresident https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq6g8JAH_X2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=89js3pd48t70
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randyburman · 4 years
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#neveragain #neveragain? #TrustAnAutocrat #trumphitler #liarsclub #patriots #maga #lockhimup #wewontbefooledagain #Ithepeople #fascism #fascismisfreedom #fearisliberty #ignoranceisknowledge #witness #oligarchy #ongoingcrimescene #highcrimesandmisdemeanors #trumptraitor #corrupttrump #corruptrepublicans #cruelty #republicansenatedisgrace #randyburman (at Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFxeTHFA1y5/?igshid=1lde233t0kh5r
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ltlredx · 6 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/LiberalFenix
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emilyiannielli · 7 years
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The trust and hope I once had in my heart has been completely eroded away by the corrupt president and his Republican Party. I truly have no desire living in this country anymore. This is not the America I once believed in! This America has been hijacked by bad people at the top and the scary thing is they reside in the White House #corruptrepublicans #corrupttrump #impeachtrump #thisisnotmyamerica #democrats2018 #democrats2020 (at Arthritis & Rheumatology Associates; Dr. Stephen Soloway MD)
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 11 months
Scalise - leader of the corrupt Republicans in the House of Representatives - whose only allegiance is to Trump - refused to say that Election 2020 was not stolen.  This is what our democratic republic is up against - an organized group of seditionists who continue to peddle the biggest political fraud in modern American history.  
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Mr Trump aka LyinKing still lies with every single word that comes out of his mouth. No wonder he's the leader of the Republican party.
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 11 months
Commonwealth of PA supports women's rights. Republicans want government to intrude in an area where they have no business. Some want to even ban birth control - how 1970's of them.
All to garner votes from the Christian right.
You can bet if their mistress or underage daughter became pregnant they'd be the first to secretly seek out abortion. Hypocrites
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"Extreme MAGA Republicans are demanding that their rich donors get a green light to evade taxes as the price of keeping our government open," said David Kass, ATF's executive director. "Just as restored IRS funding contained in the Inflation Reduction Act that President Biden and congressional Democrats enacted last year is beginning to bear fruit in the form of tougher tax enforcement on wealthy and corporate tax cheats, House Republicans want to return to the lawless days of rampant tax evasion by the nation's wealthiest."
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 11 months
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(via Grifters, wannabees and Putin-style autocrats: Here's why the GOP is no longer a legitimate political party - Raw Story)
I’ve been saying the same thing ever since Trump was elected and the Republican party abandoned the checks and balances of the Legislative branch.  By doing so, the Democrats were left to defend our democratic republic and its institutions while Republicans made excuses for Trump, cited a prepared script full of lies and deceit provided by the White House or were complicit in their silence and never spoke up for fear that they would be “primaried” when it came time to seek re-election. 
Republicans adopted well established propaganda techniques such as WhatAboutism’s and finger pointing aimed at Democrats to cast them as politically motivated to ‘persecute’ Trump.  This further emboldened Trump to be as reckless, unethical and destructive as he wanted without consequences.  
When House Democrats defended our government and the Office of the Presidency by rightfully filing evidence-based impeachment proceedings not only once but twice against Trump, Republicans in the Senate showed their contempt and disrespect for the impeachments by dismissing them as political exercises. They sat and looked at their phones, yawned, made disparaging remarks and pissed all over the proceedings.  
The election of MAGA Mike Johnson as the House Speaker with no “moderate” Republicans voting against the Trump-worshiping election denier and christo-fascist shows that the corrupt Republicans have gone ape-shit over Trump.  Disgusting and anti-American.  
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Trump has a history of neglecting to pay those who work for a living so this is no surprise.  Plus he “needs” the funds to pay all his legal bills as his lawyers delay, delay and delay his court cases using every lame excuse under the sun (plus he thinks he can win the next election and pardon himself for any crimes he’s committed - what a self-serving idiot!). 
His “I’m a constant victim, everybody hates me” tour of the USA will leave local authorities to foot the bill for his expenses during his 2024 Make Assholes Great Again campaign.  
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 11 months
Republican MAGA - which is now the entire Republican party - at the GOP Freedom Summit (that entire label is a fuckin joke) are the kings and queens of denial as they boo Christie for telling the truth.  The party is corrupted by Trump’s and MAGA lies and right wing conspiracy theories to the point where the facts and truth are only a distant memory.   
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 11 months
Republicans are too busy with culture wars, repeating the BigLie about election 2020, vying for followers on line and pursuing face time on FoxFakeNews, chasing after the latest fact-free conspiracy theories pushed by the right wing nut-jobs, conducting hearings based on wild accusations against the Justice Department, FBI, Hunter Biden and acting on the whims of their Criminal-In-Chief Trump.  
Don’t forget the “Impeachment Inquiry” against President Biden (without a shred of evidence of any wrong doing) which the Republicans are conducting to appease their corrupt, psycho leader LyinKing Trump.  
And last but not least the circus freak-show from the laughing stock of the 2020′s, the Republicans in the House of Representatives who are trying to elect another House Speaker.  Not only do the Republicans support the Worst President in American History, they can add to that the Worst Republican House of Representatives in American History.   
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(via Why the GOP wants to destroy Zoomers last chance for the American dream - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism)
Insight on the quest by elitist, conservative Republicans to destroy the middle class and re-establish “classes and power structures” so our country be ruled by “a corrupt corporate oligarchy” as it was prior to the Great Depression of the 1930′s.  
It started with Ronald Reagan in the early 1980′s and continues to this day.  They’ve siphoned off $50 trillion in wealth from the middle and working class Americans.  All going to the top one percent.  An all-out war by the wealthiest Americans to “put us in our place”.  
Will the Zoomer generation be able to restore what the wealthiest Americans continue to destroy? 
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 11 months
'MAGA is ascendant!' Matt Gaetz celebrates Mike Johnson's win as 'what victory feels like'
The Republicans in the United States House of Representatives picked the new Speaker based on loyalty and allegiance to Trump. They've all now officially abandoned the country and its citizens in favor of the one man crime spree who is a low-life scumbag Traitor - Trump.
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