He hates this pic and I hate him.
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ritware1850 · 5 years
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#Repost @excbabe ・・・ #trumphitler #trumprussia #trump #dictator #help #unitedstates #germany🇩🇪 https://www.instagram.com/p/BwU2OFqlNLk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i8hwliksphr0
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major53 · 6 years
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Why Trump is a bigger threat to America than Hitler. 
1: Hitler didn’t have a 40 per cent approval rating in the US. 
2:  Hitler didn’t have the support of a major US media outlet.  
3:  Hitler didn’t wrap himself in an American flag and wretchedly  false patriotism.  He could not, of course, have gotten away  with it but Trump can.  
4:  Hitler was a clear and present danger that all Americans could recognize and unite against.  Trump is a master of dividing us and creating enemies within.  
5:  Hitler was a threat not only our material safety, but also to the very idea of America.  Trump promises prosperity and security but is also an enemy to virtually any  American ideal one can think of.  When people have a choice between a concrete benefit (safety, the promise of wealth) they will opt for that over ideals.  They’ll throw minorities, the sick, the disadvantaged under the bus and Trump is exploiting that.  
5:  Trump has the support of the emerging corporatist state.  He’s their boy and they’ll keep him in power.  America’s industrial might was turned against Hitler and the Nazis.  Trump thinks that Nazis can be good people and the wealthy and powerful are quite happy to ignore basic human decency and a sense of fairness to increase their share of this country’s wealth.  American citizenry turned upon Hitler and the Nazis in what they believed to be righteous fury.  With Trump, a large portion of the populace is willing to be lied to and betrayed because he’s conned them so well and they think they can return to a dreamland where they’re privileged again.  
I could go on an on.   
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randyburman · 4 years
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#neverforget #neveragain #trump2020 #trumpdeath #trump #trumphitler #splitface #splitfacesticker #savedemocracy https://www.instagram.com/p/CGztr4ircry/?igshid=lxd1fjcvyewg
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One is a real president, the other is not!! #trumpicide #trumpsamerica #trumpthecoward #trumphitler #naziamerica #fuckrepublikkkans #fucktheseracists #fuckyouforvotingforhim #gettrumpout #voteblue2020 (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA89k6TpTHD/?igshid=1riqx9f57yv5n
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ohmyolicity · 7 years
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y’a know, with $10 billion, you could help Puerto Rico, JUST SAYIN....
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muhammedalibayram · 6 years
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GOLAN TEPELERİ'Nİ İSRAİL'E "BAĞIŞLAYAN" TRUMP VE ONUN ÜÇ KURUŞ ETMEZ YARDAKÇILARINA: Bugün “Golan” denen bölge, Birinci Dünya Harbi’nin sonlarına kadar Şam sancağımıza bağlı olan ve o zamanki telâffuzumuzla “Cevlân” dediğimiz nahiyedir; başında uzun seneler, hattâ asırlar boyunca İstanbul’dan gönderilen Enderun’dan yahut Mekteb-i Mülkiye’den yetişmiş idareciler bulunmuştur. Ama, Golan’ın yahut Cevlân’ın bizim için çok daha önemli bir başka özelliği vardır: Bölgede tâââ 11. asırdan, yani bin seneden buyana Türkler’in, yani Oğuzlar’ın “Bayat” aşiretine bağlı Türkmenler’in yaşamakta olması!.. [Murat Bardakçı] #golantepeleri #golan #israilistheoccupier #TrumpHitler #shameonyoutrump #damntrump #Türkiye #Turkey #erdogan #Erdoğan #receptayyiperdoğan #جولان #اسرائيل #ترامب #أردوغان #رجب_طيب_اردوغان (Konya, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvhceVVFyId/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d4z5svqkd8in
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apartyofone · 7 years
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thewebcomicsreview · 4 years
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What’s that? I’m talking about Homestuck too much lately? Well, too bad, it updated and I’m-a livebloggin’ it. This chapter contains a content warning for child abuse and I’m thus putting the rest of this post below a Read More, though I’m live blogging and don’t know what the child abuse content actually is. 
Looks like we’re with Jane, so this might be the chapter with Yiffy in it! But probably not, because they’re gonna drag it out. Incidentally, since the rebellion consists of two max-level characters, four god tiers (John, Jake, Rose, and Jade), and now Vriska who is the 8est fighter 8y far, how does Jane even stand a chance? Good thing for her that she pre-emptively took a hostage! 
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JANE: (I've always been pretty good at crying on cue.) JANE: (Could I try staging an emotional breakdown?) JANE: (That could work; playing to people's humanity.) JANE: (Or whatever is the more inclusive term.)
I do like that Jane, a genocidal human-supremacist dictator, is worried about being “inclusive” in her propaganda. I wonder if she’s starting to drift from Trumphitler into Nancy Pelosi, now. Also interesting: She’s apparently using Gamzee’s death for propaganda value, cool and all, but her superpower is literally raising the dead. I can buy that Jane would rather use her ex-boyfriend for propaganda than revive him, but won’t the people of Earth C have questions? 
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DIRK: Dude, the bowl. JAKE: Hm? JAKE: Oh, right. JANE: What is it now, Jake. JAKE: I brought something for our guest as well. JANE: You mean the prisoner. JAKE: Y...es.
I realize that Yiffygate made the patreon rocket to the stratosphere, but I hope we’re not actually getting to see her so soon. It’s more fun to speculate. For instance, she’s apparently getting meals in a dog bowl. Is that because she’s literally half dog, moreso than Jade, and is feral in some way? That’s been hinted at a little, but it’s also possible Jane’s just tormenting her to be a bitch. As we saw when she was Crockerfied in Act 6, Jane’s got a bit of a sadistic streak in her.
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Well, that was answered pretty fucking fast! Okay, let’s not click next just yet. If we’re only getting one panel to speculate, let’s milk it like a dying webcomic franchise: Preppy bording school outfit, but with cleats, so she’s apparently an athlete. Lots of pink highlights on her outfit (shoes/socks/tie). She’s got a black dog tail, but appears to have light hair? I like this design, actually, or what little of it we’re seeing. I was half-expecting Yiffy to be a full-on Deviantart parody, but I think the angle we’re going here is “a mostly normal girl, besides being part dog, who’s just been absolutely shit on by life and every adult she’s ever encountered”. It’s not her fault her name is Yiffany, y’know? She didn’t ask for this. 
Let’s see how right I am.
JANE: Well, go on then. JANE: She's over in the corner. JANE: Don't worry, she won't bite. JANE: I've seen to that already.
The fact that this chapter had a content warning for child abuse makes this read a lot more “Yikes” than it might’ve otherwise.
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DIRK: Jake. DIRK: You put the food in a fucking dog bowl. JAKE: (It was all there was, ok???)
I feel like this is actually worse than if Jane put the food in a dog bowl to torment Yiffy.
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I told you we’d fall in love with her. I told you dog.
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....I don’t know if the MSPA art style lends itself to slightly raised camera angles like this, it looks like Yiffy’s face is 50% forehead. 
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*Lore hat on*
Okay, first off, dick move electrocuting a child. That out of the way. Yiffy is communicating in wolf howls (she must be a big fan of Toast, from my webcomic Saffron and Sage!), but she’s also literally being electrocuted so lets cut her some slack. What’s more interesting is that her Awoos are in red. 
Vrissy shares a font color with Vriska, who she’s trying to emulate. They even use the same CSS class in the site code. Tavros shares his with Gamzee, his abusive uncle (and doesn’t have the same CSS class). Harry Anderson has a unique font color that’s pretty close to his dad’s, but isn’t quite the same (possible to make Harry/John chats more readable, whereas Vriska and Vrissy being hard to distinguish is the joke?). Yiffy, however, does not speak in either Jade’s green or Rose’s purple, she speaks in red. It’s a unique shade of red, I checked, and while it could potentially be in reference to Dave, let’s get real
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Obviously, she’s the new Handmaid. This was obvious enough that I was making that comparison even before we learned her red text and rebellious personality. So I’m starting to see what they’re going for here (and, god help me, I’m starting to come around to Yiffany Longstocking Lalonde Harley as a concept). She’s not a one-dimensional joke of a character, she’s just a normal girl having a fucking rough time of it right now and also always. Speaking of time, red is connected to the Time aspect, which isn’t confirmation of anything but a little note to put in the back of your pocket.
Also to put in your back pocket, Jane’s the new Condesce and Yiffy’s the new Handmaid. The Condesce killed the Handmaid. 
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JANE: You've been a thorn in my side ever since I agreed to enroll you at the academy, little madam. JANE: Back then, I was doing a favor for two old friends who made a disgusting mistake. JANE: I'm no longer going to play nice with you just because of your parents, however. JANE: That truce is over.
That’s some efficient expositing! 
Man, I really am coming around to this Yiffy thing, holy shit. I actually think her reveal last chapter was actively designed to get fans to hate the concept as much as possible, and not just from a Controversy Creates Ca$h kind of way (though that didn’t hurt).The entire fandom has been calling Yiffy a disgusting mistake for three weeks, and now here’s Jane doing it, and we’re being asked to consider this from Yiffy’s perspective: Given a stupid name as a joke, shunted off to boarding school by parents who were ashamed of her existence, repeatedly told she’s a disgusting mistake and tortured, even the fans all hate her on sight, and she literally hasn’t said a word yet! That’s....legitimately pretty cool writing, right there. A deft and entirely intentional juking of the fandom’s emotional state to get us to hate a character conceptually so that now when the comic’s trying to get us to sympathize with her it’s an easier sell because we feel a bit guilty. I dig it. Shit like this is why I still read Homestuck, it can be very clever at times, even now.
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(Pierced ears, in case the punky aesthetic wasn’t obvious). Also, the page with a gif of everything going dark as Yiffy passes out has a black background, which is a nice touch.
TG: but seriously, do you? AG: Not really. TG: not even about... you know? TG: her? AG: No. TG: ... are you sure? AG: A8solutely. AG: What are you, my moirail? AG: Just leave it, Harry. TG: ok.
Then we cut to a chatlog (with the all-black background, which is just really nice here at selling the mood), and even Vrissy doesn’t want to talk about Yiffany.
AG: It was Cute, 8lright???????? AG: Or, at the very least, a 8*cketload less vomit worthy than everything else that Went Down with our parents.
She’s “vomit-worthy”
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I think the update that introduced the Candy Kids was the most enjoyable, but this was, by miles, the best thing to come out of the Homestuck EU. It completely redeemed everything this comic did with Yiffy so far and made it all work. And this black-background-no-image gimmick, while simple, was shockingly effective at conveying the lonely empty mood they were going for (admittedly it probably helped that I was already listening to spooky music), and it’s something Homestuck had never done. This was....
This chapter was great. This was Act 5 great. Like, it’s literally just beating up a child for a whole chapter, but in terms of getting the emotional response they wanted, this is Homestuck at its absolute best. It wasn’t just “here’s a cute girl, let’s beat her up a bit for sympathy”, all the stuff in the last chapter, infuriating the fandom like nothing I’ve seen in webcomics in years, Jade’s dog dick, it was all for this. It was all to get us predisposed to fucking hate Yiffany Longstocking Lalonde Harley so that they could flip the switch and make us love her, make the very fact that we hated her so much part of the reason we love her now. No other webcomic would do that, no other webcomic would have the balls to do that. This is why I read Homestuck, this is why I’m still hanging on to this rock has the wave of cheating dog dicks keeps smacking me in the face. This is avant-fucking-garde, man. I’ve done a full 180 on Homestuck 2. I’m sold. I stan. I’m Homestuck trash again. 
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Oh, and Vrissy suddenly passed out mid-sentence right around the same time Yiffy passed out (hmmm!), and apparently she’s narcoleptic like Jade (hmmm!)
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citizentruth-blog · 6 years
Is Trump Really A Modern-Day Hitler?
Comparisons of Trump to Hitler either same ludicrous or perfectly on target depending on your political leanings, but do the two leaders really share any similarities? It seems that the era of our 45th President, the era of Trump, is marked thus far by invective. Some on the hard right (including President Trump himself) have spewed vitriol against immigrants, Muslims and anyone who disagrees with them. (I’ve seen this last one first-hand, and I'm sure you have too, automatically labeled part of the “NeverTrump” crowd if you disagree with even one thing he’s done). While much the same can also be said about some on the hard left, only against different targets: Republicans, any Trump supporters, gun ownership, the rich. Some call it “the politics of fear,” and that really isn't too far off the mark although, I'd argue, “loathing” should also be added in that description. Make no mistake, both sides engage in “the politics of fear and loathing” in using dog whistle-style rhetoric, prompting their base to loathe and also fear whatever target. This isn’t just endemic to Democrats or Republicans, so-called “conservatives” or so-called “liberals. Both sides do it, and, if you're like me and Citizen Truth, you're equally exhausted by the extremes of both sides that seem to be delving further and further down this paranoid and hate-filled rabbit hole every single day.
What's With the Trump - Hitler Comparisons?
In the midst of the politics of fear and loathing, one of the most oft-repeated bits of vituperation is undoubtedly that President Trump is somehow equal to Adolf Hitler (or really insert your pick of authoritarian leader here). This, by the way, is not new. The accusation of “the President is Hitler!” was leveled repeatedly at President George W. Bush by the left, and repeatedly at President Obama by the right. So, it's not at all new that it’s leveled at President Trump today, and neither side is innocent of abusing the comparison. Still, reflexively the hard right cries “reductio ad Hitlerum, libtard!” to any accusation of Trump being Hitler, and there is some truth to the comparison being fallacious when it is intended as a comparison to a straw man of one of Trump’s actual positions or actual actions as Commander in Chief. This is further true of Bush and Obama as well. In short, when the left conflates and confuses Trump’s actual record or actions to make the comparison more tenable, it becomes a fallacy. Probably the deepest and most lasting examples of this kind of conflation was Hillary Clinton’s now infamous comment calling half of Trump's supporters a “basket of deplorables” despite the fact that many supported Mr. Trump not because of a crazy alt-right or xenophobic agenda, but rather because of his promises on more emotionally innocuous but nevertheless powerful issues like trade deals, relaxing government control over their daily lives through his promise to “drain the swamp,” or because of the flaws in many areas of Clinton’s campaign strategy. The Washington Post has pointed out that the left does no one any favors when they exaggerate Trump’s claims or record in an op-ed here. At the same time, the hard left shakes their firsts in the air screaming “right on!” to any and all comparisons between Trump and history’s unequivocally authoritarian jackasses, like Hitler, Mao, Mussolini (to be clear Trump's rhetoric on the press kind of follows the Mussolini mold), Franco, or Stalin (the press as “enemy of the people” actually originated with Stalin).
Is the Trump - Hitler Comparison Reasonable?
Between the reactions on the right and the reactions on the left, where does that leave moderates and independents with no ideological dog in this fight? What should we make of the comparisons between Trump and the authoritarians, specifically Hitler? Any examination here needs to be fair and merely looking at the facts of both men’s careers in politics. Furthermore, it does no one a service to just ignore every single accusation of this. America was founded upon a relatively ruthless skepticism about power that has (arguably) served us well thus far in our history, even if that history was sometimes messy as is often the case if we want real and true individual liberty. So, not every accusation should be reflexively tossed out, precisely because we want to keep the skepticism necessary to check the power of any man (or woman) who may wield the power of the presidency, no matter who that man (or woman) may be.
Trump vs Hitler "Hero Worship"
Which gets into one somewhat valid comparison between Trump and Hitler—the hero worship. If you're like me, you’ve experienced that part first-hand with Trump: raise even a valid objection of one of Trump's policies like the tariffs in his trade war, and you get branded a secret “leftist” and “anti-Trump” even when you agree with other policies of his like the tax cuts, deregulation or the “right to try.” To be clear, this isn’t every supporter of the president, but only the most hardened who seem to have a disproportionately loud voice when looking at their real numbers. You can see the hero worship further in action by looking at any of President Trump’s many rallies as president or even as a candidate. How he can work the crowds into a frenzy is both a testament to his quintessential essence as a performer and to the unquestioning and adoring mindset he creates in some of his supporters, a variable that gets all the more important with the attempted lone wolf terror attacks of the “MAGA Bomber” (who is on video at a Trump rally). He is an obvious example of the pitfalls of hero worship; Donald Trump did not make him crazy and violent, but there can be no doubt that some of Trump's more extreme rhetoric (like calling media “enemies of the people”) doesn’t help things. Yet, does this dynamic of hero worship really jibe with the hero worship surrounding Hitler? While, yes, Hitler also liked his rallies and knew how to whip crowds into a frenzy for his purposes, Nazi rallies in the Third Reich held a different purpose and dynamic from Trump’s rallies in America now. First, the Nazis explicitly used German mythology and religious symbolism in the planning and execution of their rallies. This symbology had a very definite end: getting people to see the state (the ephemeral “German Volk”) as their god and Hitler as God's only ambassador. Second, Hitler's rallies and his speeches all showed an absolutely neurotic level of planning. Hitler himself even had a photographer who followed him everywhere to take still photos of the Fuhrer in action during a speech, that he may study his gestures and mannerisms and refine them in later speeches. Trump, in contrast, arguably operates both his rallies and many of his speeches much more off the cuff and extemporaneously. The man is basically defined by his “unpredictability” as he himself has pointed out. Thus, in that regard, he is Hitler's opposite—not at all a compulsive planner.
Trump and Hitler's Similar Drive For Masculinity
Probably the most valid point of convergence between Trump and Hitler is the “ubermensch” or “over man” (alternatively “super man” or “strong man”) persona both sought to project. Both Hitler and Trump exhibit a deep drive to define masculinity for their respective bases, with Hitler being explicitly influenced by Nietzsche's “ubermensch” or “superman” toward that end. This can be seen in Trump in his assorted emphases on his body parts. Look at his bragging about the size of his penis. Look at his insane preoccupation with his supposedly “small hands” after Spy Magazine called him “a short-fingered vulgarian” in the late 1980s. Spy’s ex-editor says he still on occasion gets pictures of Trump from Trump with his hand circled in gold Sharpie and “See? Not so short!” written on the picture. One can even look at the infamous “grab ’em by the pussy” Access Hollywood tape as an example of what Trump likely believes on some level is a trait of the ubermensch. This can also be seen in Trump’s seeming affinity with dictators like Putin or the Philippines’ Duterte. He finds it easy to get close with these types of rulers because he believes they are their country’s ubermensch, and he admires how they can “get things done,” apparently even if that means at the end of gun, as it does with all authoritarian strong men.
Not Hitler, But Still Dangerous?
Even though other policy comparisons between Trump and Hitler may not be very valid right now, the more psychological parallels, especially in their affinity for the ubermensch and need to project the same, may be all the more dangerous. We may not have a true authoritarian now, but we may be breeding one. Still, the worst from that will only happen if we lose our skepticism about power and our fundamental fairness in examining facts. That will only happen if we allow ourselves as a culture to be ruled by hero worship and the politics of fear and loathing.   Read the full article
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marcellouslovelace · 7 years
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2017 Don't Give Dumb A Chance It is not a President (Racist Sexist Evil) art by Marcellous Lovelace #coloredart #marcellouslovelace #blackartmind #hitler #trumphitler #politicalart #art www.marcellouslovelace.com #free #racist #protest #propaganda #see Nothing about your racist agenda is of purpose #raygun81 #problk #otabengasrevengeseries #gentrification #itsnosuchthingasagoodcolonialoppressor #blackart #definition #weexist #hueart #biko70 #raygun81 #dumptrump
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unclejimmie-blog1 · 8 years
Hitler? Stop comparing him to Hitler! Oh, wait, never mind...
I know it is a tired cliche, “he’s Hitler!” But recently read this book review on a new book about Hitler. I removed the names so you could compare without the prejudice. 
“The Author, like other biographers, provides vivid insight into some factors that helped turn a “[profession] rabble-rouser” — regarded by many as a self-obsessed “clown” with a strangely “scattershot, impulsive style” — into “the lord and master of the [country].”
• [Unexpected Elected Official] was often described as an egomaniac who “only loved himself” — a narcissist with a taste for self-dramatization and what the Author calls a “characteristic fondness for superlatives.” His manic speeches and penchant for taking all-or-nothing risks raised questions about his capacity for self-control, even his sanity. But the Author underscores His shrewdness as a politician — with a “keen eye for the strengths and weaknesses of other people” and an ability to “instantaneously analyze and exploit situations.”
• He was known, among colleagues, for a “bottomless mendacity” that would later be magnified by a slick propaganda machine that used the latest technology [various media networks and social media] to spread his message. A former finance minister wrote that He “was so thoroughly untruthful that he could no longer recognize the difference between lies and truth” and editors of one edition of his “Book” described it as a “swamp of lies, distortions, innuendos, half-truths and real facts.”
• He was an effective orator and actor, the Author reminds readers, adept at assuming various masks and feeding off the energy of his audiences. Although he concealed his anti-Semitism beneath a “mask of moderation” when trying to win the support of the [disenfranchised peoples], he specialized in big, theatrical rallies staged with spectacular elements borrowed from the circus. Here, “He adapted the content of his speeches to suit the tastes of his lower-middle-class, nationalist-conservative, ethnic-chauvinist and anti-Semitic listeners,” Author writes. He peppered his speeches with coarse phrases and put-downs of hecklers. Even as he fomented chaos by playing to crowds’ fears and resentments, he offered himself as the visionary leader who could restore law and order.
• He increasingly presented himself in messianic terms, promising “to lead [country] to a new era of national greatness,” though he was typically vague about his actual plans. He often harked back to a golden age for the country, Author says, the better “to paint the present day in hues that were all the darker. Everywhere you looked now, there was only decline and decay.”
• His repertoire of topics, Author notes, was limited, and reading his speeches in retrospect, “it seems amazing that he attracted larger and larger audiences” with “repeated mantra-like phrases” consisting largely of “accusations, vows of revenge and promises for the future.” But He virtually wrote the modern playbook on demagoguery, arguing that propaganda must appeal to the emotions — not the reasoning powers — of the crowd. Its “purely intellectual level,” He said, “will have to be that of the lowest mental common denominator among the public it is desired to reach.” Because the understanding of the masses “is feeble,” he went on, effective propaganda needed to be boiled down to a few slogans that should be “persistently repeated until the very last individual has come to grasp the idea that has been put forward.”
• His rise was not inevitable, in the Author’s opinion. There were numerous points at which his ascent might have been derailed, he contends; even as late as [date], “it would have been eminently possible to prevent his nomination as [elected position].” He benefited from a “constellation of crises that he was able to exploit cleverly and unscrupulously” — in addition to economic woes and unemployment, there was an “erosion of the political center” and a growing resentment of the elites. The unwillingness of [country]’s political parties to compromise had contributed to a perception of government dysfunction, the Author suggests, and the belief of His supporters that the country needed “a man of iron” who could shake things up. “Why not give this [guy] a chance?”
• His ascension was aided and abetted by the naivete of domestic adversaries who failed to appreciate his ruthlessness and tenacity, and by foreign statesmen who believed they could control his aggression. Early on, revulsion at his style and appearance, the Author writes, led some critics to underestimate the man and his popularity, while others dismissed him as a celebrity, a repellent but fascinating “evening’s entertainment.” Politicians, for their part, suffered from the delusion that the dominance of traditional conservatives in the cabinet would neutralize the threat of [his] abuse of power and “fence him in.” “As far as his long-term wishes were concerned,” the Author observes, “his conservative coalition partners believed either that he was not serious or that they could exert a moderating influence on him. In any case, they were severely mistaken.”
• He, it became obvious, could not be tamed — he needed only five months to consolidate absolute power after becoming [elected official]. “[Political party]” were brought into line, the Author writes, “with pressure from the party grass roots combining effectively with pseudo-legal measures ordered by the Administration government.”
• He had a dark, Darwinian view of the world. And he would not only become, in the Author’s words, “a mouthpiece of the cultural pessimism” growing in right-wing circles in the [country], but also the avatar of what another author identified as a turning away from reason and the fundamental principles of a civil society — namely, “liberty, equality, education, optimism and belief in progress.” End of book review.
Pretty scary stuff when you use history to compare trends and events. 
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emilyiannielli · 8 years
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My bipolar disorder, social isolation, son's autism, male to female transition, parents' suicides, career loss(30 yrs) will lead to my suicide💔 I'm losing my will to go on, I'm 56, I rely on my SSD, Medicare and LTD & my LTD runs out in 10 years while I have 14 years on my mortgage and I have no idea what Trump presidency will do with Social Security Disability and Medicare for hard working people like myself who paid in to system since he's making such large tax cuts for corporations and the rich and is going to rebuild military preparing for warfare and increase infrastructure spending while increasing deficit spending and is going to set up social aristocracy that will kill the hard working man and woman. Donald Trump can not be trusted, he will cut funding to major cities, he will turn our economy upside down turning our country into an isolationist country and will disturb Europe allies when he breaks up NATO and goes into trade wars with China and causes North Korea 🇰🇵 to launch nuclear war missiles to kill humanity so we're all doomed anyway as everything in Asia will start getting heated especially relations with China and will cause the wrath of Mexicans, women, LGBT, religious groups and will screw up school system and will cause nothing but chaos. My escape plan is suicide since my wife and son will benefit from my $1M life insurance policy which will pay out if I died before turning 75, 19 years away. Donald Trump will ultimately be the reason for my suicide and will destroy our country as we could never imagine. We are in for major trouble and I don't want to be part of it. Like the Great Depression Donald Trump will be result for many people committing suicide. Mark my words! #suicide #weredoomed #trumphitler #bipolardisorder #mentalillness #transwoman #autism #nuclearwar #isolationism #deathofamerica #lifeinsurance #isolation #socialsecurity #medicare #ssd #disability #pain @chuckschumer #emilyiannielli #fatherson (at Washington, District of Columbia)
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randyburman · 4 years
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#neverforget #neveragain #trump2020 #trumpdeath #trump #trumphitler #splitface #splitfacesticker #savedemocracy https://www.instagram.com/p/CGztf80rbAG/?igshid=1uw8skwz8atz1
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#trumphitler #trumpisajoke #trumpisachildrapist #wtfiswrongwithyoupeople #trumplestilskin #fuckthegop #fucktrumpies #fuckyouforvotingforhim #fucktrump #trumppaysforsex #gross #idontevenrecognizemycountry (at United States)
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dragoni · 5 years
America, see any similarities?
Following the appointment of Adolf Hitler as German chancellor on January 30, 1933, the Nazi state (also referred to as the Third Reich) quickly became a regime in which citizens had no guaranteed basic rights. 
The Nazi rise to power brought an end to the Weimar Republic, the German parliamentary democracy established after World War I.  
In 1933, the regime established the first concentration camps, imprisoning its political opponents, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others classified as “dangerous.” 
Extensive propaganda was used to spread the Nazi Party’s racist goals and ideals. 
During the first six years of Hitler’s dictatorship, German Jews felt the effects of more than 400 decrees and regulations that restricted all aspects of their public and private lives.
#TrumpHitler  #RepublicansComplicit
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