#cosmic interference xD
jerichomere · 1 year
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I just thought of something REALLY funny for the GOS universe, and was wondering what you think.
What if EVERY time Obito tries to reincarnate Gai into a bookshop owner's household... something happens that messes it up.
In merchant Gai's lifetime, his mom had a book store that burns down in a freak accident while she was pregnant with him, so she had fo find a new career before choosing to become a freedom fighter.
In Travelor Gai's life time, Obito had picked a pair of bookshop owners who had owned a famous book store for 5 generations... Only for him to get distracted by Rin mid-ritual and sending Gai somewhere else entirely, completely losing him. (In his defense, Rin was looking REALLY pretty that day.)
Husband lifetime, EVERYTHING WENT OFF WITHOUT A HITCH. His parents were a bookshop owner AND a librarian. The pregnancy and birth went well. The shop was secure and Obito even called in a favour from yamato to make sure there was a thorough inspection to ensure there would be NO CHANCE of it being destroyed. It was PERFECT.
...Until Kakazu decided to show up and KILL HIS PARENTS!!! FORCING THE GRANDPARENTS TO SELL THE SHOP!!!
Obito is just...so miffed about all this. Its starting to feel like cosmic interference. He's almost convinced Neji was trolling him, but he didn't have any proof.
All this to say, he could never give his brother a book keeping boyfriend like Kakashi always dreamed of having TT-TT.
Poor Obito just wants to give his brother a cute bookshop owning boyfriend, why is the universe so against this idea?
The answer is - as soon as Kakashi gets a bookshop boyfriend he dies XD
Like actually, him and Gai buy the bookshop that Gai’s parents used to own after saving for YEARS. They’re starting a new life, opening a bookshop together
Gai keeps joking about preparing to find his husband hiding away in every nook and corner reading a book instead of working.
And then two days later Kakashi’s getting stabbed in the market street, bleeding out on the ground putting an end to his mortal life.
Gai never even got to open the bookstore with his husband
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gffa · 2 years
Serious question. Yoda at the end of ROTS knew about Qui Gon, so why didn't Qui Gon spy on the Chancellor instead, like he's already dead and a ghost, even if Palpatine noticed it's not like he could do anything about it, right?
Hi! Yoda actually does ask this of Qui-Gon in "Voices":
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"Show yourself, can you?" I cannot. My training was incomplete. All energy from the Living Force... from all things that have ever lived, feeds into the Cosmic Force, binding everything and communicating to us through the midi-chlorians. Because of this I can speak to you now. "See the future, you can?" I exist where there is no future or past. "Know you who the Sith Lord is?" I can only show you a place where the answers will be revealed to you. It’s kept somewhat deliberately mysterious why Qui-Gon can’t say, whether he’s got to stay out of it because Force Ghosts cannot interfere in the world of the living beyond a certain point or because he literally doesn’t know because he exists where there is no future or past and it’s not something Qui-Gon himself ever knew in life or what, who knows! But it’s not like Yoda didn’t ask, he totally did!  XD This happens a lot with the Jedi, they are asking questions and are aware that something’s going on, they’re just constantly hamstrung by everyone throwing roadblocks in their way or that the dark side has fallen over the entire galaxy and they can’t use the Force in the same way, like they’re trying, but when the Force itself is no longer clear, it’s not like they can just wave their hand and fix it! “It’s not that they can’t see the dark side coming, it’s just that the dark side begins to envelop everything. It’s like walking into a fog. The Jedi’s ability to see lessens as the dark side grows.” --George Lucas
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tratserenoyreve · 3 years
cycles, as in... a story behind every different Thin Man? i mean, i understand a lot what you said about the betrayal (or not, when it's justified) but i can't seem to get what you're saying for the cycle part. from what i can interpret, it does mean the 'cycle' with Mono happened only once, of every pain and struggle he goes through to save what's already gone, as time is linear. then what happened to the Thin Man before Mono is a new story entirely of them(?). you've implied that Mono is victim and not the cause of the Pale City. i do come across fics that had said Mono and TTM being different people, but it only applies on the 'first loop' of LN2 as they theorize. but even then, they're still pointing that first loop TTM is still him! so it kinda goes nowhere.
i might be wrong on trying to understand your concept in this 'cycle' thing, but it's the first time i've seen an iteration of Mono, the Thin Man, and the Pale City's relation that's not the freaking loop! so i hope it's okay for you to explain if i am xD
basically, with magic confirmed for the Little Nightmares universe, it is entirely possible for Mono to Not be the Thin Man but the Thin Man to (sometimes?) be Mono.
consider: stereoscope televisions versus this monoscopic idea.
monoscopes were a special type of video camera tube that display a single image. a single focus, or drive. (monoscopes were used in the fifties to make station logos and test patterns! nifty)
the way i look at it, Mono is the antithesis of the Thin Man, where Mono represents a focused hope that, against all odds and even when he thinks no one wants him to succeed, he wants to save the world regardless of if it cares about him or not, whether it wants him to or not. a protectiveness that seeks to selflessly protect others through actively pursuing what he thinks is the root problem.
whereas, at least the one we see at the end of the game, Thin Man is that protective drive turned on its head. defeated, he chooses to remain in the Tower. thinking the world past saving, he instead takes people away from that world and into his own space, an empty escapism. why try to fix things when you can just look away from it, ignore the issue at hand, protecting the self by retreating away. but, when things keep progressing without you outside, things keep being terrible, it’s hard to look away entirely.
there’s every possibility that Mono and Thin Man are a split person fighting with themself that is being sustained via magical interference that delights in the prolongued and far reaching suffering it causes, or is fueled by how both Mono and Thin Man are going to keep conflicting with one another.
there’s also the chance that Mono has his own magic that is allowing him to try again and again while the Broadcast takes over past failed iterations of himself to use against him. magic is weird and not very clear in LN which is honestly pretty understandable that magic would be that way.
anyway, me being ambiguous but passionate about that ambiguity is cuz i feel LN having magical and cosmic horror vibes makes it better than just clear cut and dry answers to things, but with that said i do feel there is often enough material and themes presented to make some ideas have more credibility than others.
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blindtaleteller · 3 years
PROMPT: OOC Interview with [X] Clint ‘Cuyler’ Barton
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" Been a while since we did one of these.. but. You know the drill man! This is your first interview, yeah? Want to explain why and where you’re from? “
     Cuyler (Clint Barton D14:) Besides trolling the hell out of tags with Viedimadr? *grins* Ah, mostly that’s keeping the core element I guess. Most Bartons are the quintessential superhero, at least in the range of having that alter-ego. Might not wear a mask ‘til Ronin in the MCU? But --and especially with how my character works pre-Avengers; sharing past the job isn’t exactly any of our fortes? We have a family to protect, and if you do the math of how old the kids are even in Ultron: that family has been a thing since before we take the higher ground up out of the paid-SHIELD-killer status I’m in that Nat does mention in the original Avengers. Also usually save it up between the pages and occasional poke into tags and skits here on the dash.
     Cuyler (Clint Barton D14:) As for where I’m from! *he leans back and hooks his hands behind his head* We’re Universe Fourteen; two doors on the left down the connecting Vestibule from Lisan’s Universe, and one to right of the Ego-centrics with Grey Knight and Leadsprite. Ours starts out different in the respect that, Fury ends up getting the Scepter tap instead of me; and the resulting conflict goes very differently.
“ Such as? “
     Cuyler (Clint Barton D14:) We never even hit New York; Fury tries to snag me in, and under the Stone’s influence that means trying to at best grab my kids since he’s one of the only two people attached who know about them. Loki ends up breaking form and getting in the middle of that. Yanks us off world and out of Fury’s sight, with the goods. That’s where we picked up with our first published bit ‘The Warming Stone’ anyways.
” Speaking of.. what do you think about the split from the original timeline? “
     Cuyler (Clint Barton D14:) I’m having a lot of fun with it myself. And I’m pretty sure Laura is somewhere outside the room clapping in agreement; she’s quieter than most but a constant presence and; she and Lo get along real well. Anyway. End up dealing with that whole ‘the city is flying, we’re fighting an army of robots; and I have a bow and arrow’ overwhelmed mentality a lot sooner because of it? I like the existential twists that come with the Dark Fairy Tale elements and whatnot that get thrown out there and right into our faces pretty much immediately, what with running face-first, on foot, into Jotunheim of all places through that doorway in Illinois. We did some collabs with the other guys that run through there, on top of the research and expanded on some of the wildlife ourselves to manage that? So that was some actual fun. This side of the pool I can absolutely admit us Bartons are a bit masochistic? *laughs* I am pretty sure we enjoy exploring those bits and how we’d react to them. I’m no different in that respect. I mean.. how would you react to being a dinner sized meal for labrador-to-great-dane sized snow-caterpillars with the elongated teeth of freakin shark? Or finding out the hard way there’s giant predator owls flying around about the size of a plane that eat those, just as an example? Never mind trolls, or frost giants, or anything else that manages to survive in that kind of insane climate and might decide to try and eat you just to see if you taste good.
” Probably stay inside forever if I was going to be honest? XD Anyway, Is there anything you’d change about your current story? “
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     Cuyler (Clint Barton D14:) Considering we’re still building back there? Not yet. I mean, too much fun so far. I mean we’ve done what.. four parts at this point? All during what we’re currently calling the Traveler Phase from Earth to Asgard through the doors between Illinois, Jotunheim, and Vanaheim. Which is interesting in itself. I mean whole other world, and things are shaken up before we even get there and (in part because of the fact that) we end up dependent on our Loki pretty fast. I think maybe my only change there would be in maybe doing another part for Extras that includes ‘Ogre’ .. who hasn’t even shown yet at that point in the story. He’s our Bruce Banner; or more specifically our Hulk? Thing is finding a space that won’t interfere too heavily with the book when we do it though. We could excuse the bits in the Traveler Phase because we intended to shorten it when we got there anyway; maybe cut straight to Asgard with that as a supplemental extra; a lot like the GROUNDED kids did with their out-takes featured in the same platovember series.
“ I imagine messing with Universe Three’s next installment’s been helping that along? “
    Cuyler (Clint Barton D14:)  Oh yeah, definitely. That mirror of Bruce’s is pretty similar in mindset and approach.
” That said, do I have to ask if there’s anyone in particular you like to watch or get into reading over their shoulder when they’re at it? “
    Cuyler (Clint Barton D14:) Oh definitely The Bean right now, for sure? But there’s a list.. *grins* GROUNDED and DREAMS being woven together finally, especially with  some of the inter-universal roles being brought up is a big one. Looking forward to whipping out that sword.. heh. Though, watching the ESCAPE kids from the other forming Vestibule has been an interesting ride now that they’re not entirely cloistered in Tuscon, or their hotel room. I know what’s up there outside of Traverse too, which helps. And there’s Josh. I think everyone’s been waiting for that fireball to explode across the page? The fact Tony, Lo and Fury managed to somehow make that nutcase all on their own with just a few lines still makes me laugh. Walsh is a character and a half. I’m looking forward to getting my chance at screwing with his mirror in our Door. Leigh is a weird bit of fun too, but Josh is definitely one of those at the top of the list, and who you chose for a face in close rep, is interesting. Maybe Vix too as far as characters go? But he’d a little lower down for me at the moment.
“ Stab, stab pull..? Heh. Which is your favorite upcoming group from the books/portions of Mixology aka the Lokiverse at large? And which are you most curious about? “
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     Cuyler (Clint Barton D14:)  Ha! yeah; stab-stab, pull. Loxley’s got an interesting bunch next door. *rubs his hands up over the top of his head and back down* Honestly, MONSTERS and ASHES. Ah, that’s Door and or Universes Three and Twelve for those that don’t know. Three has a similar bonding mechanic between Bruce and Lo I’ve been interested in, while ASHES hits on other things, including a rockier relationship and overall dynamic between his Bartons and Redbird (that’s his Quill) that tends to go dark in the personal aspects a lot. I guess I like that struggle between them, personally. Loxley brushes something similar going on post-Ronin with his family dynamic with his internals and his Lo’s concerns for that; but I think Lili and his crew hit that at a whole other angle from around five years prior on? With, a whole other take on the family dynamic that Laura and I have with Lo by the time we leave Asgard. And that’s curious to me.
” I put you guys through a lot of shit in the name of storytelling. Any parts you have complaints about? “ 
   Cuyler (Clint Barton D14:) None, planned or otherwise.
“ ..that was fast. “
   Cuyler (Clint Barton D14:)  What can I say? I enjoy the twisty shit, at least on this end of the pool. Ignoring the reservations, and dealing with the danger-fear of getting hurt in ways that can’t be fixed with stitches or band-aids, of accepting that kind of bond knowing how it started and risking the idea that finding out why might not make that danger less or that person better or more relatable than perceived to be able to accept them farther even after that investment?
  Cuyler (Clint Barton D14:) The contradiction of pride and ego versus conscience and the guilt when it belongs there getting in the way -and even dealing with when it should be toned down that results in having one,  even if it’s just a sliver in places and playing that out along with dipping into places mostly ignored or washed over in the Universes; is interesting and fun to me. Danger included. I have a little less guilt than my mirrors in a lot of directions that gets placed elsewhere after we come back to Earth; and I enjoy that dynamic and what we’re trying to explore there. That whole; ‘what if he was loyal, without he stone’s influence’ aspect, in our own flavor is a LOT of fun to play with. It’s a very different Universe, but holds hints and background pieces, and similarities enough, as well as the core; that it’s a feasable alternative to the canon line. Which is extra fun, for the personal aspects or ‘humanity’ we manage in the process? So no.. no complaints. Not yet anyways.. heh. We’ll see how I feel when you start actually touching actual, hands-on Gagnarok fixes and alternates though. Outside of that Cosmic-FrostIron bitty from a few doors down anyway. That’s gonna be a mess.
  “ Whee.. yeah. MONSTERS gets that honor first, most likely.. “
  Cuyler (Clint Barton D14:)  Good. Bean can handle that best, I think... or maybe worst. Either way it’s gonna be entertaining for me..
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For those interested, Cuyler’s published stories are found below in chronological order (they were posted out of order in part because of the prompts themselves and some parts were planned ahead to take certain slots.) The title names are the links to each part.
The Warming Stone (part 1)
Fathers (part 4)
The Hart (part 2)
Between the Reds (part 3)
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roast-ifs · 4 years
(Uhh feel free to ignore this if it's a duplicate but I just realized tumblr never gave me a notification telling me it sent. The obsessive spell checking and refusal to be bothered with cleaning out my clipboard actually came in handy! whaddya know. ANYWAY)
Hello! I promise I have an ACTUAL question, but I want to say that you could release a giant Hyrule Historia-esque trilogy filled with nothing but art and lore and even if it cost umpteenmillion dollars I would jump on that SO fast you have no idea. I sometimes forget this is a horror game because I'm ME and I get caught up in all the other cool, shiny details on this blog and then I actually replay the demo (again) and its eerie and atmospheric and I get delighted all over again. Thank you for this wonderful antique cosmic horror, the patreon notification earlier this morning made my day!
Now for the question! If a unicorn were to purify a pigment would it nullify the toxicity of things like uranium, cinnabar and arsenic or would it just remove the dangerous compound and ruin the color? Are there jars "100% purified Vermillion!" Or "Non-toxic true lead-white!" Floating around, genuine or not?
Thank you so much!! I could probably fill a book with story and world lore once I polish it all up lol and I have had people say how fun it would be to have a smoke & velvet ttrpg--I think the world suits well to expansion, you know?
Hmmm I’ve been thinking about this question since I got the first message (it wasn’t on anon so I’m assuming you want this one to be published instead ;P) what a unicorn’s magic is picking and removing parts of a material that either doesn’t belong or isn’t wanted.
In regards to lead, since what causes it to be bad news is that it interferes with other metals in the body, and changes the shapes of your protein molecules. So, lead, in and of itself, is what’s poisonous, not just certain parts of it on a molecular level so I’d say it’s a material that can’t be purified because the whole thing is just yikes.
I do think that other materials that are traditionally toxic have the potential to be nullified by a unicorn it just really depends on how stable the material is without that dangerous compound bc without that compound it would inherently change the material so it might not have the same properties as what made it useful in the first place! Plus, for a unicorn to really dive in and tear something apart at a finite molecular level would require better technology than we’re at here in 1913 and a better understanding of science.
In the future, unicorn doctors would def be able to isolate malignant pathogens within the body, bad cells, etc. to perform non-intrusive procedures on patients but it would take years upon years of practice, a lot of magical power, and quite a bit of cash.
I could, however, totally see con artists selling off ‘non-toxic true lead white’ claiming it to be unicorn purified XD
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Hi sweety, hope you enjoy this weather more than I do^^ Anyway, might I ask for my love Sakazuki finally finding the Courage to confess to his s/o after he found her stargazing during a mild summer night?
Oof I honestly don't know what to think of the weather so far haha xD And I'm always a bit intimidated when it comes to writing for Akainu, but it's also undeniably intriguing👀😂 I hope I did your man justice, dear❤
Akainu catches his crush stargazing and finally confesses to her headcanon
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it's rare for Akainu to participate in any festivities. Most of them are usually a waste of time in his books, and if he can, he's sure to avoid them. Today he would have done so as well if it wasn't for the fact that one of his underlings informed him that... you were going to be there as well
he's been thinking about you- and the strange feelings you stir up within him- for a while now. It's as if some sort of cosmic force pulls him in whenever you're around, and there's nothing he can do against it. Of course the Admiral tried to fight those feelings at first, but it was to no avail. The more time passed, the stronger this attraction got, and now he wants to permanently keep you by his side as a result. Just... how could he put those... 'weird feelings' into words? Well, maybe he'll come up with a solution during this celebration...
throughout the entire party Akainu keeps an eye on you. Even when Garp challenges him to a limbo-contest, his attention never once shifts away from you. He's just waiting for the perfect moment to pull you aside and confront you with his feelings
unfortunately though, the crowd of marines surrounding you proves to be a big obstacle. There are simply too many people, and not a single empty place fit for a private conversation. At some point Akainu even contemplated following you to the bathroom and confronting you after you've left the toilet- buuut in retrospective, that really doesn't sound like such a brilliant idea after all
eventually he grows extremely frustrated and just comes to the conclusion that he won't be able to get a quiet moment with you today, and by the end of the party the Admiral goes outside to smoke one last cigar before he retreats to his room to spend the rest of the night on his own- but that's when he notices you sitting on a small hill, gazing up at the sky. All alone. With no one else around.
for a moment, he hesitates. It's now or never. He might not get an opportunity like that again-
the Admiral approaches you with caution, and his opening line has to be one of the worst flirt attempts in history
"What could be so special about the sky that makes you stare at it for so long?" = Akainu's way of asking if you enjoy stargazing
after listening to your answer he sits down a few feet away from you, arms crossed infront of his chest, and starts smoking his cigar
well, here you two are- so what does he do now? Truth be told, Akainu has almost no idea on how he could pull off a heartfelt 'confession', so you'll have to suffer through some awkward silence for a few minutes. The only sound you really hear is him occasionally exhaling the smoke from his cigar and the waves crashing against the beach
although the Admiral doesn't know what to say, he likes... this. A calm moment shared just between you two, with no one else to interfere. And no annoying talking. This is definitely something he could get used to...
eventually he starts asking you about why you were out here stargazing, and if this is some sort of hobby for you. Although... it'll sound more like an interrogation rather than a casual conversation lol. Once you guys talked for a bit and he feels the previous tension wash off of him, Akainu finally decides to go in for the kill
"From now on, it would please me if you'd spend more time with me like this, (Y/N)."
...okay, it's not really a confession, but for now this is the closest he'll get to revealing his feelings. If you accept him, then he'll continue to sit with you for a bit and watch the starts together. And an entirely new feeling of pride slowly starts to surge through Akainu as he smirks almost contently in the pale moonlight.
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